Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 06, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    ook Reviews on
Monday Program
n lutrri'iithiU program will tin presented bcforo member of
Klamath Kn Woman's l.llirury flub llilx coming Monday,
inirv H "' u ciucn 111 in'; muni iiiiiiiiiii nun in uiu tiiy nurary
'I vValii'i' Kia'hobcck will review Unco IxhiIcm.
Ml' K.ltill'in'rft, m pm-.vii nun r.iiKiinn Ul J-v III Illill II
i... lilult school, will present thu following book reviews,
I',"' School, Your Chllilri.il,"
Cull '. uii'M" " i ii ,i
i,m l''ur Froudoni.
S,, Godfrey '- I'bilim uml
f Varleton W, llomlbionk
2 serve hoslowicH 'r lllu
3 All wo ill " I" Kliiimilli
K Invited lo ini'liibrrshlp
library flub hiicI Invitations
'loin mo not iit;cMniiry.
, Dim J. Zumwiill, music
5, ,1.1111 of Library club, will
ii,ca n nw singer to Khun
iFiilln, Murloil f.txcl I'oll.
5,0 who I"'" l"dlrd with
' I. ,.f IliiMlfiu Mm.
In hero Willi hiT bus-
j,l who l nltiiched io ino
IHU" IHIVIll li" mini"".
r) I'cllpiis, iicenmpunieti iy
3 y.iinnvnll. will iiliiK. "Tlui
J.ldilln" from 1I"'1' "Car-
W .. t. 1 1 Vfinru" l.u
,,i Vimiiiiiim. mid YourM
Jy llllllt Alone," Lelinr.
(MIlllCIS Ol UIUIHIJT i.mu ,iw
mdrd of Ilia milium Doom
icr benefit bridge ten which
lie nil cvciu 01 Dniuriiiiy
inooii. January in him
I""1 . .... ,
iridic ciiiiuniiiii m mm.
Iluln, and Ion chiilriniiii in
Robert A. inompson,
u niwnvii one of the him-
gpnrllcii of th yenr nnd ulso
llllll is wiiwiu iiwhi ;tiijf
lorlwl by tho womrn of the
, All proceeds derived from
afternoon 1!" to Docrnbcch
insullnl for crippled children
Portland nnd In tho pint
iimith Falls Womim'i Library
Hit ncen proiiu oi me
which It luia tent to the
ulherlnK for the first time
r the holldity vnrutlnn, the
fcptlml.it club held Its bind-
meeunii ni ino vincmn
I Thurulny. Work routine
Inlerriipled tn bid fnrowcll
several members who nrc
mi: town nt tlilii time.
ftnte Itenrcscntiillvo Iloso M.
ilo is lenvlnii Snliirdiiy for
in whnro sho will ntlvnd the
Ition Iculalnliiro In tho commit
io Soropttmist club deeply
els tho loss of two members,
luivo given unselfishly of
r lime und efforts for the
i mid tho community, Mrs.
ill Bnthlnny, former city treiis
k of Kliinuilh Foils, leuves for
fbor, Oregon, where she ex
Ms to iiuikc her homo. Mrs.
Ay Hanger, u chnrler member
Die Klamiilh Kulls Sorontimtil
.. Is plnnnliiR to reside In Sim-
vruz, California.
here will bo no meeting of
Soroplimlst club on Tlmrs.
I, January 11. but membeni
loin with tho ll&PW.
fJVi mid Leniiuo of Women
ts nt a bnnnuet mcetlim on
innry 8 nt the Wl-Nc-Mn hotel.
thnt time Dr. Jnmes Miliar
bo the guest speaker.
tancy Ilcnnen of Porllnml,
lent nt Oregon Slnto college,
the holldav hnmieifiint ii
fy Lou Fowler, daughter of
lies Fowler,
Friends of Mr. unit Mis.
