L.S. F1GHTEH PLANES FLYING ilUOHO (Coiill"'1"'1 flom 1'1"10 '"') orl n slzculiln force- of Super. ,,1, ili'lklng I" wiivi'H, hninhcd c ilulsiKlolil aircraft factory . .....I ii hulf liriitri i.iirlv tit two " ; ' Ml"''r" seuonu ij IHIJI VH'I Ull iiiiiniiiiinni ircralt plant Nngoyii. The ild limy miv" i-i-ii iii.ii:ih-ii ui To an experienced Railroad Carman in this area your experience In something irn me" havo nllc' ""'ne n.lnj Southern Pacific needs. railroad equipment Is today 11 kill of (renter importance than vtr. Because S, P. muit keep ha War tniliia rolllim , , . the allrond muit bring uie Jeeps jnd tmiks H"n Dn(1 troops o the West Const ports of cm arkotlnn. At S. P. there Is n i,ne opening for you . . . u vltnl lob, 1 goon-pnying Jim. i oil n working wun ioiks you ii !,!(. . , . unci with first-class milpment. Railroad pass priv rtlfs. Medical services. A fine frulon plan. Join the Southern ..ifin fnmilv . . . eit hiirk in. ' II.... ...I...-,. .1.111 0 rOlllUimniK n.t; jiit.i nnni snd experience uro renlly nn- Iretlnlcd. You arc urgently Irtdcd. Liberal ngc limits. Cm nr write Trainmaster. S, P. Station, Klamath Falls, or your nearest S. P. Agont. Inh.li off llulsiulcKl works '"" ."y lai.,a..e( () ,iayH ,,g". Ic.kyii Mihl nlaiiit 1UU Super " IY.1H..S were in the (.Hacking llllle (Inmaiio was clone. Ihe war department umi! u fimt iniimiinccmcnt of tin, r,i "nnicly la m,n afler re , f'ctlvtly l)(.i)(., ,,1,-crnrt fcl "l M'l'-". Manchur . ;klii ili,lm w,., st. At ea..,t is , ,,., ,y 2Z Inter ceptors were lMt down, American liomhers paliullni! j V..1 1 ''''"'"I Philippines to I" h'.hlrm ami damaged 11) tu.r surlace emit iimgiim fnini lug. .anspurt. hive J,,,,, M1 w ' wiped mil. I wo Island, 7.10 mitf-ic Koulh of lokyo in, the Ii-211 route from haipiui was Iximlu'd for the lillh success vr day as Julian showed Ii icrciisliig idarm over air strikes. I II. hrl prepared 1() ,,,,,( Hu). Jl ;.Vi, 'V ',' '" l" lr raid mill "l ""' flrl ""' of air lalil slrc-ns. Jnmmesc trnlns be Kan changing t. onpjl n( Mr whistles t nvfiiti confusion with frequently l,nwi, alr raid sirens. I huiiiddiiif hai.l urK(. numbers of lalxirris were eonseripted to move inure war Industries from ""' Islands to Manchuria. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON lotos While U Wait 4 for 25c And Up Christmas Cards 5c 10c - 15c . 25c 50c $1.00 Alio Boxod Anortmonti Bud's 1031 Main St. Ph. 7167 GDPGO FIL IS FOR RIGHTS AT KLAMATH SITE (Continued from Pago One) stflOfl. Ik nriur In u nPnllml..n... ... u ,l 1. 1 III llliui J. sIiiku and is envisioned as a post- win piujeui. u is unnerstood tnc company will soon file with the federal power commission un ap plication corollary to that filed with the slate hydroelectric com mission. The proposed dam, it is be lieved, would be u low structure, us contrasted with a high struc ture at the Grant site which Copco proposed to build In 1D30 hut was stopped by state action. 1 ho company at that time had a federal permit. , A 40,000 watt Roncraling plant would about equal the capacity of the present Copco Nos. 1 and 2 plants on Klamath river. IllllIIM-lXIinHHIHHHI.HXMH8aHHHKIJ ZIPPER BILLFOLDS Tie Racks -Ar Mufflers ELASTIC SUSPENDERS Knit Shorts Robes MEN'S SLIPPERS Leather Coats k Sports Shirts (Continued From Page One) thinking not from a racial stand point, but to prevent the state from executing an Innocent man. A life sentence would be ade quate because If he were guilty, then he woult. have to live in a cell with himself and bear the pangs of shame and remorse. E. C. Salter, poslor of Arden wuld Community church, Port land, said Folkc.9 was convicted on circumstantial evidence, and that "it robs a man of his God given right to life for the state to take his life." Other persons who