HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON Frldoy, Jonuory 5( ?( PACE TWO f Mis M 1 HI DECISION ON HEUVEL CASE LOUS SOON (Continued From Page One) Dr. Rorendal was giving expert testimony. .... Next witness to be called was Police Judge Harold Franey who reviewed court procedure at which time both sir's ap peared before him. He said tiiut at the time ot their first appear ance in court they entered pleas of innocence and that they were to be given a hearing following the report from Dr. Rozendal's office. The girls were brought before him a second time. Nelms Testifies Officer Anthony Nelms, on the desk at the police station at the lime ine gins were udukeu, saiu he had received a call from Mrs. Currier at the Holly hotel and that- Hamilton was sent there. Nelms said that wheu the girls were asked their ages, Willie Mae gave her age as 22, and Margaret gave her age as Nine witnesses, subpoenaed by the defense, testified Thursday before Justice Mahoney that the reputation 01 uie Junius giris, Willie Mae and Margaret, was "bad." The men and women called, swore under oath that they had known the girls either in Arkansas, their home state, Klamath Falls or Bonanza. ins Kfliuiivujf n auuglll uy J-'Gicuac xibiui jiey uu&epn lt O'Neill, in his stated intention In n-n,.n tn ...... .1- il.. .1.. moral reputation of the girls, as vyeu ua meir repuiauon lor irum and veracity, was such that their testimony should not be consid ered by Justice Mahoney. I ' Crowd Attends i The afternoon session opened ifi the county court room to ac commodate the crowd which filled the smaller justice court to overflowing Thursday morning. Willie Mae Collins was ques tioned at length by O'Neill and she repeated her story as told earlier in the day. Under exam ination Gho Hocr-riVtal (nn .m..:!. -..wu V.J.ULU IIIC OlJCVlllU point where the alleged act of "iii.li luiaiur iniei tieuvei is charged, took place. Willie Mae said Heuvcl told them to follow him from the Lakeview junction and proceeded down the road for a "mile or two" and turned off into a grove of pine trees be tween the junction and Olene. "Sister Near" - The girl testified that she saw ne woman in a house near by and that the woman "might have heard me if I'd hollered or some- ing-,She also stated 'hat her sister Margaret was sitting in her car not more than 10 feet from the H0,url : ..... ..v.w in wnicn VYiuie Mae said she and the former chief were sitting when he made n xttfrri. ouvances 10 ner. , O Neill asked Willie Mae if it JEl5 uf 'X,es,e to Ket even with mJK The SirI answered: ? dont know, I just thought something should be done to Meep this from going on." Called to Stand vu Wlt ,siana. tine 11 20 but admitted she had told the desk sergeant f waa.s 24 and. that to othe"s she had said she was 22. Mar flaret repeated that" she was "20 If st August.". thatniJ0!! I similar story as IJeuve, Tad told f ! "Hcuvl Followed" . (L aJgaretJ described how the it PP"id at.the Merrill-Lake. to eV0!,'01' t0 get thing i! Ih wa1s.c,rying and I 'old him LnhSdght.. h loId s to go on 3?" Mrh? w?"ld"'t bothe? tUnM,Ma,r.f,ar.e- ,sald- "The chief rT i." mem you broke ftr California. I run that place lownstairs a"d upstairs, too'1" ' .Margaret told the court that henhatla.dvised Dr- Bendn" dffico tnl tW0 wer? takc" to his hYri hJLi cxami"a'on. that she 1 ! M" '"U'lnsco, us armv ills H h '"."L'i ?a 'n. h- ZJJj?jni thafa' Wool Shirts j OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main :. Ann Pmin....i. I" "H tl 1 1 II Copied, One Pvinl I -mm Films developed and printed or any 8 or 8 exposures Boll 35. Reprints 4c each Prompt Service BUli'S 1031 Main Phon 7167 T ' . . , Give Me Home Near Capitol Dome' T r I . - FT F e s t -iiB.v- .t wi.ii ia.tui is-o ii5 who nil jamuy on steps of the capitol strumming his banjo and tinging. "Oh, give me a home, near the capitol dome " as ht tells the whole world he is having trouble finding living quarters in Washington. In