Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 03, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, January 3, 1945
Expert Rating Wllllum C.
Myers (Itlll), tun of Mr, ii i id Mm.
A. A. Myms, 2021) Applmulu,
hi received lilt rutlrm m expert
on tl' rltltt ruii(c. Ho has bucn
trensfcrred (roni New Orlvuns
to Texiia, unci Ilia address imw
la Wllllum C. Myers, A.S.N.
8934IJII0U. Co, A. 02 Butt. 16
Ret.'. t.A.H.T.C, Camp Howie,
Improving Friends if Mra.
Welli-r Kelly, sister of Mra. l,s
tor Offluld of til lf city mid
deuulitur of Mra. Mmiilu Cilii
conunl, will l)o Inlitreslud to
, learn alio la rucovurlux (rum u
severe iiltnck of IlllUlilllUllIU
: Which alio aiiffci'cd durliiu tha
holiday aouiioii, She la now lit
' her homo In LiiJolln, L'ullf,
Enlists In WAC Uolly J. Itut
ledu, duuuhtvr of Mr. und Mra.
Wllllum T. Itutluditu, 40 lli Allu
mont clrlvu, enlisted In tha WAC
recently llirouxli the Klumuth re
CI'UltiiiK office und wua sworn In
December 3U, 1U-H. She will pro
ceed to ft. Des Mcilnrs, In., ul un
early duto for bualc tiuinlng.
'Visits Here Klluhl Olflccr
Harry Koberlson Wumionor, 21,
i Spent tho Chiislimis holldiiya
, here with hla purenla, Mr. und
Mra. Waller Wuimmicr. U2u
Grant. Uob urrlvod Clirmtmus
, Day mid left New Ycur'a Uuy,
; reportlnu to Llberul, Kniu. Me
received hla silver pilot's wlnus
; at Punipu, Tex., where he waa
; flying twin cniilnc D-25s.
Maya Kara L. K. Miiya, an
, pervlsor of the Kremont nutlonul
i forest, puld Klniiiiitli Fnlla a
i vlllt Tucadny from hla Lnko
View hrii(l(iiiirti'ra. He wus a
.visitor ut the office of the coun
i ty court.
Spent Chrlatmaa Htra Set.
Robert J. Snyder returned Mon-
day to hla Million nt Cump Cook,
Calif., ufter hnvinii a p e n t the
Clirisimus holldiiya with his pur
enta. Mr. und Mra. J. K. Snyder,
Siil3 Kcclnmutlon.
Homt on Furlough SStft.
frank E. Urlckner wna home on
21'duy furloiiuh and returned
, to Unckley Field In Denver,
.l.010., jununry i. no is Uie son
Of Mr. nnd Mr. O. W, Brlckner
of Merrill.
In Hospital On Tuesday aft
' ernoon. Jack Drcachcr. of 324
' S. 9th, was tuken by anibulnnco
to tne Klamath Valley hospital,
' where he Is being treated for
Junior Hostesses There will
' be a rcitulnr monthly meeting
01 me Junior Hostesses tonliiht,
Wednesday, In the ludlcj' room
'01 the tlks temple.
t Itaturns Home Mrs. L. Orth
Slaemore and Infant son left
Hlllilde hosnlta this nast week
end to return to their home on
' lAKesiioro drive.
; . Vlalta Parenta Corp. Patrick
i Duffy, US army, la home until
i January 8. vlsltlnu hla parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Duffy, 2110
Wiard. Ho arrived December 20.
, SI, Paul'a Meat The St. Paul's
i, women's auxiliary will hold Its
i regular meeting at 2 p. m. at
l trie parish houso Thursday, Jan-
uary 4.
! Employe Mrs. James Pork-
ins of Rivervlew addition start-
ed work at the First National
l Bank of Portland Tuesday, Jan
uary 2.
V Injured Mra. Rose Kecsec, of
f384 B. Oth. fell on an Icy aide
fwallt on Friday and Is suffering
sprained and bruised
f, .
,. Jerry McCartie In Jerry Mo
FCartlo of Bonanr.n win a busi
ness visitor In Klamath Falls
I Tuesday.
r Another Year of
i So, now, at the beginning of
new year, we can look back
on another twelve months in
wnicn we navo
served the peo
ple of this com
munity to the
very best of our
o a pa bl 1 1 tics,
And v we, too,
like all our
other fallow
Americans i n
all lines of en
rrieavor havo
felt the pinch of
njnaterlal and
jsupply shortages and the diffi
cultly of obtaining and main
taining a full staff of employes.
