if laV. jonuuiy . . PACE THREE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON NN1NG GUN IlTLE FOUGHT EAR BAKER IAKKII. OH... Jij. m If.' .KL'U-tl federal pi'lsmicr wounded crlllcnlly In Uiu .n iiml companion, ,y H.-rM..y, 17. of Ul h. an escaped federal prls- wuh JuIIimI following II linn five-mlmiln i(im I'i'ttI" I, .late pollcu olliters near !,T ill U;4 last nlKhl. 1,0 youths dred "' or when Officers Loo Suy i, mid Sergeant Curtis Chum- iitirsiird II siuien in ,.,-. The youths used pl they we reputed Imivu tin. i llll-V OVI-IIHIWCrcd nurd lit Kinincll Wednesday Itt. ,u tluio continued IllUi ki'f. A sum y n k""' i.mbfi'H punctured a rear un the stolen cur. An ll crushed , parked HIllO. ChuiulxTK ,1 uiiiiln. II") bullet striking rlnn In We siomaru. " "-' o( the car mm uerxoiey m out to niir'i'iider. f tutu I'ullceiiiiin Suydiim nnr- vly escaped ounci wim-u ink Hi" police cur steering nl unci druppeu lu uiu noor. ho youllu lire charged with nlloti oi mo i1 w 11 11 Hlu rr acts, a postal theft nnd ipe from (odernl custody, y lire held for the custody i United SUilra miimluil. The Lady Dunks v 1 cm is. . Tin I.ndy from Connecticut, .Hep. (,'liua llontho l.ui-o, dunlin it douijhniit nt un Infnrnuil party given hy 1th Army O. l.'s fur Congressional delemitlun visiting Italian front. EMEHIS SET if! JAYCEE 0 INNER ftrriuusenu-iits were completed iy lor aniuruiiy iuhiu s jun chamber of rammrrcc din . to be nuirked by the desig- inn nl lllll 1D44 OUlsllindllll! ntf n.n.i in ilvln irvlr.v mid Hil,lr,' hv Mi'Arm T. ftnlei. sult'iit uf the United Sliilcs mr chmiibrr of commerce, will nrrivc by train lit hi Knturdiiy. iircret commmee Mm mndo lelrctlun of the "outjtniHl ynunii mnn" for the pimt ' iviL.iiiiiliiti of Oiltt tttitiirf. c been Hindi! ulnco HKI.I, iinii f,.l L.tuk.i., n,.n l.tivn htwil m'ii, bcitliinlnif with Hint yenr :l follnwlnu In clironoloKlcnl r: Percy Murrny, llnrlnii wnrth (Irlli K I N I m n r u. MnA r'llrr.inl .l..nklim rtlu Swiiii'non, Don Drury, pn wnuKoncr anil janies irn. rn nu.'in will he tonilt i.itcr nt the dinner, Ticket y bo ohtiilned in cnrrln lor iii unit the chamber of corn ice. Granny Not Worried About Fag Shortage I'OHTLAND, Jim, 8 l'J A 05 yi-iir-old Ki iiiidmother, who flmt atiirtcd xmoklnii In her native Sweden nt the line of U, Isn't troubled by the clKiiret nhortiiite. The fiirin woman, who re fimed to give her naine but uld nho lived near Huttlu Ciround, Wunli., wus photo Kriiplicil mnokliiK u elitnr over n cup of eoffeo In u I'ortlund eufe. "They help my coukIi," Klin mild, mnlllnK. Service Men and Women Home on Leave PTC Carl L, Purkoy from Hit! Delta, Alimku. Hero until Jiiii iliiry 10. Cpl. Patrick Duffy. Dure until Jiiminry II, Blc Blraor E, Dalilitrom from 'I'i'eiiHtii'v IhIiiiicI, Culif. Here until .lunuiiry U. MM 1c Herman Schroodor from Koutli 1'iiclfic, Jlero until January in, The ubovo ao.'vica peoplo qrc onlltled to free puKnei to tho io enl theiitreii mid Iruu fountnin nervlcu lit l.o-l Hiver duiry by courtesy of Lloyd Liinib of the theiitreii and H C Woodruff ol the dairy. I'leimo call at The Herald und News of I leu (ask oi Paul lluliics) for your courtesy ticket! Tube Plant Slated ' For Portland POinXANI). Ore., Jan. S (lf Northwest tube mid metal fab ricator will set up a $11)0,111)0 plant here tho flmt uf Un kind mi the I'uclfle coast, Harry I.. Yuucr, Keneral innnaiicr, uid to-' day. Steel liiblna for uprlnklur ir-: rlitutlon, hydraulic mlnliiii, and other UKea will be turned out by tho factory, which will start operatloiiH within three monlli.i. lie reported. i Early Bird-Woman ll V Mmliimc Helena Mortler, 07, Kranrv'i llmt woman flyer, ia pictured on recent arrival in New York, cn route