PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tfiur.doy, January J Out Our Way y J. & Wllliami Our Boarding House I ICTCM lA-"Dkl t SOME SEWIMa DOWrJ m ME. noM'T TCV Trt MAKE IT LOOK LIKE SHE WAS COOKING A.klD P.PMDIMrt Dl IP MEALS TO US.' XXJ SMART ALECK.' ktr-ruitkl' rC -Tul ikjd-iP t r-nr lt" I1 IT A LITTLE DlBTV AGIMST MY CLO'ES VOU'P INSULT ME RV TPI I IM' MP r NEEP A eOOD REMO- VATIN AST ME IF IP CLEANED MY BIKE WITH EM.' m WHV MOTHERS GET SRAV i -1 J I? Williams 'f EGAD, 80YS.' AW GRVbPlMS f rivjal for the Post of CAN "WL bUUDb'o I A AtETrAODTO ESTABLISH who s vn ttu FOR THE SOB-,;" 1. , Ur- LUUKbC V wirh Moior Hoo Langeil Valley fSURE.'VOL) BOTrV , bWfttvJ-DlVJE OUT OP A BUrAP I 0ER.TUEr 'niiTU poi ta . THE OK& VOWO FIRST, CARRY IN6 rXPElOSUISi, ) V IS IT fc frlrt Id Y. VOAKjT TO PPOe WH05 ROGGHD, 'SEE VMHICH OME CAM 6TORSV His DOVJSiTOVOM 1, 1 f :. A. I J ' eowtms iv 4 snmtr. iw. t, u mc u fat, err, (2R. com& UP WITH A CACTON OF Red Ryder By Fred Harmon f SURE WE KILLED 'EC K6L KTPtK, If N.11 CORNED' E.W FINE.' WE'RE SAFE JL I JUST LIKE Art J PEKJlTENTlKY-IHE 4 mm i mi irm cudm ihihtj Wash Tubbi AND HERE'S THEVTMAN'rvS.'N ;! Mi m i BME -mOUSANJD BLAIR" I f TH-VT5 4rSSk. 1 PRO.-MSED tK tOOfi CT 1H" EVIDENCE '7- tt -vloa! f WORRIES W WE MEEC" s,ti5!s-Sl.i Olene By Leslie Turner f YOU WERE YES, COL BRILL.SME DESTfioYEOl f THEN YOU V YE5.THERE 15 A SUITABLE A 1 Nl EXT, 6RILL I i ,D T-tl ,.,-, o ATYUSHAN, SUPPLIES EXCEPT FOR bRUMS THINK SUHi xPLACEWESTOF WANfitHnM ) ANBEASy I J?P5,t0J?Z? MR N V GENERAL HLEF oF GASOLINE WHICH WE HIP IM THAT ICOULd I ALLTORDS! CONFER WH fSKLa .Iff 5,?,!' TUKiWHEN WE ) A VALLEY FARTHER WEST,. LAND THERE TOWY MEN. TlSyTHAT IS COMMANDER wb15!? vTf'tE', JAPS? 1 .lm I STV""'' BEASU6NVARMKENTIC3NEPlrA'LLaiVE 14 J&b MMLi m I rfesn-,r- ( OFF THE JAPANESE Fr ME away 3ri (i' WFKl V&jbri&P COAST AT THIS POINT, " BACK IF MY 1 ioott and Her Buddies " , : ; . ; ; - By Martin I ! I 'wkwuJ 1 65H lW6UH (50 NOW. TO ) ten VOO WER H V. 1 freckles and Hit Friends ' ' T- , . Bv Blsster ( lows I 1 MABV. t I GOUA SO VSIVE UP ATA MAMBURfiEE WTM JCOME. 1 , . ' WHV ARE YOU BOTH WAITLL YOU SEP ' OtJWD r-OUE. REFORM YOU, FRECK IM V PEG? , WELL,WEREIW3V- MOVING OUT AT J WHAT MOVED INTO SEf fl fcAMPAISN IS HELPING THE VliV INGOUT0F429 THE SAME TIME? r 427 , CAN BREAK RK5HT BACK. , , MOVERS wC "V WILLOW STREET, ,,.S - jSl iS&f- here1t started! -rvTvric7ll r,7 "H"! rsh" . oy v. I. Hamlin Little Orphan Annie --- r " ..ijVIO BJ . I,, I By Harold Grav Y 1 . : " ( MY, My! HONtv I audTN I ftW, I SLEPT vr ."N I W t S0 R TM PICKINGmIT Mi SLEPT O.