PACE TWELV6 Our Boarding House, HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON With Mojo Hoor to Out Out Way By J. R. WJIIiami I ESADMR.PlKE; DON'T WELL, MMOR.YltL "SItY; LAST TIM.E ? ( 1:liCOM4, POWKJ JUMPER T" OH' ONE ER DeM PRIE ! H I OVJE VOL) SOME ' J IlN MO IN IP I X WAS IM 1 I 1,'lPil TOIL TH' HO&S FELL OM CALVES HAS GOT A. I fa TRIFLINS 6UM IS CA GAMBLEG. (7 PlKE (V A GAME k Ifl ,'4 LST !Tm i mKKI ! ' IT 2.75 ? SUPPOSeSS -I.W U WILL MiTH A : 1 V JvH57,-A-Snw"UH' rf net cTpl'Ibv 'kafoki SHALL M OBSERVE' A SfME IS ( A 6AG, VkAvjE DOME J , ! I THAKy v Cpe&S AMVWBIT2ECS.' 7 THE OCCASION vOlTH (A-OlLD DUOi Vrt5TEAD). BETTER. , ' , : WTTi 1 1 AN kvuk-k:vui.' . of . ((stepping J . ''jlAx'vrElZl 1 TT1 X OR- UM.! A BIT , --BOT I'LU i TELLING y I WO ANi .LPmmait jT lN. OF POKER ? r SE FlsH-. 'EM "7 ELEVATOR ) 7u7 'hi! '! I' 1 V: ' -C'-JcVA r ftJ Ryder By Fred Harmon faS3Z" 5mL NT A1 jiw IT f IT'S A FOREST TJAOOV. RUrNiA CrVi'WHOA.' HofDl 60V6KI3R CONVINCED TrtVrV SCKE. VY Fl.NSS FIRE THIS CABIMS l LET'S C5E.T v V2 ON? OET jtoLLET.' Af -l 1VV INJ 4 Lirae, BJ S-VMsd " i DOOMED H OUT' J' iA, ClawETS. msnti ,. T(j3in.kedjA'Ek'-V "V M -r'vilvi little: Lrl "fTT Wash Tubb By Leslie Turner WOULD OU TELL Mf A LITTLE ABOUT THIS SUPBR- FDSTRESS, MAJOR TUCKERf or COURSE, lieutenant; NOTE THE CENTER Of oRAVITr LIES I? FEET FORWARD OF THE 60CO POUNP MAIM LANDING Ae, WITH ITS IrS-PLY TISES...I iBHIldL-.WTLj DUAL SUPERCHARGERS OM EACH t?0 H.P. CycL0NE.l6.!i.-FOOr PROPS TLM AT3 EHfilNE R.P.M.TO KEEP THE TIPSc SUB-SONIC... ISO AUXILIARY ELECTRIC K. SA010KS...I1 VUL6S Or WIRING... r- Freckles anf His' Friends SWEEPSAC 7, ASPECT RATW M.5 IS T BV THE WN. I.mWBOARO TRAILING ED6S DESIGN. f.i HONEy-WJKN MINIMIZES TAIL BUFFETING CURINS - I ' JU CAM KEEP L CLIMB... FLAPS, EXTENffED.iNcREASE I TH iiE WMS LNCB l9rH '''S agaaaasyisy this 5-29. bib, ,iy a? By Blosser &OOGIE "rv'SAILOR . yu send Me'souoJ' V--THAT5 MDST BP , lye? tipwr-TTNG music! WELL, WELL HER&S A SUEPRISE. CHOPIN'S "MINUTE WALT7 ." I'M R.cii.l NIN3 TD SEE SOMc HOPE K5R YOLf How did The minute waltz HAPPEN IO GET IN HERE ? L FOUND OUT TUAT IF I PtAV it, thres Times in successor. IIS OUbl RI&HT FOR IIMIN& A BOILEP EG.' ' , 1 I-' ' T7-m 7 V ' 1 IT OFTEN ? ONCE IN A . 'Lrjl 1 t.l!i Boots and Her Buddies " ! ! ' T- . . ' j ' ' - . By Martin Alley Oop , . . : . By V. T. Hamlin Little Orphan Annie ' ' ' ' : : 1 . 1 ' By Harold Gray If well. Morrocrr! YSe ImwIttu 1 Si I I f &&W ! .TT owl my poor m ?.?SL H LITTLE CftLUWJ NOt I D N I ill PwVOIll I WHAT HAS SHE P . LEGAL NOTICES NOTIflt IN TIIK CIRCUIT COIM1T Or TMK STATK OK OKKUON rOU THE COUN TY OK K I.AM ATM. IN TIIK MATTKH OK THK KHTATR Or AHDKN KDGAlt KUGATK. Drcvntnl, NittU'i lirrt liy - Riven llmt 1 Iinvv filed my KlnM Afcmint und rr port lor fioiit ttlBtrlhiillon. m AtlmlnNtrittrDi with thn Will AnnextMl, of Ihn rUtc of Arriru Fdkr KuKntc nntl l ho m!hv mtlllrtl ciiurt