JDecernbgr 30 , 'ACE SIX KLAMATH BASIN Nw Tody Carload Potato Shipments (Fiiinrca from Stiito-Federul Inspector Rout Aubrey) en. il.rn l, V ' TOIurnu 'eiluaii.,,1 ,-lvtllo,,, ,7,''" l ,k J". im" ." MINT .,y. w1,. Vr- -il win. iiiin.i. ak ii ,"i; l'7JJ. It.., "l HttiV WAN'IKII ,,,,,.,, '. iieiit by , ,,; " w ,M, er Iwiuevvic,:!,,,, ,, WANTKIl ) navy ,., rJu,',',",,.'l,'ll:i lie. ween l , h i . "'. K.i . a 1.14 I.H I Avyi.iKiiTfMau. : - -''I Foil iin-wr ""--- - " iio i7.i, , u,,ut ! 'i AZRA.LD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON nut Qu, Wov Williams Our Boarding Hous With Moor Hoo Red Ryde, " By F,.d Harmon LIVESTOCK SOl-TH SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2tf tAl-WKA cul 150. fairly it on ay, fV KtjS. rXJ'-SS-,! '-j1'" 1 (7F.RDi IrSEEtt 6C ) fl RECOLLECT) PIENTV.-THE1 fMJILT XI Lr."S!i1ir"S!JMTi .i.e"',.''...' iRe ikv)'c.-' Jf- S) I NTO TM' HOTEL NOT .X THE1 HAP 7 fT! NOW UTS FIND 1 medium to .ood ''""! V (WW IdteaT" L, I .i6((iiSrl --r 1 CO WITH J I AN INTROPLVt iUV nc JJOJ-7 0U. dive none, nominal; ,a 7s I T2!". JsPi 1 CTiQ) 'f TLrf f y kV, . "H. E.VV, VVESWiWryjOriES.' lor week, receipt. 25. Ml 2a( icciff' yTVV.. i v l rrvu A v-osn.Vvi road') k) C : i'i; ki rnoire ": Wash Tubbt By Leslie Turner y t r ,.r-.,w, v -..u t . L' 5 THtSSWPJ TOW5I6HT THMWE CVakM tmp opuicp mm xv thf? 1 ' - - . i idi:uticvima rune plAme AS FRIENDLY HEH PICKED UP By THEIR BAOAR...THAT UTTLE INSrRUEMT,C0lON6L, WAV HELP 6ET THE PHOTOS WE MEED TO PLAN OUR. KOHObB 'V iCOK. IW T I MHYKt. tT, HO. U. 1. WT, PIT fit J Boors and Her Buddies By Martin MUT saw TNi&si VOOSE. me.: WW VOO M A HIM OWo3 ,OWr WE H0SPNTP.l . to IW Pr MYIC. X. T. It lit II t WT , freckles and His Friends By Blosser y MV GOSH. LOOH VWAT WE'LL NEVER -PMe IT IS ' DONT J GET AMY j TMEV EVER LOOK. A SLBEPj J ATA CLOCK.? y- ' r tuimk i Tuevve got HEAR TOEM SOMfr&OOy , 11.1 IAITU TUPM' NOW 2m 5 ' This is a FINE Time To be getting HOME 1 WHOS DOWNSTAIRS ? , . VK. OH. ' Vcof. IM4.,iia amviet. me. t. m .tr.. u. , Pt. QrltT DO VOU MNO IF we FtAY SOME OF YOUR. HOT RECOROINJGS y Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin Month Hmintl tim-4ft KNknll 104.1-44 Oft. In NtfAion tu Hvmnii Ooo. Daily li in t)t l)lly um to ikii I III III 9IU4 T Vt 4IHI1 ' tUl" 100 5HUJ M 4II7 3 0 iuu somT" 1 I 'I 4IM 4 . i a.ia mti " '" ' t 331 mo " 4aiu on 4na au.n M 3" w ' 7s" 477 douT J:'" 101 io 0111 -1"7 iiu turn mi " J?i 1 jo 1)4 U4T l 7H 44IM 11 mT" wT" Utt " 47 IS QU 01 . 