Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 05, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    jonuary 51945
Test Plane Hits Home; Pilot, Baby Die
,. o Hnyden, lociil train
,;,r i,f civil lr nulr.il.
,.,.(1 lh lnliK "'
...Vir....liiv. Jiinuury U .it
instrurllon will I) (jWrn
r, on Mi.nclny und Wod-
.iUllH lllltll id" t'lllllSI) In
,'r 111 vi'lim lit Wlu'lll
.rested lit uvliillon or In
!,, f pi-Wiito or coin
,n.,i limine nnd U con-
without clmiiio to iinyoiie
I i-lvll nlr untrol
J," Wniilrn hi. IJ'-f i '
J liv I.t. IS. K. iilvviiiii,
5 , '.. ..Mill 111' I
I;,;,, . unmoved ;;;;
wt cull"' ' "
f , to bu eovorcu wini
Thin conditio" Is imt ex-
Hi rxlnl inuro nil", iv... .
wi'irks '
in huvr. tli- iilrpnrl 'l' 1
,r. i.t. i.-ny
.iidcl officer, Imsi K"'P
.... ....,.i,. in liia oruunUu-
.l ull courses iivulliiblo to
,rmbr will be coorill-
...in, iho cailel iioiiiihb
' ...Hi iiv Oiutuln
.lehcoik ol uwluiiim-iit of
. plane Mr ci.dr
irlzutlon Iim met wl,n 1
,,,. f enlhujluain
i ,TinlltlnU lllla
5'h. ..... ...in,.
flioulil be on me "n ""
ly days.
P J :
r 3r- ' - J
fVM Trlrnhotol
A tit pilot nnd k t-monlli-oM baby (Irl were dmrt In thin wrrcknirp of a Ioni? Beach, Ciilll. home utter a
Iwui-ciitfliicd Uumlu A -20 plnne, pllu-d by chief uwt pilot Itoimld I'. H'llllnw-r. exploded Ul mld-ulr, plunged
to earth In heart of the thick ly-populutcd rcsldrntlul district.
II Keno
laud Mrs. 1.. A. Smith
' 1... . t..l...iU Of
a lll lMIl"'" I... -
. m rum""'!' riiiin i""i
vt'ic iliuncr Hur "
,i, V II 1 1 1 I'CIIIUVCS on
uus u.o'.
Puckett fumlly
urstj ul Hie honici of Mm.
mja ruencu in -nt -
b dinner
I and Frank McKcen re.
V -"V. ' . ... s
to uicir iioino in r.-ii i
.linmarv 2. alter nav
Lot the New Year lioll
l. Ashland with tnrir !
r Hrn Andernon
K. K. I'uckell and
er, Gusslc, vialted at the
of Mr. and Mm. Joe II.
on Chrlslmua hvo.
lia Ward, dnimliler of Mr.
r. V. t. Ward, wna nun
tv a dinner recently on
tenlng of her birthday an.
ry. mim worn is cm
UU) iMiiiuiuu ruim us
city iiudltor, mid cunio
Keno on ncr oirtiiuiiy to
upcclnl guotl at uie lulu
and Mm. D. J, Puckctt
uiiililer, Norma Lela,
iillom In Keno thin week
report that no further
hn.i been received con
Bk Hubert, who win rc-
nilfslni! m uctlon rc
ltobert win well known
lis he lived hero monl of
t . and was a uniduiilo of
cofiliih school
BrJnnd Mrs. Joe II. Foster
a Mrs. Walter S. Foster and
Be lun, Wally, had dinner to.
Ihef on Christmas Day. Tho
was given at the home
. Blanche Hrnniinn In
"4m Falls. The special
la nt the dinner wero two
Iris and a WAVE stationed
Jmnlh Fulls and Invited to
iits of the Foster families
Qhrislmaa Day. Mr. and
oe rosters sons, Waller
fiirrcn, are both In tho
Olid both overseas. Wnl
Iflc mnrried inn. U In thn
ithi Pllflfirv nnrl Wnrrn I.
Ihflnnd at the present time.
