rdoy, Jonuory 6, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE NINI IIP' Autom .tiv Automotive Automotive Automotive in. ..fart. Mil II Hlp W.nl.d, Mai 34 34 34 34 34 Hip i.mihcr vard where condition aro nood, call at r m ucr y"' ..,,, o 3n ,inr) i m ll,o ollice or (jiiwh- in. .... ..A man In all Ihcio derjarlincnls ol our Leioilon which is an essential Industry, WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumperi MILL: Dry lumber hondlcrs. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. IT Qonaml Nolle ".I.? V..lnl- ll.W m.ngCUI.Ut . .nil niH" I""'1"' !",d . i.ki mi consign in!. iu win 'I'"1 ci.iniorl. .'.ill' room where cu.lum.r. .mi i "" ru.toin.i. in. ...ir hrnl.iua.l.l.. -h.,ktil I." ' Kl"""111' l'h""' Borvlco food Coal Oil FURNACES Iron Fireman Burners - Stokers t Bob Porter I'huiio 770B 4(Wti RLPRIGLKA I IUIN - WASHING MACHINE nnd mall Appliance J Repair DAVE COX, Service Mon Klamath Refrigeration Phone 70MB WOO South Sixth St. lllmc APPLIANCE REPAIRS oir and service nil inkt dios. vacuum cleaner and other electrical appll We may huvo the typo ot tube you need. RcMon irlci'i. Pnono 1HB. EARS ROEBUCK Turn Tluirs.-Sat.-tl Refrigeration Service kTI VINATOk ytlory Authorised Service Household ond ComiVicrclol Phono GS17 lOREGON EQUIPMENT CO. I'J7 So (1th St. 1-Um OIL UUHNKItS RNACES. CHIMNEYS, Icmcd nnd nepaircd OOD COAL . OIL. I'URNACKS lablc lor ncplnccincnts 1 omparo Our Prices TUFTS ATING SERVICE H Phono MHO 888K fVfOVING STORAGE tin ill nnd I .cinK Distiince HAULING K InmntK Fnlle jT.-JilMSFER and STORAGE lis tor United Vrm Linen ftliinintli Phuno S072 1-2U NCOME TAX SERVICE Clmmcrclfil nnokkccplns Rollin A. Cnntrnll nom 4, Hopkn DUlf.. 110 N. 8th St. Onr-.ii apenlncs nnd Snturdnys 'none .i'iu 1-1 Om WINS I.AUNIIKiiKO and alr.tchert. n .1717. a.J MB YOlm WOtlK-Nn nh Ion lloilAnhiim.r Mnw .lid n.lialr 1-1:1 i.LI.ANINO, floor wanliK ami 'W tv.alum. I.e. J. Pup.. I'hon. H2 N. mil bi. mill JN ) PAI'millANOEM avallahl.. Patlrrion ami Hon I'alnl Slnr.. '"i Mam. Plion. xm, l-Um OIL TINTING I'hont 7lln. man BPfNCKH Ctllmr.TIEIlE old linn h. Oil oak. Phone I1H 'PPolnlmrnl. i.iim f'pVN'Nil. liiilonlna and Paint- 1-H "H '.'i'U' CAIIIC In my I'honri ;i7:m. i.n isTnv, nllrrnonna. itmo shnala fC'' K'inlonlni. P.lnllna-- oono win. a-lm ' TANKH CI.KANF.b mid In .' 7S33 c"nccr"' fhene ir'e"!7A,C',!.lj!, HRnvicT.. all m.k.a. f Jliwm Shn.i. way. l-lom PmJI M." "Ulitmn, aca 0 un 81, Mr.. J,-w. Uluckman. l-o .... uuoilr In rt Inrtnlnn cfimti. sriwmil! 10 MtrTICM DLUMBING SERVICE I'luiiiblnii fc llciilluK Equipment lii.nli.llcd and Repuirctl DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo lluny Pliuno 7033 . l-10in ED F. KING (Ined InM.r. llnti trr. Mnrtertl f'tilp .mint Lofiunu uaui-Hi away. in MirriTiiiiNii UM-arlMAKINfl lluttnh. .nil Ruckles mv.red. Ali.r.lt'ins 'it new .nd a.1,1 clothing Mr.. II. M Allend.r. 731 Main Moon, 5111 I'll I lltn 13 Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 13.1 Cruultr St Aihlnnd. Oreuon Phone 70U1 Crndualo Ntirae In Ciinigr Mini 14 Halp Wanted r"mal WANTED SALES PERSON Prclcr Someone With Experience in Women's Rcody-to-Wcor. Apply LONG'S APPAREL Phone 0131 niKllf WANTr.O Woman lor light homework, to Ko home nitfhti, II. N. Moe. I:i2l Pacific Terrace. la WAN1T.IJ Hclt.hlr woman (or him... work .oil c.r. ol rhilili.n. Good nav. lKnl nd room. . N 10th. Alit 3 WANTf-ll -cilrl or hiiiomII for IrnPr.l houuwork. UoimI w.ki". I'hoit. 71112 WANTEtl .W.ltr... and dl.tiwa.her. Wo. roan nt.f.rr.d. Apply al lllll.r'a Cof. it. anon jmoii WANTlrll-dlrl or woi rhildrcn from 4 p. da . H.rk. I'hon. nan to atay wllh ii. In 0 p. m . WANTED - l!o!irkrfwr. very H.hl work, allnrnoona noil evrnlnat. May lay or (n horn, nllhtt. Phou. 3730. aoa t. Main. I-Q WAN7KI1 SAI.KKI.ADIta. KXI'KII IKM'KII IN I.AIIYS IIEAIIY-TO-WKAII IMISITIONM AUK I'KllMA Nf.NT. CALL IN I'EnSON AT WHY TAUl. ' l WANTED-Mdy for marking and chrrk lor Slanflant flraorr. 