vibar 29, 1944 PLUMBING SERVICE iumtil"K ,V 1 ''lPiii:lll DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry Phono 7UIIS VVoocI Coal Oil FURNACES Iron Fireman Oil Burners - btokers Bob Porter . l' c 7700 4 03 If , (.-UHNACKS. CHIMNEYS, OIL, UURNKHS ' c'U'ltiicil unci Repaired WOOD COAL OIL FURNACES Avails!'!" lor Replacements C'omuuro Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone I3U-10 DllUlf Refrigeration Service : KELVINATOR Fucl'iry Authorized Service Household and Commercial Phone 11(117 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO 127 So (itlt St. li:im IIKMSTITrlltNCI DltrSSMAKINti Ifultnrtfe Mtlil tlti.kte CMrrril rtiiriiu'iiii iM, " "u rtnlltlnf Ml" U M Alleiiit.r. 7.11 Main. IUhiiii -Jilt ih. VIM I3.:tilm SJiWINO SHOP, iwm Main I'htuif nil.! ml nt idl""! U-iV fllOTO TtSTINfi In natural i Itrtkuli.iil puce,, wu i,a. PARK VIEW . CONVALESCENT HOME 133 GrnnitP St. Aihlnnri, Oregon Phono 7001 Crndiwtto Nurse In Cluirnc 1-Bin 14 H e I p W h n t n d V m l.1. YOt'NCI WOMRN 1IKIP SPr.KIl VITAL IKl.KI'MONr. CALLS! Thr Trie plume Company Ncnh OPERATORS IntirMlinf . pucnUul work. Te sinner paid ntlc In.rnln. Wkc tni-re.i-e't t rrtulnr lntrrviiU (;irit. tlptpnt tiirritiitiiliHK-v S Mn. IWihIIc, ti .Hi ll l mul I. M i p. m. Till: PACtHC TKI.KI'IIONK ANI TKI.K(i(tAPH COMPANY N. IMh. Klnitiiillt Kull 12 a WANTKI1 Wcmuin (or luniitrkrrnpr. t'nn lUv or u liiiniP n led l. Pirn in quire JtimiAty 2 or nfler at A(3 Pnrilir Tmrtir. WANTt;ri- WiiMrrn anil t1,hwnhrr. Wn niaii ihpIciikI. Apply Hi niMor'B f'uf (te fih.ip. WIHlll WAS'Trn-r.irl or woiunn lo iy with fhlldirn (runt 4 p. in. ti D p. ni-. dm u urck. Plume 4.VU. Li.17lt WANTHI) . I.mlv hflwccn lt mul M rl it in-f pll(iiii1, rl.ihna (itljul'i, film rh'ilt ,uul nffirn )h ft tor Mint rtaottriitltly urn of piimatirnt rtt -ilfftfc i:vrllctit itJilniy In qunlltlril Wrioti. Wnic nox rrp oC llrr- lil K New, aivlnii full ttetnllril In toimalhiti mul rf (criHTS. 12-;i" WANTKi) YdtuiK rrstilprrd nuric lor lenlnl ullhr. Wrlto Mux link), run WAN'lj:ij. Dpi, tdl fisMiinl. Wrlle Hx mm lli-nild mul Now. 13-30 kmjntain OIIU, WANTliU, noon to 11 P. m. Mure O-N. 12-.K1 WANTKI) Kxpvrtrnrnd p.i Inter or itirl with littiaiK nfiililv. AUo reioiith er. rifll Mtmlui, Ml Main. 1-2 WAITItKSM WANTKI) - llonrd, roiim. nfil i:iiuf . ( inrii nil year. Plumr l Holp Wanted, MaU "ANTRh -Men mm myn lr ( plnr MBhl wurk, Udiul pnv. Apply' Mftwllii Alley. Hlii Muni p. in. or ony tsvpnlntf Mturdny or Sundoy. naiif 01JI. von Hko lo mm mmwy nfler Kh.Mil d -hverhiK n llrnilri-Nrwi puir 'ftj'to? Sro Mr, Mlllrr Hi !h Jlrrld lce niter :i p. in. U73K W!JiNll ,K Kxptrlrnrffl Mull ruller. Ap' Wy MpIIit lima. Plinnrj 31152. 4Hlltf wJNTMiHp.!iirr or pronwr, nrr, U7 Ho. 7lh. Uptown ?? " - Aiilmnnullo mcclinnlm for J-neyrolPt iind nlhrr mm. Pcrinnnrnt work, aiiri f s-j i!W (lni rCi Cn niton '"Cn., Vrrkn. f,,lf. "ANTEij Kxprrlntf-fd tHdlntur rcnnlr 0ut "tnoH.ihprt. Ilmrouiihly 2"jpjrri flhnp, niff money for rlRln fnin Aiiilcinon Auto Service, till! . HiiHIf It Sltiinttonii Wnntod PftNriNT "KSHJKNT wanlR rhnnrn ' invest f.r Kh iulv emnhivniPnl. llrnfl '"Pt. Cnnlnel nie. I tnloht lia llic fnnn i V wiinl. Wrlla Ilox HUH, onre mul News. ia-2 V9?'N VlTrT drnf U.l. ... Jn- 1:ylotlrnfeil lit pnv roll, lime. On.Mi,,"",m,,n n renernl nffU-e. I'"1 "'d mul Ncu-f 12 2i ll0oM AND !10AH3il4 MlehlCn. rnM-llOAnn-.Orntlemen Kin? Cren-II Attention All Chrysler Corporation Car We Have the Parts for Your Car We Carry the Largest Stock of Chrysler Corporation Parts in the State of Oregon Outside of Portland NEW FACTORY MOTORS , (Not Rebuilt) ' De