UMday, January 2, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 732 So. 6ih St. II you wanl to work in a lugging camp, sawmill oi lumber yard whcio conditions aie good, call ol the of I ice or phono 5146 between 8.30 and 4.30 p. m. Wo need men in all these departments ol our operation which is an essential industry. WOODS' Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL Dry lumber handlers Pelican Bay Lumber Co. IT Services j INCOME TAX SERVICE Cuminurcliil llnukkci'ping X rtollln A. Cmilnill Ruom !. Iliipkii Hid ,4 110 N. Utli St. "Z ' Open' ' -r.vcniiiBs ninl Knturdiiys ' Phone :I2II 1-lUlll CALhOMININfl Ketnlunlng and Paint ing Phone 30B7 1-14 PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT .HOME 15:1 Granite St Ashland. Oi'i'iiun Phonu 7001 Graduate Nurnn In Ciiurgo. I-Bm ' Hejp Wanted Female fANTICD-WeitreM end dishwasher. Wo man preferred. Apply el Hitler's Cur fee Shop. 3JIKIII VANTED-dlrl or woman lo slay wllh children from 4 o. m. to I D. m da va a week. Phone 4.1.10. I:il7tt VANTfO Kxiwrirnrnl p-inler or girl wllh arllitlr atillitv. Almi relourli tr. nU HI.ii.lo. Ml Main. 7 VAlTltrKft WANTfl) . Hoard, mom, gt6tl Mlary. Opri, nil year. .Muma YANTKD - I(urk4etwr In Ukr (till tntrtt. Gum m irv, tj-i ruiine lav nlihU. Call &ft06. or 3UU Vli inH on. 1-3 ifAHTKn-t.ailv for mnrklni and chrck itl. fitandard Oleancm. 17J3t( If ANTED- nrattly operator. Guarante 945.04 a wk. Call 4daa or after 8 p. nt. Tun, ANTED Htrtue keener. IMlona Maltn J4J, Dtn llenicl. 1-3 fAMTED-Woman to do hnttiaclcanlnf MM Hop. HI. rrancli Park. Plionc v Hlp Wanted. Mala F ANTED Man and boy In ant nlni. Ufht work, lood pay. Apply nowltng Allay, 810 Main p. m. or any avenini. aturday or Sunday, 1731 If rOULD YOU Ilk lo aam monay atlar tehool dallvcrlnf a Harald'Nawi papar routaT Sea Mr. Miller at lha Unrald odlra after 3 p. m. U73if fANTEDExnwrtencd aanh ctiller. An- Blip Metlar Droa. I'hona MXt, 4BHIf fANTKD Spot tar or preaaer. Uptown Clflanara, 1 17 Bo. 7lh, 1H40K fANTEll Automohllo machunlca for Chavrolft and other cara, Permanent work, noe of flat rate. Cannon Chavrolet Co., Yreka, Calil. WANTED-Experlenrrd radiator repilr man. Old ealahlUhfld, thorouitlily quipped ahop, lit it money for rlflht man, Andenon Auto Service, on? Walnut. HHHtf OUNO MAN. draft exempt, for Imlda a tore aaiea worK. unoum n mecnani rally Inclined and accurate at flgurei. alary 200 per month to atari, fllve raftrancea and phono number. Write Herald and Newa, Dox 17HR. 12 26 'ANTED- Man to fir holler and dn atnar unit work around alattf titer nouie, f;i3,00 per week and a mall nouie. nvnia ann waier rurnmnen. Phone 14?tl evening;. 44n rtavn. t n Room and Board DOM-BOARD Gentlemen, cent. 1007 Crea- 1-4 0ARD AND RQOM-f.20 Jefferaon. I B I 1 Rooma For Rant 30M roit ttENT-1038 Jallarion. MI3tl 5H RCNT-Slafplna room. . Gcntlfinan Phona 7fi2u iiaya. loaair R ItKNT llerirnnm wllh kitchen prlv Itaaaa, Eniployeit couplo unly, Phonr Apartmanta For Hant B ' nUNT-One ftirnhhart apartm.nt. wood, llahla anil naicr. nirhrirlil arvlra Niallon, ;l.1l;l Stinimori l.aim. PhonBOTT n I VI Houtei For Rant in HFNT-Only 40 mlnulaa drlvo to lmalh rail, on hlahway. footl tur ilanart S. 3. 4 rooms, aliowar. lha taunriry room aarvlra, walar and lanlB. ioma n.riHM. nnl rrca.niialila. I'rallar aconinniorlallonn. sa .l lit mora. C'hlloimln, Oia. , 1 a il ' Help Wanted. Mai 18 Holp Wanted. Male It WANTED PLUMBERS and STEAM FITTERS For Work at Marine Barracks 54-Hour Week $ 1 . 62 !2 per hour with overtime INTERMOUNTAIN PLUMBING CO. 2 For Rant TlttH'KR FOR nrNT.You drive: move your.rll. ave Mule IJot-ri Serv-.