Lay, January 6, 1945 ..1ERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE FIVE ODSE UN RE PORTS Ri GROUPS i frill Cu h fi Uccc i jL'iinlLL Women of llio ml Merrill cliuptor. No. 11), ; Xilii January , heard re I ..i n... Mooauliavou. Muosa- II geadmny ol friendship, relief, moiiiberlilp. library DiilUclty committees ami uncoil tlutl brKliinlntt Bat v n I If l I, January li, the Will IUIIMM ". each succeeding Iwo ..ill further notice. A lunula bull with prizes lo ivoii lr U" beat costumes mined lor February 17. All ure lo at neici in wic Community liull. (ember 'i'i tho luduu en- inert nt Hie annual ClirUl iwilv lor (iimllloa of Ihu bt-rK ' with trails being on jj ililliiruil hum annua. ilms been reported Hint ill Liilius boxen lor men in the (Jce were acnt out. ine candidate, Mi's. Cluia r,l. will be Initiated at J Siiieellntl Jnnniiry ID. when ; Lcmlciny of Iriuiidalup coin- ij ie will prcacnt a cnupter u II urogram. hi. Helen Arnelt, locul lodiie ' BUrr who nae in a v u u iu 1 Lent City, was a gueal. flowing the business meet- lie giuiip iiim win. .,., riler of MooaO Willi Alia, stnlt. reporting lor lliu mill County Health aaaoelu on the possibility of a vlait mobllo unit In the early Sc whieh will be aenl here provide free examination fur Ellon of tubereuloau. The f it now under way In Mult ouli county. ?lrty-cliiht niomborahlpa In county auoclntlon were Alresluitenta were tcrvud by Ki n I c o n b I c e, Coiiulu gliov, Dulorca Muatcra, Vlo- ; JYiiUs, Amelia Ztcr and Ilea- aicu. tvM jyi r. Georgia Moore la sutler- iroin a broken aiiKio which suffered recently wlillo on lamutli Kalis itreet. ri. Annii (Murray) llowurd rued h o m e December i't Portland where alio was u ini from November 2U un beccmber 'i'i, in Good fan- lan hospital. Mia. Howard it north ior a complete na-il- lieckui) and rutui'ned mucti roved in huullh. he learned recently lliul her but. ucur ueiuon, thrleo hided In ucUon in tho buro- i and Italian wur theaters, hua been hoapilalked (or . aniii muniim hi Qjiunuiii.', una I p given a medlcui discharge. ' I vunne niiiii. iiri'Ki.iil.Til umh I'urpic lleuri, mile red ac shoulder and arm wounds pit lual combat action, lib returned to the United 4 about . September I, hav (Served with a nuriitrnun clt. itlbn. Immeclluteiv rnllnwlMn fiuiiiischiirgc he went to boatttu wriiic ho la now cinnluvod m liisncctor with Ihu doains Antrim company. is. Homer nentun haa ae- d a aeeretnriiil poaltlun Attorney lhoinaa . Chut. With Mr. llcalun. ounnr ilic Union tuition here, alio ni Tcecuuy iroin junior- utcr an ausciico of 2 ' fcUtta er3i 'ilfl I. tr-d Po Merrill MARRY IN NOVEMBER Betly Ki.her, tliiuiihler of Mrs. R. B. Aahworth, became the brldn of Klmer Uarnca In n ceremony which took place at the home of the bride a parent in I'ortlund early In November. The couple lire imikintf their home In Klamuth Foils for the present lime. Mrs. Uuriiea and her mother ore former residents of thin city. Day on Planet Eros Lasts Five Hours, Says Pruett MERRILL CITY UP Promoted By J. HUGH PRUETT ' Aatronomor, General EttUnilon Division, Univertity of Ortyon Can you fancy living un a world so liny that a few hours' walk wuiild take yju entirely around, It and Aheru 'ac day Is only fivo hours lng? Would It be a thrill to tee anr.thir similar llltli! world only 10 miles from yours? If so, einuKU'i' n-lmnl- iiu to the little pi.iiM'l r.ioH, two get light from both spheres part of the time; then 2i hours i Inter their mutual revolutions hide one behind the olhcr. "The sun't distance is most eas ily obtained by the Indirect method of measuring the dis tinicu to a nearby planet. In 10:il when Ivros came within 1U.0U0, DUO miles of tho earth, the whole astronomical brotherhood was measuring tho space between us which now It niiiilii in a i::n.:lion and this little world. To Dr. H to be observed' with amdll tele- j Sponcor Jones, astronomer royal scopes. i ot England, was assigned the Eroa. accidentally discovered : '". r '?SK 01 TSC. . . hv uhouWanhv In HlllU haa ' '"" cour(nnnuim me pl.Tcd "an' Important role 'in ''''' observations astionoinlcnl mcasurcmr-nH. Ill r or 10 years he and hbi assist moves on a curious orbll which ! worked and calculated. In pari of the time takes II beyond i IM1 he announced their find Man and sometimes brings il j "K. liiKlead o the su'i dit wlthin less than 14.000.OOU miles I J"11 being 02,000,000 mi es. the of the earth. Some of the obser-1 '"ro so long accepted, the now vallons Indicate Kros rescniblca ";eaaurenicn s moke it 03,003 - A flgire B. . This nan nccn in terpreted to mean that it Is (plndlc-sliupcd or IS really two splines, each of about eight miles In diameter, revolving obonl each other with a dis tance of nine miles between them. Light Variations It la known Hint al times Kros goes through light vm iutions with a period of 5 hours 111 min utes. When al brightest It Is three time-s as luminous as when staging its "fade-out." Perhaps Mai in r. and Mrs. P. C. 