Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 04, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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TUMI111,1 n'.ggaa
lut wk I IBtBtiOnJ that
thi" .tor. 1 ."Kg
Fells hadn't gotten things
ltt.ight.Md , trt .ic. th.
Chris tmu rail na
SUo.nt .till J or thu
nk . . . Especially tco"
lart-for-Ckrirunas shipments ax.
arrivine all lh " d k
tob Imarked and put dis
may. ...
wrTH new zma 1
1 1 hesdnnisc to eoaie in.
; and not much room to pot
ft in. down at Whytal.
I I tcey cetced to nave
sil . . . And to really
cot the prices away down so
th mrrfiaidise will be graoeea
For instance . . . There are
tr-S-S ,t 12
tn 52 05 are now SIS . . .
S3 .00 will ouy V"
SmVsiS T?lr . . Quilted
and raron serge tailored robes
.- . fMiMrtv vnia ror zrooi
Marge Whytal told me that
sizes are broken, but that there
re JO" liT.'r. .-JXTm"
. . . "f - :-rr
away wmie vxsn s
vJ1 SttS
to (UM
that were 1
MTW t1t S3
And there are a irxnber of
other items in wearing apparel
that axe on sale . . . I'yiiWTrg
sweaters, suits ad dresses.
At Whytals . . . Main and
Sinth Streets.
Afoei MdluieMf.
ONE funny thing about this
country is how late in the
Spring a gal has to wear a
so-called winter hat . . .
Even though the new
Spring hats always start
coming in as soon as Christmas
is over.
: Because shipment of Spring
tats are arriving all the time
now, Moe's is virtually giving
away about 100 beautiful hats
for half price . . . They're cats
that formerly sold for from $5
up to $16.30. and now are only
SIM us to S3.25.
included are ail colors
ijigm as weu as oarg . . . in
ens, hj. t, irm ii jrt uuu, luu
all-feather bats . . . The kind
that youll wear for at least The shipment of Duncan
several more months, and some, crystal, in the popular and
particularly the felts, that will lovely teardrop pattern, is go
be good indefinitely. ing to have the same thing hap
i At Moe's Millinery Depart- pen to it. I know ... It Just
rhent on the mezzanine floor arrived this week . . . Goblets.
, 512 Main Street.
Sprague River
' Mr. and Mrs. Lendle Story
and family, accomoanied by Cpl.
Leo Pugh from Tulelake, upent
the Christmas holiday in Lake
fiew visiting relatives.
, Mrs. Grace Hagan and daugh
ter June are here from Lake
tiew visiting a daughter, Mrs.
H. T. Lake and Lake and other
relatives. W. Ellidge, father of
Jlrs. Hagan, is here from Chilo
quin as a guest in the Lake
' Betty Young is home with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Young, for the holidavs. Betty
attends school at Henlev
j Mr. and Mrs. Ivan'Pankey
and son Lee visited in Bonanza
Christmas in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Gowen and daugh
ter Helen.
i Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Spltzer
pent the Christmas holiday in
Sledford as guests of Spitzer'i
sister. Mrs. Paul Quakenbush
and Quakenbush.
! Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ludwfck
were in Portland over the holi
day visiting their daughter. Pat
Ludwick, who is in nurse's train
ing. i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore are
Bere from Ashland to spend the
bolidays with their son, Rollo
aloore and Mrs. Moore.
j and. Mr!- J- w- Runnels
and Donme have gone to Port
inn c Mr Br,.i.' -ri:. 7i . 1 i
u, in iautorn a. tn v tit
j "" " ""'who w-a. elected district corn:
: Rubber Raincoats
; Jackets or Full-L.nelh
S00 Main
rB annual naif-price prone-! sister g-t into ta!j or aaa Heu-1
too cf Tussy Wid end S vei said he would foUcw tem ;
Weather Lotion started to see uut they got out of towa.
thU week at Currm. . . .iAt the Merri Lakeview .June-
Thocih whr it is held at i toe. tee tesufiea, heud act-.
ii a tnyTtery to me.
fa-' a
aou w.wmv -y-.T "ii
mous lotion
doa t, you reaUv nave a :
. i Know qu.ic i.
ic iwwm -'-c- " a.-
u.. it oa their hands and ;
faces during the. Winter several ;
ago, nrear by.lt. ,
wind . . . And ciear up me ;
condition almost immediately
q, a wonderfully soothing way,
tt T?J$& 1H?S2: 1
fnr rmnir. too.
