Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 15, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    tmb.r IS, 1944
,. Pslni Sprlnos Mrs. U A.
ii ' ...hi imiVfi iviiiiiriuv mr
i ilnial Willi 1
iiiuvuy uiu'"1""- wllu l
Clcnt InTcrni-yUenr-nil hos
'J i it PHlm SiirliiKn. iriinimn
'.hot lliroimli II"1 I'll' wl'H
li . Ilml H'"" M'"''1''11 fll":-
A Ifl! II Wll IH.TCHMIiy 1(1
firslo o" Hi-"""1'" 'I'1'1 l,c
ft In l wlllt!h V"1 c",v
Kim lo H' lioiItul for
L.iohbon ol Woodcraft Tho
ISor.of Wooilcr.fl will bo
' KC i'"T. boMlnniim
H n 111. I "18 1,1 1 ,JU " 1 "l'"
L!iU iinil 1111 members, J'IV"-
slid children of tho N-lKli-riirc
hiviu-d "''' T'""-
-in nwrlinnlld liv Ilia
Klii-loMi their IcicnlUy,
fjmtrlcnn Loflion The Amrrl
IV iVsli'ii ' unxlllnry will
t, , imnuiil Chrlslmas parly
S'imbrr 10. nancins will be
JjJ g to 12, mill a buffet linn-h-
n will Mil sei vitii mi i. mi
Lt.r. uip Invited to iiltrnrl
l srlim scrvlre man and bin
I, ii , gnests. Call Mr CiallaK.
: n or Mr. Schubert.
hi for reservation
Bumm.a. Bala Tho Royal
Iflhborn arc iuikiiiik i mu
le mlc Saturday. Dreomber
In tho Pelican milldlnit on
h mxl to tha candy atoro.
r Information call Mn, Hel-
ggio, or 1110. hwhb, mu.
Loysl Order ol Mooia There
ill 09 a rcauiiir uinciing ui wiu
Order of Mooge in the
put hall Friday, December 15,
8 p. I"', anil inc saumiay
bht party will bo hold in the
I usual, ueKuiniiiK ui u;,iu
. nM.lBMl Ij 1-1,,,'t'nt
uMfr of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
(irviy. Msno roan, win arrive
ri Saturday. December 23.
km Portland to spend the
Srlitmaj holidays with her
p.nilon Club The Railroad
lnployes' Nallonnl Pension as-
hclllion win men iu(iinny eve
.ni. December IB. at tho home
I Mr. Dnrolhy Prlnco, 1314
.MM Mmi Dlitwt of
Wit Vs-tro-nol up
u noitrll effectively
ft promptly relieves
trims of hrftd colds
ilia brraUitiK cuter
. , mo Mips prevent
Luj Midi trom dvl
Ke tt iwd In time.
III You'll liknltlFol
ndlnctloiu In (older.
Bacalvaa lnnulvu 'PU. ..I
bor of ci.iiimorco but received an
inquiry from a nervico man try
lijH to luciitji rebillvcs iir friends
ol Corey Woods, Donald Hobln-
Slltl Wlllirlt: utnl f'l,,...l til-...,.
-iniiico vviiimii.
Ilia iiuines of relatives are not
niiuwit rare n iruit itic nsl mime
WOll it hit Win,, m .... e ui in,..
, , " "I niiMii i. I nc
chiunbor would iiiiprcclnlo r-
i:ihi iinin unyono who
wis any Informiitlnn r.imirdlnu
he relatives nf tlin Woods fam-
ii. i lie iniuuo is nilM,
Exceed Quota The students
and teachers of Hoosevelt anhufil
have exceeded their quotas In
the current bond drive. The
students purchased $;,(.75 hi
bonds and the teachers bought
Sl-int) worth nf humls. The
quoin set for the students was
Wi, while the limit set for the
teachers was $825. The bond
drive nt the school closed
I hursday.
Mtotlnu Slated There will be
a inciMInK of ministers and
board members of the Service
Men's cbiiiM'l Sunday tiflerniiiin
at 2 :it) o'clock lit tho chapel, ;i23
Main. There will be a devotional
before the business session. Dev.
