fAJ2 TWO Racing Reaches End Today Molten r Y A T Whti. Trod Win Open tw Ti Aeaocurwi : SarW racivif ntf V -1 tm vraa, r. nufiin wt agaix wit inm. irw r.nni-u it. iour jars. . Smrn to rm aK' in hj M'JUi jacr Jan f- y-uts ae af snctf amt drwr. a'-' ' imcT est w e-'iurt, '- jmt tasft. Toasry tiBre s"- J-'-'t inrw runnii rr'iiEn r,t cmnsry lve prz jnuury- JidaaenJ'. -,ErE verts 't ai r tratxi wo. ax purer?- It th Viiivjz rtiii tae iias a m juci tact t res emphasis on iisim 'r a Jar: 4rd axis' -itt tane 4w aBlIfeSKJati At Jtrw Tart, mciaf oiaicaut iajB sic idfarwr: i a." TipE. tiifi no! iw Jar r nsumyiioi: as jtprii A siainer si SC;inL 3S- T.. inr lour yeart." As mcait ziwiA vxA l Trir ial, irjw-c of it74i --jtterfci record d ilI4iSD ki i-ur iat eiitr:. a ap:ratstT-ip: siiata' Tta Aicinsor- itit jeaiiaj jiafjr a! 1.14. cause iie st i-ifirm hi llibr.E ir-mrter ana rnoe t-j'jaie I saare lor livod unhurt. aa "1 ram ? aeiiere s aat i ju -jre." Ai JSew Or"isa!i. Josit7 De5 "Trriere J'3 piraca ct.it elf " r I5sa -u-w rigs; io ic -rE i set ai resromotKira toe -r HirvBC KcarjaEcias at to wist insir pErsarjuei ces SvJisyu seai siae 'TSC si TSTasaiDtr-vii. n-oaj ssie eEse Seal .3aa.E-.Ert . eia too esnuS csaojit, sal i'jr rany zericu-' iytiicasr, iirsea-rerer. iiarse presier sni ineep beraer. "AZ-trmaga Btirae ra-je track -a-bea tbe Tecntstee drfente erapioyes insy iizti it rssces?ry ierainciled be! ore 2 saerciie on to -joari at redireri ezrroin?, tsi-' Eira Irajm hacks. iers zziz? find vea iietier ptyarjj ! Ox tias eacmslsx wa said l jbt," -JTJtC KKEmealei, Sat ia- topasbl 17 jscst was a 1st rf EiEd tijere re pieat- f jws Pa to 9?e away, asd -wa stiU for ali jwxeyt, race track c-fS- "r o-.T3 Trejam abepry ka p't rxrtal 'ippervloirf, itaaie- tiiafa tbatf Aoyway, we inezL. oerkt aa naen in e-' P3" C&C. Ari' J Here cave bwa ao recesa r part cd ttstrriFter aad cvw- Sr.f1-f,T(f,:k from CaTecball a-rgei-i witcjieia aae ci naxae taid taa aoteaieeiKa in war plaatt near rate tr.auwai tbe reai res-, tern of iacressed foliojric? the opea be said- "i-i i.- .p iacreaae hi been at raaca if 30 ; per cent" i At 'athiazton the officia! cf ' Teen weald wis aad -we here 'ao XfM-.cA .r-.-. Li..aliM w. ; . i fcasi't ked tae use cf travel i fadiitiei ivr horses and their! folkm-eri, let up a litti on lis ian-iccrjrzpanykjt provision. ! Py at Pallas, deeo in the appearances. It said that horse axd dogs rt of Tix&s, tbe Oklahoma f -(yet, dog racing is over, tow 3V" " ,UT potd in oa to , n-iay be shipped outride the P'" Horned Froj oi TCU to : LeS Horvath Take I United States for racing pur-- tH-to" t to 0. -r i poses provided tee races ar! V5? c'Po roped and h-o?