f HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ACE TEN With Major Hoo( KLAMATH UAS1N Carload Potato Shipments (Figures front Stntu-Fcdurul Innpoctur Hohs Aubroy) VODNU MAN. OlBTrniT! M ary i.Nt ,wr , ' lli?.S I '"'mill in "luits Klanimh r.n. , waling .r';'I'i R "'""M'l.'ft'il Kl.nu, , ld murn,,,."' tl.l I" olerv, ni !, . k. "vie.. .1 Lw,!r:i. !""" at II S a"' "".Hue,, low,,,, A "- AH NOW. TrS-SiH Dcce""j- N" Tod.. w i b. Williams Our Boordino Houi Out Our way " (' ft it TRUE THKY V VErVrtJUS OLD CHUNK Vf IT'S BEEN ; Vn rvrnh ifJJJ amD W ) 1 op utility beep wfvs fAosrLY dimimg ; nn b ii I'M -Tvl fpl? 1 7 drawm pars self to pike Aft vvX8 Jl : ' I 1 V DOING S SOUNDED A rtOOMi ACJNlTV SO iMiOM) , fn -7 RBC0MNAt6SAC&TWBPLAVAp if $fi2M A visnr 5 S ' m H - 1 on each others A offered his om J I J for a WHV MOTHERS GET GRAV 7 tfjaiSa '. " By Fred Hormon I, .AiT": Red Ryder . - .. .. I r . ' r-r T.j .fSJ P.I Ml? SlSf THAT. fiOVCRN'Og. 1 LST . f IfEEl THE SRJSE J s wrjc -J "i?.,.,, ' - 1 1 5 "rl - Pv OUT ! A zVx rrr n&ZJLZ? cons rajtou-y fflf RES cOV if NEW CLOTHE. Wash Tubbi By Leslie Turner BiB, WHAT CHANCE WOULD W- - 1 I RAVE P.VlMt. A P-47 W THE HEART o' JAPAN, TAKING FHOiTS AFTER ( UJU iVT ! A i-19 RAID, AN J SET- n 1 V TlMfl BACK WITriEMTy, S0UNDS LIKE A NICE TSlP, EASCrt'5 A M44L V I5M MILES TO THE JAP COAST... AO, THAUKS TO BA9AS, VflU'O HAVE PLENTt cr CCMrHNY CKOM ITltKC UIM... f...cF efluase.THEvp shoot at YOU FKOM TIME lO lime, CJ1 Vet! COL'LO JUST KSWOSE THAT.. OSLY0 MILES OF THIS AND VOUSE REAPy TO TAKE VOL'ft SNAPSHOTS... MAY6S MAPAM BIITTCPB1V UMill.O THEM VOU'BE CUTA SA5, SO f THAS, PAL... ytfU'VE SOLO Hr VICTOR tl'HANK NCW VullK. I)n. (Al'i lh tlock market today "tcpul out of IU mil bulluh year inco 1U3 with rally ing triulrnclci pentUllntf (or a wtila AMurt mcui oi inouiriai lavoriica. Whlla nmiit caihlna crooned un aftar a fait start, iailr generally manaa'tftl to cuntott offorlnca with fair auti-i. although aonifl vro forced tu trim uily aavancrt or a tnucn at a poiiu or iu. The Auoclatrd Vrt 0O-toct( avrai touched a new peak alnce SptemLwr IT, 11UT. turnover approaching l.OOO.Oi'O harea waa one of the laraeit lor a Saturday In IWi. A little clllna' for orotectton over the lengthy week-end principal ex chanKot will itupend Mondaywaa off set tu a con idc rattle extent by mora short coverlna. Modetl advance were welt In ine majority near the clo. StioDortrd In the curb were Salt Dome OH. Dnhack. Oray Manufacturing and International Petrol urn. nonda were tteady and commodlttes narrow. nosing; quotation!: American Can .. 00 Am Car A Kdy .tu Am Tel & Tel . taiH Anaronda 394 Calif Packing , H .. 37 Cat Tractor Commonwealth St Southern H Curtts-Wricht - S General riecine w- General Motors . M Gl Nor ny pfd llllnnU Central 3.1 tut Hnrveter H1' KitnniC(ttt . ..... In tockhced 30' Boots ond Her Buddies By Martin COME VWW Vt Ot Freckles and His Friends By Blesser Well, why DONrsDo Teix voue. Nosy GueSTS TO BREAK Tj IT UP ANLJ W- HOME? Tell vn WW7 ( Hl-VA. BABE.' IOKAV.FIve-BV-nvS-7 J P(.XV HEY. I GOTTA GET UP ); fd NEITWER. Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin COP TO LEM HAS GC'E IN A ON A DEAL THAT'S POSITIVELY YOU SrE HE 1 1 IHUUbHI TUU SAIO ALLEY CA'AE BWtSHT A I BACH TO ACO GifTfCSSUl" I WITH YOa.. WHY BUT 'FORE HE I H I HASN'T HE PAID COULD GiVE IT, V t. US A VISIT? XVSTOlEN IT WAS.' jSn, HUSH.' ) IT TURnEO UP in LEVI, OU KINS WdSS HCIV AN WiTORALLX COP WAS MADDER',"! heck; an' so is ol1 sui, who - THINKS OP NAUSHT BUT THE J MIV JtWELS Mt 13 I f DiS T HA. .'5HT r . ,' ''1 rAIN'TCH0O war? my stars. DECLARED WAR WITH rAi NOW LOO.. VnAY FATHtAO A'NT"' GUZ, YOUR'E GCT NO BUSINESS MftvlN' BETTER ROYAL JEWELS THAN I GOT.' IM GONNA TAHE tN AWAY PROM HIM ncsw.iHOPe foolish, I IV! GOT FLAT J SMARTING K KiNSAOR.' X' Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray ErWfM!B90l'5 r VOU MORRIBLE LITTLE IMP! I TWINK OU PLftNNEB THE, BUT I DIDN'T WONEST- I'M SCARED n kki iNkK gee! it SURE worked! RU. Annie? EAH! AND HOW! wow! IS OUR L JfM ICC FRftGRANT.' BUT where did MELVIN GO? Utt! TO THE BOG Pound! sam setter IS GMN'HIM A MUD BOTH, SAME AS TME DO FOR DOGS THAT HAVE MtTTToKUNK IUlFVWAri)l7MM!-AN I TO BURY ALL TO THINK I II OP MIS Y I NEVER LIKED I B CLOTHES- SKUNKS-, aaf TTTfe Market Quotations Hoc. IJll Hal I" U.ila nall l)al lu I'ala 1 III 111 mil m 117 4IKIT ' ou hhi 70" aJU HHI- " M '" T iul una Tu W7U w TuT am M " w no wo ojal " 10 m T4 m , ' " l 11 nu liuai M.io- " ;" n no u;i lu1 iTi i44 Tn a' l U7 (HI OjTi M is w ilini i a ,t """iT- luT" rji. ZfEI 7 ,'w IT o l"l .1 471U i ti i. omu 0 " q 43 1MI TT" 3 . l M 144U 40 IU7 4H17 M S7 I SIM (U.I J IW aim 4IHM 13 0 l00 71107" 31 1017 4IM7 34 0 lfll 7UII0 0 I0M 4U40 S3 0 110 7tUtt 0 IOJ4 4U40 SO S3 I9UI 7134 lUM 4090 IT 30 1017 7100 34 IU34 4074 n 3o niu 73jS 33 ionT 31107 04 1707 710 43 " 1139 W W 43 1173 ou 31 I 43 IMI 3141 Montgnntery Ward Naih-Krlvlnalor N Y Central Northern Paelfla Pac Gaa & Kl Packard Motor penna H K nepuhllc Steel Rlrhflcld Oil Sear Roebuck ......... Southern Pacific ... Standard Hranna Sunshine Mining Tram-America . Union OH Calif Union Pacific U S Steel ..- Warner Plcturea 31' 10 SI, .i 33S . Ill' ;.. . ion loj 43'i ani' I01 :m Potatoes Carlnla H UvarkMiiU and TruckluU , IU 75. Oooit anwa bulked at $1 1 00, inetllutn in IX). 13 AO 81iep: fur four days 1140. Compared Frltlay week agtt: liity. Two Ocki and a few parhastf grxHl M tli lb. full wooled lamlM 914 Si), coinmni, to incdluni No. a twit W PO-ll M. mil wwiletl 4r llhgs moved lu a rann of 1J i0-) "Wi. Co4h1 tu choice full wooled rvfi niiutcd M0O-BS0. common to iiiedlttm Nu. 3 pell fairly liberal at 93 30-3 3U, POIlTtND. Dee. 30 lAPWrAl Salable rattle for week 1030. ralvea ZOO. Unrventy higher on short nouilay run. week'a trade Mi rents to ! uu hlsrhcr but much advance on common at (! and I mt low Itul late: good frd slner toppeil at VHLOU. two ltwt(l 910 Wl, other madlum'tfood fed steers H:i. 76-13 .Vt. common-medium steers mostly lio.u.w, rommonmr(lhiiti heifers 9U 0O-1.1 110. giod hrtfers 9I1W-HOXJ. mrdlum-giaod mwi 9IOW.13 i j- rannvn ciitlcTS 50-7 M early with fat dairy type cows lu IUMt and ovejr; incaium-iucKl tnills 9u Mi-11-33. odd head 911 V). good-choice vot ers 911 M'U.30, grasa calves mosllr 913.50 down. Halable hogs for week Itr7,1, supply Inadequate, markot very active, xitnr strength on hen v Ira and sums, other wise unrhangrd. largely at ceiling: good choice IIW -3Au Dm. largely 91 9 7. XJl 300 tba. 9U 90-19DO. Iltfht lights IU Ml, food sows 913 2VH no. choicq 1W lb redcr pigs 1121 late. Salable sheep for week 4M: extremely light supply sold steady to strung, g"Kl cholce wooled lambs 9 IJ )! ". No, 1 i,i no: mviiuim-gofwi common dnwit to 910 00; good-choice ewes 90 .JO-fl-tw; com mon down to 9J ". The North Tortland Uvestteek market wilt be closed New Year's Day. Now Today WANTKU Housekeeper. Phone Malln 393, lien Itensel. 