Wednesday, January 3( HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH MILS, OREGON KLAMATH UASIN With Major Hooitl Carload Potato Shipments? (Figures from Statu Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey) I i nlh rUM,n 1044 49 YAIMKS SMASH NAZI fiflSO. MIL P01I5 ACE SIX inI wi.h Motor Hoot. Mii By J. R. Willionn Out Boording Hous . KSlftessf ted fep rhl'!l ib. IWH S INDIW !; -TM6 RULES.' J( y-V. 1 1 !i 4 1 ' Ii f i 1 i rV f , , clubs.' - ( HfFFkHN f& ,..,...r BORM THIRTY YEARS TOO SCCN 1-2 J r " , ' " ' By Fred Hormon i Tftday On Thfi MM Mm iMmmMWMM Western Front Woih Tubbt By Leslie Turner T50U3MSL PirSFAaFROMARJTltJH T -'- ' -1 fl CAN 35USH 1 PCUT )f I I .A 1 IS BBIU. f BECCiNASlCE3,SUH-V UFOMWEUS! ENVy TOU M1HXT S7 CC(AMAVJOEB.KAV f WStBISTHRO 4 So 10 UKg TO GVV IT A . : ff WAT AMiU THS JOB. Kl DW. X ( Will A5RAM6E AN 1 v-''x : EASV5 P-AM XT OUT yS5.F KT THE F:sL CF EAS.BJT ? MOM- T HBP U MkSHT ..., . iron photo- r -stpto. aw' wtmwt am? whiub irsyouss! g K1NS Ta k9 fwmths .::... . - iesAPHINA r 0 ARSAvjc-EP, V ALTERATIONS AS; V SraBRik lWfY,IsY Ar STHg FIRST I - 4 IPWHiS'SLOPMEllTs! ONE flAW USE If RrVDOM 1- i IN THAT F EUR AND ! U5JfraBPS5raSBeiG ffl I " I fi iferl ra- k "rCI Keno i Boots and Her Buddies By Martin 'i 1 " ; . j jiJ Wll; f W I v.iFm lv ' -1 urMii- I "O ( JL,.,m,.......... J - FreCk'" 0nd H" f,ienit i By Blester d y " !' ' Jt. NEVEE REALIZED HOW fiOOFV I Um Ff""T N ZPf " i L?,NTA0SS.' 7 FACTORY HOWZ-J gf, PQ'ffl SMRD , rT I Alley Oop ' : By V. T. Hamlin J Khishnfss, oop'sXN, F . ..VARO MARCH' I Evl?l.MAJ Iv I beYnt tu-3-L vmebseT ('stoo Laejo I i tn rSc krOR .'00 AN'.inf r ar"' COUMTRV OF V'"E"'7WNK6 -I!""- P, rvE CROSSEP I IV "" nutKi;v .tfSldf m I "VO. I WOMEN Sr IP THE etKjKt I y IH' RIVER' I a ' l , ' jtaCawB, three, I svoul&be ( jewels S&ct into f "y 'li I ... TW'ffA FOOR'-OME. Ltou&h; 7 AEMITX THIS y -.;?!.7t Little Orphan Annie '" KV i " " " ' By Harold Groy vielS'k I Knowvery'X wuv. i Sll mi,, t . Tsir,1 ' i 1 WreEWMUb BATHS1 ,U blCNOTf heUlYOU OUST I OVEfcATSftM: GET I T ,ITJKUNK J W IT W SEE I uSn9 r I OrTwuR HANDS lSETTER'6 SPA? ER,I I rtoNSu , SCARED I AND6EE. I HANDS-TWITSMe! WHERE YOU'RE J . . ?WrrT; Iff 1J1 I SCT By The Asiociatad Preu Canndinn 1st, Uritisli 2ml army: No chanitc reported. U. S. 1st army: Headquart ers said fringe of nazi buliic had become comparatively stabilized. U. S. 3rd army: Reached point 51 miles northeast of Bastosne. Met heavy shellinK in Honvillc. farther south. SiRns indicate possible Ger man attempt to withdraw some forces from bulge. Nut's seen regrouping for next move. U. S. 7th army: Germans attacked in dozen places against 7th and 3rd army po sitions from Saarbrucken to he Rhine: thrust halted or slowed. Americans gave some ground southeast of Bitchc and in area south of Obergail bach. Germans across Biles river at unspecified point. French 1st army: No change reported. The Vernon Puckett family is now living in the Pine Tree milo camp store building. The build ing is not now being used as a store and Ihcrc arc living quar ters in the rear. The Puckctts lost their home by fire about two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lorcn Huskin son and two little cnildren are visiting at the home of C. C. Hus kinson and family, en route to California from Ontario, Idaho. Huskinson is a nephew of C. C. Huskinson. His former home was in Nebraska. Mrs. O. Splcer of Alturns, Calif., is a visitor at the home of her