-, I'JUI r.M.t Main. Ili"lm ICVll t-ilin 21 Mucell.neou r or (ton! KOn lir.NT- Pre.enl location of Fashion ; Cleaners, VXi Maui, modern (rout. 13' a bv 7u r.toi Intiulta Rudy's Men'. : r-h,p eon Msln 177111 30 Real t stale For Sale KOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFce, Realtor 118 No. 7th Phone 4521 15 HOMES FOR SALE EVIitYrm,' DENNIS. REALTOR 121 N. fllh Phone (Mill II Jin KOH 8A1.E -3-romti honc moHern, with I.Mteniecii. nurdy hiri.UiftJ, clonn In f'liun am. ixiHif fOll heuv (inrtlv fur nUhrd. otorirtr tttfc. tveiiMjr1, I,..' rrmii. l a ncl fiihrr Mrtlrlni. nrre. W"00. Phon n,o! for Intarmatluii or 11M Arthur Hi, 1. rOK NALB. (.hep. .acn trail un 111. Iwa Nt. Innulre luom 10, Hoi Hprliig. Motel. i-a roit HAI,l:-3.limlMMint ttiolcrii hoiibo. Orpplnip. haiO.fKHl (loot., (unitii-r. Clo.o in Dial 071.1 l IK1.1I r KOII BALE -ami acrt... 13 mil.. Imtn Ijlkavlrw. All tintlur Irrlcallon. a20 an., palu-up rlcht. ?W at-rr. l.atlnk. AO act... Itulililr. ,lu arte, pasture. Wrlla rtiMi. Culahan. Itt. 3, Spring, llrl.t Orr .'i 34 Auiomottva FOR SALE RADIATORS OK ALL TYPES Will Build Any Typo Rucllutor You Ncocl ' COLOR MATCHING ' AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 0th Phono ti!)42 l-6m Exchange Motors Fords 1028 to 1042 Chevrolets 1035 to 1041 Plymouths 1034 to 1942 DodtiCS 1034 to 1042 We Will Rcbttild Your Old Motor ' ReKround CrankshRfts With BcarliiKS to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath " Phono 3214 037 Calif. Ave 1-25 Motor Rebuilding Stnrtcr mid Generator nrconditlonitiK 1 MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Yenra' Experience Elmor Tripp Home Garage 210 Old Fort Roiirt : Phone 7034 before 8:00 or ! after 5:30 P. M. M5m Used Cars ; . , Bought ' Sold . Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Whcro 8th Street Ends . . M2m ron bale- tnan pickup, umci a pool tr.uicii. (.ihi oiiti norrui i-j Help Wanted. Mai Phono 8475 'IT 34 A ttomotlve Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage'; Phono 5195 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY Fust Federal Savings Hide. l-3i-m RECAPPING rind TIRE REPAIRING ; . BATTERIES , "NEW TIRES "' '- . AH Sizes ; Monarch Service Station n. K Tccd 101 So Hlh Phone 7071 1-7 ' RADIATOR . .REPAIRING Wc Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2549 S. 0th St. Phone 8331 1490-tf HAVE fiONK IN NAVY. '39 Hlllrk roup, rur sale - May be seen at 3070 Etna. I'llnll. 4.V1.1. .s SEE MEL III'NIIY at Lombard's Ditd . ar ih. nai B. am Bt. Top OPA IA8II ITtlL'E at once for your car. AU makes and models for sale. l'ISin fOll RALE-lorai Studelaker Command er. Sea at :U04 Way between 10 a. m. and a p. m. and all day Monday 11 FOIt SAl.E-IU.ta Plymouth Sedan, fair rendition, annd tires. Phone 7B6a. 13 Fual Haatlng RICHFIELD " Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery - Phone 8367 .aCK eichendorf Distributor l-31m a-eaiBsiraMaBaB33aaaBartBB 36 Mlicallanaout For Sal Attention Farmers For Potato Box and Sock Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Dcero Lindcman Track Typo Tractors, Haymaster Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders Se.e Brown Equipment . Company )040 So. 6th St. rhone 8247 Tucs.-Tluirs.-Sat. roit SALR-rorelgn and domestic herbs. Tree cnnsullatlnn hy appointment only. 3733 Wlard. Phona 3033. U J. Haw. Qualified Herbalist. I- ron SALE 100 toni haled nay. 1st cut alfalfa, oats and rya. at Kano. Sea Wlty Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett. Tulelake ll"4. JJJ31, FOR SALE- Fnrmall 14 lift. plow. cut. Ilvalor. mower and buck rake. Albert Heck. Tulelake, Calif. 1-3 FOR SAI.E-Trallor house. 