-; Screen Test Today held more than rmie bJ' t:d.t-oe Fr0?I wi-'J top-hand Bob! yond tbe borders. Taat too far, fmore tnrowinz a mean lasso KOLLYVi'OOD. Jan. 3 C? for roost horse payers to zo . A??;ei to 1h rcost Versatile Les Horvath. ail- Eut from Mesito City ca.T ' '' rapii. registered in : America back from Ohio State, a report that there are enough, year Coltoa Bcrwl c'wriU try to run in i difierent horses there aiready. i vZl , - . - . ' type of league. What about the boskie and'riZ. iSf" boa c,ui' IS"' Horvath, who clayed in the their feverah cJZrJr c,.??urK-i ??m' m!.k. -?? ! Eart-Vert football gan-.e Kew tiwwnoerned view is that tWr 5?I?? "pT-? ?"e tPtora is nothing new to them. Just Rcctired! LEATHER JACKETS Aviator Style, Zipper Front. Bi-Swicj Back Size $16.50 -$18.50 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Mais Any Photograph I Copied, I I One Print I P 91.00 "J Film dTlopd and printed for any 6 or 8 xposur Boll 35c Rprtnf 4e tach Prompt Service m;irs 1031 K.ln Phon 7167 400 Gold Stars on Sports Service Flag 'w - . l - uninr nation ter m W aerme H-ceut er - rrprraen: prts yrdimumM. tme nirjnim-'!' rjmtec niuT rtnw nI six tras tnaa ! ferrris o! Sn coumry . . Artiumpi entrcprtit cut jjodiiaaa, psrua: rruiroirf o! iEmiuer tuun bpramff ZiUnperuu. Tyosikjl. Jxtn epjui ne una tainrx nulaoia tn wnrisfi laataa iuin.tr.. aies ax nc crma: steer j&rL. A- f IT .-. x . tic a ins pr - Corioaeta: M ir MI u nr ttued retsras ri . rT-f.tv- iism tnc fatta P-rcir,. r. HIDPIELD vm. HAUOS ouch; tsPI sat ti lennet-t;': Sn-Sft in t-j so il a 1 S e yar't I7 Erifi 31!L Is V 1 f xsrst oxA, inn toe Trojsa sa aerrarrty si HAI5ES toe i-ou &2T relied o to a Saprrasrre T' Hsrcy, tie adtnaera Ci isf rEt penai. tooe in tise secariiiAre What They Are ana rwxx is toe fins! frame-! SWEET REVEJfCE - r ILT i bf tb. Ceoreia Tech elerea last Jemz itmt tcam roe ficaieeore wai 23 to 12 in zlinz aerial oifeciioe i On tij on w urid Cr!7ia - ... POURIHC IT OJf I tb Cortoa Eewl fray ' "1" ?. .vff, Lij wa. tiUti will b. rentwed L-n . too when th Prof essiosaj Cham- S pure Green Bay Packer clash with to Coilw AlJ-Star at Chi - eaflo Soldier' field. If It' a "frozec" article rvi need, advertise for a used one in the classified. When in Medford SUy at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modem Jo and Asm Earlry Proprietor TRUCKS FOR RENT Yon Drir Mot Yourself Sit M Long and Short Trip STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phoaa (304 1201 East Mais RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Make of Radio ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Across From Montgomery Ward oa Hortfc 8th i pxuarote- cibp intra" imnox rail ithaa mi acixc raj- tui itt in in ik IkucIUiC- a "-Z: .uprea- "." - preput ol 4JCM.1 r . . . . ri..i..i.m ens Sn rt Crorj n-t. . rrr T- e Koarrti rnr&cen. msut . vie sis ttcri Tnrjtm j Basebo'$ Moor League Leaders (o Meet Friday To Draff New Agreement CSiCAGO, aa. i J? biw i Ea.iar ici?-jt itaacn 3r nere jTitxr va ctet: new jss j'. a-i-i-rf i-ieitiriiMT i'.o- It van. TaE ?co oi ifiseriiaLiBf a n-wk lorriii J-?r I-train rjciesrar taut 19 a iis3Esaer comannee eacs frcrzi -iie Amerjas and ?'- ti-.diij KZtJ!, It w carjiei z:;-r:; --y-s. ta at the JerJt" "et : JJ.?J ctiot ana a tassscsiae mczjxr. ', BEa be wcrjid hie V ee a orar I Tulsa Grid Souad Glad Reservations ) ; KiAKI. Jaa. 3 JP j Myrrben ) baseball. Mid laere wat zio ?-k-: of l-aiaa a Oraxe Bowl iwtbail ! Hhrxri that rry carjoiaatet wwjH isctsaii are proba'ajy jlaa traia be conrioererS cc the erv r;n. 1 resemtjoai axe what tbey are- oooe-jThip at tbii Srae. That' a j Tbey 're eajorics a -winter : jcb lor all tbe r-ner an j cjx i -raceoOT fcere for fee vera' cay . Kcn.Ti.-ttee i ntwnd or.'r to j whiie the reaerrstiotas back! draft a r: -table ajreemt-at." a- hrxrx are being jaaae. jserted "rVr;ir:ey. j 5ix Eatber- cf tbe K;-Jid of j Neither Harridje r.t'r Wrjrley :' 52 jeft yesterday, btst tie reft appeared ccrcf-med over the pc- are euji oere. 3 uosca nenry r rr.ta ana si i ! than half of tbe wruad went deep J Fitxpatrick Rock, WHZaieS TO dieep t n -a ,n vpenina CanTO Grezori Gonzaies of Mex;co C;ty. but by be tiaje Gonza-s ! wrote up to what it was all .jiyitil r- nc xrnTr.H ltAri i ;23 second! of toe first rouna. S It was Tiupatrick sixth one - t round knockout ia eight riag I YeaT 1 ln l"e Year Day. take a screen tetf part to toe movie. ! VETERA IT GRID COACHES ' SALT LAKE CITY -JP Ko i roliinz stones were the football ; coaches at the two Utah colleges niayinz last year. le Arrn- ' strong put in his 20th season at SUtah university and Dick Rom- 5 ney n:s 25tn at Llah State. Beet'. Prove Tn Golf Bug TULSA, Gkia Scott Thomp son needed a 25-foot putt to win his golf match with Sid Rice and Eay Lough. Thompson aimed carefully. The bail rolled straight for the cup but stopped on the rim. 1 As Thompson walked forward to tap it in, a large beetle crawled out of the hole and over the ball. As it reached the lop, its added weight was ail that was needed for the bail to toppie in to the cup. Thompson collected all bets. Classified Ad Bring Result. F-hon. 7S22 HE.i5 WO VTS. KLWATH FALLS. CftEGCM . . . jK;ni v . t..' wiuiM iwr asr! r iu ciincucnnf xrnnpi nc itkkc it capiurt. - --' ani Arcy EtkUn. cncner who :Mf sprint -r-.i -an lit. i.BUl xuvwnk. im. minor pu rr- ?"7f! wBtlDMlJ bmw n " .. m,,,,, .nil -.nnnrr 5oe rf.ori x.. traUl3 Crtrc ni KTTJtt. 7rr p -" " v - ' - tfTrriV- . wi-itii ,:'i.s t.c ve riatt" ol &usS ppouM-' - "tfe fc'U axr via: wute Lj & Cjs aa iORixpcne j'.o i ruurur ritHt4i i'.r tt jctrf.," : detir!d 'WritjfT. "o.?. tMt tint l-atf iw e K-i'.rJj hiiT itarriea KKr(t1irjr.r iri 24 Tcrf to jay jess tmas ir com inificrtirrtr- nid iri-e thouis ta-iKiirtiyn cier He referred a clfc-se t-H vi?iv . wiU be liraJtw to ca-rjsFKia cf an azreemein wiutii niji be pre fec"jtri to a uiJ e.ur: cf rn er here Ftctrtirae in rejeutrr. Eo'j wr.fiey and Kar- ncre, Araerican 3efue prt3 i dent aria rrjeraber of a trtre-rr.a: : croricJ teraoOT-aniT ctn-ej-ni.-r itauiiy tr.st trj feaeraJ crack 01731-n 0-1 -r men ra; zat larea ten tbe 1 JK 5 cantpaif a. 'Jsty an ran --r 1 1 1 haprjen between now and ranr.f ; on tne war rroat. sad wrlrr. ""We thick we can zo. but there' ; too use setting eac.'ted abotit it; "; arry. more than jurt after Pearl j 1 Harbor. sre'U f:t in with tbe rest -.of tbe couatry." ' i Texas Center Whole in Flower Bowl JACKSO:.'VILLE. na- Jin. 3 Center VTiiise E. Creea wa alrr ort tbe w h o i e rho waen lexaj cojiese of Tyler. ; Tex, cefeag A. & T. coige cf 1 Greecsooro. C, 18-O in the ; aaauaJ negro Fiower Bow 1 game bere rep.eTiay. He scored two touchdown?, one from 22 yards on an inter ception and the second on an ttr yard run. Ke set up the third touchdown by intercepting a pasx. Telesnoot 4 it 7 Box Offict Opens 1:J0-6:S Starts WHISTLE IT-SING IT .