... I . n 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN m m r r r i n ri ii ii 1 1 1 in" III llll II II II I LI L. r ii u 1 1 nil ri r n i ( III I I I 1 1 Ul I I I llll ni iu i wmiiw hi w ' i a - m j e-i i All II II I 1 1 HI I H III I M l llllllt.ll III III I IIIIIIII 111 I UI 1 UIIUII I u ! JUHMMENTS HOWARD COWAN K"'.r:,.,-, nut tho torch wsi A lOIHl"1'" ' It... la. i.i ehimiii, iiiiiiiu 'i W .rmniiiniil WOIKH. L P'Mon rnld IncroBMid opr-r. ft ii,. nliVi n ii 24. S'Sfiht Cormon clli by f British "fl American ' loaded with 10,000 ton of worn 13 British bomb it Anwrlcnn bombcra, nnd , Ami'rifnn flghlorn In the wiis'tho- lifcoiirl atrnlitht dny 0 000-lnn bombing fop Gel v'by Foiticsscii, Llbcrntora, rnlcm nnd MoiKiilt from sir forces' bused In Brltnln Itflly. nnd tho RAK. mo nlRbt riKliUr opposed Wn uttix'k, but flvo were down. Six Gi.'i-mnn nlr. 1 wcrr knocked out of the try British Miwtnnu pilots 1 11 dnyllfiht uttack on Wit liv RAF' Lancaster. if losses by tho U. S. cluhlh 15lh nlr forces wero due to (round winners who filled jky with nck-ack, particular- Today On The Western Front By Th Aiaoclatad Pram Canadian 1st, Brltlih 2nd, U. S. Bth armloai Front un dimmed. U. S. lit armri Masses nKalnnt Rnur near Duron; Her mann believed pulling back across rlvor. U. 8. 3rd army: Battles fiercely above Saarlaulern; drives close to rteleh border cast of Kaarciuicinliics. U. S. Vtli army: Advances to Seltz, four miles from bor der, menacing German Pala tinate. French lit armyi Clears towns In Alsatian plain, urlndx out Ktilns In Voskcs foothills. ly around McrsebiuK, where n synthetic oil plant was hit. Tactical air units based In Franco and UclKtum supplement ed the heavy bombardment conipalKn. Thunderbolt pilots tnnglcd frequently with German fiRhters on the U. S. third army front. Eleven no1 craft were destroyed In the air. Seven U. S, ninth ah- foreo planes wero listed as mlsslnif. CAIIU Or THANKS Wb wl.lt it, 0xnin our Mnotira ip proclntlnn to Dir. Houtlinrn Pacific em ploye, (or Ihrlr llnmiililfulnei. nnd .n ero.lly oxlcndod during our recant ha rflAvemciil. Normn Kmmellu. Mlkn Andr SACRAMENTO 1 SURVEY HEIGHT HERE A survey of freight tonnage In tho Klamath area, as it might af fect the possibilities of a deep water channel in the Sacramen to river from Sacramento to San Francisco bay, was started here today by J. E. Colllprlest and Wurren Raymond of the Sacra mento chamber of commerce. The Sacramento men are seek IhK statistics on Inbound and outbound shipments here, with the purpose of determining what portion could be moved through the port of Sacramento. They Intend to Interview man agers of manufacturing con cerns, wholesale houses, and all other businesses which are en gaged in shipping or recoiving freight. They hope to get Infor mation from retail, as well as wholesale and manufacturing concerns. "Tons per year" Is the particu lar Item the Sacramentana are after In making the survey. Colllprlest sold that Klamath Falls' shippers will benefit from the Sacramento channel project through a lowering of freight rntns. Colllprlest and Raymond are staylna at the Wl-Ne-Ma hotel. They sold they are .crowded for time, inasmuch as tney must fin ish the survey by tho first of the year, and they would appreci