Pete Grey Named Winner Of Sportsmanship Award One-Armed Outfielder Announced Tops By Spokane's Athletic Roundteble ennv&vr Wash Jan 4 (.-P SPOKAOT. Wash., Jan. it. Pete Gray, one-armed outfielder who despite his handicap won a major league berth, was an nounced today as the winner of the Spokane athletic round ta ble's sixth annual sportsmanship award. The Spokane group which sponsors fabulous stunts like "Bundles for Congress' and then turns serious at intervals lo make Ulffl By PAUL HAINES LEATHERNECK DOPE Here is some interesting infor mation on the Marine Barracks cage squad that came to us via the public rela-ynn; mAwai tions depart-l , J ment S -""w i ifle scoring ia- .?J ble of tne lea therneck hoop sters is paced by pivotman "Red" Gilbert and Bill Mills, flashy for ward. Both men have 82 points for the season to date. Leonard Burk land. Mills' run HAINES ning mate in the front court, was the top bucket-maker until the Eugene trek December 15 and 16. In two tilts there he was held by 6 foot 1 inch Ken Hays, alti tudinous center of the Webfoots, to eight counters. The marines, in winning five of nine games played, have scored 478 markers to their op ponents' 426. averaging 53 tallies per game against an average of 47 for their rivals. Incidentally, all four defeats were suffered at the hands of the University of Oregon Webfoots. The Leatherneck souad will journey to Salem Saturday, Jan uary E, for a game with the Wil lamette Navycats. Statistics on the squad in the scoring department: FG FTA FTM TP Gilbert 36 20 10 82 Mills 34 23 14 Burkland 34 19 5 Cox 26 19 12 DomitroTich 27 8 2 Cleveland 11 14 11 Money 12 5 2 Meath 7 4 4 Wilder 7 3 0 Rankin 5 2 2 Boudreau Takes Essentia! War Job HICAGO, Jan. 4 (Shortstop-Manager Lou Boudreau of the Cleveland Indians, Ameri can league batting champion who is 4-F in the draft, has taken a war job at his home town of nearby Harvey, 111. The second day at his posi tion as personnel assistant at the Whiting corporation, Bou dreau commented: "I'm staying right on in war work if my profession is found not to be essential. When spring comes around and if baseball follows racing in clos ing down for the duration, then 111 stay with this job. It's not for me to say now." Eagles Score 13-4 Win Over Shamrocks In Rough Encounter SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4 (P) The Portland Eagles, leading the Pacific Coast Ice Hockey league, scored a 13-4 victory over the San Francisco Sham rocks in a wild, rough contest to Winterland last night. Numerous fights marked this roughest league game played here this season. , Jerry Fodey, Portland goalie, left the game midway in the second period with a gashed eye cut by a flying puck, and the game was held up while an other goalie, Bill Gribble, for mer Shamrock player, was re cruited from the stands. 100 Wool UNION SUITS Black or Grey OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main mm I ii-.-ir.-ir-.r-i n n n , in Miii,rri"" i ' ' DANCELAND S15 Klamath Ave. Music By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES (contributions to advance sports . would BW.ardod a $1000 war bond at a filling cere- mnnv Crav was picked on the basis of nominations by sports editors of the nation. Virgil Warren, chairman of the round table's award com mittee, said Bob Ritter of the Progress Bulletin of Pomona, Calif., summed up the feelings of fellow writers with the comment that Gray 'must be a symbol to returning wounded veterans who have lost the services of a limb. His inspiration will no doubt speed many of them on their way to useful lives once again, despite handicaps. There is no second choice." Gray, one-armed outfielder for the Memphis Chicks, was signed last fall by the St. Louis Browns and will join them in spring training. The round table's annual sportsmanship awards first be came national sports news in 1939 when the presentation was made to Don Herry, University of Princeton football player who lost a les. That award was pre sented by Vice President John ?ance Garner in the national capitol building. Mort Cooper of the St. Louis Cardinals who pitched and won a world series game a few hours after the death of his father was last year's