ber 14, I?. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THlftTBSr. Automo)r .ir . r r4 ,., ., ,., f . . fi ftutotnoUee 34 AutomotWe 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Autometlte ...rvvyaavael 84 Autem.nte 34 AutemetlTe Your Chevrolet Pea & SellYo urCar DRIVE IN -John 'Ashley Will Pay You ?0fL ' i-'t. :'i C AS H AT THE 1 Price For Your We can do this are just a part of Essential Workers Need Transportation If You No Longer Need Your Car Selling Ir Is a Contribution to The War Effort. -SELL NOW While Prices Are Up , Will Help Yourself as Well as Others hley Chevrolet Co. So. 6lh St Help Wanted. Ml If you wont to work in a logging camp, sowmill or lumber yard where conditions are good, call or the olficc or phono 5146 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. VICf Wo need men in all these departments of our operation which is an essential industry. W00D5: Choker Setters and Knot Bumper MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Service OIL TINTINO-Phone 7466. 07311 IC TANKS CLEANED Phon TO Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashland, Oregon Phono 701)1 Jfiduito Nurse In Charge. l-um Wanted Female YOUNG WOMEN ttr.i.p vital TO.rrnoNK calls: UNO l Telephone Company Needs OPERATORS tpt I learnlnr. Waae Inrrra.e. 22 tpjUr Interval. Clean plea.anl ancmii. Hae Mri. nrodle. 0:30 ind 1:30. 4 p. in. snnt pacihc telephone eVio rr.i.r.oriAPii company ire n. Hit). Kiamain raui 12-14 fTin-A ra.hlrr u'lin rmn Ivn, and h'lp II could lake dictation. Bmrrem-r-, and salary wanted. DOX Mill. rnr Itnrnlri nrl e iobui ?ID - Kltlerlv woman for houee- Inil fare nr Iwr. i-hllrlren lor ln mother. Cull 8760 between n. anil 3 p. in. 13-18 .till pD-nonkkpncp for mnnlha of f"r nrl Krhruary. Mint have "lirripiir-e. Write OOK 1073. Hnala ami Ncwa. I073tt ,.tt,r0 Fp-wkllreae ami dlahwaaher. Wo. L". Apply at mtler'a Col- r"1 assou Itll Fuel . Mnlnl- nurf....l il l"rnlpo anil Rood percenl- ...iuuBiiiy riiuippca anop ana 'PI. Anderson Aulo Morvlre. eimi lim?1'"11'"'' "eokkeeper, gen- :iuH . num. ,-ermaucni, uive 112.!"," ""Ic Pnalllona occupied var. 1 i ft"1, iiilci,llal. Write Uox lion. "nrt Ncwa. 13-14 7i fcm,k 'or general light v.,, nome ntgnta. Phone nil N-Can.M. ... . 9 t" - Epl J. Apply winenia Hotel. 83lf 'US RANTED at rails Coffee 13 In f1 7lh Hlln uj.h..j ..... 101 ,r.l , Help wamtfd rQn or Wnmnn No Experience Necessary 'tractive Snl s Liberal Laundry. An ' nowance "itnt OpporUinlly For Wvunccment STAMHADPi r - 1 1 ' l LV ,AI'NS, INC. SW nncI Klamath Mo Tl, 87 MhIii St. 0 C,i, Oregon Ave. Ur Phone Q17B 12-H ill Car as used cars our business Phone 4113 It Help Wanted. Mala Lumber Co. TF WANTED Experienced baker, alto helper on aweel food, coffee reke and pailry. Write or phone Benaen Baking Company, Salem, Oregon. 12-18 WANTED Men and boya to eel pine. Light work, good pay. Apply Bowling Alley. 819 Main p. m. or any evening. Saturday or Sunday. 173111 WANTED - Janllor for Medlcal-Denlal nidg. Inquire Barnhleel Agency, 112 S. 8lh. Phone l or call after J. m. at Medical-Dental Sldg.. aak ack Tox. 4UStf WOULD YOU Ilka to earn money after erhool delivering a Herald-Newe paper roulr? See Mr. Millar at the Krrald office after ! p. m. OTSti WANTED-Setter and handy man. Elllng eon Lmbr. Co. Call UU. Wii HELP WANTED Whole or part time. Lewie Poultry. Phone 4U0. 12-16 WANTED-Exnerlenced aaah cutter. Ap ply Metier Broa. Phone 5SB3. 4a8tf 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD S24 Michigan. Rooma For Rent ROOM rOR RENT 1038 Jefteraon. 2B Houaee For Rant ron nr.NT.rurnlahed apartment, f-22.50 per month. Sullahlc for couple. Zlg ler Apia. Phone 32110. 12-13 ron RENT 1 large room furnlahed raliln with wood, llghte end water, a month. Thone 8075. 