'Wilson (laughters have returned ii Portland whero they spent llOllllllV kni.artn ..-.. jJvl " " I mi- K I1." ."Ice. daughter f Mrs. rye. Wilson, hut returned to Lojgoii state after tho holiday and Mrs. Jobs Whiii,,i.i daughter Joyce Thome were ' Yfnr'ft lli.u ll.. Jnc home ol Mr. iii m, 'irt W. Browning, Klamalh - ii. ana mr. .Browning c soon for Row Lodge, Ore, ": incir nome, vi I'firU,. ITnlilnnl.. .1.. . . ft. i r Ii. , ""'"'""j, v n o nas r T 1 I with rheumatic fever, . n-ve in mo near fu lor a warmer rtiimuin i fs of benefiting ftt, health. hANCEI.L VAI.I.EY Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Brown enter tained at their home on Christ inas night with an 8 o'clock buflel supper and pinochle parly. enjoying the parly were Mr. and Mrs. George Thur man of Hawthorne, Nevada. PKC and Mrs. Harold Friuier ot Klamath Falls. PFC Clary (lay of the Marine Barracks. Martin Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friuier and the host and hostess. S 5 5 LANGFXL VALLEY Mrs. Lester Leavlll entertained on December 21 wllh a turkey din ner In honor of her husband on his birthday. Guests Included Mrs. Mary Dearborn, Mrs. Ella Roads, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hrlcidsesc. Mike Dearborn, Joe Roads, Albert Dearborn and Doris, Mary and Calvin Lcavitt. S S 8 Insinuation of new officers will be held by Canton Crater In the IOOF hall on Thursday evening, January II, starling ot 8 o'clock. Ladles and chevaliers bio retpieslcd to attend In full dress uniform for the cere mony. Refreshments will bo served at the close of Iho evening. 000 miles. This has been accent' cd and appears In recent text books as the best available dis tance. Witnott Fada-out Somo of us mudo un interest ing observation of Erot on Feb ruary 28. 1038, with a 4-Inch re fracting telescope. In the center of the field of view wo found threo litllo Mars of equal bright ness in a straight line. Which was Eros was uncertain. But within 20 minutes it was easily seen that one was Retting out of the lino. Within an hour, this "wanderer" was below the oth ers which were fixed stars and was very much fainter. An hour Inter II had regained its brightness first noted. Wc hod wiincsscd a 'fadeout." We did not wait lo catch the maximum, notwithstanding the generous servings of hot chocolate by one member of the party. The present approach Is noth. Ing unusual but shows Eros as about a 10th magnitude object. This writer will gladly furnish angular locations to those own ing telescopes equipped with set ting circles. Strip Tease Causes Riot Almost MYITKYNA, Burma, Ja. iT) II sounded like a riot In one of the nine open-air theatres in this Jungle town. Mary was a comely mist whose encaging strip-tease danco ended with a dash off the stage, her last garment fluttering to Hie floor. The GI's whooped for 15 minutes unlll she came back. II was all on the screen, how ever. A soldier here received the films for Christmas, and the show was run on the camp screen not once, but four times. TAXES AT MEET MERRILL City fathers in a wordy session opened the New Year Thursday night by unani mously voting lo raise all oc cupational taxes SO per cent, announced appointment of a new city marshal, appqlntcd a new councilman and put all city collections under the Juris diction of a city bookkeeper. Holdover business that failed lo get attention during the reg ular session will come before the council at a sncclal session called by Paul Lewis, president of Iho council, for next Thurs day night. While no list of the new tax rates was Immediately avail able, the adjustment was made to meet growing city needs lor financing future city Inuirovc- mcnt programs. Taxes levied soma years ago have for many months proved inadequate. Ed Davis, recently marshal at Chlloquin and prior to his term of office there, city mar shal here for about five years, has again been appointed to that office here, taking over his duties January 1. Thomas W. Chatburn, Merrill attorney, will be employed in the future as city bookkeeper to be responsible for collection of all city revenues. Since the city charter calls for election of a recorder, Mrs. Eva