Soto $150 Chrysler $215 Plymouth $180 Dodge $195 Dodge Truck $195 to $225 REMEMBER YOUR DODGE DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL CHRYSLER CORPORATION PARTS Liberal Discount to Canines ami Independent Repair Shopt LOMBARD MOTORS 02 1 So. utii si. 16 Holp Wnnted. Male II you want lo work in a logging camp, sawmill or lumber yord where conditions ore good, call at the ollico or phone 5146 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. We need men in oil these departments o( our operation winch is an essential industry. WOODS: Choker Sellers and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pel ican Bay Lumber Co. TF 22 Floomi For Ron! MOOM Vim RKNT HCl JrfciM ran uknt sit Plume 7UO d.i fOK UK NT Ni.e 24 Aptirtmcnti r or Hcnl j FOR UKNT One fmniihrd ttur-m j wmut, Hcli I mid v it in Itk hf irlrJ i Sf vu-p station, ;i."t;i Sumnici Line Tin. -ip nmn i.-.tsn i 26 Houitoi Kor Rent yon UK NT Ont. vt m drive hlnnmlh I .ill mi m tM.. . m.mxI fur ntKtird hmirfi, 'J ;j. -t umiiit, t-linrrn and liunriry room nervier, wnlcr and tlchl, tunic EJioC-i. Itrnt ir.T.on.iitle Trnllrr Art-iiiini(lttlun !vc Wrtl Side filorr. Chiloum. Oie. 12 TRUCKS Mill Itr.NT-Yo fee l.'ul hUt. Plir ran nr.sT i.tuirr lr r.V, , 28 MijcolUnoou for Hon! KI.KCTMIC KLOtJll SANDKHS him! rdun lentrd l oitr own itfc liiiinit? P.iinl IJrpt, MUSTtitt.MKHY WAlll) At CO. I - fOK ItKNT-Hnrtr ndrr. rdjfrrt j tiMi'lutie. J tnd wllp.iper tomoviiitj in P.lttPI nlilt P.tiltl Kloic. l-.-l TitM M;iti I'lionc ; 30 Hoot t statu For Salo FINE INCOME LnrKe 5-betlroum house, corner lot, very closer in on North tith. Stone foundation, city heat, ;) toot fruntUKO. Offered at ?750U. Terms, CHILCOTE & SMITH HEALT0IIS 111 N, nth Phone lati l FOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFcc, Realtor 118 No. 7lh Phone 521 IS l-IOMES FOK SALE EVEIIKTT DENNIS, REALTOH 121 N. 8th Phone 1M!U l-ljiu van SAI.K- it.rnftm mp. rtxiilrrn. wltti t,,iil. nintl.v turnlslird: olosr 1"; PUnnr :it'tn. i;t:tntt yOU SAI.K 4-r I Hull'. PnrllV nlnlinl. rlrrtrli.' rnnr. ilnvriipoi't. I"-" inoin lifl rttid "lt"i" nrtlrli'". . f S-illltl. IMiiiiip llllll Tor lllloimiuum 17.12 Alllliir St. i: f'Olt SAI.K Clirnp. l-nrio Irm'l ll ti lire SI. IniiulM' Hmml III. Hot Sprln Hotel. ' von ,SAI.K-2-lrilrit'iil nimliMn lii.HKt. flrcpluic. liunlwiHiil Hncu. Hl';""Cf Clnmi In. Blnl "t-l l"'1'1" KOI1 SAI.K -Jl-rnolii. liioiloill hiiuM, rlijjr In. umlnl' Mleiwlvr itiiioiIHIiik. H"" cnKh or ?iimn on ir-niiH. See liny in t'rpilrnlil llotlllnil Co. KOlt SAI.K -li rn'li- f"ir nr-rc li'1' 3-riHiin linn". Iimiihi- 3-l 1,"n' :., Kdlt SAI.K 4-tiili"Oiil modrrii I"'""'' II. il Uiilrr lirntliiB nynlrni, ri-ntrell) Inr'nrrl 4 Work, north of Dill " Mum. Snllnhlo for liomn or Income' prnlicrl.v. I'linliP -11111.1. FOH SAI.E il-lprilrooin ll.ixwc, linl liml r III vvittrr. iloul'lo ttnrnne. film lwll f. Inifiir ..'.I. iipiij'i'' i3?" ':;;;;k :ror,:J' nnir ni'liool. Will null on riny l"'" i'.elon nl once. 212" ,; nllcr .1 p in T":rT. r.""T,"-,.r,w. 12 iiiIIch from ' l , kowrw." All imilcr IrrlcMoli. .22" m',o imid iip rimu. ami " ,W ,,,'r.i utiililil-' RP. Wrlle Hon 1'olnlliin, III. 2. Bnrln" fir-til FOn SAI.K lf"f plcl'llll. h,Wr. f 'lll I"'" 1''"'" Automotive 34 IB Help Wanted. Male Automotive RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Traclor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2513 S. (ilh St. . Phone 8331 1499-tf ran sale RADIATORS OK ALL TYPES Will lliiikl Any Typo lladitilor Yon Need 'OLOIt MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 11 So tith riione G9-12 l-6m Exchange