0 "7 447 II Tl u r77: 'T M 4BII4 " l)T iiwi I4 W IJ M 1107 040 741 4WII To "7a l 07 " ri 0 1300 7 4704 i j "iacu rlvi w 4niiji in Vi iiij 4tu SO u ISM UI4 ' " "7 40J7 jii aa I44i ouiu 40 .i7 4071! a 97 laoo Tojii win 4000 34 00 IMP 7HOJ Jl 1017 40J7 14 0 W0 11100 J 1030 4040 39 0 1900 7OO0 0 1030 4040 M 39 1901 1134 4 IIMO 10.10 31 90 I041 lim 34 l94 41174 III M 1703 1J.I0 33 1001 Jliol V) 40 1139 9099 90 -:1 1 170 9000 ill I lui 9'l PftnTLAMn On., ttte. 29 lAP-VTAI Salable anil tnlal cattl 15. calvr. Hi. two load lata arrival not !wwn; mcuUy a cleanup markrt: cannar-coiii-moo cowt and tmllt 90 canta lower Ule Thurdav and today: nthrr cattle talatili1. atcady; lew cullrr dairy type tear and heller 97 00-0.90: canner and cutter row 19 00-7.00; ihelli downward to MOO; cutler bulla 47.00; common-medium calvea W 00.13 .Ml: ood-cholce vealera aalahle 913 90-14 90. Salable ho. 100. total 90! rnret active. trady: aood-cholce I0O-24O lb 17 90; 35o.;l50 lb. 914 00-19 00. lood ,. Sl3.39-I3.13: fr.il choice leader nim 39 cent higher at 914. 35. Salable hcep none, total 350; market nominal; late demand rather narrow; ood-cnoire woAiieu mini" 14 00: common radr 'l"w''. ', ' Kood-cholre owe puotable 33 30.0.00. CHICAGO. Dec. 30 lAP-WrAi-Salnlile hoi 9000; total 1000; active, tuny ateady: Kood and choice barrow and Jilt ISO lb., and up 914.13 celllni; lew l;0-IB0 lb. I4 33-14.73; all ooa and choice owa 31400. Complete early C'"arab"' cattle 3000; total 33O0: Mlalu; calve 100: total 100: receipt mainly butcher cattle. iarac.y i"-. uriply teer. Ilrm at 111 00-13 00; be.t $10 90; be.l heller. 914 35: cow. and bull, tlrm at recent advance; weighty culler cow. to $u 50: mo.l canner and cutter. 97.OO I1O0: beel cow. HjOO-U out.lde 914.50: w.uhly beel bull lo 914 90: heavy wu.ase bulla. 913 00 down to 910 90: vea'er. fully teady at 9IJ.90 '"fi'lib"?- 3O0O: 10... ' tered .alea Kood and choice lamba tront but nothing done early on le.. attractive kind.; load and choice fen wooled we.lern. anu pari . .--lamb. 9.9.35. one or two load, held lllhtlr hither: ecd .lauahter ewe. very acarce. salable 91.29 down. .The North Portland llve.l-.ck markel will be cloed New Vear a Day.i WEATHER Market Quotations DfCtmher 11, 1044 Max. M n. Irclp. 4! 12 .7 T--ace 37 .10 fimene Vlatnalh FaltB Pier men to VotMh Rend Portland Mrdford , Bno Sin Francltco Seattle Wttahlntrinn inil Dretf tn: Showcn tr Hkv nnri farlv Innlsrhl. vlth IliOW flUT- riei east ol Caicadef. Colder, clearing Saturday. . wi , Northern tnilrnrnia: iniemnneni .in thine with ratt-rcd llaht ihnwri to day: clear and colder toniM with h?avy frnat or frrriln in vnUey: ratternl clouda Saturday with rain t nliht on norinern coaii. OBITUARIES MARY ei'dF.MA OWtS MmrV rnn! Ouwn wlffl of JttDM If. Owen, pionetsr rentdenta of the Hly ill trlct. pa Med away In a locnl hoipttnl Thiirariav. Doeemlier 211. at .1:15 a. m.. havlni twrn in mi neann tor me pan month. Mm. Owrn wai a nntlve of Mliiotirl. wai a ued 7! yenri, 7 rnonttw and 1 dnyn. and find been ft re 1 dent of tne my aimriri lor inc pnni mi jrrs, the Owen ranch help fl Inndmork there, in ririi.irin tr, htr huihunrl ihr Ik