t HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON PACE SEVEN 8, IB Halp Wanted. Male 34 Atitnmotlva 34 utomotlT 34 Autom ttv 34 Automotive 34 Automotive) 34 Automotive WANTED PLUMBERS ON Marine Barracks :54 Hour Week $1.62.5 per hour itermountain Plumbing Co. (Ml) til STEEL VS. WOOD lu-e lik'lilod in n utet-l rub- ,,n rou only iwo nci uiivn ,p whili- iliiiiien from Hie IVI- tlf (III' IM WtltlllPII 'jimipril lllllt- feel, III II re- il. Ration Calendar Prlf "alloMlng H""'! 4n l t J' f. - Mshmjav. iu m, .Muni ir " iiiiuimw .linn mm! MAILED lit fir ntl HH"'ilnf ltH.rd i iiif-H sort NOT piatenled bit Hull. l...b 4 (sugar amp mami'ii luiit.M tHKik 4 r 7. r : aittl (i I valid for fniitiimar &.UIH . X V) A3 ami alill nt 1 1 r it. i hi t m: MA Ml" lUll-m book -T J, 5 ai tt X 3 vjlld fur rnmumer u M V ami H 3. iti-ri H -tUllcii !' 3 -Airplane tht l -J at .1 guud indoflnllvlv. t INf "A" I Mump "N11 ;l jull AH s raiitming ( t mini '-rniMianm i .ctM" U "tilth was ratalvd Oll.A I'Diltwl I (Mill J Valid Mrtllt i inn uUff i'' li i' CLASbUiCD lATCS ir rtfd t , , . ., , (mr woiH lie , word 13c mo L -,r - I-' word I ,,, ... . ,.ui word 4V .i-minl (of i'ltintnl III Al)xnf itmcauni fti l'inwnl b UHh Liv(t o I no r mi will anptat Sliin'Kii in "Nw rortur" toliiM... Nw Today 1 iTNTITY of Ihfl young t"n who ttrd m V ," t t-itnl II miii iitnun trr timet i known. Hetu.n hv ntfcr to Ctamr Htl unit it" Milt ha mailt. Mtkff II mnett. ! It ON f Y mlln CAitktir t Itontfi M Uuf Cnrln" um mi lir trMtiitAt -IV)J rotinlrtlii jtKMTONtNU Phono 4310. 1 -7 YOtf ht your lutrUvmunn chackrd over lalrlv ? hrllef iht r.w: Call Cf(te Kloolrtr 111 will chtr fur ctulilirrt nilhi or 111 I).iy...i. 10 fr.ll- iineinit In rr Inr inll in my lnHTiff, Sould nil otuet-i i.o child. Cll eveulni. loa N- I 1,1 INU rAH11ir.lt WANTKU C'H ;.ui C4lt. i n AIIN PMACTICAI. NUItSINO ttainrd p(ai-llr4l nttrc. llltf te il. tdtilt watci, lentil qiitrhly n ft. i'nw extra mniipy K'cuplloH. tit lo m. High krltuol ixtt nrcBk. Write lur fir tnforntinon. n Sthonl o( I'mi'tkal Ntirn. 10.M. cue ItrrrtUI unit Ntwi. Id fl.ll KMterlrnccrJ loUly ("f town Uut, Main nt Hlltl. Ap l'i pciiun, No iMione coll. I't U Nettt ouiif ittan to handle uenvrnea aim worn nrnunn Apply in pcrpnn. Moeller ilh Muivtr Bhup. Ull Main HI 313(111 IIOUHKKKLIMNO ROUMKvcry : (mmhrd. I44 KUutalh. ! SIlARi; MY HOMK-4-lO Adam 1-0 iALE Now vacant, attrarttvn iii tuttttKe, tSJO Calllurnia. I'tioiif 1-10 A IX 4-room mndein lioms wtlh )utte Kaitttfo and root rfillar acic ttiuuiul. itlu WlaiU, IMmne Ml f'OH SA1-K iMinl :t fmm v nit Itnth. Kttf liim'tiiiiii, elartrlr mnufl. uvor- ) t'i, liHtciiiunt, Unmiiy trwM. . pn-Kri it-nee. wiiuor a tuei linn uioDcilv in Itul Suriitui. liul view. Move tn January 13th. i-nono owner, nun i-iu is.M.K ;ihftli!Ktin tnodrrii hiiinr. iiirin Dimniiiciil, pipe llirimvr). .i.Hu', I-IU M.I. UMi PlYtiiMilh HFdiin, 4-ryl-- I't'w i lid, iicm iimt Aim liAllei v. I" lirrn. uiiu Rouil. ni Coll lltut, or nt, unlet il. u Uoniteil. 