Motors Fords 192H to 1942 C'hevrolets 11135 to 1941 I'lvnioiiths 19:14 lo 1912 ' 1934 to 1942 We Will Rchttild Your Old Motor Rewound Crankshafts Willi BcnriiiBs lo Fit ' I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone H2U 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 Anti-Freeze Install and Refill Willi DUPONT ZERONE Methanol Base Anti-Freczc $1.00 Per Gal. at Dick B. Mi 7th tuid Klamath ler Co. Phone 4103 12-30 Motor Rebuilding Slarler and Generator Kerondilioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 21(1 Old Fort Road Phone 7(134 before B:00 or nfler S:3ll i in. M5m Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 7-14 Klapinth Ave. ivhfirn Hlh Street Ends 1-1 2m .,,.- Mvr. ttnNttY at Lombard's Used cltr Lol. Ml S. mil St. Top OPA nun- ,,i ..n for vour car. All nr'ifs m.iclela for anlo. l-lflm HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECUN Automotive Owners Phone 3130 Tucs.-Fri. tf 34 Automotive RECAPPING TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES AH Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So 6th Phone 7071 1-7 FOR SALK-lO.'lO Model A SDOrt counc !..) tires, new top. Hood molor. Sre inornlnjt cook hi Busy ucc Laic. 35 Fuel Hcattna RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 12-30m 36 Miscellaneous ror Saio FOIt SALE-Trailer house. 24 ft. '42 model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. BUI KOR SALE - One pair lady's figure knlea, size C. One h.p. stationary Kan ermine. One Chester Model (5 cnlibro 218D. Fixit Shop, 744 Klamath. CAN electrify few treadle acwinn ma chines at present. Further Informa tion dial (1771. Sewing Machine Serv ice :i318 Shasta Way. 12.30m FOIt SAI.K-Piono. davenport and chair. Dial (1713. ISUGIf CONNELLY'S SADDLE SHOP now has Plymouth lariat rope, single or double tindrilc blnnkets and a Rood line of saddlery goods. A. J. Connelly. 020 Main. J2-2!) FOH SALK-Trailer house, 20 ft long. Air brakes, good tires. Sleeps four. Dishes and 2 stoves. Bargain. In quire 3131 Cottage Ave. Jim Har grove, lit -lif YOUR FULLER BRUSH MAN wishes you a Merry Christmas and Hnppy New Year. n. V. Morgan. Phone .TI40. S:i2 So. Riverside 12-30 HOUSEWIVES, just received new ship ment metal pot cleaners. Better than prewar. Suburban Electric. Ph. 770!), c KOlt SALE Electric heaters. Have Just a few leri. auournan winiucr v-o. Phone 7709. 12-2A FOR SALE One 12 -gauge double barrel shotgun, one 21G-B Winchester, one 1-h.p. stationary engine, one V h.p. Kiftrirlc motor, one boat motor and trailer, one set musical horns. The Fixit Shop. 744 Klamath. 150HI FOK SALE-Large baby crib complete with Btcel spring and Inncrspring mat tress. Excellent condition. $2.1.00. 22;t4 Orchard. 12-30 FRESH CHURNED BUTTERMILK At the Raymond Dairy. 12-20 FOR SALE Etectrlc waffle Iron, elec tric table stove. Mrs. B. E. Kerns. Rt. 3. Box 397. Phone 4956. 12-30 MOTORCYCLE. 10.19 "4.1" WLDR. Motor new, tires excellent. $025, 228 No. 4th. See Mr. Conroy. Apt, 37, 12-29 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joycr, 1435 Martin. Phono 5U77. 12-30m FOR SALE- Electric hot water Innk. prlorltv rating required. The Starr Co.. 120 No. 6lh. Phone 4716. 12-30 FOR SALE- 3-plecc bedroom suite. 27 chickens, 1 cow, dining room suite. Fred Dean. 1106 Kane. 12-20 FOR SALE -One pair girl's shoe Ice skates. Phono 3730. 12-30 FOR SALtfl guitar and case. (Jood condition. 1410 Wilford, 12-30 FOR SALE -One mohair davenport and chair, one white enamel wood range, used 7 months, one Montag brown ennmel circulating heater with cast Iron firebox, one tin canning ma chine with cans, one small separator, used .1 months, one weed burner. Phone 0050. 