Lay, January 4, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE H.ip Male Help Wonted, Male 94 Automotive 34 Automotive 14 Automottv 34 Automotive) $4 Autom live 34 Automotive II vou want to work In a logging camp, sawmill , '.i... ,A where conditions ore aood. call at ,ie offco or pi!""" -.-. Uv.t,uu,, .v U11U m. .., ,i ,nnn In all these denartnienls of our operation which Is an essential Industry. BWlC PLUMBING , SERVICE bins 4 Healing Equipment mulled nd Repaired DAVIS . .UMBING CO. io Hurry Pliono 70.15 iood Coal Oil FURNACES . Iron Fireman Burners - Stokers Bob Porter Phono 7708 40311 APPLIANCE REPAIRS cpur did service (II makes idlos. vacuum eiouncn ana v other electrical appll k Wo may liavo llio lyp ot b tuba you i.eed (icmoii prices. Pliono S188. iEARS ROEBUCK Tues -Thur..Sat..ll REFRIGERATION- WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair SAVE COX, Sorvice Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. Mime Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR ictory Authorized Service rlousohold and Commercial Phone 6617 ECON EQUIPMENT CO. HI So. (Jill SI. l-KIm oil nuiiNpns URNACES, CHIMNEYS. Cleaned and Repaired WOOD . COAL . OIL FURNACES 'liable (or Replacements i-Compare Our Prices . TUFTS EATING SERVICE Phono 8040 888tf i0VING STORAGE ocal and t.on Distance HAULING Klnmnfh Pnll IANSFER nnd CTfiRAr.F f"la for United Vnn Lines nilllllRl 1 P innit RR79 1-23 INCOME TAX SERVICE ' ommerclnl Bookkeeping nollin A. Cnntnill om 4, llopku Bldg. "u 11. Olll SI, Onon r-venlngs and Snlurdnys l'hono 3241) 1-lOm "'SMAKINn n..Y.-.. ..... tA it uiin mil MlirKIPH itl.lir A'"'rn,, "'n WW nnd Olll nnom am. ph. uk. t-sitn Ikini ii . .,'u wn .vour nf Is i.rn'J ."'"W: ;!!'' r'". ana too ...ii "r. ' .'. ! 11 100 I"' f i.-i" n forget when your Msskejuit dial ..Ccc.. 4, fcN L AUNDERED and atrelcherf p'm ,1(17. - II. Mn!-V.!?!''!...wo'"-N " " ti .....,,,,r mw una iiepatr .-13 f, J I '""" and Hon P.H.I Hii,I f Hln Ph0, M4 .m 0 0,L TINTING-Phon ' um. ... Pe-slll SMiSa"" Wont MI8 Fi KtmionlM and 1.1 I .Wl. ' i j h.. in. .CAim In my WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. rr 10 Harriett Phont 3330 ED F. KING Heplle Tank Cleaned Inlpactlnit fre. MMtrtl Ulp merit. Contents hauled iwi, NCRHKnY In my home, for children up In l year, start na January B. 1401 W vuinn I ft 13 HUh PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 183 Granite St. Aihland, Oregon Phono 7001 Oraduato Nurao In Charge. ' l-Bm ,4 Help Warned female WANTED SALES PERSON ' Prefer Someone With Experience In Women's Ready-toAVear. Apply LONG'S APPAREL Phono 6431 1700tf WANTED . Vt'Nllr.t id tluliwa.hrr rIU Colltf Kliop. 131 N. llli. H WANTrO airl or woitiAII lor fanvral hoUMWOrll. (inod, Photl 1IH2. WANTKU WnilrVM nd dlthwM.lir. Wi man ptrrd. Apply m Hlllr' Cnf In Shop. ivuill WANTr.ll-tllrl or woman 10 liar with rltlldreu from 4 p. ni lo I p. til . ft ). . Plupna UH IMIII WAITIIMH WANTED - llnard. rmim ikm1 ul.iy, Utirn ml tear, Tlton. ntlkcl. Cr-rl UmIi. 1-4 WANTEtl. Udy Inr marln and clicli Inl. Htaitila.d Clranara- IT70K WANTtlJ llmlikpr, very IKhl work, afltniooiia and evriilnr;.. May lav pr to lioinfi nlghta, I'tiuna XrJO W K, Main. 10 WANTr.ll- Woman for maid's work. Ao ply lu lio.fkeM.r In ntrmn. willaid Hl.l l-il 16 Holp Wanted. Mai. Southern Pacific Company in need of Merchandise Handlers Aid Us in Our Greatest War Effort Secure Yourself with Fine Hospitalization, Pension, Pass Rights See Agent WANTr.n-Bxprltncad h minor. Ap ply Mallor llroa. Phono SMI 4ltl WANTEO-apollar or pro.ttr. C'kaiian. Ill So. llh. WANTKD - AtllomolilU mochanlca for Chavrolat nnd other cara. Pormanant work. IKK-' of MHO flat rati. Onnon Chovreltl