Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 16, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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Mday Tea
tlrnctive Christum!! ton
riven (or mothers of lirown-
I'roop M, in wvcrsiae sciiuiu
nAav nltornoon when Mrs.
:. Brnndfiics-i, lender, ar-
M the minir.
it. Una Wurrcn and Mm.
I Urson, troop committee,
c ten table wns Riiy with
ittmr.i sreons. ornaments nnU
fcn with candles on either
lot the arrangement. This Is
nut will be held in jnnu-
Sachct bans, made by the
nlej for their mothers,
presented during the utter-
f .
vidge Club
iter 10. the Lnmiell Valley
Hit club entertained their
Hands with a chicken dinner
le P. R. Monroe home
Mowing the 1 o clock din
bridce wns cnloved. with
I Lloyd Gift nnd Mrs. Lester
hi winning me nign prizes,
.use enjoying the nnrtv were
unci ftirs. r , w. urown, Mr.
Mrs. Lloyd Gift, Mr. and
Malcolm Tcare, Mr. nnd
Harry Frnzler, Mr. und Mrs.
Burnett. Mr. nnd Mrs.
He Murray, Mr. nnd Mrs,
1 Mflnrnf Mr anrl 1V.Tr T n.
tovltt, Kir. 'and Mrs." Orn
'on, Mr. nnd Mrs. Owen
IF, Mrs. AT II r V nnrhnrn
i-iiin which, Mrs. Mary
w. Mrs. Florence Botkins,
MW. and Wesley Dear-
iirnHc fry
iComina Dec. 20
SO Makes Plans
y Holiday Events
Lo Mile" nt the USO center hus released n list of the ac
ta Will''" have been iirriuiged (, .servicemen mid Junior
..es during the month of December,
fin Sunday, December 17, there will he an open house at the
PL nil tWo who uro Interested in the functions of the or
L'tloii. A g'U"!) 01 J!ln,l,,,r 1 "ileuses will visit the hospital
Pit the dispensary ut Ihu Marin,. Hanncks on Wednesday
tuber 20. nii'l " I hiii'Mluy December 21, they will visit the
Einllfil " "".r" "" """" L'H's of candy and fresh
I. ..in he taken to tliesu menf .
1,1 occiisloiw- On l'lliliiy,
nir 22. will be the l..
Sfjfd.ii.co at the, Marine
rkt for .minor iiumh
ihcr g'.' "' "'" lm"'lm'"-
I'm until ' tl,L' "itirn
Vh. i-,.kl..st to those
i10,racii who have attended
KSTw"" "I the Catholic
frnlscoiinl churches, und on
L December 2... mere
IhJ'u Chrlsm dance lit
...vv ease. ,
Lc 111."' m l,uu1'l, wu''0,"1
SlKO center Ull irvuiitmiii,
iUi,n..,.,.ml,..r 13. for the
SI,, of decorating the 13
rhrlslinas tree which was
,hcd bv one of the Junior
IM two oiiiii'
fs .1.1.-1, was decoriiled In
olH.fiisliloiifd style, with
0( popcorn, tinsel and
..colored lights.
, boughs and greens were
iffeu uroii.i" .....
cones were gilded by the
ccmcn and Junior U o s I-
Lj ipples. iMipcorn un.l po-
chips wcic in"
,bJ tho room, and other re
intents were scrven
ik bn". Music was furnished
Rv i A ls Hi,, nintm.
i led tlio group In coniinunl-
tnlor Hostesses who served
I,, i n n c k bur ond In the
lea were Mrs. Hubert Show,
W ncen, w. ...
,cy ond Lee Koblnson.
Jh Hostesses who were
.,nd to help nt the Christ
'jtcoration party were Mary
ji Kay Uorchcr, Patricia
..Elaine Urnntz, Anltu
,'nV Chris Uemetrakos,
n Hardin, Mary Jo llalletl,
hit Hull. Sinricy in
fcr. Edna Llndcr, Helen Lnr-
pat Miirpny, r... iu.vh .
Ann Otey, Mnrjorlc Ong
r.rotn I'lnney. Nnn Schu-
and Itobcrta Tucker.
,v, I f(Xl ' : .
U. itfl , ,...V
y v i
Little Diane Woller cele
brated her second birthday on
December 15 with a party
which was given at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. 13. Woller, 2 0 12 Main.
Diane's grandparents are Mr.
nnd Mrs. G. C. Tatmon of 307
December Bride
I'rniicis Kay Blehn became
the bride of Nonnon E. Baugh
in a lovely ceremony which
look place at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John A. llichn, 2011 Scott. The
Heverend David Burnett of the
First Presbyterian church offi
ciated at the wedding which
was nciti on inursclny evening,
December 7, nt 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Baugh wore a two-piece
dress of pale yellow with
corsage of yellow rosebuds, and
was attended by her sister.
