HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON s!S?W ing 'enmiiuny MAINTAIN PRICE , SALEM Dec. 13 (P) Tile Ore gon cane fi-its control board .said today It would maintain the 12-ccnt price during the coining year for loganberries, young berries, boysenberrics and black berries. TANGY TIDBIT. . So rare and prized was pep. TRUST FUND Bowles Not Required To Enforce Program TACOMA, Doc. 13 W') Fed eral Judge Charles H. Louvy ruled yesterday that congress never hit nded for Price Admin istrator Chester Bowles to per sonally enforce the office of price minilnlslriillim immfutn but should act "through his lit torneys and employes under him," The ruling, made in denying u motion lo llsinlss charges against llio James Henry Pack (if Si-iitlln .... grounds 1 1 in u ho OPA suit was not ittl'MllMIlllu t.u II...... . Flashes of Life brought personally per at one time in early Great was tit'ciareu ny ui-ft ltlliiiiiiyn In ho "of extreme linportinieu" lo Ihu progriuu's uiiforccmKut, . Tho grounds on which Ihn coinpiuiy hud sought Ihu illnmln. sal Iiiivu been upheld In iiumur. Britain that it was not used as 1? a seasoning, but was served in small amounts as a tasty tidbit .u,..l I Howie !' lv,, couri orb ft '"'liiielsc,,. 01 "I'lKara .... . ' K at the end of the meal. PACE TWELVE FOR SCOTS $tJ , -WARDS j I & ADULT'S ll-PIECE ARCHERY SET 5.95 Afade by Ben Pearson! Welcome gift for any archery fan! 5'4-r. Hickory bow with leather grip; six 26" hardwood arrows; leather armguard, finger tab; paper target face; in struction book. Bow has Medium pull (25 to 35 pounds). , LEATHER BILLFOLDS 98S. 2.98 Styles for men and women in smooth or pebble-grained Sheep skin leather! Many with special windows for identification cards. Choose from a complete selec tion. Plus 20 Excise tax. TOY GUNS LIKE REAL ARMY RIFLES 3.59 With solid walnut gumtockil Look exactly like famous Carbine and Springfield rrflesl Harmleul W ,--:v?q Whit. $yy vo,,ey' fflf ' Ball " 'V y39 BALLOON BIKE TIRE RATION-FREE I 1.79 Ceiling price Is $2,051 Thick, long wearing tread. 26x2.125". Innemibe (Ceiling $1.10). ,9c GOOD QUALIT1 MAPLE SKIS 6.45 12 -piece pattern. Official sin and weight. Double twill lining. Rubber valve bladder. 'V II 1st Cedar Rov'ng Arrows Dex. '40 Excellent for small game hunting. Select Port Orford Cedar, blunt Plastic point. 24 or 28 In. Selected grain maple with dark Walnut finish. Ideal equipment for beginning or occasional skier. Correct ski bend . ; ; downhill Tip. Economy pricedl See them of Wards todayS Youngsters "Tuff-Hide"! Basketball ft45 A tough, sturdy ball for young playerit Official six. Cowhldt covtr. ' . Padded Grip Ski Poles 47, Lacquered 'metal shaft. Leather-laced metal snow rings. ' Formed, padded leather grip. mm? Xs Montgomery Officers of the Modoc Area council, Boy Scouts of America, tliis week announced the open ing of a trust and endowment fund for the work of the Boy Scouts in the area covered by this council. Arnold L. Gralapp, finance chairman, heads the trustees for the fund and announced that the purpose of the fund would be primarily two-fold. It will re ceive money for the future de velopment of the council's sum mer camp at Crescent lnko and will also provido for emergency income in years when it might not otherwise be possible to con tinue scouting in this area due to financial conditions. Gralapp pointed out that scout ing had failed completely in this area two successive times due to lack of adequate iunds. The Boy Scouts participate in no other trust or endowment activity in any area of the coun cil. Aside from the actual op erational funds raised for the administration of the scout pro gram anr.ually, this trust fund will be the only sustaining fi nancial plan of scouts in this area. K. G. Klahn president of the organization, invited the public to buy bonds to place in this trust fund during the 6th War Loan, matin saici, . A Doncl made out in the name of the Modoc Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, will