Yiurtdo Jonuory 4, 194 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN ISTE1I1G E flTMOTO D MEETING Denver, Colo., on January 11 1045, will bo tho mooting M ot.wcslnrn rniiKi cattle- " . . 1... I- Ill I Wnero iiMfir assuciiiimii win Tiarlly dcul with not only tlio liant littiittlnn hut also tilans tho pontwiir era. It will bo S 4tith annual ciinvvnllun of i American National Llvo ek aatoclatlon mid over AOU '(gates from 111 western stales oxpoown to aiicnn. Sxecutlva Secretary K. E. Mol hat announced Hint thorc M be two rotuitl lump ciincim It, on on world trade, head rihv Hurry Terrell of tho West. 'i Policy committee, Pet ines, town, mid tho other on tltocK mnrKciniu neauen oy J, Abootl or iiyanins, ixeiir, '.'Uef nroduetlon. ranch labor. ! irttate sanlluiy rrmilnt Ioiim I many othnr problems will . discussed ut this convention. Zwady a great deal of work has ,n don on tha latter subject ''I mnM nrnuri.xa Is exnecled "com by virtue of thlt con- i n a statement released for Mlcatlon, Secretary Mollln -J: --.A There In already iiravn con ij ovar tha mont supply for ti late prlim and summer of it, IS. While beef supplies aro I leclea to Ob not iniicn iu lint than a year nun, there I be much lent Dork avail- -1, while on tho other hand !; iy requirements, as Indicated aet-atlrio orders, aro much T iter. Wo thai I recommend, '; teforo, that If OPA Insists on nlng actluu which win ciiscour feeders and tend to decrease, 2er than Increase, the beef ply, public warning should Issued end ui'A must no pre ! ad to accept full responsibll ' in tho matter. The only ef m4ve control over bluck mar tt to increase tno supply eroper adjustment of bee Ingi would lend to encotiraKp j?3er and lucreasa the supply Jil critical tune." s "TOP STATE SUPPLY Iregon's first quarter 11)45 ta of crawler iracior tor ag lltural use does not provide ' grounds for optimism, ac rirdlna to N. C, Donaldson, exc 5ve assistant to tho stnto AAA mlttco. Tha now stnto quota 48 machines compares with authorized relcaso of 80 la la the fourth quarter of ih'e armed services continue fikt 83 per cent of tho out 'of tracklayinc tractors, ac ilntf to war production board and Indications ore that fcVy mllltnry demand will be Ttrule during the coming year. An spite of the tightness of M" crawler tractor situation Lk unit were released to Oro ' farmers In 1044, Donaldson 4rtcd. In addition, 43 stand' , wheel tractors converted liv urawlers have been released ..a total of 400 units. The Ina commlttco received aopll- Jkont from 034 farmert for "Wlera, and It la estimated f about that many moro ap lHtlona were screened out by aiy committees. Farm Committeemen To Meet in January IT,.,-, ..,, itnimiiMlnMnnn ranl-A- tenting all Oregon counties will asKtmliln at Corvallit January jii-au tor inn auiie comorcm-o of AAA county committeemen, It. U, Taylor of Adams, chair man of tlm atato AAA commit- ten, hat announced, nut it me first such stnto meeting alnce the wur. Tho committeemen will do visa operating plant for the 1 040 n, ......, ...I km, lirni.l Ir-j. mnrt nrrii duetlon goal prognimt, and will in inn reco iiiiienuiiiioiis lur um 1040 urourami. Alto due for discussion aro problems relating tn nricn tunnorts. rationing Of equipment and supplies, and other assignment! handled by aaa commiiieet. rliv Machinist, iox put your ri calipers 2 on this job to If It doesn't mcnMiro tin thine; bolter than moat Jobs hl.an 11.1. . T I. 1 . . I II , , """m una mucninisi s JOD I j Southern Pacific . . . In tnopi or roundhouses. Here, work on locomotive! i food enillnmpnt mnA ih men who can fit 'e Uth and close. This la rn ll.lng on the ground floor . ilng em rolling for the enor a I war load which S. P. will llarrylng for a long tlmo J, j wages regulnr n. R lard, dood work annrecl , i Good working conditions 1 i past privileges. Finn non. ;plan. Medical and hospital -"Ms. A good Job for a good , Unlst no rnllrond cxncrl- (requlred, Many other good . r f , j I or writ Trainmaster, K Station, Klamath Falls, four nearest 8. P. Agent FARM OUTLOOK COOD III '45; THRIFT URGED Br WINNIFRED K. GILLEN Careful planning and saving of food, clothing, and family In come thould be the keynote for the rurol homcmakcr's 1043 pro gram, according to a aummary or urm ramuy living ami out look released at the end oi lun bv agricultural and home pro- Ir" ' ' - - ii-,-.