Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 08, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    E3AL2 ANC c-.VS. KLAMATH fi-S. CSS-N
pach r-vo
Car.Ucd ?runj PaSe toi ;
of. the Jipar.rce' Sc-r.ei nm;
Other b.-.wrtcajts n-MTM
three .gnwe-fut American eon. j
ww soewiiti? northward to- mm -
tlie ASIRWltt rWIe Of' undutriosed ,
.sze wia if ifiortoro. IM trans-r
'aorr sooth of Minaor atvi 25
warships farther sooth, ail head-;
ed in the seneral direction oi
Manila, t
Claim Siakiaqf ;
An :moer.al communique
claimed that atnc Utft Wean--jay
isawws fve ink seren
first line wsrips and id trans
oofta: and -limited, aa other
vowels in the various c-trnvoys.-Japanese
irooot juardlng Lin-
asyen 5uif who could see the;
long line of American warships
were :-: bed a "awaiting the:
enemy nih resolute aetermina-
Uon. TTtenefo ;t : .wtieipatest
that a sreat enemy annihilation
tiatt!e will oe unrolled" as soon
as amphib:
Plastering Isle in Jaos' Front Yard
(Si J -
: t .- .
eaTVJP Jrs' . - -t,
vgr v
f ... His;
Li-ing si she Tern' if "'h LSA.V? L.I c. .snr jn n ' r "- '
aUrij of Iwv :n Ine volcano oup, miiy 'i .ibt -
:b) to ihe nsJit. I.om Iwo Jima, Ju ooraocrs ;ia rr.ce 'J
- inrncpcDiiicr
hocw! ntUj ntrULdL
Chcpfm Jur Dismissed
Jan. 3 American trootw
xen -affthin DO miles of Stanlla
today Sut army and navy cam-'
numques oKercd no supoort to'
Jaoanese claims ihe Yanks werei
actually preparing any imran
diate invaon of t4izon isiand. I
Gen. Douslas JrfacArthur'j!
. Taeafisy communique said his
forces save aio"ed IS mileji upt
the coast ot Mintioiw island to!
capture Faluan town, Paluan is
3 mile trom uizon. .aanua i
Continued From Page One)
icM than SO miles Wrtner nonn. . jjanube. in an outHankin? threat ;
Pounding Continues to the attacking Germans, Mo i
Tiie communique said air cow 0ftay.
pounding of enemy instaliationsi WOo Killed
on Jiuzon was continuing. i A broadcast soviet communi' i
.Vavy earner planes also at- Mofl Germans had I
tacked Luzon. F.cet Adm. Oies.; T,,, kliieti 300 captured and;
tee W Simitz announced at Pa-' 19 unlM and ia arm0red troop 1
eific fleet headquarters. Peart i,nockcd out bciore the 1
Harbor, that the. attae w o Btergom, and
made Saturday (Philippine time). . German progress. had;
i oeen caeckea oeiow me ci.
j, The same communique said
' the red army had crossed the
i Hrnn iGarom) riuer to the north
' and, driving along the Danube, i
had reached a point 10 miles ;
from the communications huh ;
Xomaronv west ot ia-er- i
01 we 7
CContinucd Prom page OneJ
belaw- in the north; and; zero
the south; Wisconsin 15 to 20 he- j
low m the north, and 3 below m i
the south: Hlinois and Indiana!
zew in the north and O above s
m. the south;: and Michigan,!
around zero in the south and !
zero to Id below :n the north. I
A storm struck Sebraska sudVf
rfenly todav :n advance of the
cold wave with the wind reach
ing S miles anhour and the tem
perature falling 17 degrees-in
two nours at Omaha. Schools
were ciowl in; Omaha and three
nearby towns and the weather
bureau, in a special forecast for
the Omaha area, warned that the
Sgt- E W.. Txhenor of 3tate
police, accomoanied. by Con-:
stable Gary Cozad, were en
route to Xiamath Fails Sunday;
night from Salem when they no-i
tlced an abandoned car two miles
south of the Diamond lake junc
Tichenor checked the regi
rlon card and license and on
t.'-wfe " " j"-?'
. v.
