V) - . I., -.1 1 A.!i.Jli' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE . ... -- a. I Ij ni t;".-" . - - - KTness block I . .. brick in"1 concrem KW J .mhmMImK of two V i m Willi 42 ruiiins nun K u,,v ...in. oil iTinniM iilxn W: 1,,,-titliinH, nil miteri. , uiir- in f block U Ll'll- Stoum iry nl on ' h.vi.sliiHMii. for hiii .5..'i mi-eel PIIOIIO 321 I IS-Hi ... -niT lncnlltm III (KTbHH-Mt iMrWi. Stein f, two noil tluco-stor lure with full ccincn f ni lixt-cllMiit retimi o fe- l!:Jo.li.ifi.l. Fur ful I'MlliK SACRIFICE COME PROPERTY FOR SALE Ll-inl ill prospermia norlh Pl.'f,"... ,. ,-ilv nil Mlllll SI. blOCK ll'" ..... . 4-. '.'.'I s. 2 2 iiaioui . . ..... Wa Mile neeesjtiiy. )PJ5 in....--'- I'lioiic S2SI1. Klimi'illl '"" j ,Q CLOSE IN klnrks off Mill" St.. 5 iipurt 2, , coir lelcly fiiml.licJ. In W' 1.' rA.l,lnnlinl dlalrct ASpcrmiinciil IciinnlM and n jjuiilinl Income. Price $DUUU. icims. IlLCOTE & SMITH 1 REALTORS I S, Oth Phone 4801 34 Automotlv. FOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFco, Realtor No 7th Phone 4521 1-5 BEDROOM HOME FURNISHED W j.bc.Hronm furnished home oj district, close In. Now , newly ucconiicn, etc. nice rnnc. wnshlnR machine., tt'lnlrr wood. Available by ftary 1, 10-13. Price suu I J. E. HOSKING Main St. Phono 3211 12-20 g flAl.F.-i-r"''H hmi.. acre. 4iiw nv,r Ave. Phone 4001, P. E. allies. Automotive KOR SALK RADIATORS OK ALL TYPES Will Utiild Any Type Hadiiilor You Need COLOIt MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works til so. nih Phone flfl42 l-Bin Motor Rebuilding I Stnrtrrr nnd Generator nei'onditioninR MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Yours' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 210 Old Fort nond hone 7M4 before B:U0 or oflcr S::SU P. M. l-15m id Used Gars Bought Sold Traded ELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klnnwilli Ave. Where 811i Street Ends 1.12m fndllloiicd nnd Guiiriintccd Exchange Motors W Models A, D, (10 h. p. '"'1 10 i in i mi ii. p, IMO 104100 h, p. n.wl l1 Wolct Models UM.Mfi 11)40-41 1341 IliTork Chevrolet Kc 1035 lo in.u flwiuiliuniils nnd others. C. "IKE" HEATH nc M 1)37 Cnlif. Ave. (2-23 Anti-F reeze Install nnd Refill Willi DUPONT ZERON13 St?tlhnnl rinse Anll-Frce.e s'.Ml Per Clnl. nt M B. Miller Co. I""! Klnmnlh Phone 4103 12-30 i 4l.n r-... r t: : : - lim.l i "inner, Low mile- im. iHinm nnri nrmrr. IW.Y"1 n""lpl "'"In" ;milll In n,i I,,,,,, pnnp : ia-ao SI!;"- "m" Chevrolet ni.no bp ..... ' v.nrvrnioi urillxo np- m . r"llPi Cull at 1727 i.i0 nnoi a:.m p. m. 7i:ur tmi ii" V" rn"nP. Onncl motor k,i"". "' Cull cvrnlnln ! 44S ol.ENrw ,n41 Fnrtl Ton I If Mn,lr c "nvliipi prlorlly. . lu'OlC. Plionn .tint A.i.ia.. ' i.'J-l Sell Your Car to Balsiger Prices Are High! Cars Are Needed NOW! Top OPA Ceiling Prices Your Ford Dealer for 21 Years Bals iger Motor Co. Miiln and Esplanade DRIVE IN AT THE OLDS TOWER . 7th and Klamath Sts. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR CAR We'll pay you top OPA legal prices for your car 34 MAS Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley Will Pay You TOP CASH Price For Your Car We can do this as used cars - are just a part of our business. .A.jtO.q'frtl" U AutomotiM Essential Workers Need Transportation. If You No Longer Need Your Cor Selling It Is a Contribution to The War Effort. -SELL NOW -While Prices Are Up You Will Help Yourself as Well as Others Ashley Chevrolet 'Co, DESOTO and CHRYSLER OWNERS We Have the Parts for Your Car --- We Carry the Largest Stock of Chrysler Corporation Parts In the State of Oreqon Outside of Portland. NEW FACTORY MOTORS (Not Rebuilt) De Soto $200 Chrysler $215 Plymouth $180 Dodge $195 Dodge Truck $195 to $225 REMEMBER. YOUR DODGE DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL CHRYSLER CORPORATION PARTS Liberal Discount to Garages and Independent Repair Shops LOMBARD MOTORS 624' So. 6th St. Phone 313,, Tuos.