PACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Mrs. Will Wood Matron of OES Mrs. Will W. Wood was elected worthy matron of Aloha chapter No. 61, Order of the Eastern Star, at the annual election of officers held Tuesday evening in the Masonic temple. Elected to serve with Mrs. Wood for the ensuing chapter year are: Mr. Arthur R. Dickson, worthy patron; Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps, associate matron; Mr. Sanford Selby, associate patron; Mrs. Howard Listoe, conductress; Mrs. H. E. Get, associate con ductress; Miss May Phinney, secretary; Mrs. Nina Currier, treas urer. Installation of officers will be held Tuesday evening. De cember 26, and Mrs. Wooes will name her appointive officers at that time. At 6:30 Tuesday evening Mrs. Arthur R. Dickson, retiring worthy matron, was hostess at a dinner honoring the officers who have served with her dur ing the past year. Tables were set in the women's parlor of the Masonic temple, and gaily colored Christinas ornaments. juniper evergreens, and red , Mrs. Percy Pierce, refreshment canaics were usca in me eucc tive table decorations. The three daughters of the hostess, June. Barbara and Carolyn Dickson, assisted in serving. During the regular session of chapter Mrs! Dickson, assisted by Mrs. H. E. Getz, marshal, put on an addenda which cul minated in the presentation of a gift to each of her dinner guests. In making the presenta tions Mrs. Dickson expressed an appropriate sentiment in verse, telling what each of her offi cers had contributed to make the past year an outstanding success. Dinner guests included: Mrs. Earl J. Templar, Mr. Clarence Humble, Mrs. H. A. Nitschlem, Mrs. Nina Currier, Mr. H. E. Getz, Mrs. Howard Listoe, Mrs. Will W. Wood, Mr. Arthur Dickson, Mr. Earl J. Templar, Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, Mrs. Elmer Harnden, Mrs. Dorothy Diment, Mrs. Clarence Humble, Mr. Lawrence K. Phelps, Mrs. Wal lace Uerlings, Mrs. H. E. Getz, Mrs. E. E. Metier, Mrs. Maurice Sherman, Mrs. Ted Huey. - At the close of chapter re freshments were served by Mrs. L. D. Good, Mrs. Sam Roberts, Mrs. O. R. Holloway, Mrs. E. F. Blankenship, Mrs. L. E. Henry and Mrs. O. F. Kon-schot. o o Women's Society All circles of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the First Methodist church met Thursday, December 14, for a covered-dish buffet luncheon, served in the church parlors at 12:30 p. m. About 50 attended the luncheon and the meeting which followed. The holiday feeling was exemplified by a Christmas tree, greenery and lighted candles, and luncheon was served on small tables. Each circle met briefly by it self for the transaction of rou tine business, and the general program was opened by the sing ing of Christmas carols, and prayers by Rev. Phillips and Mrs. Moccabee. Mrs. Schnec beck sang, "Star of the East," with Mrs. Earl Redman, accom panying. Mrs. John Yadon introduced the guest speaker, Mildred Sim mons, who -recently returned from 37 years of missionary service in India. She gave a very interesting talk upon her work in that country and dis played gowns worn by Indian women, which were modeled by Mrs. S. H. Snell and Mrs. Pae tow. Miss Simmons told several interesting facts about the lives of the original wearers of these robes. Mrs. Victor Phillips, Mrs. L. K. Phelps Mrs. Bruce Binkley, Mrs. Moccabee and Mrs. John Riach acted as hostesses for the afternoon. The regular month ly meeting of the Women's So ciety of Christian Service will be held in the church parlors, Thursday, December 28. St. Paul's Mrs. A. B. Hood was elected president of