PACE FOUR Open House Is Sunday Event Mr. and Mr. Laurence L. Shaw of 1975 Painter street have invited friends to their home Sunday afternoon for open house between the hours of and 6 o'clock. The affair, one of the largest of the holiday season, ii planned for the pleasure of Mrs. Shaw'a brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bryan Jr., of Bremerton, Washington, here this weekend with their young sons, James Junior and Robert. John Shaw will receive with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Harold Shidler, Mrs. John Shaw, M Rrtir Drew and Mrs. Dick Reeder. At the holiday punch bowl will be Greer Drew and Harold Shidler. Invitations have gone out to Mr. and Mrs. J. Royal Shaw. Wanda Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Blockllnger of Chlloquln, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Alberlson, Mr. and Mrs. William Ganong, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schallock, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shidler, Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hamacher, Mr. and Mrs. Greer Drew, Mr. and Mrs. K A. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reed, Mrs. Howard Barnhisel, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lassett. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hibbs, Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Rugh. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Humble, Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Mushen, Mr. and Mrs. King Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kempter, Mr. and Mrs. William Hagelsteln, Mr. an d Mrs. Richard B. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm and Winnifred, and Mrs. Robert Shaw. ... 18 Bride at Church Shirley Snow of Manchest er, New Hampshire, will be come the bride of Ensign Gerald Barker, Klamath naval air sta tion, in a formal ceremony to be read at 5 o'clock the after noon of Sunday, December 31, in the First Baptist church. The Rev. Cecil C. Brown will read the service in the presence of officers and their wives from the air station where the groom is stationed as a pilot. Commander R; R. Darron will give the bride in marriage and the best man will be Lt-Comm. Shirley Congdon. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the bachelor officers quarters. The young couple will remain here for the present and until En sign Barker receives orders. He is a resident of Culver City, California. Arrives Home PFC Harold L. Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Rob. ertson of 535 Lincoln, arrived in Klamath Falls on Saturday morning to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents and sister, Mrs. John Sandmeyer. "Robbyi is stationed at Port land" in the office of the air corps, where be will return after the holidays. ! Visits Catherine Bollen, daughter of Professor and Mrs. W. B. Bollen of Corvallis, Ore., is vis iting Betty Ray, daughter of Mrs. Ruth K. Ray of this city. The two girls are Delta Zeta sorority sisters, and are enjoy ing their Christmas vacation from Oregon State college, wnere they will return Jan' uary 2. S I s Cocktail Party The Stephen Rasper home was the scene of a cocktail party on Tuesday evening at 5:30, when Mrs. Kasper enter talned 24 guests at a birthday celebration for her husband. A large Christmas tree was used for decoration in the liv ing room, and the mantle was covered with angels and lovely Christmas scene. 