LrH. 1744 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN h.Id Wantd.Male II Hilp Wanted, Mil 34 Autom itlv 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 AutomotWe I 34 AutomotWe 34 Automotive ii .,r,u want to work in a logaina camn. sawmill iU,iber yard where conditions are good, call ot fUo office or phono 5146 bclwccn 8.30 and 4:30 m. ia nfed men in all those departments of our pcralion which is an essential industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. TF New Todey 10 rTITircd lulirleellnn wan. Pi.... .I.u'lv empl'iymrnl. Ap 1 ....... luck H. Millar t.Tw llrnil fXt'MM'1. want. )oh fM'".:.. ,-,,i oriiin. Ilii. !', mm Uua ira, care ;.r Bd.Nfw.. i2! IIAKIiAIN nl(iev iiiu..liv.l I hodtooiM home 'latin ...tnhHmllon g range. .IV uuitii)f iimrhiuo mid ullirr . wrv 'mail down p.y. , iht iKM ,-r'' ,rlr'' ,Mua f HAV MII.TV N Kit VICE AhDiit M" Evening .-mm. w V....HU hi Hi acre mii Home jT" I f:M Chevrolet HUnderd rorrf pH-uxi 3-dimf- I1mn Grocery. !0 California, - irTon nnurl permanent wavt Mr "I" rt,lu,r equipment. In Ml) r Mtn. Allleiid. Ore. or K.tlL MOT. IM i" 11) TO UK NT - A furnished or ,Hnrn imtim .. '"' .. Sl.-t.ilv rcnlrrs, Nollfv Dnielnri. 1101' Main, or rail l5S COI'Pl.K iktrct mn11 fur- Id aporiinrui r i. ....-. -7 j Telrphtiit UNXV Ln7o7rr"Mi'ini"irt. paperi. V. C. E Naval Air Station, It a ward. SGTlAClirNr. fir.MVICK. all mki, L am. aaia Shasta Way, l-mm fcARrTFOH SMALL C.'IHI.UIIRN In nodrrn hrtn dwvs. Prefer sume Sin vlrlnil ut Shasta Way and y. call I3-13 IrNT- Storage mmn, :u)n;40. near .untf Main. Inquire 117 N. Blli. 13-11 f FOR BALE tflivt-ruoui Imuinft wilh nalli. each Jir lot Planlerert ami in ax condHion. oiir-wall rnnttrue mi overhead InnnUted with rock 'Tawl 1" fwttirat and lalh. toom and kllchan haa tnUld iftn, almotl new. Uwti and yard tf and ha a Karaxe and wood 2 Price eh 4ooo, fio-htdroom houi on Ownnt atreet. pilllm pari tiairmenl, hardwnnd A t'r it) lot and a thrft-ronm Kantt laraia and wood houm in od farm In about 30 mtlei of li, 100 acrea in culllvatlon, bal p i turf. If you drilre a (arm irt rcaionahl you cannot (hid r one than tlilt. Prior 000. SANDCItS, ItCAL KSTATE kiln fit. Phono 7131 Jill ALE- Ml Chryflrr coupe, arl- iondltlon. Price MW, Phone Ml 7. iz-u ALE-IB3n Vnrd pickup, food ttret, tin alter V3u p. m. at Smir St. 1313 lAtE-13-cafe Model AO pump 8 boxei ahell. 9(13.00. Room 30A. an Hotel . morning. 13-12 BODY AND rKNDKIt work. In ncmntal work, welttlne and pray fini-.Look Into Ht-one of the r profitable hrnnchei of tremen f auto Indtntry offering chances od Job or your own bualneu. In ipare lime. Write (or FREE Utlllttri Init., Dox 030. rare Jld ami Noui. 12. 13 10 VP TO $2 lb. for rabhll aktna. Dm wantrd. ItiiPh shlpmenta to- m vaicauiia rur Co.. .seattlv. Wn. Mon-WedSat ter.nATioN-.Ain conditionino picully inclined men got rrtKE alKiut repair and Inalallatfon opporliintllra and a pa re time V"K pian. write utlMllra init.. rarf Itrrnld nnd New. 12-12 Mootinq Notices Kl.m.lh rail. Afrli No. aono. nriui.r mcctlna very Tum ri.v nlsht. T'AH p.m.. to t., ii.ii, am ind W.lnul. VI .III n mambarl cordially Invllcd. It WENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 lit and 3rd Wrdneaday ave month, 7;30 p. m., at Labor .. main. 0. l.ONn. Sec. and n. A. Oppn 7:00 to n:0o p. M. Every W.dnciday. Pliona 03J7 l.m Klamath Lod(e No.' 77, A. r. ft A. M, Stated com munli'nllnn, Monday. Tie. rnnber 11th. R n. m. An- titial elrcltnn of offlctr.. All brethren Invited lo at. lend. ALVA P. OLDHAM. Wornhlprnl Mnl.r. Lou and r ound frrnsoM ...... . .. fl rurraney and ration hooka V litem. SIMS Alt.mnnt Tlrlv. I 12-12 "rown raMif.r lilllfnM pnnl.ln. lurrrnrv mA i. ...... ... tjOrclurd. Phone 0191. Reward! 