St. Paul's Women's auxiliary on Thursday after noon, when the group met at the home of Mrs. E.. P. Living ston on Erie street. Mrs. Roy Lee will serve as vice president, Mrs. Gaylord Upington as sec retary and Mrs. A. J. Lambert as treasurer. A book review, "Speaking of Indians," by Ella Deloria, was given by Mrs. Livingston. Mrs. R. H. Woods was a special guest of the afternoon, and was able to contribute many inter esting facts to the discussion, as she had spent many years on the reservation as was de scribed in the book by Miss Deloria. The next meeting of the auxiliary, Thursday, December 21, will be a Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs. R. Heber Radcliffe on Pacific Terrace. Social Club On Wednesday afternoon, De cember 12, members of the Re bckah Social club entertained the Past Noble Grand club in the IOOF hall. Fifty were present to enjoy the turkey dinner with all the trimmings, the Christmas tree, and the gift exchange of the silent sisters. Legion Party Plans for the annual Christ mas party of the American Legion and auxiliary were an nounced this week by Mrs. J. H. Gallagher, president of the local unit of the American Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Carl Schubert is general chairman: chairman; Mr. J. H. Hunter of the legion, tree decoration chairman; Mrs. Ray Williams, table decorations. There will be dancing, fol lowed by refreshments, and Pappy Gordon's Hillbillies will furnish the music. Each Legion couple is urged to bring a serviceman and his wife as their guest. Sandwiches, salads and cakes are needed for the party. Anyone not con tacted may call one of the com mittee chairmen Mrs. Galla gher at "163 or Mrs. Schubert at 6693. Chapel Ceremony The chapel of the Catholic church was the scene of a lovely double ring ceremony in which Lillian Lynum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lynum, became the bride of A. Patrick Tofano, USNR, on Monday, December 11. Vows were exchanged at 7 o'clock in the evening before an altar banked with' white and gold chrysanthemums, and the Reverend T. P. Casey officiated. A winter white suit, trimmed with gold nailhead, and gold ac cessories, was chosen by the bride, and on her shoulder she wore a single white orchid with gold and white ribbons. Bernice Slochimi was the maid-of-honor, and wore a tail ored gold suit of light wool with a corsage of talisman roses. Best man was Richard Bermen solo. The bride's mother was dressed in a navy blue dress maker suit, and wore a corsage of red rosebuds. A wedding party was given at Sari's immediately following the ceremony, and tables were set for 19 guests. The young couple are now making their home in Klamath Falls. The groom, son of Mr. Joseph Tofano of New York City, is in the operations depart ment at the Klamath naval air station. o rions Club The Orions met for a Christ mas party at the pine room of the Elks temple on December 11. Features of the evening included card games, gift exchange, and refreshments. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Arthur Wiggins, president; Mrs. Paul A. Lee, vice-president; Mrs. C. A. Baker, secretary, and Mrs. M. H. Melchert, treasurer. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. L. E. Juniper, retiring president, in appreciation of the fine work she has done for the past year. and guests present at the meeting were Mrs. L. E. Juniper, Mrs. Edwin Schneebeck, Mrs. Troy Cook, Mrs. Paul A. Lee, Mrs. Ray C. Brown, Mrs. David L. Snyder, Mrs. Christine Neubert, Mrs. Kenneth Samson, Mrs. William L. Boyer, Mrs. W. L. Terwilliger, Mrs. C. A. Baker, Mrs. Arthur R. Millard, Mrs. Don O. Potter, Mrs. Charles Cummings, Mrs. L. A. Murphy, Mrs. M. H. Melchert, Mrs. Ar thur Wiggins, Mrs. Albert Gas ter, Mrs. Charles A. Finch, Mrs. Ray L. Garrison, Mrs. William Stolk, Mrs. John W. Weber, Mrs. Frank Gardinier, Mrs. G. C. Baxter, Mrs. Elwayne Lieuallen, Mrs. T. J. O'Harra, Mrs. S. R. Balsiger and Mrs. Nick R. De Wit. Townsend Club The Townsend auxiliary met for a potluck luncheon and special business meeting on Wednesday, December 6, at the home of Mrs. Eva Webster, 1325 Kane. Those present were Adah Larson, Nettie Schimlncsky, Matilda Crapo, Charlotte Canoy, Eva Myers, Bernice Mc Cracken, Eva Webster, Mabel McWithy, Daisy Douglas, 11a Douglas, Mrs. McWithy, Bertha Carlile and Lora Brazee. Lora Brazee and Grace Jer rue were both remembered for birthdays. The next meeting will be a Christmas exchange on Decem ber 20 at the home of Mrs. Alta Randall, 1003 Wantland. Every one has been asked to bring an inexpensive present for tho gift exchange. i - tv f S3 o f rv i) w: V feyw .Ms) - .-.... ;S 1 (ft ''-Z'S I . j LEAVE FOR SOUTH Mrs. Oliver E. Moen was feted at many informal tnrcwell parties prior to leaving for Oakland, California with her husband and son, Stephen. Mr. Moen was formerly employed at the Klamath Falls branch of Rollin Rudolph and company, and has recently been transferred to the San Francisco office. Kennell-Ellls. Shasta PT A Members of the former study group of Shasta PTA, enjoyed a potluck luncheon and gift ex change, Wednesday, December 13, at the home of Mrs. Kollin Thompson on Shasta way, with a gift exchange held during the afternoon. Attending were Mrs. Herbert Landis, Mrs. Marvin Shell, Mrs. Claude Williams, Mrs. Elton Baker, Mrs. Houser, Mrs. John Rusteen and Mrs. Thompson. CD A Meeting Catholic Daughters of Amer ica met in the parish hall Mon day, December 11, at 8 p. m. for a husiness meeting. The court decided to send ice cream to the guests at the Klamath county infirmary for their Christmas dinner. It was announced that the CDA had exceeded its quota for the 6th War Loan drive, and those who served on the telephone committee to this end deserve much praise. About twenty-five attended the meet ing, and Father Casey was a guest. Christmas greetings were re ceived from Father Peter Duig nan, who is now overseas. The following Catholic ladies served at the USO Friday, De cember 8: Violet Piescr, Mary Higgins, Emma Grey, Louise Vaughn, Emilie Miller, Lois Abbey, Virginia McCormick, Mildred Smith, Helen Paup, Anita Kennedy, Rose Wesscl, Ethel Brunner, Thelma McEn erney and Mrs. Gogarty. Third Birthday Carol Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baker. 2437 Or chard, celebrated her third birthday on Tuesday, December 12, with a party at her home The guests included Terrl and Adcle Gibson. Gary and Karen Gaster, Darlcne and Anncllc Gaster, Lana Lambo, Janna Neubert, Rosemary Harvey, Margie Kay and Peggy Ann Ul rich, Jerry and Necia Gail Mus selman. Gilbert Baker. Mrs. L,. H. Gibson, Mrs. Albert Gas ter, Mrs. Paul Gaster, Mrs. Frank Lambo, Mrs. Ken Ulrich, Mrs. G. C. Musselman, Mrs. L. J. Brink and Mrs. S. A. Gaster. Tiny Christmas trees were placed along the large table, which was centcre d by the birthday cake with lighted can dies. - The place cards , were in the shape of Christmas trees, and the favors were miniature baskets of candies. J Friendship Court A regular session of the Friendship Court No. 11, Order of the Amaranth, will be held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Masonic temple. There will be initiation of candidates and election