-VMinnrtnj-Lriji t All Wool ruiscr Coats EGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main III r ln...nf.1r lirnnh Y nAI 1 mtn t ntntlou to accept me mannn nxvm oi inr iotko uauuw tain riitu'M ut j'rnine my, u. 11 i.,,..Am nufllttm4fllt BTirt formerly of Klamath Fallt, It turning over the station In ex cellent condition for continued dustiy, says Wllllnm A. Schoen fold, dean and director of agrl culturo at Oregon Stato college A successor is expecica io on i w.l,,i...l .. int thpr will on no Interruntlon in the work uf tho station. Tho branch station It now slocked with moro than 100 head oi good quality, wen urea iicrc fin cmum nnrl MAn onnti hftlf blood ewes. In addition there ...... Ill ..c1 l..f alnnr. in .vn.rl mental fattening trials thlt win ducting winter feeding expcrl- A 1. I I I. l,.n llli-llin. miijiu tvvu la uu imiiw to carry all of tho stock through the sea-son, ltlchards roported In h,,l. ... l, It.,., l.la rfl.irfnnllitn ltlchards took over the station 13 years ago, succeeding the late ' .III., LUlllUkl W...VU Ul- I lime the emphasis has beon on iivcmock rcsciircn, wnicn w3 closely coordinated with the work at the Squaw Butte and iiarncy uraucn stations, men' i.r.la nlar. ,rt'Hl nr.arln. tendeut of the Malheur experi mental area. Farm Planning Group To Meet in February The Klamulh county azrlcul ttirnl planning committee will hold lis meeting on February 14 to consider recent agricultural developments and future prot ects. Tho four-fold purpose of thlt nckslon will bo to d&ctias recent trends in agricultural nroduc lion in tho slnto and county, to consider latest outlook Informa tion, to hear the first report of tho newly formed county voter ant agricultural advisory com' mlttco, and to consider the pos sibility oi county economic con ferenccs after the war ends. Sub-committees will meet with the central committee on land use, livestock, crops, farm home and rural life, farm labor, and veterans agricultural advlaory. ltcpre5ontotlvcs from all agrt cultural agencies will be Invited, Warning of OPA Lawi Requested by Group PORTLAND. Jan. 4 W) Th Portland OPA agricultural ad visory committee recommended today that OPA directives, espe cially thoso affecting feeder cat tle, should be announced far enough In advance to enable growers to be prepared. Orders Issued at the begin ning of a season should be con tinued through the season, the commlttco said. The proposals will bo presented to the national committee at a Washington, D. C, meeting soon. Removal of all ration points on lambs In westorn Oregon In Juno, July and August market ing time was urged by R. C. Burkhart, president of the West ern Oregon Livestock; associ ation. This should relieve grow ers of a surplus, he said. Ho also asked that celling prices on live cattle be discon tinued, explaining there are too many grades of cattle to be "lumper! together ' as hogs aro, All Wool WORK SOX OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main - M M (rtt" PASTEURIZED SKIM MIL". ADDS TO ITS GOODNESS nomlcs extension workers In Washington, D. C. A smaller supply of aome of tho necessary commodities', co u p I e d with smaller auma for current family living costs In many cases are factor which farm dwcllnrt should take Into consideration now If the year ahead Is to bn a successful one for Klamath coun ty