1-10 HHVMOI.KT COACH -Muni null, did Npnitu nlrcel. I-IU ai,k i a-buinrr whit cnncl Miiimhc rniiK)'. Almi Liiwami hav-I":-.! Ktiiie, I'liuno AWi, I -II :iAl.K llrtdronni kiiIIci complete iiuiviiipuiift niaiti ttHk, iivlnu lotiin. l rnoin unit htli-hfii arm. iiIho imd (liAiDlc ticdn ruinpirMn, htm- Niiiiiiu, etc, I'rowllt Timtiuit -iilH Hu. (Hit, l-U (.'ALrronAiiii iHVEHTiHlNli Hl'llClAl.TIKH ' mi nituiQ lur Wvnlcnt i rnilo. 1 1 " ''"(Mi NtitihwiMii aconli! cm- 'J'lil.v Kncoiu, ttuuini, Mrmurnn Mill in- pmi nine. Kspcricncc '"it.v. CdiiiiiiikhliMm wwitiy. f- II. WIM:,S COMPANY liKuina, Wnimingum 1-B AI.K Kniiiuclrd wood and cont 1 ''lt huiMimon. 7IIIU, I'U I'KliKri While Cullio Pupplcn, !" ruiiet', ill, i, noNOinii'ii. MJ l M.K Ono a It p. gimollne enflino f tVati dtniiiinium pump. "'HI KNOW Hint thimr ftlnvlrlcal ! yiuira en it now vo ro 1 t-nll Itlliia, Cancndo Elmtrlr. 1-1,1 " I IKK TO ItKAH from rrllnhl who ivi.uid liKn to irum in Mtaro ' ovcrlintil nnd inMnll l(cfnnn "d Alt CoiKlllimiliiH r(Utp .limild Q mnchiintcftlly tli 1 win not inlfltmro with your ' Jv',rk- Vor mrormmion nhnut "'nun. wnie at unco jiving ' tuff! " ind ,V0Hr WMHini 14 and .Vn"'' lD3 IMiono A473 Ot tJlllt AND Wtrr. tn dirt need 1 inall (Ut n lilted a part tntilt or l'iu Phoim loi or T37I. 3li;'tr fOH MAI C Oood 4 aar.otd family iiiIIh tow. IH.1WI ,M lialawai. I H WANITO Cnp4tU woman for hHio work. hour wurk or u di a week Kut-elleot waKei. Call WOO I IJ Mcttlntj Rollctt (Of KUmilh r(U Aarl ill N" ;'",'0 Huiai V1 inctlni ovary 1 ue nrr Mi ' ')' 7 4 P io. ATY H r lull, Ulh and nSri&BCTflC; Walnut. VUllini nihar cordially llivilad H CARPENTGR5' LOCAL No. 190 Met II mi 11 nd Sid Wrdn.dy rt nloct of cat'h oionlti 7 -TO p in , at 1-alJOl Taniplr 4U Main (' I) MINI) ar and ft A Otiua OiKti 7 ") lo u ou ( m Every Wadnetday. I'hona D-1J7 I 4tn Uoit and t'ound LOUT llrd Cotkar ipanlal puppy Uahy- tMl, Phon nW. or ?2 Vti tna-ton fit. 1-7 LOHT- Tan tipper P"e Mentlflraltun niK-r hadl v tiveijed hy vireinan a wifr 31 Ul Vine 1 1 I Gene r it J nolicok ron xruAitT n uance oncttr.HritA. Inqulrt at p3 Oak At. or tnnna MM 117 IltK IIUOK MAKT will na oik-ii Jan uai y eih under new manucrtnenl, IttHiha ami nnialMe IwiliHlil. Mild and rwliantfrd lltuk Ukrit on con!u ment. Here ycu will find a comfort aide waiting room where ruiomf rt j make thl )nur headqiiai lert. Pack itfr t-hcrked (ff c. 3111 Klamath. Plmnr .Vitli 1 I-10 10 tiorvictti Wood Coal Oil FURNACES Iron Fireman Oil Burners - Stokers Bob Porter Phono 7708 4o:itf REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man" Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. 1-1 lmc Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR' ' Factory Authorized Service Household and Commercial Phono 0017 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 0th St. 1-1 3m MOVING STORAGE Local nnd Long Dlstanco HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Agonls for United Van Lines 101 Klnmnlh Phono 6072 1-23 DON'S IIKPAM Silt)!'