winner. Merrill Cagers Down Gilchrist Quintet Twice MERRILL, Jan. 4 (Special) The Merrill Huskies defeated a fighting Gilchrist squad Wednes- aay ana rnursaay nights, 34-28 and 28-17. In the first game, the Huskies were led by Fotheringham and Johnson with eight points each. The Merrill quint enjoyed a 19 18 halftirhe edge and then start ed maKing each shot count, go ing ou to win the ball game. Thursday night the Huskies came back with plenty of fire ana completely outplayed the Gilchrist five. Fotheringham again scored eight ooints for high scoring honors. Ferguson, Van tassel and Jessup all played good ball for the Grizzlies. summary: MfrHIl (34) US) Gilchrist Kandra. 7 F 12. Ferges-n Johnson. 8 F 4. Breazeale Fotheringham, 8 C 6. Jacobs Hasklni. 2 G 2. Jessun aoweu, , i, 4. vamassel Subs: Merrill. Noonan (3); Henderson 2t; GHchsl: none. Merrill (Ml (17) Gilchrist Kandra. 7 F 2. Fergeson Johnson. 6 F 5. Breazeale Fotheringham. 8 .C 4. Jacobs nasitiru, u I, 4, Jessup Sowell. 2 .G 2. Vantassel Subs: Merrill. Noonan (0). Henderson (0J; Gilchrist: none. UTES HAVE NEW STAR SALE LAKE CITY. (Mur ray Satterfield, freshman for ward on Utah's 1943-44 NCAA basketball champions, averaged 27 points per game at Aberdeen, Ida., high school last season. Cofart Paces Qualifiers For Los Angeles Tourney By RUSS NEWLAND LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4 (P) Chunky Bruce Coltart, Absecon, N. J., pro, was ranked well up among the challengers for the 72-hole Los Angeles open golf championship as the result of a seven under par qualifying trial. The tournament proper, with a prize value of $13,333 in war bonds, starts tomorrow over the lengthy Riviera course. Eighteen hole rounds will be played daily, the finals next Monday. Coltart was among the more than a hundred fairway trudgers required to qualify over the 36 hole route yesterday. The huge entry list necessitated the quali fying, previous tournament win ners, past and present title hold ers, and Championship Evert runner-ups being exempt. The New Jersey professional played his two rounds at the Fox and Baldwin Hills courses, nego tiating one in 67 and the other in 70. Two shots behind him was Jimmy Walkup of San Antonio, with a 67-72 139. Among others qualifying for the main event were Ky Laffoon, Chicago, with 73-70143; Ama teur Ed Furgol, Detroit with 76-70-146; Chick Rutan, De TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourselt Sava H Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phono 8304 1201 East Main Head f K V Wnv 1 $,,4ft w-mv Tir hlH In vain lo over in order to apply a Boston crab In their tussle last week at the Klamath bicep bin. This Friday, Pete Belcastro, the Weed ......i- in minrh enniumi with Gloomy Gust Johnson in u. min ...nt. while Kiser will ! th. ..i.inrtun. The curtain Milt Olsen and Bulldog Jackson. Pacific Ocean Areas Grid Crown at Stake Sunday Bv LEIF ERICKSON HONOLULU, Jan. 4 (P) It will be first come, first served when service men swarm into Pearl Harbor navy yard's Fur long field Sunday to see the army air force and navy teams battle for the Pacific Ocean Areas Football championship.. Furlong field has 22,000 seats, all free to men in uniform. No civilians will be admitted to see the clash which will feature sev eral former college stars. Glenn Dobbs, former Tulsa university All-America, is billed to quarterback the airmen's starting team. The tentative army lineup, and the players' former affiliations, is as follows: Ends, Henry Norberg (Stan ford) and Emerson Slaser (Georgia); tackles, Paul Stenn (Villanova and New York Giants) and Walter Mcssemer (Nutley Bears); guards, Jack Freeman (Texas) and Don Marlin (Colorado); center, Ray Whitey Smith (St. Mary's All-Coast). backfield, Dobbs; Frank Trigilie (Vermont ana Alfred university), Wayland Hill (Texas) and Ed uiseK uexas a and Ai). In reserve, the air force has these backs: Jack Jacobs (Okla homa), Jumping Joe Williams (Ohio State), John Kimbrough (Texas A and M), OUie Day (Southern California), Jimmy troit, 148; Jimmy Johnson, Dear born Mich., 149. All played the n uA-caiu win mus courses. At Sunset fields, Mike Tur nesa, White Plains, N. Y., quall- "cu .