,ber 23, 1944 'HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wedding Vows Exchanged Here In lll'1!, w.CMllnK ''""""ony read by ha Rev. Cecil C ll eft, lumber Hi. M..ri,M.rii 'c "ihobrlHc of Sergeant Jiime. W. K.,lk. 1 1 , Mm, Texas' 1 Tim brlm wiiij Kiv.'ii hi marriage ,y u, . (;,, ,,' ,., "'"j (0J brown wool null will, bli.u e.rl.. ,,rl c or, Lp o" Xmm rowliiitlii for her wedding costume. K! "'Alui"""'l were, Corporal und Mrs. .cu Cillnkimm. The imi- Loll ' - - - f lib blni ucccorl mid ii cor ol Willi" tUlllllHUIIB. Juil before the verrniuiiy Mm. ,f.k itufdrr sung "O Promise rS jn(i "iict'iiu.iiv necompiui j it tho plnno by Mrs. Don 'I " .11 ...I.., ..lun .,l,.,.,l II... ZlllllWIIIl "ii - ... v Ldllloniil wedding niiiic he;. ' .. i....n with ii lnvi.lv Iflll, rr.iucmi'iit of while chrysiin. Sum- flunked by lull while mdics i" v....m. ... Hi In tela and groom cut 1, Hi red woddlna cuke which looped wllh a miniature ,wliio unci bride. Mm. K. A. irfcli. molhcr of the bride, rvta ! nnd Mri. Uo Clink m the weddhiK cuko. m " l ul..ll...ir.r1 ii I II.. T 16 Krouni i biu'iuii. 'i .i' Mirlno lliirriicks nnd In vrl nf rcimbiit duty III the Louth Puolfle. Many friends of L young couple, stationed nl i jjirnicK", mwnoeu mo wen- llnl I"1 'i '"1" D,",,u"' I BlllG I'" " Vl ...V. uilileh bcwin Ions before L oroom went overseas wllh L nrnrlno corps. Tho young ouple ' now rcoiuiiiK n iwiui tnt lira' ""(.v julk Is sliillonccl here. Christmas Play The I'ellcun school presented a Christmas program for parents nnd friends of i,c students. The pliiy win written mid directed by ficnc ItlckWIs, inMniclor of niiisli- nt II, ( school . ii, ,.,. ineiiiliilile purfuriuiinca w lis given by i.iiikp students who par tli'lpnti d In tin- proKrain. Members of the first nnd sec ond grade presented the Ameri can Clirisliiuis. flu.! t,(. cn.st In cluded Hmbiini I 'Inloii us the niotlier, Honule Peyton s the clilld nnd Tuininy l'aynu as Sun la LIiiils. i-. 1,'1,06?., lnk(! rurl I" the lJulcli Chilsliniis, which follow ed (he story of "I Inns Hrlukcr nnd the Silver Skiiles," were Eva Miiy Alexnndi-r ns Ihn moth er, i'ommy 1'nyne ns Sninl Nich nlus, mid Sliirlt7 Wolfnim, June Ash nek, Clnry f.'ontes unci Rater Peyton lis the dancers. The EiiKllsh Chilsliniis was Kiven by the fourth nnd fifth Krndes, who also presented a ocrninn Christmas, und the Erench Christmas was portrayed by tlie chorus of the sixth nnd seventh urndes. A play about the United Nation was jjiven by students selected from the first to the seventh urndes. A Nativity scene was present- foout Party in... nBi-flf wnn ff(vn mi 'iiHdav for Girl Scout troops d with Dnphne rincon as Marv , their leaders.' Mrs. Jnnies nnd llichnrcl 'lotlen us Joseph. A 'innlacr entertained troop No. jsvilclte of niiKcis included Rulli i? 'firs 1 Arr ... .,. il PACE FIV1 Altamont Program Students of the Altamont Junior high school presented a Cliristmas party on Tuesday evening at 7:3U. The program j Christmas paxty at the homo of ineir guardian, Mrs. Percy Mur- FIVE GENERATIONS JMvc generations arc leprcscnted In this picture which was taken recently when the five memneis were gathered together. Erom left to right, they arc Mrs. Ed. Langdon, Mrs. T. H, I'homas, Mrs. M. L. Bnilcy, Mrs. M. E. Brisbon nnd son, Gary Nell. Gary's father, machinist's mnto ,)c, is (stationed nt Pcnrl Harbor wllh the Senbces. . Kennell-Ellls Engaged i her nome, una auriuK iuc llternoon games were played, Iiroli si'". nd refreshments Lrved The members of the hoop also tinea os ungs ior ins nbullon to tho local hospitals. Mcnioers oi me senior mui rftnn nipt nt tho home of Mrs. iirold Benslcy on Boardmnn for ChrWnws ireo nua riii cx incr. Ilosnltnl lings were nlso hided nfler which games were bliycd nnd refreshments served. The Henley troop wn enter- Iiined