L Jmwory 5, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE NIN( to 8 TICfM Help Wanted. Mai It Help Wanted. Ml 34 Aulom tlvo 34 Automotive) 34 Automotive 34 Automotive -- WOI(j at) --'" ll.f WUld HO PLUMBING SERVICE Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley Will Pay You TOP CASH Price For Your Ca-r-j We can do this as used cars are just a part of our business. II yuu wont In woik in a logging camp, sawmill or lumber void wlieio condition! are good, call at tl to of I ice or phuno between 8.30 and 4:30 p. in. Wc need men In all thee departments of our opciulioii wlncli is an essential industry. WOODS: Choker Sellers and Knot Bumpers AILL: Diy lumber handlers. WHITE TRUCKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR ESSENTIAL USERS We will be glad to help you fill oul your priority application YOUR WHITE DEALER WEST-HITCHCOCK CORP. ,un wold ja. run "'-""' m vvurtl 14. ,un iti nuil ion 'in " . . u.r wuid 43 'i"" -'r"'.'.T'i'.., mylil III AUveilie Plumbing Si llcullni; K(iilmciil """' ' .'.. .. ... will emi.el Intlullcd uuii Koiiuirrd DAVIS PLUMBING CO. W Hurry Phon 7935 1-lOm '' ... in "New """ """"" ",:iv...' - Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Nw ToJy "7, c-ktr iii r"py , ,-,,.! Vili.f SUJ ".', ;. hi , . OOK I A"' ,i,.ii...oi.I k' "" ' Tlf.oh. taken l "" M"u.,. J.. I " ''"'"" II lt,,B ' .Li., a fll.lnmer. "T",',','! ''Ill 1,,lV" 'USloHier. M.ur linolu'm'lei.. Pack- ,.,kfU ,.g , .A'.'- ItEAOY-TO- !'. i.miiiDNs Aiir. rniMA h; , ai .. m m'n at WHY; - i j', N. mil. M.n H I" II J? '. home. "I'" "d (tl It" I-' t lib ,.8 ' v ri itNinliri A-ino-n modsin . liitui "HKild rtn- ' atxt ,M,m Ll,n'" ... N.n lilalty lUfn lH ... (..urili huine nit inn. H..k-wirrKrtiH ATTENTION L1 ' ituniihril stucco house our wn home. . H.,i...nn aullvt, living room, Is and double tU , nmplele. ho le (mil. mu: 1'iewlils Trading i, H ft". ". .1 111 IHI-U' ni't. . - pnnKN IIOOHH IHMJKfi 3 3 Afir. vou coi.n? imp Cnl - 1(W Ton utCoii naaoTon Oil, TANKS aat. Uti! . , M9.00 g.t. Unh Lal liHATtf ron rtri'tACC8 ITVTUN A CO. rkl Hi. 'ont SHJ rn rn litiV .(lond iiMirf rr. Cll It (orsnunni. 131 tu. 2nd. J-ft RirNCKU Htitimn truck pr bi' ker wuhn iM)Hifin, In rllr. Wrlti IU, Hot aid mi nMS. in hr.I-Af oil rirrtilAtlnji hrlr. ur bl with ftn. I'liun 0734, l IT TO tlHYOil tk, 3U Kllon or 10 ratiaiUv, rilniin 0714, hr TO huv ..cilo. tiiit .. ! rr TO MKAH irmn irll luvln wnrx or uriKlf tii(AH, tot t TO nENT l lxnirtwrn. utWurnlitt fiioiiern himie. Muii i rin. rt' nnl rivlhaiii. (kmI rrffrtncft. tn -ul nl loM-n. Phono SiHW. I -ft MIKNl'Ktl rttnrti anil tlfV hrt f lral sutk, HUtrilo. tin unv irie )' u I1k Klumatit tall 1-0 ' .Uti.ift, tin -S4l Vy but, Re 1.1. AI'AHTMfcNT tn prlvnl home uplrtrly (ittnt'liril, Working h uiilj , fall iViMlJ. I iittNTMiHior.i MBjm imfurnulivfl e, c.Ddii, near vprhoeuicr mill, ur jim w. KiMiiuth, iu wer iter cuiirui, 1 itr.NT if tiMni) (iirnlihrd tmt.tt, no! :(! itwrt :tiH ltVrrnc. sai.i. j-nxtm ItoiiM, garg one r IIU1II111, 1111(1 WCII. ;VW. iiwut iii.ici. .mi. June. Aller 0 P r htiiittn). 1-0 fAl.r: iMirdnimn hou near Main IHAiKi Dial til 1.1. gr-AI K liitmrill,tlp nofttrMlon. 