Yet wo feel, proudly, that no
I family has received Funeral
: Service less reverent, less beau
I'llful, less distinctive than they
liSXpeotcd. None has been less
,(han PERFECTLY satisfied with
1(ljur accomplishments,
m And none has found the cost
'.ft a ceremonial hero a financial
nurdan. That last fact, in these
i "lines of rising prices, Is one of
dvhloh we are particularly
Next Monday Mr. Whltloek
t the Earl Whitlock Funeral
.'ome will comment on "Court
ly At Home."
In Everatt Hospital Mrs.
Jnv F, Lvuns, duutiliter of Wll
llum Dunne, and luugiitcr-in-luw
of Mr, und Mrs. Sydney
Kviiim, Is u pullunl at un Ever
ett, Wiii.Ii., hospital where she
uiulcrwcnt a sciloua opcrutlon
on Deccniher 27, At last reporta
her condition woa reported as
autlsfuctory. Mr. und Mrs. Evans
und two sons liuve been making
their home In Pueblo, Colo., lur
the pust ycur, but In December
went to Skykomlah, Wush., to
visit Mrs. Eviins' mother, Mrs.
II. W. Mitchell, und her annul-
uiothor, Mra, Hroi-k, also former
residents of Kinmuin runs.
State Meeting' Mrs. David
C. Kcclcs Sr.. president of the
WAVE Mothers p( Oregon, Iiii
Issued a cull for a stuto-wlde
meeting of WAVE mothers on
Jununry 10 In the public service
building auditorium, Portland,
at 2 p. in. Plans for 1045 will be
made. LI. Conidr. Mary Duly
und Lt. ()g) Estella Fox of the
llllli navul district, Seattle, will
spcuk. Any mother who cunnot
attend may ioln by writing Mrs.
Eccles, 2511) SW Vista avenue,
Porllund, or Mrs. Sidney Burl,
2(123 NW Overton, Portland.
Conger Sale Total sale of
win- bunds at Joseph Conger
L-hool during the Uth wur loun
In November und December
amounted to 1077.30, occora
lug to a report from the princi
pal, Augusta Parker. Of this
amount, the school staff pur
chased J:i7.S0 In bonds, wnlch
was 1HB per cent of quota, and
the student bought Si 340 111
bonds or 332 per cent of quota.
This Is the smallest school in the
rltv, with un enrollment of only
Husband Calls Mrs. Hurry
Lonphcar, t h c former Joyce
Bates, has returned recently
from Los Angeles to her home
at 435S Summers lane. On New
Year's Day Mrs. Lanphcar was
happy to havo a long distance
cull from her husband, Sgl.
Hurry Lanphcar of the U. S.
murine corps, who is stationed
somewhere In the South Pacific.
Sgt. Lanphcar has been over
seas for one 'year.
At San Francisco Major
Clydo Roberts, executive officer
and football coach at the Ma
rine Borracka. was among the
spectators at the cost-west foot
ball game at Krzur stadium, San
Francisco, New Year's Day. Cap
tain Roy Walters of the M-B
football team, and Warrant Of
ficer Lawrence Hydrlck, also
went to San Fronclsco for the
Auxiliary VFW -a. Thursday
evening, January 4, the ladles
auxiliary of tne veterans oi ror
elen Wars will meet in the 11'
brary room at 8 p. m. There
will bo Initiation, and also In
spection of the lodgo so all offi
ce ana memoers or inc arm
team should be sure to wear uni
forms and cups. A good attend
ance Is urged as inspection is
Meat Slated A regular meoU
lug of Veterans of Foreign Wars
will be held Thursday night. All
members ore urged to attend.
Activities for tho coming ycor
will be discussed and Initiation
will be held. The meeting is
called for 8 p. m.
From Santa on.bara TSgt.
Jack Oltcrbcin, US marine
corps, accompanied by hla wife
arrived here New Year'a Day
for a surprise visit with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oltcr
bcin, 324 N. 10th.
Finals Persons enrolling in
the extension course arranged
by the stato board of higher edu
cation, were advised Tuesday
Unit final examinations would be
held Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. In
room ,100, Klamath Union high
Friendly Circle Pearl Marin.
2242 Home, will entertain the
Friendly Circle Thursday. Jan
uary 4. The co-hostess Is Lltile
Little. There will be election of
Window Broken Burness Mo
tors company, 6th and Walnut,
reported to city police a window
in the alley had been broken
some time Mnndny. Entrance
was not gained, officers said.