atir- vlved hy two annu. J. H. Owen and Frank Owen. nl two dntuchtem. Mrt. Baill Hall and Mrs. Joe Taylor, all re nld Inn at Bly; also one aUtcr, Mr. Nori MrKendreo of Grants Paul. Orriton; three ifrandchlldren and three grent urnndrhlldren. The remain! rent at ths Earl Whltlork funeral home. Announc! ment of funeral nervlcea will be inftdn upon receipt of word from two Brand children tn V. B. army iervlco. ..leu. 4a' .Ti' , IM i NKW YOIIK. !c 20 IAIM.-Th itoek matkot imloy rviumvd in cllinb back tne ivven-year immhi from wnicrt tt Ut'pcd lait wcrk ClrHlitsf ailotatiunt: American Can IW Am Car at Fdy Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Calif Parking - Cat Tractor t Commonwealth At Southern , Curtli-VVritfht Cieneral Electro Ctnnrl Motor .... , - Ct Nor Hy pld Illtnoli Central lilt Harvester . ... . Kennecott .M - Lockheed IifiM-Hell "A" . Munttfnrnrry Ward - Nab - Kelvin tur - S V Central Northern Parlflfl Par Oat Aj Fl Packard Motor ....... IVnnn II It ItentihKr Steal ...-.-. Ulchflcld Oil Mafeway Htiirai Sear Horliuck .. ...... Southern Pacific Standard Itrand - Sunanine Mtnlna Trani-Amer'ca .. ., tlnton Oil Calif . ttn'on Pacific V S Steel . Warner Pictures . AD' 131, Potatoes CHICAGO. Tec. 20 (AP-WFAl-Pota-toes: total V. S ihlpmenia 701; arrival 40. on track 124: old stock, offorlno very light, demand Ilfhi; market firm for bet stock. Idaho Ituttet Uurttanks. V. S. No. 1, 112.., Wliconiln Chlppawas. generally c 'd quality, e2.7S. WHEAT RO SCO K OAK AMKH Ttoicoe Oak Ames, for the past two years a resident of Klnmnth Falls, nasned away In this city Wcdneidny. December 27, 1044. at 10:15 p. m. The deceased was a native of Ashland. Ore Hon, and was aged years. 0 months and 26 days when called. lie Is but vlved by his wife. Mrs. Mary Amrs. of Klamath Falls: two brothers, Horn re Ames and Arrhle Ames nf Halem. Ore , and sister. Stella Van Fossen of Port land. Ore. The remains rest In Ward's CHICAGO. Dec. 20 (API CJraln fu tures markets rallied Just before the clone today to erase most losmes which at limes had extended to mora than a cent. Corn was Indenendenti steady through' nit the session despite hedging sales against heavy country purchases. Itye led the early break and at mid session was more than a rent below tho previous close. Weakness was at trlhuted to heavy selling of the July contract by one of the leading commis sion house, In the final halt hour nf trading offerings diminished and when short tried to cover price rallied onfclly. , . Hedge selling erased soma of the enrlv gains In corn. Wheat was under tha pressure of selling by a prominent local profets.onal trader. . At the finish wheat was to S lower than yesterday's close. May t.n:i'i. Corn was up to , May I. in1,-. It. Ont were lower to ' higher. Map nil's. Rye was '' to higher. May