2842 Kane. 12-30 FOR SALE -Wood lathe, with motor, planer with motor, band saw with motor, two work benches, set of dresser drawers, thirty 1x12x12 knotty pine boards. Call at 2323 So. 6th be tween (1:30 and 7:00 'evenings. 12-20 FOR SALE Estate circulating heater, like new. 2433 Nile St., off So. tith. 12-30 ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN Calculators. 124 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing ft Stationery Co. l-15m CERTIFIED NETTED OEM SEED POTA TOES, first year Montana dry land foundation stock: grown at Macrioel. Calif. Ott ft: Edwards. Phone 0713 or 1121, Tulelake. Calif. t-ll (JOINO INTO TIIF, SKHVICE-Wtll sell mv 1032 Nash coupe for $13U. 224 Wrtnltand. W 34 Automotivo WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS OPA PRICE GOES DOWN 4 January 1st SELL Just Phone 4 1 03 and we will bring you a check for Top Price Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower Anti-F Ford and Zerone (Alcohol Base) . We have a large, stock, but it's going fast. Come in now ! " B alsiger Main and BUY THE BEST New GMC Trucks ARE NOW AVAILABLE Let us help you with your application. ROSE MOTOR CO. 4lh at Klamath 36 Miscellaneous For Sale Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage?- Phone 5195 John Sandmeyer C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 12-;i()m STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture stoves bought. OK Second Hand Stoic, U20 Klamath. Phone 3t7L i2-:;om FOR SALE Foreign and domestic herbs. Free consul In lion by appointment only, 3725 Wiard, Phone 3052. L. J. Daw, Qualified Herbalist. 1-0 FOR SALE-100 tons baled nay. 1st cut alfalfa, oats nnd rye, nt Keno Sen Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7U14 Try in 38 For salo or Trade WOULD LIKE TO BUY I to 5 aires with 5 or ti-rooni modern house; Call 7711. U-'-Hi 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED by permanent navy recruit I ni nfflcei. Small furnished apt. No chil dren or dogs. Phone 3431. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO -Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phom 4510 or 7173. l-'n WILL BUY small, furnished. modern house on pavement. Phone 3III1. 1-2 WANT TO RENT, lease or buy home. Call 7543. WANTED TO BUY -Late model p trurk. Phone 7271. 1521 Sin-Rent. WANT TO RWr-Apartment or small house, furnished, by workim euimliv Permanent renters. Phone :I4(il. 12-20 MArtlNK OKFICKIt. wife nnd 5-niotillis-olrl baby i!cstre a sninll. im;l"rn limine or iiparlnien! by Jami.ii y 1.1 or v inn- j rr. Call 5131. Ext. 4'i. Capt. Smith. 1 after il p. in. I--'" j NEED TO RENT - Modern C-h eflronm i home, I'loic in. for mother with two babies for nt lc:isl la month. Hus band overseas. Excellent rcrerciu-es, Wrlle Box UiOl. care o Herald mul News. 12-30 WANTED Tru Phone 3070. lit In good SUCKERS ONLY, wc drink, emukr. gamble, use profane Innrunce. we have one child who is an nvitrur house wrrrkcr. break In; cverylhitii; handy. However. w have nhv.iy;, lived In a comfort able homo. !).? anyone have courage rntmph In n itt m'n furnished 2-brdroom lim;c? Rent from nothing to a month. P!m"r. 7104. 17it71f GLASS Mirror1', resltverin1!. pi rite, win dow and auto Klaus, (urnimro lops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Simp. n27 Walnut. Phone 7370. " 1-tm1 04 Automotivo N O W 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat. reeze Motoi Co Esplanade Phono 8164 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES Wo want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761ti Phone 45l0tf WANTED TO RENT-Immediately. two furnished or unfurnished modern houses. Please call 0475. 