Thuriday, January 4, 1943 iPOST OFFICE m iTDPS HEGOHD gfei !' IN DECEWIBER ' ' . ....... I Vw HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREE, i in vie mnnin in urcciiinitr, S .044, ' tho Klmniitli pout iittlcc L :ranwcl('(l muru bimliiit (linn In liny oilier month in iU growl ri-ci'lpln for De cember of Ilia punt yenr totaled 134,318.0(1 compared to Decem ber of 11143, which allowed u lotul of $2'I,:MU.7I), ii (lllfiTciico Of 40.0li:i por cunt or $1)11711.17. -Tlio yenr lll'H allowed n "ualti of $(l(.7o:i.77 ovir I lilil. Durlim tiio ChrlHlimiH rush, V 87 additional poslul employe", both clerk mill currier, wcru nddcd to Hi" normiil Ktutf, I'oal- master Burt K, lliiwkliin until Hint tlin IiiiikIIIiiU ot Clirl.slmuH mail tills pun yenr win 11 gi Bintlfl tu.ik, mill could not huvc been ' curried out suuccti.ifully without Ilia wholehearted co operation and diligent work of the entire post office Muff. in Klulllon 10 tin) receipt unci Idlsiwtch of Incoming uud oul- Uoliif-, mall, tho Klamiith pot tmice wrote munorouii money 1 . 1 i .. 1 . . . . . Oiuvrit will ijmiwn, r,,v glngi certificate, nnd handled registered mid COD 11111II, llnw Iklni d (tela rod, Four extra (truck! wore nlno used this year (during tho rush period In linn Idling city mull, while Inst year r'pnly two nddltlonnl trucks were neceiiwiry. .1, Overni'iis mulling In 1044 wns the grenlest In llio history of tithe united Sliiles putt office department, with approximately 184,000,000 pnekuues belnu mailed oversell. Ilnsed upon ..the act Hint 2(),n(IO,0(IO were uent "abroad In 1 013. these flit Mures Indicate an incrense of " 03,800,000 oversells puckiiges during the pust your. During the regular cnlendnr year .llireo rurnl carrlori deliv ered mull and gave post office service over mo mi ion or terri tory .-'each duv. di'llverliiu null! no approximately 1430 mall .Two mounted routes unvo rvlce throughout the subur ban aronn, while 14 rvKulnr carrier delivered mall through- out the city. Mnll wua (lis- pawned on live trticK routes to other coat offices in this vicin ity during 1044, iluwkius con cluded. -A Ublo of post office receipts during the yenr follows: Klamaltt I.!.!!,,. fitlpt. January .iH.m31w febriurr I3..174 31 iliutoo March . . I4.47U 31 I j,.ul ihi foll tjwarler U.7IJ.M OJJa. April I7.115T Nir iti.sauMi la.oaami iuiw ' W.ivi n7 , u.lim.w Tout Quarter ... 3I.H7 U 37,013. u JUljr :ji. . ITJM.DT IJ.4I.1SI Auguit 1 .- m.a.niia4 n.nuun bpumlMr iii.iuuu j,iun:ia Total Quarter .aTo.lo October 31. 34 14.1MJ4 Novambor IUJ07.TT is btrimMr 34JIS ua 4,aiu.7U Total Quarter 75. 1.M m al.lui'Jl Kuril' Toul ..imm.a iim.ojjTio Christmas Buying Of Bonds Adds to Lake County Sales f LAKEVIEW The buying of Ibonds for Christmus added mu- (tcrlally to tho total of bonds Isold during the Utli War Loan Jdrivo and with but a few more Ways to go during tho drive, tho US oontl quotu mis ucen over bubscrlbed by $(11)02.5(1, and the bounty quota ot $400,000 lias ftioen .ovcr-suoscnuea oy 53.00. - The Palsloy district mndo the lUtstandlng record In this drive iy attaining 234 per cent of Its uota. All i Lnko county pays trlb ite to Mrs. Helen Kolty and Dier hcadquiirters stiiff, which ncludcd Mrs, Ethel Clark and ri. Myrtlo Stephenson, who evoted weeks of full tinia ork to help make this drive he success thut It was. .Lakeview Merchants .Report Good Business I LAKEVIEW Business tins kbeen '. exceptionally good In lLnkeview during this year's Christmas buying, prominent Inerchants reported. I, The majority of tho mer chants claim that if thoy had ixsen able to not moro mcrclinn- use, Business could hnvo been ven, better. Times hnvo been nulto Hood n the Laknviow area durinit the past year. Farmers ami stockmen for tho most part hnd Hood o crops and prices woro Konerally h I g Ii. Wages, too, (were , good and thcro was no ack of Jobs. Classified Ads Bring Results. Msnrns T. Catoi, president of Iho national Junior chamber of commerce, who will sptak at th local Jaycte founders' ban quet to be held at the Wlllard hotel Saturday evening. Shasta View Dick Meadows of Brookings, Ore., spent tliu hollduys lieru with Ins daughter lliizcl. Mea dows formerly resided hero on Kmie street initl his diiughtcr pliiiis to Join Mini as soon as kliunnlli high school dismisses In Urn spring. Mrs. Hubert Hawkins and In fant sou arc lit home on 1244 llomediile. The I.loyd Bnscy fuinlly who soltl their Ii 0 in e on Uomvdiilo have moved to the rnnch they bought neur Ccdiirvillc, Calif. Orvul Swindler, young son of Joo Swindler, received emer ilency treatment at a doctor's of fice Wednesday when he fell on a spike which penetrated his knee. Mrs. Lena