;ernbr 29, 1944. Dec mmm 'V.llltSSFl:,liJ ,1'UJll.K '0. - ' ! I1' ''N'EV J i i I i ! I I 5 MsMt to Hold Initiation The ival OretiT of tho Moono will Jfd inlUiilUm .Krltlny, Dm'iiv ' r 20 l !' '" lllu Moe J,,ll Ad'T Jlinuury 1. mclliin "ill hi- lu'ld Tliuriiiluy limlcml ,i Krlcli'.v nltflitx. untl liillliitlon "ill I,,, held every hocoikI iiihI Lrtli Tliurndiiy. Tliu uimuid tt Yi-nr (rollc will lo held jjHinlny uvenliiK. Deccinlier .1(1, 11,11, u IrKlun liU'uthiK lit 2:1111 V ... unci a blilUIUUt (!' k'Uiiill Scinbcru und their funillloN ul S30 p. I". Tho uiiihiiiI frolic In 'jjonnii'i'd by tho Lcifiun (if the Moose. n . C II 11........ 1 son kum' j05 nrrluntnlloii, received word li a nn to A. Chiindlur Merry iikI wife, Sun June, Cullf. Mm. gerry hud returned Thurndiiy lorillllK Hum u lu-uiijr vmu Willi ' ' fmnllv 111 Ihlil I'llv i Ili.-lr lliliil i.hllil untl Itcond un. weighed 0 pounds $ ounce. In Minnesota Mr. lind Mrs. E , rviru.y m; hm--ih,i,k UK knllduys with their fuinllli'n In ii.. ..I Will,,,,.,- Ml,,,, 31, I M.H Ml." " I They ore expected homo within I (orlnliiht. Mm. Klelty la em ployed in the train inintUr'H of fice of Hie Southern I'lieKIc, mid Klclly In ciitflnocr with the Great iNorinern. H.turni Homo Cvelvn Prud- lomnli', dliUKhter of Mr. iiikI Mm. It. C. Prudlwmnio of 1321 Snrueiit. Iin.t returned to her I tome following mi einerifrni'y ppemu-utiiiny ut Kliumitli Viil- cy no.Hmiii. mms i-ruunoiiime will return to her poxlllon it I ilnl'luer Motor coinpuuy within I ihort time. ! To Preach Rev. Edwin F. Wright, piislor of u church at Scappoosc, Ore., will preuch Sunday, December 31, In the Com in unity C'onitruiiiillonul church on Garden ut 11 n. in. lip Is belnil considered us a can did)! (c for the piislornto of this thurcli. Return Mr. and Mrs. P. ti. Color. 1017 Hliih, returned Tucs iljy from Prlncvillo where they pent n while Chrlslmiis with I their daughter's family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur foster, and enjoyed l Christinas dinner with them Hid the senior Fosters. To Speak Howard Htitchlns will speak nt tho scrviceincn'B Impel, 323 Main, on Saturday, December 3D. On Sunday, the chief speaker will be C. K. Lug- trwcll, director of the chime . I end his topic of discussion will Do "What the Hue Suva About the Murines." BDOnt DirUlm... u . . f,'.V.."."y.i"-. ,""yc,! L'i"-i"': M u l i, r-Ill.t. Mr. I,i Jf. v.. !'" ("y,'V' "la t'ldifornla. I i., ", "duaiu of Klamath Union , hi, wlMlll ,, ,, C( plele.1 11 inis.Hi,,,,,, ,. ,llM war I healer, lie wears the Oak Leaf Cluster and Air Medal and ins 11 I'resl.lentlal Citation, lie it'll hero Ihursduy morning lo fi!!i "i.",'" ,',I,H lmsv 1,1 "iftllng ielil. Ilali.n Ki.uge, I,,,., w.r lie is it fliKht Instructor. ii "J"1!? Ffom 08c I'alrleln llaelietl, dnughler of Mr. and Mis. .1. .'. Itaeketl, Uuk been "1 'Hug Hie holidays will, her purents In Klamath Kails. 'a lilcla Is a research student at Oregon Stale college In Corval Is where she Is taking work In blo-elieinlstiy, ... n.,r,nTl!''v'' "n1 Mr- I'Hgli I. Milehehnore of Hie Alliiinonl I resbyteilaii ihiucli returned Wednesday ulu r noo n after spending Christmas will) their son Lawrence II. Mitelielmorc, and family ut Jacksonville, Ore. Hnvo Guoits Mr. and Mrs A. C. Daekes, .1211 Pacific Tcr ruce, have us house guesls Mrs. Ilnckes' parents, Mr. und Mrs. Ldward Maimer, of Prineville und her brother, Seffle Maimer, of l.educ, Alberta. Canada. Carl McKane of Canada ,s Hfo vs. Itiuu there. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREE' Their Goal: Homes in U. S. A Improving John Leonard!, 1112a Division, who was :.truck by u car on S. (ith Just belorv Hit! holidays, Is reported Improv ing al Klamath Valley hospilal. The elderly man suffered a frac tured leg, To Meet The regular meet ing of Ihe PTA county council will be held Wednesday, Janu ary 3, at 2 p. in. In the Hed Cross room at 4111 Main. A cordial In vitation is extended to all inter ested parents. Germans Launch Robombs to England LONDON. Dec. 2fl l'i Drenk ng n one-night lull In their aer ial assaults upon Urilain, the Germans struck at southern Eng land with V-bonibs agnln during the night. The government an nounced some damago but no casualties. ' On Furlouah SSut. Roland Piper, who tins seen action in the European thenter for the pnst six mouths, is home on a 21 day furlough which he Is pending will) his parents, Mr. ad Mrs. C. E. Piper, of Klam till Foils. Stanley Picser served as chair man oi ino worK aonn oy cnin olic Indies tit tho USO center. Mrs. Kalph Ln Londe, general Chairmnn nf 1hi u.ni-U ivna III and Mrs. Picser filled in most punnrnoiy. Moots nn tiia r n,.ni ri der of Moose will hold n New nrs Eve frolic on Snlurdny n Bill. lWninUn -JO , II. Mooso hull on 1010 Pine. , All mcmocrs nro Invited to nltend. t ' Vlilllng LeeRoy Smith, 1121 Walnut, nrrlved homo Christmas Eve from duty with tho U. S. inerchnnt murine. He will be ponies the grentcr port of the MJ j . t "funaoa j no wnr ilepnrl Went announced that Pvt. Chnr 'les W, Mitchell, son of Wulter P. Mitchell of LoPInc, hnd been WOUndcd in nrllnn l,i l-,,,-,. Wnn area. ,..?,J.1,h Aoclollon The Klam tn County Public Hcnlth nssn elation will meet nt the chamber ."l commerce on We,l,,nlv .n,,,. !"ry3,at3p. m. Building Materials Composition and Cedar SHINGLES Insulating Wall, Panoli Armstrong Cork Company CERTAINTEED ROOFING ACME PAINTS, LIN-X Suburban Lumber f'o. Phone 7709 Today On The Western Front By The Asioclatod Preti Canadian 1st, British 2nd Arniioi: No change In front; patrols active. U. S. 9th Army: No change In Hocr river line In Ger many. U. S. 1st Army: Wiped out pocket cast of Celles. captur ing 1U0U nazis, much armor; hammered northern and western rims of nazi drive; recaptured Mnnhuy, Grand menil, II u m a I n; German spenrheads isolated near St. Hubert; Germans acknowl edged withdrawals virtually along entire perimeter. U. S. 3rd Army: Widened Baslogne corridor, reaching Slbert, capturing Salvncourt und Ilomprc; gained up to 20 miles In six days: beuvy fighting In woods north of Assenois, three miles south west of IJnstognc; on cast, captured S n 1 n 1 e x, Llvar chumps, Surre, Uouluide, Haschlelden, Bavignc and Kiumdorg, 5Vj to 10 miles southwest of Uastogne, and poured in troops to build up that area. Farther east, reached Sure river on Ger man border at three more points, including Hosporl, threo miles cast of Editor nnch. Echtcrnach in Ameri can bands. U. S. 7th, Fronch 1st Armiosi No change reported. n-. is i'k Here are a few of the 1200 Australian wives und children of American lighting men who hopefully nwail llic day when they can conic lo America. Jamming Australia's port cities in hopes of obtaining early passage, many of tho wives will have to wait a year before they will be able lo see their future homes in U. S. A. EHUMERATORS NEEDED FOR The 1D45 census of agricul ture is to be taken during the month of January. The census Is taken every five years and covers all farms In the United States comprised of three or more acres of land, or, if less than three acres, producing $250 or more in farm products during 1044. Men and women arc needed In district three to work as enumerators. District three in cludes the following counties: Klumath, Lake, Deschutes, Wheeler, Hood River, Jefferson, Sherman, Gilliam, Wasco and Crook. Persons wno live in these counties and are interested in employment as farm census enumerators should write, tele phone, or call nt the office of tho bureau of the census. 