. " 1t" - " 1
AS usual, lusay nmo s
bottle . . . And $1.00 plus tajt
withv ntim . .W! niu rax .
be enough to go around
It 11 protect your nancs aii , X", J-,rt back to th otae-r rather tran le-A) as was previ-
face against roughness and Jt shjwg fondt ha . announced. Jrus fact rr.a
chappir from, the cold and ear- J?J5? J . :eria: eflect, the lengta of;
Even when people buy half-lewd
Ea H:-",'
irau cso iu t, mo
for urags
At Ninth. arid
JS? 5s ki-re fn.mUtnbw tne'backouirfof;ormen hv," beenVeUp "bus? i
whj-taH ... I witness; and Oeiil proceed jrht and day keeping the j
.CITE a few more things
have arrived at Garcelon s
too late for Christmas shop
pers . . . But as soon a
the news gets around,
Christmas season or no
Christmas season, these too-late
items are oougni up as last as ,
wit .uewuiui eu a w '
sherbets, plates, iced tea and
cocktail glasses . . . And some
odd pieces.
There were some odd pieces
of the Canterbury partem In
Duncan crystal in the shipment,
A big selection of Red Wing
art pottery arrived this week
although it, too, was due be
fore Christmas . . . Vases of
all sizes, bowls and console sets
in this unusual ivory-ton : pot- j
tery . . . Priced from $1.00 to !
S6.50 per piece.
At Garcelon's
407 Main
first time in three years the sen
has been back in the States. They
will also visit relatives at Los
Christmas programs were held
at both churches. The Taber
nacle gave its services on Frl-
oay night and the Friends church
program was given on Sundav
evening. Both services were ert-
joyea By a large number of peo
ple. Donald Stanton has returned
from Seattle after spending sev,
eral days there visiting rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kendall and
son Laverne were In Shasta for
the holiday,
Mr. and Mrs. George Cram
and family spent Christmas in
Klamath Falls with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw and
children from Bonanza were
here Sunday as dinner guests in
the Fred Young home.
Drew Elected Boy
Scout District Head
Greer F. Drew was elected to
succeed J. V. Owens as Boy
Scout district chairman for the
Klamath basin district at a meet
ing of the district committee
Wednesday night at the cham
ber of commerce office.
Selected to ait rru
Paul Skeen, who was named
vice-chairman, and Elmr v,a.
lao.urier. osieen win continue to
direct the scout advancement
work of the district, according to
Drew, and Wade will be in
charge of assisting more than SO
scout units in the county. His
staff of neighborhood commis
nonera will be Ed Goeckner,
George Kingan. Harry Evans,
Joe Pilan and Bob Elliot.
(Continued From Tiit 0)
ration boeis. cc Wj
Mae age f .o ii 15.
Si ies--f.ec itji Kemei tec
her -'. to te-i w ;-v-e c-
o:C lie was.
Guty p-iis were elerec
against eota j-r Is, jc tit y were
suspeMea secteijces w.tn
it unoerniocirn taey ou.u
leave i-Timecately.
Toll owed'
Th eir! said sr. ar.d her i
too. o---e t--
ir; h- r. and aiam
-ZX ,n7ri
' in ceail, and said he mace ter ;
- . 1 . --- , . .
. ... .
.-w -.
'7t:f,-i he to!d b to '
iff, ir,2 ,h ! ind
. , , ,t
."j, CrotMd- i
Hem-el. sne clawed, returned j
to the car. remarked taat he uaa
' been double-crossed, and toid tne :
riria to set acini
. - - - . -
simiruu on.
oissoiute person. It is
important to show the witness ,
j, falsifying to th court.
Mahoney ruled the
H... .ii",!e"??h .
1 Ltiocr quouunui, u u t
mined having had intercourse
; with certain men. She denied .
a num&er 01 intimations oy .
O-NeiU concerning certain al-
leged act on her part. I
She then told how. after ieav-
inz Klamath Falls after the ar
rest, she and her sister went to
Seneca, Ore, then to Bonanza,
and then back to Klamath Fails
where they stayed at the Holly
hotel. She admitted giving her
age as 22 both to the desk
sergeant at the police station and
to Dr. Rozendal.
O'Neill hammered at the girl
steadily, and asked her if she
had made any threats that she
would "get even" with the police
chief. She denied such threats.
Told of Return
The witness told about return
ing to Bonanza to get clothes
they had left there. On their
return to Klamath Falls, she said,
'they took the clothing to the
pct4 Savoy
place oa oiwa
It in; after the arrest of the
older sister, for the second time,
that-Miss Collins told the story
that resulted in the charges
against Heuvel.