group are Mrs. Taylor (right), a son, Arod. 9 (top confer), and "th" son, Paul, 2. AP wireaboto) rhilri nf this marrine wac hni-i May 2, 1943. Activities Questioned Margaret was questioned at length as to her activities since moving from Arkansas with her famitv anrl caiJ c).a . tu. HI1U 1IU UOGU name of Margaret East at Sen eca, Ore., where her parents lived as she had lived with a Rnherf Fact an ".c.q;iA- for two weeks' but that she had at no time been intimate With llim lui.31.tn t'T .'4 111-. , . '' - UIU1I I IIKK him." Margaret said she thought iii- wo luturiea 10 ine man Dul later learned he had produced a jiuuuey license. she drove down into the field at thf rTf,IAct nt Um.i.Ml HT i ! testified that she was "scared he wuuia snooi us Because he had a gun." Pleaded Guilty ' The girl told the court she was not guilty of a charge of va grancy and did not know the meaning of the word, but "I'll J. " wm 8el me out of this and I can get home." It was at that point that she said she pleaded guilty before Police Judge Harold Franey and both she anri W llio . mac were given suspended sentences with the unaersianaing they return to nieir nome. Instead of going to Seneca, the v-u omijpea ai oonanza to get work as they had neither money Margaret said. Feller Called Firct wi4nfl il L- ., e- . a ""to oy me de fense to testify as to the credibil i ? o o'J.P iwo 8'r,si was Cecil ilyin Arkansas. "e "'"ns IanV iane told the court he knew I se.uls when they were little and they were once taken to a-' danCG "thft nial.4 41 -i , r - ZC ii r , me uia man &!h referring to Frank Col lins, father of the two. He said wnad"h0a.th. that their reputation St ."k"? toting ,i T . "aiiieen last Uc- himri Tlire.Wllli0 Mae asked J'm ,ff 80 to repair their car and when ho asked for security, Mn?ald uthat the younger girl datde"h'S-5 W0Uld "iv " " ha. elf0.rthc money. Lane said he rejected her offer. "Family Friend?" nisfr-it An Humble" th""TI7, J a"". i .;iia..lam,lly. fiend?" the 7 mi i"; "e Known had "hn,,iT; "me and nad bought wh skev frnm "amt Collins when he was moonin" in Arkie!" 5 'uS,! called, to tes- and Mrs W ' B ,? cluded Mr thi, i -w 1, J1'. Scoggins, and Jean m "ff aaughter, Billie gin?' fa9mnJl'C"0ni TheS.9?B- Uwwa'nofgo 'hCir rc"ula n,To "9e' Even" would 'get even with the sn w'lKcops.-Mrscoli! Reno - Y' "owever, that the girt, rriaen Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks - Chairs . Files . For those hard-tott Items AND STATIONERY CO j.8a- h Klameth Fall. " ""Eddie Eittreim's- Steak House 126 South 7th St, Grilled Steaks Merchants' Lunch, 60c Hamburgers . Barbeque Chili OPEN 24 HOURS Dr v. ta -Cairi thnu urntttrl 'tiet ...;ii. Heuvcl. Denny E. Lee, Bonanza restau rant operator, was called and said he had employed the girls for a very short time. Gerald Sher wood, former bartender for Lee, tpctitioH that thai- -..lni:A.. ! ..ink will ivtiuiaiiuil ill Bonanza was "bad." uertrude ,ongton, Bonanza, BUt.,Wui XUllIie lUUAl- can labor camp and former Sac ramento assistant juvenile offi cer, said she had employed the s"'" in me Kitcnen ana mat they "were always talking sbout getting even with him,'r when RSkpri if oithn- llTdli ft I w.,i.wi .rime 1T1CIU Ol Margaret had made threats 6'".-' neuvei. Mrs. ,ongton said the threats also included Po lice Judge Franey. Mrs. Mertie Ayres of Bonanza, member of the city council, told the court that the council plan ned to take action at the next meeting to see if "we could de clare the girls a nuisance." Versa piau cmpioyea in tne kitchen, gave a negative answer "'. osnra ii me gins" reputa tion in Bonanza was good. New Chaplin Trial Looms LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5 M) Joan Berry's lawyers filed a mo- lion todav far nn. i . rhLr " e??lng that Charlie mv iiner oi ner 15-months-old daughter. it . eciriiest nos- Ie, date. wilA o aed for the ".' ":n me matter comes rfav. "e"or court next Thurs- -mwueu court calendars, trial