ate help from local businesses, particularly In getting speedy estimates of freight shipments, Bain Files Demurrer In Election Suit PORTLAND, Dec. 13 7P) James ft. Bain, elected circuit Judge In November, has filed a demurrer alleging that Judge Franklin C. Howell has no legal basis for his suit which seeks to have the election voided on the ground that nominations by voters' assembly are not valid. Howell, interim circuit judge, was defeated in the election by Bain, Because the office be came vacant too late for filing in the regular nominating pri mary, all candidates were nomi nated by the method Howell protests. Brenda Will You Step Out With Ma Tnma.it? Ml Iknowl'vtbMn in awful crouch not Uk tnr rou an? plaea lataly. But afUr .landing all oar at my now Job, mr hot darn naar kllltd ma with callouw. and burninr. Now raform.d - or rathtr mr faal nav. thanki to tht Ica-MInt ou advUtd. Never triad anything that eeemed to draw tba pain and Bra riant out ao rait- and the war It helpi eoiten callouiet ! nobody fcu.ine..t Been ab! to sat aorot axtra over lima montj - ao what do you aar, Itt'a ao dancing tonliht. You can lUp oa my lea Hint ftat all you want. n IM I ... .--r- ,MaaataaaagaaaMsia ffc i mftm w s x As ....... . S l ."II 1 '.-I :.. flJl& MIN'I NtCKTIO Wool llnad, railllonMlia In non- W "jffV v, - ' V ' w " ' WfnWcr winkling Bondley ond othar fobrle. All tha popular MQm - fto. iff ' jt , , JSKTv'S VilUmt ond colon. Hit & 07t i V- ''afmSjL'! ' ; ffSlXk--'-'-i TINNII IAIU Llvaly, bouncy "Ponn" lynthatlu. luy at o en. flxPJlfisn '' U. pf .'r'V. iavlno In aold conlolnar of thrail C9027. . taak dUC :9 , : ' ZWj-Mk -.'A J22I-IN. PICTUm Fromid .-':. A tOFT BALI 12.lh Official : " ': ... -. ( i;. . Nioht Bowboll with lonoloit- ' ' C&&ik incovar, .nd flimly ..uffad JJJ ' iiBm'liir ' TIUMPIT AUT6 H0N i a.'.., . 1 i""""11'" ,..,.... cftttJiV Jlnola altctrlc trumpat with a if'"" lira.. a ' " ' . v 'ajjjv -V lono iono bloil. Con.plota with C7 77 IT. J,wKiSS. -Wv raloy. wlra, ond oillla. B4522. aU:' .- slffA'Si ..X I0UD0IR lAMP-Allroetlva 11 L il !ai' ' T pnrchmtnl-lypa shoda on 1 !' ' rfV' 'HaWn"-.'' V'kI- iporkllnfl, moldad glOM boat. 1 "" . 4 JV' VANITY MUROU Hondy vlwr mlrrcr with .race, to writ rv Ice record, pfattlc frame. B57-19, OJC MRFUMID LAMPS Burn either Ivw.umBd or reoulor lamp oil. Two - tvlei: 7Vj" "Glamor-lite" or 8" A rlral "Uve-Lite." H7030-3I 1. 7C SALT Cr PIPPIR SrASONIflS IN BOX"Palricion-' deiion plastic alt ond pepper thakeri in hond omo cioarette box that holds reg ular or king iiro clonreltet. Beau- AO. tllul poilgrwlofj, J4225. OC GLASS flACf CARDS Decorated 1 Namei may be written on, CO then waihtd off. PloUic holder Included. NI713. Set of if 37C "MAYFLOWKR" HOBNAIL SLASS WARS Vorlety of large, decora tive) urvlno elate, and other nisei with old-faihioned hobnail cfetign, Aft. , J5077. lath MINI DRItir SOCKS All (rylet and pattern! In long and sliwtt, 3 pf, ' "eoltoni and ravons, ribs ond nov Ity weovti. Block, brown, navy. QB - maroon, Sim tOVi to $. BIKI SADDLE COVIR Full tiie, fleecy shpskin tlei over 1 addle. f Give mora comfort. A 1696. r tfts( unHer $2.00 "SPORTOLAS" COOGLIS Medium imokt leniei for ipectotor sporti or driving. Com plete with leatherott coit. C-4102, "OVtN.OLASS" ROASTIR--Cleor