Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 30, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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fjBS. BUHGE MASON JR., with tier daughter, Clnrta, nnd son,
lived in Ciillfoiiilii for Hie past year and a half. They arrived in
1 nl H,,.lp l.n.
Christmas Cards
Bring Holiday News
Christmas cnrtls and New Year's iireetincs from old friendu
ind new dwindled with ench passing day of the week, and as
usual wo felt a twinge of the heart wllh the breaking of the
jcal on the last envelope.
Nicest of all are tho cards from people that arc far away.
From Virginia West came greetings to Klamath Falls in the
lorm of a clever mimeographed letter telling of her work in
Hcilwood City, California, and lust what she has been doine. in.
dulling a stint as nurses' aide at
Virginia Kick, In I'orlland.
sent very clever cards of candles
willi a sassy fringe flame. Grace
Rhundes, who lias been In the
WAC these past two years, has
lcn transferred from Kurt L)r.i
Moines and is now at Camp At
lorbury In Indiana dulng special
work in X-ray.
There aru quite a few cards
from people overseas, and some
them from youngsters gone
frmn home and now fighting in
Kurnpe. One depicted a Gl Joe
rolling a snowball up n hill with
the words. "Africa. Sicily. Italy.
Prance, Germany," printed on
the snowball. At the ton of the
nird, which came V-mail, was
llic legend. "Peace On Earth! '
A V-mail note from n bov n
the South Pacific "I'm thinking
t Luke o' the Woods and I won
der if there is such a place and
I It will bo there when I cet
bwk. This is my fifth Invasion
Leyte), and I think of Klamath
.His like tunnel nu out of
Portland boiuwl Thnrsrtnv wng
Put Shaw, there to loin her hus
band, Major Hubert Shaw, who
mis been gone for 20 in o II t ll s
which he spent In England, fly
ing from a base there as pilot of
n U17. A call to 1'al on Christ
mas morning from Washington,
D. C. was the kind of Christmas
present we wish everyone that
has a boy or girl, husband, broth
er or sweetheart overseas, could
"vc nan.
There it n m.iu Mlll.i In ,,r
'nmily. Hia nlimc a Mister lias
set and he Is nuirlo onl nf n Kin-k
and Ihu white heel comprises Ills
seating department, ills arms
ire so shnl t 1L cmi r(!C( ,ms,.f
and he consumes ninny minutes
at Ihe table, being helped bv the
eight- year -old who fashioned
nini. Mister linsket has a pork
Pie hnl and when tho brim Is
Pimcd down lie looks verv much
"se a high school boy. Our
I 1
I' i 5,1 J 1
b i V. Sv (!. I i
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IN A LOVELY CEREMONY which took place nt the chnpel of Cnmp Hood, Tex., Phyllis
Gnyle ColldJ Tightof Mr and Mrs. Andre w M. Collier of Klnmnth Fulls becjmo he bride
Ll. Riehard Franklin Igl, son of Mr. and Mrs. K M. 1 , nlso o this c y. Lt. d 8mre
""king their home nt Helton, Tex., nenr Camp Hood, where he Is slationed nl the present lime.
i I i
ft v a
at their home
Dibble General hospital
Party at BOQ
Officers of the Klamath naval
air station will entertain with a
New Year's ove party at
bachelor officers ipiarters at the
station on Sunday evening, De
cember 31.
Eacli officer has the privilege
of asking a guest to the party
which will include dancing and
Christmas Day dinner guests
from the Marine Barracks made
Mister Basket a fine zoot suit out
of tissue paper and red ribbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles llovcy,
now living at S05 Beech street
In Portland, planned to spend a
pari of their holiday in Victoria,
on Vancouver Island.
Christmas time is certainly
the season for entertaining, with
houses so gay and colorful. Most
interesting were Ihe little
lolly-pop trees glistening with
white brandies on which were
tied candy canes and swirls of
red and white-striped pepper
mint, at Celia Shaw s tea Friday
afternoon. And at Charlotte Os
hnrn's luncheon at the Pelican
Thursday the guests enthused
over tho lovely tablo arrange
ments centered with clusters of
red carnation hearts and placed
on a base of cedar and red ber
ried holly.
Mrs. Alice B. Wood arrived in
Klamath Falls with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Pierre Kolisch, to spend
the Christmns holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. Edward A. Geary. The
two were planning to return to
their home in Portland for New
Year's, but Mrs. Kolisch was
rushed to the Hillside hospital on
Friday to undergo nn appendectomy.
v'fcfc' V"..
5 Ffinrrpwr
John, ore here with Mr. Mnson for nn indefinite slay after having
lime to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Burce Mason Sr.
n If!.. I. t (
on High street.