people and for tho notion at wur. Tho money avullublo for fam ily living In 1048 will, In many farm families, be lest than wat the caso In 1B43 and 1044. To offset this, however, occtimu lalcd savings will be greater than In the pat year, Now Is the tlmo to make careful family fi nancial plans. The value of money spent for food can best bo fudged by the nutritional needs of the family. Continued shortages are pre dicted In materials vital to farm operation and expansion: meat, folH anrl nils. hiitter. niLriii fruits, lumber, and cotton for clothing and equipment. Hie civilian food supply for 104S is expected to bo at obout 1D44 trv,.l Fui-fri fnmilipa with their home-produced food will ne wen situaiea. innu wnu need new homes, however, can do little at present except to plan and save. However, limited Improvement of present housing Is possible, where home labor, materials and used equipment can he secured. Lined Jackets Grey Wool OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main DANDELION COFFEE In many countries, the dried roots of dandelions are used as a substitute for coffee. The leaves of this plant make a fine salad, and Its young sprouts are valu able In soups. Rock Wool INSULATION Blown In Bavet Your Fu. Frt Estimates SUBURBAN Lumber Company Phone 7709 Fragrant Schilling 11 II II II A 1 t ft. VACUUM PACKED COFFEE Vary your meals in '45 The difference between an ordinary everyday meal and one that's deliciously appetizing is often a simple idea. So plan to watch Safeway ads in '45 they offer ideas and recipes for variety in meals that make them tempting and exciting. A Lot To Do About Ground Meat Tlicro'a a difference in the pan-frying and broil ing timet for the various kinds of ground meat. Beef and veal require the same cooking time but lamb and pork take a bit longer. When two or more kinda of ground meal are mixed together, the time is gauged by the kind of mcnt in tho largest proportion. However, when there's fresh pork in tho combination it's advisable to follow the timing given, for pork must be cooked thor-' oughly. GROUND BEEF AND VEAL Because of their leanness, ground beef and veal are benefited by the addition of fat or liquid, such , as suet, egRS, or evaporated milk. EgRt and evap orated milk also act as binders to help hold the ground beef and vcnl together after they're cooked. Tests show the beat results are obtained by using 2 eggs or 4 tablespoons of evaporated milk or 4 tableapoons of suet for each pound of ground hoof or veal. i pound beef or veal pntlie, broiled or pan-fried, should be cooked about. 10 minutes 6 minutes on each side. GROUND LAMB It isn't necessary to add any binding ingredients to ground lamb for it holds its shope when cooked. However, the addition of a little chopped bacon contributes a delectable flavor and adds the fat that is needed. For pattios and mock cutlets and chops of aver age thickness that are to lie pan-fried or broiled, it is beat to allow about 30 minutes 15 minutes for each aide GROUND FRESH PORK Ground pork is often confused with fresh pork sausage. Tha difference lies in the fact that saus age contains spices and seasonings while ground fresh pork docs not, A binding ingredient or extra fat is not required for ground pork because it is tender and juicy enough without any additions. It takes at least 20 minutes for pan-frying or broiling of fresh pork patties of average thickness and it is important that they be well done throughout, RECIPE OF THE WEEK CREAMED GROUND MEAT: Saute 1 lb. ground meat, H cup finely diced onion, in 2 tablespoons shortening until moat and onion are browned. Break meat apart as it cooks. Blend in 4 table spoons of flour, season to taste. Gradually add 3 cups milk, stirring constantly. Cook until thick Serve on toast cubes, in pastry cases, in noodle ring or over steamed rice. Serves 6. Safeway Homemakers' Bureau 1VUA LKK WRIOHT. IHmw New Reduced Point Value on BEEFSTEAKS! T-Bone Steak XPGZ ".48c Sirloin.Steak.irr Lb.40c Round Steak ff; r Lb, 38c B..I n.