-B wj gyg DoESK,T N I iJ"N'Nfi DlbN'T MY J Ll ATME! FINALLY GOT Uul E I KN0W '5 T HE k I Uahuns sleep well? pv PrrrsM . "abou? tSrkTm T I WENJ0UJ ABOUT 1 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis GcbhnrcH wore dinner guests at the Eddie Roberts homo in Poe valley on Christmas Day. Mrs. Lcnora Fisher is looking for her son, Elmer Fisher, lor a furlough in the near fu- ftltW Tl I, nc hnm, mint o unnr since he has been home. A famllv riiimpr wn hnlrl rtn Christmas Day at the A. L. Mnrshnll homo. Mr. nnrl Trti .Tnhn Mnrshnll mil ll.n drcn and Mrs. Helen Sturman were the guests. Mrs. Estclle Hill, mother of Mrs. John Marshall, is spending some time in Pasadena, Calif., where sho went shortly before tllO hnlirinve In hn Ihn ixmcl her sister, 'Mrs. Fred Hotchikiss. mr. ana Mrs. Marion Barnes spent Christmas Day at the home of their daughter. Mrs Bill Garriot, in Klamath Falls. Ann Stevenson, daughter of the George Stevenson s, is spending her holidays at her home in Olene. Ann is a stu dent at the U. of O. On Christ mas the Stevensons were guests of the Nelson Reeds in Klam ath Falls. Mr nnrl Mr n.icil and son Barton spent the past wi-uiteua wiin mis. Browns parents, the Paul Seizors, near Hood River. According to word just re ceived, Jimmy Sullivan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan, is now a sergeant. Jimmy is in Italy and is a gunner on a B-24. Tavlnr Kit,h cnn nr HTH 1 Mrs. Rex High', is at boot camp in Idaho. His address is Tay lor Hk'h AS Cn nn.j.t Camp Waldren, USNTS, Farra gut, Idaho. Young High and Sgt. Sullivan are cousins. i A family rlinnnr nl ilm R,., Kilinnv linmr U'ne n rMipic! n... Day event in Olene. Clark Dix was a guest, besides the imme diate family. Mrs. Addie Peart and son, Raymond, accompanied by diet Wilson, .snent Simrlav nnrl Mon day in Dunsmuir at the home of -Mrs. Pearl's aunt. Wilson has just returned from a Klam ath FnMc hncnilnl afl n rious illness of several weeks. Nona and Pat Masters spent Christmas with their parents,! the Stanlev Mnlnrs Mnna ,.,mA -from Portland and Pat frnm Spokane. .. ... ir. mil nil. iiuvi iiff. him ,........ iiihI sous eiitei'luiiH'd with it 1 ; tl.. .11 I l...l.,l. ...... I lut- ! laiiuiy iiiiuivr v in i.-tiiit.;i tiucsls weio Ml', anil Mm. l.i's lor 1 i no 1 11 of Midland, Mr. anil Mis. Hoy Cain ami Joyce inul June Plnelli of Klmniilh Falls. Ellen Hoinlvnll, Sac, Is homo from the USNT (WH) lit llronx, N. Y to spend Chrislinn.s with lier faniily, the Siindro lioint-veilts. Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Murray a u d Mrs. llotklus entertained Hi,. I.i'IiiiuI PfiiiL'ii'ws. Johunv Cuinpbolls and itny Davis fiiml- lies ai uuinor on cnrisiiiiiis Mr. anil Mrs. Ki'k Thoiuus and children spcnl Clirlstuias week al L'livu Juiii'tiou with her narents. Mr. anil All's. L. W. Monroe and Peggy. Mrs. Mary Dearborn enter- rl...i.-ti...... ,;n..wio t..'..i... Mi. iin.l Mrs. Wesley Dearborn ami linn- :t.. nt I m .... I. .1. ........ Ii.v, nil, titiu ltl(9. uiu UUIIII.IWIIi Ml nnrl Mm Allti rl ni.lirhm'tl and family and Mr. ami Mrs. Lester Li-iivm ami iiuniiy. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. horsley and family liavo moved from Uonuiuii to the Joe Itoads ranch to make their home. Mre Pill, .It limit.. Tinti nnrl Jean visited on Wcducsduy ul inc jou ticiiviti iioiue. Mt ti.irl Mt-tt llnvi Miiri.liintl and family spent Christmas in Klamath Falls with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones. Mr nnrl Mi'a flu,-iir ( 'nmnhpll and daughter and Larry and Koiiuio arc spending several months in California feeding their cattle. Mr. and Mrs. George Tluir man and son Wayne of Haw- lli.ii..i.t Mm. r'l.i-iln,,,. weekend with her brother mid lanuly, Mr. anil mis. l. w. Brown and Martin. ('nmM'iiliiliitlimi! In Mr. nml Mrs. Harold Friuier who were married last week al Kcno. Harold is the sun of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franier. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Teare enjoyed Christmas Day with a fnmilv ttnl liiirim' f!tnilw VL'tirii Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jackson and family of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mason and Marilvn. Mrs. Mnrv Leidv and Miss Melund. Mr. aiui Airs. Lester Lcavill and faniily spenl Clirislmits Eve with Mr. and Airs. Bill Burnett and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Johnson spent December 24 at Bonanza with Mrs. ary Dear born. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monroe lift 'Phlircrlnt, .. Alil.i.wl nn,l Grants Pass to spend the winter monins. Doenesl KVilmntliv eftiinrl- cd to Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Dearborn and family, whose baby daughter passed away early Wednesday morning. Market Quotations Hf,w itinn, tmn, i mri. rnim (hn bIhIIpiI Ihn tlttck ntarhl Intlay liter fhtt mi i't' tvr ilitng ittiiii lit hlMli rt HvoiuKA ltvU aliu't tftttfiti)r IT, i'l'tiiitH qtniUltOltlt i lrnii t ii u, PKk 4(1 , KU - 2SW ! ...... sou ....... 04 S ...... mi; fin, IV, ...i. a is Wnl' Am 'r Ktly Am Trl iV Tel : Alllltllt ....... u fillf l'Nkln ............ 1 t'al Trnrlttr ...... ('ointtn'iiupHh ft Hon I'urlli Willit (iriioml Kloi'lrlo tinier) Milnn , lit Nor II v pfil Illlnoli CVnlml till Mrvrlfr u Kvnnvi'oll ... t.wkliPiil l.itni llrll "A" MiniiRxmory Nh Krlv N V tulrl Nurlticnt I'ai'KIp ,. I'nt (tun A Kl I'tti'krttil Molnr IVltltN II II Iliintitli St .tot iiuhdfitl on Norckviv Slira .... U.r. ll.Kll.-k Nttulltcni Pacirit' ,, SUlltltlHl lliamli ... Siiiihliift MlnlitK Train-AmerU'n , .. (titton (HI i'llf .... t'liinn Pnclflc U N Steel Wa rnrr IMchir , atnf ......... ii ii'i , 31 Itfl, Hi. Potatoes VITAL STATISTS .ih-V.ii.""o7." ESi "jj-wt, 4 (Kiiii'i, j lrl. Wiahli 4 pmi . ' ; CLABblFlGD AATbl On rti 'Ml a da) run - 3 lUy rim ' ' 4 rtin ( I, run '-Wl J Month run t, 0 tH.cunl fnr lUvm'll., AH rilvd by l;ito p , V i anil aflarniMiit in "w-. ." . d iv.,.1 niii.r hi it.. . mi "r Ada littd ractilar cl.Miriraih.1 rauiiia uy lutm m NW Todty B74S V H M.C;. IM. SLl ii.nv kki u i...., wt LI ! -Ill, I.OHt u I'trk.y. I.. r.mUlnlnn (ialr o rl.u.i , tt nrtijuimirtimi, nrittlonina . 