Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 02, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    tiesdoy, January 2, 1945
Expected Homt TBkI. Tom
ally, sun of Floyd Putty of 7-11
limutlu, la expected homo thin
eek from two yearn overseas,
ill wife, whom ha married In
ngland, Is to arrive within a
lOlith, according to Putty. Tom
irved with the lttth Uct air
ommand. Ilia brother, TVSift.
tewm I Putty, who hut been
veraoua linen April, hud a Visit
dth his brother when both were
England und lutor both weru
ent to Fiuni-a and In November
tewart hitch-hiked to Tom's
au- where they hud second
(sit. Stewart In with the tl'ind
uartcrmastur bate depot, huud
USrtrrs group.
. ,-i 1 "
Ned Cro After two-week
acntlon. the worker for the
led Cioit will resume tln-lf (hi
let t the workrooms, 4IH Muln
n Wedniduy noon, January 3.
'hero lire 1(100 plt-ces of saute to
Inlrli for tho 11144 mints, and It
I hoped that all workers will
urn out en tnaste to help. After
Yexlnesday, the workrooms will
m open at tho regular hours
hlch are from 0 to 4 on Mon
lays, 12 to 4 on Wednesdays, and
J to 4 on Fridays. On Monday
lights only, tho rooms will be
pen from 7 to 10.
In San Dl.oo Steve Kosnlcr,
on of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kess
ir, 2027 Lcrtoy, has roporled
of boot camp at tho U n 1 1 o d
Hat " j naval trulnlng slntlon lit
ien Diego. Kensler, who Is u
jraduale of Klamath Union high
chool with the class of 1044 und
iienried tho University of Ote
oil since September, enlisted In
he navy December 20, returned
lerr for the holidays and Iff t
:htstnins night fur Portland
vhcro he was sworn In.
Visitor Mury Jano Brown,
tudent at Oregon Stnto college,
vej among the students return
ng to school after spending the
lolldnys hero with her parents.
If. and Mrs. Fronds Drown, of
On Furlough SSgt. Jack
'enslrr, stationed at tho Victor
llli! army air base on tho Mojave
laaert. Is home an a 15-day fur
ough during tho holidays with
ill parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark
VtFenslor. Jack wa homo some
Imo ago after bolng overseas
or 21 years, seeing almost con
Inuous active combat.
At Hillside Mrs. Mirth Cal
loun, 4176 Shasta wuy, is a pa
itnt at tho Hillside hospital
vhere sha will undergo surgery
1 Wanted:
: Men who'd
, like to work
. --
I with trains
t you'd like to help run trains
. . io worx wun we conmic
or und engineer ... if you'd
Ike to go places and do a job
vhleh Is really Important, you'll
vant to look Into this job of
Irakeman with Southern Pa
lflO. We train you for It In a
ewdoya (and you're paid while
raining). The pay, by any
tandard, Is very good. It's an
ntercstlng Job . . , with men
ou'll like. And with a com
tarty whoso biggest Job begins
vhen Germany la finished
noving the war load against
apan. If you're steady, ro
table ... a man who looks
head and who wants a mil
onnectlon with a big, progrcs
lv outfit, thli should be your
ob. Fine ponslon plan. R.R.
iaaaf privileges. Medical scrv
ce. Many extras, Many other
obi, open,
Sea er write Trainmaster, 8.
P. Station, Klamath falls, or
your nearest S. P. Agent.
Raclamatlon Heads Hera
Kenneth Murk well. niHlstiinl
commissioner of the bureau of
rei'lumutlon, Charles b. Carey,
reiilonul director of the burouu,
und M. 11. Ululy from the Hoc
rumcnto rcglonul office, mado
mi Inspection tour of the Klum-
utn project Monday. murKwcii
procuuilud to Hcuo, incv., wnnc
Carey and Uloly returned to
noport Urged It Is impera
tive Hint dinners niiikc their
llniil AAA report under the
1MH agricultural program at
once. Allocation of funds to
tho county by tho state office
cannot bo mode until these re-
Corts are In. The report should
o made whether tho farmer
concorncd expects to recclvo
any pay or nut If ho Is signed
up under the 1044 program.