glow with flulek-heating pebbled bottom. Footed cover hot pint tree gravy channels may be used 01 terver and iteok diih. 6-lb. capacity, one year guorgntte. J 3890, BASIBALL Not l.nt "KIH Stuff," but real quality tor long, hard ployl CI 160. IMPf RACK AND HUMIDOR Hondiome walnut rack hold your eix favorite plpei. Com plete with humidor, N6S02. $1.59 $1.98 $1.69 $1.69 4tft. unber $3.00 AiYt AUTO tIAT Pkxrtino aot bottom mokas boby eom- fortobl. Folding matol from. ) Aft with wood ormi. C276S. Sp.ilol 4A.7B PlYWOOB OVMHIOHT eAJI-Slurdy IS'' Inch coia with m.tol hlnott ond cloips, teek Si!!,.!.k,vJJml,0,,ln "Mono cloth cosir. EH BUM. (Add 20 R.loll Excua Tox.l Z,97 lo-mcn ovtrnionr coia "1ILIX" eer.tt uairra o.. ton' modal, Uiai Ian cofat, mak It toita hatttr. Eoiy to u and uy to claon. All claor gloia, J6015, .42.11 $195 teiitu uvLtstv $5.00 PAIILIY COMep.TI Cut alia 72S4 Inchat, Tilled with CI 08 &t' wo'm '""on. Aiiortad a n Polilay prlnti. G2237, ilirx "BKIT70N" COrril MAKU Vacuum tvpa, hondiomtly trlmmad In block. Savan- tr cup ilia. J0I2. . . . with Ivory Trim. J0tl... . ,t.7 Ucht-cup mog.1 wjth Ivory Trim. J60l6-,m.J4,4l B f5 S In dalleola blue, moan, raw, ar e or. An Eorly Colllornla typo o( dinnaiwora Ihol will brljhtan tC it your tabla. J4977, waw TINNII ACQUJT-"Un!v.r.lly;' J". wjloht toe Cfc 95 qu.l itrung with itrong Hk. A tlnaolltl C9I06. w. "Intarnollonol Champion" gut-itiuna locflult. CI0... !. OCCASIONAt. TABU-SloMfully ' "Jfionjl and fn- lih.d in rich mnhooony color. 2HU" and 17H17 CIA OK lamp tob I.. G9084, alUO. - 4IW.7rf $5.00 AATI Ut MIRROR 34- Ineh tlrcl In Venetian plat glott, Addi depth to imollir ttC AC roomi. CB5941 . Rtgular $6.95. f SJ9 AUTO ALTIMITIR Regliten accurately up to iu,wu mr. (TMiilna I'Tetviftt" Inttrumdtnt. a, r mm TAILI LAMP GroMful, hond dec orated china base; .intd rayon ihode. A very hondwmt lamp! Genuine B102W. $8.95 All MnrtHli Iubeet f Stock on Hand. We rewrve fkt right to limit ausntltU r etrtngg pttlHietleru wlltwiil erlce. THE TOWN SHOP m i f H5T 2.95 o LUXURIOUS ROBES Prettiest, warmest housecoats 'n' robes in town.1 Wonderfully tailored wool-flannels, cuddlesome quilted rayon satins, soft and pretty chenilles . . .1 Each one a winner for leisure hours at home . . . Priced from . . . 9.95 29.95 O GOWNS O SLIPS O PANTIES For that very special someone . . . The loveliest in holiday lingerie SEE OUR SPARKLING COLLECTION Gowns from 2.50 t0 1 2.95 Gift Handbags i.& - s Choose from our wonderful collection of envelopes, pouch' es, and drawstrings in leathers and fabrics . . . Black, brown, navy and :ostume colors." 22.50 Q0S Federal Tax Extra) i ID ! j Hosiery Costume Jewelry Every type she wants 50c 18 $25 IM radtril Tax Intra) Lovely, ankle-hugging, sheers in all to weights . . . Semi-sheers, meshes and sheer lisles . . . And bareleg .5 hosiery. She Wants Blouses Wonderful way to say Merry Christmas with a pretty blouse! . . .. So practical, too . . . She'll wear these with her suit, slacks and skirts . . . Tailored or femi nine . . . (We have the blouse she wants most) ... 1.29 le9.95 Have YOU Dona Your Share? Tho 8th War Loan DriT. Endi Thli Waalt Ah5 THE "... Town Shop I m 1 m ! M I i t PHONE 5514 A9 IM 4l.:,l iJv.,i.'wv.tii. 1038 MAIN P. Main at Fifth i! 1