Chillies F. Hilimfensteln rcgrut
lo leinn Hint they will Iciivu
Kliuiialli Fulls soon after Janu
ary 13, to renidu In southern
Tim Kcluirfi'iiHlelns luivo niiide
their homo hero for the pust
six years. They will visit for n
time with their dnughter. Mrs.
Charles II. lilnhop und family
of l.os Angeles mid pliin one
week In Kan Kruncisco before
coiitlmilng south, Mr. Kelmrfen
stein has served us miimiger of
Mason F.hrinun und coinpmiy
und Is leaving for the south In
the hopes of beneflttlnu his
USO Dance
Tho USO snowball dunce was
given ul Ihu armory on New
Vcur's night, January 1, and
wns reported to be even more
successlul than was originally
umicipaieti. Approximately 1DUU
guests attended the parly, nnd
included ull of the local service
men, us well us Junior Host
esses und other girls who urc
Home Iron) college.
The Tiileluke Guardsmen play
ed for the dunce which lasted
from 11:30 to 11:30. Tho snow
ball theme was curried out by
the girls who wore clusters of
white crepe paper snowballs on
their wrists, und the hull had
been decorated for the occasion
by the Junior Hostesses.
All elimination dance wns
given during the evening, which
proved to be mousing us well
us competitive. Questions were
asked of the group us a whole,
mid if the Individual's answer
wns an affirmative, ho or she
must leave tho floor. Questions
Included such things us "Are
you wearing heels?" "Are you
wearing n corsage?" "Are you
from Illinois?" or "Did you
drink milk for dinner?"
A congn line wns also n part
of tho evening's entertainment,
nnd several novelty numbers
wero given by the orehestrn.
Special thanks go lo tho Iloy
Scouts who were In chnrge of
the coat nnd check room during
tho dunce.
Elks Formal
Invitations went to Klamath's
three military Installations this
week for the enlisted men's
dnnce, a formal affair to be con
ducted by the Klamath Fulls
Elks Indgo next Friday night.
J. H. itobblns. chairman of the
committee in charge, said that
men in uniform with Invitations,
Klks' curds or Elks' courtesy
curds, will be welcome ul the
dunce. Invitations will bo avail
able from the recreation mid per
sonnel officers at the three posts.
Klks' courtesy curds are given
to sons mid brothers of Elks in
the armed services.
Bnldy Evnns' orehestrn will
piny nt tho dunce.
Krthur Moore Home
cene of Holiday Tea
'"m loycy holldny ten wns thnt of Friday nfternoon, De
nier 20. when Mm Arlli,. m i ...... ,' .
I,-.. ' their mothers from 3 to 4:30 o'clock nt her home
" eiewciUIIO,
rnrri.l... .. ...
f-h SiV. 'r! . """lny '"''mo on the ten Inble, over
liver hnu,'i. n0 PU0 resMK(i- wcr prnyg of silver holly
1 i,n.. ... .71 "V gicen inpcrs in sliver ciiiKlclnurn.
Idin rniVi p . 111,0(1 " ,,,c '"lki".i nnd on the In-
loni'ler grandmother wns presented with n holly
III0SC IllVltcd worn Mr. T...
Hoberls, Mrs. Chnrles noh.
Mis. Chnrles Wright, Mrs.
"Id Frnney, Mrs. Put Pal-
". Mrs. Harold Pnlmer nnd
"lotiier, Mrs. Henry A. On-
,! i si''"l Uu,,ch' CllllfM Mm.
uel Miishen, Mrs. T, J. Orr,
Don M,.K,.,. ...i .'
hcr-ln-inw, Mrs. F. A. Me.
of Senttle, Mrs. John Hnw-
Mrs. Percy Webb.
r. Fred Cinellee Mr. t
re Cloeksln Mr. ' i.
r. Mrs. Howard Lis'toc. Mrs.
w. SwnrU Mr. i-..,i t
ELCC,.)et'k- Mr. Q. H. Crtinv
, ' Kchnrd Hlbbs, Mrs.
i McF' . Mrs- Normnn
V, Mrs. Frorl C.n,l...l.. ..