Initorsoll will spoHK. The public
is Invited.
To Band L. S. Still, district
freinht and passeniter HRant for
the Southern Pacific railway,
and O. V. riibson. traveling
freight and passenKor agent for
ine same tine, were in Bend
Wednesday and Thursday on
Logerwell To Speak C. E.
Logorwell will speak at Imman
ucl Baptist church Sunday morn
Inn un t Ii e subject "Moses'
Fiitlicr-ln Law." In the absence
of a pastor, the church laymen
are filling the pulpit. Mr. Zell
will speak at the evening service.
Royal Neighbors Past oracles
of Royal Neiulibors of America
will bo entertained at 11 Christ
mas party nl the home of Martha
Baker, HI 7 Pine. Monday, De
cember 18, at 7:30 p. m. A gift
exchmje will be held.
In Hoipltal John Coumera,
40.111 llrynnl, was moved by am
bulance to Hillside hospital late
Thursday night. Coumcn't con
dition Is said to bo serious. .
Improving Mrs. William
Brittain, 4410 Blsbcc. who under
went surgery on December 7 at
I Hillside hospital, is reported
I imoravinc and mav now have
Company B of tho Oregon
Slide (iuard will celebrate its
third anniversary Monday night,
December II), at 8 o'clock In
Hie Klamath Falla armory, A
reunion of former members of
the a nurd in Iho Klainalli basin
and their wives, a renewal of
old friendships, and a program
ol short talks will bo the ordor
of Hie evening,
Just lo diiya iifer the uneak
attack by the Japanese on Pearl
Harbor, (10 men, called by Gen.
Ralph P. Cowglll and under
command of C'apt. Dayton Van
Vactor, now serving in the
Kuropcnn theater, with 1st Lt.
Thomas S. Abbott and 2nd Lt.
Nelson Reed as his aides, were
sworn In at the American Le
giou ball and stood ready for
any emergency.
Through its existence
Oregon Stale Guard, Company
a nas neon commanded hy uapt
Dayton Van Vaelor, C'apt
Thomas S. Abbott and Iho prcs
nnl commanding officer. L'ant
C. L. McDonald. Capl. Abbott's
present aides are 1st Lt, New.
Inn Nelson and 2nd Lt. Karl
Urquliart. 1st Lt. A. L. Ander-
on commands the commtinica
lions section of the first bat
talion infantry, which is at
tached to Company B for ad
ministration and training.
A buffet luncheon will be
served to the guests at 10
o'clock.. Veterans of the 19th
battalion, Oregon State Guard
and their wives are especially
invited to attend this reunion.
Doris Gilstrap, 17, was in a hos
pital here today, injured when
tho door of trolley coach sud
denly opened and pinned her to
a power pole.
MEDFORD. Dec. 18 uT)
Woodrow Wilson Newburn, 33,
awaited sentence today on a
charge of raping a 13-year-old
Newburn was convicted by a
circuit court Jury after 34 min
utes' deliberation. Sentence
probably will be pronounced
(Continued from Paga One)
from the Rhine. It seems to
have found a .soft spot at any j
rale it makes a gain of seven
miles in one place. It la less
than (even miles from Karlsruhe,
which lies EAST of tho Rhine.
Its big guns arc throwing shells
over the Rhine into Karlsruhe.
This 7th army now holds the
west bank of tho Rhine for 10U
miles behind it, clear back to
the Swiss border. On its left
flank Is Ration's veteran 3rd
'-THIS is the possibility that is
posed by tho situation:
The 7lh army, with Palton
protecting Its western flank,
MIGHT drive on DOWN tlio
of tho Germans clear to Cologne.
Watch it.
IN the Pacific, Tokyo radio says
today that a POWERFUL
allied convoy has passed west
ward through the Mindanao ;
strait (between Lcyte and ad- j
Jacent Islands and big Mindanao
Island) Into the Sulu sea. (Bet-1
ter see your map.) Domcl, Jap-1
ancso news agency, says: "This
enemy surface unit is nothing to
make light of."