To Maal William Enschcdc, ;
luf.- AAA committeeman, and
Arnold IJudker, fit-Id man lor
tho ttula AAA office, will meet 1
with tho 1045 Klamath county
AAA committee Wednesday, to- j
morrow, at the county agent's
ofliee to discuss tho admlnlstra
t lun of the 1II4A Hgricultural !
conservation program . j
Awardad Madal Mrs. Fred '
Coellcr has received word from
her brother, 8Sgt. Alfred Carl
son, son of Ihe lute Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Carlson of this city, that
lie has been awarded a medal
which he it forwarding to his
sister. Details of tho award ware
not given. Ho has been in
France. I
to learn they ure expected hero
this week, They will leave Den
ver, Colo., Tuesday night, Whit
ney it stationed ul liucklcy fit-Id,
nciir Deliver. Mr. and Mrs. V.
I. Whitney Mr., of Montosuno,
Wash,, will also bo horo to meet
thalr son and his wifo at tho hit
ter's pnrent's home, Mr, and Mrs.
Fred E. Fleet, U45 Alunicdii.
To School Hetty Lou Dulton,
daughter of Mr, mid Ms. W. C.
Dulton of Mulln, left Tuesday
for Hun Francisco to resume her
studies at Dornlnlciin college
after spending the hollduya here.
Shirley Dulton, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Dulton, will re
turn to Dominican on January 0.
In Dutch Eatt Indies Word
has been received from PFC
Frank Ciill.ie that lie Is now sta
tioned with tho U. H. army In the
Dutch East Indies. A letter writ
ten Christmas Eve hus arrived
here und Cullsc advises friends
that the temperature hus reached
IIS degrees. He Is a former Her
ald and News employe when he
bundled the sports desk,
Leaves PFC Clifton Barrett,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bur
rctt of the Kcno road, hus gone
to Santa Barbara, Calif., for fur
ther orders. He relumed before
the holidays from the South Pa
cific where he served with the
army for 32 months. Borrett
hud a three weeks' furlough at
Visits Parents Lt. (Jg Philip
Albert, USNH, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E, Albert, 023 Grant, has
returned from overseas duty in
the Marlanaa and Marshalls and
is here for the holiday season.
Albert expects to leave soon for
Miami, Mu., for lurtner training.
Ills brother. Flight Officer Frun
eis Albert, is now stationed on
Long Island, N. Y., taking ucrlul
gunnery, Moth are graduates of
Sacred Heart academy and are
former Herald and News carrier
To Orland Mrs, Vera Ste
phenson left Tuesday morning
for her home in Orlund, Calif,,
after spending the Christmas
holidays with her brother-in-law
and sinter, Mr. and Mrs. Mitch
ell Tiilotson, 1832 Earlc.
Reports for Duty Marine 1st.
Lt. Joseph J. Voyc, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur J. Voye. 419
High, has reported for duty at
tne marine corps air station,
Cherry Point, N. C, for ad
vnnccd combat training at a pi'
lot. The Klamath flier, who at
tended Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, und also Stanford
university, was commissioned in
March, 1043.
Goat North Barbara Hood,
accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. A. B, Hood of Washington
street, left Tuesday morning for
Eugene where she will enroll in
the winter term at the Univer
sity of Oregon,
quickly rrlievtfl try jnetro
GrandfOft'ioI'Mime mutton auet
idee developed bymoderoav jaqc
J nto acouo ter-irri tan t . vapor 1 11 tg
Ml vet hut brincsnujik.coiaforU
r- c rM c i u $2.
y.P U H MUTTON j utT ., s.inir
Beturn Jean Haugcr left this
weekend to return to San Fran
cisco after spending the weekend
here, and her sister Bonnie ulso
left to resume her .studies at the
Univenltv of Washington, Seat
tle. Both were home over the
holidays visiting their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert E, Haugcr
of Pacific Terrace.
Wa with to xprM our htartfalf
thtinki and appreciation for the acts ot
klndr.en, the mmufei of ympathy and
the many beautiful floral offering; dur
ing our recent bereavement, I tie loaa ol
our loved one.
A. w. fkhults and ramlly.
W Simple piles need nrtwrarkand(ortiiryou V
t with mirJmrg ich, burn tr.ii inittt'on.
fk Sruert'e Pyremfd flupnoilioriee bring A
2 quick, welcome relief. Their grand mdi- C ,
Aw cation to nm real comfort, reduces strain, 1
halo tighua relaxed mtmbranes, gentty
lobritataa ar.rl eedens. Hrofctive end A
enn-rhaJ&nf, so caiy to vte. (ret genome r
m Siaart's Prramld Suppoiliorlee at your 1
Smart's Pyremfd fiupnoilioriee bring
I heir granr r
canon faeans real comfort, redacts strain.
helee Oghua relaxed mtmbranes, gently
lotamataa ar.rj eeltens. frot'ctive end
I enn-rhaifing, so caey to vte. Get genoine
Smart's Pvramld Surooiliorlee at your
drug eMre without di-Vc and 11.20
oo eaaaer a moaejr-back guvaotca. i
Juit Rsclvdl
Aviator Style, Zipper Front,
Bi Swing Back
$16.50 -$18.50
733 Main
In San FrancUco Mrs. F. L.