;-F-W f , --Li..-'-; -i.J -ir 1
,Cnuut. from Pc Cr.e-
cesi. or "si Mcctme enjacrd.
sn r.r amctactlca r n ucTt
ot' -r.e war efort. than to :tw
isicd .a -.-.tv.-.-.M .-tot suaoorT
!E' !t lainwaiata jirojeeuuan
at :h war;
r.ir nr. :rw m ;h wsentisl ;,oa
lbs. w art rvra w -3V
;tre jDvrrmit's wB:'tt
jctivrues carnmittce. otnpart -H
rr-jreseaiatuies J e ir"1-uiv-u-.
ir-tctuw m. r
msxiDOwer commissi oiv ar jrt
.tuctioji .ra cs '& :ua
aananatraaon. ,
.Coatinaal ?rtun Pact Cne)
C 3. HocertsiK: ujaraacn
Jaies jave an tmnirrne mi
' drres fn junior crumb" rraoon
: flbiiincs ;n ttf war, post-war
and wacr arou-u-is. .irlar:ns
; that :stenj nr--v 3nn ;akcn to
.aire -;nimt Amertca'" a 3lca at
; the geacs ;atue.
Stmsac Jam
He fmonasjrea the jnoortanas
of ftr.tiint; ;obj for retumins
! jerr'.? :nen. commtimty assim
:lat'.on of service men. training
! of youns raen for cammur.itr
; '.fasKjmn. aefcrrtns to alk of
"rehabilitation'' of rcturmn v.
erans. Gatv-r said.
".ft not n Tiucrt the nrturn.
! irx rercTt5n wnn .-leests rrhamli
: tattnn. It's the cmmmunity to
which he will return. '
3rwe Pina
I Catet called tioon young ctti,
: Ttma- of thts community to d1a
' charge their rrsmnnsihility to it.
He said that the junior chamber
: of commerce pin Hands fnr wrv
! ice. and rttar. if then? are thme
who wear it and do nor enntr:.
j bute to the welfare of the mv
; munity. they mmild xrrirr their
1 1 r m a 1 conneetten wtth the
! Phil Lee. iresident of the 'ocal
; chanter of the Jay-rer. ore?ented
; kif-msti pins 'n Marvin: filxon
j arot Warren Whitlocie fnr mir.
: standing 'work in the venr. The
j nrerentattnn.of the mertal award
i to Sandmeyer wast made bv Mar-
tin Swanson. and J. V. Owens
-was; toastmaiter.
Mara loos Under Yank Bombs
1 Vi CHINA .
'HaiLanO ' ipiii.ij 'il- Lj
aP " 7 V , ' H
) 'Sri
. ... : .. ..tFL.ie
e-i V- - u
Pa I?
tfiirrif'.Bd anil wjt- "i
ijnlatoes huvii pi. "i
(jPA. la geimrji i,f ut,';
rit'taiU ai nuu:ti !,u; (rtfll '
; pum ,Binm. with 4 ,
i ornlitM, awiiistjiit miiiiuu ,"'
B.IIW prices
wiigiu a a 1 ;r ;
: iC.aniDth timiiii.- 5y j"!
- j i.;u4 ,
; raliruarv :) fill. .',i,irca :
; aohi saw. uy JJMl
U Jit. Priis for ir ...f
drii in tfiMih cin
T!ii"t basi! B'"'
freight on bourd
rot the aliiunui
transnortatuin ciia
Mao aooi .tilon! rtv nop;t1 41. f';'! ;1! i" 'i(rrif: .tl : f;t
U 5 ;r-tie: t?:aiinc ii':m .vr n.r- r.Mijnm r.l..nl.
:n the JhlI:tnJ!nw. ;iich(.11 S,nnn :UiMii:e :nt ;l,i rtil-
aiits hcsw aiac'. .me', '-.3r.-i rj--.-! ;.,(,) :wwr; n tiutu-Ciitn
Malays, Dutch lllrtl1. r-'uniuiui jctl iim :na
a4n7encon Voor Hocfs Bacc
NaiiPushiSays Montgomery
Hrr fate reiitr-r ntprjs 3-rt' S in Tar-' -i-'ti . iri in
on .ler 50 as she nears ras -lite nrr-. .n?!uurrT -r-r!t:-r C:art
Chaplin -a tacoa of child. t ttasarsar !ir acoas xsrw.? .t-
ioct. IZe Jirf took ax siifcrji ir,r lur tit as sierj ,ss aaa
5a are -.r Sai:;;a..
temperature would drop to 8 be-i jumin to ms ofg checked
i?.!."'!1?. 1-d ?'ind i "is files and found thit car had
would be about 33 to 4o miles an bwn r(,oortel stolen Saturday
Ur' to Continue ' i .''J.S 3
The cold wave exnecterf to! ioRive iuJ
ontinue throughout tomorrow ! E.nd'ni't
out it may warm up Wednesday.
itenny predicted. I
Several minor accidents wor
car back home.