Pnfiunday, December 24. tho
louse fumlly had their
reunion. Chr slmas din
itll all of their children
It. Mr. and Mr t
m Of K nnuitli FiiM Mr
rlrs. Albert Watrrhnusn
' mrcn of I'ulsley, and Mr.
'its. J. E. Krldlcr and
or of Medfurd wcro the
town guests present. Mr.
U. C. A. Wlllrlini,u ,.n,l
foy, of Keno, completed
r'"l" .
and Mrs. Guy Moore
their traditional family
nns Eve observance on
V eVOnllltf M n n n..A
r-uie, nieces of Mr, Moore,
uere lrom Kliimnii, f.'niiu
' airs, nay Atchison, rc-
lum nuniingtnn Hnrk,
and Mr. and Mr. n.ni
Ir and rl,ll,ir
"-onstmas morning tho
in ,-"r",imns break-
1 1" llln Atl'lllnnn. nt II...
N lioino. Mrs. Moore nnd
".iiiMin are sisters,
and Mrs. c. C. llnsklnson
' and Mr. n,i ui u..
served "tholr wedding
""y on December 2(1
"""r given at tho Sohra
lome on the Klamath
o highway. Mr. and
mc Phillips of Midland,
Mldcnts of Keno, were
UOSIS Ht tho dinner, u
"""Rinsons' 2.1tlt annl
' nnd the SohraUoffs'
New Pine Creek
Thru' will bo a regular meet
ing ul the tusl bldo lirungu tills
huuirdiiy night. Inasmuch as the
(.iimigi; fcillvitles Binco the
Clirlslinas parly December IB
havo been mlniinlzcd, with no
New Yeur's party at all, many
grangers Ihlnk this coming Sat
urday night mcuMuii will bo well
alteiHled and a big social hour
greatly enjoyed.
A report on tho Grunge bond
sales will no doubl bo inado as
the Grange making the lurgest
salu In 11 1 county will be award
ed with u pr ize. 11 will be Inter
esting to know what sort of a
showing the local Grange made. -
"Muck" Kiggs and family
from Medfurd wero over a lew
days la.it week visiting George
I'erklns and lauiily and also Al
vln Uuller and family. They
made the visit while their sou,
Orvllle Itlggs, and hti family
were visiting here. Orvllle has
hern sort of unfortunate in that
he was qulto sick with a cold last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hlnlon
were down tor New Year's visit
ing wllh I'erklns and family
also. "Muck" Hlggs is a brother
to Granville Kiggs and also Mrs.
Maude Uuller.
Eleanor Hamilton arrived on
Wednesday of last week to vlsiU
a few days over New Years wllh
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duller, and
other friends. Miss Hamilton
taught at the State Lino school
two years prior to this school
year ami Is now teaching at Wil
lows, Calif.
Pvt. Tom Ahlf from Camp
Hoherl.i. Calif., arrived Friday
before Christmas on a leave vis
iting with his wife and relatives
nl Falrport. Ahlf was to havo
Joined tho navy but was trans
ferred to the army.
Mrs. Kathryn Dick enter
lalned at a pinochle party last
Thursday evening. Invited quests
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvln L. Faris and
family and Mrs. Dorothy Blunt
and daughters, I.orna and Jo
Anne. It c ( r c s h m o n ts were
Mrs. Clara Vernon returned
last Wednesday from Prlncvllle,
Ore., where she spent Christmas
with her daughters. Mrs. Opal
McGrcw nnd Mrs. Dorothy Al
tenhtirg. and their families.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Truman I.nwson
were host and hostess to Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Craig on Christmas
F.ve and Christmas Day. Last
Sunday the Lnw.ions' motored to
Alturas whore they enjoyed a
dinner and a New Year's thea
tre party with tho Cralgs, re
turning on New Year's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith
nnd son. Elgin, arrived last Fri
day from Tinnesta, to spend New
Y ar's wllh Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Smith, They left on Monduy lor
Yrcka, Calif., where Mrs. Smith
will undergo an operation (or
double goiter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bernard
wero Christmas dinner guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Alexander.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Itees
had New Year's dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Thompson nnd son
of Willow Hunch.
