,mbr K 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE utters Smash Nazi kempt to Fortify ses in Greenland lorco two ntfMfiTON. Doc 11 (IP) ruVt guard cuUors. opor E ice-iiBckcd Arcllc wu- flVnrl" 10 OSIUUIIDH IUIH- rmmrllntt lhl to- ITS one tiorniim urmcd "u .,,.iit miollici' cud- third win '"'" HO nriMinvra worn lukcu ,ii station wiih cup- Lid destroyed. 'jidtllon u liorniui ooiiiiwr T"ntliu which lusted I , to lulu October. , tho count (iiiurd pucks; one, thu Noilli- I, ml ll "0 IOWCU dUUW l(or rcputm. -lur. Armta irnwior r . , llw. hull ii , kt! flllCK Ullcl lllullH .here cuino October 1( .... t.TB Knsiwmu nun imc - Ind fiipiui111 vj ,ncd tiiiwlcr K.xtui nstcliie Is crew ill lour mni-via I across the i P bo 0 nitfi orull wns curnci wl gcket formed by leu I Iocs reed to surrender. UVO 01B lent, tho r-nsiwiuci, limp id by Cant, unities tu V. ., HciiHi. Unlit.. I, V . comniunuer, nun nlntoons ol nullum le Koldewey Inland, BUU Arum Hie north pole. Ciptur Station it Inndinu pui'tlts, ill u En o I la e k, cupluied a I indie and wculiicr dtulion j three oillcuis unci nine d men and lurtfu uuaiitl- wieiilUic iinu wuuUivr jenl. earcntly, the, nnvy said, Jwporule expeditions nuU lent to Greenland by tnu ail!. One was eupiuifd by titter Northland, uoininuiiu ill. Cinur. It. W. Uutenvr, icj I'luin, Muss., on bop- 1, oiler n Vu-inile cuutu jh Iho Ico riocs. 'J'hu chaso tin the scuttling oi u Our .ftrmcd trawler when the trail was blocked by ice. ajplosions ripped InioiiKn nemy nawiei mm bh Tsksn Prisoner crew o clgut officers, by u full commander, 0 enlisted men let I the In litcboats nna were prlioncr. cutler Storls beol off a tombing attack wnilo luu land was pursuing ine trawler. A twm-niulorcu r iped in on the btona, lit as It cumo within lick- ngo it veered oil, appar unwilling to do buttlo the Utile coast guard Northland, meanwhile, to dlltlcultles. snc nao. led her rudder In mnneu- through the lco pack. Imodorc Earl G. Hose, By, Pa., commander of the Land patrol, advised , ot mane, sunt the EnslwMU loutliwlnd to the scene lo r back to base. Ptovido Air Covtr i coast guard and army i the navy said, ulso par led In tho scries of ac j providing air cover for Iho cullers unci uldlng In rec-odiipImhiiiicc. Several land actions cainc during thu series of engage munis. Among them was Ihe lauding ol a party of army and coast gtiordsmun on Shannon Island tindi-r command of Lt. Philip S. Pepn, Brooklyn, N, Y.; KiisIhii llcnjiimln D. Fleet Jr., l'hllmlclphiii, and Lt. (Jg) l.cc Wiiyne Kelts, ltichwooil, N. J. lliillrd by had weather, they rc(uiiTcl reinfiirremciilx before reaching the fortified niizl base. Then when they did arrive, the iiukIs hud fled. InstiumentH wi'iu aiiiiii.hed, but a largo slock of gasnllnu, food and ammuni tion was found hi ice eaves. ine aiiiiiiiiuiied trawler was located by Hie Northland while moving through heavily packed Ice. A liin-fool armed vessel, she had been crushed in thu Ice. An explosion had ripped out her hull and she had been afire. It was evident, the --navy said, that the na.l crew had lived on the leu packs for some lime after abanduninc. ship. ShnullunoouHly with the navy announcement, Ihe coast guard at Uostnn disclosed the arrival there of the Kxternstulnc, say ing it hud been taken before the crew had r. chance lo set off demolition charges placed In the engine room.. Oregon Needs Better Salesmanship, Says Oregonian Publisher POrtTLAND, Doe. 14 (VP) Oregon ought lo do a better Job of salesmanship, soya Palmer lioyt, Oregonian publisher and former domestic director of the office ot war Information, Urging larger advertising ap propriations by tho state legisla ture, Hoyt proposed a million dollar campaign to drum up more tourists and more industry In peacetime. "We've