177'Hf 1 Help Wanted. Male. WANTED -Kxparl.ni-eil ..ah cml.r. Ap ply Metlrr Hroa. I'lion. 9BM. etultf WANTED-Spotlar or prfl.ier. Uptown L'la.n.ra, 117 So. 7lh. l0lf WANTED . Atitomohll. mechanlra for C'hr-rtilrt and othrr cara. Permanent u-otk. .VH-- of a.0 flat rnlo. Cannon Ch.vrolet Co., Yrek.. C'.llf. WANTED- r.xp.rlenred radiator repair man- Old ettalitlihrd, thoroughly .quipped ahop. Dig money for right man. Anderaon Aulo Service, ftc Walnut. MOUlf WANTED. Helper In radiator ahop. No experience needed. Call Klamath Itadlator Worka. 22JI Su. fith, IMtone Hl2 t7.Ylt( WANTED - Neat young man to handle light deliveries and work around atoie. Atiply In person. Mocller'a Klamath r loner Shop, 1311 Main Ml I74IHI WOULD VOL) Ilk. lo earn money after arhiMtl tlellverln. a llerald-Newa paper route? nee Air. Miller at th. Herald olflc atl.r " p. in. II79U WAN'renMan and hoya to aet nlni Light work, aood pay. Apply Howling Alley, AID Main p. 111. or any evening. Saturday or Sunday. 173111 HHKKP iltearer wanted to Ug 0O0 aheep. We liava good ahearlng ailed hut no electricity, tall tne Ltakey jianrn. 7nM inintf IB Situation. Wanted - ertaVaabrJVVVVVBrr'rrfpaeAarAr4rArA.e"feF CXPRniRNCED mnrh unrl dairy hnnrt w Uinta leily work. Stn1e. Gn nny whbre. V, O. Dox KlnmAlh FalU. 1(1 KXPEIIIKNCKD woman truck or hua driver wishes position. In city. Write nov 1777. cure lloi-nlil ami News, l-fl 22 Roomi for Rant Ton HUNT- Sleeping room. Gentleman. Phono 7(120 days. llKtntf ROUM roil IIKNT-liua Jefferson. tlOOMS TO HUNT -HO N. Stli. Men only. l-a 24- Apartment. For Hant SMALL APAnTMr.NT In prlvale home, completely furnished., Working wo- man only, roll ""ll l,n 26 Houi For Rent fWfffffjnflJf-mllmmH'm,AA a. a a. TIIIIC'KS roil nKNT -Ymi drive: move yoursell, save 'i. Silica llracou Scrv ' Ice. lanl Easl Main, rtlnn. ;0I, l-Bin roll HENT-,1-room house with large garage, nn litis line, close In, Sail.tK). Inquire at 17211 Oak St. l-fl FOIl HKNT Modem 4-mom iinfurnlslieil house, clean, near Weyerhaeuser mill. Inquire aim W. Klamath, In W.vei. haeo.er rllslrlcl. r.Mnrnrrn 1 " 29 Mlacellaneous For Rant ton HI.NT Floor annderi, eder and wallpaper remnvlnn mncMne. J. E. I'atiemon Pint Blore. Plion 3M4. 1S39 Saat Main. Jim We Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisa on Your Car Just Call 4103 and Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tover Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S Olh St. 28 MlicelUneou Tot Rent OrriCC SPACE rOK nrNT tn nlcr of (if, well 104Tiod. Wrtrt fin 1IU!7. ! TO LKAftg-Mut hiitfdlni bt 3011 ft 1 nth, formerly ofrupifftl hy Cab Trf I tor Co. mciiI. rho HetOi. 1-0 j El.EOTI.lC Kl.OOIt SANDEns nnd ?cUr rrnlril. Do ) utii ntvn work Inquire I'. inl Dept. MONTUOMKHY WA1U1 A CO. I '31 tu fon HKNT t'lt'ifiit liM-niMH. of Km. It I on CtvaticfD, twa Maid. nnKlrni (runt. 13l tiv 1U fimt. Inquire Hlul Men's Shf. turn MnlM lV3Mf 30 Ral t itau For Sal Immediate Possession Cc have 4 hon.os with 2 nnd 4 bedrooms in different parts of the city which we rim Rive Inv medintc possession, From $2(100 to $1)500. E. GRAY REALTY 200 N. 7th Phone 3665 . 1-6 LAIU.K nANt'lt, llrrf and Sheep. iM7 arm, rlrvjitnr lialdirm M.