Fire Alarm Tho city fire de-
Eartmcnt was called out Decern
cr 31, at 4:38 p. m., when hot
grease was reported burning at
Eddie's Steak House, 126 S. 7th.
There was no damage.
Visitor Charles Hcltr of
Tulelokc, rancher, waa among
tho Tuesday business visitors in
Klamath Falls. '
Bike Stolen Mrs. A. A. Sar
ver, 2144 Wantland. reported to
city police the theft of a child's
bicycle during tho past week.
Jk Tulelake . )
Guardsmen J ,
The office of internal revenue
located in the Postolflcc build
ing will to open cuch day ox-
cipt buiiwnys .iuiii now tiiiougn
January 15 to assist farmora
and olncr perilous required to
file a declaration of estimated
lux for 1044, according to an.
nounccmenl by Paul II. Wright.
deputy collector In chiirgo of
the Klamuth hulls of ce.
The rcgulutlons governing tho
filing ol the estlmutcd turins
huve been amended to permit
lunncrs to file their true
come tii.. returns on form 1040
for the ycur by not inter than
Jununry 15 und thus avoid the
necessity of prcpurlug an etl
mated rtturn.
The buiiic rule uffccls lax
puyera not engaged in funning
who Hied estimated tux forms
curlier in the ycur and who now
find their true incomes to be
larger than that dcclurcd In the
original estimate, thus normally
requiring a corrected return
As in the case of farmers, these
persons may avoid preparing an
amended estimate bv f Mine a
final return form for the ycur
ty januury 13 and paying in
full at that time the amount of
tax shown to be due.
It is pointed out. however.
that an alternative method is
permitted all taxpayers, that of
tiling by Januury 15, the est!
mate or amended estimate as
the case may be, paying the
amount shown as duu on that
form, und waiting, as in the case
o( wage earners and other tax
payers not affected by the est!
mate requirements, until not
micr man March 13 to file the
true income tax return for
Regardless of which course is
followed, it is the request of
this field office, slates Deputy
Wright, that taxpayers desiring
assistance In the preparation of
tho returns come fully pre
pared with the necessary In
formation as to their Income
and deductions to be reported.
Front Portland Ada R.
Moyne, manager of the Oregon
dairy council In Portland, will
arrive here Thursday morning.
While here she will contact
Klamath schools in tho Interest
of health education. She will
make her headquarters at the of
fice of Mrs. Wlnnifred K. Glllcn,
county home demonstration
agent, while In this city.
Takes Charga 1st Lt. John A.
Walker, U, S. army air corps, ar
rived in Klumuth Falls Tuesday
from Los Angeles to tnke charge
of the army recruiting station
here. Lt. Jean Morrison, former
ly in charge, hos been trans
fcrred to Portland for further
duty and station.
Leaves Wednesday Sgt.
Charles Foster, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Faster, 1871 Portland,
Is leaving for Ft. Lewis, Wash..
Wednesday night after spending
a 30-day furlough here with his
parents. Foster will probably
proceed to Greenland where he
has been stationed.
Installation New officers arc
lo be installed at the meeting
Thursday of Prosperity Rebcknh
lodge January 4 at 8 p. m. in the
IOOF hall. Refreshments will be
served by a committee headed by
Lina Motschenbachcr.
Ill Bobby Lee McCambrldge.
six-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. McCambrldge. 2462
Applegate, Is confined to her
home with mumps. Her condi
tion is reported to be good.
From San Francisco G. F.
Garland, manager of perishable
freight traffic for Southern Pa
cific from San Francisco, Is here
Wednesday conferring with L. S.
Stltt, district freight and passen
ger agent in Klamath Falls.
To Grants Pass Barbara Mc
Lean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. McLean of Weyerhaeuser,
returned to Grants Pass Monday
after spending the holidays here.
She is employed as a grado
school teacher at Grants Pass.