hat Ilcd Saturday, nt the hour of 10 n. in. on tlm nth day of Jammrv. A. n. 1!. it the time, mid tlm Circuit Court rtxim In thr court hittug of Klniu nth comity. Ort'iton, iti ihe oily nf K(ru nilt Knll. in mild conn I. v, ai Ihg place, when nod where iny crson mny prvicni any ohjeclmn or exceptlmi tf miythine ronLilncil thrrrln. or to nnvthlos done hy mo Admlnlylratrlx with the Will Annexed; and that at mieh time nod Place, the olmve entitled Court will finally pati upon and ttl uld ac count. JFTNNm KVELVN FtlfJ ATE. AdmtnlBtrntrlx with Ihe Will An nexed, of ihe rtnle of Ardcn Kdtfnr Miiinie. Dcccatcd. D. T14-3t.3S-Nn. definitely. valid Dffcitiulu Imteftnllely, UASOl.INK - "A" 1.1 unlroi )cg SI. Kach coupon worth i khIIoiib. mint not valid unleia endoraed. 'H r,C" ctuiponi niMv It renewed wl 1ml nol linfnie 15 dnyi front dal cover of hook. KUKli OH. I'eilnd 4 B tiiUiiuia new peiloil I coiipom yuiui inn Aumiit ;il. UHfl, Not more limit 7 Heiinon'ii liilltiiiH Biiouhi hi lined In CLASblKlED RATES Ona day .M. a n run .1 day run 4 dy run 5 day run Week run . Month run .. ivr wori ..pel wot m... per wori ...per worj ,...LMr wort uir won W Olirounl for laymnl lit Adv OUeouill for I'avinent hv I Ada lecelvad hy l.m p in rlll amt afternoon In "New IimIm .' Adi no In In remiiar I'laaallleatinu the riiai dy Ada mav he cancelle callimt MV-t hv in no a in DtNIM AV elaaairietl da with li tyixi mual ha In Ihe day before put lion. Now Todn wtu, caiik koh ciiii.diikn in; homo. Iiumlio lti'21 Knne. WANTKI). tlhl for peiniAiient ihik who la experienced In bunk ken mihI typing, Neneral office work. WANTKO Kinerlenced atenoMrnphrt KPiierai in i ice woik . una witn lake dictation and type. ThU . will lie for atmul ;i inoilthk, Ca Slate lllifhwtv HUIrlcl Mnlnlr.v rtunerlntendenl'B office, ilfta? AIIai Drive. i WANTKO I'nenirr In Ha Inn am'j turn over ChrlMmaa holiday. Cm are Hhlrtey Miller. U30 N, iU. I" yjll after 0 p. m. I roil SAl.K - Ileal ealale coilracl. a, 0000, diawlnc A in t ere I: alan : contract about $500, drawing on tereat. Flratclaaa aecurlly. Herald-Newa, Ilox M30. 'Olt SAl.K ft-room modern huua floor furnace, aa.vj Vine, KOH SAl.K- Income pinperty In land. Ore., allowing net reluri 12';. conalatlng of a apartment, furnlahed. :t t union rent la Iff tni rtulivd realaurant. Price M" Verv sttHd terma. Houihern Or I -and Co., flu Kaat Matn St.. Ah Oregon, rOU SAl.K Model A coupa, good Bl Khi1 ruhlrcr, Thotie 6ut 1BJ7 Or Ave,. Apt. :i. In rear. t'OU SAl.K It'H Model A aedan. ( ntolor, .1 excellent Urge a lied war tlrra end recap. 17B, Pi mix rOH SAl.K Model 1337 Kane. A coupe.' Inq Ration Calendar . War Price and Rationing Hoard 4.10 Main afreet. Office hour dally, 0 30 a m. to 4:30 p ni : Saturday. 0 :ib a m to 3 p. m. Phone .flltil for all Informa tion. All application! mutt ne MAILED in to the War Price and ftalloiilng Hoard at 4.10 Main itreet. and NOT presented In penon SUGAR Ration book 4 Sugar alampa 30 through 33 valid Indefinitely. 