brother, Tom Calmcs. Mrs. Spicer spent the Christmas holidays with her brother's fam ily. Pvt. O. G. Stephenson has just completed his furlough, wnich he spent visiting with tne family of his father-in-law, Joe Le Fever. Stephenson has recently return ed from the Aleutians where lie saw service. He expects to stay in the United States now, pos sibly to be sent to Florida hthel Puckett left Saturday morning for a trip over to the coast. The trip was partly a bus iness one. Miss Puckett visited at Brookings, where she saw sev eral former residents of Klam ath county, and of Keno. She re turned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hnv Kart-nil n,.-i children spent Christmas Day viui it:juuvus ai wiuerson, ualii. They were gone several days, ar riving home on December 28. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McKcen and familv visilnH daughter, Mrs. Ben Anderson and family and with their son's wife. Mrs. Charles H. McKeen of Ashland over Christmas. They were gone about four davs. School closed Friday, Decem ber 22, giving teachers and pu pils a 10-day rest from studies, bchool was resumed Tuesday January 2. Some of the teachers spent the holidays with friends friends and rclalivpa in nih i. calitics. Alice Lytic left SninrM morning for a visit with r,,ioiin. at Ashland. Miss Lytic is first and second grade teacher Mr. Dcnham. nrlnir,i r schools here, expected to spend part of the holidays at his home in the northern part of the slate. The seventh, eighth and ninth grades enjoyed a Christmas party 2,'ln t he high school Ihursday evening, December 21 with the teachers, Mrs. Tcnncrv Th..iL"?'. as shnperoncs. InC fifth fllll K VtU rp,.,lnH 1 ' a Christmas luncheon and parly ?" Friday Mrs. Guy MooVe is their teacher, Ir.t1h!?l Fu,ck,clt I""" Alice Lytic ?hM&tc? ? PBrlicH wllh ,hc mv 2 rcn.of lhp'r rooms the ,iu aim luurin nnri inn r rE second grades. .nH ,S.umlay schools ob served Christmas with special programs Sunday morning. The Gospel Center Sunday school gave treat, to the children fol 'owing the Sunday school R,.rv. es at 10 o clock, conducted by Marjor e Musk dent. Following Sunday school nt the Baptist Mission, Christmas Lhristmas sermon given by Rev. Santa Claus appeared with box ?i.P 'candy and nuts, popcorn balls and nrnnnnc 4 f,. !i ' ,, r!!l flad ?" "nred themselves' from he boxes, the grown-ups present were invited loomo for ward and receive treats. LONDON, Jan. 3 i,Vi hlevi-n hundred American Flying riul res.scs mid Lltwrator. siniiKhed rail and road center In weslern Ormanv for the 12th ii.nsecu live dav tinlay fr a new recoiil lor Mil'.ii:'ed winler boiiilung. The kles were cloudy. Only a solitary German fighter, whtcn made an ineffectual pass at o le bomber formation, was KighU'tt hv the U00 escorting T h u n it c r- wits and .Mustangs. Tlio bombers spreaii uu ;IOOU to 4U00 tons of explolve over highway intersections, ripe for tratnc Jams, northwest of Karlsruhe and along tho llelglmi lienmm border, and over mil vurds jammed with front bound iivighl at Cologne, Asvhiiffeii burg and Fulda, near Frankfurt. They followed HAF raids last night on Nurubcrg, Ludwlg sliiifen and Berlin. British and American forces teamed yesterday in Jwo 1000 Ixmiber blows one by day and the other by night. Their targets were railway yards congested with freight, key highway Inter sections and tank and troop con centrations concealed in woods. Jafsie Condon Dies in New York NEW YORK. Jan. 