The machine oil.it
..Z. ?Vin reported "h ,lt;:n ' done to cars out nope
ior uu morning cne wauier y ; iur;s Wf?re rcponea-
hwrfiau mclurind: Tntcrnarional !
itim;j irnm -n lO -1 in OtfiCT '
parts of Xorth Dakota; -8 to -12!
m eastern ai i n n e o t a, and I
around - in South Dakota. Towa i
reponed 17 above m the north . An unoccupied rard sedan:
jfnfo Schoolyard
Carl Tomiin. artver for the
fCamath 2us cnmoar.y. was in
volved in a collision at Mam and
7th with a car driven by E. W.
Porath, city. The accident oc
curred Saturday at 3.50 o- m. V.
S.. ilon-is. bun driver, 2l2fl Gar
den, resorted a collision, at East
and 23 in the south, and Wisenn,t careened down the 7th street hill , Main and Reeiamatinn at. T-nn
am a aoove m the north and 23 , late aaturoay night and erasnra p. m. Saturday with a parked car meoiate c'scs
in the south.
nr i;:.r '-;.
misjnon 7 -:r-u
T.-er- -w... te s
:n tile nours.. ...i a.
those who
'.id-' or -,rii- -ti
bona! Scanisn "j
0. m. 1 TGSfi :Va''.:
Snarsijih may c-ti
wish to- review.
f . e
' p. m..
Life Underwriters
Met fn KJomath
through the wire fence on the owned by Irma Shersr 30fl
riraunt jcirwi grounun. ! ram. .irmn Hi?niand, another ,:(, ar n -
1 Tne car was parked at? 7th bus driver. 1.116 Wiard. and J. H. anvone imerte- -ri-st v
land Washington., city police re- Davis, 1717 Main, were involved : wA ?r?
ported.. It rolled down the curb, : in a collision at Main and 7th Van.iar-, A whtj1 to- wiz
! missed a telephone poie and ran Friday at 3-30 p. m. . ZZ ' TLT rr X7It'fyf:.
Memfcert of the Life Cnw-! oe it took out a section , racks, reported to police that his : ihroMffh i miwr-f
writers association of southern i ( fn-, aflere were no in- car and one operated tay Mrs. C. n, c'a' " V aut
rmi r... r Ittr er the ear wm damaged l ft rirVfin inn r .... i .ne casae a,e .IC.r.g unt
.jr .-;Mjn weanesoay at -"?""-; -" ,-i n in u-uiiii. ana ,ua
15i(3.-, i- i i ahie. rtamatf done thA feiire. . 'rr, "laliirda'r ir Hn m :
..... , ..,,,1) .nt tu tftteiiM-.. - . ? , v.: J. L i -, , . i I(,3
ance.. I Owner of, the car was given as ; me and Mitchell interaction i
E7S Lea Long, program chair-' f- "Uiu , wan tne scene of an accident in-
.man, introduced Chaplain Joies ' ' vorting cart operated by Cpl.
,i.;,.,.m, .1-., .vi com
pany. Marine Barracks, and
,ohrt Mucitolls. 24.14 Orchard at
1:55 p. m. Saturday.
Of 0311IL SET
. ie annual meeting and pian
in ennfisrencB at the Modoc
tr-a -autiel, ao; Srauta. will I
rut held at the Willard hotel
vuuiay. January l-i. from Jj.ni.
to p. m..
3e-j;nning with the reg;stra
;uin of ail trout leaders at 3
a. 3i X. G-- Hlahn. eauael pres.
.nrr.u it'll otficaily call the
mnien-7ce Wgerher Tie mom
r.t tension w;l! oe devoted ui
xaratn- the iMi program in
-ntierarrt irrnuj mesttngs.
