Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 04, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, January 4, 1945
i xmi pyi'
in ii in i i
J Jt 'T i l Mm
I h i I MI
To Stephens Four sludrnW
t Stephens pullrui', Columbia,
lo whu huvii npniit tliu twli
y In Klamulh Fulls will)
heir pareiilD, will lenvn Friday
ur school. Jean Underwood,
lighter of Mr. and Mi'' i''.
Jnmrwoud, will leave Friday
light by the northern route over
Jnlon Pacific, and Joy Konl,
laughter of Mr. ami Mix. Glenn
Cent, Muxlnn Lltkny, diniKliter
i( Mr, and Mm. Dhvo l.lnkey.
nd Mm Win Clin k, diniKliter of
At. and Mm. S. Ci. Clink, will
eave over llin .Sanlu Kc Unit
iy. .
i Cnllsls Jerry Klnm'sami. son
Mr. and Mm. Kiln KinursMiii of
hi cliy. I'fl Portland Wedues
lay nllllit for Sun Dieito t" !
15 I.. I .,111, II,.. I lull... I
Hates navy. Kinurnsun unlisted
Jecember 22 In Klumiith Fulls
ind reported to the I'orllund ol-
ICO a I'd swum 111 nun wvvn
V: 1 j n,t ii, iiu.i rr,,n
ir.": n..i., i,i,.i, ,.i,rii
hlBlllltlll wittwi,
Mhere lie was student hotly pies
dent, and this past full has at
tnded the Unlvomlly of oreunn.
r Shops Open The vocational
hop t Hie iilith school are open
r supplemental training of inn
(hlnllU and niucliunles In local
pdustrlcn. This training It free
0 both men and women, and
aoura may no arranged by tliu
roup. 7 Coil rues available at the
present time aro electric arc
veldlnB, oxyiicn-acclylene weld
pg, and machine shop practice.
(hops "aro open Monday, Tues
ay and Wednesday from 7 to
0 P. m. under the prevent ached-
1 Promoted Word hn been re
itlved loin Germany by Mr. and
rtfrf. Z. L. Barkcc of Klamath
'alia that their sun, Leonard
'jerkee lias beon promoted from,
rlvato to the rank of sergeant.
it graduated from Klamath
Jnlon hlRh school In IIM.i and
.mtered the service In henrunry,
ate i oilmen is n yemn uiu
Vlaittna Hiubmd Myrtle
Ciildwi'll, sunlur numc at tliu
Kliimalh county licullh unit, Is
vlslllng her liusbuiul, I'vl. John
Liiliiwnil, III l amp wnuois, u-j.
Caldwell entered the service
only rtcmitly and was formerly
employed as a iircmiui oy uiu
Client Niirthein railroad.
Card Party The hoinumiiklng
ciniiiiilttee of the Women of- tha
Mouse will meet lii the hall Fri
duy, January A, at 12:30 p. m.
for a politick luncheon and bus
iness meeting, and a gift ex
change. Maud Sergenf, chair
man of the homcmaklhg com
mittee, will bo In charge. At
2 p. m. there will be a card
party In the hall, third of the
scries. The public Is Invited to
Make Horn Here KnslKn
and Mrs. Hubert Klnnebriiw ar
rived In Kliimiith Fulls llils week
to make their home, IOiiMkii Klu
nebrew lo be alluehed to the
Klamath naval air station. Mrs.
Khmebrew Is a former Okla
hoine City, Okla., resident and
.Stephens college student. She
has several friends In tills city,
.Stephens students.
Promoted Cadets James 11.
Mcllrlde, sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Bnv V. Mcllrlde, Arthur street
unci Fred I). Miller, Garden
street, were promoted lo rank
of cadet first class priyau;, in
order of Commandant Leon G.
Thompson, and approved uy
Colonel joscpn a. iih. ii--i-i""'
of Hill Military academy, Port-
t Hlilr:i-nrei Underwood.
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Un
derwood of N. Vlh. left New
Year's night for I'orilnwl lo re
sume his studies at Hill Military
academy. This Is young Under
wood's senior year at the
To Mwt Klamath lodge No.
77, AK&AM. will hold a special
meeting Friday, January a. at
7:;id p. in. Work in the KA de
gree Wll be presented. All
brethren aro Invited lo attend by
Noel Turner, worshipful inaslcr.