3-tifil I iKKnr Vi till ntunser Italh rln lint wntrr liPlr. rhk-krn lutiiif tit Unc curdnn toll. IrrlKAtril, i in. i'i u rti i.'t.iJ n i too iinu: t Denver Ml . jut nil h in tuner IIOt.ANO K WMUillT II. T Mftlit Si, i'hour A4tl SAI.R Ftitir Krpiit-h itottra, etirh xr-n , tit in W (urngo tJcHira, '. Phono .lliU, la-o i't) l.lulit htirkrriiriN nnitn ur r ihff ..iMiitiinit (hi mtnUtcr Ami Pttw 1 ll It Ml MAN hit A AT.. Uloiwuurl fcitfiitmi. Wri-ih,iiier. woinil Ilka ny Lite model ir, IMiuite .vm. 2 l. KS. Klnril M( trCtl gmde iif r rrr urilvrry in Klttmntli ' Sriid Uir tii-c ifliiiiugue, Trni ""(.v. Tidnil, Olefin. 3-4 Moolinq Noltcvt fOf KUin.iiii Kilt Aerlr m Micclhit cvrrv 'i'nt-Lt-i il.iv nluhl 7-1 n in ' (.1 K luill. 01 h and mo-a NV.tlntil V o I I 1 n B imviicii. rr tARPLNILUS' LOCAL No. 190 "i nti.l :i,tl Wnllivirl.y '.vn- ' l MlNll Bei' mill n A D,rn 7. mi lu ii.ihi IV M Every Wcliir.,!., I'lmiio S:iJ7 I 4m Lout and found 1.1'iiM Klitm wrll wnlrh vllh iil ' "'"''""'iiil l0. No. ', . J. .,'l"" I'Hono U Com- 'ol. K w. lltIf ktt. "A" Innih f,,r ,i ,7 ntiilnc. II. Nn (mil. nmr M. Hnn.ni. 'till. Oic. (.j "mlllriiirn i Nn.h w,r,, i.o :v':!' Ir.'lll Ilir.J Allilpr.nii. rrhiav. ' ll. her 3;i n "m. Phono ".'j "A" ik riillon Ih.,,1,, "iliVln . . ' 'I'.'ilr lilllll. in,. Joliinnn. r- . krjlTI OlICIl Mr'"l".:!? "ANC'B OKCIIKHTnA. l ai Onh 81. or miom. m i i . fi!o',m,c".!r "Mvicb. .11 mnvoa. nu wy. Mom 'S rVl" rhllilren, 3 in Wood Coal Oil FURNACES Iron Fireman Oil Burners - Stokers Bob Porter Phone 7708 40311 REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE nd Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. Mime Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorlied Service Household and Commercial Phone 0017 OREGON EOUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th St. 1-13K1 OIL UUnNKHS KUHNACES, CHIMNEYS, Clcmicd and Itcpulrcd WOOD COAL OIL fUHNACES Avnllablo for neplnccmcnls Compare Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone 8040 BBUtf MOVING STORAGE Local and LonB Distance HAULING Klamalh Palls TRANSFER and STORAGE Auenls for Uniled Van Linos 101 Klnnmlh Phono !iU72 123 INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial nnokkccplng Rollin A. Cantrall Doom A. Iliipku DIili!. no n. urn st. Oncn KvciiIiikx und Siilurdii.vs Phono 32IU 110m Phone :i80 ED F. KING FJpptlc Tank. Clr.ned In.orllon Ire. Mo!ern equip menl. Contenl. heulrd ewey. 7 3 NI'IIKKIIV In my homr. Inr rlill'lren up to I year, alerting January n. HOI 1)1 vlalon. I -A lirMSTITCIIINO l3lir..S8MAKIN(l. Ilullonft enfl DiH-hlea covered. Allarallona on new end old clnllilnt Mr. II. M. Allender. 7.11 Meln. Itooin 'J10. Ph. 7303. l-3lm CAM. riTZOKnAl.n when your roof la leaking, llepalrlne. hullt. up roofa anil waterproofing. No lot, la loo large or loo email. Don'l forget when your root leeka Hit! dial "Oc" 4ma. 13 CIlltTAINH I.AliNDI'.nr.O end alretched Phone .1717. 3-31 nillNII MK VOIMI WOltK -No nh loo ainell. tlodenhamrr Haw and Itepatr Nhop. 'I3 IIOIIKrirLKANINO. Ilnor waxing and window waihlng. le J. Pope. Phone a -us n. mi si. PAPK.rl AND PAPrilllANtiKn avail. Iilr. J. R. Paller.on anil SOn Palnl Store. 1339 Eeal Main. Phone SXM. 114m PHOTO OIL TINTING Phone 14M. 7211 8PKNCKn ironsKrir.itK - Mre. rnld Buretl. 3I Oak. Phone 731(1 for eppolnlinenl. I-Dm KALSOMININri. Kemlonlng and Paint ing. Phone 3UI17. 114 KXPr.niENcrn child CAtte in my hnme. Phone .173,1. l-d MATtlNR Wirt! will care tor children In own home ileyllmei. 3203 Oak Ave. . ' nrNTISTRY, eflernonna. 