11 m t .. --""'"will, mm.
o ' MeLclInn, Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Melvln McCollum,
Robert Elliott,
""'rii Mv,uPPl"Klon, Mrs.
Clltlln. Mr. 11.,.. 1 i-ii..
tmtl her mother-ln-lnw, Mrs.
fin'r,? n" .0t Port'"nd, Mis.
liard Peyton. Mm. PrnnU
"!iv,',. Mr' Vorn Whlllulch
-"iiiin Hedkey.
pg Party
& 1J,ntl.c.,lfic. of Mr.
"nocllffo of 1420
, 'c ?orracc, wns host to 10
1 r boys m n ., .i
P n 7o,,P.sn:,rt,ny Do-
fO linrly was nrrnnonH h
itndcllfto nnd her cluuRh
,,i i. 'I; who foccnlly ro
'Jn i. Mol,'"outh Tenchcr's
Ihn Moilmotli. Oregon,
In .... V ' "onoron tnroo
I'"ys friends Who urn mnn
WiUn7dAndorso,r Ur'me"
!.,, incmnoa uon
ron, George Hnv. mil
Bnv,i RIiK!;'. Bob McLean,
iif"e. nntt tho h08t' Bl"y
Pins Given
There wns n regular monthly
meeting of tho Junior Hostesses
on Wednesday, January 3, in tho
Indies room of tho Elk's temple.
Tim main part of the evening
was devoted lo n business meet
ing, nnd USO Junior Hostess
pins wero given to Joy Gwln
nnd Edna Linder for over SO
hours of service since the or
giinlzntlon of tho USO In Klam
ath Fulls. The small gold pin is
inscribed with the letters USO,
mid was given to Joy Gwln for
S3 hours, nnd to Edna Linder
for 00 hours.
: . t hi
mil ,
A CHRISTMAS TRADITION was begun by Mrs. Ceorgo 0. Van Orden otter, the family
moved to California from Virginia several years ago. Colonel Van Orden missed the familiar
surroundings, and particularly their home on the Potomac, so his wife decided to make a
gingerbread house as an exact replica of their former home. He was so pleased with the
rosulls that Mrs. Van Orden hos continued her project, which requires 15 hours of work,
every year at Christmas.
To J
ewcomers Jnvi
oin boourners
The Sojourners hnvc often been nsked the purpose nnd goals
of their organization, and thought that it might be of Interest
to nil local people, ns well us those who hnvc arrived since the
establishment of the Marine Barracks and Klamath naval nir
station, to learn something of Its origin und aims.
The Sojourners club is n
women organization which
Holiday Party
was founded In 11)37 by the
Into Mrs. C. E. Elliott, mid Is
sponsored by the Klamath Falls
chnmber of commerce. The club
IS n social orK!iuiuiioii, aim is , . , . . . . . . .
not eoiwloeii.H for nrofi hut lo Lincoln street, entertained nt a
help ull newcomers to this city prettily uppointed holiday pnrty
to become acquainted. A nom- Thursdny evening of last week
Innl fee Is charged nt enen
Goncvlcvc Heup. daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Heup of
in compliment to her house-
Jacqueline Pnikuli of
The Sojourners meet at the "u"u. ,u'
meeting lo defray the expenses ! ,,,
f Hi.. lv. ifcucsi
Willnrd hotel on the second nnd
fourth Wednesdays of each
month nt 1:45 p. in. A no
hostess luncheon Is served in
tho dining room at 12:30 for
those who wish to cat there
bcforo tho meeting, nnd mem
bers lire privileged to bring
guests I o the meetings and
All Indies nrc eligible to Join
who hnvc lived In Klamath
Fulls for less than IB months,
nnd mny become members after
attending three meetings.
