I I i I Royal Matron is Dinner Hostess Social Calendar Primrose I o nay In Concert Here a. . c,K.,'f- f omiI nmtroi) of .. ...t . t tlift lull 1IM uron thtiiMlMV rvrnitiff at 7 :(n ..vi...14 -Ll evcnir.g Jo. ro) 4t00 , .i i. hirlhdiiv innlvrrurv U, January l. tex tf . I..U,V r.Um fllif.krwl .. . " . . - . . Hi Zl 1 VI - W.. -"V uJ crwii- J'lat rarti.i writ? "rturet ct Hit ' "'fi I I I m am- 1." Z'"'' v'' I liJIT M 1 - r :l - r ? "t - .we scud bwauJui Asnu vvji wi-ra Fr.iw sj taw.' Fr-a'.t p-. ySS" Installation S-J Ll lock u9 'M4 at tat sm &' ivLiy br pry inamty -, . !1 W wr. h.j. 7.-yi wii serve oj- f,Ca eir Frjrrow tus-'jog -- twcg year K.-T irft cSpnt r,d 1 ta Curt. tB.si5 t-- -r' teienf tSi violin tort!. Cum. rf. . joe) ait the rf tin. eiipiJ-- A; Go;.. nred Iterdeitaoius noun fwjtt I.t. May: VetObca '- rwaw, e--itfr-. Btt: exAeJSidt vi:n etw4 w Cr wareae Rata fci. ; w UL-jnr tai St vrttrfitxa xs-itOf. u-jitSjt inaG-nn: Un: tir:, fail laral wrt r;u;t evcrt to lt km; Albert Ka wchef.ra ia jj-': Marerjua. rM fj , Sr Lwj&ki Ews. For tb fort w tht ewoie JU'xr- i bta the ljrzw Bt.i;yu-gri; TotiJs tteia. W.'t , w rrjireM. . ' - ! Tn iriiti!!:!:! oMrxn were In m Pnmrot wct to Kate Kojue. Ki-TWt Efi. Jeo-; Beltsam tw further ttudy. with nit Hum. Jvy Prtrt, Mrl.-i ; EM-ot Ytre. But th cfcaraa Biker, A He GwUrid, Eaot of tie toroiaieo vui iari.ee. livul Uryatxi asi Stea ; fjrvMm; m UX pnnrt cw e idea. I lem ht wat "pMijt!y in Oa the uuU'.hr.t team were J Iwe witii tt." Yre rfuui iiejco fciw. EU-'jos Motosn.) hl toecil piiw4e fur t n , er.cchtr. Vera Earaan, Lu- should be frn We approach to!wa, jVv Pnort snd B iancne woicn on T-c the vwJua. By 1 '4'-'Jl Pnmt'jt Barker, and w tr.-t v-jce-gram ; b4 r!f.Td perriianentiy t . wa. Marlra Gilchriit a&d Arloa j te vkJa od that year accepted Andnu. ! o offer W fctfa tre Los4'.J X"fje correaaiteef were appoint. ' CWartet. In 121 be W el aa tollowt: reception. Anra ; fjrrt lo pertvr.'riire nfFur;k, Ivy Prooit, Kate liogijc. Bio 1 Jariwo. Ater heann Ceeile Peyton, Deree Burgrtsr. him. an eminent critx i'xinrei ;afyj 61.la &rden: finale. Al- UTJ IMS 1 V ' . . ucb " - J . . player wltfl Bcn pseoojncoai ; Baker: trurtte. Lsrjur- Hum-; rrc3. QHica of 1h Homt ar,d i1T . I E ' - I t'"- r - " 1''' CV" ' ' f j ; I f i rut o . I t- .! I i S-c" CADET NURSE Or. Itut. h" "? rr- .nr Tim IK Utr-? cuiti. Prosperity Lodge &rrr.:r of l. P Noble r-..., 4 ol Prwicr:iy lie H t. June. Ac.tit pSi Clcmcni Lundy. AiiocUulj iron ruixn i Corw4,. l flo Ann KAton durtrr Aim Lrana Kf-Ihv : lamdy; Wuwiom WORTHY MATRON M.-j. Vfi;i Wood to mP.:iS mr7 natron Orcer o: ire irjeTTi . i rf A". pia ceetis Kissueli-Elia. ;iloinemakiii! Elinilllgllts W cor a ... ' tTT tjIWIftOCJ i ErartvtSTJ' JC"W ... .unjitt CjuntmitniTj - caitiwu. 7iiii iMm&. I I S Monthly Meet f.' of tie S'-iaeerrc Saciil pirrr and t- C1 car-ee, Dree-ifT 2- '-''! n.