to visit her hunbnnd, Col. Pierre Mortler of die French Air Mlislon. convn leaclnu In WnthhiKlon. Miiduma Moilier iitartcd flyiiiK with Louil lilcriot In 1008. ' If lt' a "froier." need, advertise for in the clnniilfled. article a used voo one Work or Drcit RUBBERS OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main at 8th SEATTLE TO On Thumday nnd Friday of next week, January 11 and 1!!, Arthur Vandor Sy, rinlonai homes line director of the nation, nl hoimlnif imenoy from Seal lie, will be in Klamath FuV.h to !iel; thu city witli Its project to ob tain liousini! for till newcomers', Vaiuler Sya hopes to help make the maximum utilization of thf. hoiiHlnu tlieilitii!:: if. thin eity, because of the ureal need ' of accommodaliona for service, men and their families. HEALTHY APPETITES ' Sea elephants cat as much as SOU pounds of fish every day. These creatures reach a length of 20 feet. In zoos, they arc fed every two hours. Breme if Wondcrrullyqulckl a little Vu-tro-nol up each nostril helps open nasal passages-makes breathing etuler-uhen your head nils up with sturly transient congestion I Va-tro-nol gives grand re lief, too, from snlflly, sneczy distress of bead colds. Follow directions In folder. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Chamber Favors '45 Importation of Mexican Nationals Klamath chamber of com merce has notified members of the Ori-ifon eonitres-ilonal dele-nation that it favors appropriations for Importation of Mexican nn Uoniils for farm labor for an other year. C. J. Main, president of Ihe Tlilelake Growers, and Henry Semou, president of the Klamath Potato Growers association, told chamber directors that the 1943 farm labor outlook Is even more critical than In the past few years, mid Hint Mexican help up pears necessary to solution of the problem. idemic Cause for lifting of Ban 'ORTLAND. Jan. 3 (! The (lulsnt fever epidemic was the JkcI today of an ordinance re- tvinit Portland s ban on mux Hlcurlziillon plants outside the 1'iic city council approved the fcrjisurc, which permits dairies to ri up plains on their own tiirms t Itr approval of the city hcnlth icer. Commissioner Fred terson drew up the ordinance ten Portland rennrted more I fn 200 eases of undtiliinl fer believed spread by raw Jlk In 1044. She ordinance allows dairies t io years in which to Install 1 nts, suitliiK that they must I lily for a pasteurization per- l before Juno 30. flultl-purposo flttlitcr planes y eventually eliminate dive nbers and torpedo bombers. I'ific operallons hnve shown it the navy's new fltthters can used as masthead nnd elide Jnbers, nnd take up their flKht- roic niter dropplntf their lib loads. PILES UCCEBSrill.t.v rnriTm 0 PAIN NO MOHI'ITAI.IV.ATII.K N let of Tlm rrmnni Htullit DR. E. M. MARSHA i ki. ... . . rttmn, lit Patients for Navy Hospital at Corvalfis To Arrive in March I'OHTLAND, Jan. 5 (At Pa tients for the U. S. naval hos pital, C'orvallis, formerly the Camp Adair army base, prob ably will arrive in March, Lt. Itirlinrd Stanton, USN, public relations officer here, said to- flllV hospital staff members will report soon, no said. 1 hu sec retary of the navy has specifl fled u Corvnllls postal address instead of Albany, for the hos pital. An expenditure for one billion dollars for street nnd highway construction In the U. S. would provide niinual employment for almost 200.000 men on the site of tho projects, plus 490,000 men onKe.cd in miimifncturlna, equip ment nnd supplyluK rond-bulld-InK materials. Proposals for postwar air 1 routes Include two new northern ' trans-oceanic routes to Europe : and Asia. One would (to from Se-: nttlo over the North Pacific to : Canton, while n new North At lantic route