4WI0 Sheila Way. I-W KAI.MOMININO, Kemlonlng. Pelntlng -II. 1,. nrnwn- Phone 4330. 2-1m BFPTIC TANKS CI.FANKI) end In alalled. A local concern. Phone W. nnk.f. 70.11, 13 Health Vyyt1AJAfVVVVifVnriMVV'ini - PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT . HOME titt Grnnlir SI. Anil In nd, Orron Phono 7oni GrRduula Nur.so In Chnrgc. i l-Bm U Help Watted FtmBU WANTf.D-t.nrty for mtrkinf Anrt eh"1; Inff, 8tanilrii CleAnnrn. ninif )ij ju utl-lpw.""'-! jwju WANTED SALES PERSON Prclcr Someone With Experience in Women's Rcady-lo-Wear Apply LONG'S APPAREL Phone 0131 1700U WANTKO -Wirttmn for light liou.rwork. 1o gn homo nlgliU. It. N. M'i. M- Parlflr Trrrr. I -ft WANTKIJ-.MKJdlr.iiKrd won i tn. Alone (or (ciMiral clcaiiliig; pnvala apart ntant furitulitd And 1 .x ikt month fttaaily, deilrahlr rmploy mnl Itt ! rrrntri, Writ 11 nx HllH), catfl of llr Ald and Nrwi, 1-3 WANTKD ItrllMliln woman for hull work and cum of rhtidrm. "Jod ny. buArd And rttimt. 74 N. 10th, Att. 1. WANTKD-Olrl or woman for grneral houMWork, (jok wanri, 1'honv 7ln. WANTKD -WHrew and rtUhwaher. Wo man nrfarrcd. An til y At Mlltor'a f'of- ra hiiop. 36i wtr WANTeo-fllil or woman to tlay with fhlldicn from 4 . rn. i'i t p. nt . S day week. Plunta WW, limit WANTKI1 - lloukrkrn,rir, vny hnhl v ork. AftrrnNuie mid i-vc ntiig, Mriy lay or co litiina niKlit, I'hone '.uvm loti r Mit. i n 11 Help Wanted. Mai Southern Pacific Company in need of Merchandise Handlers Aid Us in Our Greatest War Effort Secure Yourself with Fine Hospitalization, Pension, Pass Rights See Agent WANTKU r.xnrrlenct-tt iitsh culler Ai ply Mcller Unit. Plume 3d 3-'. iHtiU WANTKI) ptti-r t-r )iricr. Utitown Clcancii. 117 So. 7tli 1-M'Hl WANTKIl , Antunmhilc ntcch.inlc lor Chrvrntrl aind uthfr oar. Pcrmanrnt wnrk. of a.io flnt ric. Cannon Chevrolet Co.. Yirkn. Calif, WANTED Kxpcilni'-rtl rndulttr rrpatr nun. Old elflhllitird. lliorutiflhly fqul,ird hoi tltK monry for rltflit man AnUtitiit Anto Srrvltc 112 Watnnt I4but( WANTr.I) llrlpT In rmll'itor h-p. Nn rxiwiifni-p nrpdfil. Call Kl.tm.tlh llndutnr Work. -I2i So. th. I'hune UU42. 17.1311 WANTKI) Nrat vuuntt m.in lo hnndtp llfiltt drlivcrli't Ami woik around tii Applv in tn?ron. Mufller'a KlAiitAth liuucr Sli'ip. UI1 MaIii St. 174UK WOIM.U VOU like in rain money aMrr th(Hil dcllvcriiiK n llcrrtld-Nrw t pr roulc? See Mi. Miller ai llie HcrAld office aflor 3 m. , U7.M1 YOWNCi MAN. dnilt exnnpl, for Inside tore aalo. wurk. Slum I d he mechAnl rally inclined Mild m'fiti.ito Hi flKurri . Hillary per iminth lo stiirt. Give referenrm and phnne nurnhcr. Wrlle llernld And Nrwit, Dux 17Wt. ll-Jll WANTKI). Men and ImiB In rl plm LlKht wnrk. Rood pH.v. Apply Howl Inn Allry. BID Main p in, or Any evrnln. HAttirdny or Sunday I "1'ltf SMF.RP Khearer wanted lo Iac GOO thcep. W have good hearlni! shnl but no electricity. Call the Urkry Hnnch, 7in t ininif 20 Room end Board nnAim Avn nnnM .Icffpr-nn l-fl 22 Rooma For Hem I'OK TIK.NT Slerplnn room. Genllemmt. I'liono 7020 iluv lOJtllf flOUM CON ItKNT HUB Jclteraun nOOM roll 11KNT. for Rentlemnn. In quire nilllc s Um hcr and Ueatily Shop. li;u Main. l-A KOI! I1KNT- Mudcin slrrjiliiu room with kitchen prlvllerjcH to net vice cmiplc. no rhlldren. CIom In. Wrlle Box Kl. CAri llfrtfl niifl Nrw. ! ? 