1-3 CXPKIttKNC'rO ranch and dairy hand wishes tteady work. I'U Uux 933. i.ity 13-30 rOH HKNT- Hedrmim with kttrnen prlv. tlcges. Employed couple only. Phone 7UJU, 13 Volt HAt.e Large wooden barrels. In- quire at rtuhrer'a llakery, lYXllf ron ftAi.R A nice small home close in for M7A0, A gfHMl home mi Pine with an apartment upstair that rents for tot worth the price, atuuu. A gtod paying restaurant on Main street fur 979UO and equipment cost twice that price. V W. HANUCH8. HEAL ESTATE 1113 Main Tel. 7A31 13-30 run KAl.K" IU.1U Nltideltaker Command ' er. Mee at 3i Shasta Way ttetween 10 a. ni. and 3 p. m. and all day Monday, 1-3 WHEAT CHICAGO, Dee. 30 fAPPfttatoei. ar rivals 3Q, on track 133, total U. s. ship menu 7WI; supplies light, trading light; for Idaho Russets, market sllgntly weaker: for utility grades, market firm at ceilings for U. S. No. 1; for other western siotks, maraei iirm ai criimi, fnt- Mlnnosols snii North Dakota, market slightly stronger; ldnho Husset Ilur hnnks. N. S. No. I. 9-152: Colorado Ite4 McChtrcs. u. s. no. i, neoruna Rllss Trlumnhs. V. ft. No 1. 93 30: Mm nrsota and .North Dako", nilsa Triumphs, commercials, 92.BO; U. S. No, 1 washed, $3.07; Cobblers, commercials, 12.80. LIVESTOCK SOUTH BAN TRANCISCO. Dee. 30 fAP.WF At Cattle for four days 1400. Compared Friday week ago: medium to gooa sixers, neners inn .cti.7i bhu good range cows fairly steady; common to canncr kinds strong to unevenly higher In spots. Two loads good looo lb. steers 113.73; several odd loll medium at 914 .00 to 914.30; feeder alecn and heifers 912 00-12 79. Load-lots me dium range cows, lightly sorted 91190 12 00. Weighty dairy cows 90.30-10 V), odd head (1 1.00: cutters mostly 8. SO nd canners $9.00-7.00. Good 1200 1300 lb. bulla SU.00-11,50, medium kinds 910.00-10.30. Calvea for four days 23. Fully ite-idy. Choice vcaleni $14.00-14.30. O.iod slaugh ter calves $13.30-14.00. Common to me dium M .00-12.00, Hogs: for four days 1373. Compared Friday week ngn: fully steady- Good and choice 200-270 lb. barrows and (Jilts 913.75. odd lots .123 lb. at $18,00, medium LEGAL NOT ICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given that the un dersigned hns been duly appointed ad-mlnlstrntor-wlth-the-Wlll-annexed of the estnte of Malcolm Cirnnme MacNevln, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, and all persons having claims against snfd estate are hereby notified to pre sent aame to said administrator at his office in the First Federal Snvlnns and Loan Building, In the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from lh! date of this notice. DATED: December 0, .11)44. PAUL FAnRF.NS. AdmlnUtrator-wllh-the-Will-annexed of the Eslate of Malcolm Grneme MacNevln. Deceased. D. 0-10-23-rtO: J. No. 340. CHICAGO, Dee. 30 (API May rye reached a new five-month high and other grain futures were strong In heavy year-end trading today- tieiieral buying, by both commlslon noutes and professional operatois, dcvrlo.wd about min-session anu oiirrnia wnq iigm. Mill buying gave the wheat market a Ufa at the start, the prices advancing sharply when shorts Ix-gan to cover In anticipation of a substantial Increase In January flour suhildy rates. I ne new suiMtoy iniruuiri. iraptfrirn to be announced during the week-end. will