."iWtdnosdoy, Jonuory 3, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALL5, OREGON' PACE SEVEN Now Today It Help WinUd, Mala 16 Halp Wonted, Mala 34 Automotive. 34 A u torn tiv 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Hi llMo I (I. ! bt It f. L ti WW . TJ I.'.' n I t.: K.' FOB THAUr V'O gmn double hnrrel hotiun. " shells, liu' a I 'i'i ridt- tmi wiiii. ii . iii. to it i. id rOH ALK Cabinet (hand ptunt ' AdAins, alUntui'iiR, luai 13 BXCBLf K.N1' train of cliildimt, iigia ' - to !. )' rum 1 a, mi In n p, in., II 10, Laguna Ml. Nil. J. W. IJImknutn WILL. t'AHK (or rhlMirii III my lioinv by (lav ir Iiuiii I ill r.uo.i. I t NUM. MY III ttiv Ikiiiih. for ihlhlirrt tin ''- (6 I vtar. lulling Jmimmi' II. 1 41 Hi v I lien !& WANTMO (?ntnlil( Niiloniolilln ninrlinnk' 10 Wtnk liy iimlilh. Would iiu'r'T innii with nQ li'Miv niiiloiH' Klamath, ' nui Co., i nit rum. i-p VOR BALE In Hlflwnrl .I fotmt mi.dt.nl hoU"- tlrrhli' lange and Irmdi Iniiiirr. heating sli.vtv r.''lf nnd nml- , trees". giKitt radio. Hilly fin iilhcd. ready lo inue in. tizw. I'li-mo win V I -fl FOR MALE Kl.n Hlotitlnrd . nvriM KkCvHmI r. mill I Inn i in til inhtmr. - SaflO.no, Plmne Nidi Kl, U.. iMtwrrit hours lit n in. ami 4 JO p in, 13 WANTED Laie mmmM il kut Mtnt he In flimil cimilllltiM. W. llantul.L. utiiti -3B11, -IlllPlHho, I II YOn HAI.K llll'l UMll IVtmt uurk, 1936 AUiilrtmkrr 'J'.l,.ii li.nh wuli a-spreil Ifal .'Mil I'll, .up :mi or lilt : XUll". Ilcwcv Hinllli hii.I h'.n I II F0n KAI.K J ,.nr, nml Letting kluvrl i.nlani .-hIPkeit. 2Jn Marlln I -3 tOn HAI.K II II I Jalfrl.i.n atler A i iMCnh. t'.li Meollnq Nollce., iyyVSrvvVVVVVVVNAiVVyV.V ItlfiMinih Kutli Artie No MW Itrfiilur V, iiiBclhig rvfii Ti t I UO T,fl-Jl' KOE hull. Ulh ami 'lidk'ESilw'!: W.lmii V l I l t ii g CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 MMtlm Ul iiH anl Wi-t1in(ly ovb nmgi of ' imtiilli. 7 -HI p in , al l.loi Ttftiplr Ml . (' I) UiNli nr noil M A Offtff (t-n T fKl lo uiMi I' M Every Weilne.iUy I'tmit 5.UT KtmiiMlh ralU MiKr 1aiIcv No. 1104 nicft on Thun- day nlM. O W p. in. lnl llallun vry lyvonrl ami (nui Hi Kii.Uv, Lou unci found LOST Wfiiall ml tiiiiK-t I'ouum- iny nrlvRi' iiroute nj uthcr Jtino HAnirr, ni. I, Hp LOttT - Wlf-hiltr(l Ititihrr. tllrly vhUt elr- iniwr'i td name of Chip No v llen. J'h i4Hi7, iwutt LOttl'-At I'nok' llollnriltom. Hold tinrtilvl uHli nnvv n'ltii'o KfHjuttkc i Bwni. ma lmcii. rii w:h. LOST nOHxift) Iriirk Dm nuntiilcd mi tn 1 trfttlont ilti' wl)l Flinlrr Ol-n hone HltlM Hotel. U hliNliUrtl LOVT Iwtdy's r4 i-rwhetetl mte ton- Inln ration Ixmk and Vlliillf ptfutt Kimlrr I'liiMm .iron I73fllf Gontrnl Notlct TOn KTUAHTR OANfC OltCIIEKTRA. . inquire l IIS Oak III, or .nune MJA 1. 17 Tramportatlon WlflH TO HCAft tiom lafly or rouple olm ! who will rhopronc lrl Uvn Phortn ,1m or '. PLUMBING ' - SERVICE Plumbing Si Ilcullne Equipment ' Iiihliillctl and Rrinurcd DAVIS PLUMBING CO. We Hurry Phone 70M 10m Wood Coal Oil Ql FURNACES v i Iron Fireman Oil Burners - Stokers Bob Porter Phono 7708 lOIItf i REFRIGERATION WASI-IINC MACHINE nnd Small Appliance f Repair ...,1 DAVE COX, Service Mon I Klamath f Refrigeration ; Phono 7UU8 i 2000 Smith Sixth St. 1-1 line IIKMHTITCIIINU DRERKMAKINCI. nmlim unit Tlilrklf. envprpd. Allprnlloiiii on nPw unit ulrl clr.lt.liiM mm, . M. Allcnilor, Ml . - Miiln. nofitn iiiii, pii. 73uj. l.atm KALBOMININO, Ktmlnlilnn. 