-f-oen oel n tae KC at II .i!) p. ex iln. Vic-nr C Pbi3--p a-ii Kn . Toe Jii-jck rrr hoResaa Jor the luaciieoQ. aad to. A. B G-rire presided over toe famines seetics which ioi-io-ed. At the table for gio-aupi were Mn, Krrr Redrra. Mn A. B. Guthrie. Mr. J. J. Pex. Mrt. Joe MaUk-k. M.1 V. C. Pr.jiiiM. Mr. Louie Ida Jdae Kandra bar : aa-rmt a a caart cia at the ' coe mrioe iafS rctcuary. Ma Ejmdr a the dat'-rr of Mr. and Kr. Len a Kaadra. ho are uc-s pwc os me KrrTiU eifSnrt. and a trad uate '--if Saa Miteo hcr:u! ie CJ tirr.ia KtcxU tiia 1 7h Martin of J"or-Js Scresth cruet, rftianed thsj week to . reurrie iier nadie at PaciC 1 t- 1 ,,r'.elr. Bt 1 1 i ,M rrt wit h land troe W" !1 ""1 d''r'!!'! Lhe year ; Uad. -Ke prrja-iit. Lucille licl- 1 5 5 5 .a. ii.rvov riimitT on ,' inrtan. . r " , r i ; a,ul i ire,, M.-a Paul Monroe. Mr. and Mr :Char!e Partidtf and Mark Dearth wa the holiday houwKUo! of ; hchulie. and Mr Jonn t(tr (Audrey and Phvlln llonrcl of , numeruua birthday Lakethore dnveT . brancci. J hall tn Tueaiay. Jaj.uar)- 2. for , Charily. Klorrurr llrlgi,; i d't. 'Mary Kllen G.lrr. tniri1 ... hr!(l !, wr..t 111., VI... ll uoffi o.i.n,- - v .(IK & tea f U ""rx dunlin ,h! m the rajt pro lem f J1 ar of will be Stella Jtrtirt. aerying foi Ajnii' n. preiiJenl Ahrr Gw- j tx-rg. warder pro tern, u' MniKnaiii. acrvms tor $ K'lnc. prrlale, C liarlollc i llin: luiiilrd brsr-r, ' ,jr . I Weil: miuician. fjl ....... ......... , . tan. AWrrda SirmmHi J? I-ong and Maggie Mtlr, P Ihe hitra. Mr. fKhultt. l At the clone of the fr liur. rarh olflcrr u oj. U.tH M Miff . riob'e bird Demonttration A3nt the center of a'.tection oa rcacy The a:ouiit of good tooku:? . tables. .rn. t. ' . Wnen we cuizzed Mr. Paul trfinioue. ; ohrevi refreihnent. Today Primroj lUrAi llotaertenbacher, Eva V.v5&ii- in b art. Hi peerietje ti, : ton and Bote Joncj. 'that i going on in Klamalh ! rrra. rjefi rxmnmni j ij uw.j - rr.ir'.v iur:r:z i : v,niiiuiirfj i , . . . rw Oilman, Ut SitsUnguitbJ for the refrohroenU erved at:a),.i -;,ey year holidays, U ! Jf" m"0rtu L- her rouic eritK of the Hrald Truth cl of the meeting Cor-, cnoush 1o make even an VJy boot, yfoo wote; ie were prsentd to all of; weep with envy. There teems to 1 1"1 ' "rst, 4gue 1nail Sr. Prtmr Is not only . fcr. lmtalling officeri and)bc eru?h turkey for everyone. ; SysteiVdartT if'Sey virtZorhTi. . rtist (the member, of the ; drill Ugm , and 1 0etpiu; rumors to the contrary. S"" two, aia., are rot woeaaariiy fts were given ' (d.n.?r as different from many. i,.(.-.i i Wv. ivl one of; noble wand, noble grand ana , , . ,, . ( . ..... ... . ..... eTtrawdiriary poi. exouiiite ; vicerand Llna Mothenbacher yf err KebeKOh J , tl.mcd r.cc T Wc also Gale and Grace and Brent Cald- Craver, Kn. Jack Chapman. Mr- Earl again be Snyder, Mrs. Homer CaldwelL Mrs Fred Etk. Mrs. t-a oro-n. Mrs :'a-an Gale. Mrs. Walter Fuller, Mrs. Carl Henry. Mrs. M. B. Messcr, and Mrs. A. A. Myers. A separate Uble for the chil dren was occupied by Jimmie and Bobbie John Chapman. Janice Pex. Paula Home. Bev erlev Rochelle Fuller. Walter Fuller. Carol Ann Eck. Gary ,Aliti and natrician tatte. iwas in charue ol the rt-iretn-l !,,.,. K ,.,.. WF He can play with pastion and