3543 Summera Lena. 74tf TnUCKS EOR RENT-You drive; move yourarlf. aave ",. Stllea Beacon Serv. Ice. 1201 aieal Main, i-nono -, WILL EXCHANGE nice furnlahed apart ment with bedroom for smaller fur nlahed apartment. Call 0.116 between . I P. m. and 3 p. m. or 3406 after 6 28 Mlicellaneou- Por Rant ELECTRIC TLOOR SANDEnS and edgar nn Awn work, lnaulre Point Dcpl. MONTGOMERY WARD At CO, ia-30m TOR nENT-rloor aandera. edgere and wallpaper removing machine. J Pnlleraon Paint Store. Phone 3324, 12211 Eaat Main. 12-30m FOR IIENT-600-acra farm to be plant ed. 800 arrea In wheat-baala of 1.I Tenant muet live on the properly, located 2'e mllea aaet end i north of Merrill. Phone ar3 or ....... v W T.nn.r. RI. 2. BOX 16. npnuUlr! Calif. 8'1 Real fcstata for Sale Eor car and fire Inauranca mil A170 CHRIS HUCK I2-1 iin,,... a arrea Irrigated land, 8 mllea out on f-akcvlew hlgh- wav. rive roomn, ut -...J, Ri.i..j inrhirilne radio, alovea. Icebox, . . . Ji.Atpin numn nresaurr .v.tem. 130 'miarU of fruit. 300 H...11 h.ip. annno. rurther par- tlcula'ra ate II. E. Hatiger, owner, 11130 12-14 Main. Llal your properly tor aulck aale with CHRIS HUCK nv.t veTATr BROKER DIAL 6470 ron SAI.E-Two-beclronm rnodem houio ai...t. w.v. Pbona 4073. 13-16 ron sALE-a-i.droom "'""J""";' fireplace, hardwood floora, '""ace Cioae in. Dial 6713. fon SALE-3-room houae. ((, acre. 4406 Denver Ava. rnona auui. r. tfn-iD f AT.R 7-room home. Mil baaement, plp furnacrh.rdwJod floor.. "PJ hie plumbing, corner let jn P''Xin, aprlnkllng alm for 'awn Walking dlalance of city center. Prl" Terma. BARNII1SEL AGENCY r0H( LEASE-Servlee atallon at lllh 30 Phone 4)05 OLDS TOWER 7th and Klamath Sts. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR CAR We'll pay you top OPA legal prices for your car Dick B. Mille Olds Tower SACRIFICE INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE Locator) In prosperous north ern California city on Main St., one block from city center. 2 4 , 2 3'g, 2 2'a Income totals $140 per mo. Price $6500. All furnished. makes sale necessary. Phone 5258. Klamath Falls. 12-20 BUSINESS BLOCK- Modern brick and concrete building, consisting of two hotelg, one with 42 rooms and lobby, one with 26 rooms, also ten store locations, all rented. Building covers one-half block on Ideal corner location in cen ter of business district. Steam heated. Two and three-story structure, with full cement basement. Excellent return on thlj fine investment. For full particulars see, J. E. HOSKING 517 Main Street Phone 3211 MILLS ADDITION On Vine St., among other at tractive homes, this 2-bedroom modern home has hardwood floors, electric stove, hot water heater, Frlgidalre and circulat ing heater. Immediate posses sion. All for $4000, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS 111 N, 9th Phone 4564 12-14 FOR SALE 34-room hotel fully furnished, well located. $0000 will handle. No Information given over the phone. See JOHN McFEE At 118 No. 7th St. Or Call 4521 for appointment. 12-15 FOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFee, Realtor 118 No. 7th Phone 4521 1-3 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 12-14m TOR SALE-2-room houae. partly fur nirhed. garage and woodahed. one block from Pelican echool. 030. 533 Torrey St. H-18 FOR SALE-81B7S equity In S-room mo. dern home, completely furnlahed. 13 tube eonaole radio, electric refriger ator, new ruga, newly decorated. Bal- ...m - MM,h olio nallfnt-nla Rt. at Front. Phone S31S. 13-14 34 AjtomotWe iijuj-innnnrinr.-.' --"' ' ...... Ha wn.l.YS Deluxe Sedan for aale. Good Urea, fine condition all around. t..vlna fnr aervlre. Will aell at cell- In nrlce. 063 Montellua Ave. 12-14 FOR SALE-I.lght 6 Naah coupe. Heat er and defroatar, Good rubber. 2324 Wantland. FOR SALF 1033 B Model Ford fordor aadan, 16-lnch wheela. Phone 6130. SEE MF.l. HENRY at Lombard'a Uaed Car Lot. 021 S. 6th St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at once for your car. All makaa and modela tor aale. 12-10m 1S37 TO 19.19 Chevrolet engines a BB27I1 International englnea. flls Modela A4, AS. A. CM. DSO. DR30. DS30. CSS. Ceo. ClWT. D DR-DS346T. D-DR-DS300. 