(HHI nnrki nf liai'lty or wheat , 10 nrifn Lndlttn rlovnr tin tier Irr lent ton, w aeon nhrd :t0I.V), mni;ct o(lce and huiittng tniildlni contain. ntf 4 livtntt npairt mrnt. now rn h is rtirrylnw .WW cowi, BOO hoc. Wrltp for complete dcflilli Hud pliiurr. Some mnchincry in rluded It It rhoi and priced at lets than HO per arre. 12 flHitt. all fenced. ImprovcmenU worth .'iO.OO0. Priced al H.vi.oiH) II. J. Cuenrn. l.lcrnncd Itral Kttatt llruker. Acmli wanted. Cornlni. Calif, Price Lint mailed free. 1-6 FOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFcc, Realtor 118 No. 7th Phone 4521 1-5 HOMES FOR SALE EVEKETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N, 8th Phone 8-tfll l-15in HOMES FOR SALE JOHN McPHEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th Phone 4521 2-5 Foil RAl.K-ln Stewart. .Vroom modern hnunr-, electric range and Iraah burner, heating atnve, herii, furl!';, and mat- - trmffra, good radio, r-'ully furnlnhed. ready to movo In, S23.10. Phone SD1II. 1-6 KOR SAI.K-3-room lioime. modern, with ha.emenl. partly furnished; close tn. Phono n-Kin. imiiii FOR SAMC-.l-rnom house. Raraio one acre uroutid. good well, $,0O. Call liaidwin Mold, Mr. Jones, after S p. in. or Similaya. 1-0 FOH SA1 K 2-hcdronm home near Mntn; aln plnn-t. Dlnl U7KI. 1-11 PAHTLY Kt'UNISHKIi .l-room. modern hfiue, (Inrnjjo nnd woodflhed com hlned, Plenty of wnnd for winter, sanoti. Snd roml west ftoni Lien's Ktore nn Krnn liifihvvi.y nnd turn left tu the rntirlh hoiixe on Icll. 1-11 HOMKSKKKKHS ATTENTION .l-roont modern, furnished Muero holme. clone In. iftiniue. Why pny rent when you can own your own home, fl'eiot) enhh. Phone t:tf)2,. 1-10 FOH SAUK OH flENT-Small home. Upham. 1-0 FOH SAI'K-IIti ncre farm. Improved, aome equipment. $.MHH for nutck ale, CllltlS IHH'K. Phone U170. 1-H) 34 Automotive FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Typr Rndiittor Vou Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 so. am Phono 61)42 l-6m zvv. mri. MEMnv nt Loin bar (I'm lined Car I.Ot. Ml' S. 61 h KL Top OP CASH PKIl r at onco mr your rar. All makai a nr. modU lor sata. 1-lMn 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sal. 34 Automotive RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Troctor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2319 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 1499-tI Exchange Motors Fords 1928 to 1942 ChcvroleU 1035 to 1941 Plymouth 1834 to 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1942 We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Rpuround Crankshafts With Bearings lo Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 32H 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 210 Old Fort Road Phono 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. l-15m Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street End l-12m RECAPPING nnd TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So Olh Phone 7071 1-7 Winter Driving is : ' Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 5195 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Rldg. . 1-3 1-m Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- WE HAVE MANY -CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDFRS We Will Go $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is Reasonably Clean--We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure- And Get Our Appraisa Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th SL WHITE TRUCKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR ESSENTIAL USERS We will be glod to help you fill out your priority application YOUR WHITE DEALER WEST-HITCHCOCK CORP. 423 So. 6th 34 Automotive SPECIAL JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT of Fog Lamps Popular Prices Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 1-9 rott SAI-l into CMC l's-lon truck. I0M Studrbaker 2,-ton Iruck with 3-spe.d rear end. Phone :iNt or l.H. Malln. Oewey Smith and Son l-n 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils i Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phono 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m AltR YOU COLD? Lump Coal , Sl.t.OO Ton Nut Coal ' $13.50 Ton OIL TANKS tm gal. tank S2.V00 240 gal. tank StO.OO m gal. tank ... S4S.90 COAL GRATES run FIREPLACES 7.oo sa.as $ii.t PEYTON CO. 915 Market St. Phone 51 In 1-1; 36 Mlicellaneoui For Sale TOR SALE - One pair l.dy'i figure ekates. alt. 6. One h p. slntionary gas engine. One Chester Model 05 calibre 318B. Flxlt Shop. 744 Klam.ith lUlitf FOR SALE 100 ton. hated nay. 1st rut alfalfa, oat. and fye. at Keno. Sec Guy Moore at rancft before crossing rtver or call Doug Puckett. Tulelakc 7104. 