by their lender, Mm. II. Ej'Donahue. Gifts wero cx thinitcd boneulh a tree which lid been attractively and orlg- hilly decorated oy me girts oi bin troon. Scrnnbooks and tray favors were made lor tho hos-fciuli. teJa vcanesuny, uucciiiuur u, Vood No. 7, under the leader- ftlp of Mrs. Chnrlcsworth, met 1 tho home of Mrs. jolly, nssis int lender, on 120U California, tiero was a Clirlstmm tree nnd ;llt exchnnge nfler which the aril made 4B nut cups, deco- hied in tho Christmas motif Which were Inter taken to the fed Cross for distribution. (Another party was given ut pi homo of Mrs. G. Prultt for sir troon. who nlso made their nnlrlbutlon to tho hospitals. I'A Girl Scout skating party rVii held at Poole's ltollcrdromo an Thursday. December 21. and nil tho troops of Klamath county tre represented. Tho regular meeting of the irl Srnni enimell uim at 1 30 on December 18 In the blue Boom of tho Wlllard hotel. Ten Jncmbcrs of the council ncccptcd .p Budget for 104S, and rou time business was cleared up. Wtfx7ory fecs Tho Indies' auxiliary to the rothcrhood of Rallrond Train ien met In the KC hnll Dc- fmbor H to Install officers for 313. lnstnlllnff nfflenm were ft'rs. J. M. Jensen assisted by a. u. snydor, Installing lonductreil. nnrl Mt-a W. frown, Installing secretary. r uisiaiica were tho following: firs. M. R. Messer. nnt nrnRi. wont; Mrs. Henry Rodman, resident; Mrs. V. C. Phillips, ico president; Mrs. Lawrence Bpmnn, secretary; M.rs. E. D. ""en, trensurer; Mrs. J, J. CX. cnndllflrnu. MfM A A llyors, chaplain;' Mrs. Homer 'IdWOll. wnrrlnn- Mr. ITrl frwn, Inner guard; Mrs. Joe uiiK, outer iiuard; Mrs. 'yd Wilkes, pianist. All officers nnrl rtrltl trnm umbers wero nrcscnted with "'"Res, nnd a past president's " lvcn Mrs. Mcsscr. Follow 'I instnllnllon refreshments re served. Duo to tho open puliation, no business meet- ' WOS held anil Mn Mnnpr imk""'''1 8 "neclnl rncelliig Dc- i in ni z p, m, A ii Glletle. Gloria Vunderhoff, Co lette Male. Belly Lunceford, Juanlta Ncaly and Culccnc Male. Singe managers for the pro gram were Itichnrd Totlen, Bob Underbill, John Ynntis, Marvin Leilh nnd Kenneth llartcll. Spe cial acknowledgment for their lime nnd effort In costuming nnd designing goes to Mrs. Jean Dlckerson, Mrs. Mildred Merrill, Mrs. Jcnnelte Simpson, Mrs. Emily Priest. Mrs. Vivinn Yntty, Mrs. Jenne Znrnc, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ihompson, Mr. nnd. Mrs. Hal brook nnd Julia Glglcr. Senior Circle The regular meeting of the senior circle of the Community Congregational church was held In the social hall on Friday, De cember 15. Mrs. L. It, Henry and Mrs. Morgan were in charge of the politick luncheon which wns served on n Inrge tnblc centered with an arrangement of Christmas ornaments and holly. Mrs. Morgan was In charge of the devotional service which was preceded by singing of Christmas carols. Mrs. Morgan chose an her subject of discus sion, "Mary, the Mother," and appropriate music was played during the reading by Mrs, H. S. Stone. A business meeting followed, and the afternoon closed with a Christmas gift exchange. Those attending were Mrs. John Marin, Mrs. w. c. Lime, Mrs. ii. s. Slone, Mrs. H. C. Brown, Mrs. Pat Snylcs, Mrs. Lee Sutton, Mary. Eckstein, Mrs. L. R. Henry, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. H. J. Mc Gilvray, Mrs. Glenn Stivers, Mrs, A. A. Myers, Mrs. J. J. Pcx, Mrs. William Larson, Mrs. C. L. Jones. Mrs. S. H. Goddard, Mrs. Van Dooicr, and Mrs. S. R. Berry. Past Matrons Mrs. H. G. Wortley, Mrs. C. E. Dennis, Mrs. II. F. Murdoch nnd Mrs. A. B. Epperson will be iho hostess committee for tho rcgulnr December mooting of Aloha Pnst Mntron club, Fri day afternoon, at 1 o'clock, De cember 21), nt the Mnsonic tem ple, Klamath avenue, Mrs. Oscar Peyton and Mrs. O. R. Hollowny will be in chnrge -of the Christmas party nnd gift exchange which will follow tho one o'clock luncheon. The Jnyceetles will be host esses nt the USO center on Sun dny, December 24, and are mak ing an appeal to the local towns people to donalc any kind of food for the servicemen and wo men who will be In on that dny. Tho food inny be brought to the center cilher on Snturdny or Sundny. Klamath Flower Shop Will Be Open Sunday Dec. 24, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Closed All Day Christmas Day The engagement of Katherine Barry, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. V. II. Barry of Kelso, Washing ton to William L. Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bishop, 429 North 0th, wus announced Wednesday, December 20 in Seattle, Washington. The news, which was given at Wesley House lo a number of friends, was told in a most orig inal manner. A live cat was literally "let out of the bag" with Ihc names "Kay and Bill" written on a card attached to a ribbon which was tied around the kitten's neck. The tradi tional box of candy was passed later. Miss Barry, who is a sopho more nt the University of Wash ington, is majoring in music, and is very active in Wesley Club nnd the Kappn Phi sorority. Mr. Bishop Is stationed on the University of Washington cam pus with tho V-12 unit, and is a student of radio engineering. Ho returned at the first of the sum mer from the ' South Pacific where ho had served for 10 months as an aviation radioman. Before joining the navy in 1042, he was employed as a teller at the First National bank. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Wed in Rites On Saturday evening, Decern' her IB, at 1) o'clock in tho par sonage of liion Lutheran church, 1025 High street, Carolyn Wil son of Warrenlon, Oregon was married to Joseph H. Herman of the Klamath naval air sta tion. Tho single ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Victor A. Schulzc, pastor of Zion Luth eran church. Tho bride was attended by her sister, Frances Wilson of Warrcnton, nnd the groom was attended by her brother, Her man Wilson of Portland. Both Mr. ond Mrs. Wilson, parents of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman, parents of the groom, were present at the ceremony. Their home is near Portland. . Holiday Parties Mrs. Everett Vandcrpool's Girl Scout troop No. 5, enjoyed Christmas parties this week. On Monday afternoon 12 girls met at the Girl Scout house on LeRoy street for potluck lunch con followed 'by a Christmas tree, gift exchange and games. Seven members of the troop gathered at tho Girl Scout house Tuesday afternoon for the tree, presents ond refresh ments. Mrs. Jacob Held, mother of Mrs. Carleton F, Hornlbruok, relumed Friday from Carmcl, California, to spend the holl duys here. Mrs. Held has been visiting since early fnll with her son-in-lnw and daughter, Major and Mrs. D. J. Barber of Carmcl. Fourth Birthday Her fourth birthday and first party was an event of December 22 for Carolyn Ann Hunt, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt, when other tour-year-old gathered at the homo ol Dr. und Mrs. .Warren C. Hunt on Pacific Terrace this past Friday. A decorated Christmas tree centered the refreshment table and present were liobbio and Kathryn Ellingson, Wynn ?nd Catherine Mclani, David Bar nett, Gcorgic Myers, Judith Hunt, Stanley and Frank Ross, and Virginia and Carolyn Ann Hunt. Mrs. Donald Hunt assist ed Mrs. Warren Hunt and Mrs. Robert Hunt in serving. 