Bowman, who is the present incumbent, will continue to issue all war rants. Mayor Frank E. Trotman de clared the office of councilman to which Orrin Moore was elect ed last November, vacant and appointed Dale West to fill the chair for the four-year term. It is expected he will be sworn in at the special session next Thursday. Moore, who has failed to qualify since his election, will report January 24 for his pre lnduclloii physical. Paul L o w i s, by unanimous vote of the council, will serve as president. Mayor Trotman and Council men Paul Lewis, Tom Barry, C. E. Sharp and Recorder Bowman were present. Response to Health Program Higher In County Than City Reports at the regular meet ing of the Klamath County Pub lie Health association, held Wed nesday at the chamber of com merce, showed that the response to tho membership drive is high er within Klamath county than in the city of Klamath Falls it self. There are already 59 mem bers and three club member ships reported in Malin, whereas Merrill boasts 28 members and one club membership. According to Mrs. Bert Haw kins, education chairman, leaf lets and posters have been dis tributed throughout the county, and stated that many requests have been made for the show ing of the educational films on tuberculosis. : X 1 lit7'" : v Word of hit promotion from lieutenant to lieutanant com mander was rocaivad this wk bv John M. Babcock, above, of' fleer in charge of conatructlon here for the U. S. navy bureau of yards and docks. Lt. Com, mender Babcock't home is in Appleton, Wis. He arrived here December 24, 1943, and took full charge of the navy con struction office in April, 1944, with jurisdiction over both the Marine Barracks and the naval air station jobs. E Close Call for Yank Fighter Pilot T ' ' ' 4 . ' fir , ,.1 F ' ' Iks' i . .. ('. (NBA Tthnhaio), i 1 iiiaei "Hn UWnV llnhftmJ . . . .. .. . , w . i i . - . m . nru I j, lu,n oinlnK WTCCKBge or Ills l-a Biter ne SKIlluiuy urousin. ins pinup lo cartn ior m ersjin landing, Thlt dramatic photo was mnrla hv a 11. H. Aimv Slernol Onrni enmersmsn ' ' ' v.. .( . ........... Delegates Arrive For Canning Confab EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 6 M5) Delegates began arriving here early this morning from many points along the Pacific coast for tho second annual three-day con vcntlon of the Pacific coast Council of Cannery and Process unions (APL) which will bo held in the Eugrno hotel here begin ning at 10 a. m. today. Speakers will include J. D. Merr, executive secretary-treasurer of the Oregon Federation of Labor, George Googe, southern representative of the AFL from California, Charles R. Smith. AFL organizer for the state of Oregon, Gertrude Sweet, eighth district vice president and inter national organizer, Harry W. Al drlch, president of the Eugene chamber of commerce, and Wil liam M. Tuginan, managing edi tor of the Eugene Register Guard. Naval Subcommittee To Be Proposed WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 (P) Formation of a senate naval af fairs subcommittee to aid in working out a postwar opera tions plan for the Pacific will be proposed by Senator Magnuson (D-Wash,). Magnuson, who Is expected to receive an assignment .to the naval affairs committee, told a reporter he already had dis cussed the proposal with Chair man Walsh (D-Mass.). The navy's general board, Magnuson said, already Is con templating permanent bases in the Pacific and expects lo con sult with congress as its plans de velop. The house naval commit tee, of which Magnuson was a member, has such a subcommittee. Better Rotation Plan far South Pacific Men Urged by Idahoan WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 Pl Rep. Dworshak (R-Idaho) said to day he has urged MaJ. Gen. J. A. Ullo, adjutant general, to give immediate consideration to a more equitable rotation plan for service men in the Southwest Pacific theatre. Numerous complaints have been received, Dworshak said, from Idaho parents of men who have been overseas as long as 33 months without being fur loughed to the United States. "I am nartieularly interested In annealing in behalf of men whose health has been under mined and who have suffered combat disabilities," he added. Advertiser Named Medford C of C Head MEDFORD. Jan. 6 (VPi Herb Grey, advertising manager of the Medford Mail-Tribune, Is the new president of the Jackson county chamber of commerce. The newly-elected board of di rectors chose H. S. Duel as vice oreaident and retained Frank Hull as manager. Members of all churches are invited to attend a vesper