f1.141.l4Vs. Barley was up V to May $1.10. FUNERAL JOHN JOfiFPH COHMANff Funeral services for the Into John Joseph Coumans. a resident of 4030 Bryant, and brother nf Thomas Con mans, will no held on Saturday, Decem ber .10, from the Carl Whltlock funeral home, at 1:4.1 p. m. Commitment serv ices and Interment will follow In the family plot tn Llnkvllle cemetery. Friends are Invited. Klamath funeral home, 02.1 High, whern friends mav rail. Funeral arrange ments will be announced latirr, FUNNY BUSINESS f r:jf mms &12 NFvr hAo") P"1 tOS ? WHT," f OHl! VELL-GEt.' THAT "T-"" f SHUCKS. I OONT . Wryu"f l,ta, NOTrilN' LIKE TH-S IN AAV. WHAT'SVO5 1 MtS THINGS WKMNTt 1 I I KNOW WHY X It , bO5H.0LM-.M6 HIS NWiAN V MRS. WLK WW? HAS SO A GUY DONT HflrfA M SHOULONT 3TICH. aT I f WUR SURE. HAD T, PALACE-NOT THINK ABOLT 1 NO WIPE . HAVE A QUEEN TSE rV, I k AROUND FOR. A II C MINASELF A THINS '? WITH a' QUEEN AU THIS K. . A KING HERE J I L SPELL - II f HERE.' All THESE WPATffSLE 1 COURT f IN LENW J O f I fV PPP"' I I L SALS WHOOEY Jb. ON DECK jm GMtW? J - j J V i; I I TX J I Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray fy H jmWy', '(IwMAi whooee!wow!1 m:V$ ii 1 milium 1 1 jf jAJIEJ I 11 .... j. "This one will cost you Iwo dollnrn n week more 11 1ms running wulcr!'' Cerlol. 1 131 Overload, and TrurkloU ....... oj3 LEGAL NO 1 ICES llll IIKNT II I'.l iiriil.l',.,.. SZTluS?1 a.er lii.iil.l,.,. , , " ' "I'll rhiina 30OU. wii.i. iiknt 1.7. II renter will Jll.Ul.lill, rtlll ItCNT 3 7.',! ", lil.li.il, 3I.1U . .in,, roii HAi.r. 4UW cii.li "' til. - in lion... t,iut: I ""I'llui. liil -, l 'alilli, B,tl, . I "l .in Ik, i .iiu, f,.i,y. " i:;ii - ... Ha roi. HAi.K .u;n ..in,,,,,,,,, r-r- ei 1'ie.i,,,,. rw h " ". km. Call 017 A.l.i,,. i ' "a llri - -. ... . "3 rill. HAI.K r-.ioi.ll H iTr- "valor. . .,, .';",' ''. Ile.k. Tul.l.k. i-.i.i "IW. ;:. .. rtlll HAI.K 1.41,1,,,. , aunalile. 435,1 , ,r, A,,"teh". JjollnqNoiiqe,"" HI v.l dU. da Bi; ' 7. l - T.P r- "li. th J.I MAT II K (ir llNAl. At't'Ol'NT Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account and report til my guanllanshtp nf Jack Utwis lng and lieorge Martin Umg, ml nun. and lite pudge of the Circuit Court of the Hut of Oregon, fur Klamath County, has flietl 10.00 a. in. t( January 20. l!3. as the lime and the Court Itimitt uf said court the plata when and where any pernm may present objec lions tu said final arwunl. and at saiif lime and place said court will sallle said account. ' KUZAnrTH M. LONG. Guardian t. Orth ftiwmnre. Attorney. D20JS-ia-lU-ao. No. 3r7 Notlt r OF HNA. ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that 1 have filed my final account and report f my administration of the eiate nf Fred August Jantmn. ftlo known as Fred JaniMti, deceased, and tha judge of the Circuit Court of lite Slate of Oregon, for Klamath County, has fle.l lo tin a. m. of January 20. t4fl. as the lime and the Court It mini of said court I lie place when and where any person my prrnt objections or exception t" said final account, and at said lima and place the cuurl will settle said ac count. C. L, JANSHKN, AdinluUlrator, I Orth 8 lie mora. Attorney. NUTIt'K TO ( UKIIITOMII Notice la hereby given thai tne under signed ha Ix-en appointed adminitlratrlK of the estate nf U A. Hrannan, deceased, and ha qualified. All parsons having claims against said estate are notified tu present the same lo me with proper vourhert at the office of L Orth Hi se nior. Stewart-Drew Building, KUinalh Falls, Oregon, within six months from December IS. HM4. UUANCIIK F nttANNAN, Adminislratrlx. D. J5 M M; J. 8-12-No. 840. CARPCNTERS- LOCAL No. 190 Meeting tl and Snl Wrdttvvltr t i: l l-OMl Kec .,! n A Oll.re tliM-ii 7 1.1 to it uo i i) K Vet.tte.i.ay .'lion, ixn 1-41 2 L.ot ano 1 ouna WII.I. Tlir I'AIII V Who picked u, nil h.l HiiiiiI.v nl.lt. at HI I'.yl'i (h.jf I intone ,i..i .mi K?t w, ,Ja l.ONT l,.dv'. trllnw ll,ili.,l.irrfJ wali-h. Nam. mi ,11.1 J.,. j.i,;l Wal.-h, It.art-.lmlM, .-a,,, nun anil bark. Ite,air niiinoer iriio, (,HI U :U47 A. ll.Wanl lljl LOUT 3 ke). tit c.e l.cK.til. Bcrtol In Herald and Net... j.)l I.OHT 1041 l.ulck feo,lrr .kill. eUll I 3trl rewaid. rhitlie 0153 1). I.O.HT - ltiU '. y.Ilow ,lil .pl.t, ptndit:! walrh. Kome on ttl.l Jewel. irnio, ii.aTi-.i,.i,eo te, nern ftttll and hark. Itrpalr itumur ln.14, rtwl .. 3117 A. Il.w.rd I'liiine 9331, I13I tAHT l.ara. feilork , male .hcph.nl 4 I an. j.m oiii, .n,..r, OBfll, Q Tlftl Gonoral Notice, roii HTi'Ai.rs i)AScr: ogciiiiiu.1 Inquire a. R34 u.k H.. or ptwn, U3 1 T II E 1) K I. II Y iruttn.rly r.hli.'i 1'l.r.l Will lie Open 31 lltmi. a On. Transportation CLASblt tC ft AXES One day word 4e 4 day run pel ""! k 3 day run 1.1 urj 4 day run pel word Jc 3 day run per worn 4t Week run V I Month run ' "! 30 Dlacount tor Payment in Advance a otacouni ror i-armen. . Ad received by 1:00 una arternoon in 11 hy I will appeal "New roday" voluinn Now Today WANTED-tleeuly operator. Guarantee 943 00 a week. Call 4033 or alter 0 p. m. 1011. ! LOUT- Tire chain wllh rubber alretcher. tietween llooaavelt arhool and IIHMde lioapltal or Kldorado and Alameda, Mione rknio. IJ-30 DENTifiTny, Way. afternoon,. 4ooo Sha.la 1-20 NOTICIC -New Year", Eve dance, Hun day nlhl. I3ec. 31. Dance the old year mil and lite new year In to the . niuale ol the Cowboy Hand, at the me White nam. corner llomedale and Airway, run lor everybodyl 12-20 CAM. riTZCintAl.n when your roof la leaking Ilepalrlna:. Iiulll-up rnola and watarproollna. No Job la loo larae or too .mall. Don't fnral when your roof leak lull dial "Cec," 4010. 