3 Vl Dr. John F. Condon, m. who be came known as "Jafsie" when he figured In the Lindbergh kidnap ing as an Intermediary, died Tuesday. The former school principal had been suffering from pneu monia for several weeks, lie died on the lUth anniversary ot the opening of the trial which eventually convicted llruno Rich ard llauptmann of the kidnap, murder of Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. Depletion of Natural Resources Described By Hoyt In Speech PORTLAND. Jan. 3 (II Rapid depletion of America's natural resources in NVorld War II makes it vital tout the United States strive for a permanent PC....-, in the opinion of Palmer Hoyt, publisher of tho Ore- gonial). Tne-former director of the do mestic branch of the OW1 told the Portland Rotarj club yester day that the nation faces short ages in almost everything basic. "There Ls an end In sight for gasoline, steel, copper and other vital components of the war ma chine," Hoyt said. "Whether or not we could go through another such struggle as that In which we arc now engaged, on a basis of our present raw materials, is a matter of serious doubt in the minds of those who are in formed." Hoyt rapped United States for eign policy, stating that "we have been so anxious to get along with our allies that we have coastantly yielded to them in matters of policy. Bill Compensates Man For Auto Wreck WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 (,11 Because congress was more gen erous than the war department, Albert B. Weaver, Corvallis. will receive an extra SI 000 for injur ies received in an automobile ac cident. An army truck slid Into Weav er's car while the Corvallis man was driving on a wet Los An geles street on December 23, 1041. Weaver was hurt and his car severely damaged. The war department blamed the nrmy driver and proposed $3500 com pensation for Weaver. Tho house claims committee, however, found that Weaver's right leg was permanently dis abled and he would not he able to continue to climb ladders as an electrician, so decided he should have $4500 Instead of .inuu. congress oasscd the bill and tho president has approved Investigation Into Death Renewed VANCOUVER. Wnsh., Jan. 3 (lV-Inve.stiKntion into the dpath of Mrs. Jewel Burts, BnuWy Downs, was reimweri by Coroner H. L. Uufre.sne today after a cor oner s jury returned n verdict of nomicule by fUratiKulation The liusbnnd, James Hurts, is 2 " V1!2 Cl,f!rk coun,v Jf,'l a material witness, Tho neuro woman was found dead In her Oregon State Sees Enrollment Increase CORVALLIS. Jan. 3 lnir,. .iua.-,c 01 approximately three it UVCT in.SL Vl'iir In f (,!. tiny rjKitration at Orcon State coficKo wim shown today. Civilian ultulcnts paid 17fl2 !Bp5 at the opening ot the win ter term last year. The to al probably will be) 100 Ifregisn tlon is normal, '"-Km" a- si'TOirvS manager of the iinll Glass fac' toriesat $500,000. ' VITAL STATTsflCS jWM Cannon, - iiri wihirB l"- Hall), IJI la ill l ton m I no sow) " u Ino ami ? sis an W Mt MV) M 4M SUM Vl 411 OI0 It, tit Sill 110 QM Siil TI4 U4T (M HU xm , w nj cvjtm ii "aiT" n HI " TlMl ' M lllrt 0O40 ioi iWi o" i ia lu " 11 IU turn 4" Jt i7 lis H aj 47 I Kun Vl I30S TuuJ a im iiou U IMt Tl) M IMT T1H) M llaj Tiw t 1787 ljup Bd IMJ tJUO a I lau t.m I Market ! Quotations i 1 WKW VOIIK. Jin. 9 (Art ttlocli i f'fV " . ; pu.hd up to nw n-r I., i. UMtn- '" Ku.n,. dy on reiimptlon of bnvdluin I MM CM JOHSHOS ih wnien wu touched off by n rty dis- Vni " pUr of trtrniirt In lh tii. Ctoin: quoUfloiw: Amrrlrart Can. Am tai a i V1T :- Am Tel & Anafumlo, Calif Pachln . , ' , . V ..' Cat Trarlor " jq-, Coifimunwr-lth it ftojthrn Curiit -Wrifttt Gonoral tic? (rlc 40 General Mtttnrt ' m, c;t Nor lijr PM , 49., Illlrtoi Cnlril , ... ... litt Marvatttir ' ' r j -, Krniirrott , jj tK-k)id . ' js, tn Ilrll "A" '.',;' tt Monlf ,smr y Ward , M 'i Nail, KpWthalor . . , tO'i N V Cvnirnl ; ,; 31-, Ntirthrn fa'-ific . ,. ai, Par (iai si r. ... . 