335;ill rOU SALE- Ice cream machine ami fountain. 713 Main SI. 1-10 FOR SALE -One .1 ft. baby bed w ith pro-war InnorsprlnK mattress tn ex crllent condition, ai.l K. Mnln. 1-tl FOR SALE Dry wood. Ray Dllaacth, 1314 Dayton. 2-S FULLER UntlSIIES - Clem Juyci. MM Martin. Phono MI77. I-Jliu STOVES REPAIRED. All available pans .locked. I'scd rurntlure. xtoves oourm OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klnmoth Phone 5071. l-:llu FOR SALE Trailer House. S4 ft. '41! model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. II 1U FOR SALE Remington mttomntlr shol gun and .hells. Speed bn,il with ml h.n. motor, tlx I Shop. 744 Kiainain 1117511 MODERN SHINGLE MILL KOIt SALE with packer gas motor, A-t .inane. Write George Smith, Gold Hill. Ore gon. I'G FO!t SAUK Four French donrs, earh a'lV'xfl'fl": also two garage dour. 4-x7'. Phone 3JB.1. U- FOR SALE Red room mdles. livim! room, dining room nnd kitchen wts. olso tingle and double beds ram pic H h.ia nocks, stands, etc. Prewltt'i Tradmc Pntt. 3344 So. Olh. 1-8 FOR SALE Baby buRpy. Coe nnd c? It at the Crich4o Apt. No. 110. 1-H HOOKS-ROOKS noOKR Don'l discard yours honks or ninRazinot. call a;ioj. a-a Phone 4113 Phone 7771 1-6 36 Misccllancoui For Sal Attention Farmers For; Potato Box and Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Deere Lindeman Track Type Tractors, Haymaster blockers and Manure 5coops, Truck Mounted Lime and . Sulphur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company 3049 So 6th St. Phone 8247 Tuos.-Thurs.-Sat Sprclal for Monday. Jan. Bth 3U REGISTERED HEREFORDS AT AUCTION At I.akeview, Oregon 15 BULLS 15 HEIFERS From two of Oregon, leading Hereford Breeders. Ranchers, cattlemen and Hereford hrccders plan now to attend this sale. Also conslitncd for this Auction are plenty ot tat and feeder cattle along wiin norscs. nogs and sneep. LAKEVIF.W LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Phone 731, Lakevlew, Ore. 1-6 FULLER BRUSHES Rep. R. V. Morgan. '- ow. nivcrsioc. r-uonc .use. j-im FOR SALF.-I2-ft. trailer with dual axle and four good tires. Phone 4993. 1-B HAY DELIVERED In ton lota, first and second cutting. Phone Mallory. Mar ket. 4U20. 16 FOR SALE-U-irgc wooden barrels. In quire at Muhrcr s Bakery. 1733tf FOR SALE Black cocker spaniel pun pics $23. Phone 7246. 1-6 ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN Calculators. Lit S. Olh St. Pioneer Printing ; Stationery Co. l-15m CERTIFIED NETTED GEM SEED POTA TOES, first year Montana dry land foundation slock: grown at Macdoel. Cillf. ott fc Edu.inls. Phone 0713 or 1121. Tulelakc. Calif. 1-11 FOR SALE Car radio, A-l condition. 417 Lincoln. 1824tf Foil SALE Apple wood breakfast table and 3 chairs, $7.50. Phone 61R3. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring lliom In f or npnrnlsal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 3211 Mnln St. 1-nim WANTED- Apartment or house, furnish ed, by two . marines nnd wives. Cail num. or niter .1. 3217. Mrs. I. Odcll. l- LOCAL COUPLE want lo rent furnished HPiirttuent or small furnished house at once. No children or pet.. Phone 7 131 or 7378. 173711 WANTKU Pair of pigeons. Call 7.137 nflcrr.oons. 12-flhb WANTED TO ntiYl,ate model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 151X Sargent. IlPtf C1.ASS-Mfrrt.rs, rr.sttvcrtnu. plate win dow nnd mi to rUm, furniture tops, ritu'lvrs. Kimball's Glass Shop. 327 Walnut. Phono 7.17a. ' Mm WANTI5U. Cnsc sKteen an,d eighteen pickup baler. F. O. Coon, Dlllard. Ore. Ma WANTKO - Small furnished apartment or house. Phone 74A8. 