would link New i York nnd Moscow. ! To Contracting Painters Vim Art. Invllrrt lo Altrnd 1,'iHtvriillnit Or-lfllt Cnum-ll I'AllillltC A Dri'nmUliK Cnnlmrlnrt nl America Multnomah Hotol I'ArlUntl. SHI., Jiiti. is, mm Allirrl W. Ilnllimrrit. Hoc, llll 8. K ,14111 Ave., I'urlUliU, Ore. GREEN STAMPS OREGON WOm FN STORE Main at 8th Notice DANCE AT THE BIG WHITE BARN Every SATURDAY Night Corner of Homedale and Airway Music by King Cowboys and Queen Fun for Everybody! COMFORTABLE, RUGGED SHOES DESIGNED FOR mm OF ACTION Wettern Mado Olnch "Ili-Culs" for heavy duly. Triple I o 1 o construction built-in arch support, oil tanned cowhide uppers. Sizes II to II. loggers ya m mv 'Wk m M , ' LOGGERS fcV5V. . "k!7L i7 JlHSfK ill Touoh rnwhiHo lpnlhnr un. m aJSiss- v,tjj-i: Ft: E.7,! CE. r - ;' Mil H W Mm$i pers, triple soles, woodsmen's heels. A "Hi-cut" for rugged wear. Union made. Wear Master Work Shoe Plain 'toe blucher shoo of black elk leather. Goodyear welt construc tion. Black non-skid raw cord outsole and heel or leather sole and rubber heel. Drill lined vamps. Chippewa LOGGER 8-INCHERS Woor Mosfor Police Shoe Three h usky soles . . . Top quality oil tun ned ti p p c r s. Wood sin a n ' s heels. 45 4 98 The smooth dress shoe leather uppers with sturdy long wearing Goodyear sewn leather, soles will give you day-long walking comfort. Black. Low ptico for qualityl Pro-flcxcd Sandy Nevins 35 Famous for fit, comfort, stylo. Sandy Nevins, the choice of comfort-lovers bc cause it's prc-flexed . . needs no "break ing In." Moulded to Ihe exact shape of tho foot, It gives a slick fit without a pinch. Tho husky leather soles are long-wearing, and tho fine leather uppers take a mirror shine, .. . - FOE LAST LAP OF LAPOFTC-tl WINTER DRIVING ) Oil Care Fights Winter Wear s Plus Fed. Excise Tax CfnA "SSivi'skfe'-' No better oil al price. ALL- rSSftrSajS5" STATE compounded motor oil sSis ' laboratory tested and fleet I '' "TN::'5irL1 ' tested. Produced and refined J f from selected base stock. ' -Jar ' ! t3-98 4.49 I w Battery I ALLSTATE SCr0SS CUn" 1 C'C HV 2 - ' I ALLSTATE 1 try winter 1 4 "chem-t,uiur C 1 compounded weight motor 1 ff-5& S$jt ' 1 motor o. l m oil in- metal JSS ' eST": Exch. 1 army type . t i I - sleel cans., X. . I sniee. 1 cans' I c.C. BoHery I Cross Country MUFFLERS Choose a Cross Country and you get the correct "tailor made" muffler for your car. Ford V-8.. ...2.19 '37-'39 Chevroler....3.19 '36-'41 Plymouth. ...3.19 Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge .....4.29 C.C. Spark Plugs .- 42c In Sell of 4 Imnrovrri! Xti hcvir e 1 e c I- a rodp. New heA- '1 ier "tl" shnprd side pteclrode menns fewer cap arijuslm cnt. Saves gasolint. Guaranteed. Trade-in Replacements Trade in your old worn parts for guaranteed Nu Built replacement units. Completely rebuilt from original equipment units. Save gas! Save moneyl , .- Generator...... Exch. 7.95 Fuel Pump.... Exch. 1.79 Distributor.... Exch. 3.45 Water Pump Exch. 3.79 Gas-Saving Motor Tune Qt. 79c Increase pep and power. Makes starting easier. Frees sticking valves and rings. Pre vents further ae-, cumulation of. cums, resins, sludge. ALEMITE GREASE GUN 3.98 Now available! Genuine Altmlt grease guns. Lever-type that can be used for any type of grease Job on cars, trucks, tractors or farm Implements. Positive snap on coupler, 16-ox. ,alze. n EXACTING WORKMANSHIP ONLY TOP QUALITY MATERIALS EVERY JOB GUARANTEED Get many more miles of dependable service from your 'bald-headed' tires. Let . Sears recap them. Expert work manship by factory-trained experts. Only best material available used. Passenger Car Tire Recaps Sill 6.00x16 $7.00 Inquire for Other Prices IV.lihM.'MJdiiairtiiisai'UHiYfl 'J