Huth Uiehn. Buddy Bichn was
best man.
A reception was held at the
home of the bride Immediately
loi lowing the ceremony.
The young couple olan to re
main In Klamath Falls for the
present time.
Merrill Rebekahs
MERRILL The Merrill Re
bekahs will entertain for a
number of members of the
military guard from Camp
Tulelakc at the lodge s annual
Christmas party to be held on
Tuesday, December 18. Mrs.
Thelma Slukcl will be in charge
of the refreshment committee.
and the program will include a
gift exchange.
Three new members were
Initiated at the last meeting
witli James Stevenson Jr., Mrs.
Lorraine Mahaffcy nnd Mrs.
Ora Burko taking the obliga
tion. R. H. Anderson. Grand Patri
arch of (lie grand encampment
of Oddfellows of Oregon, made
a report of his official visit to
lodges nt Salem, Eugene, Mill
City, Scio, Dayton, McMinn
vllle and Portland, whore he
was accompanied by Mrs. An
derson, n
The lodge voted to buy two
war bonds at the war bond
rally to be held In Morrill this
Brownie Troop
Brownie Troop No. 29, met
In tho Roosevelt school Thurs
day afternoon, December 14. and
completed the making of a gift
for mother, and a sheet of attrac
tive hnnd-blocked paper using
(he Christmas motif, witn wnicn
lo wrap tlio gift.
The Brownies were then taken
lo the home of their lender, Mrs.
A. L, Brandt, 1345 Pacific Ter
race, for a Christmas party. Mrs
Brandt was assisted, by Mrs,
Llovd Porter, assistant lender
Refreshments were served and
scnsonnl songs were sung, ino
next meeting will be held after
school reconvenes in jnnunry,
Dessert Party
BLY Janet Mulllns was hos
toss at a dessert pinochle party
given Thursday evening, uc
ccmbcr 7, honoring Ruth Oben-chain.
Three tables of pinochle wore
In plnv during the evening,
with high score going to Betty
Dyer, and low to Auarey ueijs'
Giiesls nt the party' were
Huth Obenchnin. Elizabeth
Campbell, Jva Cllne, Audrey
nnMshoek. Deity Dyer. Ethel
Geljsbeck, Ruby Tianan, Marie
Raupach, Hazel Madison, Mil
dred Rouse, Helen Smith and
Edna Book.
Alien Adding Machines
Fridon Calculator!
Royal Typewriter
Desks Chairs Files
For those hard-to-gt Items
124 Bo. 9lh Klamath Falls
Farewell Party
POE VALLEY A farownll
party was given for Mr. and Mrs.
Holmes prior to their leuvlng for
Klamath Falls where they arc
planning to live. The affair was
given at tlin coinmnnlfv Lull nn
Saturday evening, December 9.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
nun-si oiruiiK, Uay Voght,
Frank Kester, Mr. and -Mrs. Ir
vln Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Ho Tuck.
cr, James and Jean Tucker, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Vic Brown, Mr. and
mis, ivnui wens, Mary Wells,
Mr. and Mrs. Rex High, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Hrellhaupt, Bill Tu
bak, Mr. and Mrs. George Roll
ing, iv. r. and Mrs. Wilbur Hell
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur AnrW.
son, Mr. Gcbheart, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Roberts, Jean Roiling,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Benedict, Hel
en Benedict, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Moore, Tommy Moore. Mrs.
Warren Monrp CI nrpnpn Wnh.
her, Junior and Wayne Kester,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nork, John
Nork, end the guests of honor,
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes.
the Holmes were nrcsentcd
with a lovely table cover set by
ino community. Dancing was
then enioved bv mnsln furnlshoH
by local talent. Refreshments
were served later by several of
uie gucsis.
Circle Meet
Circles 4 and S of the Worn-
en's Society of Christian Service
of the First Methodist church.
which were recently united into
one circle, held Its first com
bined meeting Tuesday, Decem
ber 12. at the home of the chair
man, Mrs. W. A. Carlton, 264
S. Eldorado.
A potluck luncheon was
served at 1 o'clock, and a short
business meeting followed. As
this was a Christmas party and
gift exchange, there was no les
son or devotional service.
fourteen members and three
guests were present. Election
of officers was held, and Mrs
Carlton was re-olectcd chairman
and Mrs. C. A. Poole vice-chair
man; Mrs. Paul Collins is the
secretary; Mrs. C. G. Andrus
treasurer; Mrs. I. W. White will
conduct the lesson hour, and
Mrs. L. J. Brink will have
charge of the devotions.
$ $
Holiday Dinner
Members of the First Chris
tian church and their families
met Tuesday evening to enjoy a
holiday dinner honoring one of
their members, Mrs. Pearl
Shultz. who. with her dauehters.
is leaving iuamain Fails to make
their home in San Jose. Calif.