-HUM " Kt"ttitSl'-jJ ROY ROGERS of iK OwSort TRIGGER s Iff The Mo ii MY BUDDY" JoMpb Carper ,;.. hnriWl chump twuroH Bfiur poms "'" ,D nibnuL. jierru Horow. Amntii ore Pit ridinc king in 1 '' u u-.her irictiro '"r pnofcix! tnuro ir 13J n JJfcl -h m kUid white Mrvino n u EAT piirt. "! ypirrt lid !1 mn whc. iitii woo thou m ) b r poru " A." kilted os tht nctuiJ tiruio lint liihouph lUti ol U coonrr .nlr who did m cciorcu tht twitui th len oi pjxetion wouJd ticitnd well in'-e tht hundrtdi- Tht lit io mcludM.: rPUitU: fvi Jrn. ldtho. Tn" Swanton. Robtrt 01 t.vK. C'reptm t: &1 Ltwllt, Joan Yrrpy. Errut Bobtriuon, Orevtac Keith Crr. Eddie Dt-irtu-ji., Portlend; Jem Witter. Red Thcmei. Herrjr Lire. CU ianum: I Tak. S rrencu co; Hugs Swenion. Peeilic LcthBcs: Triu Weikowitt. 1 euung'.an. Gall: Cereid Bert Ji- Setttte. KukrtPbU: Dick Voelker. WbkiungtBXi. Treck; Wiliiem O'Keil. ldtho. Kiser Will Meet Tough Tony Ross In Semi-windup In trie armi - windup on the craach card Friday nilht at the Kjciati arena, two touh l.d- w.H b-jti bicep when Ter- ris T-..ry Rpm untie with P - cJr CoaKi Champ Jack Kiner. Tre two rnu!.cle-men have had kume rjrsed bouti in Salem ed iate and lony almort wrested ! beit from Kivr in a maurh ' tr:t b-w eacri jrappler cam a fail. Trie turj-ie was dec it red a draw a ad Kier rcuined the , rrcau. but wai extended plenty ' Tr $9 here will not be for ' tbe tit, tr.-t if Tony puu the b;crjr. to Jack, a re-match for tie be?: rr-sy be in the offing. Tt-y tratd clean in the Salem r-.Jf fr a charje. but whether or not thi wa too much of a rtra:n cm hira will be evident Tnaty oijht. Prccaoter Kack Lillard will tsxma ace the openinr tutfle to raarryw. which may bring back once time-worn Bulldog JactKc. tbe fjy everybody's cad rft about enoutn of. Portland Eacles Down Vancouver Six PORTLAKD. Jan. 3 Three taal and two asitts put Eac-ie Shastiock at the bead of the eight "1 jcoricr column as the pcrand Eaziet defeated the Vancouver 'aarurdj 8-2 in a Parjic caait hockey leajue en counter here Manday nizhl. The victor now have seven win and a t. in eijht auccessive t f:'-irt, n L I J U 'aa tvOJOn USOaing rllTTer . 4 I n Mexican League MEXlCQ CITY. Jan. 3 Wi lyeadinz bitter in Mexican rr-ajor iearae banebaii: Rogers Homtoy. He had a perfect 1 000. Tne faaied P.a;ah. accordir.g 1 to off:rUi a-.-erazes releaK-d yesterday, went into two zarae as a pmc'a hitter. Ke walked once, and tbe second ttate ;' banged out a double. PRINCIPAL TURKS COACH NEW YORK VP. Dr. Jchael H Lucey, principal of Forest Hills hizh school, found a way to overcome the shortage of coaches. Dr. Lucey is the school's soccer coach. ENDS TODAY Tall ;;. Saddle THURSDAY nW Kt NOLAN IW SONS Of H 9f(!H " " ' ' : 'SI 2nd Action Hit1"0 Pelicans Practice For Bend Reconditioning Cicicikrl And 0rtnnc Moneurtri Sfrtrd In Coje Woikoul Rc'iirrjne to Ihr lindwtii'd d'r thr fin I t'"'t l" ' 1 m.io hulicl.v. Hie Kteiimlii I'tli run ti!'ihlr! Wl'llli'd out 'Jur