1 ... ... ..,,., .'Mfllff ViO, WHl'M! TANKM CI.KANKrT it l ft 'tfni, .1 IHILAUU, IRI1. f Iflr'l'l A' 'rCHiWI I arrival! A4; on track: HU, lotat U. 8. ahlp ntonta DIM; old itucli, nfftrlnfa vary Ha-ltl; tie in ml food, market firm al ccllltif for beil alttck: Mahn HiimI Hutv uaiiik (i, n. no. i, t.i.)i, ctiirtrauo iteu Mt-Cliiri U. H. No. 1. M 43; Norlll U. L din llllna Trtiimriiu fiimtiiarc-la I tl ruhhlor, II. H No I. fa Ul: rinfKt DU. ti. ..t.h., Ill l Tritimphi, 0. It. Nu, 1, MIKI J tM. LIVESTOCK CIIICACO. Jan. 4 l AP-WrAl-Slaltl , noK t(i,uiu: ittiai xd.wmj; lairiy active mark el. fully alril , IikkI aittl cltolt-e hiirrim-a ami fill ltW Im. and over 14 tK 14 711. Inii 9H7U, Ivw fnl 1W I no Km. $I4.(H14 tUJ; mwi t catty Ml el 4 00 trill dm: i'uiti)let rleorame. Salable raltlo EHMl; total POOO: ulable ca I -, 1000; lolal 1000; fed iteert and )ritrlliilt atrndy lo weak; r hoi re kind very acarce; bulk li;t & 15.73: lop around 917 (W; helfen tleatly. Larifely row run; good kind ilendy, other bed 'covvn ami rannent and cutleri weak. 20 rente lower; bulla rarce and aleady ; vealrre unrhangrd arllve at 913 30 down; i."irr nnu imutr came iigw m nvw WANTKI- Wuman f..r llertTkrl 111 tf.l II latth I a .. taitifll T.rt.,1. 1 WAHIIIJ- Wltltlle A get I Huttn, ment rurnuhed and ii( .1: lltMdy, deelrabla miduytJuJi,'! i::t M"v" ,,n ,n'- m WANTKn It. nl.l. w . - Jnrk and vnii, nf rhiltirvii " . iwh, HtlKCI1 theater watt tot I .( . ier lug UIJIIT llOllrifcKKKIMNn Mt'mJV ler-on. vrryllting fmm.hH P""' "I " liltp, rlft U j rned filghor Salable aheeii RTMM- tntal HMO: oriive. runy -irany in made higher, however, no giwxl and rhotra (ed wtmled Weateril lamlia aold rlv haaf hid 11.4411 inedltnn and good nattve and fed I am tie 9l4irO l.MW: I iuiiI largely medium en-lb. weight at lttaut or Ire; Iwo loada gtMitl and choice, largely good gradfl cIlMiwd leilila fall alinrti ruli. til nn and good yearling We the r 913 33-19.30. aged ewca ararr. PnilTf.AVn rw i.H a rmuii-ii ISalahlp and totl railta 300; ml vet Sn, rninmon-mndiuin Hcert tioou-iaao;' ,od B3U lb, ale-era tin In IISOO- r-nmm,.... "Mium neireri 90 00-13 w; rnadinm-good ciitier nown lo 97 tw; Haqei Poe Valley Max ClciUtt anA VA T-w..1 Were businns rnllnru imi-n f. Klamath Falls on Thursday. t viu oi-uwn nas ocen a caller in Klamath Fa lie cnuarqi . ab.b4U. viinua recently. Mn. Vfrfnr NnrL- BA uil -- . ..uin aiiA Villi dren worn ralini.e u Klamath Falls on Thursday. anu iuia. ijucKie KOberts and danrhtnr Trlniir. i pers in Klamath Falls on Thurs day. Quite a snowstorm fell here durine the lattnr nnrt r u week. JOe NnrTf fanimnc n(InM 1 the Hi 1,7, ; " "l operation for acute appendicitis. n!l 'ric ken suddenly Christmas night. Mr. nnrf Mr. M.r.. t ... luLtnivvi, uau- rie Van Meter and Mr. and Mrs Ben Norlr wpr. aiin.i. .1 r , . w ftuoia a. inc . . "0no on Christmas Mrs. Hallie Haines is home IfOITt rnrt nnri of n.. , inure. The Mnnro hnv -m..