serv ice which has been planned lor Sunday at 5 p. m. at the First Presbyterian church, Oth and Pine. A candlelight service, 'The Feast of Lights," honoring Christ as the "Light of the World" will be presented. Tho young people of the Episcopul and Presbyterian churches unite in assisting the Rev. F. C. Wis. senbach In the presentation of "The Feast of Lights." Dr. James Millar of Portland, field secretary of the Oregon Council of Churches, will . be the speaker. He has chosen as h i s topic, "Romance of the Bible." Dr. Millar is recognized throughout the state as a man of outstanding ability and Is in much demand as a speaker. The Rev. Bertrand F. Peter- ton, president of the Ministerial association of Klamath Falls, will introduce Dr. Millar, and Gladys Wardwell will sing. All young people are invited to stay to hear Dr. Millar speak at S o'clock on the subject, Your Personality." Refresh ments will be served before the meeting, and a recreation period following has been planned. If you want to sen it phone The Herald and News ''want ads," 3124. Bus Driver Slain '-''-.J' . ''xji INEA Ttltphoto) Mist Wlnnefred Cecil, 35-year-old Navy but driver, found brutally mur dered in her Mare Island, Calif., Navy bus. Her killer had apparently bidden himself overnight in the bus. One of the most unusual post war air service plans is that of rushing freshly squeezed citrus Juice from the south and west to northern and eastern cities, where it, could be delivered on doorsteps with the morning milk. The Iload in Berlin By The Ataoelattd Press "-". tu.ll ou, II1IIVB (from near Duren). is. nussian front: ao miles (fro . north of Warsaw) 3. Hiintfnrlnn frint. AAA (from Hron river). 4. Italian front: 848 milt (from Alfonslne suburbs). Portland Attorney Resigns Public Post WACUIMftTfttf m lift. i.w,tiu,v,i, wan, o ifi Jean Meyer, Oregon attorney wuu wus an assistant prosecutor In thj mass Artllinn I.Li U - - ovui.twu uiai, uas le i Un (H hr nnrf a. iMnUI ! -, ant to the attorney general to uit.wi a private law practice. Miss Meyer's home is in Port land, where she was graduated from the Northwestern college of law. She will leave the federal post on January IS after two and one-half years to become asso ciated with the law firm of Pos ner and Fox. A person who haa suffered sun stroke is thereafter always susceptible to heat. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Mora Yourself Save H Long aad Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERViCI Phone M04 1301 East Mate IS YOUR DUTY By RITA WHISENANT Lictmtd Cotmtlologist SRF Night Cream and Day Lotion, the Sperti Labora tories products containing Bio- dyne R, have come in for a lot. of mention here, but there's lots to be said about them. The Night Cream, which contains a carefully bal anced formula of luxuriant emollient oils, plus 2000 units of Biodyne R an ounce, should be applied at night after you clean your face. The' Biodyne R stimulates the taking-in of oxygen from the blood-stream and, from the surrounding at mosphere, which is a function of the cell life in the skin tis sue. Actually, your skin loses its vital fresh, youthful appear ance as skin breathing de creases. THE Day Lotion, which con tains tho same amount of Biodyne R as the Night Cream, should be used on your face in the morning before you apply your make-up. It will not inter fere with the use of any type make-up. e e THE benefits of SRF are not 1 limited to a certain age group, either . . . women over 30 will benefit immensely, and women under 30 can keep their naturally healthy skin in its usual good condition, and guard against the ravages of dryness, wrinkles, and the crcpencss that will surely come their way unless proper precautions are taken. DEMEMBER the name, SRF, ' (Skin Respiratory Factor) . , . and remember to stop in and ask me to show you the next time you're by Everbody'l. RITA. Everhodys Drug 808 Main- RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes el Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 114 N. 9th Phone 75i2 Across From Montgomery Ward en North 8th Important Announcement With pleasure and satisfaction we an ..ounce Mr. and Mrs. Louis llaitii of Margot's are joining the management of LaPointe's Store. Mr. and Mrs. Margulis need no introduction to the public of Klamath Falls. In 12 years of operation they have built up a reputation of integrity and service in this community. They join LaPointe's in con nection with our expansion program to help us make La Pointe's one of the most out standing and modern stores in Oregon.