Lemon Juice Recipe
Checks Rheumatic
Pain Quickly
If rou tuffer from rhnmitf, ftrthrltta er
lurltie tmIq, try tbta ilmpln lnurraiir fenne
rtrlpe that ibotiutidi are ualnf. IH ft part,
it of Bti-r.f roropftUBrj, two-wt anipptr,
tnor Mil It with qutrt or viler, add Uift
Julre of 4 leroooi. It'e No tmutile ftl
ill end pHitttit. You ovlr X UMMrMo
tuii two tlmM ft d.y, Ofto wtlkln 4A hour
ttfttnr-llBti ovrrnictit pJondM rtuMl r
etttloJ. It tho pilot do not qolthtv lur
nnd It you do hi ft l tmr. mura the
rmptr twltf tod Ho-TM will eoal jtu oth
lot to trr tt It It told bf your dntntM bodw
la tbteluto nevty-btek tutroote. Ru-Ei
Ore nou nd it for tutit neoaiUBtodtd hy
drag ttont trtrytttfrt.
Sat.) Jan. 6
Sponsored br
Women of the Mooie
s. i
ervice Men
i 1 1
ana women
Home on Leave
MM lo Herman Schroedar
from South Pacific, Here until
January 15,
Pvt. Buit.r N.wlun from
Roberts, Calif. Here until Janu
ary 7.
Pvt. Lloyd Reed from Fort
Ord, Calif. Here until Janu
ary 3,
The above service people ere
entitled to free passes to the lo
cal theatres and free fountain
service at Lo-t River dairy by
courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the
theatres and R C Woodruff ol
tho dairy. Please call at The
Herald and News office (oak for
Paul Haines) for your courtesy
The fuel shortage has hit the
County court members raid
that It has been difficult to ob
tain hogged fuel for the court
house heating plant, and that
an effort Is being made to con
vert to oil heat.
The court has applied to fed
eral officials for permission to
make the change, and the appli
cation has been referred to
Washington, D. C, according to
word received by telegram yes
terday, In making application, the
court pointed out that in addi
tion to housing county offices,
the courthouse quarters are UKcd
by the draft board and that the
county Jail, heated by the same
plant, has housed from two to
17 Japanese prisoners held for
the federal government.
Mrs. Coral Sabo has been
named a deputy county clerk by
County Clerk Charles DcLap,
and will serve as clerk for the
county court.
Mrs. Sabo has been attached to
the court for a number of years
hi charge of land sales. Under
the new arrangement, she will
keep minutes of court meetings
for the clerk's office, and will
handle other office business for
the court as well as tho' clerk.
Boat Assigned Information
has been received here from the
navy department by the Klam
ath Falls Boy Scout headquart
ers, that a boat has been assigned
to the Sea Scout ship No. 100.
This group of Klamath Sea
Scouts, sponsored by the Elks
club, will accept delivery on the
new boat within the next few1
weeks, according to R. H. La
mott, Boy Scout executive.
VFW Auxiliary Phonograph
records and magazines for the
Marine Barracks should be
turned in at the lodge meeting of
VFW auxiliary Thursday, Janu
ary 4.
Returns Dr. Sarah Ethel
Smith has returned from Port
land, where she spent the holi
days with friends and relatives.
Hans Norland Fire Inaurance.
Phone 6060,
Poor Digestion?
Sour or Upset?
Do you feel faadftcriy and upMt due to
poorly d.Rettaxl. food? To feel cheerful
and nappy attain your food must be
dictated pronerly.
Each day, Nature muat produce about
two pints of a vital dieeativfi luice to
help diftwt your food. It Nature fail,
your food may remain unriipwted
leaving you headachy and irritable.
Therefore, you muat tne raw tha flow
of this dtseativo juice. Carter'a LUtlo
Mm Pilla increase this flow quickly
often In as little as 80 minutes. And,
you're on the road to fee) tne better.
Don't depend on artitVlH slda to
counteract indigestion when Carter's
Little Liver Fills aid dtRcetlon after Na
ture's own order. Take Carter'a Little
Liver rilla aa directed. Get them t any
drugstore. Only 26V
First Federal Savings and Loan Association ol
Klamath Falls will hold its annual member
ship meeting for the purpose of olecting threi
directors and transacting such other businest
as may come before the meeting on
Wednesday, January 17, 1945
2:00 P. M. at its office,
S40 Main Street
140 Main St.
Plana for the inter-club din
ner at the Wl-Nc-Ma hotel ,icxl
Monday evening, January 8.
were completed at a committee
meeting held Tuesday afternoon
In the office of the home dem
onstration agent in tne federal
building, attended by represent
atlves of the four women's or
ganizations sponsoring the af
fair. Dr. James Millar of the Ore-gcs-Council
of Churches will be
the guest speaker and his topic
will be "Our World Today."
The state president of the
League of Women Voters, Mrs.