ment committee. ! lihP.RlLI Men members of very tasty . . and pretty I Candles, wreaths and Santa intensity, while preserving thatj Among the numerous guests j the .Merrill Rebtkah lodge, at- t0 vCn, t She adds crushed avo- Claus favors made the tables basis serenity whk-'n is an etsen-iat the meeting was Feme j tired in red velvet suits, astistcd jcad0 (creamed, reallyi to lemon j very attractive, and the children tial element in all great per-i Zerble of Iowa. The next meet-; vilh tne installation of incoming i .ell(J wjlil a bil ol vlrie)!ar and ' enjoyed their tree with the formances; that core of stillness j ing has been slaled.for Janu- ioifio.-r of Inc kogc during ! salt, whipped cream, a little may- gift exchange, over which Santa and control and peace at the'ary 13. ; l;t regular meeting . Jnose Uk-; onIlalJiC and pimcnto. Her veg-, presided. Mrs. Pex and Mrs. center of an outward agitation ) S 5 i i 'n part were i.. Ji. Anderson. J. cUjblt. upon uti occasions is j Gale were in charge of the chtl- whfch, like Mr. Primroie'i j . . . , ; Leind Pope. M. A. Bowman and U3uajjy broccoli, if she can find ; dren's part of the celebration, came, reminds us of a great M 001Q W OmQI, j James Stevenson. Jr. ! it in the market. Her holiday a was decided during the pset" j Installing officers were Hazel dinner was topped off in the tra- business meeting that in the fu- r l Vomen of the Moose met In Mciw.-nl, ciitnet deputy prc-ji- ditional fashion, with steamed j ture, those wishing to entertain . rcyul.r tersion Tuesday tve- d'.;it; hva Bovman. d e p u t y pudding and a sauce made of Unc CUD for the potluck lunch- ramilV ReUniOfl Jn'Jry2, atthehall, viit Leona Bcaticy, deputy , beaten eggs (whole eggs or just eon coud do so, either at their - jRuoy ueu, afsociat oean, pre- ";, ;im joikiv, powucrcu sugar, cLartrrv kitmvtt Mr Sliding. secretary; fcdna Hancock, deputy ; v.hipptd cream and flavoring . . . M,, pi ltd their' Trie lodge was opened in usual financial secretary; Kailie Do- tnc kind you happen to like XmI''''"". nd following the begin- i oenhoff, d-puty musician; Wmni-. best. Mrs. Landry, by the way, SJJuS? hVnV rrf ceremonies, a recess wasi'rrd Barry, deputy chaplain; , j5 the city school lunch supcr Sfifr. L H-'olied and a gift exchange held, i iEdHh Kar.dra, deputy inside : visor. M oSriL SSS Va" - i ixrt by the committee chair-; guaroia:,; Vivian lia-kinr, dep. 0,i the other hand, Mrs. A. B. rlS'e TroiSskS was the 7im ,te nrMp. library, uty outside guardian. ; Campbell stulled their Christinas 11-. K2JK w )?.ifll'i!"1'1- war r?l Publicity,! The corps of new officers in- turkey witn plain bread dress- grano; j".nn tiut:k, past noble gianj; (jeraldine Cox, vice grand; Mary Pop", secretary; Ai.n r'ruil.s, financial secretary; Frances Andrews, warder; Jean M'yore. conductor; Mae Ander son, K-S.'.'G; Pearl Moore, LSKG. is on leave from Fort Franc . wb.