Herald and N Saturday, December 23, 1944 " .... J. nMMMMH 1 II R 0 f iwm'"""1 .... .maMWm4ee.iSmVPF hristmas Spirit M USO Center A hiiKO l,1't'"', corner f llio UKO rooms Mnln Bin-el. lends II Willi liollrln V null. will. II. I...I..I. ii.: . lillM',1 VJZu'lZJu"'! "' T" '" women lliu umy "j ' Miivi; mis year. r0 niiiiiu ' ..wi.yii.mi.unmois less homesick, those on nso staff hiivo gone far to mil n ir,,,. ,.in ..V , . .i,.rliiiMiliiT. Severnl visit , I.. ' , ,Bl" " IV'imido our head whirl. It .,,l erybod h, the Xu Cliner .i.i....a yiiinimis pueimges, addressing Christ- piU'KHKei, "i ...mi .nr.niK -r IgtlllllS Uliiun. w. v... ...IK .nil liluar llraudsncss, Mrs. Phil lli'lck, Helen JMcrson. Kllnor llrlck, Mrs. s. CI. (,'lurk, Mrs. fogcrly. Mrs. Jm Kennedy, Mrs. Niirniiiii Mnty, MrH llrtmer, Mrs. Kllzi'ibcth limner Mrs. Vincent llcrllhy, Mrs. litrrl MeMuhnn, Helen Dunbock, Marie Michelji. Mr.s. liny Pickett, Mrs. Fran els Manning, Mrs. Kinley Wat wmi, Mrs. Jiiek Gallagher, Mrs. (elm dirty, Mrs. lillzabelh .Suhuli, Mrs. K. U, Goecltncr, Mrs, Joseph Mnhoney, Mrs. Hose O'l.eary, Mrs. James ('romm, Mrs. Mildred Seiivey, Mrs. Kilciir l'anp, Mrs. Otto .Smith. Mrs. Virginia McCor- iimeK, Mrs. l(. is. Jcschkc, Mrs. I.ols Ahhey. Mrs. H. A. I.al.ondo, Pat Ilucl son, Mahel Hanson. Mrs. Dan ( olwell, Mrs. I.ellha Foster, ....lliinhaiio covered trays of Mil end candy. (Wonder .where IX )ol Dial red cellophane?) or tnosi! who win iiucixi nildniKHi musses in ciiner Paul's or .Sacred Heart, hire will he Christinas morii CI breakfast served after 12 mk at Hi" U.SO eeiilcr. i (jroup of Catholic women, id have scrvcu iiiiunuiiy uiir- the iasl several months, I have chiirgo of this fi'iilnn. i following Is a list of Unci of tliosu who will either Oil tuinu v.m milium nnti iiinr, t Ihu inldnli4hl service, or tJ,g been working dlllKenlly pnsl year, Jim Mine J.nvoniic, Mrs. liiilcv 1'leser, Mrs. I. mils Ni. lit Mrs. I ."1" Reynolds. Mis. Ull (irey. Mrs. James IIikkIiis, li.- m r V. ft I IS. 1,01 ,e Jillhii, Mr.i. I'Mlcii Kly. Mrs. I Mrs. Connie Diillenlvne. Kath- nil, II M it Sr.. Mrs. K. M. i leen vnuillm. Hose Wcssc . Nora tjcrinm. Mrs. T. L. McKnerimy, .Sullivan, Mrs. 1 homes Towcv, William Newman. ..n.-.. t. i. mvani. ivirs. wii- 'Uh rj-4 : ' u, h( 'i 1 (1 1 i. i i 1V.I..A. u m.- 1 111 in ii i.v ..... . ... . :.J.i;. ' .:,i;;.'.. va Kirs, o , i. ,.,.,,,.,' v i i;v.Vi vmi, " VMitMmiWXMtei CMiikZWW SOCIETY; By Joan Campbell m. College Girls Arrive Home for Holidays The past week has seen the arrival of many students who are home from school for the Christmas holidays. On Sunday, December 17, a large delegation arrived home from Stephens college in Columbia, Missouri, and included Max ine Liskey, Joy Kent, Jean Underwood, Margie Clark, all of Klamath Falls, and Phyllis Sutton of Tulelake. Wanda Shaw, also a student at Stephens, arrived in Klamath Falls Thursday, December 21, after spending several days in San Francisco with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Royal Shaw. Nancy Bennet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bennet, was home on December 9 from Mills college in Oakland, Cali fornia. Nancy plans to return to Mills on the fifth of January. Betty Rea Martin arrived home Wednesday night from Pacific university In Forest Grove where she is a freshman this -year, , ; Klamath Falls girls arc well represented at the University of Oregon, and among those who arrived home last week were Ann Stevenson, Mary Jane Drake, Betty Lombard, Mary Corrigan, Mildred Williams, Barbara Adams and Jean Long. They are planning to return to Eugene on January 2. From Stanford university at Palo Alto, California, came sev