Pollen Court The holiday
season continued (pilot as far as
pollen activities were conccrnoa
unci those appearing before Po
lice Judge Harold Finney Thurs
day Included three drunk and
disorderly conduct cases, two
drunks and one disorderly. Three
rah drivers paid their 1045 li
cense fees. Two traffic HcKois
were paid at the desk sergeant's
1:45 for cards Biid tea, Mrs.
Morris Sherman and Mrs. SBm
Huberts will preside as hostesses.
Mrs. Calvin Hunt la the new
president of the club.
In Unlttd States TSgt.
James J. Cavanaugh, husband
of Mrs. J. J. Cavanaugh of 1140
Monclairc, has arrived in the
United States on furlough from
the Southwest Pacific theater
of operations. Ho served In that
area for 33 months with the field
artillery. Cavanaugh comes
homo under the rotation plan of
the army.
Billfold Lost Electra Martin
of the WRA, Newell, Calif., re
ported lo city police the loss of a
lenlhcr billfold on Main street.
Tho billfold contained (43 In cur
rency, WRA Identification card
and social security card, If the
nurse la found, police would like
to have It returned to the station
to be held for M Martin.
Chester Main Hore Chester
Main, Tulelake farmer and head
of the Tulelake Growers, was a
visitor here Wrdncsday. Main
attended the directors meeting
of the Klamath county chamber
of commerce.
Promoted George Sothman,
U. S. army corps of engineers,
ItfiB linpn nrnmntftri In tlw. Ipmil.
urary rank of captain, according
to the war department, ins nome
in Klamath Falls Is at 31 12 Cannon.
Back to Bsllnsi Rita Shaffer
has returned to her teaching
position at Salinas, Calif., high
school after spending the holi
days here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Shaffer, 2007
Wantland. Mrs. Shaffer was re
cently dismissed from Klamath
Valley hospital and Is reported
doing nicely.
Car Recovered A car report
ed stolen November 22, by Dr.
C. V. Relchman of this city, was
re envorpd Wednesday In the al
ley In the roar of the pelican no
te! on Main street, city police
stated. The machine was aban
doned and In apparently good
condition. No arrests nave Dccn
Council Meets The PTA
county council met at the Red
Cross room Wednesday, January
3. The fingerprinting program
will be continued with new
prints being taken during the
next two months. Founders' Day
will be commemorated with a
tea to be held at Mills school
February 8 at 2 p. m. All Inter
ested parents are invited to attend.
To Meet The temporary Cub
pack committee of the Altamont
Community i-respyterian cnurcn
will meet at the Altamont Junior
l.iah schoo at 7:30 t, m. Thurs.
day. The meeting Is held for
the purpose of completing the
organization of the Cub pack, in
which 80 boys have expressed
an interest.
At Harbor Mr. and Mrs.
Sheldon Brumbaugh and young
son Alex are spending 10 days
at their summer place at Har
bor on the southern uregon
Back to School Louis Nidorf
of 049 Pacific Terrace left today,
after spending a two weeks' va
cation with his parents and
friends. Louis is a cadet at the
Black Foxe Military Institute in
Hollywood, California.
Social Club Meeting The
F.aatern Star Social club will
hold Its first meeting of the new
year with new officers prcsld
ine on Friday afternoon. Jan
uary a, In the Masonic temple at
, Logger Boots
$6.95 to $15.50
Main at 8th
ReturnMr. and Mrs. P. L.
Book and children have returned
to their home. 8704 AVBIon
from San Francisco where they
visited friends and relatives
over the holidays. They were
cucsts of Mrs. Book s daughter
Mrs. Adolph DcLuca, the former
Virginia Checcni oi mis ciiy.
enumerators Needed Enunv
mlnrs sre needed for the U. S.
agricultural census to be taken
this month. One enumerator
from each voting precinct in
Klamath county outside the city
limits Is desired and applications
may be made by contacting the
U. S. census bureau, office 606,
Medical Dental building. Phone
Services St. Paul's Episcopal
church announces the services
for the Feast of the Epiphany
Saturday, January 6. There will
be celebration ol tne Hoiy uonv
munlon at 1 0 a. m.. and at 7 D. m
there will be the annual Feast of
Lights followed by a social hour
in the parish house when the
Epiphany cake and coffee will be
School Slated The three-day
school of Instructions for 1845
census of agricultural enumera
tors will be held January 8, 9
and 10, In the council chambers
of the city hall, from 8 a. m.
through 5 each day. E. M. Igl.
assistant local supervisor, will
supervise the school.
home remedy for
reUarlng miseries of
children a eoias.