. UM'i Ave. MiU'lilnlil work dime kind, nt rennlrlim. Simla al.n. Phone 4811. CIIIITAINH I.AtJNIlt.tlEI) nd Irctchrd. Plume ,1717. ' nilINO MB YOlin WOitK-Nn Jnh loo mall, llodonhamer Saw and ncnitlr Shop. ''J t'APKIt AND PAPKItllANtlF.lt avallnlilri. ,1 K Pallrmon and Hon' Pnlnl Store, liiao Knal Main. Phone 3334. l-14in PHOTO Oil. TINTINO-Phont lwltl SPK.NCK.lt t oitsKTir.nE Mm. Unlit lliiri h. 031 Oak. Phone 7.110 Inr appolnltnont, 1-Bnl KAI.SOMlNtNd. Kemlonlm and Paint Ini. Phona 3087. -' DENTISTItY, Way. alternnona. anflii niin.tn I -20 KAI.SOMININO. Komtonliu. Painting -II, 1.. Ilrown. Phone 42211. a im HICPTU: TANKS CI.KANEU and In. atnlled. A local concern, Phona w. linker, 7033. SRWINO MACHINE KRItVICR. all nwk. IMiono 6771. itaiB Shasta Way. l-10in EXCELLENT cars of chlldrnn, at 9 tnO yanra. Trnm 7 a. m. to A p. m., 110 Bo. Lagtina St. Mn. J. W. Bloefcman. Sell Your Car VN O W OUR CHECK BOOK IS READY and WILLING TOP ' OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. ' YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade 10 St: vtctt PLUMBING , SERVICE Phiinliinu & Ili-ating Equipment ln.sl.illcil niul Ki)Uiic(l DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry I'hono 7e:ir l-lUm INCOME TAX " SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping lltillin A. Cmi tin 1 1 lluuiii -. Iloiiku lildg. Ill) N. Uth St. Oprn Kvviiings tintl Snlurdiiys l'lionc 110m ! , OIL BURNERS FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, Cleaned mid Repaired WOOD . COAL - OIL FURNACES Available for Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFFS HEATING SERVICE rhunc 0010 888tf Phone 32.10 . CD F. KING Septic T.iMh Cleaned Iiiprrtitin frrc. Modern equip tncnt. Content hauled away. 12 HKMbTITt'lHNU OUKSSM AKINt 1. Uultuna und Hucklr tnvfii-U AltrratldHi in nrw and old rlolhinn Mr. II M Allcndcr. 7:il Mailt IliM.m ail! Ph l-Illtn 13 Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT' HOME 133 Granite St. Ashland, Oregon Phone 7001 Graduate Nurso In Charge. l-8in 14 Help Wanted Ftmala WANTED ,, SALE'S PERSON Prefer Someone With Experience in Women's Rcadyto-Wcar. Apply LONG'S APPAREL Phono 0431 17G0U WANTKI) Cnpnblp Rtrl or wnnitn for ntfrntttranhcr position und aencrnl of firs wink. Clnod siiliny. atrnriy pmt titin. Apply Olt'h llpcder'a aim-". t-f WANTKO Wnmnn for Huhl housework, to Ro Imnio nlKhlft! H. N. Moe, 1MI I'nctric 'rennce. 1-0 WANTFO- Olrl or wmnun fnr nencrnl hmitinwnrk. Good wnges. Phnnt 7na. 1(1 WANTKO-Wnllinpn and iHaiwnahftr. Wi). tmin nicrrncd. Apply l nitler's l.of fro Shop. 3M0.I WANTRli-Utrt or wnmnn to atny wllh rltlldron fium 4 p. tn. to 0 p. m., .1 dnva n wirk. Phona 4.V1G. i:tS7ll WAMTKtl SAl.Km.AIJIKS. RXPF.lt IKN(-Kl) IN I.AOY'S IIEADV-TO- WKAIt. POSITIONS AMR PF.HMA NKNT. CA1.U IN P1CHSON AT WHY TALS. ' I'd lite StiiiKtiinl ClenncM. 177fllf 18 pyntd?ax nrmitt'MT OM VCMPN In oil ItmMttMll lifrllino Itrnllh nnd acctdrnt policy for Old-lino i'imunv. I.cniw nirmiiu-i.. Liberal cninmiiMont., . Can arn vary tr., A n,.tiiin Vnlir millllV OOP1. nt Hie prr-srnl time. Write qunllflpntlonn In t'nnllnnnlnl Cnmialty company, ;W3 s w. Onk. Portlnnd, Orcaon. 1-0 WANTED- Hotel Plark. Permanont pnt; linn. Wt-nc inn hotel. I843tf WANTRD -Rxprrlcncfd ssh rntter. Ap ply Mttltr Hroa. Phone .1832. 4BS11 HIp WirtUd. MaU WANTTD-Spflticr or prtutr. Uptown Cloaiien, 117 Ho. 7lh. 12I0U WANTED - Atiiomnhlle mechanic! -for Chevrolet and other car. Permanent work. AUy, of 12.30 Hat rait. Cannon Chevrolet Co.. Yreka. Calif. WANTED-Experienced radiator repair man. Old cttahtlthed. thoroughly equipped thop. Big) money for right man Anderson Auto Service. 