8 S Tau Chapter The home of Mrs. George Sprague was the scene of tne regular meeling and Christmas party of the Tau chapter of Beta Sigma Phi on Thursday evening, December 21. Those present for tho gift ex change and refreshments were Mrs. George Sprague, Mrs. Mar shall Cornett, Mrs. Ralph Tay lor, Mrs. Frank Niles, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Russell Fair- child. Mrs. George Allen. Mrs Jules Napier, Lois Rumor. Doris i Yuntis, Maida Heath, Lorna Hal- dor son, Prances Balm . and Catherine Jackson. Christmas Tree One of the prettiest Christmas trees we've seen in many years was the huge silvered fir which stood on the platform in the Elks ballroom when Elks entertained with the annual Christmas parly Friday night for children of the members. Lovely ornaments made of red, white and blue cellophane were sprinkled over the tree and flood lights turned it into some thing made of magic. In view of the shortage of ornaments, there was a great deal of specula tion as to where they came from and Investigation disclosed that they were hand-made by Mrs. Boyd Sprague. Santa Claus dis tributed gifts of candy, nuts and oranges to the several hundred children present, following a holiday program. ' Oregon LWV Mrs. Ralph W, THasmusscn, president of the Oregon League of Women Voters, with head quarters in Portland, expects to be in Klamath Falls on January 8 and 9, and during her stay here will meet with the board and members of the Klamath county League of Women Voters, and with any others interested In the work of this organization. There will be a board meet ing at the home of the local president, Mrs. Donald F. Mc Kay, 2019 Manzanita, at 2 o'clock on Monday afternoon, January 8. Happy Hour Members of the Happy Hour club enjoved their annual Christmas party and gift ex change on the afternoon of De cember 12 at the home of Mrs Maud Hoslcy on High street, Those present were Mrs George Bichn, Mrs. George numpnrey, Mrs. h. k. Jones, Mrs. C. C. Heidrich, Mrs. J. J Keller, Mrs. E. H. Lawrence, Mrs. R. G. Motschenbacher, Mrs. W. J. Steinmetz, Mrs George Hurn, Mrs. Albert Langer, Mrs. Sydney Evans, Mrs. Harry Richardson. Mrs. J H. Hamilton, Mrs. H. J. Savage, Mrs. Anna Funk, Mrs. Dayton Barnhart and the hostess. Hos tess for tho next meeting of the club, to be held in January, will ae announced later. The president of Happy Hour, Mrs. Frank Evans, has returned to her home on Wall street after spending several weeks in Wash ington receiving medical treat ment and, while greatly im proved, is still confined to her home. Group Parties On Monday afternoon, Decem ber 11, the Wahanka group of ump rire uiris enjoyed Hershberger's Cafe Will Be Closed . All Day Monday and Tuesday ' December 25 and 26 V ' ' ' ' MeWuf GUuitmai Merry Mixers Ruth Lawrence, 1122 Lincoln, was hostess to the Merry Mixers club on Thursday evening, De cember 14. The members pres ent were Ruth Anderson, Maxine Rose, Rosella Waits, Marie Mc Donald, Louis- Cramblet, Jo Paup, Eleanor Curtis, Billee Snider, Dorothy Smith, Alberta Allen, and a guest of the hostess, Grace White. Fan-tan was played during the evening, with Eleanor Curtis Holding high score, and Ruth Anderson second. This meeting was also the annual Christmas party and gift exchange. . Company Party Almost 140 employes and friends of the telephone company met at the KC hall at 9 o'clock for their annual Christmas party and dance on Friday, December 15. Music was furnished by a three-piece orchestra, and re freshments were served during the evening. Special guests at the party were Alice Beertoy, who is re tiring in January after 25 years of service, and Mrs. Gladys Brody, Mr. W. E. Beck, and Mr. Ernest Howell, who have also been with the company for the same period of time. Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Gass will have as their dinner guests on Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Ackerman, Catherine Ackernian, PFC Alois Ligman of tho Marine Barracks, Mr. and Mrs. Holly Monroe, and Frank Ackerman of Portland. was divided into three parts, the first featuring numbers by the orchestra, the second was a community sing, and the third, a Christinas story told in carols from many lands, by students of the fourth, filth and sixth grades. Selections given by the orch estra included the Crusaders' Hymn, "Hark, the Herald An gels Sing. "O, Come All Yc Faithful" and "Silent Night." Carols which were presented in the Christmas story were 'Fairest Lord Jesus," "Joseph Was A-walking," "No Room in the Inn," "Come, Joseph to the Manger, 'The tirst Noel, Carol or the Shepherds. "Bring a Torch." "Come. Little Children," "The Three Kings," lucres a song in tne Air, "Virgin Slumber Song," "O Come All Ye Faithful," "Silent Niuht and Goodn hrht. On Thursday, December 21, at 1 p. m., the Altamont ele mentary school presented a Christmas program for their parents and friends. A great deal of time and ef fort was devoted by the teach ers and pupils toward the prep arations of a Christmas pageant, witn accompanying carols ana choral readings of unusual beauty. The program which was pre sented included the Southern Roses Waltz by a toy orchestra which was given by the second grade, "Earth and Sky," a choral reading by the first grade, "Oh Come Ye to Bethle hem," a play in which students of all grades participated, a group of Christmas carols, choral readings by members of the third grade, the Luther Cradle Hymn by the first grade, and a community sing, led by Mrs. E. E. Metier. The Christmas program took place at the December meeting of the Altamont PTA. The Janu ary meeting of this organiza tion will be held on the second Tuesday of the month. Kappa Chapter The Kappa chapter ol Beta Sigma Phi met at the home of i Mrs. Howard Listpe on Thurs day evening, December 14, Following the regular meet ing, there was the annual Christmas and birthday party. Games were played with prizes awarded to Helen Grumbles and Mrs. Norman Moty. The gift exchange was centered around a beautifully decorated tree. Re freshments included two lovely I cakes with a happy birthday to the sorority. The committee, with Lillian Redkey as chairman, included Mrs. John Hawkins and Mrs. Lloyd Drew. Guests present were Mrs. John Hawkins, Mrs. Howard Listoe, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. Norman Moty, Mrs. Howard Pernell, Mrs. Max Sanders, Mrs. Lloyd Drew, Mrs. Lawrence All britton, Mrs. Lorin Dulchaiir, Lois Coady, Helen Grumbles, Kay Kaler, Elsie Kurnick, Lil lian Redkey and Elenora Weath-erford.. ray, 912 Pacific Terrace Tea was served from a beau tifully decorated table, and was followed by a gift exchanee. Guests of the Camp Fire Girls at me party were Mrs. Jewel Cantrall and Mrs. K. A. Moore. December Bride The Reverend Cecil Brown officiated at the wedding which took place at the First Baptist church on the evening of De cember 21, when Lois Audrey Brown became the bride of Wil liam Robert Giles, AM 2c, USN. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, was given in marriage by her father, and Virginia Brown, sister, was the maid-of-honor. Best man at the ceremony was John R. Richards, USN. Following the wedding, a re ception was held in the Peli can party room, were friends from Tulelake and the Klamath naval air station came to honor the young couple. The groom Is the son of Mr, and Mrs; John Giles of Ports, mouth, Ohio. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Holly Monroe will have as their Christmas holiday guests here, their - par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Schneider . of Cottage Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Layne, (Bernardine Schneider), also of mai cuy. Christmas messages received from Roma and Jerry Thomas tell of the lovely winter "in the south," and say they can't ima gine a land of ice and snow where the citizens have to go mushin' up and down Main street. Those wishing to send cards to the Thomases at 1108 Oakdale: Houston, Tex., might inform them that we aren't mushin yet, but neither are we oraggm-, Orions Meet The Orions held their rpsnW meeting on November 27. with the first part of tho evening spont at the Red Cross headquarters. nosiesses ior me evening were Mrs. Troy Cook, Mrs. William Stolk, and Mrs. Kenneth Samt son. Those attending were Mr. Christine Metcalf, Mrs. Ray C. Brown, Mrs. William Boyer.Mri. nrinur Wiggins, Mrs. wick Ue Wit, Mrs. Jeff Dennis, Mrs. Ed win Schnecbeck, Mrs.