Son Born Mr. and Mrs. Ever,
ett N. Hardenbrook. 620 N. 3rd
are parents of a second child, a
son, horn December 27. at Klam
ath Valley hospital. Both mother
and child are doing nicely. The
Hnrdcnbrooks have a s m a l
Mother Visits Mrs. C. J. Wil
liams of Centralia, Wash., is
viiltina at the home of her
HantfMor mH snn-in-lnw. Mr. and
Mn J. c. uav. ii&a rtppicgaic.
She will remain until the mid-1
die of this month.
EuIm Auxiliary The Eagles
Auxiliary will meet in regular
session on Friday, January 3, at
8 p. m. in the upper rut nan.
There will be initiation with
lunch and entertainment after
Return to School Rosie and
Helen Suty, daughters of Mr. and
Mrs, Anton Suty of Malln, left
Sunday for Seattle to resume
their studies at the University of
Washington. They attended Ore
gon State college last year.
Ta Eureka Huith Tolley. en
gineer lor the bureau of recla
mation In Klamath Falls, visited
relatives In Eureka, cam., over
the holidays.
To Bonansa Sgt. Paul Glot-
zer and Cpl. Elizabeth Sanders,
both connected with the WAC re
cruiting personnel here, were in
Bonanza Thursday afternoon on
official business.
Lt. Webster A. Jones, travel
ing representative of the office
of naval officer procurement
from Portland, was a visitor in
and around Klamath Falls yes
terday, according to Mel Ken
nedy, recruiter-ln-charge of the
local navy recruiting station.
While here Lt. Jones con
ferred with members of the
ministerial association in an ef
fort to procure additional navy
chaplains. He cited instances of
the fine work the chaplain
corns is Dcrforming in the Pa
cific and spoke of the urgent
need for additional chaplains to
serve ashore and afloat with
the navy.
He also completed a survey
Quiet Week The city fire de
partment reported no calls since
December 31, with a clear slate
thus far during the month of
Just Received!
All-Wool, Forest Green
Tough-wearing, good looking
Sizes 29 to 44
733 Main
of the medical and dental pro
fessions In this locality to un
cover officer material for the
medical corps.
In the afternoon Jones and
Kennedy met with seniors at
the Klamath Union high school
to discuss the navy alrcrewmen
Classified Ads Bring Results.
$100 a Month
Tht Gcldin Ytdtt Pltn grrel
you insurance protection no
and t monthly income for Ufa
when you retire. Dctsils will
be gladly explained by any
Oregon Mutual ropreientatit.
118 N. 7th Stieet,
Klamath Falls. Oregon
-...the Store With the Glass Door
?-PJtUo QutuluHqr-ti I There's a Touch of Sorina in these
m m Mil w wmrmM rmmmmmm
211 Underwood Bldg.
"Standi JSranteed
-c - ' sJI , .
til i
- I t r
r, v ; wy r s ,
I tk - t X ,t. -
1 -I :.' . . i. w. '"T '
t i
-" : X
1 i y V
1 "
tl 7. 1
i i
it fVlln'' ( I
Good vision fs' indisponsibla In helping
you Jfo iftereciied fficiency ond earning vs
povyert DonH takevriianeB'SM. pafa&)--$Atf&li
registered ropfomtrtt qt:-yowr e nearoy,,
Standard ODtica! Co. store, now. for '.eom-.v?-;
eye exa?;.ioi 'ffil fa l&J
) 1 T- J 1ltl
l, -w -hVv. i. -VV J-l
11 '1 ' "
? -I
J ...
Smart Stylish Glasses,
Nothing Down
Only 1 A Week!
Zenith Radionic Hearing Aid
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KM. 2D95
V ' 4v! W,' I
Use Cjur oCatjawutj fian v
With new Neutral-Color Magnetic Ea
phone and Cord, Crystal Microphone,
Radionic tubes, batteries. Accepted by
American Medical Association Council on
Physical Therapy.
Registered Optometrist in Charge
75 Main St in Klamath Falls
Put new color ond dash
In your life with an
eye-catching 100 wool suit,
You'll like its smart detailing
and new stunning look.
Open Till 8:00 Saturdays