pleaded for the commutation are George W, Halstead, pastor of Waverly Heights Congregational church, Portland; John Snedden, Port land, business agent for the Marino Cooks and Walters union: and George R. Cromley, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Woodburn. If It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in Iho classified. HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Company INSURANCE T. B.WATTERS General Insurance Agency FIRE . . . AUTOMOBILE SIS Main St. Phone 41S3 Today On The Western Front By The Associated Pri U. S. 3rd Army! Front quiet; Canadian 1st and BritUh 2nd Amnion Line unchanged, U. S. 9th Armyi Roer river lino unchanged. U. S. 1st Army! Blunted Ger man countcroffensive temporar ily In some sectors, turned it aside In others; Germans pene trated 32 miles into Belgium at Wcrbomont; readied Wiltz in Luxembourg, 48 miles from Se dan; new fighting reported 20 miles south of city of Luxem bourg; offensive being contained on north and south flanks. U. S, 3rd Armyi Front quet.; Berlin reported force wheeling north toward Luxembourg to aid first army. U. S. 71h Army: Front com paratively quiet. Withdrew yes terday from Nicdcr-Sehlctten-bach, five miles northwest of Wlsscmbourg. Fronch 1st Army: Germans reported two or three new di visions assaulted n a z 1 lines northwest of Coimar and made progress. Two Killed by Gas Fumes Two men were killed and a third was overcome by fumes at the Bradley Mining company's ore puruicaiion piam loaay. coroner wiuiam Mcliratncy itrl thi AnnA a m rimn, T3 Thompson, 55, a mining company i:uiiiuyu, ana kj. w. vjsourn, dj, uuibu uus ana ugni company workers on the premises. New Gas Coupons Last Into March PORTLAND, Dec. 22 W) The six gasoline ration coupons which became valid today must last Oregon's A-card motorists through March 21, the district OPA warned. As in the past Deriod, each "A" coupon is good lor four gallons of gasoline. IM Iter MMecaFOODS-allftntafeMdl BELTS Hlckok't "Western' GREEN STAMPS MEN'S WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS Oregon Woolen Store Main at 8th J! Christmas Night Monday, December 25 c Per Person he. Tax Music by BALDY'S BAND Dancing 9 Till Dancing As Usual Sat., Dec. 23 i There are only a few days left until Christmas so place your orders early and avoid disappointment, and that last-minute rush. We would appreciate having all special orders in by Fri day. A. M. at the latestso they can be filled while our supply is complete. For your Christmas menus we are featuring pumpkin and mince pies, butter and parkerhouse rolls, and those never forgotten Fruit Cakes. They make any meal a success, so be sure to include one or more when placing your orders. COLD NUMBS MIDWEST AND EAST AREAS (Continued From Page One) ncsota and the Dakotas where (he coldest weather occurred yesterday but the Chicago fore casters said a new cold push was due to hit that area again to night and follow the same south and cast spread tomorrow. Bcmidji, Minn., where it was 25 below yesterday had "warm ed up" today to 1 below zero. Duluth, Minn., reported 6 below. Soldier Gets More Days For Pursuit LAWRENCEVILLE. III.. Dec. 22 lf) A commanding officer at George Field near here re ceived today this telegram from a soldier away on furlough: "Request seven-day extension. Am pursuing one I love. She re quires seven days more pursu ing. Answer collect. The soldier cot his additional seven days. Oregon Men Get Federal Damages PORTLAND. Dec. 22 IJP J. H. Gallagher, Corvallis, and J. Ira and Earl L. McNutt, t-ugenc. won their claim for $10,000 damages from the gov ernment in leaerai court here to day. Several blood transfusions took place in 1666. Oregon News Notes By The Associated Press A total of 137,732 applications for 1945 