Weaver left thla weekend to
visit for two weeks with her son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Weaver, and daughter Constance
Ann, of San Francisco.
Batumi Dorothy Currier
left Sunday to return to Eugene
where she Is a sophomore at
the University of Oregon. Sho
arrived hero December IS to
spend the Christmas holidays
with her mother. Mrs. Nona W.
Currier, 112 S. 11th.
Jolly Neighbors The Jolly
Neighbors will meot at 1:30 p. m.
on Wednesday, January 3, at tha
home of Mrs. I'etcr Newman,
2718 Blsbcc.
Exp.cttct Hara Friends of
Pvt. und Mrs. V. I. Whltn
(Pally Fleet), will bo interested
NEW kind of
ASPIRIN tablet
doesn't upset stomach
fyvgiy'.Ji When you need
(J ftw, j qulckrclieffrom
pain, do you
hesitato to take
aspirin because
it leaves youj
with an upset
stomach? II so,
thla now medi
cal discovery.
SUPERIN. is "just what the doc
tor ordered" for you.
Superln la atplrln plus contains
tho earns pure, a.ito aspirin you
havo long known but developed
by doctors in a special way for
thoso upset by aspirin in its ordi
nary form.
This naw kind of aspirin tablet
dissolves mora quickly, lets tho
aspirin get right at the job of re
lieving pain, reduces tha acidity of
ordinary aspirin, and does not ir
ritntoor upnetstomach even after
ropont doses.
Taor this eot to romincl you to
got Suporin today, so you can havo
it on hand when headaches, colds,
etc., strike. Soo how quickly it
reunves pain now
fine you fool after
taking. Atyourdrug
gist's, 151 and ZOi.
' l!
DEFINITION! A miracle Is something dona which goes
beyond tha ordinary lawa of nature. In Mark 16:17-19 wa
find mantlon, "Catting Out Davllt," "Speaking With Ton
Oust,". "Serpents Biting," "Drinking Polton," and "Healing
th Sick") In Acts 20i9-10, "Raiting tha Dead"i In Acts 2:4,
"Direct Keystation." Thata thlnrjt wars all used in tha
days of tha apottlas, (Baa Ml. 10:8). When one andad, all
ended. I think all are agreed on this point. Mlraclea
eeatad whan tha Bible was completed, and thoroughly
confirmed, about the year SS er 100 A. D. People are won
dering why the dead are not being raised today. 'The
entwar It that these gifts were removed from the earth by
the Lord.
. More tomorrow,
, i M. LLOYD SMITH, Evangelist.
, 5 J Wsnilend Are. ;
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
All The Time in
15-DtPfcMD OM PtHHt Y'S
T lei " According to busy Miss Careful N. Wise,
The person who shops for each thine that she duv.
Is really a waster of time, for it's plain
She'll always come straight back to Penney' again!
l. J Warmth without excessive i,ii7
'AVWvT'nt 1 "i'V- VYiVy "' ? " weight. Comfortable fit in ifM a 1 1 'A
I'jQ i K'-$ffl&L it 'A- I tehiiZi.. Uitaa, iZnfClT.i. the broad shoulders, deep A V W S H
1 h'lwif I r? VVV UA U"hfrt- armholes, set-in split I . v W & AN , f U
IflVWl 'rTl Or Rick Su sleeves. P V V K '
lKSSJ. fL SS WOMEN'S SHOES Cf fa 4 ,V"si
.1 C&-NM -h fi Step-in. spectator,. 0 49 ZaC.OU M S V- t
'V ; OiJ'Lfs open-toe bow pumps af.1T ww v a-, -PsJjfi e K - d
J" -"hXvZt'- jC and tailored oxfords. BEAUTIFUL ALL-WOOL i" rft A ' t'.ll
lf vtt sS'jtX' fiS Sk ' FLEECE AND fo J t t fj H
j -agllCy pII jk DURABLE COVERTS JgJ ' " ?