-.l Arm and Blade Cut 47. DeeT KOCISY A Grade, (3 polntt) Lb. Short Ribs Lb. 19c Ground Beef (4 polnU) .... Lb. 28c Pork Sausage (2TrnV Lb.35c Link Sausage u;in2tI) , , Lb.45c Hen Turkeys Fresh Dresses, U. S. No. 1 Fancy Hem RED STAMPS Q5 thru X5 GOOD NOW (For 10 points Each) - Fresh Oysters ; Pint 65c Sliced Halibut r wans The items listed below are just a few of our low, everyday shelf prices, not "specials". . .. Note how much you save 2-lb. Jar PEANUT BUTTER Beverly. In kltchen-iealtd art, HONEY Boevllle MOLASSES -. Grandma's MARMALADE Tibbelli Brook. GUAVA JELLY A tropical treatl APPLE JUICE New West nniikir iiiisr rituitt JWIWC Bottle Suntweet from ttewtd prunet. 48-os. can (4 blue stamps) day in, week out Buy all your foods at Safeway, EDWARDS COFFEE Lb. 45c 2-lb. Jar 45c 58c 37c 29c 29c Quart -freth apple taste. Bottle Quart 1t 21c J2-OI. Glatt 2-lb. jar No. 2H can 14-ot. T5 e I ! A TOMATO JUICE Gunny Dawn fancy. :od Hill. (3 blue stamps) OTTED MEAT no. h :bby'i for sandwiches. Tin ABY FOODS 4 Helns ttralned. Tin POTATO CHIPS Small jqc 6c 8c Blue Bell. Tear rflrM f eomplets ccfftt Ml-li!ctlon. 1-lb Jr 28c ,154c Drip or regular Hills or MJB Coffee lb. jar 33e Golden West lb. jar 33e Pork & Beans VAN CAMP'S 27-Ox. Can J M No. 2 Jumbo lW PEAS New Packl SUGAR BELLE No. 2 Can t Blat SUmpf) 16c Karo Syrup Mb. Jsr 39c llln Label, flood recipe ell fer II rienty now ftvatlibU, TEA BAGS Canterbury Orange Pekoe, AIRWAY COFFEE Mild, mellow, whole bean. NOB HILL COFFEE Rich, full flaror, whole bean. SHREDDED WHEAT Nabisco, whole wheat biscuit Post BRAN FLAKES i- fiftllclous crunch eraL ' Pkg CORN FLAKES Kellogg'i Good any mealtime. Box oi 48 bagt 8-lb. Bag Mb. Bag Pkg. 36c 58c 23c lie 13c 'K; 17c 8. 74c SO-lb. Sack 1.70 ALBERS FARINA Pearlt of Wheat PANCAKE FLOUR Sperry'a WHITE FLOUR Harrett Blossom. SHORTENING Royal Satin Brand. SNOWFLAKES Soda Crackers. LUDEN'S COUGH DROPS Menthol Reg. Se Aft and Honey. Boxet 8j 59c 2-lb. Pkg. NU-MADE fresh MAYONNAISE Yeu cannot Qt. Jar Buy a better a4 C Mayonnaise. Margarine SUNNY BANK (2 red points) LB. TROCO (2 red points) AppleS Extra Fancy Delicious, 1 1 ,, Winesapt, Romea Lb. Annloc Combination pack 1 AQ Mrrlca or Gravenstcins Box I Lemons 8Unkitt Lb. 12c Tangerines Lb, 11c CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES They're merveloui full tweet, healthful juice Lb 9V2C Vi Case 2.98 Full Case ... 5.98 TEXAS Lb 8c of Supurb 18c Soap 9c o-o. LB. package W7W LAVA SOAP Medium Site , 3 Bar. 17C Miscellaneous Heeas OniOnS Yellow Danvers Lb. 5C Boiling Onions - 10-Lb. Sack 39 $ YaiTIS pik Meatea Lb. He U. S. No. 1 Klamath A CO Gemt .... 100-Lb. Sk. U. S. No. 2 Klamath Gemt .. 50-Lb. Sk. 1.75 Potatoes Nc;nJ14c 2 Blue stamps. l.- - - Gardentlde No. 2 H Can IT I OmOtOeS standard paek (3 Blue) No. 2 7C Can lc No. 303 I J Glass 46 No. 2M 17- Can I ' No. 303 11 Glatt I" 14 o. 7C Bottle Quart If, , Country Home Golden WOril Bantam. Cream Style agists D Santlam Cut UX Dean5 t2 Blue Stampt) Beets iird Cnlnfirli Emerald Bay pinubn (2 Blue Stamps) Diced Carrots wVnt. CatSUp o'" tu'e Stampt) Cider Vinegar Sin Bottle We think you'll rave over Julia Lee Wright's NEW RAISIN BREAD What moket a raltltt loaf really good? Lott and lots ef raisins! Julia Let Wright's new raisin bread Is enriched white bread literally chock full ef raisins! If you think you've eaten raisin bread with lott of raisins In if before, sot a loaf of . , this grand new raisin bread and compare! You're in for a happy 3 a lOOt j surprise! right away! Loaf r swM BUY BONDS! , . . and don't forget MRS. WRIGHT'S Regular white and wheat bread It delicious tool 2 flt 1 W lb. loaf for SAFEWAY 5c 33c L'jtfL'i.ill-IWliW)II.M. j t