Oregon motor vehicle registration stickers has been re ceived by Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell Jr. , , . A new stale bank to be known as the Gilliam County bank will be es tablished in Arlington early next year by L. C, Buchner, Hillsboro banker. Investigation of the so-called Hemlock looper miller, an in sect said to have damaged more than 60,000,000 feet of timber in Clatsop county, has been or dered by the state board of for estry. WEATHER Tbundar, December St 10(4 Mx. Mln. Frtcip. Eugene , : 42 38 ,u Klamath Fall Sacramento North Bend Portland . 36 30 31 38 .03 Med ford , Reno 48 Trace San Francisco 63 54 ,20 Seattle 50 38 OREGON: Partly cloudy today to night and Saturday with occasional light rain changing to mow over north portion. Colder north portion tonight. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Showen today and tonight; cooler tonight; Sat urday partly cloudy with rain at night A 50 per cent expansion in the circulation of $100 bills in 1943 was attributed by some au thorities to black market opera, tions. WOOD la Not Rationed at Dorrli, California For Sale FIR and PINE SLABS 16" Slabi 11.30 pr Cord Dry or Green No Deliveries - Burt Petanon ' DorrU, Calif.. RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE . TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios . ' ' ' ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Phone 7522 Across From Montgomery Ward en North 9th PACE THREE- DRIVE PUSH ES 40 MILES INTO ALLIED LIS (Continued from Page One) tratlon reported officially by the Americans. The new thrust, apparently In France in the direction of the third army's Thionville sector, was repulsed after a tank bat tle, field reports said. Another dispatch last night said this greatest single conflict of the western front in its sixth blazing day had reached the critical stage as tens of thou sands of additional men were thrown in every few hours by each side. This report said the Germans hept the initiative Thursday and that only on the flanks in Luxembourg to the south and on the Malmedy Stavelot line had the advance been contained. Swifts and swallows are the acrobats of the bird world. Storm Warning Up In Seattle Area , r SEATTLE, Dec. 22 (P) Storm" warnings were hoisted in the1" Strait of Juan de Fuca at 4 a. m." today and small craft warnings,1? flew over inland waters of the state three hours later, the weather bureau reported. Strong easterly winds were forecast for the strait and moderate to fresh w nds in Inland waters. Strong winds were reported around Bel lingham, with gusts of 60 miles per hour velocity. E BONDS UP ,'!, PORTLAND, Dec. 22 (P). Oregon's E bond sales with' nine days still to go climbed to , $28,302,341 today 83.5 per cent of the $34,000,000 quota. ' Rock Wool INSULATION Blown In Saves Your Fuel Free Estimates SUBURBAN Lumber Company Phone 7709 - Received TODAY!!! For Last-Minute Shopcers Luxurious RAYON PAJAMAS In Beautiful' Colors and Patterns $10 and $12.50 (Quantity Limited) . STORE FOR MEN Cor. 5th and Main - if "a :jT - .''.':y V it,! iff 0 ' ' Sears will Many Last Minute Gifts Are Unpacked Every id niw 4rr Yrtiir CcsJflArl ! lt' quite a thrill ; to see so ; many . last minute! gifts roll into our store every day. We're, sending all this new "; merchandise out onto the floor for your selection, just , the minute it arrives. We know you wi 1 1 want to see ! , these new gifts, for Father, . ;l; Mother, Brother, Sister or Friend, included in these rush . shipments. Shop at Sears these last few days. We're sure you will still find a wide - selection of useful and prac tical gifts for everyone. be open til 8:00 Saturday, for convenience of last-minute shoppers.' Santa Claus Will Be At Sears Each Day Till Christmas 1 csSK pjni