1930 to 1039 trucks. Alao TM. T40, TA40. TK40 McCor- mlck-Deerlng traolora. FAB259 Inlernallonal englnea. flla D33. DS33. D40. DS40. D21I1T. DS218T, D400, DS4O0 trucka 1930-41. Phone I. C. 'IKE" HEATH at 3214 12-16 FOR SALE-'3S Ford 3-door aodan. aood rubber. Phone 4973. .19:13 Altamont Drive. FOR SALE-104O Mercury aedan. Good condition, good rubber. Fhone 3033 ia-14 FOR SALE-1034 Chevrolet Deluxe ae dan. extra good rubber. Call at 1727 Oregon avenue after 8iS0 p. m. 713tf GOING INTO THE BERVICE-WHI aell mv 1032 Naah coupa for SI50. 2324 ' Wantland. - 0B"1' r Co. 7th At Klamath Tues.-Thura.-Sat. RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sixes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 1-T Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 1-lim Reconditioned and Guaranteed Exchange Motors Ford Models A, B,' 60 h. p. 1934 to 194185 h; p. 1939 to 194190 h. p. and Mercury Chevrolet Models 1938-36 1940-41 1941 Hi-Tork Chevrolet Dodge 1938 to 1941 Internationals and ' others. I. C. "IKE" HEATH Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 12-23 - FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need COLOR MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 l-6m Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 6:30 P. M. l?14m FOR SAUS-103T Plymouth aadan, 02 California. See Woody at Buick Gar age. 13-14 ron SALE-lttrl Lincoln. Croat, 35 Fuel Heatlne RICHFIELD Stove ind Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 ,ACK EICHENDORh Distributor 12-30m 36 MticlUnout for Sal LANDSCAPING - EMsrrrttni, flowering hrubi and trwa. Mik your Mic tion now for full plintlny. t.AKK 8H0RB OAnDBNS NURSERY. Thon 4083. ta 20m CAN electrify few trtndle Mwln ma chines at preient. Furthtr Informs tlon difil Bill. Sewlnf Machlt)t Serv ice 331S Shasta Way. ia-30m POR SAt.r-Tmller house, 34 ft. '43 mnriAl PlTmauih. Bxeallont condition. nnmntauiv eouinnod. Klamath Auto Court. Ltf POR SALC-Canariet, grn, yallow and white singers. Maka nice Christmas presents, 318 4th St. Phont 8107 . Ashland, Ore. 19-14 rOR SALIi - Ona pair lady'a figur katoa. nlr.a B. Orift h.o. dUtlonary Kan cngta. One Ch4str Model 3 iihr iiar. rixit snoa. 744 Kiamatn. - 9Mtf ron SALS-Montas ranga. rhone 3043. 1U-14 NOW (Buy Bonds NOW!) While the Price is Still High Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiqer Motor Co, Keep Your in , Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. St Miscellaneous Far Sale Attention Farmers For Potato Box and Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Deere Lindeman Track T y p e Tractors, Haymoster Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted . Lime and Sulphur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company v 3049 So 6th St. Phone 8247 Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. POR SALE. 100 tons naiad hay. 1st cut alfalfa. Oat end ry. at Keno. See Guy Moor at ranch befora croulnf river or call Doug Puckatt. Tulelake 71.04. 335311 STOTS REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 830 Klamath. Phone Mil. 12-30m POR SALE Worlds bicycle, excellent condition. Pre-war tires. 3 sets of fenders, speedometer. Call 8819. 12-15 Por Sale ANTIQUE VICTORIAN DE SIGN WALNUT SETTEE, upholstered. PrewtU'a, Trading Post. 3244 So. 6th. 13-15 POR SALE Beautiful wire-haired pup pies, A-K-C- litter registered, excellent blood line, distemper Inoculated. Mrs. Daisy Modln, Rt. 1, Emmctt, Idaho. . - 12-U POR CHRISTMAS - Pedlflreed Cocker puppies. 938. Mrs, C. R. Graene, 611 So. Riverside, Medford, 13-16 POR SALE Sevaral light 2-wheel trail ore. Roy Call's Auto Wrecking, 727 Commercial. Phone 6763. 13-16 POR SALE 337 Magnum Smith and Wesson revolver. 