633 Walnut. HMtf WOULD YOU like to earn money after irh'Kil delwerine fleratd-Nrwi Dtoer route? Hce Mr. Miller t the Herald office after 3 p. m. 67111 WANTED Men and bovi lo act pine, l.isht work, rood pay. Apply Aowling Alley. 819 Main p. m. or any tvanlnc. Saturday or Sunday 17S1U SMKKP ahearer wanted to lag 800 aheap. vte have good .hearing elerlrliily. Call 111. U had but no likay nanrh. ipiBtr IB Bituationi Wanted EXPERIENCED woman truck or bui driver wl.lie. pnMtlim, In city. Write lloi, 1777, rare Herald and Newt. 18 22 Roorr.t For ftant i nOOM KOlt nr.NT 1028 JaKerlon 24 Apartmtnu t-or Hant SMALL APAnTMENT tn prtvatt horn, cuniplr tcly (urnlhcd. Working wo mnn unlv f'll MiW. l-t Houiai Pot Rant FOIt nRNT On and two room cabin. AlUmont Atlio Camp. 1-8 TKUL'KS KOn HENT-Vou dnva; mova youriclt. aave 'a. Stiles Beacon Strv Ice. 1201 Xiiil Main. Phona 11304. I -0m KOK ItBNT-.Modcrn 4-room unfurnlahed hou-e. clean, near Weyerhaeuser mill. Inquire 2on W. Klamath. In Weyer lnrit-iT (tKlricl. l-tl 28 Miacollanooui For Rtnt VOn rtKNT-Floor tanden. edgert and wallpaper removing machine. J. E. Patterson Paint Stor. Phona 3.134. tait Main. l31m TUIIKEY ItANCH FOR RENT 44131 Br bee. Phono 7034. 1 -19 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT tn ntc of fice, well located. Wrttt Box 127. Newa-Herald. 12-3 ELKCTttlC KLOOIt SAND.RS and tricar rented. Do your nwn work. Inoulre Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD FOR ItKNT-Prrient location of Fashion Clennera. 002 Mnin, modern front. 12'a by 70 foot, lnqulra Rudy'a Men'a jthnn.' aon Main, 173Uf 30 Rtal tatata For Sal FOR SALE Dairy and Stock . Ranch 1000 acres 300 acres Irrigated grain and potato land. Fully equipped, machinery, tractor, etc. 50 head producing dairy cows, about 30 head young stock and horses., . , . Situated 4 miles cast of Bon anza on Lorclla road. $10,000 cash will handle. DR. L. L. TRUAX Owner. 403 Pine St. 1-13 Suburban Home Homedale Road Ideal 2-bcdroom modern house, utility room, fireplace, concrete foundation, insulated, etc. Two acres good land, barn, chicken house, garage, woodshed and o t her- 'improvements, Lawn trees, shrubs, underground irri Ration system, etc. Full price $7500., larms. - J. E. hosking 517 Mnin St. Phone 3211 Fri.-Mon. HOMES FOK SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 6491 M5m . , HOMES FOR SALE JOHN MeFEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th Phone 4521 . . 2-5 FOR SALE-.Vroom modern houia, tlr callnM m-at.u-Bti nrlr. av tftl'tTik, Mnsl Mil. f Rav at ranilCnU Pot- lUnB CO. Plna Ho not iUwHva 1.11 16 Your Chevjolet Dealer -John Ashley- WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDERS We Will Go $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is Reasonably Clean-We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure. And Get Our Appraisal Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. 