at least reflect a recent lot.r-rcnt Increase in celling prices far f.ih whral, mill men believe. Grain traders a.itll pate a heavy Increase in flour salct to result. At the finish wheat was to higher than yesterday s close. May 91 tVt's-1.03. Corn was up 'j to l'. May $1.1P-1 -tl'j. Oats wrr ' to higher, May tn' (17. Itye was up to off '.. May $I.I4S-I U'. llarley was I'.s lo 3 higher, May 91.13. MAHOGANY RUDDEIl Sir W ii Iter Rnlclul ii!ed ma hoKuny to rep"" n rudder on his ship when ho was reUirnlnK to Knitland in A5U3 after n trip to Trinidnd. CLASSIFIED RATES On day 3 day run 3 day run 4 day run 3 day run Week run . Month run . word 4c ,, I word He ,, , word lie i i i p" word UK p"T word I4c pr word 19c .. oer word 4ftc 30 Dticounl tor Payment in Advance 3 Discount for Pavmnnt hy loth Ada received by 1:00 p m will appear same afternoon In "New Today" column. Ntjw Todny LORT-Wlre-halred trrrlor, dlrly while rotor, amwers to name of Chip, No license. Ph. nii07. KKritf LOST At Poole's Itollerdrome, gold bracelet with navy Insignia, Keepsake. Reward. 3.13 Lowell. Ph. 003U. 1-3 WANTED -Man In flra boiler and do nther light work around slaughter house. $:i3.00 per week and a small house, llghti and wntnr furnished. Phone 3420 evenings, 41)40 diiya. 1-3 WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING OLD BUT EVER NEW? t,.S pout Handy with tools? This job may be up your alley This Is a good job. And a bll unusunl In many ways because It's Rot JuhI n bit nioro cxcllc mcnt and real he-man's "stuff" to It than most Jobs. T ho work: Helper In Southern Pacific'! big R.R. shops or roundhouses . . . working with skilled crafts men on locomotives, rolling stock, other U.R. equipment. You don't need to bo experi enced Just willing. If you wIbIi, you can lonrn railroading on the ground floor . . . learn a fine craft from men who know their buslnnss. You'll bo part of a fine outfit ... a com pany whoso biggest Job still lies ahead: carrying llio war load for thn hugo Pacific offen sive. Regular railroad wages. Fine pension plan. R.R. pass privileges. Medical services. In vestigate today. St or write Tralnmastor, 8. P. Station, Klamath Falls, or near est S. P. Agont. roil HAI.K-n.drnom aulte. aprlntf.. mat treu. dlnins labia. 3 chair.. haltnf love, linoleum rim. 3 .mall tatilea. one engagement ring. 3 diamond. uulre Sunday or Monday at 43o3 llry aitl Ave. I1..10 ton SAI.K B.yvar-otd row hora and Vanco .addle. Loula llandall, llunania Ore. 10 roll HAI.K Stock rack fur track al -Woo Summer Ijine, 13-30 CARPENTERS' LOCAL Maallng. l.l a mule 2J Ofnc. o, 7 ou , uJ "2 1 A- W"l fhnn. un ,r" LOST. 8 key. In ra... tlnuiTT' " ".raid and N.,. """"I U1HT-104I llulck lemUrAuTr--M OO rew.,.l l'l,. qj"""' Wjrt. 1-ont. i,i.'. . r. - - 111.1 w.l . wmi Initial. AKti, i. . "'. I'tmi.,. Mil llri,.,,! ' I'imm. m n iir CTtli " It """"Generei' No'imV "" ton srtiAitrs i OATnciT inquli. ., ,j, .. 0rO'm. Ml " ,- ' II T wiu'oujrKJX. WISH TO HEAR fn.fr.'uriTtr? going east .),. will 7.':."' i-vf.!, ph.,,,- vn ... v:.'."00 WANT TO RENT- 3-bdrtom. unfurnlsh. ed. modem house, Musi b clean. Per manent civilian., Good refetences. In or out of town. Phone 3000. 