1'olllUnf H. I.. Hrown. Vuma J.n CAU. rrTKriKIIAI.il whirl v.inr ront H lenlilnu. Hpinirlnu. hum. up rniilfi nml . . wmprnrnnring. Nn Job In loo Inmr or loo Monll. Ilon'l forgpl w hpn your roof Ipflkn Juiit dlnl "Cec" 411I11. CtltlTAINR l.AUNIll:ll!l) niii)lrp7Jiipd" rhona :iVI7. j. 21 BtllNII MK VOIIH WOIIK-No Inh Ion ,. mwill. norlcnluiniur Hw nnd Hoonlr Biimi. HOtmKI.'l.rANINII, flour wnln nml wlrtfluw wiiKhtnii. aid J. I'upo. I'honp an. : n. mil si. 11.1711 PAPIH AND PAPK.nilANdKIl nviillnhle. ; J. K. Pitllrrsoit nml Hon I'ulnl Slorp. ' . laso Knt Mnln. I'hono :i:U4. l-l-liu , I'HOTO Oil. TINTINll-rhono lVlll MWH .1 HI'KNC'KIl CimSI'lTlKIIK MM, . Hold llurph. njl Onk. pliona 7IIIB for npiiulntniftiil. l.Bnt KWINC) MACIIINR KKI1VICK. nil inuktm. Phone 0771. :i2ia siiK.la Way. 1 -1(101 pr.NTISTriY, Klcrnooin. 4nm Hhniiln 1 Woy. .? 7 II you want to work in o logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard whero conditions arc qryjd, coll ot 1 1 to ol f ice or phono 5N6 between 8 JU and 4.30 p. rn. Wc need men In all llicc departments of our operation which h an essential industry, WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Uumpcis MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay 10 borvicos Oil- HUHNKHS FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, Cleaned uikI nrpnlri'd WOOD COAL, Oil. FURNACES Available fur Hipliiccimnls Cijiiiiui'u Our ITIuim TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone Ull-10 nunir Refrigeration Service . KELVINATOR Kiteliiry Autimriml Srrvice Household and Commercial Phono fl17 OREGON EOUIPMCNT CO. 17 so nth st. 1 l.iin MOVING STORAGE boml and I.on DimIiiiku HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Aucnlii lor United Vtin binr.s 101 Klumiitli Phone MV 123 The KINDERGARTEN nifl Wjtmrl SI 1 in io ; yi m. I.imrll lnhitlr Phoim ft.13T viiMtivtiir IMiiti Wiiimoih J tine Oder lor. Or and Mi Dod E Sinacm" I .1 INCOME TAX SERVICE Coimncrciiil IluokkccpinK Itolliu A. Catiliiill Itoiiiii 4, lluph.i lllJu. 110 N. 8th St. Open F.vcnlnu and Snttirdnys Phono 324!) II din Phone :i23D ED F. KING Hppllu Tank. Cleaiorl lntpprllon fipp. Mnrtnn equip Inenl. Contrnl. hauleil .w.y. I) KAUSUMININi; KcmloniiK ni) Plni ln. Phone ;lllll7. 1-14 SKPriC TANKS rl.KA.IKH. nil .on. lent liftiileU away. KJ T Klntf Phonw :lrvi II 13 PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashlniid, Orenon Phono 7UII1 Graduate Nurse in Charcc. l-Brn 14 Holp Wnntod Fomnla WANTED Wnllrcte lmt rMihWiishcr Kalla Co(.ei Shon. IJt N. 7th. 1-4 WANTED. -Oil) or wnmnn lor urnrriil hoturwurk, (Jood wnitea, Phone 71IW, WANTKO-Wntlrtii Rml rtlihwtuher, Wn. men nrferi'od. Apply et Hitler ('of frc Sliop. 2MQH WANTED Ulrl or nuniAii lo atiiy with rhlhlrrn from 4 p. in. in V p. m , ft clnye .veek. Phono 4550. 1.15711 WAITRESS WANTED - Board, room, good Klnry. Oprn nil ycr. I'luun collect. Crca Del Lodge. 1-4 WANTED l.ndy fur mnrlUliK nnd rhrck hnr. Hiiiiidnid Clrnnoih, l7Vyt( WANTED-nrnuty npnnlnr. tiunrnnlfC juj.nn week. Cull 4fl.iu or nilcr n p. in. '-"111. l-.l WANTED llmiiekeepcr. lhono Mnlln 3.1:1. Hen llriunl. l-:t WANTED Wiitii.in to ilo Imnncrlcuniiifl, 2ti,4 Hope, SI, h'rnnclB 1'tirk. Phone 16 Htlp Wnntod. Mnlt Southern Pacific Company in need of Merchandise Handlers Aid Us in Our Greatest War Effort Secure Yourself with Fine Hospitalization, Pension, Pass Rights Sec Agent WANTEIl F.xprrlpnrr.l in.h puller An ply Meller lln... Phone I. 4III1II WANTKn-Spnllrr or picsKcr. Uptown UlPnucm, 117 So. 7111. Ililllll WANTED - Aillninohilo mei'hnnlirs for Chr-vrulPl mid nilif-r