-'i ', ' ft ', I: ! - mi Lmber M, 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE FIVE In HoipltBlpipn MlimlniM S warelun lipped off the track. lie suffered a broken left leg, fractured vertebrao and other Injuries. Tho accident occurred October 0, Upp, member of a well-known attending tho navy's V-12 pro gram ,ul Whllmun college, Walla Walla, Wash., Is expected home for Christmas. Ho is the son of Mr, and Mrs. H. F. England of 2748 Knno. Prior to his enlist ment, Hollo was employed nt Tho Herald and News. Holiday Guests Erna Lcesc of Everett, and Edna Roeskc of Seattle, Wash., aro guests over the holidays of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Leilzke at their home on Fnirhaven Heights. Miss Lcesc is the fiancee of TSgt. Leonard Lcltzke, who is now in Italy, and Miss Roeske is a niece of H. A. Lcitzke. chamber of commerce members are invited to attend. program, and parents and the general public are invited. The present consumption of mil aviation gasoline by our air ui forces is over 180,000,000 gallons a month In the theaters of op-" erations only. ra I ' IIO Klamath family, Is now a pa tient at llushnell general hospl. nl, Hrlgham City, Utah,, accord Ing to word received here. Mar shall was Injured In Franco when ii largo sliding dour In a Meeting The Jayceeiics will meet tonight at 8 o'clock, Thurs day, in the library club rooms. This is the regular December meeting and all wives of Junior Christmas Program The stu dents at Roosevelt school will present their Christmas program on Friday evening, December 15 at 7:30. This will bo an all-school L.ll, 10 hi 1 Aviation Expocted Horn Ttollo Eng land, apprenllc seaman, who Is Hon of f. Byrd II""'- wh" wllh hl" f "'Vivo In Tuloluko vl.ll. r;nrJ..ll"T. wlH K'vo till 5k..k fur S" Angelo, Texas, lo ..ilviinml training an u 8" Knriilcr In tlio U. S. urmy in In 'ii. ' ..Ii.t.l II COUIHU Ml WlllK )inP'lU" Vi.,.i.n. Arizona. ....I.,' fnmllv will uu LIST OF ". liliiin. 11., has been In " service 15 months, "'"I P'1"'' ftfli U ng mi. in"' , " ", Stun of Coiiusvillu, lu.. have ., ,i nit... ur vj l , .in l : Zi ion. Michael Koburl, born hill HI". ' ,. Ui.lL.v RSSI. 8l 8jnloto. is .li armpit ut I"" Murine, niirruvng Vi Is u veteran of South Pacific KiK 111" "v,'s 1,1 11,0 l"li apartments. 210 Main, i Jo SlnBli'l0" will v's't here , a the holidays. To Hvo Party Tlio Shasta i lew uriinuo Christmas party . ..,.r,i,,.is and families will 5. held Friday, December 13, at 9" . ... II... muittln hi'IiomI !i,frc will bo a CbriHlmaii play M musical numbers presented 8, the children. All ore re 5,.bri In bring n Klft for the ScimiiKe. Refreshments will be T Moot Tlio Eagles auxill tv will meet Friday nt 8 p. m iim miner FOE hall. After S,jc, there will be a Christmas Sarly with Klft exchange. Silent 7-.. ..I.... ilrl Ufllwr ll itin f.,r Stern niiui.i.1 if". IrslsliT. mere win niso no a ni'li mid enterlaliiinent after IfdBc which will sturt promptly t 8 o'clock. jProgmm Tonight The Junior Hsli mid grade school annual (Jlirislmas program will he pro filed at 7:1)0 p. ni. sharp to lht, Thursday. In the Klamath tjnion high school auditorium, fhosc plannhiK to attend arc kcd lo note Iho time and all it nsked lo bo In their seats by gi.il nour. 1 jChrlitmm Program Grace tcMIUnn of Uly wus among embers or me university sing .i women s choral group, to fcponr In n special Christmas orrnm on many cveninE. Lie- mbr-r 8, In the school of music idllorlum nn the campus of the diversity oi urcgon ai bugene, In Concert Grace McMillan Bly. Bella Martin of Merrill, d Gerald Klnnrssnn nnd Lewis nKlcr of Klamath Falls were hioim the students of the Unl- frilly of OrcKon nt Eugene to ippcnr in a oanci concert aim ijiy, December .1, nt the school music nudiioruim. Auxiliary Members of the ules auxilinrv will hear the vcnlh grado mixed chorus im Mills school in n program Chrlstmns enrols, Frldny nt 8 m.. in mc upper foe hnll. o ciinrus Is directed by Mrs M. Monroe. This Is to be n rulmns parly. In Hospital Bevcrleo Neiil lugntcr of Mrs. Ncvn Nonl of II Owens, Is In Klamath Vnllcy xpilnl recovering from an mergency annondcclomv which k underwent this week. Miss pcai is n senior nt Klnmntli un fn high school. from Sacramento M. J, oran and W. G. Wngner. both iiMi-iiea wiui me regional ot u in l ie Dlirenu nr rermtnn. n in Sacramento, nrn in Klnm. n rolls 'Ihursdny making n iir of inspection over the imam project. Tp Portland Arthur Green- us, nrng-iinc operator for the iLimnll. nrnnn i i I . , ui iiiu uuietiu ui clnmnlinn uiiii innn nnvi day for Portland for cxnml- ruii inr inaucnon into llic ii-ii inrees. EW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach fWjS?! when