In the afternoon session, the
young witness was asKed By
O'Neill who asked her to file a
charge against Heuvel. She
pointed to Juvenile Officer Har
old Hendrickson, and added
that she was also asked by an
other man who, she believed,
was Humble.
Former Police Chief Heuvel
sat by the side of his attorney
throughout the session, "which
was still under way late this
afternoon. He wore a navy blue
TOit He fonOWea the testimony
,ii .,n
Java's 500.000 acres of sugar
cane produce nearly 3,000.000
1 metric tons of sugar annually.
ana it is second only to Cuba in
world sugar production.
'. . . Or Would You
ft :- -
-- - X Mm - I 1
n - -' r - . ...... a
u you eouian t get gas to drive home to see the old folks over the
holidays, you Just don't know bow lucky you were. You might
havj bad to undergo the hardships that befell Republican Senator
elect Wayne Morse of Oregon when he motored all the way from
Eugene pre, to Washington, hauling his pet horses tn a trailer
van. Frigid weather, snow and ley roads totaled woe that was
climaxed on the sixth day, when the Senator ran out of gas. But
rVr.lJd and Is pictured above safely tn the Capital.
Left to right are Spice of Life, Senator Morse. Oreganna Bourbon
ad the Senator', daughter, Kancy.
: i u-us
10 III
mi, - r ' "
was eft;
tTivd to th. .Slier.
fear fcM
Sea Bora M:
H o ra e r L. Koertj.
ua, -:gh-i 6 poursci a.i-a 6
ounce at cltu-.. .-.i.?. iu-ci
POH re.umea io lr, .
coc:e ca .
Qucu To raa, There are
1S.0-M pieces of gauze to finish
for U-.e 1944 Red Cress quoU.
time req
quota, a.id the need for workers
in the Red Cross rooms is still
Called to Cetta;. Grora Ross i
Aubrey, shipping point inspector
: for the Klamath district, was .
'Uei to Cotuge Gr Wednea-i
ca-v nlht upon th dt3th ' hu i
A snowstorm is raging at Cas-
cade Summit. About iO inches of
'new snow has fallen, making the
'denth 37 inches. No deiavs nave ;
to t"!n. b crews !
ar. no airs, noj lempn ana
son, Donald, spent Chmtrnas in !
Lebanon with Temple s brother-1
m.iaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
McPherson. Also present at the
family reunion were Temple
mnih.r Mr. 7, r,w-.,, TK.
anon, Mr. and Jlrs. Alvin Temple
and ions and Mr. 'and Mrs. Gale
Bode and daugnter, Joan. The
Alvin Temples and Bodes are
former Cascade Summit resi
dents. Mrs. Miller Cordova returned
home last week irom Eugene
where she underwent an opera
tion for appendicitis. Mrs. Joe
Giron, her mother, is here from
Oakridge to assist Mrs. Cordova
during her convalescence.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Nagel had
as their guest for Christmas,
Mrs. Annette Hopps.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Porter had
as guests Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Hall and son. Gordon.
Several new Mexican nation
als have arrived here to work on
the railroad tracks.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bauman
of Abernethy spent Christmas in
Oakridge as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. James Doyle.
Residents of Cascade Summit
learned that Marvin Ugstad, for-
merly of Cascade Summit but
now residing in Grants Pass, has
accepted the position of water
service man for the Southern Pa
cific at Oakridze. He will also
have charge of the water sen-ice
in Crescent lake. Mr. and Mrs.
Ugstad moved to Grants Pass in
June, 1943.
Hugh McGee. former water
service man at Cascade Summit
who was retired in 1936 and who
has been making his home near
Kent, Wash., died about a month
ago, according to word received
Lt. and Mrs. Joe Walker, who
spent part of Lt. Walker's fur
lough here -isiting Mrs. Walk
er's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Hall, left Just be
fore Christmas to spend the holi
days with Walker's father and
sisters in Longview. Wash. Lt.
Walker's mother died recently.
Rather Be a Horse?"
uired to complete trie t
tf pM
BOQ Opned ot Naval Air
vt" ' f ,1.9
I Sr. Co. tw. cart fo"
New Pine Creek
st. ca r aiut
Li:t JofcB'
to e.a no, a miprov-
ir rs'ij- h 0Pr-!
ated oa asout 10 days ajo. Htj
!:!e Kori ry tairu:n from
th dat of hu birth becaiu he
cojld not keep w down
on his .toroart and cotiJequent
ly h bezan to annrJt away. Hn
srca,t:i .PPr;
".ensue ovrr t.-e - "
of th:r :tvaiiy.
after exhaoitir.g a'.:
! of obtaining loca;
?:p tney
ook the basy to -?r. Ore
There h was ia-Ed ar.d it
was decided an crrat-oo was
imperative. A turner was re
moved from the chi:d stoT!ach.