1-9 WANTED- domeone lo care lor 2 chil dren In Ihelr home. Girl 1 year, liny 9i, year,. Write 112, can ol Herald. u, . M'i-vn t ..1 v inr m.rklne and check ln. Standard Cleaner,. 177011 roll RENT - rurnlhod hnmekeeplnf room aullable lor one icnlleman. M4i Pine. U-30 roil I.ENT-Preaenl location ol ra.hlon Cleaner,, 002 Main, modern Ironl. UMt . nv 70. roni. inotiirn iiuoy a i.. Shop, 000 Main. 172111 HAVE ClONE IN NAVY, '30 Bulrk coupe ..I. m.v he ..en al 2070 Etna. Phone 4503. I's wnn aai.r. nlrl'. lee akatea. Ilka new, .tu 13. Phone 721)7. 12 30 FOR BALE-DlnlnS room eel. Duncan Phyfe, table, II chair,, bllffol, S190 lake. II. Coll 4231. I"-'10 WIHII TO IIKAIl lium lady or foej.1 utiiO ea.t who will rnaperoM ff m elee,l I'hniie or 7MI 10 Sorv.cot REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE und Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Mon Klamath Refrigeration Phono 703R 2000 South Sixth St. Mini INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bnokkceplnl rtollln A. Cnntri.il noom 4. Honks. Bldg, 110 N. Bill St. Open Evenlni!' unci Saturdays tn -lodO MOVINC STORAGE Locnl und l-'i'iR 0lslnn" HAULING ll.r.ih Pnlk STORAGE AbciiIs for United Van tin" 101 Klnmnlh I'honc 56jj HOSIERY MENDInT Prompt Service Mull Orders Accepted ri..:. CUinnrrl riorum ,.i 028 Mnrtin V WANTED noy'a led nera. Coll I1.H0. with iteel rttn- WANTED Housekeeper lo laka full rharoe. flood aalary. Oo home or alay nllhu. Call 9090, or 300 Wa.lt-Inolon. WANTED TO nilY-lnneraprlnl ntat lrea. Prefer neatlly Heat or Seeley. Mil! he reannalily priced. Phone 4000 batwnen and 7 p. m. Tlltf DESPEIIATEI.Y IN NEED nf lata mode car. Will pay hUhe.l cnah price. Call Mr. Wolf, noom 411, Wlllard llnlaK rOR RAI.E-.H heart purebred Riilfolka. 7 ewe, I ram, mile north of Mer rill. Mr. Ine rjuck. Phona 1204 rOR RAI.E One fine .leraey cow, Jtiat freah. A, Ronfelrt. tlok 1101, Merrill, Ore., - or one-quarter mlla aoulh of Merrill. . Il-.'IO STOCKMEN Tho neat Mveatock Auc tion al lha Pavilion, Phoenix, Orounn, will be on January 6, 1043. Southern Oregon Livestock Auotlon Co. 1-fl FO SALE -Jeraey enw, 3V lallnna milk day. Phone D00H. Ill Weal Klamalh, WayerhoetlBor Sawmill. 1-3 WANT TO BUY - Stttmpao eullahla for wood cuttlnf. P. O, Box 939, Klamalh rail., 12-30 The KINDERGARTEN Blfl Walnut St. 0 a. m. to P- ffl Ltinrli Inrltirlod ... . ii.'7 ''n"" ih mnil BupervLor. Ruin " ' ' ' d r. Iprif ano an.. i- Dlroctor,, Dr. on - ;TTurinK. -No . !?.', nHINO Mr. saw and T atnall. Ilodeilliainer Baw .l .....In, I p" IIOllKECI-EANINtl, fljnj window wn.lllllH. .M r 1141m. 2211 N. OIII HI J, E. Pi.llr-r.il. " e 3.UI. f s Biior. shop no" 240 K. Mnln 1 PnnrrTN riNO-Pno"' SpRJ'ftn. Mr.. Enid liun ii. " lor apiiooi. Trm,f! viTclnNK BF.nVICF. , I . ' ,., " Phmie mil. B"".r inniS Iinii'L" KA1.SOM1NINO. Kemiom... ln. Phc)!!"" rrilr JJNlTAUNDEItr-P.-- phone 3717.