Sflturdoy, Jonuory J MiO f.TWS. KLAMATH FALLS. QEEGOM f ACS TVO COURTS EYE I raoii i of protest; FDR BUDAPEST Cu:.-. : T:: Pi Cv.; I'f- :'- Lcjei fms Cfcff; ; -- NAZIS LAUNCH German Attack Eots Up Yonk Supp! ?V0. Ivfl ate ear?:?. . f-ic-.cc-- Es Ti twr Mer? e r;4 u p t-.- .-, v4 i - f out i-.; est Jtt. T- ; eat2 ; tsit '-'Jt ttrri ; klbCCT f - V' two tvuiitw- p.ftv 'X t" tsrur foe WPB. s4 - k. XT-. ten. &f'syii'2 Laz.'-r cm-, paxv iHn-xL mas-jez isat e?-.lf pfjee: ira? v -.-root tie w. iot.-f as to jwetit pretest :.-tv ; ped wsr privw.. Zrfx usr!S t-at ft jbww i' witaJrawa. e orier telt .TjtjJjje prc-j.--. s . disousfjon rf t'je opiei ierob-ci utuA ; Kor Anercwt, rejKSi for '. ester, Osscrioed piVa J tie ir-) mimZiV! prr,grsc3 Kii J toe eKt of esnea ?r-: powl be K ; wfcii t' wjz.: would oc. t t : 25 per vox. ul ti7t vaiue in a trsjaciwj t ture, tos a jwt a OJresS 5o w , tjie cuf.txa "linee sacs d li : value A Uiit tszaxr a med to mfra1 fee owavr for ; the Jae f reBfcal Vaixx wnich be trraler to t- fwem rnent with the Wii tr3 : reodual iir,! u lV-r nold, the countie wiiJ reetr. 25 per cst ff ti zrou reien-je.' ( He alto po-iJ out Uval creued cre? cf t&vjkA for-l ett Uc4 in t&e era:!? wsU c; cre&M toe cmxtYt prwpwtewj 04 j return Jrn il fcresi receipt, f In toe year "i w K!f.'tsth cxmty ittxistA tlli2iM as il cut on grow rerentie of foref i kcated par-, tiUy in tisi cbs To Pr Tx It w aleo zmiwi that the cnaiptriy vault eontintie to par txe on the tin Jer retained by it in connection witij the ex change of it! Usd. Tne real virttje in the ex char.te progrs-u. Ardrew Hat mi, H that it favet tirnher tor the future, in that unoer thi plan the company cvU jelsctiveiy on She land jt olferi for exchsiv?e M well at on the form fervwe timber it receiver. Thui, he pointed oaf, the foreat tervice in verrtory remairj the tarie. Vith otrt the exchange, he declared, the mmfOBy would ciear-ctit the land. Lisd Cltr-Cut The for ett men diKioied, how ever, that the Lafee county land toey are taking from Shevlin Hizon haje tjeen clear-cut. Myere of the lumber company said that jf tte ezchange i not permitted to go through, toe company will have to move iU JoMinZ camp within ix month, iniiead of a year, lie aid it had done eonriderahle truck road work already, and would have to build 25 miles of railroad to open op a zugar pine area. Labor coodJtionf would make thia con irtrutrtion injpotible if the Jog ging program continue, he laid, and. without logi, the mill can not operate. A shutdown for any length of titne vould probably mean low of labor to ai to Jeo pardize future operation. Alk Information County court member (aid they do not want to came any los of yar production, but ttiat they arc convinced tile countie thould rtc;ivc 25 per cent of the tturnpage value of any tim ber ld on national Xorcstj. whether ft be a caeh or czcliange traniaction. They aked the forettry people to compile ad ditional tatitica information, and to have it ready for another conference January 17, Need for federal legiilatlon to ciaruy proniem or trm nature i wa dlecumd freiiucntly ct the) meeting, vhieh va held In the county courtroom. Puxa liCTt taien fc n-3 ! captsrei to. s- irj -tmto jtxxi vjs as ri M Cma trwst aiinase luri: er mnr -nr. r.3tt AWED TOWARD ijti From Page One) Pwit r4 Kwthwert of Stavelot a. Cue earjem end of the active Hir.Esery front Xoe mo5 armored divuuon g'Aged out toe gain at Devan tave, four rciie north of Laroche 4-4 14 n:-ie north of LL Cen. George S. Pa-.ton' third army at Eartogne. Tr 5Cr-n utlantry division putbtd forward against ilight oppcotioo oa toe fjnk of the L HEUVEL BOUND OVER Stettinius Hiti Wheeler Speech " VASICtGTOft. ."is. i Seirt-a-T 'A i j:r..-.: cay osirV-jV-i a iiirrui!zn .'.';E'-.t by S-.'-ir E.-r-.'jT. Z. V.-ier D-3fc-j". tcu-tji-o".'Uoz-i frrrtriotr ".c.-- iajt cottiy" ajid -j-j aosa-.!i-.ttitc--. of toce term. S'je.tir2ui cecli-e "SiTt- ' the erjejx-y arid '.--.. il -i r i fjuodiy rt-gre-.tah " Allied Casualty List Below Nazi i SUPREME HZADPl-AHTERS ALLIED EXPEDITION A2V i FORCE, PARIS. Jan. 6 J?yhX- '. lied caxualtit have been far ! low those suffered by the ene:r.y and have not been parliculariy high compared with toe scale of j action since the opening of the Von RundrSedt offensive, an ap- I praisal at supreme headquarters I said today. f German caraalties since the counteroffemivej began Decem ( ber m were estimated a in the j neigh b or h ood of 100,000. of which about 22,000 were said to i be prisoners. a:.; vr . - L;;3iy. r? r-4 TTjraer tr:r 3 cEs?ts xf.r-.k;::: -NTir. r. r.fw'a e Es-rtmpt or ftr-.