Innnt tiie oincie-m penod
a-r-i wul j. made uj trooos
ar.-. mir eacers and 'V 3.
H-miva.. lepra- rteona'. rout
e-ecnti." w.i seaa. ?ollow
rg rfcts. 5T-ara will jresute at
he -runlets annual Snstnesa
;e--. -5 j-t-j tiewin of oliicen.
Tie -skjw-:L siojoe :t year
wnit a Jtemoennip ot
ist mare -han 2flD
.eartent Itear. 13 anyT are
nroneft :n -lte Zlamath 'aaan
ansa ji i trrvir-a anrt jackx
QUAilTZHS. Jan. l 'Pt Vv
aansauiary u e .- m a a anve in ;
3exium lias bailed at Us jU-jic :
ttc purpnse. iar-fuiy Mcaute ui
ilincrtcan valur, and JiUttl -tan-u
"ready jur aiiytliuiii tint
enemy has ;u jiicr. ' now hold
the .intiauve. rn-id Mui-iiial Sir
atirnard L. Montaoraery dt:
ciama last night.
Hie jaimty antlsh cainman-,
dcr. wno tiHik ovirr nimiiiiiid ;
oi. Amer.cjii jnri drtun armies
couiueraltjcx.u the nu;:a un
the aorrh. tain the oatlin was
.jot yat aver, out jililcd that He
didJi t sea huw Van Huniisti-dt
aa "jiiiied very muc.i. '
"Cne must adiiul mat iia hus.
deait a jinar; oiuw jnu tin lian
ient lis rtteiuiK Pack, out re
covered and ,lu nus perm unauio
ta iain any jruat. advaiuai;i:,
jamtiumery aasuertud in his ui'jl :
preaa comcrencs ui inuntn.
Gruniy uaniest, Auiniiiumcry
punctuated jii nuur-ionii iium
view wuu riiiiircnco lu Amert,
can uuroism at at. Villi, fc!aa
taghe ana wtuti at Atansciiuu.
ctu singled uii: two unurxaii
armorea aivuuuns, Uiu aeuuiiu
and jevcntn, and two U. . au,
oorne divtsiuns, tnu Unu and
luist, as dumu a j-reai iuo.
"What waj Von iiunuHtcdt
trying to achieve.' t uun t
know, ' Montgomery laid, '"una
only guide wo nave a ins oraur i
of the day whlcn told his sot-:
diers they mtmt go ail out un
this last pig etturt.
"On the map you jce his
gains. That wm not win tue
war. Hu is slowly out surely to
ioe it ail. ho must nave acrancd ,
together every reserve he cuuld
jy nis hands on."
tven as he spoke, the culur
ful Uriton saw n;a prcdicuuu
oeanng irul us me American
seenna and Unrd armored di
vision siashuu toe ucrmau
northern supply artery truin
Vteisalm to rtoc.tc.
Montgomery, veteran leader ;
in the Aincan campaign, said
MJ:f. Mill. rnr:n
the iiatt'it "ia '01 'if t-'t1 nliitt
inlrrcKing ami '."i-iiy ItuiSii-K I
rta'.' ever iUiuiI'.b'I. w.lrt great
He l M i'lr'tiitd an ofen
tivii 4r:ny cnr;; -tht wvartth
muiiT 'tli? vwv fim American
Gittmrai liinilliifi" Mil Gm, J.
Lawtiiu Ciiillnai. which "now is
attacitsng ' to wipe out tlie Cflr
'.luin btiiittt,
MuitiguinerY wid aiiuul (urces
are now "writing nil" the Cur
mans .nut the muti have "mf
femd hciiviir. ' but ii addtfd:
"It ia a very great mutta to
think it in over rite wont parts
arc over, hut a great deal mure
miiiit i:c dui;."
i 4ft r
:' lif,
growor cituar ;,i ;.;,( ,.'
IJiiiiw niwy o amir J 4,, .
mlttud lal aeii;!!;, tXfti
Certified or wjr jmirovf
must or ugjw'
Ktaied to bi itl.gmn w ,
prtees, he deciar-'t. S
ence m price ttu.t a(
w-rent urini of e-.!,:,,f ctt
or war aooroveit ie,t.