- nr ui. "u'oai,u v,itncm;c Webber are sorting their pota- ,u" u "Hunng mem to Olene Dona Id Rnhnrta i n(iinr. 1,1. o-"... eMuu lur iucu mis week, CANni.C iriripiAu Une Of tho nIHnat 11 lifi is that of auction by candle LlClG IS nil! tin n. ni . ,, iBSt bid muring, ' VL ln? ia k V ,1, uurn out o v. iv. ButLvssiui one. Thil ITnrflinl, I . ..ntiiiM luuuuBee nan ilr0na?J0? "Koango" in one h-.iujc luuiuyan area, " 'Eddie Eittrcim'i Steak House , 126 South 7th St, Grilled Steokj Merchant!' Lunch, 60e Hamburgers Barbeque Chili OPEN 24 HOURS Bruce Hess arrived the last of the week irom Portland to spend the holidays with homo lolKS. Mr. .Iniitttr. fllivnr nnrl ait.ttll son iefL lasL weekenrl for Mitul. sippi to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and daughter moved to Klamath tails the first of the week. Pvt. and Mrs. Pavit Ncwnliam and baby boy of Columbus, Ohio, uiiivi-u ouuiuiy illuming iur u visit with relatives and friends. Pvt. and lVir.s. PnviL Npunlnim and baby, Mr. and Mrs. King lluouic and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Npunhnm nnrl rltn 1 1, lilr at the T. M.. Kohlcr home here Christmas evening. Mnrtin nnrl l.nrrv Cturl.ii- nm spending purl of this week in Klamatn Falls visiting relatives. inc Maiiory family and Mrs. I Turner spent Wednesday at the Mallory ranch. Seigtricd (Shorty) Rowhcr, who was recently taken to the llOSnital. is VerV 111 Will. nnnn. monia. The Mallory market sold all of the 2U00 turkeys during the Thanksgiving and Christinas holidays, which were picked and dressed, which also necessitated the hiring of many additional workers. Mr. nnrl Mr. rin. vni.tM 1 n Gail, were visitors at the Knhlnr hnmn hnrA r.uHi..i.n.. ..v.u wiujniiiiun afternoon and evening, and all enjoyed a pleasant evening. ..... ami mm, uavc Kelly of Eileen" Vlniinrl mint. ikm "d with his sister and family . .. "resons 01 uayton Street. K nmntl. Poll, ' Sympathy of friends here Is -Au.-11u1.-u 10 rars, uuu Jackson, duo to the death of her father In Callfnrn n TiinoInt, ...1 i. . had just visited and returned to "V in mo spring Lake district. Mr. nnrl Mr. wiin- r-i il ... ,,a,l; vjuit pn. Jy?? a visit with Mrs. Croft's brother Tltnttrlr... ... has been stationed In Alaska. ticlfora 1 : IM r.ntier-rint.r rnwa 93OO.7.00: .h.lly ri)tv ilown 10 14 00 .nrl binwi lal d.lrr lvp cow. rmmly Mdnnoo. m.dhin,. islrly (notl hrf -n, In Jo n 90; m.. Illl) bull. 10 ,10.0 SO; Ir h..y ,.. Mil I; nuolabl. lo ll ,M: ctill.r. rlnwti lo 7,1)0: aooil.cbnlra vnAl.r. I3 50.14 10. Salable anil ml. I hn.. aoo: ,tli JfliT' ,'"",v: 1.fhoIr I70J71I lit. 13 73: 3ll 300 ih,. aia vi.l.. on I,.,.. 