107 1 tf WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE, 528 Main St. 12-3tm WANTED- Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4(i3G collect. 12-29nic WA NTED Pair of pigeons, afternoons. $10,00 REWARD for Information leading to rental ot furnished apartment to permanent couple. P. O. Box 089. 12-30 BUSINESS COUPLE want furnished hnusc or apartment. Price no object. Phone 72tiG between 8 a. m. and 5 44 Live tock and Poultry NOTICE CATTLEMEN and FARMERS G. W. "Mac" McAmtlty Is Permanently Located at 516 Klamath Ave., Apt. 2. Call mo when you have hogs or cattle for sale. Phone 5Ut)2 Night or Day 1-4 HIClll'.ST PRICKS paid for hogs. veal. lutnhs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phono &32.'l. night. 3505. 12-30m WANTED - Live noiilt.vv ot all kinds. A'h ctfgs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3:172. 12-: WANTED - .Poultrv. livestock, turkeys n.lft t.ihhils. THDLOVES MARKFrr. Olii Must Main. Phone 4202 Mm KOR SALE 00 chickens about ready to lay. CheUm addition, 1 block from Jim Baker b oitlce... i: CLOSING OUT PRIVATE SALE KamMv milk cows, bred heifers, brood Biiv.-s. heir, wiener and feeder pigs. Call be lore 1 p. m. or after f p. m, m:im RL ti, fi'ix 103:i-A. on old Rend Highway It'a miles norm. v FOR PALE I ewis, Mrrri'l.-l n hnml nil retired Sllffolks. 12-30 ' 34 Automotive Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley-- Will Pay You TOP CASH Price For Your Car We can do this as used cars are just a part of our business. Essential Workers Need Transportation. If You No Longer Need Your Car Selling It Is a Contribution to The War Effort. SELL NOW While Prices Are Up You Will Help Yourself as Well as Others Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. Look! Look! Look! 1942 FORD COUPE Ration Certificate Needed to Purchase This Car 1941 Packard Sedan , (One-Sixty Model). Radio, Heater, Low Mileage. 1939 Studebaker Commander Sedan' Overdrive, Heater, Radio. 1937 Willys Sedan ' : ' : 1936, Olds 6 Sedan ' . TV 1936 Terraplane Coupe Burness Motors Corner So. 6th ANNOUNCEMENT- A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in the. boiler to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leavt your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come In, write us for information and prices., . .. ' , FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6lh Box 328 46 Financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamoth's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N 7th Phone ;M2o 12-30m First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Homo Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Kltiinath Fulls Sixth and Main Phone 51115 12-3 Dm 48 Business Opportunities SMALL ESTABLISHED nfSINV.SS. one won-.nn i-an I, audi". Wrllo Box mill rare Ucralil and News. t--2rl RKSTAUtlANT 1-OII KALK Hi' I'" responsible pnily; Write Herald -News. B-.I-. l"-"l, '-' PACE SEVEN 34 Automotive Phone 4113 and Walnut Sts. Fri. Men. operation about Feb. 1, 1945 Klamalh Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS 9B3tI 46 Financial When You Want' a CASH LOAN; " For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL . FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie S-251 12-30m Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates : Long time easy payments 7 Prompt Service It will pay you to invcslignla the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 100!) Ill N. Bth Phono 4564 ..ii Tues.-Frl.-tl