13-30 HAVE 30 HEAD of Hereford cattle to put otit on share for five years. Write IIuk Iwxt. care Herald and News. I -4 FOR HAI.K Wrstinghouse electric range JMx I II I. UorrU, Calif. I -3 FOR RENT -- 3-room furnished house with lots of wood, 923.00 per month Inquire 2310 California Ave., off Front I2'30 HOT Nl'IIINGH DUPLEX Income or home, close in Roosevelt school, -partly furitlshed, fireplace, basement, heat ing unit for each apartment. Shown only by appointment, K. Gray, Realty Service, Kjqulre Theatre Dldg, Phona :t03. fiiinday I'hone 4tuio, 1 2-30 FOR HALE - Household goods. Must sell before Jan, 3. Call al fll3 No. 3rd or phone 0330. l-3 WI NE-MA COFFEE 0HOP Will P4 open New Year's Day, 1 2 30 WI NE-MA COFFEE 8HOP Wilt l open New Year'a Day, 1 2-30 LOST- oook20 truck tire mounted on In ternational disc wheel, Finder please phone lllshee Hotel, C. D. Stoddard. Reward. 3 LOHT -Small red tipper purse, contain ing glasses, driver's license and oihar papers, June Wanser, Hi, l, Uox 1000 Phone 300I. 1-3 LOST l-ady's red crocheted purse con taining ration (took and valuable papers. Finder Phone 3300. I728lf HONG POEMS WANTED! I ll compose ipncinl music for you. Send poem on any subject. Free examination. Eliot Wright, llox nimi-D, Portland, Oregon. 12-30 TWO MARINE wives will care for chil dren In our home daytimes, 1203 Oak Ave. t-3 WANTED -Woman In do hnusecleanlng, -hi.-vi nope, m. rroncis j'aric, pitona 300,1. 1-3 n,2(HI ACRE GOOD WINTER RANGE, northern Glenn Cntinly. Mostly adobe, well watered, well fenced, good living quarters, bay storage, Will carry 300 head of sleers. $13.30 an acre, terms If desired. V, C. Iiryanl, Redding. Oil If, 1-3 FOR HALE Hlark rocker mania! pup plei $23. Phone 7241. 1-fl FOR HALE IfWl Plymouth Hedan, fair condition, good tires. Phone 70(141. 1'3 PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED MO PAIN NO IIOai'lTAI.l.ATHIN Nn l.n.a nf Tim. Permanent Keenll.l , DR. E. M. MARSHA ChlraoraMIe Phralelan !t, No 7lh - r.iflnlr. Th.alr, nil) Phan. loan o Refrigeration Equipment Co. Karl Urquhart Bll Klamath Phone 646S For Commercial Rofrigoration SALES and SERVICE REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Mon Klamath Refrigeration Phono 7038 2000 South Sixth St ' l-llrr.c I OIL HURNERS FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, Cleaned it ml Repaired WOOD COAL . OIL FURNACES Available for Hcpliiccmtnli Comparo Our Prlcw- TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone 8010 8S!i Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorized Service Household and Commercial Phono 0017 ORECON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 Su. tith SI. 1.13m INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Dnokkccplnl Rollln A. Cunlrnll Room 4, llopkn Bide 110 N. Ulh St. Open Evenings and Snlurdays Phone 324 110 MOVING STORAGE Local and ioim HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE. Agents lor vimw ' TmjI mi Klnnioth phone M'; I HOSIERY MENDING Prompt Service Mall Orders Accepted r. 0nnU -""- Ph.57 028 Miirun U-301 The KINDERGARTEN SIS walnut St. 0 g. m. lo 1:30 P' m- Lunch locltliltil ' aun.rvl.nr. null. w,"m" - S"!". I Dlrtor., Dr. .nd Mr.. Doyd t P"V,I nitiNo mr voin. y"-Jd'p.rt! mall, Uodenhninor Saw .ill fihon. I ,,nnr lWlnt'" I lOIIHP:ci.r.AriP".. polM, wlndow wa.hlng. U r tW I 04ZU. " 04ZU. dta ii. I lanu nai i.im ; . , RAY'S SMOB Hli7nMU7"Pcn " ,) ne... 340 R. Main. I n". " : I , riur.Tir.iis ., I ,, rnm 'nuVci; iii o.. n-M tor spi""" m i lent, hauled away. Phono 33.10. KAIOMININO Kemlonlnl ."j4. Ins. Phono Si""' . J!i!!i Zm nRNTlSTBY, llrnoon.. U