-n lhe rKKf4er reported that . Warren in Wyoming. ;th,, ,3, had purchased $300 Triose present at tre reunion ; in bonds during the 6th var loan were Pvt. arid Mrs. Glenn He .drive. Following the business pert and daughter, Llrda. Mr. ) session, lodge adjourned until and Mrs, Gene Lavoy and chip , luevJay. Janvary 18. ing. vhich is what her family home or at the KC hall, as might be most convenient for them. ; s Friendly Circle Pearl Marin, 2240 Home, en tertained the Friendly Circle Thursday, January 4. At one oemanas, and sue served cran- )ock uncheon was served to -y ' r- " - "i- 1 Arnnur stone, rtona nan. veims I Mitchell. Fannie Goddard, Kath bell had a molded fruit salad with an orange dressing com pounded of sucn goodies as whip ped cream, sugar, egg yolks and orange juice. Candied sweet po tatoes, cottage cheese, stulled olives and relishes (home-made!) rvn Billings. Ipha Brown, Estclle Smith and Violet Vance. The as sisting hostess was Lizzie Little. I . Elected to serve during the coming year were Kathryn Bill- president: Nona nan, vice rounded Out the Campbell's I nr,.ViHr.nl- Vin'let Vanrr. 'erre. . ViiiM,i,. r,.n.i ' . . ,. . oren, eniriey, innnst awj ren-1 jne aiurnm committee met at: M'Neill P.SVG' Let a neth, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lee j the hall on Sunday morning. De-: Slolt LSVfi: Dorothy Connor j tl nd children, Frances Vernie jember 31. tor breakfart served wr.nlu: J. L:!ar,rj Pof. Mr Ad Mr. jSse TDavie. and .totinvTm" ouisioe guardian; Audrey Lewis. , luieti-ie iea.a. Urytreasurcr. Names of silent rftidret "SriSf SndKv toJZnXir,. the Worn-! 2 i:CJ ?"; vlS8.?' . D. Hixon called our at-si,,er? were also drawn during en 01 me Moose served dinner i V!a Jr.ner. flaabearer.. ' .......1 "A:. ..Z-'u 'C:" i " .."r.'-j x. , 1. . (for the I.zion of the Mooe ar.rl i --. w.eu; ,..,tyt, iih.ii, wjii;m it 13 piannca 10 noia xne nexi 111 atienoeo. t ' , ........ -t . ... . , f wnuuai o, av niMjiiij...:u wun .oija iin-; iv'i'.r luuuin:'!, ouni 10 go ' nome oi ftaincrinc wnuams, 'o'k. Sylvia Jones and Dorothy ; down in the official records of 1 2040 Darrow, with Lydia Mc- Mr. Herbert Lee and children Donald, Vicky and Stanley of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benson and children, Janet and Jean of Cascade Summit, and Mr. and Mrs, Bud Vearrier and children Patricia and Judy of Oakridge. Pvt. Hebert returned to his camp at Wyoming on Christmas Day. 1. I J Aew Year's Party LA.SGELL and Mrs. Karl Brown and family entertained friends with a oarlv at their home on New Year's Eve. Cards, singing, games and Xp ,, Y.. U.'.". v"'r "Joyed by the -Ray Or TOUT flea IT; guests during Ihe evening, and X-rav .hw. ir hn ."'.V. " V'" w" ru" ,7 " ? . . 