-run a itu; uiauae Harmon, Grosso Point, Mich., with 142 Leonard Ott, Denver, with 143 and Leland Gibson, Kansas City, Mo., with 144. ' Mrs. Mildred (Babe) Didrikson bananas, leading woman golfer of the country, racked up a 152, to top many of the men players in a qualifying role. The local star had a pair of 76s at the Fox Baldwin Hills layout. PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN NO HOSPITALIZATION Ne Less of Time Permanent Besolui DR. E. M. MARSHA Clrepraetle phrilclan ! Me. 7th E.oolr. Tb.strt Bill Pbone 7B(I HIOHWAV 7 SOUTH HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Stand turn "Blood and Guts" Davidson tangle with Tough Tony Ross - raiser will sea a re-match of Nelson (Alabama) and Bill Selell (Washington State). The tentative navy starters Ends. John Rokisv (Dumiesne and Camp Peary) and Jim bchul ing (Oklahoma and Camp Peary); tackles. Darrell Palmer (Texas Christian) and Charley Schultz (Minnesota and Green Bay Pack ers); guards, two 1944 Associated Press all-service selections, Russ Letlow (San Francisco and Green Bay Packers) and Garrard Ramsey (William and Mary and Bainbridge Naval); center, Ky Aldrich (Texas Christian and Washington Redskins; Backfield Bob Morrow (Illinois Wesleyan), tdgar Jones (Pittsburgh), Steve Lach (Duke and Chicago Cards) and Charlie Timmons (Clcmson). Navy Reserve backs include Andy Uram (Minnesota and Green Bay Packers), Jackie Field (Texas) and Pete Kmetovic (Stan ford). New ODT Order Tightens Screws On Racing Ban WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 UP) The screws of racing got on- other tightening yesterday. A new ODT order forbids the use of privately-owned automo biles, buses or trucks to trans port passengers to or from horse, dog or motor vehicle races. Since all American tracks now are closed, the principal effect will be to prevent the use of motor vehicles to visit any tracks across the border. It also eliminates any auto mobile racing in this country. Automobile racing has been banned since July 31, 1942, but ODT some time ago permitted racing by motor vehicles using fuel or tires which were not subject to rationing. At that time, ODT explained that cer tain midget cars could be oper ated by fuels other than gaso line, and that they could use tires not under rationing. Even this now is prohibited. ONE-LEGGED CENTER LOGAN, Utah, (P) Despite an .artificial leg, Joe Anderson was a reserve center on Utah State's grid team last season. Blood poisoning forced amputa tion of one leg below the knee several years ago. ONLY TRIP TO BOWL STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Jan. 4 Penn State played in the Rose Bowl only once, In 1923. Lost to Southern California 14-3. IS CLOSED Watch for Date of Re-Opening mfx Webfoots Entrain For Idaho Oregon o Open Loop Season With Idoho Vondali At Moscow Friday Night EUGENE, Jim. M') Couch John Wi-rn n and u ten-mim Un versity of Oregon varsity basket ball squad fiitniinod here lhtirs day alternoon for Moscow, Ulii., where the Webfoots open the Northern Division, Pacific Coast conference season in the first oi a two-game series ngumst Hit; Idaho Vandals Friday night. At t),.. enm,, tiinp Oregon Mute opens against Washington in Se attle. , . , Personnel of the squad w vir tually the mime as used by War ren, making his varsity debut m the conference this season, dur inn tlw. torrid ureseason sched ule that shows a record of 16 vic tories against six losses and un defeated in collegiate competi tion outside the recent Astoria jamboree. Only shift in the squad Is the replacement of Charley Butler, freshman guard from Portland, by Lcllerman Marion mill, mil ler has been called by the army. Frank Hoffine, alternate starting guard, will also remain on the enmnus as the result of a sprained ankle suffered in the Astoria hoop show. The probable starters against the Vandals Friday and Satur day and against Washington State at Pullman next Monday and Tuesday, will be Del Smith and Dick Wilkins. a pair of freshmen at the forward posts; Ken Hays, 6-foot, 7-Inch sopho more from Waitsburg, Wash., at center; Freshman Jim Bartlet and Bob Hamilton, only return ing regular from last year's second-place quintet, at the guard berths. Hamilton is