-Fri. It 36 Miieellaoeout For Sale 3t Miscellaneous For Sale 410 So. 8th SL Phone 4113 Anti-F reeze Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 7th At Klamath Tues.-Thui's.-Sat. 34 Automotive We Have Tires And Tubes Most All Sizes ALSO Batteries Seat Covers Fog Lamps And many oilier accessories YOUR GOODRICH SILVERTOWN TIRE DEALER Dick B. Miller Co. Phono 4103 7th nl Klnninth 12-22 RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. fill! Phone 7071 1-7 ron SAt.r. -i.ihi pp noil clefruMcr. Wiinllnnil. Nmh rniipp. llpnl Good rubber. ir.'JI 114711 (IOINCI INTO TUB SKHVICB AVIII ll my ln:u Nntih coupe (or $lfio. J.i.4 tm.ltf Wnntlnoil. SKK MKI, IIMN11V nl I.oiiibnid'H limit Cur Lot. la S. ml" Si- Top OI'A CASH PRICK nl oure fop your enr. All uuik nnd mndol for tmlp. l-I.Mn ujrHMtiiio RICHFIELD Stove nnd Diesel Oils Best Qiinlily Prompt Delivery Phono 8;ili7 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 12-30m 34 Automotive FOR SALK- 11)40 C1uvrn1rt panel 'V ton. Phone Hi or Wi2, Tulclakc. C1lf. 13-20 36 Miscellaneous For Saie LANDSCAPING - Evcmreen. (lowering hlnttbs nnd ti'CoM. MiiVto vour tolec ttnit nuw for f.il I plnnllnd. LAKE SHOWS CJARI3ENS NURSERY. PhOnt 40H2. 12 -20m CAN rlectrify few Ircndle newIng m rtthtcn nt moHeiil. Further. Informa tion clliil 11771. Sewing Machine Serv ice :2i) Simula Wny. 12-30ni FOlt SALK One nnlr Indy's flKiire Kkntcs, a ii. One h.p. ntntlonftry BfiR cnclor. One Chester Model 85 nillbra 2II1B. Flxlt Shop, 744 Klamath. S26K (iLASS-Mlrrni'fi, renllverttiR. pUle, win (low nud Aiito Klnsji. furniture topa, Hhrlvon. Kjmhnll'a Glasi Shop, B27 Wnlmil. Phone 7..7I1. l-4m FOR SALK-Plnno, davenport and chair Dlfll H7KI. 1 83 6 If FOR SALE Fnrcfen anil domestic herbs, Frro muMiltHlion by appointment only. 272.1 Wlnnl. Phono 3052, L, J. l)nv. Qiiftlihcd Herbalist. 1-8 FOR SALK -tinted buy. tlmt cutting l fnlfit. S'JI.00. Abo ont hay 515.00. Clink, Dox 110. Tulclakc. Ph. 201.1. 12-20 FULLKR niUISItFS-llrp, R. V. Morgan. M2 So. RivciHide, Phone 3348. 1224 'OK SALK-Dnvcwuy cinders. Dellv trod in city nud suburbs. Dial 7078 or 704;). 1218 FOR SALK -New mmkrnt coat, best of skim. Would ninko nice Xmn gift. r.l-1 Wnl mi l. 12-10 FOR SALE Wnshlnuhm navel oranges, liKt boxes, loose pnfik, nt ranch. F..H, NrtKon, Biowcr. P. O. Dox 33, Orland, Cnllf. 12-22 FOR SALE -Swing rocking chair, reup hoNterrtl; slcrptng chair nnd stool, fltnlni clmlrs. Theodore Dickson, 3041 Shnstii Wny. Phone 4.117. 12-22 ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN Cftlmlulors. KM S. 01 li St. Pioneer Printing Slnlloucry Co. 1-lBm (MVE n living gift. Pedigreed cocker spnniel pupptes. Roller canaries, reg istered block. All colors. Thrasher's Kennels, nouth of Phoenix on High wny. 1218 FOR SALE cheap. Schultr. 10-ft. trailer house. Phone 7117ft. 1210 FULLER nitt'SllKS - Clem Joyer, 1433 Mtirlln. Phone .1077. IS-30m FOR SALK -Ingnihnin alarm clock, SO: u (lo.. Alii-ikn silver spoons, S6, Call Sundiiy. -1720 Frieda, 12-10 FOR SALK Children's wicker rockers In iiRHoried colors. M.Oft. 50.05. Lucas Furniture. 10.1 E. Main. 12-23 FOR SALE Woman's winter coat, sire 111, tight Inn: boy's wool coat, sire 12, shirts nud invent era. 1-110 Worden. 