8 18 Mr. and Mrs. John TT Martin will entertain a number of guests i a new i ears tve cocktail party at their home on Pacific Terrace on Sunday, December approximately 20 guests will call at the Martin home be tween the hours of 8 to 10. The home will be Christmas and New Year's motifs io ceieorate me Holiday season Why Christ Wat Born When the fulness of time was tuine, uoa gem lortn tils Son, born of a woman, born under the law. Christ came among us, filling out the law and living a life that gave God the glory, which we have not done. Christ died under our sins to mi us ngni in uoers holy eyes. After His crucifixion, He arose from tho in glory and to quicken us with io opidt, ay iiini, nis people live utterly different lives. They live to the glory of God in a world that knows not God. "It is no longer I that live but Christ that liveth in me," said the Apostle Paul. Receive Christ as having put away your sins. Now come the blessings of the new life as you yield to Christ first place in all you think or do. If you still run with the world after taking His name, you put Him to an open shame. Set your will to do His will and look to Him for the way. Now you are to live by Power From On High. this . paid for by an Oregon businessman. Holiday Wedding Lois Faye Bishop became the bride of PFC Donald R. Work man, USMC, in a lovely double ring ceremony which was per formed at the First Presbyterian church at 7 o'clock on Decem ber 24, and the Reverend David Barnett officiated at the Christ mas Eve marriage. For her wedding the bride chose a street length dress of powder blue with matching lace, and powder blue accessories. Her corsage was pink rosebuds and white bouvardia. Georgia A. Liskey, the maid of honor, wore a coral dress with a black feather hat. and a corsage of gardenias. Sgt. Pren tice Smith, USMC, was best man for the groom. Fifteen friends of the young couple were invited to the wed ding and reception, which was held, following the ceremony, at the home of Mrs. E. H. Balsiger on laia Melrose. Christmas dec orations were used throughout the house, with a large Christ mas tree in the living room, and the mantle covered with oolly and otner greens. A three-tiered wedding cake, which -7as topped with the fig. ures of a marine and his bride, was cut and served to the guests oy me newiyweas. Mrs. Workman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop of Yakima, Washington. The groom is attached to the post of. fice at the Marine Barracks. Mr. and Mrs. Workman are making their home in Klamath Falls for the present. t Christmas Service The Sunday school and adult choir of the Community Congre gational church presented a love ly Christmas program in the church at the 11 o'clock service on .December 24. The program was under the direction of Mary E. Eckstein ana Mrs. n. w. Moore, assisted by Mrs. G. W. Hillis. Charles Shlnn played a prelude of Christ mas carols on the chimes, and Lloyd Rauw sang "Silent Night." - Those who took part in the pageant of the Christmas story were Mary Stone as the angel, Donald Day as the watehmnn. and Richard McGilvray, Jerry ijaiuuu ana am Mainews as the shepherds. Richard Griffiths was in charge of the lighting, and the ushers were John Tindell, Jack Lust and James Brown. Members of the junior choir were raaniyn Hardin, Sharon Gienger, Cleo Higgins. Silvia Hillis, Darlene Woods, Arlcne Kielsmeier, Westley Sine, Karen Brollier, Marjorie Shreeve, Jan ice .rex, iancy Elliott, Barbara Stivers. Gary Gill, Kay Ang stead, Rhonda Lou Lambie, Gail Gray, Ann Calder, Roberta Mathews. Jerry Higgins and uonaia liray. All of the small children were greeted by Santa in the commun ity hall at the close of the serv ice. Holiday Party Little Leonette Allen, daugh ter ft Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen vi ius oneney, entertained 8 group of young friends with a Christmas party Thursday after noon, December 21. Christmas ireais tor the guests were served and the group sang car ols during the afternoon ac companied by Mrs. Allen on the accordion. Assisting at the party were Mrs. G. D. Swafford and Mrs. Carl Bell. Guests included Jon and Jane Stahl, Richard and Randall Baumgardner, Flavia Lee and Patsy Hall and Carol Ann Bell. SARA WEST Threp.voar.nli1 Kara WacI a number of young friends were entertained at a party given by Snra'a mnfhor M r nalo U7n.-. of Merrill. Gifts were distrib uted to the guests by Santa Claus, and refreshments were served later. If AJK.s i 7 ii- . I 1U V V . I t Ullatiia' HtiTa'a ENGAGEMENT TOLD Kathryn Barry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Barry of Kelso, Wash., announced her engagement recently to Willinm L. Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bishop of 429 N. Oth. The news was given to a number of friends at Wesley House in Seattle, Wash. Miss Barry is a student at the University of Wash ington, and is majoring in music. No wedding date has been set. Aloha Chapter nstalls Officers Mrs. Will W. Wood, 255 Pacific Terrace, was Installed as worthy matron of Aloha chapter, No. 61, Order of the Eastern Star, at the regular meeting held Tuesday evening in the Ma sonic temple on Klamath avenue. Mrs. Charlotte Martin, worthy matron, Mrs. A. B. Epperson, marshal, Mrs. Robert E. Wattenburg, chaplain, Mrs. Fred Cofer, pianist, all past matrons of the Eastern Star, and Mr. Will Wood, worthy patron, also a past patron of the chapter, made up the installing staff. Officers installed to serve with Mrs. Wood during the en suing chapter year are Mr. Ar thur R. Dickson, worthy patron; Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps, asso ciate matron; Mr. Sanford Selby, associate patron; Mrs. Nina Cur rier, treasurer; Mrs. Howard Listoe, conductress; Mrs. Horace E. Getz, associate conductress; inrs. ueorge urizzle, chaplain; Mrs. Arthur R. Dickson, mar. shal; Mrs. Arthur H. Denison, piamai; ivirs. oeri Miner, Hum; Mrs. Frank H. Marks, Esther; Mrs. E. E. Metier, Martha; Mrs. Wallace Uerling, Electa; Mrs. Jack Linkcnbach, warder; Mr, James Hunter, sentinel. Miss May Phinney, elected secretary, and Mrs. Dave Goeh ring, appointed Adah, are out of town and will be installed at a later date. Delightful musical numbers heard during the ceremonies in cluded a violin number by Mrs. Elizabeth Burton Taylors "Lied Ohnne Worte," by Mendelssohn Kreisler; vocal solo by Mrs. E. J. Schncebeck, "Star of the East," by Amanda King, and "I Love You Truly." bv Carrie Jacobs Bond, sung by Mrs. Wal lace uerung. Mrs. Jfred Cofer accompanied each number on the piano. The chapter room was simply but effectively decorated with clusters of evergreen boughs, pine cones, and dark red bows, and nots of bloomine ooinsettia. creating the Christmas atmos phere. The women officers car ried goia colored, lace paper cornucopias, holding fluffy balls of baby ribbon in the-colors of the five points- of the Eastern oiaj, maniug a juveiy picture in their attractive evening gowns. Mrs. Clarence Humble pre sented the past matron's jewel to Mrs. Arthur Dickson, retiring worthy matron, and Mrs. Clara Sherman, in behalf of the East ern Sitar social club, presented a gift to Mrs. Dickson and one to Mrs. Wood. Mr. Lawrence K. Phelos presented the Dast natron Jewel to Mr. Earl 'Templar, re tiring worthy patron. The offi cial staff of the past year pre sented a $75 war bond to the chapter. Mrs. Hugh Currln, in behalf of Mr. Wood, herself and Dr. Hugh Currin, now in the service in France, presented a gift of love from her family to Mrs. Wood. Dr. Currln is the son of Mrs. Wood. Mrs. A. B. Epperson, representing the Past Matron club, and Noel Turner, worthy matron of Klamath lodge, A.F.&A.M., also gave gifts to Mrs. Wood. Many other gifts were received by the incoming and retiring head officers. Mrs. wood appointed the fol lowing hostess committee for the year: Mrs. A. B. Epperson, Mrs. Lyle O. Mills, Mrs. Victor Jo- scphson, Mrs. Elmer Harnden, Mrs. Walter Herndon and Mrs. Chester Berman. The motto for the year is "Friendliness." On the "Minute Lassies" pro gram committee for the year are Mrs. Fred Cofer, director; Mrs. Sanford Selbv. Mrs. Dclos Mills. Mrs. L..A. West, Mrs. Dorothy Diment and Mrs. H. A. De Lamater. Serving on the refreshment committee for the evening were Mrs. C. H. Underwood, Mrs. Bernard Zollman. Mrs. Steve Moss, Mrs. V. C. Philips and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wlthrow. More than 150 members were present to witness tho installation ceremonies. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON !C5 ' Past Matrons Members of Aloha Past Ma trons club met Friday afternoon at 1 o clock lor a luncheon, lol lowed by a brief business ses sion and a delightful Christmas party, Including a golly decorat ed tree, and an exchange of gifts, The affair was given in the par lors of the Masonic temple on Klamath avenue. Hostesses were Mrs. H. G. Wortley. Mrs. H. F. Murdoch, Mrs. c fc. ucnnis and Mrs. A. a Epperson. The Christmas party was arranged oy Mrs. u. r . Kon schot and Mrs. O. R. Holloway. Mrs. Marion Hanks was ap pointed to visit tho hospital cases during the month of January, and Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin of the Red Cross staff appealed tor regular workers in tho sew ing rooms. Mrs. Arthur Dick son, junior past matron of Aloha chapter, order of the Jbustern Star, became a member of the club. Mrs. Joseph DeTilla, past matron of Majestic chapter of Los Angeles, was a guest at the meeting. The hostess committee for the next regular session, the last Fri day in January, will be Mrs. O. R. Holloway, Mrs. George Cas per, Mrs. i;. u. Harvey and Mrs. Jacob Heid. Past matrons present for the Christmas party included Mrs. A. B. Epperson, Mrs. Fred Cofer, Mrs. O. F. Konschot, Mrs. George nurn, Mrs. w. J. sieinmetz, Mrs Glenn Kent. Mrs. L. F. Willits Mrs. Marion Hanks, Mrs. J. F. fenroa, Mrs. v. L. Harvey, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, Mrs. Earl Gil- Deri, Mrs. Ko&ert E. wattenburg, Mrs. Elizabeth Norria, Mrs. Wal ter Brown, Mrs. O. R. Holloway, Mrs. W. P. McMillan. Mrs. Arth ur R. Dickson, Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, Mrs. Walter West, Mrs. E. H. Balsiger, Mrs. George rasper, Mrs. unanotte Martin, Mrs. WIlKam B. DeWitt, Mrs. Joseph DeTilla and Mayme Whit- ungion.. S 8 S-. Jean Haugcr is spending the holidays here from San Francis co, guest of her Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E, Hauger, Pacific i errace. Wanted: Men who'd like to work with trains If you'd like to help run trains . . . 10 worn with tho conduc tor and engineer ... if vnn'd like to go places and do a Job wnicn is ranuy important, you 11 want to look into this Job of orascman witn southern Pa cific, we train you lor it in a few days (and you're paid while training). The pay, by any stan dard, Is very good. It's an Inter. esung jod . . . with men you'll nee. And with a company whose biggest Job begins when Germany is finished moving the war load against Japan. If you're steady, reliable ... a man who looks abend and who wants a real connection with n big, progressive outfit, this enoum be your job. Fine pen sion plan. R.R. pass privileges, Medical services. Manv extras. Many other Jobs open. St or writ Trainmaster, S. P. Station, Klamath Falls, or your nearest S, P. Agent. Social Calendar Rffular monthly mtin of th Klim air Cminiy IMiMlc H1ih AmocUUoh i the cltamtrtr of common?. l 3 o'clock, The IMA rmincil will niMl t tht Htt CrOM ruomi. Friday, January I, Vaiurn rimr Social club la mt 1 Minute tmpl Xiii p. m.. for tt and card. TutUy Jaavary Dauahtara uf Nil club lunchaon. 1 p. m., Wtnam. lUittrtUy, Iltcambar Vriamlittlf. Court No. II. Ordtr of Amaranth, will hold Intlallallon al i p. in. al (ha Maionic lampit. Watnekday, January 11 Piimroa concart apontorad by tha Klamath Community Concert aaaocla Uon. Pelican theatre. p, m. ttatHrday. January V Winter Dancing club. 10 d, m... Reamat and Country club. Wedneedey. reoraary It Butch LitUa Vymphony tponaorttf by tha Klamath Community Concert duo elation, rallcan theatre, a p, m, Wadnedar March 1 Dorothy May nor In concert aponiorad hy Klamath Community Concert uo elation, Pelican theatre. 