3.30. nil.llv 114.30: .ivvt .nw. 73: limn tv.i.iu. io ilw: rhde is ik 113 frr.liir nl.. tl4.30 Halablr anrl lna .ha.n J00; m.rh.l bf I I'l."' .fW """I 'bolf woolril ...... ..iiiiiji. .i,iw-fa nmf tw.a io.oq- medium grad.i down lo M.oo" ..Rlf "AN rHANCISCO. Jan 4 fiSn, ' """ QMIrd is.av. 11100: rati.e mir. Ill iwt.n... u 00 '" and euli.ra ja- mafllum tl (. ,t?,'LM;. Acllvr. full,. 30 rem. hlfh-ui- ",,l"fnl' "" H3 30 or aim".' lab. packaa. ml.l (n ;v.. chole. lul.wool.dJoT.d M3 Inquire .1 I7M Oak' , rA'noNrori" j mcnvicit 1313. -I Ux:S rOH I SAIJ! OH KKNT K"m7ll7 UAIICiK MANl-K. ,4 -i"-., .iBvaiitr iioiiiitig l.reo eln.rr under Irrltfalln,, I30 mn.,.r . r. ,M" bulbtln ronuinlntf 4 tlvl-., now r.tteb I. rarrylkg "no hn.. Wrlle for tomw.u "d nlilure.. Inn,. u.Jru, eluded II i. rlutap t,i Pfk.e, lhn .40 per acre, la ,eM. Imprftvemenu worth a.-w rin at it i r- v. ..... M,a,a iiroH.r, Af.ltb -".n,,,.. tain, i-ric, free. ron At.e. n.i.y bu... rim, roa Appl. uui. and 3 chair.. 7 io. n. ran Ai.r-4o M.r puii.u. k, ted.: 41 ralllrer Coll.. Mix Au.lln nt. WANTKU t'a.t Plekup baler. Ore. .Ittleen and r. o. i:on. WAriTr.nPoul,y , ,jM hUh..t prlc. Mallory'. T i Merrlll-Ukevlaw Juntlloo, ft aiuiiriiN ntiiNot.K mii.i, nw wnn i-am.r na. ninlnr. A-l "rti. iieuris Minlllt. clold B LOST -. Idy'a wairb, Inliit!. ...wa.n. ii.iurit lo Hnara SKw WHEAT nriA.. .. k" c"u"0 llrailn future. nmn ..i.."J".,n'" W Dll follow. ,.r Ih. ....." ao.orpllon of offerlna. l l. Karly Main... m " lo reporll 15 -WV ttrlb.H.d .JXM "'" '! . muebTrn. buyer. ,oc"' "'"'ri turned Inii. "n.J'nU w"l wa. H, to ... !!?!.'.?.. Corn w"a:?,t 'L. May ' '.'. Oal. Were .uf '" . "V- mwer, May nip.,. n. 'o Inu,..' ii.'. il'"1.'. ." W8I k In V, lo'le. Mai il i B"rl,' off rrrilAVIII) from 3033 Anil. rue .r.niner au. rnl holler call, for return. Phone 11134, LOST- "A" aa rallnn cenw.. Phone 0004. Ilocky Polnl. Ore. book, l.u. LOST .- tlrnwn leather ItillfoW ineniiTiralltin carrt. anri.l card. Newell. Calif,, Ue.ltri Kieclra I.. Marlln, MAIIINr WIKIC will rare lor In own homo damme . Ave. ,WEATHER Dairy Subsidies to Be Paid in Lump Sum PORTLAND, Jan. 4 (P,Sub sidies for milk and buttcrfat m " J" V,anu"y. February and March w h. ..u n i " .. v jiniu wi i:i4ull pro- ducers in a lump sum March 31, c o v:iii, nuiu loaay. S. B, Hall said he was noli ficd by the stain a a a il ,. . "? "L0"'? would remain at 70 cents' n"h,.'S" " .B"tterr''t Pound. ..uneum ior Whole milk FS' ?"EAT UP ONE CENT feed "IK lu"lTl 'y eredll arv l uTm tT HIl, r "'" aiy i win be one coni iiini.,.. S1.S4 hn.i ' , ".nn.u ,ry Price and V L" wurn Oregon EH.ndnoiZa! t. . Kllffena M."1(. Mln. Pracln. Klamalh Vail'.' S & .00 Norlh llend ",".TT"sl Porllnnd 01 Medford .''"''' lleno " 55 17 .17 41 San rL.'