There is no confirmation from
our side, but Nimiti announces
that wn've been carrying out a
heavy attack with our carrier
based planes on Jap airfields in
The natural purpose 0 such
an attack would be to KEEP
Relatives of Service
Men Expected Here
For Christmas
Mothers, wives and sweet
hearts of service men stationed
in this area wilt be coming to
Klamath Falls to spend the hol
idays and the housing situation
has made it imperative to ask
for rooms In private homes for
tho visitors.
Anyone having a room which
he will give to a vlstor over
the' holidays, please call Mrs.
Carl Schubert, 6693, or Mrs.
Jack Gallagher at 4220 or713,
and rcRister tho accommoda
tions. Mrs. Schubert and Mrs.
Gallagher are. working for the
American Legion auxiliary
which has taken this as a project.
DOWN the Jap planes so they
couldn't attack our fleet making
the bold passage Into the inland
Sulu sea.
Eddie Eitrrelm'i"'
Steak House
1211 South 7th St.
Grilled Steaks
Merchants' Lunch, 60c
Hamburgers Barbeque
(in tiii
ill HIM
Villi lilt
llt Willi
lllllll III
Open Home The USO is
holding an open house for nil
citizens of Klamath Falls and
the surrounding area on Sunday,
December 17, from 2 until S
p. m.
Grandson Born Mr. and Mrs.
F. L. Weaver arc the grandpar
ents of a baby girl, born on
Tun: day, December 12, to Mr,
nnd Mrs. C. A. Weaver in San
Francisco, Calif.
To Attend Meet County
Judge O. E. Reeder will go to
Salem on December 21 for a
meeting of the state board of
QluMtmai Ensemble
He'll wear
and wear I
Christmas Party The Carpen
ter's union No. 190 will hold its
annual Christmas tree and pro
gram on Wednesday evening,
December 20, at 8 o'clock, in the
library clubrooms. There will be
candy and nuts for tho children,
nnd refreshments will be served.
All members and their families
are Invited.
If It's a "frozen" article vou
need, advertise (or a used one
In the classified.
Cascade Electric
Bring your electrical and
refrigeration problems ta
Carl and Mark at Klam
ath's new electric shop.
623 Pine
Ph. 6835
Carl A. Silvander - Mark R. Poll
This Pure
gives delicate
bouquet to
favorite desserts
l.v - . VA Yx. IfV eYV'V lit' (
SHIRT .... fine broadcloth with double
motif contrast itripsj
Tiny all ihare the sam fine design theme
and colors.
They Wear Perfect Together
Shirt . $2-24
Tjt . . . J1.00 .
.. it.
j Shorn
Handkerchief . uc
is a Woman's Dob!
Lena your ekill to Klp woundeil soldier?. Do tKe wort only
a woman can do in rebuilding sick borHea aad tired minds.
As a Wae in the Army Medical Department you can heal
and help. You are ritally needed now Want to know
more? Clip and mail the coupon below, today,
He m Wae in the V, S. Army Medical BepU
mt ontce
Klsmslh r.lli, Omiw
.. rkeie hikI m, wllheiH ey ealleelles ea f Hi. el aertM ebwrt Hie Week
..mtif .
..ni.r.mil i
n,lV.!:i:f Alrnond Roe., Mo.nUl. Bi
ail other fine eoWuon.
. . . From
a sparkli
Play Tog
... and
course . .
1 UW
The shoe beyond 1
ion ... A oft 1
wedgie . . . with it
dividual "Pug not
By Joyce . , , of cow
Kie . . .
all colon . . ..
6.95 to 70.95
ittFWiTsr-, .as-
ThoM fluffy llttla darlings
for cold days ahead . . , White
fur with Red . . . Green . . .
or Blue palms ...
." 3.95 "to 495
Crepes . . . Sheers , . Shart"
skins in a multitude of styles
. . . Jewel necks . , Shirts . .
or "Fluffy Ruffle" types , , .
In plain White . . . Colors . . .
or Gay Stripes . . .
259 to 6.95
Of capeskin . . . calf grains
. , , and of course the popu
lar fabric cords . colors ,
are Black . Brown . .
Navy . . .
5.95 fo 19.95
73S Main