The occasion also honored Ger
trude Shoemaker, a missionary
to Africa, who gave a very in
teresting and inspiring talk on
missionary work.
xne taoies, which seated 100
guests, were attractively deco
rated with the Christmas theme.
Tho committees in charge of the
anair included Mrs. uaie Mat-
toon, Mrs. Frank Fortna, Mrs.
H. L". Wickcrsham. Mrs. RalDh
Clapp, Mrs. C. S. Robertson,
Mrs. Harvey Haydcn, Mrs. Paul
Hilton and Mrs. A. E. Bailey.
& S
Bridal Shower
lovely bridal shower was given
at the parish hall on Saturday
afternoon in honor of Mrs. Mar
vin Jacobson. the former Ann
Lucille Walker. Hostesses for
the affair were Mary Ann Gift.
Helen uowen and Hazel uin.
Refreshments were served fol
lowing the opening of the gifts
to Ann Jacobson. Hattie Walker.
Norma Campbell. Christine
Brown, Elta Lou Higgins, Gladys
walker, bhirley Flescner, Edna
Hood, Nettie Davis, Bonnie Fcrn-
land, Blanche uowen, Lizzie
Schmor, Hazel Brown, Tillie
Walker, Marion Randall. Ruth
Martin, Margaret Burnett, Bob-
biette Gift, Doris Leavitt, Dean
na Campbell, and the hostesses.
Under the direction of Mrs. B. B. Blomquist, head of the drama department of Klamath
Union high school, "Fiat Lux" was presented during the week at numerous performances, bring
ing high praise to the cast. Above, seated, Muriel While and Jack Bronson. Standing, left to right,
Malcolm Eplcy Jr., Ted Reeves, Betty Larvik and Virgil Gillette. Not in the picture, but doing
excellent work in 14 shows to date, is PFC James Leas of the Marine Barracks, who plays the
marine in the heavenly vision. Last show is tonight at 8:15, Little Theatre.
lloiiieiiiakiiig Highlights
From tht Office of the- Home
Demonstration Agent
homemaker who must feed a
family in these days when food
forms so important a part in the
national welfare is an article in
the current (December 16) Sat
urday Evening Post by Neil M.
Clark, titled "The Doctor Cooks
Dinner." Not only is it an in
spiring review of some of the
more delectable foods prepared
by one of the foremost non-professional
chefs in the nation, but
it describes graphically how this
food expert makes use of every
single scrap of the edibles that
come to hand . . . and charms
gourmets with the result!
if we of the home demonstration
agent's office call you up some
day to inquire snoopily what
you plan to have for dinner. The
purpose? Is to gain some helpful
ideas on nutrition as it is being
practiced ri g h t here in the
county, and to- forward the in
formation to you. Thursday, for
instance, we found that Mrs
J. E. Hosking was planning a
well-balanced meal of breaded
veal (no points on that), mashed
potatoes and pan gravy, frozen
vegetables and a tossed green
salad. Dessert? Baked apple.
The dressing she uses on her
salad sounded particularly inter
esting. She marinates a clove of
garlic in a mixture of vinegar,
sugar, salt, pepper, paprika,
chili sauce, oil and catsup. This
dressing is excellent, too, she
says, on grapefruit and avocado
upon us, and a good supply of
this delicacy in local stores, we
are passing on this recipe for
Scotch Yums
1 package mincemeat
2 tablespoons sugar
4 cup water
2 cups flour
i teaspoon salt
i cup shortening
Break mincemeat into pieces.
Add sugar and cold water. Cook
three minutes, stirring con
stantly, until lumps are broken
up and mixture is practically
dry. Cool.1 Sift flour once.
Measure, add salt and sift again.
Cream the shortening thor
oughly. Add flour gradually,
blending well after each addi
tion. Press mixture evenly and
firmly in bottom of well-greased
square pan. Prick with fork and
bake in hot oven (400 degrees
F.) about 10 minutes or until
lightly browned. Spread with
mincemeat and return to the
oven for 10 minutes. Cut in
squares. Serve hot or cold.
What's Cookin'
Monday, December 18, "Home
makers' Broadcast," 1:45 p. m.
Thursday, December 21, Hen
ley Home Extension Unit, "Fore
stalling Delinquency," Tiome ot
Mrs. William Williams.
Lucky Pinochle
Members of the Lucky Pi
nochle club met Monday, De
cember 11, with Mrs. L. D. Good
on Denver for luncheon, follow
ed by an afternoon of cards.
Those attending were Brownie
Bramwell, Maude Phillips, Mary
Martin, Ruth Sehorn, Zella
Blankenship, Florence Young
and Rita Fuller. Rita Fuller held
high score, Brownie Bramwell,
second, Zella Blankenship, low,
and Maude Phillips, pinochle.