M.,4mondgif isi,-4
inier-Htfii -,n nutjiii.n
-rd Ut maxe enn;jt-u C
liety with t:rti,'st.ii lmj ,,,J
",l.iril.HlU;l. Jt. I ;
of tne firti S.ltnl .iiiii
l.Jutl,uH.(lt)0 H1;;.".aj7k-J
xiiuiiii urn r'n .frunil t
clutle. wnn it tj.-t.tira
Oregon 7 (! 1
94d,2D4. Washington J7.V1
Cl-ani;i'd A.fi Bf.ng Rk,
X 84a Offlea Ottu l.ll
of Uie Klamath naval air station! I P,;
who ?ave an interesting account; Oau rresiaeDT
of his duties at the base. Next'Ta Canter Her
meeting of the association Willi ' wonTr nr
be held February 7, j MrJ RaIph j,,,,,,.,,,
i dent of the Oregon League of
RATIGST OjtfCHAJTGEO I Women Voters, was in Klamath
WASHINGTON .ran ,! meet with the
The office r,f price administra-' '0C8' 'r''Mrd ?. !-. ,'n
lion reported May that rations i b08r'1 r,v-m ,''f "'i,! a"b-!r df
of fuel oil in the Pacific north ' -ramre- Mr- "
affl,fe"3. !; " T":W.,e;t to the Adriat.c sea at a
-hich begins rSarea' WrtTJ 'T
y " ' tar'a- r--- J Professional Worn-! . tr'"r. ka'-"! PW.ed
letl and American Association of 1 snuare miuv
banquet room of the Wi-fie-Ma
Dr. James Miliar will also
speak on "Our World Today."
Canadians Drive
To Adriatic Sea
ROME, .fan. 3 Canadian
cre.ons ot tc,e eighth army have
V WHh n nrmn
piT- frim -rr.iituii.
M ftj.f,irin1
Sir.i1T'1?in diiitrM tvWMi of jf4
land between
the Vaiii Dt
Hans Norland Tira and Auto
of the marjhy
I that ci-y and
; Con-.acchio.
; , Fannin rt east ard weit
; a'or.g the. h'ghway from cap
; tured San Aloerto. the Ca.-.a.
'dians reached the sea at Casal
Marine Struck
By HH, Ran Car
C'r.-r- 3Uio- Mhnrfa? wrr. in
wa.9 bora m. Ciuie, South; Amer- at i 45 a 31. SnndaV at
t Main and 3th. when Pvt. 2. H.
Eantf, Kl enmnan-?. Mar.ne 3ar
; racks, wax struck; 07 an un.
i identified ear.
The marine was moved bv
Ward's ambuiance a M? head
: quarters and- Jtrer transferred
! to the Barracks,
i Officers said that Hand" itetj
, ned from the curb at 3th tn
i cross Main when he was struck,
1 The car did not stop. Hand's
i face was badly cut and nolhte
; were of the opinion that the door
nannie caught the marine t cloth
! ing in such a way that he was
; spun in the air. landing in the
middle of the street
a.Airuiit raiM .. a
mrr.?ttn . is
sr-h acntf .... M
ttrlmna tta
Mllnrt .. 13
amn 4i
tan mncuen H
t 'Bermuda Myjrji
Sacond Hit
Rusrlen Hideout"
?tnrthrm C4llfi)rnia Omsratly clrr
:mtv iamfpii nd tiflfU!'. xi;ot ti,n
:n .nlertwr 'alle- . CimiUi in xirenm
inr-n jjorrlen. wall fw ilnt w.ir
tnniicnt. tltln enmnte in tnioriurir.
breacn ilimflv van-lnlrminnl rain
in sorth-vsat aarrinn anrt an enat una
aftamnnn anrt Twin ilala tnnistu au.i
t,iafla. Snim, tvw mounuina. iluni
Is warcMrr Uinignl.
Service Men
and Women
Home on Leave
jplllFliO Tuesday
''Bos Ofllca Opans 1:1(1 .4Ji
! 0j I0 Bo OHtea Opaos l;45 '
rrai" Ht ESMOND-Oirictidltyfnt: ttufl - I I I 1."
1:S I1!1!JJJ
i 1 1.11 1 m 1 m ill"
'J I US ! 33
a ifin 1 1 1 an 111 1 w
Continuous Show Dailr
Opaa 12:30
Bobbysocfcsstr Girts
Just Received!