you need quick rclielfrom pain, do you hesitnto to take nspirin becnuse it lenvcB you with nn upset Btomncln If so, this new modi- !'PERIN, is "just what the doc' r ordered" for you. Jwptrln It atplrln olut contains 0 ""mo pure, salo nsDlrin vou "olong known but dovclopcd OOctora in a snpeinl wnv for P"0 Unsrt. Iiv iiHk rln in ) nrdl. ffyform. Jhlf now kind of aspirin tablet ro'vcti morn quickly, lets tho ...... B,.t rlRllc nl tll0 ,00 ol rc. miT lln .1..' -I.lli I-.., ii, iiHiucca ine uciuivy oi f "Wry aspirin, nnd does not ir Flc or v pset s tomnch ovon after f doses. K'' 'him out to remind you to PSllDorni ln.l,r nn knn t" ''""'l When llonilnches, colds, 'V, Delightfully Dazzling FORMALS $175 IU Beautifully made of net, mat quiscttc, and taffeta. Rayon sa tin lining. Fitted, basque, or shirred tops with full, gathered skirts. Sequin and lace trim. Sizes 10 to 18. Buy and Use Christmas Seals HECOND FLOOR i r r ' Frilly Dickies 1.98 Ideal for wear with sweaters and suits. Ladies' sheer dickies in frilled or tailored styles. White, blue or black. MAIN FLOOR Men's Town-Clad Suits 29.75 Men's Suits in Beautiful All-Wool Worsteds Single and double breasted. Pop. ular semi-drape desired by the younger man and the straight line model preferred by the more conservative. Superb TOWN-CLAD tailoring, assur ance of continued good fitl Neat stripes, plaids, and gabardines Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Marathon Hats 4.98 Men's Fur Felt Marathon . Hats The right style for .very face. Fall colors to choose from. In- side details that you'll appreci ate! A superb valuel - MAIN FLOOR - ' Ladies' Handbaqs 4.98 Atlrnctlvc bags In envelope or pouch styles. Choice of colors. Avnllnblc In leather, suede cloth or cordc. MAIN FLOOR Ladles' Head Scarfs 98c Large squares in beautiful pastel plaids or plain colors. 50 wool, 50 rayon. Others 1.49 MAIN FLOOR Pajamas and Matching Robes 6.90 Each A perfect gift for "her." Lovely printed rayon robes and pajamas. Bright colors. Butcher Boy style. Sizes 12 to 20. ' MAIN FLOOR Girls" Sweaters 2.98 Slipover sweaters in all the most popular shades. Round neck neck line. 100 wool. Sizes 12, 14, 16. Also Cardigan styles 3.98 Girls' Skirts .....3.98 SECONn FLOOR ' Boys' Trentwood Suits 12.75 All wool, fully-lined. Three-button front. Rich shades of brown or blue. Tweed or hard-finish weave. Sizes 8 to 18. DOWNSTAIRS Boys' ' Handkerchiefs 49c Just arrived! Three hankies in a box. Fine quality cotton with fancy border. ' . DOWNSTAIRS Scrapbooks and Picture Albums Perfect for Christmas gifts. Brown 98c to 1.69 HALCONV : -ff . ... Ik: ' ' TWO-TONE . I : m ,. f rb in SWEATERS 3.98 Check or plaid fronts; plain back and sleeves. 100 wool. Button style. Sizes 10 to 11. ' ' DOWNSTAIRS Boys' DRESS HATS 98c All wool with grosgrain ribbon band. Blue, brown and grey. Others .. .., 1.49 DOWNSTAIRS Ladies' Handkerchiefs 23c Colorful prints. In regular sizes. LADIES' SLIPS Made from serviceable rayon... Lace 70p or tailored styles. Sizes 32 to 44. ' BEANIE BAR Glamorous, glittering beanies, or plain 1 Of) sport styles. In many new shades. I.7W Ladies' -SWEATER DICKIES Comfortable to wear. Eight different AO colors. 100 wool. SEWING KITS Large sire. Assorted designs and colors. Con tains thread, scissors, thimble and J Qg needles. ' DRESSER SCARF 98c -1.19 Laced dresser scarfs. Smartly trimmed. GIFT BOX OF SOAP Pure Castile soap. Six cakes per box. 59c Pennicraft PRINTED TABLECLOTHS Easily laundered. Assorted colors. ' A GO Size 72x00. f .TO Ladles' Shepherd Check Slacks Practical, brown or black checks. Wool A QQ and rayon. Sizes 12 to 20. leTO Ladies' Shepherd Check Slack Suits Jerkin lop. Navy and red with black C Of) and white checks. Sizes 12 to 18. JJ.7U Little Boys' KNIT ROMPERS One and two-piece styles. 1 ,JQ 1A O Qp Pastel shades. Sizes 1 to 4. Toddlers' Chenille Robes In pastels and white. Dainty trim. " QQ Sizes 1 to 3. 'O SBCOND FLOOR . . , ' Men's . White DreSs SHIRTS Fine quality white broadcloth dress shirts. Three sleeve lengths Sizes 14 to 17. COLORFUL TIES ............. MAIN FLOOR 65 98c GLASBAKE TENNER Three-piece set of glasbake dishes. Has QQf ten different combinations. O C SALAD SET Eight hand-painted salad dishes.' Fruit design.. 98c CHENILLE SPREADS Heavily tufted large, double-bed size. Made on crinkle-crepe background. Wedding 1 Q Eft ring pattern. OtOV Boy Scout Sleeping Bags Full size. Wool-filled, snap fastened. A gift that would thrill afiy , ' IS flft Boy Scoutl . i 9,W Is: fC'. 3iY -t if nt m I)' 19 If mm m v. ft A t i i. r ii mm mm t: vnit i n n r . MAIN FLOOR DOlVNSTAinS lW and 89. fir iniin now I . V II I i .' J 1 1 ' - .-V"?' 1 ' .11 . tf