12-10 FOR SALE One Cntcrplllnr 00 engine nnd numerous other pnrls. S2.10, Can be seen nl FtlingNon Lumber Co. " 12-20 CHRISTMAS TRKKS FOR SALE, With stnmla. Phone 573H or 015 High, 12-20 ir it's a "frofit" article yon need ad vertise fur a used one in the class if Is it. Ford and Zerone (Alcohol Base) We have a large stock, . but it's going fast. Come in now! Balsiger Motor Co, Main and Esplanade -fr ANNOUNCING ft the OPENING CODY'S Silmore Service Station Corner Eleventh ond Moin Phone 9146 Open 9:00 A. M. 7:00 P. M. We Invite You To Come In And Give Us A Try At Servicing Your Car. 12-19 BUY THE BEST New GMC Trucks . ARE NOW AVAILABLE Let us help you with your application. ROSE MOTOR CO; 4th at Klamath Phone 8164 38 Mliellinou For Sal ron SALE-100 ton, tMKd n.v, lit cut .'ilfn, oatl and r.va, at Keno. Se. Hi Moora at ranch berora croislna r - - or call Douf Puckelt. Tulclahe 7lo.. 339311 STOVES REPAIRED. Alt avallaDIa parti alockftd. lined fupnllure itovcn bought, OK StPond Hand Stora. 820 Klnmntb. Phone 5STI. 12.30m TOR SAl.rTrnHer house, l ft. M'J model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. 91tl LATE MODEL HEARING AID oan be nnd nt hi reduction due to lllneBft. Mr. Mitchell at Wlnema Holel. Hurry. Will make Una Chrlatmai lift. Either air or bona, 12-ln FOR SALE-Rlack Cocker apantel pup plrn, ellllble for registration, 92.1.00. lsm California Aye. U-J0 rOR SAI.E-Rallroert watch. St lewels. Burlington, open fnre. gold ease with cbnln. Perfect condition. Ph. .s73 or 1441. I27GU FOR SALE Nenrly new dnveno and chair aetj also hvo wood atoves. Phone .10.19. 12-1(1 NURSES We still have white rubber heels nt Stuart'a Shoe Shop, 830 Oak St, 12-21 FOR SAl,E-2-whccl trnller, 800x18 tires. Call 80.11 aflernonn. 12-20 36 Miicallanoous For Sole Attention Farmers For Potato Box and Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Deere Lindeman Track Type Tractors, Haymaster Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company 3049 So 0th St. Phone 8247 Tncs.-Tluirs.-Sat FOR SALE -An Idcnt Chrlslmns gilt Duck and aooso fcithers. A bnrgnln while they Inst. 322 Wnlnut St.. or People's Warehouse Bag Co., nl.n Rronrf l 12-23 Do You Have Toys, Dolls and Similar Articles No Longer Needed? There Is a Big Demand for Xmas Use This Page To Advertise Come In and See Our Fine Selection of Bridles - Spurs and Bits - Blankets Martingales - Belts - Wallets Hair Rope And, Other Saddlery Goods. It Pays to Buy Leather Goods From a Leather Goods Store CONNOLLY'S SADDLE SHOP 920 Main St. Phone 8329 12-26 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 Livutock and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be In operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come in, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREbON BRED CHICKS 993tf 36 Miseallantout For Sal Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 5195 John Sandmeyet C. S. ROBERTSON ACENCY First Federal Savings Bldg.. 12-30m 42 Mlscellaneoui Wanted GIRLS - WOMEN BE A PRACTICAL NURSE BIG DEMAND HIGH WAGES High school not necessary. Easy to learn In spare time. Age, 18 lo 80. War da. mends have caused big shortage. Pre pare now for this Interesting, profitable and pntrfotlc work. Write fop FREE Information. Wayne School of Practical Nursing. Write Box 100-X. car Herald and News. CASH paid tor nouiehold gOoda. Phone 7510. 4M0K WANTF.D Pair of plgeOns, Call Mat afternoons. i 12-8hb WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phona 8878 aftr 8 mj WILL PAV CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louls R. Mann, 120 N. Jth. Phone 4318 or 7178. 12-aom WANTED TO BUY OR RENT Two hedrooin home within walking dis tance of town Call 7343. 12-20 BUSINESS COUPLE desires small fur. nlshed apartment or house. Perma nent. Telephone 8838 12-21 WANTED Someone to pull trailer house to San Francisco. 