30 Rail Ettatt For Sale DUPLEX Two apartments with basement, 2 gas furnaces, laundry room, etc. Lot 40x120 feet, north o: Main street and close to busi ness fiistricl. Price S8500. BOGUE DALE, Realtor 120 S. 9th Tel. 0972 1-10 i EOR SA1.F1. S-room modern house with 1 nook, Wonrierlul location. ' tile,:': j halence 35.O0 per month. 1335 Siir. gent. 1-12 FOR SALE New and aecont! hjtut sinr. all sfcH and cumnienl iTiriuucu. 10.19 . Chev.. J-lckup. nr H M00.OQ per mo. Lae on bldg.. tw.nu per mo. Price .13'0.00. It acred 3 ml, from Ash land on paved rd. 4-room mod. hou?c. 3-car garafe, 7 nt,inchloii barn, all Irr.', chool but, milk cream route, prt--ure lyilem, fl rows, 1 sow. 1 ypiirlinn bull. 34 ch'ckcns. Priro S.-ition f0 Term". Southrn Orciron Land Co.. No. 50 Eait Main street. 1-9 FOR SALE 3-room house, modern, with hanemont. partly furnished: clor in. Phone 3108. 133fitf fOTK SALE2-licdronni house near Main: also piano. Dlttl 0713. 1-11 PARTLY FURNISHED 5-rttom modern house. Gar.icc nnd woodshed com bined. Plenty of wood for winter. 2."V00. 2nd road west from Lien's Store on Keno highway nnd turn left to the fourth house on left. 1-11 - MOMESEEKERS ATTENTION 3-room modern, furnished bluccn house, close tn, enrage. Why pay rent when you can own i our own home. (IZOO cash. Phone 5392. 1-10 FOR SALE -SO acre farm. Improved, noma equipment. for quick pale, runts ittTK Phonr r,7n t-to 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends l-12m Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 5105 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings BldR. ! l-31-m Motor Rebuilding . Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experienco i Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort fiond Phono 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. l-15m FOK SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Typo Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th rhone 6042 l-6in SHE MEL HENRY at Lombard's l'ed car Lot, mi s. mh si. Ton opa CASH PRICE at nnca lor your ear. All makes and models tor anla. 1-Um Phone 4113 34- Automotive BEARING WEAR Creotes motor pound and that Pounds crankshafts out of round. Let us keep cor and truck bearings tight and your mile Cost will be less. LEO'S GARAGE Hth and Main Sis. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wcd. SPECIAL JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT Fog Lamps Popular Prices Ashley Chevrolet Co: 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 1-9 RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Vell Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2549 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 1499-tf Exchange Motors Fords 1928 to 1942 Chcvrolcts 1935 to 1941 Plymouths 1934 to 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1942 or . We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor neground Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th.. Phone 7071 1-7 FOR SALE -1033 Plymouth t-r.Mii sedan. &o rubber. Don Smith. Maltn. Ore " Bon, phone 1M. 1-0 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1036 Oldsmoblle sedan for later model. 