Lb.r 26, 1944 HFRAID AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE FIVE $4, e. PKNNtY 09,, I M 9 . Vli. here until January 10, ', . his paronlfl, Mr. and r" MM. Hurry Weimar l HHfni ! holfdiyf In St. 'Ir? v the Welmure will moke lt,ll","Lnnio In southern Callfor 4 Nre formerly ol 11 Enhllel'1- I' .i... TMaha ma Dun t'r. racrulter in Chora's BW ' HI.. g 1 1 I.. "''will receive an honorable f'-h.rie from tho U. S. nuvel ftfltr'. 1,1. fnrmol- rl. will inn3 v. . 'tSlllon """' o h. J. "If. ptnncy ..."" ILcc, Ore, on January 18. from Portland Mr. and Mm. fouler of Portland .pent '(. .tinaa here with r par- iA"' . i hj. r: n r ii a I-ia Mr. "O a.n. vi a m i Srti'n of Pino "trcct. They l.-ft Siy morning for the north. T, M.lln Sgt- Paul Glotier 5 rl. Elliabeth banders, M Tfti connected with the WAC "' (Killing personnel In Klam ' KSralli; aro In Mulln Tuesday ,, tea official bmlncaa. ''i ,tu,H Hoipltal Mri. Don C. I"" ", KlBmutl: hWilUy hoiplUl and a now at iM'i apartments at the Alpha, Klicrc - - Ihfl Ill-Paul H. wrigm, ciopiuy 1w collector of Fall., IrJii confined to hla home with bjiafluenia. ' Marines Leave for Furloughs Annroximatelv IS marines (torn the Barradt.5 here have k..n lmvlim every day for the nil iu aaya on v.iiii ,.h over the Southern Pa W" 'm .tlo In cine raiiwji ovviv,... .u bnihorn Pacific officials. Of these, 10 were destined to bolnta In ttita general area, such iifiin Francisco and Portland, while five were heading hack to the eaitorn states. It was ei limsted a total of 180 marines hive left In the past 10 days on Christmas furlough over the Southern Pacific route. ' Greyhound bus authorities tero reported about 20 marines Hiving eacn day vran an con mited total of 200 en route home for the holidays. Tho ma jority of them wero destined to Portland, uaKiana, ocatiic ann Loi Anuclcs. while five out of tiny 20 were going buck east. These figures add up to a to lil of 350 .marines stationed at the Marino Barracks, who have lilt Klamath Falls In the past 10 days on Christmas lurlougn. Klamath Students Listed On University Of Oregon Honor Roll tudents from Klamath Falls warp imnnfl an DlLfnmniiK tntal ol 106 listed on the fall quarter Honor roll as having received a point average of 3.8, half i'i and half B's, or higher. Stlltlitnfa llRtnrl Irnm Klumath .III are Mary V. Corrlgan, a lunior in sociology, daughter ol w, ann mrs. Louis t . Corrlgan; w. vxilivilj-, OUJJI IVMMMI V III Ibcral arts, daughter of Mr. and Iiret M. Murphy, sophomore in Mucatlon, daughter of Mr, and ". u. a. njurpny. National Park Men Visit Lava Beds Rex WftHrllA uut urir r "mon lour of tne national park "ivitc, stationed In San Fran wo, and Maurice Thede. fnr esler fnr . Vnumii. nin...t Wrk, made an official visit to inva beds last week, spend ing four days In the nearby Thrt ..I.U . I. V v,loll"' were ncre to K vc T. . I,ef lo uon r isncr, mittrrs, The monument Is now r 1,0 dlrcct Jurisdiction of incy also made plans for inrui "'""mora lire protection WEATHER in. Mav. i .in 40 .....411 39 Z'.Z'ia as Min. Tree 31 43 Tra m 3 27 la 4n is Trtc 'iriS i "!u CillfornU- Cloudy In nfiJJv arlR, Portion with ruin Wed k tlouil lr,I L. i '.?B5 . tody with Incruitni : VITAL STATISTICS HecnMi? f'"'"- "m,! writ Dun. 