28 Hotuoi For Rent TIUICKS FOII lir.NT Vou drive: move .vourncir. aave Ulllca Hca.'tm Serv. Ice. 1301 t:a.t Main. Phono H.10-1. l-(lin r'OH IIK.NT -a-r,H,in liouro with large geriige, on iulit line, cloae In. $30.00. Inuulro el 171 Onk SI. 1-0 Ton ItKNT a-rnoin partly tunilahed ,-nt,l :lt III IVm,l,n;l, ljfl 28 Mlicallnnoou t or Rant KOll ItKNT- Moor aendrra, edgere end wnllpapcr icinnvlnu mei-hlnc. J. K. Pnttcr.on Pnlnt .store. Phone :1124. 1330 Knal Mliln. t-3lm ELFCTllIC Kl.OOIl MAN11K11S end edgcr rcnlcd. Ilo your own work. Iiuiulir Palnl Depl. MONTIIOMKHV WAHll t, CO. I -aim FOIt llF.NT Prc.ont locnllon of Knihlon Cleoncia. 1103 Mnln. modem front, 131 hv 70 foot. Inquire Itudy'e Men'n Shop. (100 Main. 173111 OFFICE SI'A' K Foil IlKNT In nice nf floe, well located. , Write Uox IH27. Newallcralil I2S TO I.F.ASF. Hlnie luillillnR nl 3013 S. Illh. Formerly occupied l,y Vast) Trac tnr Co. tm'-nl Ph'C 1-0 30 nonl Estntn For Snlo FOlt HALE on rtrsNT-Snmll home. 03.1 llphem. FOR SALE -HO acre term. Improved, anme enulpinenl. $.1000 (or quick Bale. CUIUS II1ICK. Phnne 0470. 1-10 TF 30 Heal titau For 8le One ncrc of good ground and n luur-ruom house on Madixon street. Priced at $3000. A twg-bedroom house off South Sixth Htrcct, i ncrr, nice lawn and trees, with all the furniture for $3730. If you can make a large monthly payment will ac ccpt small down payment. If Interested In a farm I have 120 acres that is the best buy in Klamath County. J. W, Sanders Real Estate 1213 Main Phone 7521 15 Suburban Home Homedale Road Ideal 2-bcdroom modem house. utility room, fireplace, concrete foundation, insulated, etc. Two acres good lund, barn, chicken house, gnraiic, woodshed and other Improvements. Lawn, trees, shrubs, underground irri gation system, etc. Full price $7500., terms. J. E. HOSKING 517 Main St. Phone 3211 Fri.-Mon. Fine Investment Close in apartments, five units, three recently completed with all modern appointments, well Insulated. Two arc completely furnished. Electric ranges and refrigerators in all. Gross monthly income about $215.00. Price $15,000.00 with terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS t Since 1900 111 N. nth Phone 4564 1-5 Apartment House 12 furnished apartments, close to- business district. Income $403.00. Steam heat, electric ranges and refrigerators. Corner lot 100x100, also 0 garages. Price $20,000.00, terms $8,000.00 cash, balance $75.00 per month plus interest at 5. .. BOGUE DALE REALTOR 120 S. Oth Tel. 6972 LARCK RANCH. Beef and Sheep. .T6S7 acrca. elevator holding 14.000 aacke of barley or wheat. 310 acre. Ledino clover tinder Irrigation, wacon ahed :toxl.V). manacer'a office and housing tiulldlng containing 4 living apart ment, now ranch la carrying 300 row-i. 000 hoga. Write for complete detail, and pictures. Some machinery In rinded. It I. cheap and priced at leaa than M0 per acre. 13 Held., all fenced. Improvements worth $.10,000. Priced at M.Vl.noi). II. J. Coenen. Llcen.ed Real Kfttnte Broker. Agent, wanted. Corning, Calif. Price Mat mailed free. 1-0 . ON THE HII.I. NORTH OF CITY CF.NTER. 3-Br.D. ROOM MODERN HOME. AUTOMATIC Oil. HF.AT. FIREPLACE AN1 VENE. TIAN BI.INOS. PltlCEll AT SOOOO 300 DOWN. ItAI.ANCE F H A. IN SURED LOAN. $40.00 MONTHLY PAY MENTS. INCLUDES TAXES AND IN SURANCE. CALL A. B. EPPERSON 7100 EVENINGS JOHN McFEE Realtor 110 NO. 7TII PHONE 4531 1-3 FOR SALE , Homes and Investments John McFco, Realtor " 118 No. 7th Phone 4521 1-5 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 M5rn FOR SALE- In Stewart. S-room modern hnuie. electric range and traah burner, henllng .love, bed., r.'rln and mat. Ires.es, good radio. Fully furnished, ready lo move In. $33.10. Phone Sold. IS FOR SALE-a-room house, modern, with basemenl. partly furnished; close In. Phone .141MI. LIMtf 34 Automotive Winter Driving ; is Hazardous Driving' Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage'.' rhonc 5195 John Sandmcyer, 1 C. i. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 1-3 1-m SEE MEL HENRY at Lombard' Used Car Lot. S2I S. fllh St. Tnp OPA -CASH PRICE el once for your ear. All makes and model foe aale. 1-lSin FOR RALE-10;IS Standard Chevrolet. Excellent condition, tiood rubber, $330.00. Phone BIOL Ext. 07.. between hours of 8 A m. and 4:30 n. m. t-B FOR SALE-1040 GMC t'Vlon truck. 10,10 Studebaker ala-ton truck with 3-speed rear end. Phone 3SR or 104. Mnlln. Dewev Smith end Son. 1-0 423 So. 0th BUY THE BEST New GMC Trucks ARE NOW AVAILABLE Let us help you with your application. ROSE MOTOR CO. th at Klamalh 34 AuiomotivA AMERICA'S Future men ond women are on their way to school today. Don't hurt them, for we love them and America needs them. Drive carefully and you con do it safer after a brake reline here. LEO'S GARAGE 11th and Main Sts. Phone 0003 Mon.-Wed. RADIATOR REPAIRING We Arc Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Troctor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2540 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 i Htni-tf ; Exchange Motors Fords 1028 to 1942 Chcvrolets 1D35 to 1941 Plymouths 1034 lo 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1942 We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Roground Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. ! 1-25 I Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8 00 or after 5:30 P. M. l-15ii Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamalh Ave, Where 8th Street Ends 1-1 2m RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes , Monarch Service Station J. K. Teed 301 So 6th Phone 7071 1-7 FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES tVill Build Any Typo Radiator Yuu Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So Bill Phono 6942 1 -Bin 35 Flll -Hentlnq RICHFIELD Stove nnd Dirl Oils Best Qun.ily , Prompt Delivery Phone '8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1-3 1m Phone 7771 16 Phone 8164 34 Automotive foil XAI.r, - l!ri4 Chevrolet coeeh Mu.i m-m. or will take cheaper ear. MO Spring bt. 1-3 IIAVF. ;ONr. IN NAVY. Bulek coupe (or ...le. May be keen at 2rJ70 Etna. 36 Miscellaneous For Salt NOTICE I will sell the following per sonal property belonging to the Estate of Karl Bold, deceased, on Sunday, January 7th, at the Karl Bold Ranch, 3 miles south west of Henley School, to the highest bidder: Household Goods i Team of Horses Laying Hens Hay in Stack Hay Derrick Harness Hogs 13 Head of Cattle, mostly milk stock Other articles too numerous lo mention. Terms of Sale Cash Martin Green, Auctioneer John Sandmcyer, Clerk F. A. Ohiemcyer, Adminis trator of said estate. Wcd.-Fri. Spr'.'ial for Monday. Jan. 81h SO KLGI.STEJ.FD irEHEFOUDS AT AUCTION . At l.akcview. Oregon 15 HULLS 13 HEIFERS Krotn two of Oregon's leading Hereford Erceders. Hanchcis. cattlemen and Hereford breeder pl.in now to atlend thii aale. Also consigned for this Auction are pic nly of fat nnd feeder cattle- along with horse, hoc and thecp. LAKKVIEW LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Phone 731. Lakevlew, Ore. 1-6 CULLER IIHUSIIKS-Kcp. R. V. Morgan. S;:3 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. 