210 N. Uth. 1-0 If you want to sen u phone The Herald nd New "want ads," 3124. . . DON'S SIGNAL SERVICE TIRES and TUBES Mud, Snow and Regular Tread Motor Tune-Up LUBRICATION 9th and Pine 44 Llventoclc find Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Eby Chick Hatchery will bo In operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. 11 you can't com In, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S ORECON STATE HATCHERY . 2720 So. 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS 893tf 34 Automotive WANTED '41 or ' moiiH rr with low mllcaee for very rntlal uu. Oil S327 days, 8031 evening. 1.12 TOK SAI.E-1IMO CMC 14-lnn truck. 1034 Studebaker 2'i-ton truck with 2-ftpeed rear end. Phone 338 or 184. Malln. Dcwcy Smith and Son. 1-0 FOR SALE 1929 Model A 4-door aedan i in good condition. 1016 Martin. ntmn. mm 1-U 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD . Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m 36 Miscellaneous For Sala FOR SALE - One pair lady' figure skates, size S. One h.p. stationary gas engine. One Chester Model 65 calibra ZlflB. Flxit Shop. 744 Klamath. B-a,tf FOR SALE 100 tons bated na-. 1st cut alfalfa, oats and rye. at Keno See Guy Moor at ranch before croaking river or call Doug PuckeU. TuleSake 7104. 33Mtf FOR SALE-Ice cream machine and fountain, 712 Main St. 1-10 FOR SALE Dry wood. Ray Bltxseth. 1314 Dayton. 2-2 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joycr. 1435 Martin. Phone 3677. l-31m STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. l-.11m FOR SALE Trailer nuu-ie, 34 ft. M'-i model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. OUf rOR SALE- Remlncton automatic shot- fiun and shells. Speed bo.it with 60 h,p. motor. FUil Shop. 74 tuamam. lt75tf FOR SALE-Bedroom suites, living room, dining room and kitchen sets, also single and double beds complete, h.is socki. stands, etc. Prewitt's Tradinc Post. 22-U So. 6th. 1-tf FOR SALEBaby buppy. -Com-; and see ft at the Cascade Apt. IVo. 116. 1-5 BOOKS-BOOKS -BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magazines. Call 3302. - 2-3 FOR SALE Boy 'a bicye'e, laced rubber boots, size 7'i. leather boots, slic 'J, 2-pIate electric hot plate. 1C30 Or chard, i-o FOR SALE Wnlnut secretary desk, end table. Breakfast table and 3 chairs, army cot. Phone K70. , 1-0 FOR SALE Genera! Electric porlnb'c mangle. 1041 model, good conditfni. Phone 5285. I-"1 rOR SALE 16 foot Rambler trail-r nouse. sleeps 4. good condition. ln Blsbce. 1-0 FOR SALE Piano, blonde mahoKanv. splnette type, excellent conditii 4922 Summers lane. l- FULLER BRUSHKS-Rep. R. V. Moraan. 532 So. Riverside. Phone :U48. 2-lm FOR SALE-12-ft. trailer with dunt axle and four good iircs. i-none -rj-.i. - FOR SALE-Largc wooden barrels. In quire at Fiunrcr a uaKery, ALLEN Adding Machtnei and FRIDEN Calculators. 121 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. l-13m CERTIFIED NETTED GEM SEED POTA TOES, first year Montana dry land foundation stock: grown at Macdocl. Calif. Ott & Edwards. Phone 8713 or 1121. Tulelake. Calif. 1-U FOR SALE -Car radio. A-l condition. 