'PwIS SIr-'"v ,M- to Mr. and Mri. 'VounrflrSomb' stl'rl. KSPf llJ """ Name: hiian Diane. W.i MS,ss-nrn at Klamalh Valley hon iii,' Sl,Mlli ralta. Or., Oftamliar JJ, E) mi,l bo Walshll 1 tioundl m TBorR L Kl"mlh Vallay hon a fail ,".m,,h "I''. Pacamlicr M 4,,0 Mr' "Id Mra. 0. M. Salw. 10 JunJJJj- Welihli 7 poundi ff "Jil'-Dorn at Klamath Vallay h. Bliu 'fyiam ram. ora Darembar liiii'i. ,Mr' ,ni. Mn. Vlrall Wqiiar, soio "'. boy. War.hti poundi P.Ir-tlor'n al Wtimilh VmUiv hm. Km iilH",h r"alla. On,, Dacamber ss. Slihn M! aad Mra. J, r. Lea, 3300 S rl. Walahll noundi, 'tfmi.i'S1? B8rn at Klamath Vallay 'pilal, Klamilh rain. Ore.. Derembar . . . SawlodqjHm things ym mn use Now M t0!t WOMEN'S WINTER COATS Jv a,OU?itotn o ''i404' Soft warm coats of all wool suada In fitted and ChestarHald modals. H 'G StJJ Jfr M NSSSbX bWU"'0cfc- Qt 8nug, wrinkla-rasistant fleaea with tha new sweethart lapel. All II fEfL 'WCT 'Mr SZ mfirk .Slack wWlto5St11 i; ; M iJ - f 'I '-if I d.lan.. work .4 I V,le - ' ' V U t f i '.a Sit A , ' ii slack suit, of . SKZ0, Ate'' 0otv. ..a-CfiS - V f jfif tiV I V-Vrj navy cotton TS! X . Tkti&t' ' 1 V OiU " V" -r r ji twin. Fitted oS95k . wft nt Wi JT t ., - I l K B jacket with !79S' UQU I V S,,. Aa W J Si' pockat .lack. 3$S6 .YOn'I nd fot ot "S Si V ,0o 'H 4T ifVSI "ducadprlca ?&$r& ot4 a-CS l 0Ua. 1 V,i "h o wear In V?tfiQI$z TiUt3 Ji CAt, f' f , -r -T f HT 1-hg TTini-W III III I I II I I HI XW.r HT. -T f V-fX-- . ... ' W 1 JtnTaWX Br 1 Vak aW SXTm.aV t a I V VKM NY. mra ZtXJnaVM MTUV P 4Ja' rV 7. i V Fill i J VA) IT aTllr,Ti Jhl. .atJMPtrilBBtw a J.V S COVERT CLOTH JACKETS Xij : Blanket lined. Cossack style, button front. 4?9 Pf J " W jSSJ J v(Wb j4 1 A washable jacket that will give txcollent M jjLt ' t ' f T- C vf . 1 REDUCED ICE BOX SET (ULf L 1 , , ..'f. Melton Cloth b&w r-i Sw Cossack Style V 5? -5 --'. Boys' Jimmies Rayon and cotton suiting ma larial. Plain colors. Well-tailored, siios 70c 2 to 8. Boys' Slacks Serviceable, made to stand wear and tear. Medium weight. Cotton material. Sites CQj 12 to 18. Blue only. "" Boys' Sport Shirts Medium weight cotton, short al.avai. Blue only. Sixes 4 and 8. Greatly a7c reduced. Reduced Boys' Slack Suits Medium weight cotton mater lal. Fancy allien collar on shirt. Blue. 97C Sites 4 only Boys' SheepUnad Leather Helmets Chin slrap and buckle. Siios small, medium, large. 1 QO Dark brown color. Reduced Boy.' Military Jacket Water rooellent, wind resistant. Hat two slash pockets and breast pocket with Insignia of tha army air corps above. 1 Qfl Site. 8 to 10. m ' U1V Three-place set, handy and convenient. A real space saver. DOWNsiAnta Penco-Nap Sanitary Napkins Soft, absorbent box of twelve, main rxoon MEN'S LUNCH KITS Heavy fibre, leather carrying strap and lWQ fastener. Space for vacuum bottle. main rtooii LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Tha.a ire spun rayon hou.e dresses In prints and plains. A perfect drasa for winter house draw. SECOND rLOOS I77 Warm and practical. But ton front. Navy blue. Sliet 38 to 48. A real value at thll reduced price. MAIN ILOOB M'j and Mra, Andrew N. - - iiuunaii