3 pminda each. Suar atamp 40 valid through Feb 31 IMS for 5 nounda home can ning: only. Stamp 34 valid November m Indefinitely. pnocKSsrn foods - BLUE STAMPS ration hook 4 All through Za j ml A3 through W3 valid Indefinitely. XYZ3 and Ai and B2 valid December 1, Indefinitely. MEAT BUTTER, CHEESE- RED STAMPS - ration book 4--A8 thrnnffh ZQ and AS through PS good In- AUCTION YES. ANOTHER COMMUNITY A w TION WILL HE HELD AT TIIK WIN TERS PLACE ON HUMMCHS LANK, next to lllghley't SUNDAY. OECKMHEH 17, AT ONE O CLOCK A gmid way to gel ChrUtmaa money la to bring what ou don't need to Oil aaie. Already Hated -Several head ol cattle, conaiallng of 4 grain-fed airera. 3 and 4 monllu old: one cgw and other young BtocK. Feeder plgi, 40 ducka, furniture and murcllanenua article. Terma Caah , - Lunch Available COU SWIOART, AUCriONKKfl 13-14 WANTED MAN FO II rL N A. I.' At f H. SUIT KtrRNISHED, 0 HOURS A OA Y NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS SEE MM. FISHER, SEARS. ROKUUCK A CO, 13-13 FOR SALE Equity In 8 piece twdrnom art. one month old. electric attlp clock and C. E. fan. loJS Oolorr. 13 FOR SALE Trailer hmite, gotxl condi tion. Call at 30,lOOr chard Ave., armr 9:30 p. rn. 13-14 .aceiient condition. Will make a well Chrlatinai prMrtL 1IU ihirml.l 13 1U FOR SALE Haled hay, flrat a), fatfa. 1 00. Alto oat buy si.t imi Clink. tto 140. TuleUkt, 'h. wia ia-3o WANTED TO HUY Ott ItENTTwo-iM-droom hnnte within walking ttu Unce of town Call 7M3. 13 30 Meotinq Nollct T'TK- F O Klamath Falli Aerie N. aoofl Regular vary Tile. T o to . ball. Utli and cordially lESiiwtfli Walnut. Vtalt --ttw' niemttera Avuiliiblo for ncplscenwi Compare Our Prico. TUFTS HEATING SERVICf Plione 8040 FUNNY BUSINESS CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 , Meellngi in and 3id Wedneaday eve nlng of each month, 1:30 p m., at IMwr Temple 433 Main C D LONG. See. and 11. A. Office Open 7 no to 0 taj M. Every Wedneaday. Phong 0337 I -4m Klamath lidge No. 77. A F. A A. M. Special com munication Friday, Decem ber IfHh. 7:.10 p. m. Work In the E A. degree All Ittelhrrn Invited to attend, ALVA P OLDHAM Worahipful Matter APPLIANCF REPAIRS We icpnir and service ill uJ "i riunus. vocuum CIHMm tiiiiiiy other elcclrlcil iiiicm, Wo mny have ttit tj rmllo Itibo you need Riu iible prices. I'honc 9181. SEARS ROEBUCK Tuei -Ttiun iti KLAMATH KALLS MOOSt LodKo No. 11(10, meets on Frl day nlitlit, 8:00 p. in. Initlii tlon every second and fourth ; Friday.' Tliiirn. "We're a couple of process servers culling on Ihe mnmigcrl" British Naval Man A.wr ! P...I. HORIZONTAL 81 Sweet potsto 1,5 Pictured 53 Exempli commander of Krntla (ob.) British Home 54 Frozen rain Fleet, Vice- 55 Prattle Adml. Sir ' S Average (ab.) 10 Weight of v India 12 Cooking utensil 13 Editor (ab.) 14 Knock 18 Colonize ID Roof flnial 20 Redact 22 Supplicate 23 Puddlo 24 Loaf of tho calyx 20 Category 27 Half (prefix) 28 Pause 29 Promissory note (ab.) 30Morindln dye 31 Run away from 33 Number (pi.) 36 Portals 37 Muse ot poetry , 39 Units of work 40 In a row 44 Courtesy titles. 