never had an Inferior ity complex, hut wo rather liked things as they wore," he told a businessmen's club. "It's up lo us now to ... . got the right kind of people interested in our empire. EXPLANATION SLATED PORTLAND, Dee. 14 (I') The Oregon agricultural co operative council will hear Joy Westcotl, Boring, explain the government s surplus war pro perty disposal plan at Ihe annual membership meeting here tomorrow. COOtt COMFORTABLE SO COAIPlETEtY BEAUrPUl E The new Rilling COLD WAVE ii the comfortnblc way to linlr beauty. Yei, to cool, w cuinfui table you will want an other. AecUlmed by thoiunnds of women the nation over. Call today for your appointment. Palace Beauty Shop 626 Main St. Phone 3511 WASHINGTON, Dec, 14 (Pi Army casualties for all theaters now total 483,057, Secretory of War Stlrfison an nounced this figure today, and said it represents casualties re ported through November 28. This was an increose of 0050 for a one week period between rio vembor 22 and 28; Casualties for all brancheo ot tho armed forces army, navy, coast guard and marines now stand at 502,368. The latest navy renort announces 78,411 casual-1 ties, an Increase of 1201 from the previous week. The army totals, together with those of a week ago, follow: killed 92,135 and.01.625; wound ed 272,351 and 280,000; missing (12.78(1 ana 58,028; prisoners 50,085 and 56,248. The navy casualties: killed 30,020 and 20,738; wounded 34, 503 and 33,460; missing 0483 and 0427; prisoners 4488, unchanged. Casualties among American army ground forces In Italy in creased 16,255 between Septem ber 25 and December 0. Stlmson said thai irom ine time of the landing at Salerno in September, 1043 through last rwnmher R a total of 08,306 casualties hod been reported. Of the total, 18,808 were killed, 07,104 wounded and 12,274 are missing. As of beptemoer zo, the list hod reported 15,888 Ptoebstel Appointed District Attorney -SALEM, Dee. 14 (P) C .C Proebstel, Pendleton, was ap flnted by Governor Earl Snell Jfluy as Umatilla county dls JJJ'ct attorney, succeeding A. C. "Olntyre, who died last week. Si'led, 56,178 wounded and 10, PJj missing. Si "trts INSTANTLY to relieve MUSCULAR ACHES-PAINS I AG I . JUST Proebstel Is deputy district attorney, and was district attor ney before Mclntyre was elect ed. He was recommended to the post by the Umatilla county republican central committee. Tor His Christmas A Pair of DRESS SLACKS Tan, blue, grey, brown $9.95 to S20 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main The ads, If you want to sell lt ohona le Herald unit Nnvum "uiont Herald 3124. Potato Growers! See , ' Tom Thorn before, you sell! Nick Delis Co. San Francisco Branch Office Hatfield 7 ood kitls J'ke t)iiffiw to eat! jSSVSR the most popular lunch Sf Jew &sA Pail food Tlwy adcl "st' I r i&L because lliey are fresh and, tJV delicious. They add energy !sk wk because potatoes are high., J jSKJbSCTS. energy food. They hve;' 1 wSfcpE 'K l'ial Snllu' ,01ilt0 favor- - fflsF "'Il,cy Arc SABIN1ZED, 'S'Mtft ''lc ncw l"ollt'rn method !Tn T7 fresher potato chips! Potato Chipy Cut out and take along tMs fist when you shop for the Holidays i Fancy Peas, Sugar Belle No- 2 can 16c Tomatoes, Gardenside g,," No. 2'i can 15c Del Monte Corn, vacuum pack 12-oz. can 15c Spinach, Emerald Bay No. 2Vi can Diced Carrots, All Cold Lima Beans, large California .... Macaroni or Spaghetti, Porter's. Egg Noodles or Frillets, Porter's Deviled Ham, Libbys Apple Butter, Libby's .... Kadota Figs, Sundown Peaches, Highway , ...303 can 17c 12c .2 lbs. 27c b!u SUrnpt R blue Sumps 24-oi. lb. pkg. 3-ox. can 2Va-lb. gl. No. 300 can No. Vi can 22c 24c 16c 31c 14c 23c I r Maxola Oil, corn oil qUort bottla 58c Mayonnaise, NuMade sij, 27t, qt. 47e Salad Dressing, Duchess p, jje qt. 35e Ripo Olives, Lindsay Jumbo Green Olives, Los Olivos Queen.... Olives, Los Olivos Stuffed Olives, Libby Chopped Cucumber Pickles, Heinr Pickles, Libby "home-made" Marmalado, Tibbett's Cropefruit Plum Jam, Libbys Honey, Beevillc brand .........