417 Lincoln. IPS Hf 42 MiacellanGous anted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, tfuns. clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761 If CASH paid tor household goods. Phone 7310. . wnNTPn-Siii.il nnt. nr rom vlth kltrhen orlvlleces. Call 71111. in U'AWPn Tn nilV n.20 rrnvle camera Phone 8402. 1-8 WILL PAY CASH fnr used Kims, nrlng Ihrm In f or mi.irnl.nl. BELL'S HARD. WARE. 828 Main SI. l-31tn WANTF.nAnarlmcnt or house, furnish eH hv iwo marines and wives. Call 886,1. or atler 3. .1217. Mrs. I. Odell. 1-0 LOCAL COUPLE want to rent furnished apartment or small furnished nome a nnr. No children or nels. Phom 74H1 or 7378. 1737" WANTED TO BlIY-l.nto model pickun truck, rhone 7271. i.ai sarneni. ni-n OLASS-Mlrrors. resllvertmi. plate win dow and auto Blass. furniture tons shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. .127 Walnut. Phone 7378. 1 4in WAITED Case slxtern. and eichleen pickup hater, r. U. Coon. Dlllsril. Ore. 1-12 MRS. HERMAN T4RAATZ.- Rlcncourt Apartment. Weyerhaeuser, would like to buy late model car. i-none o'.'os. Apt. 2. 1-11 WANT TO llEAIt from parties-has-lns; fancy work or articles sutisuie ior lilts. Thona J302. 1-10 and Brake Service OUR SPECIALTY Phone 5567 MO 44 Ltvutock and Poultry 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WTI,L PAY CASH FOR YOUR lIA?fO luis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phdna 4319 or 7173. l-23m WANTED TO BUY-Innersprtng mat tress. Prefer Beauty Rest nr Saalay. Must he reasonably priced. Phona 4690 between 5 and 7 o. m. TBtf WANTED Late model pickup Must be tn rood condition. W. Reynolds, phone 2511. Tulelake. 1-0 44 Livestock and Poultry GRADE A DAIRY with licensed ratal! milk route. Nets 20000.00 per year. Price 45.000.00. Prime property in every way. Walter Jones, Realtor, box 047. Medford, Oregon. 1-12 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkev and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 010 East Mam. Phona 4282 l-4m WANTED Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collect. l-31m WANTED-Poultry of all kinds. Pay highest price. Mallory's Y MarWt, Merrill -Lake view Junction. Ph. 420. 1-10 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phona 3372. 1-3 lm HIGHEST PRICES patd for hogs, veal. Iambi and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323. nights 3303. 1-31 m CHICKS. Finest and best grade 4 chicks. Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Talent. Oregon. 24 46 financial When You Want a CASH LOAN i For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N: 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles -Livestock - Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed a n c O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Pnone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 1-3 lm See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO " FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement! Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co, Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 332.1 . . l-31rrj First Federal Has Plenty of Money a Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home -i . a Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Ratei FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5193 l-31ir,