Other social activities during
the your Include teas, a summer
picnic for the children, nnd
two dinner dnnccs nnd nn eve
ning picnic to which the hus
bands nrc Invited. Sojourners
nrc active in civic und pntriotic
affairs, nnd lime Is donnted to
the Red Cross, the USO nnd the
ration board.
Notices of the meetings ap
pear in the socinl calendar of
the newspaper unci are announc
ed over tho radio.
Tho officers for the ensuing
six months will conduct the
next meeting, to be held on
Jununry 10. They nre Mrs.
Byron Frledmnn, president: Mrs.
W. U. Yates, vice president; Mrs.
Andre Lambert, secretary; Mrs.
Louis Saner, treasurer. Chair
men who hnvc been appointed
for tho new term nre Mrs. H.
E. Oukes, Mrs. Guy Harmon,
Mrs. E. J. Howell, Mrs. Matt
Finnlgun nnd Mrs. S. D. Enr
hurt. The Sojourners extend n cor
dlnl Invitation to nil newcomers
to Join their orgnnizntion, so
everyone enn get acquainted.
Helen Howry, (laughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Howry, had
ns her holiday guest this past
week, Doris Promls of Snlem.
Both girls are students lit St.
Vincent's hospital In Portland.
Mrs. Richard Holt Wakefield
arrived from South Norwnlk,
Connecticut to spend scvcrnl
weeks here with her parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. Grocsbeck
of 534 North Oth. Mrs. Holt
graduated from KUHS, and is
very well known in Klamath
Both Genevieve nnd Jacque
line nrc students at the Uni
versity of Oregon and reside in
Gamma hull. They returned
New Year's dny to Eugene.
The Heup rooms were attrac
tive with holiduy greens and
games were pluyed during the
evening followed by coffee.
Guests included.' Jacqueline
Puikuli, Pat Benolst, Margie
Clark, Jean Underwood, Betty
Lombard, Betty Rea Martin,
Nancy Henncn, Audrey and
Phyllis Honzel, Mary Lou Fow
ler, Frances Gilcrist, Patricia
Brown, Lctty Liumnn, Margaret
Lnvin, nnd Dorothy Peterson.
Honor Guest
Mrs. Rlchnrd Post wns compli
mented Friday evening at an in
formal shower given by Mrs.
Lane Wurren when she enter
tained nt her home on California
avenue for members of her
bridge club.
Supper wns served at a lnte
hour following cards.
Wed Here
Pink carnations and small white
chrysanthemums were used to
decorate the First Baptist church
for the weeding of Lctha Ward,
daughter of Mrs. Rosa Ward of
this city, and John F. Frink, S
2c USN, of Red Bluff. Califor
nia. The . Reverend Cecil C.
Brown officiated.
An aqua dress with brown ac
cessories was chosen by the
bride for her wedding, and her
corsage was of talisman rosebuds
nnd gardenias. The bridesmaid,
Thclma Clark, wore a fuchsia
dress with black accessories. M.
H. Stillwell, brother-in-law of
the groom, was best man.
Guests at the wedding and re
ception, which was held at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
A. R. Frink, on 1760 Fargo, were
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Frink, par
ents of the groom, Mrs. Rosa
Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Stillwell,
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Frink, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Chet Rouse, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Hancock, Ralph Han
cock, Anne Daniclson and Annie
Mac Burchman.
Stcnhcn Pnlon Green and Atta
Louise Laird were married in an
informal ceremony which took
place at the home of the Rever
end Cecil C. Brown on H27 tldo
rado. Reverend Brown officiated
at the wedding which was per
formed at 8 p. m. on Thursday,
December 28.
For her wedding, the bride
chose a brown suit with match
ing accessories, hnd a corsage of
red rosebuds and white carna
tions. The bridesmaid, Barbara
Halverscn, was attired in a black
suit and accessories, with a cor
sage of 'white carnations. Best
mnn at the wedding was Marion
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Laird, parents of the bride,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Simonson and
Mrs. Grace Griffith.