60G Medical-Dental building, Klnm ntli Falls. The telephone number is 72G6. Enumerators must be over 18 years of age, have nn automo bile, and be citizens of the Unit ed States. They will receive special instructions before going into the field, after which they will work on their own time and will be paid on a piece basis. Provision will be made for them to secure necessary ad ditional gasoline. FOOLED THE DOCTORS Count Lulgl Cornaro, Vene tian nobleman, 111 and feeble at the age of 35, regained his health on a daily 12-ounce diet of solid food plus wine, und lived to the age of 09. C'Allll OK THANKS , The SUlrnt of SI. Krnncli Sncrcd licnrt Academy vllt lo tlinnk their rrlends who snve them no mnny nnd uch benulinil silts tor Chrlalmm. Service Men and Women Home on Leave Pvt. Lloyd Reed from Fort Ord, Calif. Here until Janu ary 5. The above service people are entitled to free passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lo-l River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R C Woodruff ol the dujry. Please call at The Herald and News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets Private Plane Missing In Idaho POCATELLO, Idaho, Dec. 29 (fP) A private airplane was missing in southern Idaho to day. . En ' route "from Bozeman, Mont., to Salt Lake City, the plane radioed last night from the vicinity of Inkom, Idaho, that it had encountered icing conditions. That was the last word re ceived by airports. Searching planes went out this morning after a snowstorm cleared. The number aboard the unre ported craft was not known here. fmfiO Wsl A FEW DROPS OalcklyReftne distress of HUD COLDSt T-VJWT Ok. WW It's so cmv to (ret nmmnl AlTppHun V rrUnf from riift. .rf tress of head colds with Va-tro-noll Works right where trouble Is to reduce conRcstion soothe Irritation make breathing easier. Also helps prevent many colds lrom developing If used In time. Try It I Follow dlrectlonstnfolder. VICKSVATRO-NOL tlONARCty J 110 Biker MOMRCH roQPS-lllnite Pewit MOOSE New Year's Eve FROLIC Saturday Night, December 30 MOOSE HALL 1010 Pino St. SPONSORED BY Legion of the Moose MEMBERS ONLY Door Priin . . . Wor Bond Good Music JOAN Y'S LAWYER FLAYS GREEN ACTOR By GENE HANDSAKER LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29 (fl'i Joan Berry's attorney appealed to tho words of Christ today in justification of her relations with Charlie Chaplin and told a jury in her paternity case against the comedian that "I feel we have here the man who Is responsible for this baby's existence." Joseph Scott, white haired churchman, declared that in the days of Moses, a woman caught in adultery was stoned to death, and recalled the incident in which such n one was taken be fore Christ in the temple. "A lot of gray-haired old buz zards like Chaplin came up and demanded that she bo stoned to death," Scott declared. "But Christ stooped and wrote in the sand those immortal words: 'Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone at her,' and then to the woman added, 'Go, and sin no more.' "That is the philosophy of Christ, of whom I am a humble follower." Pounding the railing of the jury box and shouting to the jurors, Scott told them: "I have been more than 50 years a member of this bar. I have seen this city grow from a little pueblo of 50,000. In all my experience I have never had any thing affect me like this case, be cause I feel that we have here the man responsible for this baby's existence and I don't want to let him escape if we can prevent it." When Scott declared the law of California provides that medi cal testimony is not infallable and a jury is not bound to accept it, Attorney Charles E. Millikan, Chaplin's counsel, objected. Superior Judge Henry M. Wil lis directed Scott to proceed with his argument, but when Joan's attorney cited another case in which a man had been held to be the father of a child despite medical testimony to the con trary, Millikan again objected. The court again refused to interfere. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By Williom Fe,gu,on .. JWJMM'MJUfKvmi JLJLl'JI. - NINETEEN SPECIES OF BIRD5 WERE COUNTED IN ONE DAY, IN A PUBLIC SQUARE V 7N HeARrOF TH C7Y-. T. M. KG. O. S. f AT. Off. USING A RAZOR STROP MAKES A RAZOR SHARP, ANDACHILD SMART," Sayt J. H.AAILLER., Yams Arrive Destination Unknown BOISE, Ida., Dec. 29 (JP) Boise Postmaster Harry Yost is looking for someone who was expecting a half-bushel of yams for Christmas. Just Received! LEATHER JACKETS Aviator Style, Zipper Front, Bi-Swing Back Sizes $16.50 -$18.50 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main Among the several Yule pres ents which Yost says his office has been unable to deliver be cause of illegible addresses is the basket of sweet potatoes. The first U. S. automobile road race between Chicago and Libertyville in 1895, a 100-mile round trip. Japs Produce ; Gas From Pines , ; By The Associated Preti The Japanese arc producing from the roots of their pine trees high octane aviation gasoline equal if not superior to that type of fuel obtained from petroleum, Domei news agency reported to day in a Tokyo broadcast. "The picturesque Japanese pine, indispensable in every Jap anese garden, has at last joined the ranks as a valuable muni tions raw material," Domei said in a broadcast heard by the fed eral communications commis-' sion. You can handle this switchman's job with S. P.! If you're able-bodied , , . a bit of a he-man who likes to keep things moving ... if you like excitement and locomotives and trains and would like keeping the war trains rolling . . . and if you'd like working with real men and a locomotive to push cars around for you then,' brother, here is your job: Switchman with S.P. ... a vital job and a well-paying job.! We train you for it within a few days make you a full-fledged R.R. operating man. Make no mistake, this is a sound, solid job with a big company. Plenty of work ahead. R.R. pass priv ileges. Liberal age limits. Fine pension plan. Medical services. A job you'll go for. Other good jobs open also. See or write Trainmaster, S, ' , P. Station, Klamath Falls,. or your nearesf S. P. Agent. MALLORY'S Merrill-Lokeview Jet, 1 MARKET Telephone 4620 Happy New Year! We Have a Few Turkeys Just Dressed Today Liver ..... 2 lbs. 25c Pure Gr'nd Beef 2 lbs. 45c Pork Sausage . 2 lbs. 45c Beef Roast . ... lb 23c Fancy Winter Banana Apples $2.95 per box Large Ranch Egg 65c per dozen r DANCELAND 615 Klamath Ave. . DANCE Music By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE Auiplcei V.F.W. New Roosevelt Club Under New Management WINTER EVENING SPECIALS Italian Spaghetti - $'-00 Steak Sandwich $1-00 Checjo Rarebit $1-00 Fried Oysters $1-25 French Fried Shrimp $1.25 Also Our Deluxe Chicken & Steak Dinners Dancing Every Nlto Phone Tuleloko 6.203 Just over the Oregon-California line on the Tulclake Highway We Will Be CLOSED Saturday, December 30 Monday, January 1 Ut oto&eb that out entployeel may mate fally enjoy the ludiday. ieaiOH BIG BASIN LUMBER COMPANY BUILDERS' LUMBER COMPANY J. W. COPELAND YARDS DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY F. R. HAUGER HOME LUMBER COMPANY KLAMATH CABINET SHOP KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY SUBURBAN LUMBER COMPANY SWAN LAKE MOULDING COMPANY S T A R T the NeUA 1eaA right! HAVE A Check-up on Your Eyesight BECAUSE EYES CHANGE O " No Charge for Eye Examination Dr. John Monahan Resident Optometrist COLU Ph. 7121 GLASSES DON'T 7 REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS Dr. Sid G. Xotei Dr. Sid O. Nolei, Jr. Dr. O. J. Notes (Lt. V. S. Army) Dr. D. It. Haylor Dr. It. P. Alexander Dr T. B. Mulholiand Dr. G. Hopkln Dr. John Monahan OPTICAL SINCE 1905 .EXCtUSIVElV OMlCAl H S.W. th TWO STORES (ClAMATH tAllS. 7J0 mtm ruiii.a.vi. i-JM.vi.il -urjr. 1 1 1 f ' I t f.i h j -i'j ri 1 1 "'I"' " New dear's ve CARNIVAL and DANCE M ALII Sunday Evening December 31 Dance the Old Year out and the New Year in to the music of PAPPY GORDON i and his Oregon Hillbillies Daneina 9:00 'Til 2:00 A. M.