The club's Christmas party
will be given at the home of
Mary Martin on Wantland,
Thursday, December 21.
Pinochle Club
Kathryn Billings was hostess
lo Yo Olde Pinochle club, Thurs
day, December 14, for the club's
annual Christmas party and gift
exchange. Luncheon was served
to Grace Bock, Fannie Goddard,
Lillian Green, Violet Vance, Es
ther Adkisson, Violet Vance,
and Agnace Lowe. High score
for the afternoon went to Grace
Bock, second to Fannie Goddard,
low to Lillian Green, and the pi
nochle high score went to Vio
let Vance. Lillian Green, 5206
Walton drive, will be the host
ess, December 28.
Altamont Unit
The Altamont Extension unit
met , Tuesday, December 12, at
the home of Mrs. T. J. O'Hara,
805 Mt. Whitney.
A demonstration of oven
meals was given by Mrs. J. E.
Erickson and Mrs. L. Sauer.
Fifteen members and guests
were present, and the attend
ance award was given to Mrs.
M. Monohan.
The next meeting is sched
uled for January 16, at the
home of Mrs. C. C. Crawford,
4690 Boardman. Mrs. Winnifred
Gillen will discuss the topic of
forestalling delinquency.
- '
shower was given for Mrs.
Edith Holzhouser on Tuesday,
December 12. at the home of
Mrs. Lucia Webber. Mrs. Holz
houser is the former Edith
Crossfield of Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Paul Keller of Portland
is here for a visit with her
mother, Mrs. George Humph
rey, jur. js.euer is m ban i ran
Cisco at the present time, sta
tioned there with the Office of
War Information.
The United States army buys
11,000 different cotton Items,
ranging from handkerchiefs to
gun camouflage.
Scouts Requisition
Whale Boat For Lake
The sea scout ship "S.S. Elk"
has just requisitioned a 26-foot
whaleboat from the U. S. navy
department, according to Skip
per Byron Fiedman.
The ship plans extensive
cruise training on luamath lake
as soon as spring weather per
mits. The ship is still accepting
crew members and has openings
for approximately 10 more
young men.
9 1
i I
I 3 I
Lictnttd Cotm9tologiitm
IN speaking of Blodyne, it might
' be interesting to know that
the name comes from the two
Greek words . .
bios," meaning
life . . . and!
dyne," mean-:
ing force. Life!
force is a good!
name for. these!
strange miracle i
working sub-?
stances, one of
which is the'
basis for the new cosmetics I
want to tell you about.
THE new cosmetics, In which
' Biodyne is used, are named
SRF, which stands for Skin
Respiratory Factor. It's not a
glamorized name, but simply a
statement of fact. That's exactly
what this cream and lotion is
. . . a skin respiratory factor.
There are only two products
called SRF . . . the Night Cream
and the Day Lotion, designed to
be used by all types of women
for oily, dry or normal skin.
THERE is no hocus-pocus about
' these cosmetics "... the
formula is based on a sound
medical discovery, and its bene
fits have been proven over and
over again. It helps the skin
to breath!
I'LL try later to tell you more
about both the SRF cream
and the lotion, but in the mean
time, let me invite you in. I'll
be glad to go into it jri detail,
EverhoJys Drug
-808 Main-
Bond Purchases
Still Count on
6th War Loan
Mrs. Stanley Sialger will en
tertain for members of her
bridge club at the annual
Christmas party at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Woodruff of Pacific Terrace,
this coming Friday evening.
Mrs. William Serruys Is con
fined to her home on Manzan
ita street but is able to receive
The new Rilling COLD
WAVE is the comfortable way
to hair beauty. Yes, so cool, so
comfortable you will want an
other. Acclaimed by thousands)
of women the nation over. Call
today for your appointment.
Beauty Shop
626 Main St.
Phons 3511
Haded H
l.iy-Aw.r H
Excitingly Dyed or Natural Muskrat
Silver Fox Natural Mink Paw
Russian Pony Crey Persian LamV
Squirrel South American Weasel
Hudson Seal And Many Otharsl
Red Fox
Silver Fox
Kit Fox
$26.50 to $667
(20 Fedtral
Tix Includtd)
For Your Convanlanc
UNTIL 8:30 P. M.
Vntil A'fter Chriitmas
113 S. 7th
Phone 643s
" I
Phone 8222 fOI Main
Gloves and bags as lovely as these
are as much a part of Christmas
as sleigh bells and tinsel. Fortun
ately, we have just received a new ;
shipment . . . for that special gift.
head any ltit. Fabric
and doeskin In "key
ed to your costume"
dcstffni and colors.
2.00 to 6.50
black and brown. Clasp
opening, under-firm zip-
ier top siyie, ana pouca
aes complete the selec-