Bridge Party Given
For Houseguests
Enid Hoffman of Los Angeles and Eleanor Williamson of
Chlco, Cnlifornia. arrived at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. D.
Johnson on Pacific Terrace to spend a few days with Mrs. Wil
liam Hopper, the former Mary Lou Johnson, who has been spend
ing the holidays hero with her parents. The three girls arc stu
dents nt Pomonn college in Clarcmont, California, and left on
Wednesday evening by train for San Francisco, from where they
will drive to southern Califor-
Among other affairs which
were enjoyed during their brief
visit was n bridge party given
by Mrs, Hopper on Tuesday nft
ernoon, January 2, nt the John
son home. Two tables of bridge
wero in piny with high score
going to Merlon Albrccht, and
low to Helen Moore.
Guests included Rose Mncnrt
ney, Peggy Keating, Wnndn
Slinw, Helen Moore, Merlon Al
brccht, the , two houseguests,
Enid Hoffman nnd Elennor Wil
liamson, and the hostess.
OSTA Meeting
The Klamath county Oregon
State Teachers' association will
meet on SaturdHy, January 20,
nt the cafelerin of Klamath
Union high school at 12 noon. A
hot lunch will bo served to the
members, and the program will
consist of a short business meet
ing followed by three humorous
Chester Dnvis, chief warrant
officer at the Marine Barracks,
will speak on the Philippines.
Open House
Given to Ring
In New Year
Mr. and Mrs. Lano Warren
entertained Informally Monday
evening, New Year's i3ay, from
S until D o'clock at their home,
740 California avenue, when
they invited a group of friends
in for open house. The living
room was attractive with a dec
orated Christmas tree and bowls
of holly.
Dorothea tllingson, daughter
of Mr. und Mrs. K. P. Elllngson,
wus hostess at an open house on
New Year's Eve at her home
on Pacific Terrace. Approxi
mately 20 guests were invited
between the hours of 7 to 9.
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Elllngson Jr.
greeted between 30 and 4U guests
on New Year's Day, when they
held an open house at their
home or. Del Moro from 2 until
0. Punch was served, and the
living room was attractively
decorated in the Christmas and
New Year's theme.
A few friends were Invited
to the Martin Swanson home on
1940 Melrose for a dinner on
Nov Year's Eve. Dinner was
served at 7 o'clock, after which
the guests attended the Reames'
Twenty-four guests, including
the board of directors and com
mittee heads of the Kiwanis
club, were invited to a stag
party which was given by E. A.
"Taxi" Thomas on Wednesday
evening, December 27, at the
Pelican, party room. Cocktails
were served between the hours
of S and 8.
Cocktails were served in the
playroom at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Elton Disher on 7655
Fremont, when they entertained
a number of friends before the
formal dance at the Reames
Golf and Country club. Those
who were invited between the
hours of 9 and 10 were Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.
Malcolm Epley and Lt. and Mrs.
Atlcc Hendricks.
The Paul Farrens' home on
405 North 4th was the scene
of an open house on New Year's
Day. Cocktails were served to
about 50 guests from 5 o'clock
on, and a large roast turkey and
other trimmings helped to lend
a holiday atmosphere.
Wed Recently
Dea Jean Hardy, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kardy, was
married on December 24 at 1 p.
m. to Cpl. Jack Wright, USMC,
son of Mrs. Dora Wright of Med-
ford. 1 he groom recently re
turned from 30 months of serv
ice overseas in the South Pacific.
The couple exchanged vows in
the parsonage of the First Bap
tist cliurcn in saeramento, Cali
fornia, witn tne Keverend
Charles Carman officiating. A
lighted Christmas tree served as
the only decoration, and the
bride was attired in a brown
dressmaker suit with a lavender
pink blouse.
Mrs. Wright has taught school
in Klamath county for eight
years, both at Keno high school
and the Altamont junior high.