'acliaril Mm tor ... V- IVnna H H , 3t, nmttllc lt!e jnt Mlrhfleld Oil .. km, ffaftfttrav St or at ... Krara lit bur k ... i4 .Hogd-ern I'aciflr . , . , , 4,1 Htamtard llrantta , ... 2n"( ttinihlne MlrtKiK o, Tmat-Amrr'ra Vnum Oil Calif , , , , "tt'n Pacific iv tf H Sleel , o3i Warner I'ifturra . ... uv LIVESTOCK HOI mi BAN rRANCtSCO, Jan 3 fAP-AI'-WrA - Cattle. )7u. acliva, fully leflflv fn Btrnrif iiatni alanahtrr trr and helfrra Bbttrnt. fw ixa-kar o 1100 t, range mwa I2 li with a llht frt out t in 001 1 ao. Weioitty dairy brrd ruwi a VI 1 1 00, nillrra .3o t iS. ranter molly M 00-7 00 Hull tiady in iiruni, ran an aiiitia in wijuti me mum tail ia i imiii HO OO-10 M Ca fffelpla none. Nominal. Chulra VraJera Ilff. 17.1: fully alaady wllh Ttieartar itfMH 10 rnotra rn-jm in itarrtmi allta 113.73, medium 114 73. Good aow HnTp, none, ttwwl In rholrr full wnnirn qttmra I4 XI. lla Tuaada nnrlinse matllum to irMM No. C Dal si (to. nhl aorl al 111 00, medium to ituu iwn no, 1 POM M 5s.a Mi. POHTf.ANn. Jan. 1 (AP-WFAt- Na. 'ic ana imai raute ym, calve as. n Xt-l artlve. alady; frw madlum-f od uuiuiu, nits nvan iigni CUl lera tUi 00; common medium helfrra o no-u .w- few medium fradea II. t oo. "",r" ""ii " anu ieinw; canuer culler rowi 13 00-7.00; ahelly enw down In M 23; fat dairy type mwi 7 So u no. rommon-meilhim n-cf ntwa )l 00 U )); mruiiHii-ufHid Illl III mi .Kl ll ffll: lood r!ho!r vefllcn $13 50 H 30, mid head SAlable and Inlal htt 400; marVet arllve: fully alradv: hixkI chnlre l?n- 270 lb. I3 73: reMInf prl-e; XiS 123 n, via ytf-i.t tat; i.vmto lha. 114 30: c k nowa i:i 23-1.1 73: light weight to IM.'A) rtiMrilcholrei feeder plga atrong lo itJ fc-r,,- minrr ai nt Salable and Intal aherp 100; mart jirnng; few gm) rhnlea o7 lb, wonled am a $1,173: trlctly good-rholre feeder istrniia ninienia in vi; fomnion iVI lb ijown in ainjw; good ta Woo; cull u'swn io d jo. CHICAGO. Jan. S (AP-WrA -Halahle hog 7 ooo. total 2t.3oo. market nprnd alow, rlrtalng mmleralely aellve. bar Imvi nnl ml' teady In 10 lower than Mieanny average' i"od and rhtr I'm . "i nvar ftw load early 14 70-14 73: lop 1H71; few gK.rt nd eholer. 130. n0 lb. II4 00 11O0; inwi endy, mmlly al 1)4 00 calling (hat piaiaoie rnMIe 12 'XX); lilal 13 000; aal- :, " - aenerai iraoe mrttler ri.V . i ii 1 Uv '""v: '"rgely aleer iiili . ..V" "nn yriing H73. t t,: , L i. 1,7 : Hl p,,w L" "fuer; rui'era an .in down hulli to $14 30; vealera firm' ai J. nenvv sniairn hn u t ai- im. . . Hlati!e aheen ititnn i.i.i au.. . MM'"' !'" nn on.l' ml WHEAT CHICAriO. Jan fl an. ..... UMnT'IlniV" "".V lod "'" Profit J!,r m',r" lh"n ,n,,r "'"Va of ruing pr rei arrnunted for lonea In tones In Mm,'e marKrli nnening nrirea weea hnrpl inrf r..".1"' h""'l' n III lha ht luci Al "ihl"! "VV 'lur'""l Al the flnlih whriil wm ii to lk low"r M.v it ,V ,'n'hnl to I , T 1 "y.SI t-1 ' 0ti were off H lo .. Mnv mi'.