8 p, m. s s Marry Paulino Cunningham, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cun ningham of Rcedsport, became the bride of PFC Jack R. Doug las. USMC, and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Douglas of Fresno. Calif., at an evening ceremony which was performed on Tues day, December 12, at 7:30 p. m. The Reverend Victor A. Schulze officiated at tho wed ding which took place at tha Zion Lutheran church in Klam ath Falls. The bride wore a brown suit with beige accessories, with a corsage of small rosebuds. Jeanctto Hcndrlckson of Dal las, Oregon and Tom Chance of Klamath Falls attended the couple. Thursday Dinner The mothers of three collcne girls who are home for the Christmas holidays, entertained at a dinner party at the Pelican cafe on Thursday evening at 6:15. The hostesses were Mrs. W. R. Minion, Mrs. Dave Llskcy and Mrs. S. G. Clurk, and the affair was given for their daugh ters and some of their friends. Guests who wero Invited In cluded Joy Kent, Barbara Pal mer, Jean Long, Jean Under wood, Bonnie Hauger, Nancy Bcnnet, Mary Mlnton, Maxine Liskey and Marjory Clark. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs.'W. H. Cline of Malin were the guests of honor at a surprise reception given to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday after noon, December 24. Mr. and Mrs. Cline have been Malln residents for over IS years. I i""h 1 ''.iM-fn!-. i CHRISTMAS BABY Little Rosalind Cheryl War ren celebrated her third birth day on December 25, and was the honor gust at a combina tion Christmas and birthday party which was given by her mother. Rosalind Is the daugh ter of CWO and Mrs. Roland T. Warren of 2008 Homodnlo. Kennell-Ellls. Venture Club Helen Grumbles and Elsie Kurnlck entertained tho Ven ture club of Klamath Falls with Christmas party on Tuesday evening, December 10th, at the home of Helen Grumbles, 1830 Melrose. Games wero played during the evening with prlits award ed to Mary Trulov and Doris Amest Christmas gifts wero exchanged, after which refresh ments were served. Guests present were Mrs. Margurvt Fremiti, Mrs. Mae Phil lips, Frances Hal In, Blanche Ottoman. Phyllis Smith, Jean Thompson, Mary Trulovo, Vara Ottoman, Dorothy Gilchrist. Mary Bishop, Doris Arnesl and the hostesses. Kl.ilo Kurnlck and Helen Grumbles. 3 Contract Club A Christmas party and gift ex change were tho features of the afternoon when tho Thursday Contract club met Dacmber 14 with Fannie Thompson at her home on 1334 Owens. Thoso at tending were Will Bark. Allco Lawrence, Clara Mcl'herren, Idoltni) Schupp, Bertha Hewitt, Betty Dunton, Pearl Yorkcland and the hostess. High score In cards was held by Alice Lawrence, second by Bertha Hewitt, and the travel ing award went to Pearl Yorkc land. Mrs. Thompson's homo was again the scene of a meeting of tho club, when Wills Uurk was the hostess for the afternoon on December 28. Alice Lawrence was awarded the prlzo for high score. Clara McPherrcn, second, and the traveling award was giv en to Olive Burke. Others present at this meeting were Graco White, I d o I i n e Schupp, Bertha Hewitt, Fannie Thompson and the hostess, Wllla Bark. Dessert was served to the guests at 1:30, S 8' Group Dinner A largo group of relatives and friends were at the U. E. Reeder home on Christmas Duy. Singing and games were played through out the day, and a turkey dinner was served later in the evening. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Reeder and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Howe and son. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haley ana son, Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKlm men, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Geer and son, Mrs. Phoebe Applebce of Washington, Audry McPhor son and Florence Howe. Bring to the World Vic tory and Peace . . . And to Everyone the Happiness for which All are Searching. Mickys Jewelers Thursday Party Given at Pelican Ono of tho holiday season's most attrni.ii i 1 that presided over Thursday afternoon . I , f 0J.,iW,l,0B" whn Mrs. Hill Oibom entertained u '' " o'clock room, Pelican Mt.5 aiuWV Oiifsts bidden on Thursday Included Mrs. It ii n Women's Society The Women's Society of Christlnn Service of the Flrnt Methodist church mat In the church parlors Thuraday, D. cmbr 28, for their general meeting. The prayer circle assembled at 1:45, and was led by Mrs, C, A. Wahlqulst. Tha general mealing: kt 2 p. m., opanad with a devotional service conducted by Mrs. Walter Hrndon. and Mrs. L. K. Phelps, president, had charge of the bu.lne.a meeting. She thanked