serve two pur poses. It will speed victory and will help guarantee a better future for our boys of today." At tne same time tnc an nouncement of the trust fund was made Scout Executive Rob ert H. Lamott announced the completion of plans for the de velopment of Camp Makualla at Crescent lake. He recently returned from Bend where he has been con ferring with officers of the U. S. Forest Service and with Charles Overbay, chairman of the camp ing committee. Lamott stated that most of the projects that will be neces sary in the camp have been out lined in detail and the finished plan will be approved at the annual meeting of the council January 14. ORONO, Me., Dec. 13 (P) A likelihood that "potato sup plies for civilian consumption may be short in March-to-May, 1945," ' was seen today by Dr. Charles H. Merchant, head of the University of Maine's eco nomics and farm management department. Recently returned from a na tional farm outlook conference in Washington, Dr. Merchant said, in an extension service statement, that if "the govern ment takes the expected amount of potatoes for military and lend-lease . . . the civilian per capita consumption of potatoes will be about the smallest on record." He forecast that "potato prices are expected to remain relatively high and advance sea sonally during the winter." Creston Students Move Into Marysville PORTLAND, Dec. 13 (P) Marysville grade school will take in third to eighth grade pu pils .of Creston grade school, which was destroyed by fire Monday, officials stated. They will resume their studies Mon day. Creston school's kindergarten, however, has been dismissed for the balance of the term, while first and second graders will continue their studies later in the week at the shop and domes tic science building, saved from the blaze. COUNCIL TO MOVE SALEM, Dec. 15 (P) The state civilian defense council an nounced today it would mave next week from the capitot building to the state office build ine. where it will be given space In the state fire marshal's office. Bv The Associated Press DENVER, Colo., Dec. 13 (P) A postcard .has arrived from Athens with postage of- 6,000, 000,000 drachmas on it, SHE FELL HE FELL PUEBLO, Colo., Dec. 13 (A) Darlono Arvcson and Pohyu Wong, former Shanghai news paperman now a lieutenant in the army air forces,'- obtained a marriage license, They met after sho fell while ice skating, and he picked her up. GOOD OLD DAYS ' PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 13 (VP) Railroad Conductor H, P. Ka- linker walked into the depot to piucnnso some cigarets. He returned with a box of them. On the cover was a picture of Liinnn husscu, ana tne tax stamp was dated, March 1, 1000, SAFE. UNSAFE, SAVED FARRAGUT, Ida., Dec 13 W) Lt. (Js) C. G. Hntlcy, assistant disbursing officer at Farragut naval hospital, caught his neck tic in, the door of. the office safe when he slammed It shut Several sailors arrived to help They all tugged. Finally the officer slipped the knot In his tie down far enough to permit ills escape ostrich fashion. IRONICAL OMAHA, Ncbr., Dec. 13 0P) As nousing Durenu manager of the chamber of commerce, Nor man Haricd has been locating houses and apartments for Oma ha homescekers for threo years. He's been quite successful in helping many new residents find homes. Last month Haricd was ad vised his home had been sold. He had 90 days to vacate. He's been unable to find a house but he's still got 60 days to hunt. SALEM, Dec. 13 IP) The postwar highway bill passed by congress yesterday Will permit Oregon to spend $12,000,000 a year on highways for each of the first three years following the war, plus $3,400,000 in fed eral funds to be spent in each ot the three years on .forest roads, State Highway Engineer R. H. Baldock said today. The amounts to be spent each year include: Federal aid highways, Includ ing rural and urban, $3,745,000 in federal funds, and $2,580, 000 in state funds; secondary highways, $2,545,000 federal, and $1,750,000 state; urban dis