2-lm FOR SALE 13-rt. trailer with dual axle end four ood tires. Phone 4903. 1-8 HAY DELIVERED In ton lots, first and fccond cutting. Phone Mallory's Mar ket. 400. 1-6 FOR SALE- Large wooden barrels. In itiiirc ol Muhrer's Bukery. 1733UT FOR SALE Rlnck cocker apaniel pup pies SW. Phone 7240. 1-6 I ALLEN Adding Machine! nd FRIDEN ! Calculators. 124 S. Olh St. Pioneer i Printing A: Stationery Co. l.3m CERTIFIED NETTED GEM SEED POTA TOES, fina year Montana dry land fottndalion stock: grown at Macdocl. Calif. Ott A: Edwards. Phone 8713 or 1121. Tub-lake. Calif. 1-11 FOR SALE Cabinet Grand piano. 1231 Ad.ini. aftci noons. 1-8 FOn SALE-Car radio. A t condition. 417 Lincoln. 1824tf I FOR SALE - One pair lady" ftirure .kale. ie 6. One h.p. stationary Km entrine. One Chester Model 63 calibre 21tTB. Ftxit Shop. 744 Klamath. 9261 f FOR SALE 100 torn baled na. 1st cut nlfiilf.1. oali and rye. at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch befora crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tule.ake 71IH. 335.1U FOH SALE - Apnle wood breakfast tnhlc and 3 chairs, $7.30. Phone 61R3. 1-6 FOtt SALE - Ice cream machine and fountain. 712 Main St. 110 FOR SALE One S ft. baby bed with prc-w.ir inncrsprinc mattress in ex cellent condition. 213 E. Main. 1-6 FOIt SALE - Dry wood. Ray Bllxseth. J;tl4 Dayton. 2-2 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyor. 1433 Me-irlui. Phone 5077. l-31m STOVES KKPAIRED. All nvallnble part .'i'kcd. Used furniture, stove bought. OK Srwrrl Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Fhonr .VJ7L l-31m FOR SALE-Trailer nouse. 34 ft. '42 model Plymouth. Excetlent condition, l.'ornpletely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. eitf FOR SALE- rtctiiinfiton automatic shot Kun ami shells. Soced boat with 00 h.p. motor, rixlt Shop. 744 Klamath I073tf MODERN' SIIINOLB MILL FOR SALE with Packer gas motor. A-l shape. Wrtto Ceo rue Smith, Cold Kill. Ore 40 To Exchanq FOR TRADE-20 mifee double barrel nhntgiin. some shell, for good 22 rme. can tj27, u a. m. to 3 p. m. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WILL PAY CASH for used gun. Bring "u-in in r or mpratnai, BitL s HARD WAm:, Mnln St. l-3lm WANTED- Annvlment or home, furnish ed, by two marines and wives. Call (Qi;i. or after A. .1217. Mrs. 1. Odctl. 1-8 LOCAL COUPLE want to rent furnished m..irtii,cnt or small furnished hous at once. No children or pets. Phone 7101 or 7,178. 1737tf WANTED Pair of plsoons. Call 7.127 afternoons. t2-9hb WANTED TO nuY-Ijite model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1.V2I Sarnent. RPtf WANTED Trunk In good condition. Phono JB70. . 12-30 GLASS-Mirror. rcllverlnB. plale. win dow and auto glass, furniture lops, .helves. Klmrmll's Ulasi Shop. S27 Ya,lnul. Phone VJTn. l-4m NAVY LIEUTENANT nd wife need house or apartment, urgently. Fur- nlshcd ur unrurnl.hed. Thone 5115. Ll. K. D. GlcndHnlni. 1-9 Essential Workers Need Transportation. If You No Longer Need Your Car Selling It Is a Contribution to The War Effort. -SELL NOW While Prices Are Up You Will Help Yourself as Well as Others Ashley Chevrolet Go. 110 So. 6th St. 44 Livestock and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT . A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will bo in operation about Feb. 1. 