Mrs. Bemlce WhltLsIt left Inst
Monday for Klamath Falls, ac
companied by VVC Sussiino Alel
lo, of the marines, who has been
visiting with Uerulcc and her
parunls, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. M, Kel
ler, for tho pnst few days. Mrs.
Whlttsll has Floridn as her des
tination nnd Miss Aiello will stop
at her station in Mojnvo, Calif.
Mrs, Grace Bernard enter
tained the Pinochle club nt a
party last Saturday evening.
Those nttendlng were Mr. and
Mrs. Alvln Butler, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Car
men Fleming, Mrs. Buna Fnrls,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Alexander,
All Wool
Cruiser Coats
nnrnnu mnni ri! OTfiDC
untuun nuuLtn oiunu
800 Main
Mrs. Dorothy Blunt, Mr. and
Mrs. 'loin Dick and Mr. and Mm.
Lee Bernard. Thu evening was
eujuyed along with refresh
ment. Mrs. F.liuibclh Alexander
won high prize and Mrs. Buna
Faris, low, for the women while
Juo Smith won high lor the men
with Carmen Fleming low.
Mr. and Mrs. irvin L. F'arls
and fumlly spent New Year's Kvc
with Mr. and Mm. Knok Quiring
of Davis Creek.
Mrs. fcvert Held entertained nt
a Now Year's church dinner at
hor home last Sunday. A church
meeting followed In the after
noon. Those attending were Elea
nor Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, K.irl
Butler and sun Kenneth; Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Ellason and Merle,
Martin J. Kliason nnd Richard
Day of Lnkcvlew, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Mooro, Mrs. Efflo Steward,
I'carl Stcwtird, Dorothy Sheldon
and Adda Sterling ol Klaiiiutli
Falls, Evert Held. J. M. Keller.
Walter A. Willis and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Keller
were New Year's dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lowell
of Bldwcll.
Mrs. Ella Olllvcr entertained
tho Happy Hour club at her
home lust Tuesday niternoon.
Mrs. Helena Baker entertained
Mrs. Blumcr McCrary, Mrs. Elsie
Converse and George Converse
at her home for New Year's din
ner on Sunday afternoon.
Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Allen were Mr.
nnd Mrs. Clay Lawson, Mrs. El
sie Converse, George Converse
and Charllo Larkin.
Tho East Sido Grange orches
tra furnished the music for the
Lnkevlcw Elk's New Year's ball.
A large crowd of Elks gathered
In their cozy but spacious hall
for the Joyous event and al
though it was not New Year's
Eve, that eve was simulated and
a big variety of noise makers
were Issued out to the crowd
which made prompt and hilar
lou.t.usc of them,
Mrs. Ruby Partln nnd daugh
ter, Norma, who accompanied
A. E. Rug as far as White Sal
mon, Wnsh., where they spent
New Year's Eve and a few days
prior visiting relatives, returned
Inst Monday evening. Hug went
to Portland on business.
Sprague River
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Baldwin
had us dinner guests on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs.' Bob Hallett, Rose
mary M:isiiot nnd Lee Jean
Mr. nnd Mrs. Byron Welch
and family spent Christmas at
Hildebrand with relatives.
Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Timing
and family and Thelma Rose,
wero in Medford Thursday and :
Friday after Christmas visiting '
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leek
have returned after spending
five weeks in Missouri visiting
relatives and looking after their :
properly there.
E. C. Lake is Improving from
an attack of flu and stomach
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feasler:
and Jimmic were here from Su
sauvillc Wednesday after Christ
mas visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. P, M. Crow
brough arc In San Francisco to
spend Uie holidays with rela
tives. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Carninl spent
Christmas in Mt. Shasta with
Don Giles has returned from
Portland. He hud planned to
move his family there.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Baldwin
were in Klamath Falls for Christ
mas as dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joo Beard and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Chnstcnson
were here from Klamath Falls
on Sunday to see about their
property and visiting in the
Ivan I'nnkey home.
Canners Appeal for
Additional Workers
PORTLAND, Jan. 5 fP)
Llbby, McNeil and Libby of
ficials hero appealed today for
more cannery workers, explain
ing that the plant is operating
at only 75 per cent of capacity.