: j r:, oKsoaa, vmM iM&L WA yh mm
J ' . 1 I Moccasin or plain toe m JQ KLfJP4l M '."' '' ' U306nlV f.VV. I . r ' .Vft t rf'
! J'" V.5 1 ' bluchers, straight IpZlft i .VvJePlh 1 ? ' 'U tS
fir i i' vj - and wing tip. eSBt-'' 'FEi )l ' wif ' r. i JQiSV
Ladies' Coats VwIPh children;,s shoes f sjf 'Ifl U f v I
Reduced 2'49 hfW Cs
W,' &Sz3&j& dressy T-strapA f 2v, ? (. I? J.
77 aSr 1 pumps. Sites 12-3. jfr'1 lvy t
Soft warm coats of all wool sucda In eSSt t S jS-vJfci!.V T-l
fitted and Chesterfield models. Snug JJT 1 dtJ-fl 'flV'! fV$ t i "Tw ''
wind-resistant fleece with the new "S;ff . 1 if r i I c V
sweetheart lapel. All lined and (X V iXak V f , , I ? ' ,
warmly interlined. Wonderful buy. "ak frr t? "WmtT TW
Sires 12 to 44. , "--f yaVxXHfc:
second floor $&L MELTON CLOTH mT
jfm JCrSik, ffiW' Warm and Practical- Button front. CO & 1 IS i$WW 1
f jiPtWvLi trffW Navy blue. A real value at this re- M'9 gr H 'f '' Jf V
fa4 7 rffmfM duced price. Sizes 36 to 48. $ if JMi . "
rt3eDriy eiw !r 'V Men's Covert Cloth Work Jacket J - r i lil
XV!iVS X& V.Sf Just Arrived! Blanket lined. Cossack style, button i ;'S; Vl A I Af A
-iX- Vffjl A J" j 45 Gnuam front' A wearable jacket that will give 9 O ' .C fffiM V7 If V l mjf
l,ffV r&r I . ' i:5f H9 WaugB excellent service. Sizes 36 to 50. dtfAmf I set, 1.11 JTtr
WMI &t Gaymod. ' Rayon Shwr, -aw rxoo. I MJ
l$MMh f smooth, fuii,loned fit. MEN'S DENIM JACKETS J'A'DC t. '
lOmjky i) Pcinforced for QLg ing!TaontllpWftenCTnkecord.' O.ZZ
(frWA V' wc"' ooc uroycou"-siiM38Miw46rLoo. z 10.90 '-
liH 1 12-90 L98
4 'V!' M- i tf"v Ladles' two-toned ski suits. Jacket and Sanforired shrunk, precision fit. Gray
(A ' Sy nt ft'. 1 pants completely lined. Zipper or but- only. Heavy weight for extra wear.
ikNtJK- UA trt& ton closings. Sites 30 to 42.
P" T Syjj it y j-mi SECOND fLOOR
mT I Jutt Arrlvedl
Tf sfl ftst 1.14
O-" 7.7U
Plaid-llncd jackets, downy cotton-lined
pants in contrasting color. Knit bands
nt ankles. Sizes 7 to 12.
Every-occaslon Chesterfields, boy
coats, princess styles, Bright colors,
soft mixtures.
Gny washable cottons, spun rayon;,
801110 with "Sunday-school white"
trimming. Sizes 7-14.
Colorful yarns combined, making at
tractive hoods, beanies and three
corner scarfs.
Others 9e and 88e.
Infants' Flannel Socque
Self-stem ed flannel sacquc, assortod
patterns, in many different colors.
All wool, extra heavy for cold weather.
Fur lined car flaps. Sixes 6 78 to 7 Vi .
Men's Sheep-Lined Vests
Zipper front, heavy fleece for extra
warmth. Sizes small, medium and
All wool, heavy weight, fully lined. Has large collar
that can be changed into a parka hood. Also has four
large pockets. Come in red or blue plaids, sizes 8
to 14.
Poplin cloth treated with DuPont zelan to make it
water repellent. Fully lined, zipper front. Sizes small,
medium and large.
Made of 100 per cent virgin wool, auilted lining. Bolt
can be taken off. Sport style. Comes In red, blue or
brown plaid. Sizes 8 to 18. '
downstairs , . ' , '
All wool with grosgrnin ribbon band. Blue, brown and
gray colors. Sizes 6 18 to 718.