TutirJoy, Jonuory 2, HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE EIGHT assisted I'almiT lo III 'eel bill Insisted on walking lilm hoiuu. Later, Palmer reported to po lice, ho discovered tlinl the stranger who gave hint a lii'li Ing Viand iijiimienlly had re lieved him of Ills wallet contain lug $20, a elgarello lighter and ease and oilier articles ho valued at SNA. persons using oil healing equip ment. The wood was purchased when the possibility of obtaining fuel oil this season was uncer tain. So fur the supply of oil has been entirely sufficient to meet the demands. With part of the yinter already past, it was felt that persons having u suf ficiently largo stockpile of wood ... .1 - ..11 ltnl 111! Kl'IIMO 1 Whin In Mtdloid creasing cut by local mills' and better utilization of the wood cut for lumber products. Long-range remedies to the shortage suggested at yesterday's meeting included intensive ef forts to secure greater use of coal, support of dealers' efforts to secure further allocations of wood from other communities by the solid fuels administration, and an attempt to secure the es tablishment of a war prisoner camp near Klamath falls for the cutting of firewood next sum mer. Another possible source of emergency fuel, according to an other dealer, was the standby cnniiiv nf wood stockpiled by might volunteer lo elV at least a portion of their surplus wood supply- Cll ICACiO, Jan. a ('VI Friendly hands aided Darwin A. Palmer when he slipped and leu Stay at Fuel Rationing Now, Effective; Priority Ratings Established HOTEL HOLLAND f Thoroughly Modti, Jo and Anna Esr(. Proprietors on an icy sin-ci m- The unidentified man not only Fuel Information Prepared by the housing committee, Klamath county V.A Anniw In YOUR DEALER . n . i t u f nH nut in establishing not tnO UrA Ollice, lur lunii im ... , your priority. Highest priorities go to persons with less than 30 davs supply 01 iuci on iwnu. Sources of fuel as of January 2, 1945: Located one mile north of city limits. Go out Highway 99 past the overcrossing. On left side of road going north. Behind on deliveries. Will take no more orders lor two weeks. Will sell drv pine slabs at the yard. Fred H. Heilbronner Fuel Phone 4153. 821 Spring street. uenvering coai m nn-i4 .- " Will sell one, two or three sacks of coal per person at the yara. , Peyton and company Phone 5149. -fr.-- me f..l.,.l .... . Alain omce, ij mm;, sum. - Starting January 2 will accept orders for dry pine slabs, Prcstologs and coal. Will sell pine slabs at Riverside yard, located behind Safe way warehouse on Riverside street. Cross Link River bridge and turn left toward Ashland and Weed. About three blocks SOUin oi unugc. Transportation arailable for emergency delivery of fuel: mamlll rails itmisiu aim diuiagc, puvue: uui. ral S v-ao service, puuuc Tigo, Beacon service, station, phone 8304, has two stake-side trucks and a pickup for rent for hauling fuel. Drive yourself .Inn piaii. TW- WW! . Fuel rationing became effec tive in Klamath Falls today, and priorities were being established for applications from persons with less than 30 days and witn less than one-fourth of a year's supply of fuel on hand. Many people erroneously went to the OPA office to fill out forms in connection with the ra tioning. This should be done at the offices of the fuel dealers. Purpose of the rationing is to assure that residents in real need will get first call on the avail able wood and