--iil'ri'"" Oram Trar, 00 Ladio' Blue Donlm Waist O'alls AtaVtWi. 800 Main ""IS """Cm .noT'ao' coTd '.I Or.. ' r'., i,or"on tonight. In n h.: ""i. ''""ion.! rain aflernnnn .i ."."7. "ail Illl, FUNERALS Handera, who pa...d ai.l i'..S.""f." ijccemher 90 In.. . L,,y 5.",!Ld". ' ynkvl!l.,"c.,n:.r.'r'a. '., .' i h. n.. '.3 t Jl.'-rO P. m. with rn'l7r!,.,n,ho,,,," '"" .n. Com' iJ .n Kc'b.m.:hn,r!;"";i. j!? rb.n.;,p,,c,'"li)' ibv3 tviiisa RfinKftT It It A V MAenu nr.y N..nn,wKi,, '".IJI'. "ob.rl Ore.. January a, 1049, will lii n. 2 ,',,!, O'th. Tra.nV.MA.!.S,. ''"! """! vlll. cemelwy rri.nn. . J" lh" Un"-'nv.l.dlo'ar.ndrth':d.'.rVi'.r."wc1'"11'' Courthouse Records TIIIIRsnAT r., . 3larrlaf.a aoru'fJMa'na ii'' ..,?".!". Clark a'lS'ar'K of California re'.iri.;. "W."'.'... ""Ufo oreoon. "' mamu-.n rail. "nilly TeriV, C).,t.f.hMrf '" Pr""n chlno oporolnr, Ml"'.' a,nu' ""pr nl m" ""It oj Klm, h Pall. Oreenn"1"' liuninn W.i.JV oh,fl.r. And In. rrnlnrnlln- V """" ... ro.lortlon nf niaMlr, 1"'T 11 o ri.i.-J7 affn h.nia. s. nal.ntlne attorney nr. Irene roller. mr p nintirr. for rllvnrce rli, Imrl IWi realntenl. roiinK H.J . L"1 Inhimnn 11 11)13 al ti..-l',5...5i"lL r.bruari; .1, ""v.n., w 11 well .Mn."cr' Nivada. well allorney tot pinl( "OR BENT-aieeoln. rnrnn la hnma near bua line, tor rrf .n.n or woman, laon ltgan. roil KENT partly t'f iitiaruinan. TO I.IFAKV.U, 1 j.... ., III- formerly occupied by C Mgenie, rnon. 03trL foil MAI.IC Mi acre farm. Ir aome equipment. .Vjoy for i.nin hulk. Phone U470 roil BAI.I! Ire cream fountain, 711 Main Si, maclif rOK RALE-Ona 9 ft baby M " ..'wr '"ri.r.prln mallrw client condition. 31.1 K. M.i WANTED, fur aervlce loan c "440 " k"" wllh r""' WANTEO Nmall furnl.hed int .,uw. i-ntina 74BU, LUNCH 8TAND, Bohm conrna 'il or tuilc, rra.onaule. APfJ nnacK. n.u Ep,rie, any Halurday and Himday. 1-c "-.-.,i WUf- IJWVTkiy- roe KlamntM Fd' No, liOU0. f tnoolhiM avjn day night, i' r ti k nail, ' 35,5-Walnut. awevji niRtnheri ' Invited. CARPENTERS' L0CA No. 190 Meotinga lal and aid Wrdn1 nlnga of each month. 7:30 a. M-'! Timplfl Mnln. (J. 11 I.fMll BIm. Btlfl II. wincfi wpen t.uq to n;uu " Wedneiday. Phnn 0337 t-oii ana LOBT-Lady'a while gold wrW Wllh Inltlala AKil. 1W on' Plmna 67a;i. llaward. tt irc-tiairon larrior. u'yl cuior, aniwara lo noma oi ticonifl, -n. 0007, LOAT-."A" tmok for IP:i7 1VJ rente No. aiH-OOB. nolrl ron BTUATIT'S DANCE OBCHi inquire at 634 Oak 81. or t'J in u i - SICW1N0 MACMINR flKnVICH."1 DRNTISTnY, my. flernooni. 40) KXC.fiIjRNT rum Milldrttl ' ii .rrnra, r rom 7 A. m, " r bo. I.agunii Bt, Mn. J, W. P1 WIM, CAnR for children In He pi kl. lerm Ion I' l.l FAIN 'l It ,H:t 'low 33 'J1 A r".. It, E.i fir Cold pro POMll Pill III. .,r aay or nour CRM BIK). fit. p