tricts on federal highways, $815,000 federal, and $565,000 state; forest roads, $3,400,000 federal. The total road expenditures under the program for the three years will amount to about $45,000,000, Baldock said. Fog Causes Crash Between 13 Vehicles SEATTLE, Dec. 13 (P) A streak of heavy fog which ob scured vision along U. S. high way 99 yesterday afternoon be tween north Fort Lewis and Camp Murray, was blamed to day for a 13-vehicle collision and the death of one man. Robert Hofer, 71, of Seaside, Ore., died from a heart attack when his wife, Leila, stopped at the scene of the accident shortly after the cars had piled up. Their auto was not involved. Seven civilians and eight sol diers also were injured. Six empty army ambulances, a Jeep, a truck and five automobiles were invoLved before tho tangle was unwound. For His Christmas , A Pair of ' DRESS SLACKS Tan, blue, grey, brown $5.95 to $20 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main Em 49 1 m K far Calves arc entirely off milk by middle ef seventh week when you raise fhem (he larro way. Helps prevent scours. No gruel feed ing. Lots of Vitamin A for health and growth. Gets calves off to the right start. CALIF BUILDER MURPHEY'S SEED STORE come Gifts HUNDREDS OF SEIECTIONS! ALL BARGAIN PRICED! thy 'i. V'v sir '-. ' ss i CHIPPENDALE CHAIR VALUE-PRICED 17.4! Traditional styling . , , ruggtd tanitrvctlon ... a low piled Wal nut vnars jond hardwood. " --t' I ijlM """" r CARRY BABY IN THIS Com(o, lor bgby .utmti, for mold,,, Stwdj, PLATFORM ROCKER BEAUTIFUL SOFA PILLOW FOR GIFTS . i ; 2.29 Glaamlng cotton and rayon Dam ask covftrtngil Soft, springy fill Infill AiiorUd colorll Buy In palril 60.95 FOR YOUR RELAXATION If you want to act the most from your hours of relaxation. Invest In this Platlorm Rocker vtluol You can't help but enjoy lis spring filled seat and back ... Its smooth, rostlul rocking action ... Its roomonhanclng btoutyl Made to last . . , Walnut finished hardwood frame, long wenrlno damask. Only 20 Downl Monthly Payment Plunl STURDY TRAININ8 Sliongly conit(wt,j,fcJri J lld,overh.odilnjhg!,,J enombtr IrxWid W .-s AMU IABY BATH WITH TUB REST 9S Korosaal oaolad tub, sliding drill ing table, convnlrt tub rait. 35x23x3$ In. Gilt for bobyl 3-s r; Is)' STURDY SOLID OAK HIGH CHAIR : Sound tonitrwtlon for baby's softly. Wlda spraad legi. luitabl tray and foolrast. Ad- ui'M AUTOMATIC DROP SIDE CHILD'S CRIB 14.88 . i "A Designed lo ennonce the nuttery . , . built to loitl Natural beauty of hardwood grain protected by Wards best finish. Convenient automatic drop side . , . end pan els In lfn out the draft. CHINTZ BEDROOM ENSEMBLE . . . LUXURIOUS SIZI m SHA0GY RUGS... U Thicker, larger iHirI than you'd sxpttt Hi prlcol J6"xtt" ilii. Nil Ideal glltl Spread 1798E Dropories The newest In bedroom beautyt Fine quality, washable glaied Chlnti printed In glorious floral pattern and tailored like custom made ensemblesl Spread top If quilledl Buy at Wards, savel r. HTM PRINTED SHOW s-unTAIMC . . . 54 VWIV""" " pyitOXYUN COATtD , waUr-r.nsllilyM","J Now with concealed frta-rolllng METAL whselt and made to lool more Ilka real train itttl Same good quality as uid Ir schoohl Clear, brilliant colors mixing tray, camel hair brush. L . . ii POOL-ER-RINO GAMES IN ONE! One side for playing tan Billiard and Pool gamas i . . the other for playing Klondike! Complattl All children love to draw, so buy good crayons like these non-grll, non-softening kind at Words, UNUSUAL DART BOARD GAME ISM B,l,hlly colorsdl SJ J1 nnl.hl Pull end prop1! Will tfoliaht ony tiny lo" ; 98c w,iU Notpnly a game of skill that dad will enoy, too . but a fast moving baseball game on the backl And three sleel-polnted feather darts Included! (Fun lo have for parlies, tool) COLORfUl RATTtI F5 AT( . 1 I th"a"",".JMii.Mn ofbrlgWWO""- . Wlllancourogt" IV m Use your credit le buy ony irierchendlsa frem our store stocks or from our catalogs. M War? Klamath at 9th Phone 3443 Ward Use yevr credit j i . pay next yeerl ONTGOMERY 7