34 ft. 4J model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. oi tf Fon SALE - One pair lady's figure skates, aire fl. One h.p. atatlonarv las eliHliie. One Chester Model 63 .calibre 3I0O. Flslt Shop. 744 Klamath. oatf Fon HALE Piano, davenport and chair. Dll 6113. IS36U FOR SALE One 10-gauge douhla barrel shotgun. on 318 n Winchester, one 1-li.p. stationary engine, one t h.p. electric motor, one boat motor and Irnller. one set musical horns. The KIMl Shop. 741 ,Klainlh. 190111 34 Automotive Attention All Chrysler Corporation Car Owners We Have the Parts for Your Car We Carry the. Largest Stock of Chrysler Corporation Parts in the State of Oregon Outside of Portland NEW FACTORY MOTORS De Chrysler $215 Plymouth $180 Dodge $195 Dodge Truck $195 to $225 REMEMBER YOUR DODGE DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL CHRYSLER CORPORATION PARTS Libcriil Discount to Garages and Independent Repair Shops LOMBARD MOTORS 624 So. 0th St. 38 Miscellaneous For Sale EOn SALE .Large wooden barrels. In quire at rluhrer's Bakery. 1733lf TOR SALE -Household goods. Mu.l .ell before Jen. 3. Call at SIS No. 3rd or phone 8336. 1-3 ron SALE-Westlnghouse eleclrlc range. Box mi. Dorrls. Calif. 1-3 rOR SALE Blark rocker spsnlel pup. pies S33. Phone 7346. t-S ALLEN Adding Machine, and ERIDEN Calculators. 134 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing Stationery Co. l-13m CERTIKIEIJ NETTED f.EM SEEO POTA TOES, first )ear Montana dry land foundation stock; grown at Macdoel. Calif. Oil Edwards, rhone S7I3 or 1131. Tulelake. Calif. I ll COINU INTO THE SERVICE-Will .ell my 1033 Nash coupe lor 150. :.t:4 Wsntland 9S.1II 42 Mltcellaneout vV anted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761tf CASH paid (or household goods. Phone 7310. 4340tf WANTED Pair of pigeons. Call 75J7 afternoons. lZ-9hb BUSINESS COUPLE went furnished house or apartment. Price no object. Phone 7366 between 8 a. m.' and S p. m. 1-t WANTED Furnished house or apart mcnl by marine officer, wife and 3i year housewrecker. Phone 6013. WILL PAY CASH rOR YOUR PIANO- Lnuls R. Mann, 130 N. 7th. Phone 4310 or 7173. l-33m WILL BUY email, furnished, 'modern house on pavement. Phone 3S41. 1-3 WANT TO nENT. lease or buy small noma, can 7aaj, WANTED TO BIIY-Ijle model pickup truck. 1'none 7371. 1331 sargent. Kf 11 WANTED - Trunk In good condition Phone S670. 13-30 SUCKERS ONLY, we drink, smoke, gamble, use profane language, we have one child who Is an amateur house wrecker, breaking everything I handy. However, we have alwaye ' tlvrt In a rnmlnplahl. Imn. IVua anyone heve courage enough to rent us a furnished 3-bedroom house? Rent from nothing to 900.00 a month. Phone 7184. 1707U GLASS Mirrors, resllvertng, plate win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball s Glass Shop. 937 Walnut. Phone 7378. l-4m WANTED Furnished apartment or house by navy couple. Call 3131, Ext. 3-8. between 6 ana e. 1-3 NAVY LIEUTENANT and wife need house or apartment, urgently. Fur nished or unfurnished. Phona 3113. Lt. B. D. Clendlnnlng. 1-3 WANT TO BUY-Stumpage suitable for wood cutting, p. o. box 033. Klamath Falls. 13-30 WANTED TO BUY-lnnersprlng mat tress. Prefer Beauty Rest or Seeley. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 4KQ0Jvctwen 3 and 7 Pn TBlf 44 Livestock and Poultry NOTICE CATTLEMEN and FARMERS G. W. "Mac" McAnulty Is Permanently Located at 516 Klamath Ave., Apt. 2, Call me when you have hogs or cattle for sale. Phone 5392 Night or Day . 1-4 FO SALE-Jersey cow. 3ls gellons milk a day. Phone 3068. lit West Klamath Weyerhaeuser Sawmill. 1-3 FOR SALE-Rabbits and hutches, sonable. 