1 noiwonai manner, The to be lull of lies 'The heart Is Thou entino ihr. r..,ri., deceitful above all things and Mr. and Mrs, Leon Roberts, Mr'. ocsperauiiy vicged, lilBLE. ni mk. Aiva JHaxvell, Mrs Jercen to serve on finance; Thel- j this potato groving community, ma Slukc-1, Vinnie Olfield, Mar-1 It is called potato candy . . . and tha Barnes arid Audrey lvi i it is marie hv addinc a nminrl nf VALLEY Mr. I condolence. Sylvia Jones was confectioner's sugar to half a cun j elected as the new trustee mern-jof cooked, mashed potatoes. If I bcr arid Mrs. Mae Anderson will iyou wish to color it. that may be again serve as drill captain. idone vilh a few drops of veg- An interesting letter vas read ! Cable coloring, or with cocoa or Ut the meeting from Mrs. Kvea i chocolate, and a little bulter acld ; Adam'.. rriemU r r.l ihe. i cd to the suzar and kneaded into lodge now serving with the VI AC i tnc m,xtorc. Cocoanut and nuts 1 'at Langley field, Virginia. ! of various kinds go nicely with It was reoorted that the lodtie I creamy coniection. ac Donald assisting. Betty Ree Martin, who spent the holidays here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jos- GOD ACTED. He made it his !!' !';" Mr' Mr-'ri now has a membershin r,f 1 14 in " " nixon. one rc- good standing Mrs. Martha Barnes' refrc.ih- making it. 1 i ., ... .'v'iiiiy. jjeiurea mbxwi ih, TT V i V i vTKia tH'n Owen. Jean House, Joy ' merit committee served with the thoughts, words and deeds on ; and Mavis U.iyj;,, Doris Iavitt, 'able m o t i f s carrying out the v-rirni, ni non. in Lord hath i Phyllis Ie, flurrin Susrnill Year idea. A birthday com laia on mm the Iniquity of ut members hearing early day pi oneers oyer in the valley tell of II," Im. tiV.t. Vou gave In to your lying, wicked heart and Chrltt paid the penalty to set you free. Sin had left a crim son stain; He washed It white as snow, YOUR PART. Cornc as you are. Believe the Bible thai the ln of your lifetime aro blotted out, Count your page clean. It was against God that you slimed and It was for love of you that he offered up Clirlst to ml you free, Come as you aro. You moy be living In sin, but corno at you are. Come right now, this very moment, God stands with outstretched, arms, waiting to receive you, vile as you may bo or good ns you think you urn. PRESS ON. Look to Christ for the power of llio new life, Relieve wholly In Christ from hour to hour mid bo nlilc to say Willi Iho Apostlo Paul It In no longor I that live, but Christ that llvelh In me. Live by Power From on High. This spire paid f0r hy Oregon businessman, av com-! I n II Ruth, Krlene, Patty and Vers ilrnittoff, with Mrs. Hazel McNeill t-lCKV r70C7e ....nil, 1,11 ifiK.011, ,iaCK l-Ofll-;"1 '.Jinn iiinii, will .-.i:i vu Ul llie ran, Bob Ithindvall, Calvin Iy-av-1 ''r'' January meeting. Itt, Ix.onarri Lelow, Gordon Gi-j Following the lodge session, van, Ijrury McHeth. Bobby i the Three Links club met. Mrs. Schrnor, Itobby Me, Clifton 1 ,va Kilpalrlck vas elected presl Hughes, Gerald Brown, Harold Mr. Grace Heaton, vice Brown, Tex McMillan and Mr, ' ! president, and Mrs. Sylvia Jones, anjl Mrs. Brovn. Uecretary-trr asurer. Mr. Cpral- S j 5 j 'line Moore is the retiring presi- Junior Endeavor ... T.AVr.tff.i. viniv v ni-iiniiiir, A very delightful Christmas party was enjoyed by members ot the Lucky Pinochle club Thursday, December 21, at the home of Mary Martin, 2204 Wantland. A pulluek dinner was served at one o'clock to Florence Young, Maude Phillips, Nettie