fur, Pennnnpnl work. iV7 of IB.li'i flni rnlo, Cannon Chevrolet Co,, Yrnka, Cntlf. i- WANTED- Knperlpnted Ttidlfttor repair innn. Old esiihlihcd, thnroimhiy equipped nhfip. UIk money for ilRhl rnen, Andui on Aulo Service. Pi'J Wnlmil. HfiflK Lumber Co. TF J6 Holp Wanted. Mil NKKIll D Mini or women in take nvr filiihluin l tontp ilUlilljullne itiftdl t'iMi'M, loitnp riMiicJici. Ituerllctdei. (Il'liifni'l.inu, aitimtil lirfdU, (onke end (rxt'l tulli('U llumr. inrilMallcin. tiUy Iriif ni lionir. Im iMirit driliiilid. (iood fimhU Wtllf lUwIrhlli'M, Oeift.' OTlA .VV.VWl, Uukhind. :llf. 1-4 WAN TliO -Mini or wonmti , lo oiierele rldvulur. A mi I. v iiiMiufBr, Wllleri) lloli-l. 1-3 WANTrlD-Meii hikI Im to ot pHi. I.llfhl work. koixJ puy, Apldy Bowllnf Alley, Hilt Muhi p oi. or eny vim tin I. Malui'day or liunday. WUHI.II VOlj Mkf lo C4in money eller rlio'l ilrhvnlng n llrrelft-NU'e itiper Kinir.' nco Mi. Miller 1 Hit Herald uIIkr alter tl u. m. 67511 VOUNO MAN. fir nil riccmpl, lor tntldo etorti nr wink. HhuulU he mechanl rally inrllntnl hik nrrurete el fliirei hulNty WW n-r iiimiltt to eterL, (ilvt r-l-rt-in ( A ml (ilmno number. WrM ll'..ilrl uml fiewi Hoy I7IM1 1M 20 Room and Board HOOM UOAKIJ-Ofrntiemen. Wrt Cr rnt, t-4 MflAlin AND linnM Kill JffOn 22 Room Fof Rant HUUM roil UtNT-lU Jellenon yi)U IIKNT ,SIrpim nxun. Oenllnmen. I'ho.ic Vtrj'J Otiv, 10'MXt Milt ItKNT llpiinioo, with k'.trhrn prtv ilppr.. KiiiploiPd pouplr oiiij. I'hont 7n;i .y 26 Houkfii For Hont Mill IIKNT Only 40 mlniit. rtrlvt lo Klnmath Knlla on highway. ioMl fur. nuiiril hniui. 'J, 'J. 4 room, nhoweri noil lunuilrv fooni .crvlrp. wnlrr aoi IIkI.i. onifi e-iritt..... nenl r"Qniille. 1'lnllrp u.-i rwiiniiKlNllon. bee Wl Hlo iiln On 12 26 llouioir t-'or Hent I'Ofl Hl:VT- One ti,l two-r.M.m furnlili. ed romir,. Allii.iioiit Atilo Camp l rill't.'KS loll IIKST Vou rtrive. move louitrlf. r . fililri, llrnron erv Irr. ir.l Id-I M..IO I'liona H:VM lini 28 Mucrll.,noou For Hont llllt iu:nt llrmr uiuilpri.. ritseri on4 H..llnap.'t ifiifivloK mj.t'hloe. J. E. r.Hlp, ...,n I'j.nt Store. Phone ism Ci.il M..IO I Jlin KI.KI'UIIC ri.ooil SANDKIIS mnj eiterr il. Ir.l II.. J. .ur own work Innune ; I'jlnl Dcl.l. MdN'ltiOMfHY WA II D I . 0 l-llm ; TI'IIKKY IIAN1.M I Oil IIKNT - 4121 lll.t.rr SI l-Q KOIt JIKNI'- Pip. em liH-nllon of Kuthion t'lcaurfs. t,'2 Mnln. mout-rn from. 12 4 , h 70 fool lnUHe lludy'k Men 1 Mi. M. rmo Mln. I72lif 30 Hon I 1 ttaio For Sal ST. FRANCIS PARK One of the otitslanclinR homes hi this diMrirt. This iittrnctlvc six iiiDin lumie has Uick con struct iofi, conerelc basement, double curacc, coal nuloinntlc furnace. Going for $8500 Terms. Five-room newly built home on Shasta Way. Ilns oil heat, hard wood flours, Venetian blinds, cither completely furnished or unfurnished. Immediate posses sion. Price $41100. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS 111 N. Ulh Phone 4564 1-3 Apartment House 12 furnished apartments, close lo business district. Income $10J.0U. Steam heal, electric ranges and refrigerators. Corner lot 100x100, also 6 garages. Price $20,000.00. terms $8,000.00 cash, balance $75.00 per month plus inlercsr- at 5'o, BOGUE DALE HE ALTO R 120 S. nth Tel. 6072 FOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFcc, Realtor 118 No.. 7th Phone 4521 1.(5 HOMES FOR SALE KVKKGTT DION N IS, REALTOR 121 N. 0th Phono 8491 M5m I'Olt HAI.K :i-room houne with 1 icre, preiMire n.vNtem. Kleelrlc rnnse, mil hnllfllmi, I M.l Inylntf hens, turkeys, rnlihlln. niiproxlrnnlely jaao worth of hoi's. 1 mi til re yin Hlmstn Way. 1-3 fOU HAI.K -Il-ronm hmise, nuidorn, with b.nemcnt. partly rurulidied; close In. Phono ilUlfi. 