4333 Fralda Ave. WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 10 East Main. Phone 4382 1.4m FOR SAl.E-8-year-nld cow horse and Vanco saddle. Louis Itandall, Bonanra. Ore. 1-8 HAVE 30 HEAD of Hereford cattle to put out on shares for five years. Write Box 1803, care Herald and News. 1-8 S.30O ACRE GOOD WINTER RANGE, northern Glenn County. Mostly adobe, welt watered, well fenced, good living quarters, hay atnrage. Will carry 500 head of aleers, 813.30 ah acre, terms If desired. V. C. Bryanl, Redding. Cain Autom tiva (Not Rebuilt) Soto. 34) Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley Will Pay You TOP CASH Price For Your Car We can do this as used cars are just a part of our business. Essential Workers Need transportation. If You No Longer Need Your Car Selling It Is a Contribution to The War Effort. - SELL NOW -.While Prices Are Up You Will Help Yourself as Well as Others Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. 44 Live tock and Poultry STOCKMEN The next Livestock Auc tion at the Pavilion. Phoenix. Orcaon. win oe on January 6, 194.1. Southern Oregon Livestock Auction Co. 1-3 46 Financial , - See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO y; FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple' Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally. Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 . s-211 114 N. 7th Phono 3325 1-3 lm First Federal Has Plenty of Money see Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home . Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5105 m l-3lm 48 Bunnell Opportunities RESTAURANT. FOR SALE or Irn.e to responsible party. Write Herald-News. Box 1631. 1-4 Automotive $150 Phone 3138 Tues.-Fri. tf Phone 4113 46 financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 - Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 l-31rn Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates Long time easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you to investigate the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1900 111 N. Oth Phone 4364 34 Tucs.-Fri.-tf 34 Automotive SEE Top Prices Now s BRING IN YOUR CAR TODAY ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC 4thnu& KLa,m,ath Phono 8164 USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Phone 6130 WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS OPA PRICE GOES DOWN 4 January 1st SELL Just Phone "4I03 and we" will bring you a check for Top Price Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower Look! Look! Look! 1 942 FORD COUPE' . Ration Certificate Needed to Purchase This Car I94I Packard Sedan (One-Sixty Model). Radio, Heater, Low Mileage. 1 939 Studebaker Commander Sedan Overdrive, Heater, Radio. I937 Willys Sedan 1 936 Olds 6 Sedan I936 Terraplane Coupe Burness Motors Corner So. 6th WHITE TRUCKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR ESSENTIAL USERS We will be glad to help you fill out your priority application i - YOUR WHITE DEALER WEST-HITCHCOCK CORP. 423 So. 6th 44 LlyeeJock and Pounry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Fulls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1. 1945 the. better to serve soullipastcrn Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for otlr fine high grade chicks at' STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater, If you can't come in, write us for information and prices. ' FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS f ' y 1 i . ' . 99.1 tf 341 Automotive in'. . ii '.i..m,,rfvswNaj ROSE Top Prices Now CMC NOW! 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat. and Walnut Sts. Frl. Mon. Phone 7771 1-6 44 Livestock and Poultry i