Ralph W. Rasmusscn, will be a
special guest. Musical numbers
will be provided by John Best,
cellist, accompanied by Mrs
The dinner hour is set for 6:30.
and anyone outside the four
women's groups who desire to
make reservations may call Mrs.
Donald F. McKay, 8563. Reser
vations will close Friday morn
ing. Those attending the Tuesday
meeting were Mrs. McKay,
president of the League of
Women Voters, who is in charge
of reservations; Mrs. Robert
Thompson of the Soroptimist
club, who will serve as toast
mistress; Phyllis Foster, pro
gram chairman for the Ameri
can Association of University
Women, representing Mrs. Wil
liam Holley, who will be in
charge of table decorations; Mrs.
Charles Hallctt, representing the
Business and Professional
Women's club, who is general
chairman and in charge of the
program, and Winnifred K.
Junior Hostess Members of
the junior Hostess group will
meet tonight, Wednesday, at 8
o'clock in the pine room of the
Elks temple for the regular Jan
uary meeting.
Millions Switch To
Mutton Suet Idea
For Chest Colds
Quickly Relieves Children's Colds'
Coughs, Loosens Phlegm
Many mothers all over America
are switching to this idea of get
ting fast relief for these chest cold
miseries. They are simply follow
ing Grandma. For years she count
ed on mutton suet to help carry her
home medication to do its pain-easing
work on nerve ends in the skin.
No wonder so many more now wel
come Grandma's idea as improved
by science Penetro, with its multi
medicated formula in a base con
taining mutton suet that acts both
as counter-irritant and pain-reliever
when you spread it on, and as
a soothing aromatic when breathed
in. And so today Penetro hurries
along newer help in the old reliable
way helo that eases nainful mis
ery, lessons coughing, loosens
phlegm, soothes chest rawness so
that you can rest mora comfortably
and give nature a chance to restore
vitality. That's why millions are
switching to Penetro today why
flmgeistR are recommending it. 25c
double supply 35c. For all your fam
ily's chest cold miseries, be surt
you get while, easy-to-use Penetro
Phone 5195
Board Meoting There will be
a meeting of the board of the
Klnrmith county Leatiuc of Worn.
en Voters at 2 p. in. on Monday,
January 8, in the board room of
the chamber ol commerce. Mrs.
ftolpli Itasmu.'sen. nrosident of
the Oregon League of Women
votera. will he present. A II mem-
bcrs are invited to attend.
liifra t lit
Mi ajeii iiisHUiLSf j m1" 1 '
r mm wOffl
Jm loan you JSfe--,
GZEri I I. Original I 3? I 2. Buffing
Actual experience ft fa jff
WAl SUSjj; N aa dictated our f JWAjhsLtn
- v it aKS"SSV Inspection stand- rafeS Stv' ,a
-y f$' i designed to select gTCS 'rrdn i)
" K Ii oaIy those tires g' "7533
Ai that justify sddi- t .1 SJ
(-Ai tlonal labv and AViST
ll I material. V ) I I 11;;,
Maiu Slreet Sloi'c? 527 Main St., Pli. 23i
Returna to School Mary Jane
Drake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
V. K. Drake of 127 Hillside, re
turned to Eugene. Ore., on the
morning of January 2. after
spending the holidays with her
parents here. Miss Drake Is a
junior at the University of Ore
gon, and is living at Susan
Campbell hall.
t - i, t
1 JjTh -
3. Repairing
Rayon repair
patches, together
with special repair
methods, combine
to produce the
hlghost Quality
ropair work for
brokon or weak
ened areas.
5, Curing
treading cures are
govornod by strict
dcvolopod by
Firostone Labora
tories and con
trolled with
precision equipment.
lD fi a
Voitt of Firo tvtry Monday netting, ovtr N. B. C
Students Roturn Patty
Schupp, duiigliter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. K. Schupp, ICIU N. 10th,
and Jean Wieseudanger, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wles.
endanger, 20.12 Earl, returned to
Corvallis Monday, where they
arc students at Oregon State
college, after spending the holl
days here with their parents.
Firestone's Dyns
Balanco bnfflnc
equipment aasnres
finished treaded
tires which con
form to the highest
balance require
ments. 4. Camelback
Firestone Orade A
quality GBS
compounded with
Firestone's exclu
sIto Ingredient,
"Mntac," gives
prowar mileage to
paBscnger tires.
6. Final
Only those tires .
which conform to
Firestone's high '
standards of qual
ity are permitted
to pass tha strict
final inspection.