1943 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come in, write us for information and priccs.- FRED HUBLER'S ORECON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6th Box 323 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS ' : 99'lf 42 Miscellaneous wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools. guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6thf St. Exchange 521 So. 6h Ph. 7160 76Uf CASH paid for household goods. Phone 310. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis n. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Plume 4319 or 7175. l-22m WANTED TO BUY - Innerspring mat trc! Prefer Boauty Rest or Seelcy. Mutt he reasonably priced. Phone 4690 between 5 and 7 p. in. TStf WANTED-. Late model pickup Miwt be in gooa conmtton. w. Reynolds, pnone 2511. Tulelake. 1-9 WANTED-Caxe sixteen and eiRhleen pickup baler. - F. D. Coon, Dillard. Ore. 1-12 WANTED, for service man overseas. Boy Scout knife with ring. Phone 3440. 1-5 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET 919 Cast Main. Phone 4282 L4m FOR SALE-B-ycnr-old cow horse and Vanco saddle. Louis Randall. Bonanza. Ore. 1-6 HAVE 30 HEAD of Hereford cattle to put out on shares for five years. Write Box 1603. care Herald and News. 1-6 STOCKMEN The next Livestock Auc Hon at the Pavilion. Phoenix. Oregon, will be on January 6. 1045. Southern Oregon Livestock Auction Co. 1-5 WANTED-Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4630 collect. I -31m FOR SALE 40 May pullets. Hampshire Red: 41 caliber Colts. S20.00. 4". Austin St. 1-0 WANTED Poultry of all kinds. Pay highest price. Mallory's Y Market. Mcrrill-Lakcvicw Junction. Ph. 4S20. l-in 46 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money ... Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home ... Pay Less .Than Rent Long Terms Low Kates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5105 1-3 lm Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates Long time easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you to investigate the EQUITABLE PLAN ' CHILCOTE & SMITH . Since 190!) Ill N. 9th Phone 4564 Tucs.-Fri.-tt Phone 4113 4 LivestocK and Poultry 44 Live tock and Poultry WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Aho eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. . l-31m HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs,-val, I.-imbs and cattle. Johnnon Packing Co. Phone 5323, night 3.103. l-3tm 46 e:noocioi When You Want a ' CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP.' . 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed; Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 ' Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 l-31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE -NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy t 12 Months to Pay ; No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment-Co. Klamath's Oldest , -: , M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 1.31m B Butintsa Okiportunltitl ssiyMMBnsMABeeaMirlAlAA LUNCH STAND, going concern. Mm sell or trade, reasonable, Apply Snack . Shack. UZiS Esplanade, any day but Saturday and Sunday. -