Snowball Dance
A snowball dancing party on
New Year's Night, Monday,
January 1, at the armory, is
being planned by the USO for
all service men in this area.
There is to bo no charge for
Ihe party.
Some 200 Junior Hostesses
and girls home from college,
have been invited to assist at
the affair and they will wear
a cluster ,of white crepe paper
snowballs on their wrists as
Tho Tulelake Guardsmen will
play for the dance and the Host
esses aro busy decorating the
hall with the snowball theme.
Hours aro from 8:30 to 11:30
Patrons and patronesses at
tho dance will be members of
the USO operating committee
and their wives or husbands.
They arc Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Humble, Mr. and Mrs.
Lynn Hoycroft, Mrs. Vera
Chase, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Verne
Austin, Major and Mrs. Henry
Faus, Lt. and Mrs. Al Hum
phries, Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm
Epley, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Reed, Mrs. Rose Poole, Major
and Mrs. Joe Foss, Lt. Wayne
Holmes, Chaplain and Mrs.
Jones, Judge and Mrs. U. E.
Heeder, Mr. nnd Mrs, G. C.
Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Collier. Mrs. Martha McCollum,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gralapp,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brixner, Mr.
and Mrs. R. P. Ellingson. Mr.
and Mrs. John Schubert, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Jackman, Mr.
and Mrs. John Sandmcyer, Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Stark, Mr. and
Mrs. John Houston and Mrs.
Esther Lawler.
Supper Party
Included among the family
gatherings during the holiday
season was that at tho Shaw
home on Pacific Terrace, when
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Royal Shaw en
tertained at a 5:30 o'clock sup
per Christinas Eve for Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence L. Shaw and
Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. John
Shaw nnd Betty nnd Suzanne,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Albertson,
Wanda Shaw and James Shaw,
endet midshipman who spent
Christmas here from the mid
shipman academy at San Mateo.
On Christmas Day members
of the family gathered for din
ner at the J. Roval Shaw home.
Love ly Tea Give n
Frid ay Afte mop n
Nearly 50 guests were , invited, to tea which' was given at
the home .of Mrs. J. Royal Shaw on Pacific Terrace on Friday
afternoon, from the hours of four to six. '
Beautiful Christmas decorations and motifs were used
throughout the house, with small white trees in the dining room,
and a centerpiece composed of a Christmas choir surrounded by
candles. A Christmas and Bethlehem scene covered the mantle
; in the. dining room.
n ! n .
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Brum
baugh entertained members of
their respective firms at a dinner
party which was an event .of
Monday, December 18, in the
dining room at Sari's.
Five tables were set lor;-the
guests, and all were decorated
with sprays of holly and red
Mrs. Brumbaugh suggested a
toast to all of our fighting men
overseas, and especially the hus
bands of two of the guests, as
well as the servicemen present
at the dinner.
Gifts were exchanged by the
guests who included Mr.' and
Mrs. Clayton Kautz, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Alter, Mrs. Sally Corr, Mrs.
J. H. Hunter, Mrs. Neva Coles,
Mrs. Edith Yokem, Mrs. Darlene
Cummings, Mrs. Polly Dixon,
Jack Hooks, Ebda Wicks, Mar
jorie Botcns, Betty Champagne,
Isnbclle Corr, Nannette Schubert,
Patricia Benoist, Nora Ferrari,
Lois Dingier, Jean Johnson, Lt.
(j. g.) Ruth Rcdeman of the
WAVES, PFC Bruce Johnson,
Sgt. Jock, Boudreaux and. Wil
liam Fisher of the RCAF. ' '
. ,. '
Open House
Old friends' and new will gath
er at the home of, Mrs.. Clara
Shaw on Homcdale road Monday
afternoon for the annual open
house party which has for many
years been the outstanding New
Year's Day- party in Klamath
There will be a silver offering
given ; for Soroptimist House.
Since war was declared.. Mrs.
Shaw has given to the Red Cross,
the Commandos and this year to
Soroptimist House to carry on
their war work. . ;
Sunday, friends from the navy
base, Marine Barracks and army
people, have been invited by
Mrs. Snaw for open house.
.8 : - . "
Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Davis
had a family -Christmas dinner
at -their home on Washington
street. Their guests werW Mrs.
Rex Davis and son. Rod. High
light of the day for Rod was
onenine a box from his father.
Lt. Rex Davis, who is now , in
France. The box contained no
less than two sabresl
New Year's Eve
Ball at Reames:;
One of the gayest of the New Year's eve parties will be that
given Sunday evening, December 31, when members or Reames
Golf and Country club and their guests will see the Old Year out
and the New Year In. This is the club's .annual New Year s eve
dnnce and extensive plans have been made by a committee. ;
Members of the committee in charge include Darrell Miller,
social chairman for the year. Frank Tarr, George P. Davis, R. E.