t h o woman who havi helped at tho USO Sarvic cantar oach Wad, Mrs. Paul Edwards, aetlng as Installing officer, installed the newly elected officer.. They are Mrs. Earl Redman, nre.ldent; first vice president, Mrs. L, K. Phelps; second vice president, Mrs. John Yadon: third vice pres ident, Mri. W. Wlthrow: record ing secretary, Mrs. Arch Proctor: treasurer, Mrs. E. H. Balsiger; Mrs. Calvin Hunt, correspond ing secretary: Mrs. C. II. Barn stable, secretary of student work; Mrs. Victor Phillip., sec retary of Wtsleyan guild; Mrs, W. L. Terwllllger, secretary of children's work; Mrs. J. II. Blake, secretary of litrrulura and publications: Mrs. L. K. Brannan, secretary of supplies; Mrs. Walter Herndon, secretary of spiritual life. Mrs. Fred Cofer opened the program with a plnno solo. The theme for the afternoon was Christmas In ''the different homes for children and girls which are sponsored by the Woman's Society of Christian Servlco throughout tho country, Mrs. John Rluch spoke of tha Ethel llnrpst children's home In Ccdartown, Ga. Mrs. Sarah Smith of the Chines home for girls ' In San Francisco, Mrs. George Casper gave an Interest ing account of the Harwood school for Spanish and Mexican girl. In Albuquerque, N. M., a school where she formerly worked, and Mrs. Paul Edwards told of the Manley center In Portland, whero .he assisted during her resldcnco in that city. Tea wos served by clrclo 3 with Mrs. Stewart Sncll as chairman. Tapara and Christmas greenery on the tea tnblo re minded those present that tho holidays wore not yet over, and the retiring president, Mrs. L. K. Phelps, presided graciously over tha tea service. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Collier and daughter Dorothy, spent Christmas in San Francisco with their daughter, Mrs. Frederick B. Ehlers. the four returning to Klamath Falls the day after the holiday. Mrs. Ehlers will be here for an Indefinite stay while her husband Is on duty else where In the United States, ft Mrs. Phoebo Applebce of Roch ester, Washington, Is visiting at the home of her brother, Ernie Geer during the Christmas holi days. It has beon 20 years since they last celebrated a Christmas together.. S S Enlisted personnel of the Klamath naval air station were entertained with dancing Barty the evening of Friday, lecember 20. as a part of the holiday schedule arranged by the navy. Dumber 30. 944 LOWMI Coggejhuii m": J; Mri, G. Lewis, Mm. M, r,,.ll ?'ilck netl. Mrs. J.e a 11. ""J.1 E-Cor. naffetto, Mr., a VV Mrs, A. O ii,., ,ui'i "'"'Ph, Irving K. Ll.l , -""' Mtl - 0U. Mr.. FaVlorlcJ', nnbiich, Mr.. fMvrt, o V11 Mrs. J w ffi bfrii. Charles llan-cn m in iy,wsl,Mr""' V"- K,",,ly woffi m"' kMf?' ,'"'"' M. lffi Mr.. Nol Stewart, Mr. vff O'Neill. Mr.. Albert O n?ot Icke Mrs. Wlll,n, BurSn ' Stephen Kasper. Mr. riTv" . M"- Wlb" " Els . Vle.m,M. I'trlcl n"""- Helen Rudeliffr. Jn CsmH and Barbara Hue Ofborn P ' 88' Dinner Part) A dinner porty nnd Chrlii mas celobrutlon wn, given Z omployea of Snmson-CrrlMo company at Sari', on FrU.5 evening, December 22 .i o'clock. Holly nnd candle, dtt orated tho tables. Gnrdcnia corsnne were illu to tho W(.num present and guests Included Mr. and MrL 3. W. Evatt. Mr. and Mr,. vln Douglas. Mr. nnd Mr. car Hair. Mr. and Mrs. M.rvta """ - nirs. Hiiy rj.rr. uii mm mr, unci airs. Kenneth Samson. 1 YOUR DUTY By RITA WHISENANT I OOKING back over mi., lot's hope there', never u other year like It. Yet In spite o f everything, there's been a lot of fun In it, too, Tho fun hus beon In uccom pllshlng a little bit, at least, in trying to do our parts on the "h o m e front," in keeping the store goinf, In" keeping up morale. KEEP1NO up morale ii Im portant, and It's a womin'l Job . . . and I've talked .bout It enough that 1 gucsi you'll know what I mean when I nj, In ending one year nnd lrlln another, that BEAUTY , IS YOUR DUTY I SO, Happy New Year , . . and accept tho sincere thanks ol each one of us here at Evu body's for the consideration! you have shown us. EverhoJy's Drug 808 Maln mi ifta .'Jaw Kennell-Ellls.-