45 Colt automatic, 30-40 Krag rifle, S3 8avge High Power rifle, 2a High Standard automatic pis tol, box of pipe fitter's tools. Arcade Hotel, Room No. 4, after 6:30 p. m. 12-15 FOR SALE Man'a -Poreman Clark brand Tuxedo, size 44. Worn twice; 3 palm children overshoes, sices H, 3, 6. Call 211 N. 3rd. 12-14 POR SALE Driveway cinders. Deliv ered In city and suburbs. Dial 7076 or 7643. 13-19 PULLER BRUSHES Rep. R. V, Morgan, 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348, 12-24 FOR SALE Compute 35,000 capacity circular tie mill, includes, nigger, resaw edger, trimmer, No, 46 sice 6x30 Berlin planer with profile heads and knife grinder, Sxlt inch ball bearing tram rollers, etc. Located on railroad In Grant County, Oregon. Price 95500. EDWARD 1UNXS LUMBER CO. H1NES. OREGON 12-80 CANARIES - Pedigreed Rollers. Fine lingers. Also hens. All colors. Write for prices. D Voi. 1137 W. Main, Medford. Ore. 13-16 FOR 8ALE-8 KW AC Koehler auto matic light plant, like new. Call or write Cres-Dell Lodge, Crescent Lake, Oregon, 1214 PRACTICALLY NEW sorlnars and mat tress. 623 Pine. 13-14 F6R SALE The largest assortment we have ever ntn in cotton rugs tor tne bedroom in all sices and choices of FOlors. Lueaa Turn tura Co.. 105 T, Main, 12-14 GLASS Mirrors, resllverlng, plate, win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop, 337 Walnut. Phone 7378. 1-4m FOR SALE Piano, davenoorl and chair. Dial 6713. 1636U POR SALE-Coal and wood circulating heater, 627,50. Phone 3223. lliotf POR SALE Foreign and domestic herbs, Free consultation by appointment only. Daw, 3733 wiarn. Phone aoos. i. j, Qualified Herbalist. 1-6 ms AAI.1T .Hannchen barlev. 84 sacks, welsh t 10. ow lbs.. 83.35 owt. at Clover Mill, Hatfield, Calif. 13-15 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 14S5 Martin, mono W77, - la-aum ALLEN Adding Ms chines and PRIDEN Calculators. 124 8. 9lh St. Pioneer Printing it Stationer; Co. 12-Hm Car Phone 31Sf Thurs -Sat 3t Miscellaneous For Bala Winter Driving is . ' Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured ''or Complete Automobile ' . CovertgeT Phone' 6198 John Sandmeyer C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 12-30m FOR BALK-Chlld'aj, blue winter coat, aire 10, 15.00. 143T Oregon avenue er phone 3336. 12-14 POR SALE Baby crib, 4-strsp' Iron hinges. Herbert .Anderson, Box 430, Rt. 3. & mile west of Uea'a stere. 42 Miscall intern WftnUel WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES- We want furniture,' trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns,-clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 7ltf WANTED TO BUY-Shoe roller, skates, site 4 or 41,. Pheno 50(7. - 12-13 WANTED- TO RENT Immediately, two fumtahsd - or unfurnlah.4 modern houses. Pleaa. call 64T5. IMltf FOR SALE Two yeerttnf Hereford bulls-100 each er two far ISO or will trad, one for aame age and breed. Otto Freese, Bonanza: 12-H wanted TO BUY-1941 er later Chev rolet I. er H ton ptekup truck, er will trade lew Olds 1-tone. SHMSien. aTer coupe In perfect ahape artth overruling that goeo -Hut IV But ex pect aome difference ta trade. Phone. . 7371. 1321 Sargent St, 6421 ITlwYrn TO ntrVftftrtrf ear tne deal. era). 813 Walnut. - 12-19 WILL PAY CASH tor used gui them In for appralaai. BELL1 Brine a r-anu- WARE, 536 Main St. 1Z-40TB VffANTV.n Tri BINT h armenent eeu- pie, e modern, furnlahed apartment or houae. Phone B07S aAar S D. m. S3T3tf WANTED Pair of plgeOna. aftemoone. Call 752T 12-h wn.t. pay cash ron VOUYt PIANO- Loula X. Mann, IX N. 7th. Phone 4310 or 7179. U-aianl CAUK natri for. hauaahold eeeda. Phone 7510. aSeotf WANTED Portable trpewriter for aoe in service. Phone 7404, Tultlake, col- WANTED TO rlErTT Unfurnished, with stevea, a-bedroom house, by repre sentative of national concern with , two children. Will be permanent. Phone Room 311. Wlnama Hotel. 18-16 44 Livestock and Peultry rott SALE: 1000-1200 head feeder hoga, 00 veal calves at ftubllo aueUOA by the Farm Bureau et Anderson, Cell fornla. Wedneadar, December 30th. Calf eala at 10:00 e. m. Hog aale at 1:00 p. m. Hogs grades and aold I truck load lots. Calves sold Individ ually br the pound. 