-.vi-.r u "rip -' us sac- iOvI- i.rr-js r-rav (Continued from Page One) i which showed that Earl Hcuvel j did not follow the girls out of town." i CoSCltldM Maboney concluded vith the: following statement: j 'It appearing to me from the testimony produced before me j on the examination that the ' crime of contributing to the de- j linquency of a minor has been i committed and there is suffi-i cient cause to believe that the , defendant. Earl Hcuvel, guilty.. Therefore I order him to be held to answer tame. I have ad- j mitted him to bail to answer in I the sum of 1000." I The former chief has been at j liberty under 1000 ball since: his arrest on December 13. ; Circuit Judge David R. Van-, c en berg announced Saturday afternoon that the grand jury would be called some time this month, given. Ji'o specific date was Invasion of Luzon Hinted by Jap Radio j Continued From Page One) the Philippines. The Rcid, vith i a complement of 202, was the S 61st U. S. destroyer lost in the war. 9. A Japanese communique claimed two V. S. carriers, a battleship and a transport were sunk by Nipponese planes at tacking a convoy west of Luzon. In Task Forct Presumably these ships vcrc In the task force which the Japanese Domci news agency reported vas accompanying a convoy of about 100 landing craft sighted west of Lingaycn gulf, northwest of Manila and the site of the original Japanese invasion of Luzon more than four years ago. Another large grouD of allied ships, including about 10 con verted aircraft carriers, was re ported vest of Panay island, presumably headed northward in the direction of Luzon and American - held Mindoro and Marinduque. Classified Ads Bring Results. j LAST TIMES TODAY j j Bill Boyd in "Mystery Men" j Starts Sunday stirrift. ...hire's. S one l".s Xs-- ;-f A JOB II . ' - - always Vj. - f remember! va-- . Berry FITZGERALD Frank McHUGH , Jtmtt BROWN I Gent LOCKHART Is wB Slit lfT-ltJuSTtl ' 1 j.- i, Siilf Ti?ben 45S7 Omrrmigis Sh Saturday. Sunday Ends Tonight "SAN FERNANDO VALLEY" 2d Hit "MY BUDDY" BOX Ori lCt OPtNS U:30 p. M. Ends Tonight -k "YOU WERE NEVER LOVELIER" 2nd Hit "WESTWARD BOUND" BOTH THEATRES STARTS SUNDAY ,v ', 336sJ Roosevelt Calls For Total Mobilization (Continued From Page One) sibilitics which follow in the wake of battle." Mr, Roosevelt admitted frank concern "about many situations the Greek and Polish for example." He declar ed this country vill not hesitate to use its influence to "secure so far as is humanly possible the fulfillment of the principles of the Atlantic Charter." Bespeaking a confident hone for enduring peace, the chief executive declared that while great problems lie ahead, "this new year of 1945 can be the greatest year of achievement in human history." (Continued From Page One) directly across the street from their present location. They plan to make extensive repairs to both the exterior ond the inter ior ot the building and will prob ably take over their new quart ers May 13. Also to Mors The Emporium, in turn, an nounced Saturday that present plans call (or moving further up Main strwt ot a location on which a k-8M! is pending at the present time That store, too, plans extensive enlargement, ac cording to fildney Wclnstein, manager. Mr. and Mrs. Margulls have closed Mftrgot'n and Monday will be ufflllnted vllli Lal'olntc's. Henry Semon Named Vice President Henry Semon, Klamath potato grower, was named one oJ three vice presidents of the Oregon Farm ClH'miirglc council at the animal meeting held In I'orllaiul, Klwaln Greenwood, Portland, I Ilia new chairman; Elmer Mo-C-liire, Mitwaukie; K, U, Aldrlch, Pendleton, and Hemon, vice pre dwils. Iliiilrt W. Derry, Port, Idiid, whs re-Rlecled secretary WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 W Congress received President Kooecvclt's recommendations for national service legislation to day Vith mixed reartlnn nl. though there was apparent gen- i.iai approval oi nis proposals to dralt nurses and 4-Fs Into the war effort. The president's call for post war universal military training met some skepticism as well as support. First Fire of Year Causes No Damage First fire slsrm of 1945 ws turned In at 6:42 p. m. Friday, when the truck was called to the I. J. Olnon residence, 1000 Pacific Terrace, to extinguish a flue fire. Firemen said there was no damage, Folks who buy more and more war bonds are wise others oth erwise. More than 500,000 species of Insects arc known. PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN . KO HOrlTAI.I.AllON Hn , f Tim PirmiMnl KtialMI OR, E. M. MARSHA m Ms, IIS - Knair. iboiri Bits, rams him ENDS TONIGHT CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT.-SUN, BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:30 P. M. Starts Saturday A llilHMO REV TOO MICH-ASD KOIILDS'T TELL! 1 PM When The Lights Go On Again" P 2nd Hit "Crazy Knights" f 4 WW nni uwo,' . fomtvf mUf in a drama avtn more 1 Startling than the famoul hits that made him an overnight sensation I You know how Lade handles women-imagine him as a woman doctor -who tells off a proud beauty and makes her lovc.it-and him! ; t ! i. 'W ' 1ii'i"' s wxvA w Hew Could This LoTslhltf Dsre lo Sisal Her Sister's Fltncs? i f s ALAN ," ' - LADD 'T'iiiiiwimihm- Another greet drama"7': bv the author of AIIThl,AndHeavonToo" PLUS: SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS ; AND LATEST WORLD NEWS EVENTS tw.:. nr iw m en fi r a m m mi ! SUSAlV MAVtlA rx !!i:i;,"'