-pint JOc J os. bot. 13c .4Vi-i. bot. 27c No. '.i con 13c . 241. be. 2c No. 2i .r 30c 2 lb. ler 29c ... No. 303 or 33c 2 Ik. .r Sic Large Walnuts, No. 1's per lb. Roasted Peanuts, fresh per lb. Almonds, soft shell IXL per lb. Filberts, fancy Barcelona per lb. Mixtd Nuts, no peanuts per lb. Tomato Juice, Sunny Dawn I,!, No. 2 can Apple Juice, New West ...quart bottle 25e Cropefruit Juice, Town House ..46-oz. 30c 45c 29c 60c 45c 47e 10c Blended Juice, Adams ......... Orange Juice, Sparkle Ovaltine, chocolate or plain.. Canterbury Tea, black 46-oz. can 42c No. 2 can 19e ' .large size 66c 14-lb. pkg. 43e Edwerdt Coffee lb. jar 28e 2-lb. jar 54c i I I I Honey, Beeville brand ...........lb. er 30c Peanut Butter, Beverly and Howdy, coarse grind . 2-lb. er 45c Syrup, Koro Blue Label IWIb. gl. ISe "aB'"1"" Tomoto Soup, Campbells can Krispy Crackers, Sunshine Mrs. Wright's Breod, fresh ;&b- Morning Glory Oats Ige. pkg, Wheatsworth, Nabisco cereaL.pkg Pancake Flour 'SK.' 9c 'lVib Flour Knssf ;'cbK '-00 s.& 1-93 Sno-White Salt, plain or iodized pkg. 7e 9 33c 225c 26c 17c 15c Baby Foods c.7c CLAPPS Several varieties to choose from! Argo Starch Lb Pkg 9c CORN STARCH OR GLOSS STARCH Rinso Soap 2,e, Pkg 23c GRANULATED for Laundry and Kitchen li, 43c 11c Cranberries Celery Coldtn Heart Lb. YaiTIS pink Mealed 1., Lb.W2C Sweet Potatoes uJOc Oranges c.i. N.i . Lb. 10c Grapefruit nerid. Lb. 10e Texas Pink Mealed Lb. lit TO!TiatOeS C.1H. Extra Fancy Lb.lC AddIss I yUtilVUI VI T wwmy .... s-r-- 45 Potatoes Klamath Oems, V. U No. 1 100 Lb. ai $459 How Can "Expensive" Coifees Cost So Little? Expensive high-grade Coffees such as Nob Hill and Airwaj. Brands are stocked only in the " whole bean ground when pur- . chased not before.. Vacuum'"' packing is unnecessary roast- . ing is done locally and stocks are always fresh. Nob Hill and Airway "bag" Coffees sell at a . saving of 10c or more per pound, " Why pay more? fe mokt it worthwhile to : SET ACQUAINTED with Whole-Bean Freshness I 'I We euete these Special Get-Aieueinm Prices this week' only! Margarine, Sunny Bank lb. 18e Margarine, Troco (2 red pts.) lb. 25c Sweetheart Soap bars 2 13c . Toilet Soap, White King bars 314c Elastic Starch 12-ox. pkg. 8e Vano Cleaner,, economy size....,.qt. 29c Su-Purb Granulated Soap Scotch Cleanser v...14-ox. pkg. BEEF Beef Roast arm and . blade cuts "A" grade, (5R) Lb 27 1 "C" Grade, (Point Tree) Lb. 22 Sirloin Steak, "A" ' Grade (13R) Lb. 406 "C" Grade, (Point Free) Lb. 28 d Round Steak, "A" Grade (1SR) Lb. 38! "C" Grade (Point Free) Lb. 29 TURKEYS Ifo. I Hens, Pound Ifo. 1 Toms, Pound .... To be sure of your u'k,T tot Christmas, place your now loday at your nearest iiwr aioz.. order Veal Leg or Rump Roast "A" Grade Lb. Link Sausage ttp. a Lb.45c Ground Beef . ....: Lb. 28c ... ' ! a rammed with rich fruits J'f Mincemeat nd BUt. Lb. 65c 39c I a. I I C!rli .4i Pinl 'mmmmmm mm b tat oysters, fr"' T dMjQlf rCjVErV J4 WvAlr ' ' ' BEEN Ke6PIN A ReCORO ipENOINS SO MUCH MCt,f4" ' ''l1' Wltvmmww r-m www w m 0p H0VV WUCH w6 3PEN0 FO ?OR THE SAME OUAUTV, -'fi' lj g "1 lWI(kfl 51c VWwf' 50c ?! Ifr 1 . j 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 : m UlLH corrEE xtra rich No etter coffee at any price. 2-lb. pk. 1 lb. iiiu -Airway- C0FFEE MILD, MELLOW BLEND It's True, Of Couriol 5afeway Does Save You Moneyl Start making the test this week: Eu o your food at Safeway, consistently. At the end of a month, note the real avings! (Incidentally, everything you uy at Safeway is sold with a money back guarantee!) . . : , . !.