12-11 FOR SALE One 4-year-eld mare, tin brok.i also eeven does, one buck, 16 fryer rabbits and hutches. Oliver lian'.n. care George Mlcke ranoh, Malln, Ore. 18-16 GEESE FOR CmtlSTMAS-VOuag ml fed. Place orders earlr. Lewis Poul try Farm. Phone 4360. 12-16 WANTED - Live poultry et all Vlnda. Alao eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone HIGHEST PRICES paid far hone, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5333. nlghta 3303. l30m WANTED Poultry, livestock, turkey. end rabbits. THUl.DVS'S MAJtKXT, 819 Eest Main. rhone 43U Come In And See These LATE MODEL CARS 1 939 Oldsmobile 4-Door Sedari 1940 Buick 4-Door Sedan 3 1 939 Ford Tudor ! 1 940 Nash 4-Door Sedan 'V 1938 Oldsmobile 4-Door Sedan 1937 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan ;! 1 939 Chrysler 4-Door Sedan 1 938" Hudson 4-Door Sedan -1 939 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1 936 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedari Dick B. Mill Olds Tower It MigteHejteom Fee Sal FOR SALE ONE LARGE BUILDING Must Be Removed A large quantity of lumber, sash and doors con be salvaged for use or resale as there are no restrictions on second hand material. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Phone 5148 .44. . . MTt9elt artel Poultry MM ANNOUNCEMENT A new' Klamath- Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest- modern Baby Chiek Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1;: 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange how to- Jmvo your order for our fine high grade chicks .at STANDARD FEED STORE, across'' from .Tower Theater. If you can't ceitte'iin, write us for information and prices. ."'2-." t FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERV i 2720 So. th Box 328 ' OREGON-BRED CHICKS ' . , i i . . - - - jistf 44 LWeatocai and Poultry HORSE AUCTION Lee Adklns Estate together with ether consignments SUNDAY, Dec. 17th, 1 P. M. at the L. L. Griffin Ranch, located N. .W. of Bly, Oregon. Direction: Turn north at Ivory Pine sign west of Bly On Lake view highway, then 1 miles north. 35 HORSES S3 Well-broke Teams, Unbroke Work Stock, Saddle Stock and Colts. COME PREPARED TO BUY. Terms Cash. 6. H. OSBORN, Administrator of Estate CHAS. K. WIESE, Auctioneer. 12-15 4 rinanclal When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary Sqles Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed . Come In . Phone In or Write in Ph6ne 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-2S1 Z-30m er Co. .7th At Klamath Tues. Thurs. fri. St Mitcelleneous Pe 6aie 1W8 44 LWast'oek and ?ouItrt" ' ... - - Klamath Fallsf. Oreaen 44 LiTceteek and Pewltrr '1 :' ------ ------,-n--i - fl-1, i iniimr WAJTTED Dead end worthies -enlanels. Phone 4636 collect. . 'U-aPWe FOR SALE-Bllly goat. aanseasssaelieer 41 Financial ' See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For V:-, LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE ' NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit RequUeretentat" Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay : No Co-Signers - Quick Service : Locally Owned ; ;,j Motor Investment Col Klamath's Oldest M-275 8-241, 114 N. 7th Phone. ?? 13-sOm First Federal Has Plenty of Money ; : e e e , ; - Buy a. Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home ' . ' -v.-.1 Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Lew Rtat FIRST FEDERAL'. SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Mis Sixth and Main Phone 515 13-30IW 4t Business Opportunities satjt6tsWasaVst'Sef"'rVslrf FOR SALE DRUG STORE Complete stock of live meroh,an dise. Post location, 5-year lease) at very low rent. $3500 atock and fixtures. 52000 cash. Bal ance as you wish. - -i . Write Box 1011; Ctv-.v. of Herald and News, i 111 S nih