eral Klamath Falls girls on Fri: oay morning. Among them were Peggy Keating, Mariann Lion, Winifred Lamm and Rose Ma cartney. Merlon Albrecht Is ex pected in Klamath Falls today, Saturday. From Ashland, Southern Ore gon College of Education, have come Dorothy Riggs and Mary lou Rusco. Also arriving on the train with the Stanford girls were Dorothea Ellingson, Doris Wein berg and Nadine and Margie Palmerton, students at the Uni. versity of California at Berke ley, California, and Ann Muel ler, who will return to resume her studies at the College . of the Pacific on December 26. Home from the Annie Wright Seminary in Tacoma, Washing ton, have come Barbara Os born, senior student and daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Dean H, Os born of Lawrence street, and Gayle Davis, daughter of Ph. Mlc and Mrs. Beverly Thomas Reed of Wiard street. Mr. Reed is on duty at the Klamath naval air station. : Dominican students here for holidays are Betty Lou Dalton ((Jontinued on Page Four) If ' Sr rf " xwi7rr- ti LITTLE CHRISTIE ROSE, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Rose, 2036 Leroy, is eagerly looking forward to Christmas with all its traditional festivities. However, the morning of December 25 can't dawn too soon for Christie, so she is waiting by the fireplace with the hope of catching Santa in his 1944 descent down the chimney. . Photo by Guderian .THIS IS THE FIRST-CHRISTMAS for Pamela Jenkins, b5low, infant daughter of Sergeant and Mrs. William K. Jenkins, and her holiday festivities will be celebrated at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank: Jenkins, on Pacific Terrace. Young Pamela arrived here on the first of December, and will return to her parents in Los Altos, California, for New Year's. : Photo by Guderian lV,r -.r r-i i n . .1 li.nnV. Li., r I im.um,mf MukJliutKlM& - Wai.imlrikfi, H& A BIG CHRISTMAS has been planned for John and Marion Roberts, young children of Mr. and Mrs. Innis Roberts, at their home on Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Roberts will bo on hand when the presents are opened, and a large Christmas dinner will be held later at the Roberts' home on Pacific Terrace. Officers' Wives Have' Luncheon Nnw nrrinra' wiupu ..lnl nuMiiheis uallicred ill the Pelican fly room Wednesday for a 1 o'clock luncheon presided over Mrs. J. s. ('Im.vs. nivsldiMil. Later bridge and games were fflinyed by tho ill) present. J Mrs. Cliicva announced Ihe following committee nppolnl-wnts: Red Cross, Mrs I!- It- Darron, chairman; Mrs. C, Melhoin, W. P. Sutherland. Social. Mrs. Khli-lov rniulnn. fclephone, Mrs. .1. E. Chois- uiairman; Mrs. 13. II. John- . Mrs. J. H. 1, vnii. Mis Abbott. v"ys and means, Mrs. li Tin. 'iilillclly, Mrs. Albert 'nlcke. , jic n o x I meeting will i January 17, In Ihe new w otflcers qunrlui'H at the ""ilh naval n I r stallon. fo will bo n 1:110 o'clock chcon served nl this time. S S Pertains lr. Donald V, McKay cnlcr ?'i nl her homo on Miinziin 'ndny evening for her ninth "IliW, Mrs. F. A. MeKiiV, 1 Is here from Senllle Wash n lo spend the holiday sea Willi her son nnd Ills family. ""iKc was enjoyed by I h o after dessert had been c1,, with high seoro going lo tiank Tnrr, rocoikI high lo I rank Bogaly, and low lu i. I.:rl...l.. Xlhoi' present to honor Mrs.' ii "K were Mrs. 10. 1'. l.ee, X Arthur Moore, Mrs. Innis rfWand Mm. Chiirle. Wrleht. .' 8 8 .r. Dean n. Osbuni lum Is "ivllallons to n group of KI.H fm n l.'ln ..)