coal. Although Klamath's fuel short age remained serious today, it appears that persons in emergen cy situations can obtain fuel, ac cording to a survey by the hous ing committee of the Klamath county chamber of commerce. Suggestions to aid persons whose supply is low are contained. in a special table on this page, and will be re-run in The Herald and News periodically. A Doint brought out several times at a housing committee meeting last weekend at the chamber of commerce office was the fact that most wood-burning furnaces, heaters and ranees in the Klamath area are actually in- xenaea lor tne use of coal, and that there has been no difficulty in securing coal. While wood has been used in the past as an economy measure, those experi encing a shortage of wood this season are urged to consider the use of coal. One fuel dealer who had been asked to appear before the committee reported that the use of coal here has increased 500 per cent in the last six years. The committee expressed it self as chiefly concerned about newcomers to the community who had had no opportunity to stockpile their winter fuel sup ply during the summer months. It was reported that many navy and marine families had no car Jn which they could haul emer gency amounts of fuel when un able to obtain delivery by a deal er. This situation may be helped by publicity regarding concerns which will deliver fuel in small PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIS . NO HOSPITALIZATION N. Lou of Tim. Pertnfttjent Be.altal OR. E. M. MARSHA ChlroDracUo Pb;ilcln B - Eiqtilr. The.tr. Bid Pbons loss amounts. Names and phone num bers of these concerns are in cluded in the table. The housing committee went on record as commending the fuel dealers for their handling of the situation after it had been I shown that the dealers had been operating on a voluntary ration- ins program. Had urged stock piling last summer when sun. pnes were pienutui and had started efforts through the solid fuels administration as lone sen last August to gei additional luei ior tins area. t actors contnbutine tn thu uicaciu suuruiKe include an r-sti. if mated 30 per cent increase in 1 1 population and a decrease in sup-! I yiy oi luei wood locally. It was lorecast mat the supply would I continue to diminish, due to de- i DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. Allen Adding Machines Friden Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks Chairs - Files For those hard-to-get Items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Falls General Paints Imperial Wallpaper 51S Main St. Phone 3829 NOW YOU CAN ENJOY PRE-WAR TASTF ra Blended with finest all American grain spirits and fine selected whiskies, that give you the true pre-war Lansdowne flavor. UENDED WHISKEY, t6 .Rod WAV. GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS " " "Juuwne DISTILLERY nvKt ut 6 RACE, MD. no: ss . Odds and ends! Broken lots! Some soiled! All priced to sell fast so we won't have to count them at Inventory timet mim WOMEN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS REDUCED Regular 1.49 to 3.29. Odd lots. LQ O AO Many colors and styles OTrw to.Aar WOMEN'S STYLE SHOES 175 pair. Regular 2.98 to 4.45 in pump style ox- Nowsral.c.010.re: 1.00,0 2.47 MEN'S WORK SHOES Solid leather sole and cord sole in plain and moc casin toes. Regular 2.29 to I Q7 e OC e.98. Now i.vtoP.ya 10 OFF! MEN'S OXFORDS! Discontinued styles! ) OTT Quality leathers! Value! t.V