ciiiy !tcrr.otm in iiirparaiu'ti tliiu Mful CUCr tumlr MH Ei-nd ..v hi-M mi Janiimy '. Brnd TKr K turn win t"r : lwitutir n il" with tlir I'.rrnJ , quurlrt. und Coin-It Mmtili- l'ok ii Mt'klrK Muoi'lti t.i rutin rcimuiimtion with all i;-i mti.ii j ir Jur ltii- lortlit'onuns MU Larry W fi i t :, rhm p Un-otint ; barkcourt man tvi l"c ball i handlrr, will makr tlic Itrk to! Brnd aJtrr huvini; birti diclarrd i inrlitiblr ratlit-r )n Uir wwn. j fcrvrral t) Ihr boyn arc on thr ! mdrlitir dur to illnt !.. and r.ud : Birhn. Jor ZaroMinki and Jim, Norcen wrrc atornt liotn prac tice. The Pcliram worked at iccon ditioninii diill and odcncivr i formattoiw in an Hlort to whip ihwiuflvn into ihatir alter tlic I holidavn. and drtcniivc mancu vcr will br trcnrd in Wcdnra dav't practice trtwon. II Cook can oner Iind the ncht combination for Hie Pelican hoopitcrf. they will prc-rnt a formidable front to other South ern Orron conference quintets i when the conference lry Ptwn 'January i i i r,'-" Vl , onai play n ! hort Jo K "d-l' ! rival. Medford. in a two jam. ; wrief . FISH CAN TASTE Some fifh have a dic:dcd wnne of taste, and Ptnlueur! fiihermen ue melon to attrtrt certain fih which iiavc tooth in t-rl Continuou Show DtUy HIT No. 1 "COLLEGE SWING" Starring - BETTY GRABLE John Payne MOM 4SJ Bx Ofiict Optn 1:30 6:45 - ENDS - TONIGHT JAIL RUSSELI DIANA IYNN - Starts - rHURSDy "When the Lights Go On Again" - STARRING Jimmy Lydon Barbara Bclden - SECOND HIT "CRAZY KNIGHTS" iiiijiuitii a 1 I ns . 11 . " ' Air Ace Hunts Majei J" I ni. tea mtilne pilot In tht ' who it ttl'd "' tint Btuetki htit. can blr down fcud wtll at Jtp pi. nr. tng clftu ihil duck nd ooot ti idtntt. Mo I on bij'jed It.t" biid on a hunlii-o H'P " nttrby Ore ,oo fi.id- K Yatr i Lty tntiktd tht cloit of Hi lent bud ntvon. which wi itpoited to kt poll y by Klamath ipoiumtn. Tht wttthti in gtntral too conducive to good bud ihootino. although many lim it kill wtrt rtpoftd thioughout Iht tton AP wutphoto l"n Mafln coiptl. Box Of lie Optn 12:30 HIT No. 2 "No Han Oi Ker Own" - Starring - CLARK GABLE Carole Lombard SOMETHING NEW IN DIXIE 1 ! ft t. tmm i ,: xt- t jerrv; ii r-ILWOITOIMVAIiOHl Jti fWSOf) (tl, LOWUKfl Willi Roym.j lovill i ' a. M l m OBtCON PRCP K By Iht Aiuttd pi,,, i Oi.-.un-ritv Vi. W.-.. (.,." .snitiii i. (:, Mu, j , MilWiitlKIc il. l, t( f.wcelif C'fllK (, i(ne" (fir; JI ' 'S M Morv't ll.uir.i t j ', I i.n City .'7. Cardinal Outfielder ! Up For Induction ,j IX)NORA. t . J.., i f,,, J Stan M-iu;. fiuaj.i.j: i. iiji.j, jj of I'.e St l.on ( m. ,. ,l bel li orrti-rr.) bv hit lM!t li to irixrt f(--r m0:i'-t;.ii,. carr- kn'iwn ritr.-;i. v c i Mutt!. 21. ir.arrmi j ; I (41tj, of two r.'il !H I to Dnir Walker of tiffxili: rof't'tiiC the 1itlr in ,1M.V U MB Box Offict Optm I 41 ENDS TONIGHT f. Si 'Sultan's Daughter1 SECOND HIT jl Milbchating Hutbondi" - Thursday . -fa Second Hi; HITLERS WOMEN!, ai.-arrtTaial ! In. 8 . 1 " aii. : rtmwt s 1 F0 BHTOMUtlM HU IU M 44i BOX 01TICE OPENS 6:4S P. M. -NEW TODAY-- it v a i i ANN mi viaoi? .fCH nONNCI I i m ' iF nd W'iy4JUieM!C. n ' iiiiiiiiiii -11"'"-! BIG FEATURE J VJ ' J SB" . , - ,