Hooker, Harry Panning, F. John West, Earl Weimar and Jack
Webber. ' . '.."' ' ' ' '
With their wives, members-of
this group will greet the guests
al the door.
A- new' seating arrangement
has been worked out for the
breakfast hour which will take
plaeo after the New Year , has
been ushered fn. Shepherd's
orchestra will play and dancing
will start at 10 o'clock. .
There are a number of cock
tail parlies .planned: before the
dance,- , - -.
' Mrs. Shaw was assisted by
Mrs. Laurence Shaw and Mrs.
John Shaw In the living room,
Mrs. William Hopper and Doro
thea Ellingson in the dining!
room, and Merlon, Albrecht-and
Wanda" Shaw at the door. .
Mrs. Ralph "Stearns! and her
mother, Mrs. Frances Mackey,
poured between the hours of four
to five, and Mrs. C. W. Hornl
brook . and her. mother, Mrs.
Jacob Held, poured from five to
six. . .
Named .
Bettie' Honkihs.1 -daughter ' of
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hopkins, 122
Hijiside, wno is now auenaing
Lewis and Clark college in Port
land, is among those students
who will' be listed in the 1944-45
issue of "Who's Who Among
Students in American Universi
ties and Colleges." This book
will be released in April. '
This publication is published
through the cooperation . of over
600 American .universities and
colleges. - Several students from
accredited colleges are selected
each- year, . by an' unprejudiced
' Miss Hopkins is spending the
Christmas holidays here, with
her parents. She has been active
at Lewis and. Clark,, where she
is editor of the school newspaper
and an officer in. several organ
izations on 'the campus.- .
" ".; ;;.. . ; ;.
Buffet, Supper
i Mr. and Mrs. Henri Conradi
have invited a group Of friends
to their home on Homedale
road' for a cocktail party and
buffet supper New Year's Eve.
! '.Their' guests will be Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn (J. L.orenz,. nr. ana
Mrs. A. . C. Backes. . Mr. .and
Mrs. Earl Gardner, Mr. . a n d
Mrs. LeRoy Carter, "Mr. and
Mrs: Noel Becar, Mr. and Mrs.
Wyatt Padgett, -Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Hamilton, Mr. : and Mrs.
Charles Eaton,. Mrs., narry y.
Bathiany, Mrs. Martha McCol
lum, Mrs. Bernice Brltt.-Dr. M.
E. Cooper, Vern Stoltz, Carl
McKinzfe and Sgt. Frank Wal
lace. , . . 1
Mr.'. -and Mrs. Wilfred E.
Lamm of Modoc Point, accom
panied by their daughter, Win
nifred,' left Wednesday after
noon , for San Francisco ' to
spend the . New : Year holidays
and a part . of .January. Wlnnl
fred, who has been home' from
Stanford for the holidays, will
return' for her senior; year- at
' Campbell
Wfj ' ' ill
I lf41 ill
MR. AND MRS. JOHN S. COPPAGE and their two children, Benjamin and John Jr., ar
leaving Klamath Falls on January 2 for Alameda. Calif., where thev have mirchased a home.
The Coppage family has been
tne soutn. . .
-' CWO Waldo C Perry, assist
ant post quartermaster at the Ma
rine Barracks, played host Wed
nesday afternoon to a group of
quartermaster staff NCO's at his
home on 1022 Washington, at an
informal social get-together.- -
! This was the second meeting
of the marine group, which was
organized recently to foster bet
ter relations among the many di
visions of the quartermaster
service at the Barracks..
' Mr. Perry, who was one of the
first four marine officers to come
to-Klamath Falls last April, has
done an outstanding job in or
ganizing the varied supply, dis
tribution and maintenance prob
lems of the new post.
. T-I - 1 i 3 . i. ,
'iic.nua uren in uie marine
corps for 16 years, much of that
time, being spent in the Orient
with "regiments in China. . Mr.
Perry returned early this year
from duty in the South Pacific.
: Guests at the meeting Wednes
day. were Capt. Frederick G.
Lewis, post quartermaster, WO
N. B. Harrison, QM Sgt. Harold
A. Gregory, QM Sgt. Eugene A.
Taylor, QM Sgt. J. J. McKeown,
QM Sgt. Nolan T. Haynes, Sup.
Sgt. Joseph V. Watcher, Sup. Sgt.
Woodrow Turner, Sup. Sgt. Ed
win P.-Dunn,. Sup. Sgt. Charles
A. Pravel, Sup. Sgt. Andrew W.
Stanton, TSgt. T. Caramonta,
TSgt. Peter Van Hekken,
SSgt. Henry Sajonce, SSgt. P.
E.- Rolandl and SSgt. O. H. Buf-fington.
r, . V .'
m -
V'..' 'fe'
,55 J , N .V, !