MEN'S LA SALLE SHOES! Discontinued styles in- O Ofi this famous brand C.TrO LINEN AND RAYON TOWELS Size 18x32 inches. Well made towels. o Striped border. Regular 39c wJC WOMEN'S RAIN COATS Regular 5.98 and 7.98. Absolutely water repellent. Colors white, green, wine o C QT and blue. Now t0 D.V, ODD LOT ANKLETS Regular 50c. 50 wool. Broken sizes, m t Colors pink, blue and tan ltC WOMEN'S WESTERN BELTS Women's all leather Western belts. Fine for slacks or riding britches. Sizes 24 to 32. r r- Regular 1.00 OOC CARRIAGE SETS! Good looking. OT Cut for quick sale I V BABY BOTTLE SET Savings up to . These are r a m an excellent value at A ror ZdC MATTRESS COVER Protect the child's mattress. m-. Regular 3.75. Now onlv I.) FITTED AND BOX STYLE COATS Assorted Colors and Sizes Reg. 29.95, cut to 90 7 Reg. 24.75, cut to 217? Reg. 19.98, cut to Vjn Reg. 16.98, cut to 1275 . WOMEN'S SUITS ALL WOOL Sizes .38 to 44. Assorted colors. 1 -mm Reduced to .Z1.5 liMBEHD EI BiSj WOMEN'S DRESSES Wool and rayon! Good range 1 on T a r . of sizes. Cut to. l.O 9 t0 7.49 TAILORED AND SPORT BLOUSES Some long sleeve with r r n n ruffles. Priced from OOC in 2.88 WOMEN'S WOOL ROBES Good range of sizes, in red and light m Of blue. Priced now at .... IU.07 RAYON HOUSECOATS Sizes 12 to 44. Pastel r on colors. Reduced to 0-07 to 10.89 WOMEN'S DRESSY AND CASUAL HATS Some fur trim, velvets, felts, on nr sequin and veil trim. Now . X7C to 1.89 TEEN AGE COATS AH wool, also wool and f n ft 1 ft e rayon. Reduced to '"8 and 12.98 READY-MADE SLIP COVERS Covers maple or early California. -n Buy at Wards now 49c ART LEATHER Jllst IkA . ... lur covering tnose 1 r chair seats. Only 1.39 LENNOX PRINT GOODS Stnnrtl Pmftllnr.it , UVllVUIJ A M cut to 89c NIGHT GOWNS Colorful, broken sizes. , Now only 1.97 ?F L,TTLE girlV' muffs White bunny fur muffs for little girls. 1 , , Regular 2.98. Now .11;... 1.66 Sl YOUR CMDIT. ; j a menHily paymwl oecount mey b. op.n. wth any purcho.. (or group of purcha..,) totaling $ 1 0 or mor MANY OTHIR VALUIS.;. ,hop tn our cataloj ,f.par.m,nt for ,p..dy ,.rvie. on many linti of mwchondlw not In our .lor, ,. yd. yd. SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL "Master Painters . . . Equal to others' best. Gal COVERALL BARN PAINT Red only! Reduced! Gal. In 5's MASTER PAINTERS HOUSE PAINT Finest low-cost painl! nji (No white). Gallon I.VO FLAT WALL ENAMEL "Master Painters" brand . . , Best low-cost paint! Gal 1.94 1.55 1.98 4.49 1.98 MEN'S WORK COATS Blanket lined, herringbono twill doublcbrca.ited coats. Long length. j 07 All sizes. Regular 4.98 wV MEN'S 3.98 JACKETS Blanket lined herringbono twill. g Single-breasted All sizes I." MEN'S BLACK RUBBERIZED RAINCOATS Only 12 lo go at this price. Large sizes only. Full length BOYS' SUEDE JACKETS Sizes 8, 10 and 12. Brown only. Regular 2.98. Now MEN'S 16.75 REVERSIBLE COATS Finger-tip reversible in camel and brown colors. All wool fleece and m QO water repellent twill IU.70 12.98 ALL-WEATHER DURABLE COATS Airdcz sealed twill, wind resisting. Fleece lined. Only 18 of these coats O OC to go at this price V. V J 28.98 MEN'S SUITS All pf these suits are 100 wool. Single and double breasted models. am oq Alterations free SALE OF MEN'S TOP COATS 100 all wool. Colors In blue, grey in 00 and brown. Sizes 34, 35, 36, 37 IV.OO REGULAR 4.98 BOYS' LOAFER COATS Not complete size runs but all wool ft f-w in tan and brown JLW I METAL PICTURE FRAMES Good looking! Only 35 