She is a graduate of Oregon
State college at Corvallis. and a
member of Delta Kappa Gamma
Cpl. Wright will be here until
January 24 when he will report
to San Diego for further orders.
Name Officers
St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary
met Thursday at 2 o'clock in the
parish house at which time the
exe cutive committee enter
tained. Hostesses were Mrs. Ray
mond Reeves and Mrs. Lane
Warren, assisted by Mrs. R. He
ber Radcliffe and Mrs. Roy Lee.
Newly elected officers are
Mrs. A. B. Hood, president; Mrs.
Roy Lee, vice president; Mrs.
Gayiord Upington, secretary,
and Mrs. A. J. Lambert, treasurer.
Mrs. Charles F. Scharfenstein,
diocesan chairman of St. Mar
garet's House, gave a full report
of activities during her term of
office. Mrs. acharfenstcin ten
dcred her resignation at this
time ns she leaves soon to make
her home in southern California
Tea was served from nn attrac
tive table centered with heather
and small chrysanthemums.
Barbara Linze and Bill Mc
Cully were married in Reno,
Nevada on December 22. The
bride is the daughter of Mrs.
lone Linze of 4230 Austin, and
has always lived in Klamath
Falls. Mr. and Mrs. McCully are
now residing in Dana, Califor-
1 nia where he is employed.
. sJfs '.4-' I W lv n : .. k v l
SOJOURNER OFFICERS who were elected to serve for the ensuing six dent; Mrs. Andre Lambert, secretary,'' Mrs. 'Louis Sauer, treasurer, Mrs. Matt
mnnthe nro Mm Bvron Frlcaman, presiaeniiAiws. yy. o. tares, vice presi- ririnmuu, aiitnic num, ia mc iu vi mc fuugmci
Photos by Kennell-Ellls
A it?.-- ''.U f
j- i Mini nil trim i 'Iff i i nn tw iifiVH i" " 'i nil
cutting the tiered wedding cake following their marriage,
which took place at the Merrill Presbyterian church on Thurs
day, December 28. Mrs. Manock is the only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Eber E. Kilpatrick of Merrill, and both she and the
groom are graduates of Oregon State college.
. Comart
Holiday Party at
Underwood Home
,One of the gayest of holiday affairs for the younger set was
the luncheon given Friday. December 29, at 1 o'clock when Jean
Underwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Underwood, enter
tained at the home of her parents, 320 North Seventh street.
The party honored a group of people home from school over
Christmas and New Year's day. Jean returned Friday of this
week to Stephens college in Columbia, Missouri.
Small tables were arranged in the living room and bowls of
holiday greens centered each table. Following luncheon bridge
and games were played.
C I Jean's guests included Jeanne
Women of Sacred Heart parish
who served Friday, January 5, at
the USO center were Mrs. Joe
Matlick, Mrs. L. Nidorf, Mrs.
Stanley Picser, Mrs. D. P. Bros
terhous, Mrs. K. M. Peterson,
Mrs. R. Ballantyne, Mrs. Bert
McMahon, Mrs. Roy Pickett,
Mrs. Francis Manning, Mrs. Ed
Goeckner, Mrs. R. B. Grey, Kath
erine Brice, Louise Vaughn,
Thelma Fogarty and Virginia
Mairee Long, Joy Kent, Maxine
Liskey, Margie Clark, Nancy
Bennet, Mary Minton, Bonnie
Hauger,. Helen Howry, Doris
Premis, Carmen Stockstill, Bar
bara Palmer, Letty Linman,
Dorothy Riggs, Nadine and Mar
gie Palmerton, M a r y e 1 1 e n
Wright, June O'Brien, Mary
Landry, Virginia Turnbow, Gen
evieve Heup, Betty Lou Dalton,
Ann Stevenson, Mary Ann Lion,
Jean Ostendorf. Betty Rea Mar
tin and Jacqueline Paikuli.