of offi cers. At the close of the business session, there will be a ' Christ mas gift exchange and enter tainment, followed by refresh ments. Mrs. Blanche Schulze, Royal Matron, and H. E. Jones, Royal Patron, urge all members to atf tend this meeting. Social Calendar ttuntUy, Ui'inlr IT Own houk at th USO Cfiiltr Iron. I until A p. 111. TufdiUy, nt'mtir til Annual CUiUtmui party (or Amfili'sn lMUMt mid Auxiliary wi'h ilaitrini Uww 9 to IS, ami a huftel Uuuiieuii will Iw crvtd at mlitnlnht, Vtittd), Itn-tmt'ft iu niv wfi.p wivm' club lu m1 ho on at J'li'itii party room at lW V , rr(mUhli Court No, U. Orur of the Amaranth, win tnnai ai o i. m. tl:e MmmoiiIC temple . . WVdHc.ituy rluli Chrlitnw party ami Iltt oxchmitfv at St. Paul parlh haw. ThurntM, lM'finbr HI ChrUtuu. parly of St.l'aul Aiixl tarjr at homa of Mri. It. Ilebar lUtU'Uliif. t'aclflc Tirraca. Vr.1ni.Uy. January IT William I'rlmroM. apuiuorad hy Klanp ath Community Comcrt nuwiaiion. "l'h Pelican. S Sojourner Party Members and guests of So journers were entertained at their annual Christmas party at the Wlllard hotel on Wednes day. Past officers mid board members were hostesses for the day, and Mrs. Lloyd Young was the chairman. Tho decorations w 0 r 0 gay with a miniature lighted Christ mas tree on the tea table, and larger trees about the room. Mrs. Wilbur Shannon was in charge of tho program during which Christmas carols were sung, and little Sue Vimdenburg played several delightful selec tions on the piano. Lovely corsages wero present ed to the new officers: Mrs. Byron Friedman, president; Mrs. W. B. Yates, vice president; Mrs. B. Lambert, secretary; Mrs. L. C. Sauer, treasurer. Mrs. Matt Flnnegnn, retiring president, was presented with 11 gift from the Sojourners. Coffee and dessert were serv ed while Santa Chios distrib uted the gifts. Those present for the parly were Mrs. Byron Friedman, Mrs. Matt Flnnegan, Mrs. W. A. Shannon, Mrs. W. 11. Miller. Mrs. P. F. Hagan, Mrs. Don Rico, Mrs. A. J. McManus, Mrs, Ben Gibson, Mrs. John Mnnn han, Mrs. Stephen Kasper, Mrs. R. Oakes, Mrs. A. Lambert, Mrs. Frank Lambo, Mrs. Paul Far reus, Mrs. Lloyd Young, Mrs. Clara Horsham. Mrs. E. J. How ell, Mrs. E. M. Raymond, Mrs. S. B. Hopkins, Mrs. C. A. Lundy. Mrs. Paul Angstcad, Mrs. Joe Mitchell, Maureen Hagan. Judy Angstad, and Bar bara Sauer. Two newcomers to the So journers were Mrs. Joe Casey and Mrs. Charles Larkin. Mrs. George Watt and her young granddaughter, Gcral dlnc Watt, visited here recently as guests of Mrs. Watt's sister, Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm of Mo doc Point. They left Thursday for Redding where Mrs. Watt will spend the holidays with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Watt, ftp'- A A Lj v. TO CALIFORNIA l'litrloia Avery has left for Vista, California with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Avery of Dorrls. I'ntrlda attended Sac red Heart Academy, and wim active In Job's Daughters, Jun ior Hostesses and the Women's Ambulance corps. She Is plan ning to enter the Carlsbad Jun ior college at Oceiinslde, Cali fornia. The Avery ranch at Klamath 1'nss has been sold to C. F, Enloe. Bell. To Meet Southern Bar B Q OREGON AVENUE Now Open Again! Borbeque Dinner Steaks and Chicken Also All kinds of Sandwiches and Fountain Service Curb Service from 5:00 P. M. to 12:00 A. M. COMPARE FOR 'Lvlra I'jitriehed for ADDED NUTRITION Members attending the dinner meeting of the Klamath County Business mid Professional Wom en's club, Monday evening, De cember 18, at tho Wlllard hotel, are reminded to bring 11 phono graph record, wrapped In holl day papers and ribbons, to be presented as gifts to the Murine Harracks, This meeting will be the an mini Christmas party, but the giving of records will take the place of the customary gift ex change among members. The program is being ar .... .....) I... L-....I.... 11. ....