-nn'!, nv i,., it 'y w unchmurd, M.y 11 17. '' " LEGAL NOTICES liltlor of, damrn-rf, ,M of llolwrl E lti.t old ittrmlmi or "'It MM-ra.,?,s n mi nerioni 111, r.lKfs ,nll vrr fu.rf in . ix "nonih.'r'Vr""?.' !S.. within " I w' niin Dm. fs " w :n " J an ;,i l." -' ? Si"' w In r T lii'" C'il,l ft Courthouse Record r.jtit. jo. rtUt U ' i-'AlrrtlMP ll Ltt 1,1 on Ji t,rt nIU ir tdMilmttoU, ltjc(t J t .Mfixla. MlhitsioU V hl'Al'll - .Ns-t.Mtttta Jpihf, fc !ilMli, iJ U1hiMl, DaliVO ( Ursjift tUnl nf Kiantolii Fait. ri-.oa t ( Teaa. rnirt of , Urvttim. ratt.rta Ruth Jofint ' iutinl. native of fclitrat-in. ififit Ktantatrt I alia. Orrit Jttalia I tatl Sfarvln fhiti.t iti Hi fttw.: tmt poita tit tut Iti frutit t4kts, tUittllp filtsx) ii iUl William Jnwpri t Nrtl. faiitnitM hignttay ItitvraaH ttuii ali-n ha, fi nw lrkin Malvtn Netatiy. ottaila vahteta aatin but utia ti Hihl h rratirla Jrah lain. aajstttf moli.r vahtrt wllhuut cfaiatt.( w. rined tu Chcotar J a (!, Isainc dluna Mil tic h ghy, rnvd lo Mabel Uurilla ttlmtldura, eacv mnlot vehtrl wltltuut wia t4 : Mncd U iu CLASSUUIL nATC Onm da , ,. ,., . . ii i da run . , t"t eii J day run I-' t day run '"' t 3 day run tr M Ac a run '-' 4 on in run i ju -. tiiMisunl tor Car" i f)taaunt ft f'atrtMtni ei xi Ad rtKivtrl by p m itJ M iam arie(iwjm tn 'New fiwiar" . New Today 1XHT' l,ty' whlla rll nil c .llh milul, AKIl tMt oa Xi). I'ttoo V7JJ Mwr4. KXi'itnimi-TO ciiiui cam KOOM. lh,Ht J7U. ' LOST "A" taMk lor lJI lk rnM No stojiifl. Holwrl rU . Muwtrh. Ol, WANTED U,niHlira'. "7 worli, flarnnon. ntt vci,ll ir or h(Hn nisnu. ' KM E. Mln. ! WANTKII vttM w nh aiMt,iFn,- in nmii'iii rt Apply lwic:, Al'Ptnl. f1'- WANTE1) Wnman for main", ' f ly to riuu.aair in iwrMHi. Inlal. ' rASTEST MOVIHO poalwar Intlu.lrr. Itara nrl-'r17' own a rral bu.lnaM. Ui,il4 K naw alora arlllog llni ailai ptoril. A louih BlaM'ttha IraM' . pln.lle roalli4 llial reaurlarcs a . wmirt flmirt. alalia and all painti-,1 walla. Jii.t ralaaard fr l ua aaporv avanl will lotaivla fl. I.lfrlloia I'laaiir, Inc., 111! . Oanver. Colo, WANTKO llalr In raduior aM aM.rlanc nvrilrd. 'all . Nailialur WorKa, 2321 So. Ho. e, M4X . WANTKD Naal youns man "i llflil drlivarlaa and wtull alnr. Apply In pawn. w' Klamalh tlowar Shop, Illl H" nrl)M foil HKNT. for irnllanu qiilro llllllt'a Uarlnr and llrauV', 11.13 Main. VACANC Y t.7lTil houarrl-pl avaiythlnif fiirnlahcd. No 'K 1401 Klamulh Ava. . ton KENT . S-room fnrnUh ' . rnanl, :iu.oo par month. nlarw, mania, 1 block lolllh I'tlktU , avhnol, j orncc hi-ace roii hunt i i lira, wall located. Wrlta H01 Naw,. Herald. roil liENT - 4-room liou. "i loSO Mamanlla. roil IIENT MiHlarn alMtpln roV Kllrhan prlvllrifaa to aeivira no rhlldrrn. floao In. Wrin para llarald and New,, ron At.E:i-room niodarn W ; . ramanl haaamant. PW upiia, . roil A1 E - 10.14 Chorol Moat aril, or will laka rliai-r. I0 Hprlns Ht. rOR HAI.E Car radio, A-l 417 Lincoln. PEDKIIIEEI) HImoa klltrnl l 1. I'hona 44117 or roll 1031 nitm-J ron HAI.E -1A pair of If" aM" N. lOlli, Apt. I. rOH HAt.E All-wool aaamlr" ' rorraa labia, vanellan nun-,- . anrlna alndlo cmirh. ocraalwnai .1 . lamp, hanslns hel(,. aftnr A. Clll; roll BALE, or will rant, f"',1 L-fttntirnnnti antflo rloKor, """'t Alao I n.40 Inlarnatlnnal Iff'Ii. modal, wllh loiislns trailer her, 11oii( Thona 71114, Puckott, Tiil'l' " ,,f Mr Bemlnston aiitomaiaj ( hell,. Speed "''J,a ron sale sun and ahell n. p. motor, riait Shop, 7 "-( CHICKS. TlneM and lie"! 'S eh ph. nniiBrr.iinn ai ar."- ' mnnav raftind Talent Ilfllcn'u nt, Oret.n. Sand for (ret ' I ", '