Co.. Vroka, Cllf. WANTKD-Kxporlnicrrl radiator repair man. ' Old lahllihrd. Ihnrouihly nnipprrl "riop. Dlf monay for riant man. AnUtraon Auto Borvlco. :o Walnut. I,,, WANTr.D-Capahlo autnntobllo nioehanlc to work ly mnnlli. Would profor man with aomt body prlnco. Klimitli nua Co., 1M Main. WANTKD-llalpor In radlalpr alwp. No xparlanra naritrrl rail Klamath Itadlalor Worka, 1221 So. 0th. I'lionri l)14a. . IM3II WANTKD-Nat joun man to handlii 1 1 (lit dallvorloi ml work arouml alnrt. Apply In poraon. Mooller'a Klatnalh (loner Slwp. lalt M"1," WOULD VOII Ilka to ram monay altar ihool dellvarliig llerald-Nowa paper router See Mr. Miller at the Herald office after 3 p. m. 07DU VOlTNO MAN, draft enempl. for Inalde atore aalea work. Should tie mechani cally Inclined and accural at flturee. Salary aailtl per month In atari. Hive . reference! and phone number, Writ llereld and Newi. Hon 178. ia-0 Nr.KDKD-Man or woman to lek over eatahllalwd route dlalrlbullm mcdl clnea. Iinlne remedlea. In.cctlclilcti. illilnfectanla. animal fooda. tonlcl and food producta. Home medication, huv Ina At home. Increnaes demand, c.ond prnfll. Wrlle nawlrlifh'e. Depl. OR A-aoa-IBT. Oakland, Calif. 1-4 WANTED -Men and Uoya In ael pine, l.llhl work, aood pay. Apply now ln Alley, aia Main P. m. or any evrnlnf. 20 Hoom and Board w-L-.r.n.-smstsvuu i.n nm inmv.' - ROOM-BOAnD-oentlemen. 1W7 Ciei cent. POAnn AND IIIIOM ItW Jcflcmnn. n 22 Hooma Tor Rant ISSSSlJiJrriJLru u-rurll ron BKNT-Sleeplm room. Oonllrman. Phone TII20 da I. lOJIIH ROOM fort BUNT lima Jetfereon. ROOM foil HUNT, for nenlteman In. nulre Bllllo'l Darbor and Benuly Shop. I Ilia Main, '-a Fori BUNT-Modern aleaplni room with kitchen prlvlleaea to aervlce couple, tin children. I.'Iomi In. Write Box 1.1. care HeraltlndNewB. M '-y 24 ApaMmanta For Hant ron RENT - 3-room furnlnhed anrt menl. a.m.on per innnlh. Tilelcr Anarl rnrnm, 1 block eiiuth pelican cjiy eehe-' " We' Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisa on Your Car t J Just Call 4103 arfd Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 2( Houaas Por Rani ton BKNT-One and two-room (urtilth ed collafea. Allamont Aulo Camp. l- TKUCKM roil nr.NT-Vot. driven move your.elf. tave "t. atllea tleaeon Berv. Ire. 12UI Caat ftlaln. Phone B.104. l-m roil IIKNT 4 room hou.c. Inquire li'Vi Man.aniu .4 28 Mucallanaou r or Rant ton fITNT-rioor aandera. edfera end wallpaper reittovlntf machine. J. T.. 1'allrr.un Paint Store. Phone 3W4. liJU rait Main. l-aim KI.KCTRIC rLOOIt SANDKHH and edaer renlrd. Do your nwn work Initnre Paint tlopt. MUNHJOMEBY WABD ev ( O. 1 aim KOH lir.NT-Prenl Iru-atlun of Va.hlon t'leauen. 602 Main, luodern front. 121. by 70 f.Mii. Inquire Rudy'e Men'a hnop. no Main. 172IK omi'E spac e yon iient m nice of tire, well Ifx'ated. Write Box 187. New .-neralil 13 30 Raal KilnU For Salfj st. f"ranc"isTark One o( the oiiUstunding homes In this ilislrlul. Thin attractive slx-iooiii home him brick con s( ruction, concrete bnscmcnl, double giimge, cuul iiutomutlc luriiucc. Going, lor 5U5U0. Terms. e e Klvc rooni newly built homo on Shnstu Wjiy. lias oil heat, liard wood floors, veiu'tiun blinds, either completely furnished or unfurnished. Immediate posses sion. Price $I8UU. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS 111 N. 0th Phone 4364 1-3 One ncro ot good ground and a four-room house un Madison street. Priced at $3U00. A twobedroom house oft South Sixth street, acre, nice lawn and trees, with all the furniture tor $3730. If you can make a large monthly paymont will ac cept smTill down payment. If Interested in a farm I have 120 acres that Is the best buy in Klamath County, e J. W. Sanders rtcnl Estata 1213 Main Phone 7521 1-5 3 BEDROOMS fl-room modern home at 3320 SUMMERS LANE, with i acre of best ground. Immediate pos session. Price only $3730, terms. AND At BEND, Oregon, O room mod ern home, close In, with 6 bed rooms, 2 stories, stone founda tion, pnved street, 2 lots. Will sell, or trade for Klamath Falls property, Prlco $3780, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 0th Phone 4564 ON THE llll.l. NORTH OK PITY (.'ENTER. '-BEDROOM MODERN HOME. AUTOMATIC Oil. HEAT. FIHEIM.AC'E AND VENE TIAN ni.lNDS. PRICED AT SDOOO - aanoo down, balance eh.a. in- HIIMKn LOAN, .mivihi monthi.v pay ments, includes taxes and in surance. CALL A. n. EPPErtSON 7inn Evr.NiNOS John Mi-fee Realtor IIS NO. 7T11 PHONE 4511 1-S FOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFee, Realtor 118 No. 7th Phone 4521 1-8 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. Bth ' Phone 8491 1-1 3m FOR BAt.E-3-bedrnoin modarn home, fireplace, linrdwnod floora. furnace. Cloao In. Dial B7IH. I" FOR SALE In Blcwflrl. fl-room modern home, elrelrle rniiRo and trnh burner, hentlnu alovo, twda, ltfrpa and mat trewea. good radio. Fully, fumlnhnd. rendy lo mnvn In, aaso. Phsn sain. 7th at Klamath Thuri.-Sat. 30 Hal Catat For Sal Apartment House 12 furnished apartments, close to business district. Income $403.00. Steam heat, electric ranges and refrigerators. Corner lot 100x100, also 8 garages Price $26,000.00. terms $8,000.00 cash, balance $73.00 per month plus Interest at 3, BOGUE DALE REALTOR 120 S. 9th Tel, 6872 FOR flAl.t-S-ronm houit, modem, with naktmtmi. partly rurnunad: triOM in. 34 Automotive RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well. Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor Truck , Bus V. B. SMITH 2548 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 1409-tf Exchange Motors Fords 1028 to 1942 Chevrolet 1B35 to 1941 Plymouths 1934 to 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1942 or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Resround Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 1-23 Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road Phone 703 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. i M5m Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 5195 John Sandmeyer, C. -S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 1-31-m Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Whore 8th Street Ends 1.12m IIAVB OONE IN NAVY. 'a Bulck coupe for eale. May be aeen at 207Q etna. Phone 480.1. 1-S 8F.B MEl, HENRY at Lombard'! Uaed Car Lot. SSI !). Slh St. Top OPA CASH PnlCB at once for your car, All makea and modele for aala. 1-IAm FOR SALC.1P.1S Standard Chevrolet. Excellent condition. Good rubber. I.iso.oo, Phone SI0I. Ext. 07.. between hour of B a in, and 4:.10 p. m. 1-8 FOR SALE 10.14 Chevrolet coach. Muat aell, or will take cheaper car. Sid Spring St. 1-S FOR SALE. 1114(1 C1MC llt-ton truck, MIS Studebaker SH-ton truck with S-apeed rear end. Phone SflB or 104, Melln. tlewav Srnllh end Snn. 10 Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley Will Pay You TOP CAS H Price For Your Car We can do this as used cars are just a part of our business. Essential Workers Need Transportation. If You No Longer Need Your Car-e-Selling It Is a Contribution to The War Effort. -SELL NOW While Prices Are Up You Will Help Yourself as' Well as Others Ashley Chevrolet Go. 410 So. 6th St Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. 14 A tomotlv RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So 6th Phone 7071 1-7 FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Biilld Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th , Phone 6942 l-6m 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery. Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m 38 Miscellaneous For Sals rOR SALE Piano, davenport and chair. Dial 8713. lKliltf FULLER BRUSHES Rep. R. V. Moraan. S3S So. Rlveralde. Phone 334B. a-lm FOR SALE 13-ft. trailer with dual axle and four aood Urea. Phone 4003. 1-8 HAY DELIVERED In ton lote, first nnd ...nnd eultlue. Phone Mallory'e Mec kel. 48J0. . 1-0 FOB SALE-Large wooden barrels. In quire at Fluhrr'a Bakery. 1733tf FOB- SALE Black cocker spaniel pup plei sas. Phon 7948. 1-6 ALLEN Adding Machlnei and FR1DEN Calculators. 134 S. tun St. Pioneer Printing J Stationery Co. 1-lSm CERTIFIED NETTED OEM SEED POTA TOES, first yeer Montana dry land foundation atocki grown at Macdocl. Calif. Olt Sr Edwards. Phon 8713 or 1131. Tulelake, Calif. 1-11 OOINO INTO THE SERVICE -Will sell my 1033 Nash coup for also, a.vjl Wantland. asstf FOR SALE-Cahlnet Grand piano. Adams, afternoons. 12.11 1-3 FOR SALE- a ft. toboggan. Call 3.1 Jefferson after 6 p. m. 1-4 PEDIGREED Siamese kittens for sale. Phon 4407 or call 1031 Blsmark. 1-S FOR SALE -Car radio. 41T Lincoln, A-l condition. I834tf FOB BALI-All-wool seamleM rug. Pxlft: coffee table. Venetian hllnds, Inner snrlne atudlo couch, occasional chair. lamp, hanging shelfs, etc. Call 8339 after a, i-s FOR SALE, or will rent, 60 Cat with l-etourneeu angle Ready to an. Also I D-40 International truck, 10:17 model, with logging trailer. Good rub ber. Doug Puckett, Tulelake, Calif. Phone 7104. 1-4 FOR SALE - One pair lady's figure ekatee. els 0. One h.p. stationary gas engine. On Chester Model 89 callbr S18B. Flxlt Shop, 744 Klamath. 928tf rOR SALE 100 tons bated nay. 1st cut alfalfa, oats and rye. at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before croaslng river or cau Doug Fucseu, iiueiaKe tto. 333311 Phon 4113 36 Mlicllanou For Sala Attention Farmers For , Potato Box and Sack Loaders. Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Deere Lindeman Track Type Tractors, Haymaster Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company 3049 So 6th St. . Phone 8247 Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. Special for Mondav. Jan. Bth 30 REGISTERED HXRErORDS AT AUCTION At Lakevlew, Oregon IS BULLS 13 HElTtRI From two of Oregon's leading Hereford Breeders. Ranchers, cattlemen and Hereford breeders plan now to attend this eale. Also consigned for this AueUon ar plenty of fat ana feeder eatue along wiin norses. nois ana sneep. LAKEVIEW LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Phone 731. Lkvlew, Or. 1-8 FOR SALE Dry wood. Bar BlUtseth. 1314 Dayton. 3-3 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 143S Martin. Phone 90TT. t-31m STOVES REPAIRED. All available perte atocaea. usea rurnitur. stovs oougnt. OK Second Hand Store. 810 Klamath. Phone 9871. l-31m FOR SALE-Tratltr noma, 24 ft. '43 moati riymoutn. Excellent eonamon, Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court 61 tf FOR SALE ReminMlon automatic thot- Bun nnd shelli. Speed boat with 60 n p. motor, rixii enop. 7i ruamain lffTMf 40 To Exchange FOR TRADE 20 sauce doubl barrel hotgvin. tome alielli. for good 23 rine. uau kto. ii a. m. to a p. m. 1-5 42 MiicalUnvout Wanttd WILL PAY CASH for uifrt num. lrinj tnein in i or aporauai. tisuu a hahu WARE. 328 Main St. 1-Jlm WANT small furnished house or apart ment. Permanent couple. Call 34M. 1-4 WANTED Aoartment or houie. furnith- fd. by two marines and wives. Call tip 03. or after 5. 3317. Mrs. I. Odell. 1-0 LOCAL COUPLE want to rent furnished apartment or small furnished house at once. No children or nets. Phone 7401 or 737ft. 1737 tf CASH oald tor household foods. Phont 7M0. 4540U WANTKD Pair of niceona. Call 752T afternoons. 