PACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON CONVOY CLIPS T IOWA JAPS REPORT (Continued From Page One) transports, a cruiser and one destroyor at a cost of (our Japa nese planes. Not Confirmed None of these reports have thB clictMoit American confir mation, even to the existence of such a convoy. The Japanese command lias traced the purported path of the troopships from Lcyte is land through Surigao strait, and Mindanao sea to the Sula sea on the western side o the Phil ippines where they turned and "steamed toward Mindoro." Manila is 150 miles north of U. S. air fields on Mindoro. Renew Attacks Twenty-three Japanese planes renewed their attacks on Min doro Installations. Eight were shot down. Eleven others were destroyed in U. S. sweeps over the Philippines and the Moluc cas to the south. Mitchell bombers raiding Lingayen gulf north of Manila for the first time damaged a large Japanese freighter-transport. Other allied planes left six small freighters sinking off Borneo. Courthouse Records MarrUc" PACE-DOCIMO. Joseph Nuniio Pace. 34. waiter, iwiivt ot Illinois, resident of Chicago, m. Rose Evelyn Doclmo, 34. aircraft worker native of Illinois, resi dent of Chicago, 111. SIMMS-SIMMS. Calvin HerneU Slinms. 24, brakeman, native of California, real dent of Klamath Tails. Ore. Betty Lea Simms, 21, clerk, native of Nebraska, resident of Klamath Falls, Ore. SCHUTT-LOCK. Marvin Relnhold Schutt, 33, marine, native of North Da kota, resident ot Klamath Falls, Ore. Marian Jane Lock, hospital worker na tive of North Dakota, resident of Port land, Ore. POOLES-BOURDEAU. Thomas Joseph Pooles, 21. US navy, native of Montana, resident of Missoula, Mont Cecelia Clalrt Bourdcau. 22. stenographer, na tive ol Montana, resident of Seattle, Wash. RUHN-LOAKF. Geonte Richard Buhn, 22, baker, native of Ohio, resident of Klamath Falls, Ore. Corrtne Martha Leake, 23, defense worker, native of Ohio, resident of Cincinnati. Ohio. WATSON-CRAFT. dated Elmer Wat son 28, farmer, native of Texas, resi dent of Jewett, Texas. Emily Marguerite Craft, 36. defense worker native of Tex as, resident of Jewett, Texas. DIEKROEGER . CHAMPAGNE. May nard Frederick Diekroeger, 27, marine, native of Wisconsin, resident of Klam ath Falls, Ore. Jean Mathilda Cham pagne, 25. defense worker, native of Wis consin, resident of Onalaska, Wis, Commissioner (V. i-""- -Y-f Rer. Louii P. Barcelo, CSC. ipecial national field Boy Scout commiiiiontr. who will conduct a ceremony at Sacred Heart church Sunday at 3 p. m. The public is inrited. BEOS BATTLE THROUGH CITY BY YARD A solemn investiture cere mony, based on an ancient knighting ritual, will be conduct ed by Rev. Louis P. Barcelo, CSC, special national field Boy Scout commissioner, at Sacred Heart church, Sunday at 3 p. m. Commissioners in Scouts will be installed by the Rev. T. P. Casey. The new Sacred Heart troop is the first of various scouting units to be organized in the parish, it was announced. Rev. Barcelo is author of the im pressive ceremony to be ob served Sunday, and this is the of ficial national ceremony for Catholic Boy Scout troops. Rev. Barcelo is associate edi tor of the Catholic Boys maga zine. In closing, there will be a blessing of parents and Scouts based on an ancient ritualistic blessing. The mihlic is invited and especially service men who ! have been Boy scouts. (Continued From Page One) fields is in German hands, and every enemy soldier in the en circled capital apparently faces death or capture. Light tanks and armored cars found the going especially touch due to numerous mines and light anti-tank weapons which tnco down the strecU and at Intersec tions. Dozens of enemy Tommy gunners and machine-gunners are hidden In hundreds ot the city's buildings. Mother, Children . Burn to Death PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 30 U) A mother and her three children were burned fatally and two oth er persons were injured when flames swept a three-story home in suburban Havcrlord early to day. The dead: Mrs. Grace Morrls sey, 46, Robert Morrlsscy Jr., 15, James Morrisscy, 13, Mary Fran ces Morrissey, 11. James Mullin, 37, chief of the Merion fire company, who re strained Robert Morrissey Sr., from re-entering his home after he climbed on a porch roof, suf fered head and hand burns., Firemen said neighbors report ed the blaze apparently started in the living room where a Christmas tree was located. Spinach is probably of Per sian origin, and was introduced into Europe about the 15th century. Service Men and Women Home on Leave Pvt. Lloyd Reed from Fort Ord, Calif. Here until Janu ary 5. The above service peoplo are entitled