Shfpmant of
tfndarthirta to match
733 Main
Pvt. Harold Patterson from
Camp Crowder, Mo. Here until
January 1.1.
PFC Carl L. Purksy from Big
Delta, ,:a:ka. Piers until Jan
uary 16.
ine anove set-vice people are 1 11 c L e T I
entitled to frej; passes, to the io- i UP rfOfiKie TOf I QyfOf
cai n-.eatres and tree rountam j tx-io-rr sin t ,
service at River dairy by ! - 2"' 'f
courtesy of Lloyd Lamb at ' lhe Rnhn T7lnI.. the
theatj-.s ar.rf p r ti,r.An t w navy flier stopped here
P.or-etti at the base nt. the spit ! the dairy. Please call at The; briefl-' 7rday and at least
of land separating the Comae-i Herald and News office lank for : If n , hobbyockjer
rn.o isgooo from the Adriatic. ' Paul Haines) for your eourteiTi S T ' renouncea
-. . ff-r- r - . r 1 ic 2 t.a if rank Sinatra.
1 always mteti ainatra. hut
ff It j a trozen" article vo-i Taylor is reaUy wonder
ful, sighed IS-year-eld Caro
n!:SSAS-ann at KlamatH V wl
i Unaoital. Kiamain Falla Or-., lanu- -i
; MS to Mr. ana Mr, ttrvan rhurnia,)
oran 3ivt Ore, a aoj' W.Tia(u:
7 aminrta M eunraa.
rXiNa a,m .1 iCamalll Valley
- soanltal. ICamalh lalta. On . ianuMrv
1 uaas. m .Mr, and Mra. Waltara w iu
alna. rontai .1 sua: iMn Klamain rails,
! nnv N'fiiUV. 7 pennrta I', nuni lM.
ajemtSt; aflrn at Klamalll Vallity
hnaflital, jciamath ralla. Or., January
: S ;aB, tn Mr anrl Mra. L. 1 Amlw-rs
: A Van ymm, a girt. Wlnt: I nriunna
I ftHNay Unrn tr Hlllalrta hntolfal.
! kamatu fall. Or.. Januarr 7. 14,1
. in Mr anif JTn. V a. Hnr? i-d
aitatln. a fir!. Wtlont; S pnunrla 11 a
Ends Tuesday
I 5e
Jrumsln a famrnw hertwl eniight
ramerly setertfiieau prepared
notonl7 setmitonn! to relieve cwk,
tr.g vnis hue aine, icowns utirky
poiem and makes le earner to raise
Pasnil fcurttog. Safe for bodi old
IrtesTPnsl7e! ,.nBTnnfliii,
; need, advertise for a used oi.j
I in the classified.
' B 7 is aai.t ittT H
: Reiser. Milwaukie high school
j student. She saw Taylor at the
airport when he stepped off the
United Air Lines plane en route
tO rtOtlywoorl
rum eat ... .
lljINfe5S iT
f ehlldrettroiiekiylrjnajinBrliip tl-ij
By Vmulm Gradm'l old
ttnw muttoa ir. irta, dvlepii
by modern inamea into a mure ak-T'v
ter-irntanf, vsporiiirig ajtlva foe nmju
qoiek relief. MevinnMe an tv ?J7
sen ich in mi-trait s-- aejjg
j Motorists Now Get
; Extra Gos Mileage
! Thausands of motnri.iu, ta.ti
' cab, truck and tractor owners
are now gutting up to 30 :
tra gas mileage, more power
and pick-up. smoother running
and nuirkisr ataerin atiii, -
: Vacu-matic on their can. The
new, improved, metal Vacu
matic operates on thir Super
charge principle. "Breathes
automatically and can be in
stalled by anyone In a few min
utes. Fits all ear NVithin. A
' regulate or adjust.. The aianu
i facturer.1, the Vacu-mntic Car
buretor Co., 7317- 980-H State
i St., WjuwatosB. Wis., are offer
ing a vacu-matic to anyone wno
will install it on his car and
help introduce It to others. They
will gladly send full free par
ticulars if you write them or
Just tend your name and ad
dress on s peaajty post card to
day. Adv.
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