Cain tins returned from Portland after spending the past four months there. She was under u doelor's cure there mid spent Iho lust month as u guest ot Urn W. A. Dflzell home. Mr, and Mrs, Louis Christian son were guests of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Mutlos, and family Christmas Dny, Guests In tho J. C. Grove homo Christmas eve were CI'O and Mrs. George Alsop and dntiuhter and lirnndson, Mrs. Grace Goodrich and Mrs. Gerhard Kllnkhnmmer wore Christmas dinner guests of the Henry King family on the Lake view hlKhwny. Mr. mid Mrs. L. Lambert were hosts nt a pre-Christmas party for their dmnihter Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wcsl- Itintl and Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wcsllund and Beverly. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Lnmbert at tended a fnmllv reunion Christ mas liny at the homo of their aunt, Mrs. Slid la Stnckum, nnd uncle. Wllllnm Lambert, ot Fort Klnmuth, Symnnthv is extended from this community to Mrs. Jnek Mil ler whoso fntker Arthur G. Rise Icy passed nwny Inst week. Ho hnd lived with his daughter here for the pnst oight years. Two sons. I'FC Charles Rlsley, for merly with Klnmnth Creamery and S 1c Mnrlon Rlsley. who win employed by Southern Pa cific here, wcro both umntod emeruciicy furloughs. Another dntighter, Mrs. Vera Mendcnhall, of Bly, also attended tho funeral hero. STRANGE PARENTS On Guadalcanal, eggs of the bush fowl hatch out in a mound of fermented leaves and sand, raked over them by tho mother, nnd tho young never know their parents. OUTSTANDING MAN OF 1944 TD BE NAMED Selection of tho outstanding young mun of 1044 In Klnmuth civic work will bo u feature of the unnuul Junior chamber of commerce founders' banquet to be held at tho Willurd hotel Saturday evening. The choice lor the Junior chamber awurd bus bcon kept secret since It wus muda by a secret committee, For muny years, the Junior chamber has made this annual award, und sevcrul of tho winners of pusl years aro expected to bo at the dinner Saturduy night. Principal speukor ut the din ner will be Mearns T. Gales, IIS year old president of the United States Junior chamber of commerce. Gates is a resident of Wash ington, which, incidentally, is the homo statu of Eric A. John ston, president of tho chamber of commerce of the United States. Gates comes from Pom oroy, a smull community of about 1900 population, winch Is less than 100 miles from Spo kane, tho homo town ot his contemporary, Ho Is now on leave us prin cipal of Pomeroy high school. Ho worked his way through school doing everything from Janitorial ciiores to minding babies. Rozendal Immunizes Students in Schools Dr. Peter Rozendal, Klamath county health officer, completed Immunization for diphtheria and smallpox at Fnlrvicw ond Hiv orsldo schools Wednesday. Dr. Rozendal will visit Con ger and Pelican schools Thurs day ond Mills ond Roosevelt schools Frldny. Thnt will com ploto the Immunization for Klamnth county schools. Oregon Press Club To Name Trustees PORTLAND, Jan. 4 (IP) One of four new Press club of Ore gon trustees, to bo elected here Tuesday, will be chosen from three up-stnte members Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg; Jack Bla dlnc, McMlnnvllle, ond Fred Chllty, Coos Buy. Tho 15-monlh-old club, hold ing its first annual meeting, will discuss a future program. Offi cers will be elected among the now trustees Tuesday evening. 25 -50 Wool UNION SUITS OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main i Leather Jackets S12.50 to $29.50 ; OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main at 8th Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Oreomulslon relieves promptly be cause It goes right to tho sent of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, nnd aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Crcomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays Uie cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION ForCouehs. ChestColds. Bronchitii Today On The Western Front ' By The Associated Press Canadian '1st, British 2nd armlesi Enemy patrols con tinued active, U. S. 1st armyt Attacked heavily on northern flank of Belgian bulge in Grundmcnll sector; made fresh gulns in western tip o' sulicnt south of Rochcfort; new attack made "good progress" ugninst stiff resistance. U. S. 3rd srmyi Germans slowed Bustogno sector drive, hurled 100 tanks Into a counterattack; American as sault continued along south ern flunk; Saarlautern bridgehead retained, but most of rest of penetration of Gcr muny bus been yielded in favor of attack on bulge. U. S. 7th armyi Germans continued push ulong Pala tinate frontier, huving driven Americans from most pene trations of Reich soil; deep est point of nazi drive placed southeast of Bitche, up to five miles at one point: French civilians reported evacuating front areas. French 1st army: No change reported officially; Swiss dis patch reports huge artillery duel on 15-mile front in Mul housc area. It's easy to have an accldont on a do? like this. Insure your car today with Hans Norland, 118 North 7th. njij-LjLAiyiii " - aA. Forest Green All-Wool Whipcord Pants OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main at Bth ) GYPcv ba .