13.18 If ffip SAl.K-l'-hritrooni modern home. Ihepl.tiT, h,n wood floors, fnrnnce. Close In l) mi ii7i;i isaiif I'Oft SALR-HId neret. 12 tnllen from Lnkevlew. All under Irrlfrnllon. 820 nricH pnid-iip rlht. 'J0O nrrcs l.titUk, AO nrirn nltihhle, :i0 in-res pnnture, Write Hutu Colnhnn. HI, 2, Sprlns i.Vi.., in FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES . Will lluiltl Any Typo Radiator You Need Color matching and painting . Klamath Radiator Works 221 So. Ulh rhone 6042 l-6m NEW MOTORS for your CHRYSLER-CAR Nearly All Models in Stock Will Fit All Chrysler Engineered Cars and Trucks $180.00 to $225.00 Noi - Reconditioned or Rebuilt BURNESS MOTORS Cor. S. 6th and Walnut 34 A -tomotlT Exchange Motors Fordi 1028 to 1042 Chevrolet 1935 to 1941 Plymouths 1034 lo 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1042 or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Reiiround Crankshafts With Bearings lo Fit t ii ii ii ,i i i. iw. iKe nearn Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Rcconditionlne. MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' F.xperience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Knrt Rond Phone 7034 heforc 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 115m Winter Driving Is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage.' Phone 5195 John Sandmeycr, C. i. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 1-3 1-m RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So 6th Phone 7071 1-7 RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2549 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 1400-tf Used. Cars Bought . Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends l-12m FOR SAl.F. lO.in pickup. GMC; 3 pool tables. Call (1011 Merrill 1-3 HAVE GONE IN NAVY. '3(1 Bulck coupe for sale. May be seen at 2070 Etna. Phone 4.103. t-S SEE ME1. HENRY at Lombard's I'.rrt Car Lot. 921 S. 6th St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at pnet for your car. All makes and modeli for sal. 1-lSnl FOR SAt.r. Kniilty tiu Willy, sedan. Perfppl condition, H63 Monlclhi., 1-3 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Qunlity Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-3lm if il l "trozen" article vou need, advartise (or a used one in tha clasatfiftd. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Careful Complete Prompt" Estimates Giadly Given Convenient Location 34 Klamath Ave. ODELL MOTOR CO. BUY THE BEST New GMC Trucks ' ARE NOW AVAILABLE Let us help you with your opplication. ROSE MOTOR CO. 4lh at Klamath 36 Miscellaneous For Salo NOTICE' " I will sell the following per sonal property belonging to the Estate of Karl Bold, deceased, on Sunday, January 7th, at the Karl Bold Ranch, 3 miles .south west of Henley School, to the highest bidder: Household Goods 1 Team of Horses Laying Hens t Hay in Slack Hay Derrick Harness Hogs 13 Head of Cattle, mostly milk stock Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale Cash Martin Green, Auctioneer John Sandmeycr, Clerk F. A. Ohlcmcyer. Adminis trator of said estate. Wcd.-Fri. FOR 5ALK- Dry wood; nay Hllxseih 131 4 Dayton. 3.; FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joycr, M33 Martin. Phone SU77. l-31m STOVES REPAIRED. All available pnrti slocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 KUniath. Phone 5671. l-Mm FOR SALE Forelttn and dumcatle herbs. Frea consultation by appointment only. 3725 Wiard. Phone 3052. L. J. Daw, Qualified Herbalist. 