A critical womanpowcr scar
city, Intensified by a lack of cold
storage space, endangers about
1500 tons of apples, they rc-ported.
Mrs. Mildred Ilnrris will net ns
librarian for Iho Women's club.
The library which has been open
only once a week will now be
open twice a week on Tuesday
and Friday evenings from 7 to 8
Mr. and Mrs. Red Smith and
children spent the w.;cond visit
ing relatives in Ashland,
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Armstrong
entertained a group of friends on
New Year's evo wllh a bridge
party. Refreshments were served
nt a Into hour to Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Hadlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Abbott. High scores were held by
Nlsha Hadley and F. Armstrong
and Herb Hadlcy took tho train
ing prize.
Courthouse Records
rumpUtnlt Fllrd
Alfred H. Peamou venui Clara Cald
UTll 1'caniun. bull (or divorce, rhnrse
cruel and Inhuman Ircatmrnl. Couple
married April 11. 1043 at Klamath Foils.
Oregon. Fred O. Small attorney Jor
Juillea Caurt
Arthur Max Werner, operating motor
vehicle without one red light. Fined
13. AO.
All Wool
Logger Boots
$6.95 to $15.50
Main at 8th
Both DAY and EVENING Classes
'Ith G'cgg and that SPEEDY THOMAS
Typing, Office Machines, and Kindred Subject!
A Business Offico Training School
7f Pin. Stroet pl,oni 4780
Pearce Beauty Shop
Under New Management
Kathryn Hankins
New Owner
Perionnel Will Romain the Same
c Glyndell Brasheras
Macquelene (Mackie) Blainp
ic Alctha Mendenhall
Out-They-Go Sale!
It li not our policy to offor you anything but naw, up-to-date merch
andise; on our salas. No 2 or 3-year-old stock no ipocial merchandise
for apodal sales no odd stocks bought for close-out. Every item good
staple merchandise from nation's roliable leading firms reduced to
clear. '
Lilli-Ann and West Coast
U Off
lines of part and all wool popular fabrics. Reefer and dress
maker styles in newest popular shades. Sizes to 46.
$2250 - $4950 Less
Forstmann and
Botany 100 Woo.
Superb fabrics in newest weaves and shades. Tailleur and dress
maker styles. Trimmed with popular furs of finest quality. Sizes
12 to 20.
5950 H3950 Less 20
1 5,
V ' ft i
(Plus Fur Tax)
Including all new winter
styles of Doris Dodson
styles in one and two-piece, soort, casual and dressy modes.
Sizes 9 to 15 and 12 to 44.
$895 o $2250 Less 20
Fur Coats 9()
try coat in stock included in this vF
Clcaraway Sale. ANNIS' furs of
beauty "tops in the fur coat field." .
All Ladies'
12 Price
Many late holiday styles. All stylet and
shades to choose from in exclusive modes
to $15.00.
Kiw list iiiis Specials
All Children's Hats
Smart little felts m late Fall-Winter
styles. Feather, ribbon and self trimmings.
Children's Coats
Your choice of entire stock. Sizes 3
to 6 and 7 to 14 years.
13 Off
Clothing items for the kiddies and juniors. Many
items worth doubla and more than $1.00.
See Other $1 Tables
Throughout Store
50 Wool Plaids
50 wool, 50 rayon. Good
assortment of color schemes lo
ehooje from In four designs.
Excellent for school skirts and
dresses. 54 in. wide.
Reg. $2.50 Value
We Close
Dally at
6 P. M.
VALUES TO $5.95.
Assorted skirt styles In plaids
and plain. Sweaters in Sloppy
Joes and Cardigans.
HEADWEAR Clearance
Scaifi and snoods in knitted and (t
print styles.
Lovely assortment of fabrics and (f
leather baas in season's smartest
shapes and fitments.
Women's and children's
styles and slaes. Tanging
In price from $5.95 1?
$16.95, less 13.
i Off
One lot of about 100 as
sorted styles. Reg. values
of $1.00 to $1.95, less
i Price
1 , ahXUa&vfcyaHi
,K.A4 .-, sf.A fA " f u