left! ' Reduced to .QO PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE 25 feet of lightweight hose 0 0 at a sale price! OOC MEXICAN HAND TOOLED bTlLFOLDS Well made, an excellent value m Aa at this clearance price of I. 7 8 TACKLE BOXES Wooden, good construction. n m rs. Fishermen, save now at 2.49 SALE! HEN FEEDERS Here's a Rtal Buy Hen Feeder, 3-fool, no stand '49. H e n Feeder, 4-foot, no stand f Jicn reerifr 4.rr. ...uu . Hen Fp.nV Z i Z""r"'"a BOo Hen Preinr A.r... ...in. . BBC ., -.,, wlul olana . StRVING SET Here's your chance to save! ICE CUBE TRAY Only a few of these aluml- m ort num trays, so hurry. Now I'XY ji, 1.49 KITCHEN FLAVOR SETS Just the thing for flavoring your foods! 59r 69c ?Xr.?10" CRETONNE ,. . mum ur sun covers. o Kcgulor 1.29 a yard. 48 inches wide .... 98c wh fPJ V9,8 A YARD leatherette ' nc. si,1 1"'' C0VCrln' etc' Come. ll nnf, 1.39 Colors brown and green. 49c BOYS' CAPS Regular 7Uc. Urown, blue and green color. Some with car flap. All Ur MEN'S SWEATER VESTS All wool sweater vents in brown and O 07 two-tone. Regular 3.4U J5. , MEN'S SUSPENDERS Itrttulur 4o lo $1.00, Part cla. eft, tic dress suspenders now reduced OC to JVC MEN'S WOOL FELT HATS Studied brim, water repellent. Complete ft 07 slie runs. Colors tn green, brown, blue "'7, MEN'S PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Here's a splendid value at MEN'S MUFFLERS Only 32 to clear. Smart patL-rns! MEN'S 32-OZ. MACKINAW Sensationally low priced! Colorful patterns! MEN'S POPLIN JACKETS Here's a real buy at only BOYS V LENGTH COAT These are well made poplins nt only 5.98 157, 9.98 197( 5.98 ft! i 1 V t, : " a : ( i It n mm d mm SALE! 5-PIECE DINETTt SET Choice of nut while or Inieksk.n finish. Twolrsf extension on table. Regular tO QO price 40.03 O7.O0 CLEARANCE! 69.95 DINING SIT. Includes extension table and 8 chairs in (Q QQ' blench finish. Chiiir seats upholstered 37. OO SALE! 74.95 BEDROOM SUITE - Full size bed. chest and vanity. Not In e A OQ perfect condition. Priced to close out CLEARANCE! 7.23 HIGH CHAIRS Durable high chairs with adjustablo tray and foot rest. Wide leg spread. Will not tip C O Q easily J.OO CLEARANCE! 6-YEAR SIZE CRIB Panel end crib; easy trip drop side. Choice of white, iiiiturnl or mnplo finish. m m qq Regular 20,03 lf.OO SLIPPER CHAIRS Beautiful slipper chairs with roverslblo eushloni. Two only. Slightly soiled, no Regular 22.95 I I .OO SALE OF BARREL SLIPPER CHAIRS Three only. Can bo used In living jr nn room or dining room. Regular 28.9S IO.OO Woolen Yardage Regular 2,39. Btautiful woolens In plaldi, plains and chtcks. Good it lection of colors. 54 Inchts wide, I77 m Sit SALE OF RUGS W hare taken drastic prlc reductions on prac Ically our entlr. stock of scatter rugs In shaggy Lyp?Je?Uon ruB' "" wool hook rug and ovsl braldod rug. Theia rugs com in large lec tion of colors and slios. BHAGGY RUGS Now 1.98 2.9B 4.88 6.88 7.88 7.88 4.88 n n ... .1 n 2.97 ttXJtt 28x48 29x36 3.98 6.43 O A z"62 giea 34x45 oblong 9,45 0VAL BRAIDED RUGS 27x84 s.4S ALL WOOL HOOK RUGS 7.95 25x48 5.88 Montgomery Ward 1 re lo of : nc ell F re : wi "! Vll by tt th ; Wl i lo ; at! t-eti tot n ! P0 no pe tlo ; ini I :: cli b Wo tec aft ( ' an: : atli Bio pla . ItU !r M N 1 ,and ; day Mcl ; ycai Not posl i don rosli ary idutl W Fall lot 1 :& Unli cam iiona !A, ( Lcsl f ri :McIi civic ftho , cert tho I (Pros (libra land tho cleat 'orgs 1 cran nerve Is mi McPl dren. Mc cash! brant Bank of hh A. M tyre 1