to free passes to the lo-1 cm I theatres and free fountain service at Lo-t River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the ' theatres and K u woouruii oi the dairy. I'lcaso cull at The Herald and News office (ask foi Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets Provda Says Japs j Suffering Defeats MOSCOW, Dec. 30 (?) Prav. da, describing Japan as Hitler's last ally, said today she had been suffering "continuous defeat on land, sea mid air in the Pacific." The article, spread over five columns, appeared to be the most significant soviet utterance about the orient since Marshal Stalin's November speech classi fying Japan as an aggressive na tion. "Development of Pacific: events becomes ever more unfa- l vorable for Japan," said tho nr- ! tide by G. Zhukov, Pravda staff j political writer. 'Continuous defeat in the war i with Britain and the United States has sharply worsened ceo- j nomlc and especially food condi- tions inside Japan." , The greatest Paris flood on rec ord occurred in 1910, when the Seine rose 31 ft. 4 in. above normal. The recovery of copper from old tin cans now accounts for about ten per cent of the total U. S. copper production. -rBz.-B m WMMttlM Mtt MM M 4MI g-" CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY OPEN 12:30 P. M. ENDS TODAY mm mm mi nun mm TV J I t f'lllt $ t miit i"'i kiii ii i m t uti III till 11 1 i uu ARTS goA 2 BIG HITS! IE"" JAM - STARRING - Joyce Reynolds Robert Hutton 2nd Big Hit Oath of Vengeance pi . vempar 30. m1( lyillLPL'jn IIIMM1 IUIUIHI L Continuous- Show Sat. Bun. Mo n. Box Otilct Ends , "f u act TAuiin, I Today luw lUUjy 2nd Hit "MARKED MEN" STARTS SUNDk F00TI On the Same -ijM Hit Program 5W1 I BRAND OF THE DEVIL" We all know what most people want for Christmas the things that the stores are just out of. China had a flood starting in 2357 B.C., which lasted 152 years. OBITUARY MICHAEL JOHN JOTCB jUchel Joha Joyce, native of j County Gal way, Ireland, age 44 years, 8 months and 16 days, passed away at Pelican Bay Lumber company camp ' near BIy December 28. 1944. lollowing a very brief illness. He is survived by bis father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. j Johnny Joyce of County Calway, Ire land; also one sister. Bridgie. at the same address. The remains are In the care of the Earl WhltloOc funeral home. Pine at 6th. Funeral arrangements will be anonunced Tuesday. FUNERAL MART EUGENIA OWEW Funeral services for the late Mrs Mary E. Owen, wife of James H. Owen, pioneer resident of the Bly district, who passed away in this city December 28. will be held from the Ousley funeral chapel in Lakcvlew. Oregon, cm Tues day, January 2, 1P45, at 2 p. m., with commitment services arnd interment to follow in the family plot at the Lake view cemetery. Friends are invited. Thj remains will leave the Earl Wutlock funeral home, Pine at 6th, at 0:30 a. m. Tuesday. Continuous Shows in All Klamath Falls Theatres Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Box Offices Open 12:30 P. M. NEW YEAR'S EVE MIDNIGHT SHOW fHONt till Box Office Opens 11:15 P. M. Begular Admiuion "I'm From Arkansas" - STARRING - ? SUM SUIilERVILLE ' EL BREIIDEL Telephone 4567 Box Office Opens 11:15 P. M. Regular Admission 'Swing Hostess' - STARRING - MARTHA TILTON IRIS ADRIAN ENDS TONIGHT The East Side Kids In 'BOWERY CHAMPS" ENDS TONIGHT Smiley Burnerte In"Code & Prairie" Second Hir "JOHNNY DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE" ne wraeuiiM nu hum tut PHONE 4567 CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT.-SU N.-MON. BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:30 AT BOTH THEATRES STARTING SUNDAY $ht Mttfft lifti dot New TNTeam-mates... setting a new style'Jn westem'adventure1 , a fascinating Saturday Eve-; ninz Post story about a lone wolf ' v Oil I rss Mwuiai m ) st mt Continuous Show 8at.-Sun.-Mon. Optn 12:30 ENDS TONIGHT "Sing Neighbor Sing" 2nd Hir "ENEMY OF WOMEN" STARTS a. SATURDAY MBDNIGHT m wm t'rr Mogazlno calls if ..."hilarli ou"..."M9vio of f ha Week.? , , U30Y Pi X Magaxin calls It. ,."re- frwhing at a bubbls bath.'' 4 iJ r 1 'tm IMt 9 VI H WA 'JT ,!'"T"- rL . ; :,M nils Vl fN . 1 0 vi..; , , ;J j4&rr? I .loads' you.wri "a whirl Y-W JSE? ' T' . - 0iiJ a"' around ,'the-world 1 WAYNE RAINES J JL- lX WARD BOND M . . " M 0r fr i GEORGE "SABsr HAYES "' W&y- XJ AUDREY LONG V W 0M A? , ' ELISABETH RISDON X J f ' b ifefflgl X lk 1 DON DOUGLAS ' fe ' . :T 1SXmSRr ' added screen enjoyment .............. WEEKLY REPORTER (Cartoon) COMMUNITY SING LATEST WORLD NEWS ADDED "BEAR RAID WARDEN" (Color Cartoon; . . ... t Devil Boats (Special) - Community Sing - Nw 12,30