1-6 WANTKO -Light . housekeeping room or furnished itpartincnt for minister and wife. Phone 4;i07, 1-B MRS. ItFlH MAN FIR AATK, Glen court ApttrtmctU. Weyor hac user, would like to buy late model car. Phone 9064. Apt. 2. Ml WANT TO HEAR from parlies having fancy work or aUcles suitable for gills. Phont IM02. M0 SEE ROSE NOW'S the TIME HERE'S the PLACE TO GET TOP PRICES For THAT CAR OF YOURS ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC 4thpl& K'alh Phone 81G4 USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Careful- H I P- Complete U- v Prompt1 Y IV-L Estimates Gladly Given -Convenient Location 734 Klamath Ave. Phone 4149 ODELL MOTOR CO. . Wed. and Sat 44 LiTwtock and Poultry 44 Livestock and Poultry . 1 -XNNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will bo in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leava your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you cant come . In, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERS 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS ." 993U 42 Miscellaneous W anted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In tact anything of value. Give Us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange ! 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761tf CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7510. 4540tf WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th.. Phone 4510 or 7175. l-22m WANTED TO BUY-Innerspring. mat tress. Prefer Beauty Rest or Sffclcy. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 4600 between 5 nnd 7 p. m. TBtf WANTED Late model pickup Must be in good condition. W. Reynolds, pho-,r 2511. Tulclake. 1-9 WANTED An oil circulating heater, pre ferably with f.-in P'v.n- ii7?J LJj 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET. 010 East Main. Phone 42R2 l-4m FOR SALE-B-year-old cow horse and Vanco saddle. Loui. Randall, Bonanza. Ore. 1-tl HAVE 30 HEAD of Hereford caltle to put out on shares for five years. Write Box 1U03, care Herald nnd News. 1-11 WANTED- Dead ond worthless animals. Phone 430 collect. l-31m FOR SALE- 40 May millets. Hampshire Reds: 41 caliber Colts. $20.00. 4"::n Austin St. 10 WANTED Poultry of all kinds. Pay highest price. Mallory's .Y Mnr's-t. Mcrrill-Lakevlcw Junction. Ph. 1-lti WANTED Live poultry of alt kinds. I Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone j 3372. l-:ilm ; HIGHEST PRICES paid lor hogs. veil, lambs nnd cnttlc. Johnson Packlnu Co. I Phone 5:123. nights 3303. l-:llm CHICKS, Finest nnd best grnde nf chleks. Free delivery in Klnirat!. F11s. Send for frrr cnt.ilosuc. Talent lUtrnpr-v. Tnlfnt Orr trvi 46 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy n Moclrrn Homo Refinance Your Oltt lUunc Pny Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Ratos FIRST FEDERAL ,' SAVINGS ond LOAN Assoc. of Kliimntli Fulls Sixth and Mnin I'lionc 5105 t-.'S'm 48 Businesa OssporTunitica LUNCH STAND, going' concern. Musi sell or Irade. reasonable. Apply Snsirk Shack. 1135 E,-pl.in.irlc, any day hut Saturday and Sunday. . 1-6 CMC Phone 6130 VX K h- 46 financial When You Want a CASH LOAN, For Any' Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of ' COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Furniture Livestock - Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 ; Lie. M-223 Lie' S-251 1-3 lm See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For i : LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE Oil Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement rt Complete Privacy . 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service ' . Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest ' M-275 ' S-241 114 N. 7th I'hone 3325 " l-31m