-.. t...l man of the Girl Scout-Camp Fire Gills' committee, and the executives of these two organi zations, Emma Carter and Jewel Cantriill. will be guests. The holiday party Is looked forward to as one of the out standing meetings of the year, and members who do not have standing reservations, are re minded to call Jacquelln New corn by Monday morning. S Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams have spent the past month In San Francisco. They arc ex pected homu just before Christmas. Double Birthday Two young cousins had u double birthday celebration this week In Chllomiln. Oregon, when Mrs. Lou Kclliaou untiM' tallied for her son, Hobby, and Mrs. Duncan Hoark for her daughter, Putty, Games were played during tho nftermioii, mid tho guests were served twin birthday cukes mid lea creum. Hod 11 nil green favors and decorations wuro used, carrying out the Christinas theme, Those Invited to tho parly wero . Richard Hosley, Judy Close, Todd and Tanya Schee, Alleo Faye, Mary Jo Stewart, Miirclu Cochrane, Murclu Pres ent!, Nell Martin. 'Hobby Wor rell, ami Kenny Herd. In Indiana A wedding of interest here took plnro November In Vim cenues, Indiana, when Sgt. By ron Cody of ItillO Portland, look ns his bride the former Laura Blln Riggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itlggs of Vincennes. The vows were exchanged in the North Methodist church In tho lute afternoon with Kev. Frank Little officiating. The double ring ceremony was used, Attending tho counlo were Mrs. Edwin Rlggs, slxter-lmlnw of tho bride, und Corn. Lurry Mobbe of George Field, Law leucevllle, Illinois, close friend of tho groom. Tho urldo woro a powder blue suit with black accessories and u corsage of red rosebuds. Sgt. and Mrs. Cody left on n brief wedding trip and lire now at homo in Vincennes while thu groom Is stationed at nearby George Field. Sgt. Cody returned recently from 18 months' servlco In the Aleutians where ho served as crew chief on a C-47 with the nrmy air corps. He Is a gradu ate of Klamath Union high school, class of 1940, The annual Christmas Pa geant presented by the church school of St. Paul's Episcopnl church, will be given ut the regular Sunday morning serv ice at 11 o'clock December 24, it was announced by tho Rev. Frederick C. Wlssonbuch. ov .iiar:-! ",ul of r. " executlvo ,,?"! '""wing Z wl Cum,, 1,-u., "'u""ltft " viieu.ulyVtoWlt lunation ut Mn by '" "even y,ur; 111 log I,,, ' ' lk ' tend ,'," w lnnln,r '"'. win is vja I'K" ' Oakland c time ill II,., ....rj ul"i ki viiit, .uidi't?:plui I" " number ut IV. grams, n 1. ,- '""mi l limp Klro oriiiin i 1 ' ''!?'. 'Sift audition, wiii. .i!,?1""1 I., ,or 1,0111 WU CIU1,, 10 (J Drniiu Pied nn her 1 her i3 Just Received t SKI SWEATERS In "Snow Deer" and "Fighting Eagle" Designs $8.93 and $9.95 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main tlie local board "I'l'recinuoii 0 h " her excel ? oxecul vi n..i. .. . 1 .:;,,' ": i'"iQn, sue giiiirilliin of icvcrnl served in eumn Kennedy ms time lencliliiR posllii iiumi SHOW ennunuo it",, WUIK. Ihll tin td Wont to Give ei Extfo Special Gift? ' ' t ' nam Mr rk 1 W 'X 1 It's a Roman holiday to V I W,.' if V blouses. They've never been f ' I ' V.fl VfftL designed with such glory I tU . Sk- and'freedom ... and such ' mXit ' Vl fV variety. All make wonder-