-I - . inirn of - Newt Cream Deodorant Sajtly helps Stop Perspiration 1. Does not irritate skin. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. 2i Prevents untlcr-irm odor. Helps stop perspiration safclf. 3 A pure, white, antiseptic, stain less vanishing cream. 4. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. B Awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of launder ing harmless to fabric. Use Arrid regularlr. Sjs, 39 AhoU3Wi.n THI LAKOI3T IIUIN0) DIODMANT I J aaaae really soothing because they're really v .medicated ' COUGH IOZENGES I Million um F A F Loscngrs to ! I lws .IK I ...... ... s arlvB thrlr thrnnf a 1ft mint. (a nnlh (faf, comforting treatment thnt ! reaches all the way down , For ! i, coughs, Ihrofttirrifattonsorhoftrao I i HCMreaultingfrom coldAorsmoking, ! (tooth with r & F. Box-ouly lU)i. . . Donald 1. Sloan . . Announces the , PURCHASE V of the Business of F. R. Hauger INDUSTRIAL and WHOLESALE Hardware, Building Supplies and Janitor Supplies TO BE KNOWN HEREAFTER AS , , . The F. R. Hauger Co. 515 Market SU Phone 7321 6 29 KEEP WARM AND HEALTHY One Piect Snow Suits "Ski Master" quality water re pellent and wind-proof poplin. Flannel lined and knit cuffs. Sizes 1 to 3. Smartly Tailored COAT SETS For the Toddler's Dressy Dates Your young tad will strut around proud as a peacock dressed in this smart little out fit. Coat and leggings of wool flannel. Rayon lined, and warmly interlined. Zip per leggings. Copen, dusty pink. Sizes 1-4. " Sea labal In garment (or wool ipeciilcatlona. Rich Velvet Trimmed Coat Set An adorable, well made coat set for youngsters 1 to 4. Made of soft knit back wool fleece. The coat has two rows of tiny buttons and is collared and trimmed in rich contrasting color velvet. Rayon lined and warmly interlined. Suspender top leggings have dandy zippers. Camel, wine, copen. Sea label In garment for wool apeelftcatlona Sturdy Wool Herringbone Fleece This smart velvet trimmed suit will enhance your little darling's beauty. Extremely warm, because it's not only rayon lined, but in terlined. Zipper suspender-top leg gings. Tan, brown, wine. Sizes 3 to 614. See label In garment for wool fpeclticaUons. g60 itr SWEATERS 3 CARDIGANS June O' Day Jr. all wool classics. A long sleeve boxy cardigan in glorious colors. Kitten soft and hand washable. AU Wool Slipovers 2.98 SWEATER DICKIES Wear it under . cardigan for twin sweater ef fect. FeatJier weight virgin wool. M - ri DAINTY APRONS Pert little pinafores or coveralls in flower-fresh percale prints. Bound or ric rac trimmed in con trasting color. Some with ruffle trim. WARM 59c 98 l -jsum IZm 39c Of- FLANNEL GOWNS It's flannelette, of course, because she likes being cozily warm. This pastel striped yoke style will really please. It has long sleeves and is comfort ably collarless. The "Frosty Nite" label means it will wear exception ally well. Sizes 34 to 40. Larger siiei 44 to 58 1, "FLATTER-EES" VEST-PANTIES Flatterees . . . famous for slick fit! Comfort able, too and . long wearing. Firm tuckstitch knit. Vest or knee pant. Tearose. Small, medium, large. RECEIVING BLANKET F a m o u s Pepperell quality .'. , . soft, fluffy, ' absorbent. Stitched ends. Wash separately. White with blue or pink trim. 30 x 40 Inches. 179 - VtfT ..1:A . 25e :U A TOTAUNO 0l) BABY NEEDS PEPPERELL CRIB BLANKET 2.98 A downy-soft, cozy combination of 25 wool, 75 cotton . . fleecy and warm, yet , not heavy. Three-inch rayon satin binding. Washable. Blue, pink. 36x50 inches. Boxed. IIId ALL WOOL SWEATER 1.59 For a princess 1 to 3! Dainty light blue or pink zephyr wool with hand-embroidered pastel blossoms. Washable. HIGH CHAIR PADS 1.49 Fits all high chairs. Padded back rest Water-proof stain re sistant blue or pink cover. . NURSERY RINGS 79c Fits boy's or glrl'i nursery chair or in fant's toilet ' seat. Back rest. Water proofed stain - resist ant blue or pink cover. CLEARANCE Infants' Stamped Goods to 89c Women's Oxfords, Values to 3.98 .. All Wool Batt, 2-lb. size 1.98 .... Boys' Plaid Jackets, Reversible, reg. 7.95 :..5.88 10c 1.98 1.49