ANNOUNCEMENT HAS BEEN MADE of the engagement of
Charlcne Cain, daughter of Mrs. Lena M. Cain and the late
Charles N. Cain of 5113 South Sixth, to AS Rollo F. England,
tySNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. England, also of this city.
Rollo is in the V-12 unit at Whitman college in Walla Walla,
Washington. No date has been set for the wedding.
MrT v 9. r a its'? A a&3 hi
entertained at a number of informal affairs prior to leaving for.,
: uuaenan
Elks To Dance
The New Year ln '
Members of the Elks lodge and their ladies will gather in the
Elks temple New Year's Eve, December 31, to dance the old year ;
out and the new year in at the annual -ball given each holiday '
season. ' v
Plans for a gala affair have been made by members of the
committee which included Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Colvin, Mr.; and
Mrs. Cyril Cook, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Reading and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kranenburg.
Favors will again put in their appearance this year and there
will be noise-makers and DaDer
, . '
uecorating rany
On Saturday,
December 23,
Barbara Osborn, daughter .of
Dr. and Mrs. Dean H. Osborn,
was hostess to a small group of
friends at a tree decorating
party at her home on 2104
Lawrence. 'A supper was served
at 8 o'clock, and the traditional
Christmas tree was decorated
later by Patricia Brown, Shir
ley Mason, Eleanor Thomas, Pa
tricia Benoist, Ella Tatlow,
Donna Morehouse, Barbara Os
born, Bill Radeliffe, Bob Mc
Lean, PFC Calvin Lees. PFC
Don L. Gatz; PFC Charles
Stansburge and PFC Ted Emmons.
7 I
leaps for the dancers. The cock''
tail hour is from 9 to 10 o'clock, 1
with dancing from 10 . to t
l o'clock. There will be two sup ;
per nours, one ai xa.oii uuu . uic
other at 1:30 in order to ac
commodate the number ex .
pected. Evans' orchestra will
play. ,
The party,- formal ' f o r . t h e
women, is . for Elks and .their
wives only, with brothers and .
sons of Elks admitted with pre- ,
sentation of courtesy cards. i
Help at USO
Those ladies of the Sacred J
Heart church who donated home- ,
made pies to the USO center)
during the months of November J
and December were Azita Ken-1
nedy,' Clara Beard, Agnes Ellis, i
Louise Vaughn, Carrie Peterson, I
Catherine Schomaker, Nora Sul- j
livan, Virginia McCormack, Eliz- j
abeth Schuh, Marian Thurber, t
Dorothy Derrah, Winifred Hook-1
er, Thelma McEnerney, Peggy j
Sexton, Ellen Patterson, Ellen i
Ely, Violet Pieser, Evelyn Mc-1
Kale, Lillian Dale, Martha Lav
enik, Helen Burger, Jeanette Al-
bee, Laurette Bryant, Loretta i
Drueckner, Jean Duke, Irene'
Toles, Maude Bellant, Marian ,
Cronon, Kay Carty, Virginia ;
Herlihy, Marie Guerrettaz, Helen !
Dunbeck, Helen Egan, Ethel j
Fairall and Ellen Patterson. !
Those who served as hostesses
at the center during the month j
of December are Violet Pieser, J
Rose Wessel, Virginia McCor-1
mack, Emma Grey, Carrie Peter, i
son, Kathleen Vaughn, Velma
Fogarty, Virginia Herlihy, Mary ,
Higgins, Louise Vaughn, Connie i
Ballnntyne, Delores McAndrews, '
Agnes LaLonde, Florence Plck-J
ett, Rose O'Leary, Adeline Tow-,
ey, Nora Manning, Caroline i
Joans, Helen Goeckner, Azita I
Kennedy, Phyllis Mahoney, EUz-'
abeth Bradness, Lenorc Galla- i
ghcr, Emilie Miller, Freda New-'
man, Laurette Bryant, Mrs. Phil ;
Brick, and Mrs. C. W. Stanley, j
After the midnight mass on
Christmas Eve, a committee
headed by Phyllis Mahoney, and ;
assisted by Mr. and Mrs.-John
Kennedy, Mary Mahoney and
Helen and Dorothy Lesmeister,
served breakfast to the service
men and women at the USO cen
ter. Those making preparations
during the afternoon for the
breakfast were Agnes LaLonde,-:
Louise Vaughn and Ella Lesmeis
ter. ........ -: .
Mr. and Mrs. Don Emmet'
Smith arrived in Klamath Falls,
on Thursday, December 28, toi
spend a short time with her par-1,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Thorn-;
as of Pacific Terrace. Mrs.,
Smith Is the former Mary Thonrwi
as, and. until recently, was llv :
Ing in Fairbanks, Alaska. ,