4808 S. 8th. 12-18 KOR SALE-Registercd Jersey bull. 2 years old: 30 tons oat hay. Claude Brown. Bonanza, ' 12-18 PAYING up to 82 lb. for rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co.. Seattle. Wn. Mon-Wed-Sat WANTED TO BUY-ufiod car tno deal ers'. 813 Walnut, 12-19 42 Miscellaneous Wanted 44JLiYtor;kand Poultry ' " First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Horn) Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 12-30m HIGHEST PRICES paid for boas, veal, lambs nnd cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 3323. nights 3303. 12-30m WA NTED... Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4030 collect. !2-29me . FOR SALE-Chrlslmas turkeys. 42c a . pound live weight, 4811 Harlan prive. 12-18 When You Want a ' CASH-loan: For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of . COMMERCIAL' FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. . Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Furniture Livestock -Salary WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, Suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761tf STEADILY EMPLOYED railroad em ploye wants to rent three or four room house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, at once. Walking dis tance to S. P. depot. No children. Address James R. Rowe. enre S. P. R.R. Signal Dept., Dunsmuir, Calif. 12-10 WANTED TO RENT Small furnished or unfurnished apartment or room. 7.13 N. 2nd St. Phone 8428 or 3089. 12-20 WANTED TO RENT-Immedlatcly. two furnished or unfurnished modern houses. Please call 8475. 1071tf WANTED TO BUY-1041 or lalcr Chov rolet H or s ton pickup truck, or will trade 1940 Olds 2-tone. 3-pasMcn-ger coupe In perfect shape with everything that goes with it. But ex pect some difference In trade. Phone 7271. 1821 Sargent St. 942tf ROOM WANTED for sailor, wife, baby in exchange for housework mo cook inal. and small wages. Start Jan. t. 1943. Phone 9038. 12-20 PARTNER In Inntf established tocnl bus! ness In despemie need of 2-bcdroom house or apartment, furnished or un furnished. Excellent references. Will lease. Ph. 8927 days. 12-22 MARINE OFFICER desires furnished house op apartment. No children or nets. Write Box 1180, Herald and News. 12-22 Sales Between Individ uals Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements Completed , Come Ir f Phone In or Write In Phone 771 1 Lie. M-223 ,Llc S-251 12-30m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For 1 On Your WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in for npprnlsnl. BELLS HArtD WARE. 328 Main St. 12-lom 44 LIveitocK and Poultry GEF.SE FOR CHRISTMAS - Order early to avoid disappointment. Lewis Poultry Farms. Phone 4380. ' 12-20 PAYING UP TO 82 lb. for rabbit nklns. Millions warned. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co.. Seattle. Wn. Mon-Wed-Sat WANTED - Live poultry or all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372, 12-30IP WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabblls. TRULOVF.S MARKET. 918 East Main. Phone 4282 l-4m LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO- i FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers ; Quick Service - Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamoth's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N 7lh Phone 3325 12-30in Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates . Long time easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you .to invcstlgati the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 190D 111 N 9th PURie 456 TuetvFrl.-t m. If l mi