45 Gorman river 40Lanccs 48 Meadow 40 Mother .BOObeso VERTICAL 1 Rabbits 2 Eludes 3 Rupees (ab.) 4 Affirmative 5 Girl's name 6 Upon 7 Recite 8 Roman magistrate lliili 18 Symbol for 30 Judges tantalum 3d Indian 10 Divisions of 40Sultablt geological 41 Of tho thing ' lime . 12 On account 21 Meddles (ab,) 23 Parcrs 43 Twisted 25 ROWS 411 11 Corded fabric 26 Furnace i,rt 47 Trrn fluid 12 Exercise 31 Ceremonious 50 Symbol for IS Tube 32 Ships' records Iron 17 Trnnspost 34 Brad 5J Written form (ab.) 35 Thoroughfare of Mlslei- Lost and found LOfiTnny. .liver WlentlMmtlon let. nm ItolM-rt A. M.tlntiey. H.- ward. Phono IU23. 12.1.1 LOST- I Kvenharp luld anil hrnwn pen. Silt Avenue pen. Helurn to ller.1,1 1 and Newt. 12.1fl I '.NC0ME TAX SERVICE Comnicrcliil Dookkceptll II. ,llln A. Cantrall noom 4, Hopka Wl 111) N. Bill St. Onen Kveniniis and Saturdiri I Phone 39 II HOSIERY MENDING Prompt Service Mull Orders AcccpW Florinc Shepord n?B Mnrlln ftf I! UST -Mnn'B black wallet, valtinble con lent.. Howard. Wm, M. Nork, Uo- ure. 12-14 4 General Notice OPENING! Two Sisters Inn AT WF.ED. ASHLAND JUNCTION 3 miles west Illghwiiy 07, i..).. Formerly SHASTA VIEW INN SPECIALTY Southern Fried Chicken olid Steaks Owners Ruth and Oil Gormlcy Phono 00(10 12-30 WILL NOT W. IIKHI'ONHim.K (nr bill, ennlrncted liy anynnn but tnyaelf alter Dae. II, Le.ter llarluw. 12-M ON AND AITKIt THIS DATR, Dec. 12. 1 will not be re.pnn. title fur debt, contracted for by anynnS) other than nivnelf, nolwrt K, Ktirtr.. 12-14 Personals TWO MAIIINr.S wl.ll In meet two youns lady contrarl brldao player.. Write Ilox 1102, can Herald and New.. 12-M 10 8 VICM 12 3 sT I M"p 'p-nr EZZS 31 "1 m Wi Ui 4r tm ftr-- w J5 m 1 '' 1 1 ' 11 1 i 4 TimoDonr nirKsoN upiioijiTr.n- IN(l KIHINITimr. HMOP . Uphnlaler lll, nrpalrliK, neflnUhlnS. HnrlnB. Ilecundltloned. Phone 4917, ami Simula Way 12-14 The KINDERGARTI II Wllnul 81. 8 a. m. to 1:30 p- Lunrh Included Phnn. U1 nnih Wlllmotb H nireclor.. I)r. and Hn. e.t4 vm w wlnduw lilif. If ' IVF S42D, 23H N. etn MAKF. vouii DATE !.'" .. .t J. I' "'-, Hon I'.lnl SIM., IJ I'lionc W24. srr.Ncr.ri constri'" Mr., mid nnrch. fur appnlnlment. . , COI.OII btist S years eMrien. 's J .n.hmir service, m "J Phone III". .,," . MB. AVON PIIOIIUCTS Phone bio KAUSOMININO. KemM1"' i.te. I'htine ,191"- ".TrrTMTmEiulDSl"! I. 2117. SUPTIC TANKS -M r. lelila hnill'il , I'lione - -UBTITCIUNO , ,J nuiiow j rioimnK. Ph nTlOTO TINTINO in ' nrasiMiable P'" UKNTIMTRV, aflernonna, vonlns". 40IHI n.innin way, m- WIM, TAK8 CAIII! Or CIIII.DIIKN In my nonie. 1IIII It. Main. 12-14 WI0P- , rho ,uNrMrwinr",?i modi:l aiiipi -as&: Jeeps Tanks Trucks Boo' (In KIW Gas Motors for Airplanes ; HOBBY SUPPLIES 222 Bo. 7ih