1-8 FOtl SALE-UK) Ions twlccl nny. tat cut alfalfa, oats and r.vc. at Keitu. Sec Guy Moore at ranch brl.iro I'rosMni; river or call Doug Puckett. 1-ulpl.ikc I1M. 3JM1I FOR SALE-Farmall H lift. plow, cul tivator, mower and buck rake. Albert Beck, Tulclake. Calif. 1-3 FOR SAl.E-Trailcr nouse. 24 ft. 43 model Plymouth, F.xtcllcnt condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Courl. nil! FOR SALE - One pair lady's fltuiro skates, sire 0 One h.p. stationary Cas ciiBlne. One Chester Model 03 calibre .USB. Fixit Shop. 744 Klamath. ifititi FOR SALE Piano, davenport and rhntr. Dial tmu. i&itjtf FULLER BRUSHES-ltcp. R. V. MorRan. 503 So. Riverside, Plume .TUB. 2-lin TOR SALE-12-ft. Irntler Willi dual axle and lour Rood llres. Phono 4H!W. Id HAY DELIVERED In Ion lots, first and second culling. Phone Ma I lory's Mm kel, 4620. i-tt FOR SALE Oak dining room suite, table, 4 chain nnd Imflct, S,'l.W. O.ik roll top desk nnd swivel chair, ?.13 0t. Phone .liMii. 021 Jeltvon. 1-M FOR SALE LarRi wowlcn barrels. In quire at Fluhrcr's Uakcry. 17;;I FOR SALE WeslinKhonse olcclric rnue. Box Ml, VJorrts, Calif, FOR SALE Bliirk cocker upaniel pup pies 5W. Phone 724. l-ti ALLEN Adding Miichtne a:;-i KRIDKN Calculators. 124 8. IHh Si. Pioneer Printing & SUlioncry Co. 1-l.tni CERTIFIED NETTED ttKM SEED POTA TOES, first yeaf Monl.ma-dry In ml foundation stock; Kiuwn at Mocdoel. Calif, Ott A: Edward. Phono 7i:i or 1131, Tulelake, Calif. I ll QOINU INTO THE SERVICE - Will wll my in;i3 Nash coupe for $1BU. .vi Wantland. Dltflt 42 Miscellaneous Wantod WANT TO BUY ShmipaRe suitable for wood ctitlhiB. P. O. Box 33.1, Ki.tm.-tlh Falls. 12-30 SERVICE I l Phone 4149 : Wed. and Sat Phone 8164 AMERICA'S Future men and women are on their way to school today. Don't hurt them, for we love them and America needs them. Drive carefully and you can do it safer after a broke reline here. 5 LEO'S GARAGE 11th and Main Sts. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wed. I WE PAY I TOP CASH PRICES j Wc want furniture, trunks, j suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, j guns, clocks, watches. In fact i anything of value. Give us a i ring j WE BUY EVERYTHING! 1 . 6th St. Exchange j 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761H WILL PAY CASH for used un. Brlnf them In f or appral.al. BELL'S HARD WARE, 528 Main St. l-3lm WANT small furnished house or apart ment. Permanent couple. Call 3464. 1-4 WANTEDApartmcnt or house, furnish ed, by two marines and wives. Call 6363. or after s. 3217. Mrs. 1. Odell. 1-8 LOCAL COUPLE want lo rent ftirntihed apartment or small furnished house at once. No children or peU. Phone 7491 or 7,178. 1737tf CASH paid tor household goods. Phone 7310. . 4540tf WANTED Pair of pigeons. Call 7327 afternoons. 12-Shb WANTED-Furnlshed house or apart ' ment by marine officer, wife and 2li , year housewrecker. Phone 6013. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4MI or 7173. ' l-22m WANT TO RENT, lease or buy small home. Call 7343. 