defending Individ ual scoring champion of the di vision, but has scored one less point than Wilkins, a 6-foot, 2 inch Portlnnder, in the 22-pre season games. Wilkins has tal lied 263 points to 262 for Hamil ton. Ken Hays has 188 points to date. Fritzie Zivic May Finish 14-Year-Old Ring Career Friday NEW YORK. Jan. 4 (TP) Ring wiso Fritzie Zivic of Pituburrh may finally end his 14-year-old ring career tomorrow night when he fights up-and-coming Billy Arnold of Philadelphia in a 10 rounder at Madison Square Gar den. The 31-ycar-old campaigner, now a corporal at Normoyle Field, Tex., explained army doc tors plan to operate on his nose next month. He is on a 15-day furlough from his Texas base. FIRST ABC CHAMPION DIES NEW YORK, Jan. 4 Frank (Pop Brill) Briell, 80, first ABC singles and all-events champion in 1901, died recently in Flush ing, N. Y. TOP DOG PUEBLO. Colo.. Jan. 4 (TV- C. B. Hulscy starts every new year tne same way: By buying a city license for his dog. For the last 12 years Hulscy's dogs have worn Pueblo city II cense No. 1; The present family pet has Dcen No. 1 lor nine years. THAT'S RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG "KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 4 (IP) End Coach John Mauer of tha Tennessee Vols explains his team's dofeat by Southern California 25-0 in this man ner: "It just seemed that every thing wa did was wrong and everything USC did was right." Whan in Madford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Jo and Anna Earlty Proprietors Cfli-ORI TAvenn HIOHWAV 7 (OUTH Joins Navy . . 'it '.' f A I 1 -w i I t ' I If Fiery Bob Perklni. outilnnd ing defensive man on the Pell can basketball squad, enlisted in the U. S, navy recently and hoi probably worn the Rod-and-White of KUHS for the Utl time In athletic competition. Perkins was also a fine football player, playing the quarterback position for the K-men during this past season. Leathernecks WalloD Post Five, 62-31 1 ,.i.,l.l .. ,.rnl.i.ri.ll,M, ,,r the furthcoming tilt with tin? Willamette Nnvycan Saturday. January 6, the Leatherneck basketball quintet steam-rolled a live, u-ji. "Red" Gilbert. 6 foot. 2 Inch center, nriain led I he Leather-1 necks. Ho was outstanding on ! defense, a whirlwind on board j piny, and was top scorer with in rruima. onus, ivKuuir in, ward, who had been cnnflm-d ; tne past wci'K to me post ui ........... . i...nn.. ..r .t r..r,...,i foot, followed Gilbert with 14 marKers. Coach Les Israel and his ma rine cagers brlievo thnt they will hit the win column over the Navycats. The 'Cuts also lost close, hard-fought games to the University of Oregon. The ipnma rtf t)m i?nm nlnVftrt In. dicate that both squads come tip lo anoui equal sircugui. t no wcdioois had one close can wun Willamette, winning by a baro two points. Against the Leather necks, they squeezed out a 68 to 65 victory at Eugene. Jack Johnson Wants To Box Three-Round Exhibition Match CHICAGO, Jan. 4 (VP) Jack Johnson, who lost his heavy weight boxing title to Jess Wll lard 30 years a;jo, and is now 66 years old, wants to box a three-round exhibition bout on the Coliseum's January 12 fistic program. Matchmaker Jack Kcarns' re quest for Johnson's appearance was approved by the Illinois athletic commission, subject to a report to be made Monday by its physician who examined the former champ. Kcarns planned on having Johnson box three one minute rounds with either King Lovinsky or Leo Savold. TIN COATS TIN PANTS OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main Uncle Sam Dents Pel Cage Squad Bob Porkini, Rolllo Borry Enlist in Novyj Jim Noroon Ineligible (or Bond Tilt Undo Sinn l flNlnH t make it di'iil In the Kliumilh I'l'lU-iin basketball mUHI. Hull IVrkliis Is already In Hi'' ivy and will not iihiv morn tlinn two gaiittm for KUilS, if that many, while Krilllo Herry left Wednesday night fur Portland ' enll.t In the navy us on uimcwiiiiin. What Is Klniniilli Fulls' loss, is Uncle Sam's Kin. however, mid Coach Mat bio Cook l carry ing on with hopes for a suceens fill conference season. Jlnt Nmeen Is IncliiJlble at present tu add to Cook's worries, but Larry While him returned to lb" squ'l In gonil sliinillng to further Hie Pelican cause. The Klamath cage rotcr as It ntiimis now consists o( Jim Palmer, Bus IliiMtimn. Jerry Thome. Don Noel. HlH Alexand er. Jo" Zaroslnskl. Larry While and Jim rope, uoo nmrnov, freshman (uatball (lash, Is a re cent addition to the varsity squad. The boys ran through a strenuous workout Wednesday afternoon and were obviously out of condition. Cook Is work ing his charges hard In on effort to whip them Into shape In lime for lh two-game series with the Hcnd Lava Hears January t and 6. Majors Field , Has a Golfer CHEKNVILLE, Tex Majors Field didn't hove a football team and naturally wasn't In the pub lic eye like Randolph Field with Its great eleven. Hul Major Field is doing preuy writ n golf or niiher Pvt. Wallace W. Ulrleh Is. ! Ulrtrh showed up when Col. Herbert M. Newslrom. a fair golfer himself, ordered a pitch and putt course on the post lor Ills military personnel. 1'Vl. utricn whs iw ,,m. intercollrgioto champion otul he showed his stuff by winning .1.. ...wi l.tiirnument. Then ilC was given permission to warm up In the lexas vu-iury at Dallas where Wolly shot a neat 302 lo win a war bond rltc. Then came four Invitational tournaments In Kast Texas and Louisiana and Ulrlch took Ihem all. Ho won at Longvlew, Kll gore, Marshall and Shrcvcport on successive weekends. Ulrlch is only 23. Ho was at Corlclon college last year whoii he won the notional Intercol legiate the first small college plover ever to take this trophy. Ho was medalist with a 8t) at Longview. repealed at Kllgoro with a 00 and shot sensational golf ol the oilier meets. Wally started playing golf at Austin, Minn., winning the Big Nino title of southern Minnesota high schools, lie also ramc through in various open tourn aments of that state and won tho Minnesota junior championship. HIT JACKPOT! COLLEGE PARK. Gt , Jan. 4 11 '1 When a lake at the Colletjt Park Golf club was drained, about S000 golf balls mostly pra.war wora ra covertd. Tha balls have been clean ed up and put on salt. Alien Adding Mochlnoi fridon Calculators Royal Typewriter Desks Chain Files For those hard-to-gat Items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 80" 9th Klamath Falls Thursday, January 4f rt THirt' By The Aitocla LAST Hrown 70, Harvard 41 I Columbia 43. Yr.l.. j, " C'lt.v Collegii of New yj ii. dour! 1 1 . Teiiinlo 113. Ur-ilrm. Syracuse 44, ltrii-i,i-,i'cr' . ' Pittsburgh 411, (:i-,u.v, LnvB New Yo.k 52, Cun,cl, m".?. Sniniisntl Naval Irolm. D Colgate 37. "' tt of , BOUT1I i Wh( ( oinii Leo 3(1. VrUi, MrUj Noilll I'oinllno :,, W,i. J cat ' 1 Atlonlii Naval Air SlL ilfiJ Ft. Mel'lu'lson 24 midwi:st VA? Viilparoiso o3l ,,u , Doylon A AK .VI, .N.,,,:0"1"' kola Kioto 32. Jxecui St, Thonias Ml. No,,.; kola . M bt ' Ohio Stale -t I, Wvltlr"r on Oklahoma -I I. N, h,J y Hi WK8T 'i ' West exits tin. ,1M inons 33 J. Ab Dili. crs 43. I'etct sou field j, lef t Molilalia State 1 j r,.. irstati 41. Tmii I'nitliiiul Annv Air IL,'d',,cu Kleld. i'urm, ady Harlem (ilobo 'liuii,.1". dot llouford (Wash.) AHSUtl' m01 Wendover Field i1,.,BOmJ Kurt IJotiglas 34, itlon. Vancouver (Wmli ) 31 n U-r 23. illcaU . ,u rJGHT3 Tlen By The Associated f,j nve AUGUSTA. (ia-l.'huoTtat. lur. 145, Kr.rt ll.-lvriir, ,5. V knocked nut )kk llunl'facted Jaeksonvllle, (liigniiiti ui int tl base. 7. I bt OAKLAND. CaliUrJ, WJ, Smllh. 17o, Ooklnnrl, (c!;iy roc Jack Chosegn. JUS, Wjl Colo, 10: Smiley llurnrr.ter. Itleliimiiirl, Ciriif , r.!;fe(ore Charley Waters, Hil, N big ac city. 4 (!d( ler tl et 11 1 Dly. SLIPPERS OREGON WOOLEN ' ton m.ih props ... jng hl er mm ftcfrigcrotion Equipment CoTfin Karl Urquhsrt I Ul Sll Klamath Pliont K For Iregor Commercial Ref riacralioa ornr SALES and SERVICJB imllte 48 m tutr ' Zkl7uUmr I 4rtod. mm t A abou itv CO w.ii-i ; MADELINE MAHOK f ond ' PAUL SWIGART u it thins mean f Sout Ihopi work food tne Excitei th ar ring or ung 'e i war tarryli 1 wat lard. Thrills! Take a friend plan. SEATS X'liu Phono or Coll of P" Klamath Dllllardi. r- open, W.Mnrf. Ph. 6811 I or Castlobarry, Ph. 333J Bu for Rosorvotioni your Hr ir-- - - I in IMMM y . mm f 1 wn A MVP jlClll AY "&NI 6 HP SATUBBAY Auspicos V.F.W. CDJL-OM win ! TflVtRfl ARMORY ARENA i ' '"' - IT, tit TAvenn l"IOHVAV s OUTH HIOHWAV 7 (OUTH CM