..!.... u i....r.l.. Mrldnvr,111" parly room "rf utvui MUUU, Reames Party Final pinna for the gala New Year's Eve hall to be given at Henmes Golf and Country club for lis members were discussed Tuesday li it'ltt al h meeting ot Ihe conimitlee. There will bo li breakfast served al 1:30 o'clock New Year's Day morning mid the committee has made arrange, monls for a now tablo setting. The clubhouse will bo decor ated wilh the New Years theme. Greeting the guests at the door will bo members of (ho committee mid their wives who will serve as Hie host group during Ihe evening Party The Pelican party room was the scene of a Christinas party given bv C. I). Klngan for the employes of Hie Firestone store on Thursday, December .1. , Cocklails were served at 7 o'clock nnrl '"nor J"110,,"' ft Guests Included Mr. and M s, Walter Wesl, Mrs. Marguerite Klneiilcl, Jeanelte lleiidriekson, Mr and Mrs. Milton I?''1'110",' Joanne O'Nell, Edrlc Smith nnrt Mr and Mrs. C. K. Kllignn. Its i v . s y 'rmtWmtmmt ... : ; - : " p DAVID AND CAROL MACARTNEY, son and daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. A. E. Macartney, are typical of hun dreds of youngsters who "just can't wait" for Christmas morning to open their presents under the tree. David and Carol and their. parents will share the annual Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Macartney. Sr., at their' ; home on Washington. v Photo by Kennell-Ellii Open Houses on Holiday Schedule This week 'opened the holiday season in Klamath Falls and Invitations were out to open house parties through. Christmas and the New Year. , . As usuai, Mrs. Clara Shaw will entertain with her tradi tional open house party on New Year's Day, and this year when old and new friends gather at her home on Homedale road they will find a silver tray for their Christmas donation to Soropti mist House. .' ' Mrs. Shaw has asked a group of friends, who are stationed T here with the Navy, Marines and Army, as a hospitable ges- Teen-Age Party Teen-agers enjoyed one of the cleverest parties of the season when six of the younger set en tertained with a dinner and dance in the library club rooms Friday evening from 6:30 o'clock until 10 o'clock. Hostesses were Marcella Mur ray, Joan Moore, Jean Rae Old enburg, Gordon Green, Robert Hooker and Jean Owens. Chap erones were mothers of the six, Mrs, Percy Murray, Mrs. Ken neth Moore, Mrs. Ray W. Olden burg, Mrs. T. S. Green, Mrs. R. E. Hooker and Mrs. Vern Owens. The Christmas theme was used at the party with tradition al greens and tinsel making the rooms gay. Guests were Patsy Kennett, Barbara Dotson, Shirley Hutch inson, Madelon Adler, Jeannette Ringstad, Pat Johnston, Carol Kelly, Marilyn Hayden, Peggy McAndrews, Margie Liggett, Col leen Crcsswell, Ingrid Norland, Jean Hall, Sharon Williams, Marlene Hadley, Barbara , Mc Craw, Mary Maxwell. . Pat Chatfield, Lamont Wilson, Jack Lust, Lawson Martin, Gor don Fletcher, James Carter, Dale Craig, Roger Kuykendall, Rod- (Continued on Page Four) lure to newcomers in the city, to call at open house on Sunday, Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Myron Nelson of Willmar, Minn, arrived Fri day from Tucson, Arizona to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Li Weaver of Auburn street. Mr. Nelson has Just been graduated from the navy's indoctrination school at Tucson and has re ceived his orders. Mrs. Nelson is Mrs. Weaver's niece. Other guests at the Weaver homo this holiday season are Constance Clark and her sister, Winifred, who make their home in Moorhead, Minn. Both girls are students at the Uni versity of Minnesota. '; Lt. and Mrs. Frederick Har tin are parents of a daughter, Carmelle Lydia, born December 16 in Duluth, Minn. Lt. Hartln Is at Dolhan, Alabama, complet ing his training in the U. S. army' air corps. The little girl is tho granddaughter of Mrs. Carmcl Hartln of this city,