for several- months. Crackdown on Gn Dealers Under Way PORTLAND, Jan. 5 Mi A crackdown on Pacific coast gaso l?es dc.aLers who "PSrade their product by adding a few drops of lubricating oil is underway hcad-'orsrWdis: ment attorney'. The lubrScant does not increase the oclanewn! forMlSts Wcre warnod to look 'adis byGS'sCtad aocbS Dealers display the guar, tv sign m large letters with "S? WEATHER 4 r.... Max. Min n. Klamath riiii'""":: Si S .14 lW'S'.0 ...:.::Vn :- " Sfflaj. ! a ?? ?2 22 Troco " M 48 ;n Hi5S'tttt'Js's Pjrlto. -.turd-yrTaWjaS," OBITUARY lR. riiAtii.v-t wimE 'n " "!rt"l namlio dllri Pre-Shrunk Black Jeans OREGON WOOLEN STORE :P0LKES0IES : IN CAS ROOAI; DENIES GUILT (Continued From Page One) chamber closed. Ho entered the chamber ut 9:04, the pellets were nroppeci hi u:uy, and he whs pronounced rieiid at K:ia. The execution was witnessed by 85 spectators. nervous Night He had eaten nothing all night but coffee. He spent the night smoking nervously, pac. illL! his Poll, unrl nl.-ivim, hl..L.. jack with a guard. nev. . n. oieinniann, balcm, who spent part of the night with him, said the negro mt.ui- tnillpH hie iniinivrnt thi.nii.il,. . ...v .tllwllbjll' out their conversations. Thp ni-prn' m n t h , Clara Folkcs, Los Angeles, left mm ai iu o ciock last nignt. no -lomcncy finvprnni' Varl s;n.,il uiil h.. nan recpiven itmrtrisr c nr calls during the night, and had neither calen nor slept. In a statement, hp niirl h u...... ..... able to giant clemency because of pvirlenro "ivliir-li pm,.,l...... me beyond any doubt of the suiii ui nuucri r.. ,ce roiKCS. Tile execution onrinH .i. month attempt by the negro's mother, and other groups con vinced of Folkcs' innocence to save him from the gas cham ber. Thn flrpprtn unrl t, it oupn-itib- euuM uciuca appeals. A zero hour pica for a Habeas corpus writ on the grounds ol alleged errors in the trim tailed yesterday. No Testimony " Folkcs did not testify at his trial. He was convicted in April, 19-J3, by a jury of farm folk, partly on the evidence ot thrco confessions, which the ile- feilKP limintnillpri mnrn ,.1.1 i .....I ........ ....bu uut.lllllM under duress. The negro, stolid throughout the trial, remained calm during the last few days and atu hearty meals. Unclad Man Causes Cop, Wife Trouble SPOKANE, Jan. 5 (P) Patrol man George Storassli, called to an aDartment hv a ri.n,n-t ii. man was running about the halls nifci--u uiiLiau paraaer to return to his room, but with out avail. Then he learned the man was a deaf mute. So Storassli wrote a note to his wife, also deaf. "Tell him," he said, "to go to his room and to bed or I'll take him to the station." Thft WtfA WIVltn hn-lr. tT..ll him yourself. It's not my parly." Whales mav hnvn n lifn of 500 years; eagles, 200; alligat ors, 300, and elephants from 100 U(lldlUS. Hans Norland Auto In Phone 6060. CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY STARTS . . GOES ON'S bt a MANHUNT! 1 fas,mm 'i'iiWSi I V&UIU lWt ESQURE ANATMD TUDII l' UIT I L Governor HORIZONTAL 1,7 Pictured U. S. governor 12 Asylum I I Koundcc 7 Zodiacal constellation 8 Railroad (ab.) 9 Kver (eontr.) 10 Greek Icller 15 Observe 11 Fiber knots 16 Winelike nai l 13 Forjy 17 Mystic 14 Also syllable 13 Incrtnes. 18 Knock -0 Makes in He is governor sorrowful of 21 Welghtlnf 21 Predisupserl lead 24 Cognomens 22 Rhode Island (ab.) 2.1 Stove pails 25 Repasts 20 Babylonian deity 28 ENistrd 29 Perfect 30 Symbol for erbium 31 Ainbary 32 Aromatic plants 35 Skirmish 37 Fundamental 38 Inflow 39 Advents 43 Point 46 Rough lava 47 Ailing 48 King (Fr.) 51 Enraptured 53 Substance 55 Make amends 50 Acknowledges VERTICAL 'l Doctors (ab.) 2 Tiny 3 Native of (sufllx) 4 Greek (ab.) 5 Cured 6 Having height lj'''i!lllll!lll!(iill!li!!ll Ellcft Mi.olinn Vlfii..M. TTII , - .... ,,,,,, I at their Thursday night meeting I entertained a group of recently initiated members with a "mock ! trial" designed to settle an old hunting feud between Loval Knight Chillies Seavey and Lec turing Knight Vein Moore. Sea vey presided at the meeting, and principal figures in the trial" were Justice of the Peace Joe Mahoney, District Attorney Clarcpce Humble and Eddie Goeckncr, "attorney for the do fensc." Moore took an active part as defendant. Fafrviaw Stnmn Sal. A of si 7i ns i h,i: ;t?. ' "s"'v"" miM oiaiiiija was purchased at Fairvicw school this past week. In nddi- on. rnirintr td cur ict. t.u . ' f vmi.iniinn iiuic days, studentx purchased 160.50 .ii mu i una ooncis, wuicn uuMit-u un mu uin war loan. Luncheon Slated for Jaycee National Head Phil Lee. president of the making plans for a luncheon' lo uv kivcii gn aaiuraay, January fi in hnnrit nf innimi ..N ..... i. .". ui commerce national president --umii; i. ufiics, wno win ar rivt in Klariialti Cnlte ln..- PrplHtnt nf Hi ft Mcififl. - -- - in., ncivur till U.I and Mayor Ed Ostcndorf will ut. un udnu io welcome inc pres U.IH. BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:30 TODAY 4 i s?feM wer . ru,m" . .11" AiiRtfr tu lri1tm riiBpli liiililii Wig ac. xH'vPl I mi ti I' WfiL I do .-Ji i t. n M rlfolTfHl co Mi -VN cm; I'-' I 2" Frozen rain nf 33 Indian nimy 4.1 lleveiiige (ab.) 44 Inlri est Ub.) 34 Scratch 45 Golf loachrr 35 Subjected to 48 rnrlugucse mrillng coin 3G Early English 49 Ontario (ub.) (ab.) 50 Belongs tn II 40Rodcnl 52Anv 4IContcud 54 Millimeter 42 In the manner (ab.) i i i 'i ii o I T" o n ij IT" rn rr 7! f LTT Q ;i 1 11 ' -i- rr ?t" wmi1 " Av rr" rs n it fj- wmm "" 1 W " io I 5T"TT" " iV yi T U l. 'jso pjii rj ;i it -J ' I I ' I LJ I LLa Electrification of Railroads Proposod POHTLAND. Ore.. Jim. 3 f.T) Electrifkiition of nurtliwe.st lull road., tn lake the .surplus Hull' ncvllle pimcn efl after ilnsuie of war plants wn.s proposed here today. T. M. C. Martin, Bonneville power adiiilni.stnitiuii oflk-ial, suggested the nicHMire at the opening of n two-clay meeting of the Bonneville regional adviMiry council. Both Martin and Ivan Ulocli, also a Bonneville official, urged a nilirW Stll-VCll nt ntcuil.l., rtln... trie power markets in the north west. The Kmiirixu r'lh. ,,.,., . ceived a Russian pensant woman n ii.il who nan at ciiiitiieii, all living. I Classified Ads BriiiK RcmiIIs. I ! il . .1 HI " T, . . Tt I 1 Box Office Open, 1:30-6:45 I 111 --b-a-dt-w M II, f1v B I -V NOW BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:43 P. M. j ! .v -1 B.IP11I T. m. jr 1 11 : cowBors. BEAUTY VTIF F 5:-.MlS .RHYTHM... U M KUbtKb J set To i-'f. . ;.,J." . SSCJ H flfti -w -;i;jt i LJl'-ini"' L --f2?tv'A 1 AK1 SEIZED YANKS KNOCK (t'onliiuieil from Pugo One) Akvah. third liugeat nnrt In Burma ami the goal of Drillsli jungle campaign drives for two jri-ni ... In III," Phlllmi iii. Mui'Al th ur announced di more enemy snipa nave ucou auiirc or eveiii ly dnmiiKetlal len.it half of them definitely went down by u. a. puinea swrepiuit uic wrii rru coastline of Luriiii. Four inure were uosiroyeci uy i'i 3 Box Office Opens 6;45 k Ends Tonight -k "SPOTLIGHT SCANDALS" Second Hit "Woman In Bondoge" Saturday - a"tr" Pit-ACTION TRIO IN A ROUND-UP OF TRIPLE TR0UIUI THE THREE MESQUITEHtS TOM TYLEK BOB STEFLC JIMMIE DODO SECOND HIT "DEVIL BAT" OUT f SHIPS YiS55eK Hi i ,1 in I 1 1 1 1 m r l h n boiila njierulliig In Ini,,,,,, i wed tf Leylo MhikI. ii7, ! I lui JiiDiiiieMi lil, i in.,... ; ft (list three tliiya (, ti. til) fur plunr iivrr i. nine lor the torpedo Ini.ii, ' An Milull linn t)nlin,i."rv liniiiitl.'i nf hi. miiI, ami ....ii,,. ii,,, i , , . '"iii ' "i i "i ini.'i o ., Ilmiiigli lliti vi.'lnii mid iin,'," Box Office Opoiu l:30.t:j -- Now Playing SECOND BIG HIT "Crazy Knights" Saturday Midnight! THE SECRET J- OF HIS AM ice Lire jMt EXPOSES THE vuriDnccr LOVE STORY W j EVER TOLDJ v' ftf 1 iik i... .1 NILS ASTHER v-t Vj UCI ru uin urn ' " ,01'ictid it Ult HmtHf 11 j Cliis.illlril Ails linn;. (,,M,, JAMES LYDON I V BARBARA BELprl 1 (mm Ann I " . . ' mti'&&s&s jjMI"""' j : ; (ft, ' ' J I