1-3 WANTED TO DUY-Late model picVup truck. Phone 7271, 1321 Sarfent, RPtf WANTED - Trunk In good condition. Phone 3B7H. 12-30 SUCKERS ONLY, we drink, smoke, limbic, use profane language, we have one child who Is an amateur luni-e wrecker, breaking; everything handy. However, we have always lived in a comfortable home. Does anyone have courage enough to rent us n furnished 2-hedroom houc? Rent from nothing to SG0.00 a month. Phone 71(14. U07lf GLASS M1rrom, restivertng. plate win dow and aulo class, furniture tops, shrives, Kimball's CI Asa Shop. 327 Wnlmit. Phone 7378, l-4m NAVY LIEUTENANT and wife need home or apartment, urgently. Fur nished or unfurnished. Phone 3tl3, Lt. R. D. Glendlnnlng. 1-9 WANTED TO rtUY-Inneraprlng mat-' ticss. Prefer Beauty Rest or Seeley. Must be reasonably priced. Phone tHfiO belween 3 and 7 p. m. TlUf 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTFD. Dcna and worthless animals. Phone 46,16 collect. 1-Jlm Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley Will Pay You TOP CASH Price For Your Car We can do this as used cars are just a part of our business. Essential Workers Need Transportation. ' If You No Longer Need Your Cor Selling It Is a Contribution to The War Effort. -SELL NOW- : While Prices Are Up You Will Help Yourself as Well as Others Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. WHITE TRUCKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR ESSENTIAL USERS We will be glad to holp you fill out your priority application YOUR WHITE PEALER WEST-HITCHCOCK CORP. 423 So. 6th Livestock and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will bo in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leav your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't . come in, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY . ; 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS ". 993U 44 Liv tock end Poultry NOTICE .CATTLEMEN and FARMERS G. W.' "Mac" McAnully Is Permanently Located at 516 Klamath Ave., Apt. 2. Call me when you have hogs or cattle for sale. Phone 5392 Night or Day 1-4 WANTED Live poultry of all k!nds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. - l-31m HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 3323. ntghta 3503. l-31tn WANTED - Poultry. Ilveslock. turkey, and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 919 East Main. Phone 4S2 t-4tn FOR SALE-6-year-otd cow horse and Vanco saddle. Louis Randall. Bonanzo. Ore. 1-6 HAVE 30 HEAD of Hereford cattle to put out on shares for five years. Write Box 1803. care Herald and News. 1-6 3.200 ACRE GOOD WINTER RANGE, northern Glenn County. Mostly adobe, well watered, well fenced, gcod llvlns quarters, hay storage. Will carry 5I0 head of steers. S13.50 an acre, terms if desired. V. C. Bryant, Reddina. Calif. 1-3 46 Financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Y; FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest ; M-275 114 N. 7th S-241 Hionc 3325 l-31m Phone 4113 Phone 7771 ' 1-6 Livestock and Poultry 44 Livestock and Poultry STOCKMEN The next Livestock Auc tion at the Pavilion. Phoenix. Oregon, . will be on January 6. to 13. . Southern , Orrcnn Livestock Auction Co. 1-3 46 financial When You Want a CASH LOANT For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St! Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary 'Sales Between Individ uals Financed a h d 0. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 1-311P First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Homo Refinance Your Old Horn , Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms ' Low Ratei FIRST. FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Mnln Phone B19S -31m 48 Business Ovtrlortunilioi RESTAURANT FOR SALE or Ia4 M ipspmi-tbla party. Writ Herald-Ntwi. Box 1031. .1-4