He was brought fcc shortly
before Christmas.
Mrs. Helen St. Ca-r recently
left for Camp Walters. Texas,
to be with her husba.'vd over the
holidays. She left her five-months-old
daughter in the care
of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny .New
man during her stay.
"1 tSS
, Ji, visit w.th
Mr. and Mrs. urvuie Kiggs
prior to his joining the army.
Mrs. Buna Fans, assisted by
mnthr Wrx Jw. Smith. n-
tertained at a Christmas dinnr
u 1... uM
'rriQS' of
.cree? ST .Sir tr
af !ernoon. Those present were
children: Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
cil(. .- anri Mm J n Mr.
I-,rir-JK? r ?'fn
G,7W rd ,."P'-S i
n",. " " "r ". bn.V.
Daugherty. Mrs. Dorothy Blunt
n? .V1 i. Am5 2 Lorna.
and Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Fans and
family. Three tables of pinochle
were enjoyed following the din-
Mrs. Effie Stewart was hostess
to a Christmas Eve church party
and dinner last Sunday vnini!.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Elision and daughter. Merle, son
Martin Jr., and Richard Day of
Lakeview; Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Moore. Howard Ioerger, Walter
Willis and Pearl Steward. The
evening was spent in Bible study
and singing of hymns.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Snider
motored their son. Ensign Lloyd
Snider, to Klamath Fails Tues
day where he boarded a train
for San Francisco to report for
overseas duties.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
Telepnon. 456?
4 '. RTJB Nrtr
gonna settle down y&si
And nvfr mor roam- ' Jp
.VAUEYmy torn! JM
ii''fl $lsat-altiiaataiirlfi. Ssjjf TTl
.'V-ffl . ili.iKalii if Q.'Hm1
Kla ef tk. Cowboy. VSfF Jk k,r '"J
' T 8writl Hon. V ' -'vrr
ft aai la SJ f If I
WFA J?" Confne" on
Spud Shipping nan
H. J. PenhaUfgon, WKA repre
sentative from the Portland of
fice. 1 in Klamath Kall In con
nection with Ihe recent govern
merit freeze order on potato
for military consumption.
Penhallegon U conferring wil l
John Ucjy.1
rvianiain reprrjem-
on the spud snip-
, r, . i nroereri
'-,r v. .
the Klamath basin area.
Box Of lie Op.ns S:4S
AW m--f'
til ?'V 1
News XiW.'jyil
Girl Bui Driver
Beaten to Death
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 4 (-11
A girt bus driver." Winifred
trill. :!. J t-tn to tif.lh
l hrr bin '",u" Ml
r,ll:l lo M'e
!,Uml Six: mii-i i-y
rriKlwnii '"
lutrntly by a man hu had
hid.lon iti the cach.
Polio fm.nrt Mrr lying '
b.-k o( drlvrra
r lck ha.l len ripiwl at
Ih want.
Thr lm v.a Ituiilcl at a curb
i.! a ( bl-k away from
lh. (invlimiiul aurui!. which
M14 Cecil had left at 4 40 a. in.
Shr J lo havr ilrln the 0 OS
4. in. run to Mart- lilainl.
if you want tn wll II (ihone
The IL-rald and News "want
jd..- J124
Continuous Show, Open 12:30
Ends Today
'College Swing'
' Second Hit
"No Man of
Her Own"
sfr-r Mi. .,., w mmmm n nil mi kwimmmlua . Aritll
BOX OrriCE OPENS 1;30i4J p. m.
r t n NEW TODAY seh 5
wm,.,,.. j i,. K
w , terl)
Y old
S V jL drJv
Xjl dayi
r "w ubi
T bee'
?4 ,er""fl Ji
, til Til i ff L0 JL n'
if t n
On the Same Hit Program
Thurtdoy, Jonuary 4 ),'
ox Office Op.ns I 4Jp7J
k Ends Tonight
7Zrr: sji.94
MMiii'ri'rnat :ram
"Candlelight S
In Algeria" 0m
Friday & Saturday B7Di
i'"ti cm;.':?
Second Hii?
; TviH-iiiicut
jff-r J lie isKX
r m a
m IiiiiM Ml)t. .