-Don O, Potter, Mrs. Albert Gaster, Mrs. John Weber. Mrs. Leo Pannas. Mrs. Cy Baker, Mrs. W. L. Ter- williger, Mrs. Elwayne Lieu alien, Mrs, Juanlta Melchert, Mrs, Stuart Balsigr, Mrs. Chris tine Neubert, Mrs. Ray L. Gar rison, Mrs. Arthur R. Millard, Mrs. L. E. Juniper, Mrs. L. A. Murphy, and the hostesses. Handy with tools? This job may be up your alley i This is a good job. And a bit unusual in many ways because it's got just a bit more excite ment and real he-man's "stuff" to it than most jobs. The work; Helper in Southern Pacific's big R.R. shops or roundhouses . . . working with skilled crafts men on locomotives, rolling stock, other R.R. equipment. You don't need to be experi enced Just willing. If you wish, you can learn railroading on the ground floor , , . learn a fine craft from men who know their business. You'll be part of a fine outfit ... a com pany whose biggest job still lies ahead: carrying the war load for the huge Pacific offen sive. Regular railroad wages. Fine pension plan. R.R. pass privileges. Medical services. In vestigate today., See or write Trainmaster, S. P. Station, Klamath Falls, or near est S. P. Agent. Kutced Gain VioletiiJlill Wish All Their Friends and Customers ' A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year -AUDREY'S BEAUTY SALON Complete Beauty Service 1110 Main St, Members of. Winter Dancing club are looking forward to the "next regular party scheduled for members on Saturday night. January 20, at Reames Golf and Country club. Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Coppage are Mrs. Douglas Garretson and son. King who arrived here from Portland: Mrs. Garretson Is the sister of Mrs. Coppage. DEVELOPING ENLARGING ' PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. a 8 I LEE HENDRICKS Your Neighborhood Druggist b CLOSED All Doy Christmas Day (Monday, Dec. 25th) ' ft ft ft ft The Store Will Be . . OPEN ON SUNDAY, DEC. 24th From 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. For All Services Except Post Office, and Soda Fountain We thank you sincerely for your generous patronage and wish you A Merry Christmas SCHUSS VINTAGE COMPANY Phone 651-. 822 Main St. YES WE STILL SELL WINES This Firm Will Continue to Carry the Most Complofe Stocks of Natural Wines that the Market Affords. See Us For Your Xmas And New Year Dinner Wine Requirements. HERE ARE FAVORITE ITEMS YOU WILL FIND ON OUR SHELVES O Renault and Cooks Imperial New York State Champagnes. Q Imported Spanish Champagnes and table Wines. O California Champagnes and Sparkling Burgundies, F. I. and Golden State Brands. '' . O Imported Chilean Wines. Dinner Types. O California Dinner Wines in the follow ing well-known Brands: Roma, Cella, Bisceglia, Ambassador, Alta, Croix Royal, Cresta Blanca, Beringer Bros., Italian Swiss, Wente and others. ,0 California Dinner Wines in the follow ing Types: Sautemes, Haut Sauternes,. Burgundies, Clarets, Zinfandel, Chab I is, Cabernet, Rhine. - O Natural Fruit Wines: Loganberry, El derberry, Gooseberry; Peach, Rhubarb. O Eastern May Wines and Virginia Dare. O All brands of Beer by the case or bottle to take out. O Complete Stocks of Mixers ' . PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY FOR CHAMPAGNES AS OUR STOCKS ARE LIMITED OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY