1 Vednoiday, Jonuary 3, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREE LASTIRAS TO P TO END FIGHT (Continued From 1'ugo One) lflclully Unit tliu soviet govern Dont In Moscow Ik reopening III giitlnn In Allii'iut. Mlhnll Kit (luff, former (lint smuttily mul ilinrHo d'affaires nf the legation, l expected lu arrive In Athens horlly. Since lliu liberation of Jroeco from lliu Germans. Huh 4a lm been rrprwrnnlrd here inly by u military mission. ' The general's dvi-lsluii t'MIIIO an VtllOIln still echoed In the sound if British artillery reply Inn In ihelllng by loftwlnu Klus forces, tJVho liuva atviiillimtly refused In jiartlciputo In any government leaded ly Piipundreou. I i Injnores Superstition In announcing Inn iicecpliincc hinjilli'iiit Ignored Greek super itltlon ugaliist Inking mi Impor ant olcp on a Tuesday tho ilny Sonatanlinoplu fell lu I he Turku '4 14S3. h,The (ll-yeiir-nlcl Plnstlrns re turned from exllu In Franco only ffoonlly under mi agreement Vith Pupnndruou and UriU.il) uu iboritiv. k Hood River Jap Gets Bronze Star i WITH TIIK SIXTH ARMY GROUP IN FRANCE, Jim, (IV) ti Hood Itlvcr, Oro., Jupnncsu. jimorli'xn, i'FC George Aklynmii, SIM oni! if SO members of n upancse-Anieiicnn combat teiun receiving lliu llronzo Slur from Lt. Gcn. Jacob L. Dever.i yes terdev. They are inembem of ho lUOIh bntliillun, described us "on of l be most ilecoriilvd unit Of lis size In Ainerleiin inllllnry history." Aklynmn't cltulion declared hll "heroic disregard for per lonul safety contributed Im measurably lo the subsequent lit tnlnmcnt of the objective mul re flect honor upon the U. S. army." Tho iicllon occurred In the.' vicinity of UUIontulne. frnec, where tho group wan ordered to establish cnniiict with fentrapped elements of their bin tnllon. ' OBITUARY i Robtrt llray Namm. (or th .Mil three rttar. rvllrnl ( Chcimilt. Oti., MU4 away lit llvittt. Oro., January 3, llH. at 15 V. mi. Tho iIvroAM-tt wai n ftfltlVt t H.uWHVlUc. Ma. ami wn lied JT7 tttt a month ami 17 flay fcrmn callftt. Mr 1 survived by a brolKtr. Hurncf J, Naiiin n( Olvmpl. tVuh.! ifAtitfrtlfir, Mr. Venio !. hrailrr Of ClMtnull, urn,; Iwu ioni, I.I 8BMnrii Q Nnn uf ihp tntiy Air roil". iiw a brlimer pf war in (icrntnrtv Cadnt fUrharil (J, N M Ilia unity air torpt, taitoneU lit Warn, IV k , utui five irandvhililrTn. Th rnim rii In inr Wr4' Klamath ftmerai itorno. '3.1 ligi. Whr fllrntla tny rntt. funmal rantfwmrnl will tw wtm.m.i.f il tUr Building Materials Composition and Codar f SHINGLES Iniulating Wall Panolt . . by Armitrong Cork Company CERTAINTEED ROOFING ACME PAINTS, LIN-X Suburban tAimber t o. Phone 7709 OHM CABINET MYSTE RY FAN Ttpri-Cola Company. Long aland Cily. Franchiscd Bottlor: Klamath GAL-ORI L3TAVRn ea MIOHWAV 7 SOUTH Accepts Post . -A' i ' ! v. Ceorge W. Mclnlyrs, for more than 20 yoan afllliated with the rint National bank, hoi accept ed the poiillon ai aiiiitant to the preildent of the Flrit Fed erel Saving and Loan. C. S. Robertson ennounced Wednes day. 79TH CONGRESS (Continued Krom Pane One) nnliinK Into Cnpeliiirl'n elerlion. While Sennlor Hull (H-Mlnil.). member nf n Kiib-eommiltcc which niude tho Inquiry, wild nothlnK wim found to wurrnnt f u r 1 h o r invenllijiittlou, other ineinlierii timed tho Juntico do piiltment to look Into the cnw. (.'linrKe were mnde Hint innny Indliinii cltlr.enn were denied tho rliilit lo vote. With n bust of former Secre tory of State Cordell Hull xtnnd IiiK on the rostrum, the nenutc bi-Miin Its ceremonies with the nrenentnllon of election creden t in 1 n for Cnpeluirl. Forrest Don nell, Mlniiourl rnpuhllrnn, who wn not present, nnd Wllllnm J. FulbrlKhl, Arkiinmni democrnt. WEATHER MU. Rnn , .,.,..,. . -iti Klamath FalU 211 rUrrainrntn .. ...... 44 Niirih Itond .,....,. 4 t'crtlamt 4'1 Mpdfurd Hrno . . 47 Kan Kranrliro 4i Seaiiio 4 Mln. Prrlp. 20 Trnra XI Traro Tract Orttn: rfttv rlututr (on if Jit and Thursday; light rain orraatonally north Mrvai porilmi, tix-at valley fugi. Ltttl ivmpraiuia cnttnufl. FUNERAL JOHN WAHHMUHM Tl l.K John Watltbttrn Tulk. fur lite loit two year a rrtiilrni or Klnmath rail, ore. itAuril away tit Una city uu Monday aniiary 1. Ii41, (ollowlntf a brief ill and at the time of hla death waa aged jo yean, in rntmini ami naya. a vlvlnit ar hla mullier. Mn. it, L. Wi of fatnnla l'ai. Ure.! hli fAttini. Ham W. Tulk ot Clttremont, Kin,, and two uiait, Mrs. cua May Junnnnii or Uea Moinna, Iowa, nnd Mnttlo Itnth Tulk uf Miami. Kin. Funeral arrvlrea will tw hold In the rhaprl ot the Karl Wltlllot-k funeral rtmc. J'lne at nth, TniirtuAy, January 4, lf4A, at 3 p. in. KrlcmU aro Invited. The remain will be for warded to Grant I'm. Ore., where final rite and Interment will lake, plm ai a later uaic. KIN'A K. MAKTKN Funrrat ervuea for the rmaln of the lain Nlnn It, Mniten. who iniftl away in Cortland. Ore., on December 3n. IP4I. will le held In Mnkvlim, rrmrterv Frldav. January 9. lt)43. ol I .W p. in . with the Mrv. Victor Phillip nf the Kirl Metltodlit rhtirrh of thl city nfflclAllns. Arranttementa are imtli-r the Hirrrl tin of the Earl Whit J lock funeral homo of th! rlty. fV. Y. Falls Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. CAILodDMIE IS CLOSED Watch for Date of Re-Opening CPA CHARGES F. (Continued From Puko One) fiilllnu lo collect red points for ineut furnlHlietl, EnKliind, in turn, la iilleKecl In huvo fulled to piiy points he Ik mild lo have owed E. I). Trulove, hla mipplier. Trulove Charged Trulovo Is churned with huv InK fulled to pay "soma point" ho owed to lilit slmiKliterer. Tru love, it wtui reported, bus his meat custom killed by a second piiity. Tho commissioner will take all eases under consideration und at the clone of the hcariiiK will render n decision, probably from his Kan Francisco office. Maximum penalty is nu.ipcn slon from buylUK and selliiiK ra Honed meats and flits for any pa rlod of time up to the duration uf rationing Miss UulliiKlivr suld. New Rehabilitation Plan For Marines Set In Motion (Continued from Pouo One) . as instructors will be put in n separate company und given NCO tralnliiK. On the athletic side of the pronrani, the various recrea tional facilities of the post arc tn lii ituoH with rnnitn.li.nl in structors in each sport on hand to teach me activity. Stimulate Interest Its purpose is to stimulate the men's Interest In sports with which they have been unfamil iar, and broaden their knowl ccliic of sports by actual partici pation. To this end the school inij ben I n with a demonstration period by Instructors, followed by a short session of required competition. In addition, post and Inter and inlra-company nnd battalion competitions will profit by the stimulated interest. Bowline., Ice skatlni!, boxing, I i.,v...ll .lllnif hnhflleriflhllf. uunuuMii) on....n. -- Jul Jltsu, nkcet and horseback riding are all on tne program. Construction IU.,,1, nrnlnM. nrfMinvinlf 8 part of Ihe marine's time, will, In tho main, consist of construct ing new recreation facilities and improvement of tho appearance of tho grounds. In reorganizing the admlnls . nttir.n r-nl Vnn Ordcn has created an executive staff. Including all offices with com mand functions, and a Bpcclal staff of otflccrs ncaciuiB iccniu cal and administrative depart ments. City Officials Sworn Into Office Here (Continued From Pago One) to Investigate the problem of closing certain streets for coast ing, his committee having power to act. , The session, comparatively brief in consideration of the year's wind-up of business nnd tho establishment of a new re gime, was closed by Mayor Os tendorf with n pledge to carry out the responsibility given him nnd with an expression of appre ciation to former Mayor Hous ton for tho assistance given him prior lo taking office. Multnomah Tops E Bond Quota In Loan PORTLAND, Jan. 3 (!) Multnomah county was over the top on E bond sales today, with $10,700,845 sold against a $19, 000,000 quota. The E bond drlvo closed pe oomber 31, but late reports arc still trickling in. Tho state passed Its E bond goal of $34. 000,000 December 28, nnd now shows $37,743,302. PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lot. at Tim Ptrmftn.nl Hs.ult.1 DR. E. M. MARSHA Chlrapractle Phy Irian l N. 7lk Raqnlre Thaatr Dli Thana IMS CA1-ORE TflVfRI. MIOHWAV 7 COUTH AILURE TO USE PD NTS Expected Home 1st, Lt. Ken- dull D. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. . Thompson, S2U4 ilarlun drlvo, Is expected homo from Englund, according to a cuble received this week by tho filer's wife, tho former Ellen Hurler, 1 8 3 4 Fremont. Lt. Thompson has been overseas the past eight months und has Just completed his missions us pilot of a 13-17, Flying Fortress, bused in England with the 8th army air force. Mrs. Thompson lias made her homo here, with her two sons, Jimmy and Dean, the latter U months old, and with the arrival of his father this will be their first visit. Home on Leave Cpl. Jack Wright, who has been on active duty Willi the murine corps In the South 1'uelilc tneutcr lor months, bus arrived in Klamath Falls. He is staying with his wife at 2144 Ebcrlcln until Jan uary 24, when he will report to San Diego for further osslgn-mt-nt. Wright, the son of Mrs. Dora I. Wright, Mcdford, wus formerly employed by Pelican Hoy Lumber company. n T. c; 1 In nirtfer Y.. Dahlstrom is spending a 30-day survivors leave wun nis wuu, Urita Dahlstrom, and hla father-in-law. Peter Strld, 1019 McKln- !.., rinlilslrim will rptiirn tn Treasure Island, Calif., where he Is siationca ai present, on Jiinuury 28. Luncheon Members of Sor optlmlst will meet for luncheon Thursday at 12:10 p. m. at the Winema coffee shop. The time was erroneously given as 12:30 p. m. Blood Tests Not Binding Evidence LOS ANGELES, Jan. 3 m Blood tests to determine parent age arc not binding evidence under California low, Superior Judge Henry M. Willis told a Jury today shortly before It was to begin deliberations on Joan berry s paternity suit against Charlie Chaplin. Tho seven women nnd five men trying tho 24-year-old screen aspirant's suit to have the comedian, 55, adjudged the father of her daughter. Carol Ann, who was 15 months old yesterday, was told by the court: "... Whatever claims the medical profession may muKe for blood tests to determine par entage, no evidence is by law of this state made conclusive or unanswerable unless so declared by the code of civil procedure Ol mo state oi ianiormu, biiu the said code . . . does not de clare that this type of expert testimony is conclusive or unan swerable." New Cold Wave Strikes Midwest By The Associated Press A new cold wave, bearing temperatures ranging down to 20 below zero, was moving on the midlands today while a large part of the nation was recover ing slightly from an earlier sub zero spell. The second severe wave was headed from central Canada to ward the Ohio valley, the great plains states and the Great Lakes region which were expected to feel its full force by tomorrow morning. Temperatures of from 15 to 20 below zero were forecast for to night in upper Michigan, north ern Wisconsin and northern Minnesota, with from 5 below in northern Illinois to 15 above in southern Illinois. Classified Ads Bring Results. "Going My Way?" YOU can do the work which la the heritage of all women the caro and healing of tho men who fight for them, and at the same time do your ' ' bit for your country. A Wac in the Army, Medical Department you can help a soldier back on the road to health. Learn more about this service! Send the coupon below now. Be Wue Im Ihe 17. Sf. Army Medical Dept. V. S. ARMY RFXRtTlTINO STATION Pmt Olllct. Kl.m.lh Fill.. Oirtan linn i.nd ma, wltHaul am obltotitlon an my pari, tha naw llluirratad bookl.l abaut Hia Wan. YANK AOIOED COLUMNS HIT T (Continued From Pugc One) places along the undulating 80 mllc front from the Saar to the Rhino in diversionary assaults which already nave cost me Americans their thin foothold on German soil northeast of J Sarregucmines. ' The attacks may vet prove to . be another burst in Field Mar shal Von Rundstcdt's offensive. Robert 0. Nason Dies Suddenly ' Robert Bray Nason, 67, for the past three years teacher in tho Chcmull school, died sud denly Tuesday afternoon at St. Charles hospital in Bend follow ing a heart attack. Mr. Nason retired from active practice of law in which he was engaged for 22 years in Port land. He accepted the teaching position at Chemult and made his home with a daughter, Mrs. Verne I. Brader of that place. Ho Is also" survived by two sons, Lt. Stephen G. Nason, U. S. army air corps, now a prisoner of war in Germany, and Cadet Richard G. Nason, U. S. army air corps, stationed at Waco, Tex. Final rites will be held at Ward's with funeral arrange ments announced later, Fired Ward Men Still at Desks PORTLAND, Jan. 3 fP) The two fired officials of Montgom ery Ward were still at their desks here today, but the army wasn't worrying about it.' "They are not interfering with our operation of the store," said Capt. Hovard E. MacDonald, "and, so far, there is no objec tion to their physical presence." Like to boss railroad . cars around? Really make 'em move and put 'em where you want 'cm? And have a switch engine to do the shoving for you? And work with a good engine crew . . . and see the war freight and the troop trains pouring in? Well, Mister, this is your job if you want it: Switchman with South ern Pacific at about $220 baso pay. (Overtime can make it a lot more.) No experience to start. We train you in a few days, pay you an allowance while training . . . make you a full-pledged railroader. It's a very important job, this. We've got to keep those war trains humping. And we've got a whale of a job ahead of us which means lots of work; ahead for you. Many other jobs open. I S. P. Station, Klamath Falls, or your nearest S. P. Agent. - See or write Trainmaster, Nov! Fur Prices Go -Right Back To kock-bottom, Pre-War Levels In Our Great Sae, Starting Tomorrow! 'W i-!f f.af jiin ue mi mitmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmi am i im an m mmm'm' TS:',', . .Aa -.J&MS-....... firm; . w iw te." ' 51 ' lit : hw&m. v lay 'it flic ? i iV '1 f ROSECRAFT FUR BONO, guarantee for sfyle, qualify and workmanship. 3 e No Need To Wait! Here's The Fine Qualify You Always Get At Sears!. tint 20K fte. . fxcfie To i WAYS TO BUYtv Easy Payments . Will Call Cash FEATURING SEARS FAMOUS SABLE-DYED - CONEY now down to ai price within reach of; very budget! Beautiful; new success fur coat! styles with tuxedo front! and gracefully cuffed; sleeves, Make youtj j selection earlyl Use Sears! 3 Easy Ways To Buyl; ra.l'Waia.,111.111 l'.aM!WayajJUWlWiaj if "STJPIAIW?':'. " LVl! . u.d.irr vomiORtn BY r.AJL-ORE LSTAVnn ess MIOHWAV 47 fOUTM CA1-OR1 BOWNBAlEV,TACOMA TAVfitn 133 S0. 8TH ST. HIGHWAY V tOUTM .- -amaTjft'yS'i''Vi NAMI... ADDRESS... CITY. S1ATI