Good, Kuth Sehorn, Brownie Bramwell, Zclla Blankenship, Rita Fuller and the hostess. i'oinscttias, holly and favors ni-llAilir. lllVr.H. fin Vr. Year 11 fill I nnf.f iiitl 1 lln.. . day ,,ernoon from 4 to 5:30, home of Mr. and MrT Malcolm b' BUraclTrcTislnVa, he Junior u Endeavor group met T.are included Mr. and Mrs. tree h,,re Ihe ' ChrismiM aift In he church annex, with Elliott House, Jean and Tom I package and gift. T from the8,, I helm Rose in charge of the House, Mr. and Mrs. Warren , lent sisiers 1 from 'n0,8'- "iTJUL?" ",'."jr"""n- Mari and Marilyn Mason, Mr. Cards were played until 4:30 .iiwNiceu, aiier wnich cocoa, cookies and sandvlches were served to Jo Anne Tuning, Helen Cnimc, Jack and Ruth Walker. Maurice Chandler, Mil he Kiddle, Myrtn Chandler, Meldn Chandler, Donnlc Tuning, Clmrles Tuning, Theodora Mont- 1',"".7y; Dori Tuning and Ellen Haddock. rrv r raier !Vlr t.r.A s.f..,,.in nuinin. i.t.i Mary .unlth, Mrs. Mary Lcldy, neore, Nettie Good second, Mildred I earo and Mr. andilirownle Bramwell low, and u 11 , .incKson alio ineir riorence Young pinochle. iiiiniii.il, oiiaron anu iviaicoim TUfttt! With MADELINE MAHONEY and PAUL SWIGART At'iDr HON OF A r s s told 'PitpamUonrnttduiZtttb )l Klamath Falls, s s s The Happy Hour club vlll be entertained on Tuesday after noon, January fl, by Mrs, George Humphrey at the George Iiichn borne on Pine. Vhsn In Medlord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modarn Jo and Ann Earlsy Proprlttors Both DAY and EVENING Classes A Thorough Course in APPLIED BOOKKEEPING Both Gregg and that SPEEDY THOMAS NATURAL SHORTHAND Typing, Office Machines, and Kindred Subjects A Business Office Training School KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pin Sirost Phon 4710 WACS ARE GOING PLACESl "Going our way?" We're bound for the four corners of the wood, 10 do the jobs as&pxd us as aB good soldiers do. We'rt happy we're trained we're proud) Goui our . 1 'Goingmyway?' "I've received and transmitted nun drcds of radio messages from com bat planes. I am living ihe proud est moments of my life! Going my way?" v. r ' ti v i 1 B. W 1 IT 1 iA ' JI Kk MM .lit . fesftr-r' yat it V T3LV J " lY-vr..l t 1 1 'Going my way?" For ruu. information apply to your neartst U. S. Amy RecruIUas S Is tloo. "I'm speeding mail lo front-line fosM somewhere in New Guincn. Goli) v way7" ft M . . o iviore luamarn e-miic wnmpi - - - WW WW W Needed Urgently To Join The Victory Drive! Good soldiers. foe UJflC WOMINI ASM C0f U.8. ARMY RECRUrriNQ STATION sis rt orriri mij. KHmilh rll. Or. Tel.phont s11 PjeiK lend me, without tny ohllgxlon on my purl. the new llluiiriled booklet iboul the Wic . . . icillnt about On jobs ihey do, how they live, their tisinlne, psy, officer selection, eic NAME - ! ADDREM, j CITY TATB -PIIONB NO.. PI.IM MM "7 or "no" to etch of following quMllooil Are you between aOmdiO?.. Hsv you sny d dren under 147 Ilsvoyou h'll luit2yearof hlghKhool? THIS AD SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OF VICTORY BYj THE WCMAM'S STODe"ik