12t)hb Wllal. PAY CASH TOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4310 or 7173. " l-22m WANTED TO DUY-Late model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1321 Sargent RPU WANTKD Trunk In good condition. Phone MT0. 12-30 ULASS-Mlrrors. re-iltTerini . Plate v dow and auto glass, furniture tops, -hflvrv Ktmballs Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phont 7378. I Am NAVY LIEUTENANT and wift need tipuo or apartment, urgently. Fur ni shed or unfurnished. Phont 5118. Lt. R. D. Qlondinnlng. 1-0 WANTED TO BUY-Innersprlng mat tre.. Prefer Beauty Rest or See ley. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 4(tt0 between ft and T p. tn. TBtf WANTED-. Late model nlektin Must be In Rood condition. W. Reynolds, phon aoi i, i i.ui am. i SEE l-N USED We Buy All Makes SEE ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC phon 8JM CMC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum WHITE TRUCKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR ESSENTIAL USERS We will be glad to help you fill out your priority application YOUR WHITE DEALER WEST-HITCHCOCK CORP. 423 So. 6th 44 LtTeetook and Poultry aawai m a mm a a - ANNOUNCEMENT a new Klamath Falls enterprise. Orefon'i newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 198 the better to serve southeastern your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD TtD STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come In, write us for information and prices. . FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY J720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS 993tf Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, ' trunks. suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761U 44 Lire teek and Poultry NOTICE CATTLEMEN and FARMERS . G. W. "Mac" McAnulty Is Permanently Located at 516 Klamath Ave., Apt. 2. Call me when you have hogs or cattle for sale. Phone 5392 Night or Day 1-4 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3373. l-31rn HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phoae S323. night 3505. l-31m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET. BIS East Main. Phone 4383 Mm FOR SALE-8-year-old cow horse and Vanco aaddle. Louis Randall. Bonanza. Ore. 1-S HAVE SO HEAD of Hereford cattle to put out on shares for five years, write Box 1803. car Herald and News. 1-8 CHICKS. Finest and best grade of chicks. Satisfaction guaranteed ot money refund. Talent HAtchery. Tal - nt. Oregon. Send for free catalogue. 1-34 STOCKMEN The next Livestock Auc tion at the Pavilion. Phoenix. Oregon, will b on January 6. 1043. Southern Oregon Llvastock Auction Co. 1-S WANTED - Dead and worthless animals. Phone collect. l-3lm 46 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long . Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Fr!1s Sixth and Main Phone 51A3 131111 41 Business Opportunities BESTAUHANT FOB SALE or leas 1 responsible party. Write Herald-News. Box ISSt. 1-4 ROSE CARS and Sell and Models US Phone 6130 Phone 7771 1-6 44 Livestock and Poultry - - - - -i-g-n-rtnn n n.nrxn rrannrLjmiiauui Oregon. Arrang now to laave 4t naaaetai When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy' Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ' uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 , ' Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 -31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For V LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Y; FURNITURE-" , NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay , No Co-Signers . Quick Service - Locally Owned ; Motor investment vo. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-J41 114 N. 7th Phone 332 J 1-311TI If it's a "frozen- article you n a