Tworek-Masset' Rites
Read in Bride's Home
On the evening of Tuesday, December 26, Jo Ann Masset,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Masset of 739 Eldorado,
became the bride of John Tworek Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Tworek of Croswell, Mich. The young couple were united
in a beautiful candlelight ceremony which took place at the
home of the bride.
. . . . . . . I The Rev. F. C. Wlssenbach of
50CQ7 oUD Meets
The Eastern Star Social club
opened the new year with a
large group present for tea and
cards at the Masonic temple on
Friday afternoon, January 5,
when Mrs. Morris Sherman and
Mrs. Sam Roberts acted as
This was the first meeting
under the leadership of the
new president, Mrs. Calvin
Hunt, and her assisting offic
ers. Eight tables were in play
with high honors 'going to Mrs.
Leo N. Huls. Mrs. George Hum
received the special prize. The
silver theme was used on the
tea table and carried out about
the room.
Wed in Home
The Clarence A. Humble home
on Pacific Terrace was the scene
of a lovely ceremony when Lil
lian Walker of Greely, Colorado,
became the bride ot Richard E.
Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Bailey of Merrill. The wedding
took place at 10 o'clock on New
Year's morning, and the young
couple were attended by Mr. and
Mrs. Humble.
The simple ceremony was per
formed before the fireplace in
the living room, and for her wed
ding tho bride chose a white
wool dress with crimson acces
sories, and her corsage was of
white gardenias and red rose
buds. Christmas and New Year's dec
orations were used for the occa
sion. Following the wedding, a
breakfast was served to 12
guests, and a large tiered wed
ding cake was cut by the bride
and groom.
Evcretto Stanley McBridc,
Bkr. 3c, son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. O. McBrlde of this city, and
Dorothy Anderson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Anderson,
also of Klamath Falls, were
married on December 27 at 9:15
p. m. at the home of the Luth
eran minister. i
The young couple are living
at tho home of the groom until
his leave is ended.
Saint Paul's Episcopal church
read the double ring service be
fore a small group of relatives
and friends. The bride, given in
marriage by her father, wore a
gold suit with brown accessor
ies, and her corsage was of talis
man rosebuds. Her only attend
ant was Martha Ray who chose
a blue suit with a corsage of
white carnations.
The groom and his best man,
Ralph Gintcr, are stationed at
tho Klamath naval air station.
Mrs. Tworek is a graduate of
Klamath Union high school with
the class of 1943.
After returning from their
wedding trip which has taken
them to the north, Mr. and Mrs.
Tworek will be at home at 605
Younger Set
The younger set of Klamath
Union high school enjoyed a sur
prise party for Robert Rodkey
which was given at the home of
Martina Atkins of 519 North 3rd.
The affair was an event of Satur
day, December 23, at 8 o'clock,
and dancing nnd refreshments
were enjoyed by Bob Redkey
and Lois Morgan, Tom Edwards
and Genevieve Cox, Jim Christ
man and Orla Borstcad, Virgil
Nelson and Virginia Olberg,
Bob Dodson and Jean Shadduck,
Danny Wisengerber and Mary
Lou Case, Bob Shaw and Donna
Wicker, Dean Taylor and Doro
thea .Cogdel, Stuart Oliver and
Billy Walters, Robert Cross and
Martina Atkins nnd Charles
Mitchell and Patsy McMillan.
Greeted here this week were
Pvt. and Mrs. V. I. Whitney
(Patty Fleet), who arrived fof
a visit with Mrs. Whitney's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred E.
Fleet of Alameda street. The
visitors were joined in Klam
ath Falls by Pvt. Whitney's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Whit
ney Sr., of Montesano, Wash.
. . . -
Delta Gamma chapter of Del-
phlnn will meet Tuesday at
9:45 a, m. at the home of Mrs.
Karl G. Cummlngs, Washing
ton street. The topic will be,
"Italy and Her Imperial lllu-siuns.'-'