12-11 Iltll.i.rnt.n ...1,1 u.. .i...t.. .. Jdlit Ladlea llumniaire Sale con JI atu.ciii nd vnlnahlo paper.. I" S1- 12-11 fSlaaiea around So. 7lh, H20 Oak. la-is 0nrii Notice OPENING! wo Sisters Inn T WKED-ASHLAND i JUNCTION files west MlKhwny 87, jl'ASTA VIEW INN SPECIALTY filhcrn Fried Chicken Btcnkn Ownr.1-. I"1 "ntl Cal Ciormlov mono 0000 12-30 (i im; , "s "atk ' will not ho K ,, ,or rtll eonlrarlcd hjnV""' o-ner man mya. r. 'ACHINr. urnvn-r .11 m.b.. i 3JH ShaiU way, 12 m EUnNACKS, CHIMNEYS, OIL BUHNERS Cleaned nnd Repaired WOOU . COAL . OIL FURNACES Available for Replacements Compare Our Prices' TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone 8040 R881I REI:RICERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair OAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7030 2000 South Sixth St. ' 12-1 IMC 10 Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorized Service Household ond Commercial Phone 6617 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 8lh St. - . 12-13m PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing & Heating Equipment Installed and Repaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. We Hurry Phone 763S 12-11 INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping Rollln A. Cantrall Room 4, Hopka Bldg. 110 N. 8th St. Open Evenings and Saturdays Phone 3240 1-lOnV HOSIERY MENDING Prompt Service Mail Orders Accepted Florine Shepard 928 Martin Ph. 5742 12-30 ROOFING ANY ROOF - ANYTIME Fully Guaranteed C. R. GREMS - PHONE 4838 713U The KINDERGARTEN IS Walnut St. B a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Lunch Included Thona 0S27 fluptrvlior, Ruth Wlllmoth Jonea Director!, Dr. and Mrl. Boyd E. SpraffAla AVON PRODUCTS Phone am. Mn. Pearl Ron. 12-lem KAI.SOM1NINO. Mentioning and Patnt Inf. Phone 30B7. 12-13 CURTAINS LAUNDERED and atretched. Phone 3717. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, all con tcnta hauled away. Ed T. Ktna. Phone 3230. -l CARPENTER REPAIR WORK WANT ED Hay or contract, rh. H3.' onsii IIEMSTITCH1NO DnESSMAKlNO. Butloni and Buckln covered. Allerattoni on new and old rlolhln. Mm. 11. M. Allender. 731 Main. Room 216. Ph. 7263. 12-30m PHOTO TINTING In natural rotor otln. Reanonabla prlcel. 613 Oak, Ph. 736. PHOTO OIL TINTING1 Phone JjJl( SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and In. elallrrl. Thona 7633. 12-36 THEODORE DICKSON UPHOLSTER 1N FURNITURE SHOP - Upholjler Inn. Rcpalrlln. RallnUhlnj. Sprlnils Reconditioned. Phone 17. 3041 Sb a Way. DENTISTRY, alternooiu, evenlnu. mm Hhruila Way. la-a" SPENCER CORSETIERE , Mr. Enid nurch. 621 Oak. Phone 7.116 lor appointment. . ,Bm COLOR ARTIST want, tlntttn. .1 year, evpcrlencc. 'i J""dlo price. 48-hour eervlce. Phone 7466. J3tf HOIISECLEANINO. floor axln and window wa.hlnf. Lee J. Pope. Phone 11421). 228 N, 81 It St. MAKE YOUR DATE In advance tor paperhanjer. at J. J i. ''"" Son Paint Store, 1320 Kelt Mjln. Phone 3324. '3-mm TWO AND TOUR CYCLE Oaa F.nllne.i. waldine and repalrlnj. Bodenhame; Saw 8ho . Sell Your Car NOW (Buy Bonds NOW!) While the Price is Still High Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiqer Motor Co. Service! 30 Wood Coal Oil FURNACES Iron Fireman Oil Burners - Stokers Bob Porter Phone 7708 103tf 13 PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashland, Oregon Phone 7001 Graduate Nurse in Charge. 12-8m 14 Help Wanted Female) . WANTED-- Walt rem and diihwanher. Wo man preferred. Apply at Hitter's Cof fee Shop. 23B6tf WANTED Futl time mlddle-agrd home keeper. The bet of waiei. Cal) 3715. All ronvenlenccs. 66411 SECTION AND EXTRA GANG FORE MEN WANTED on Oregon and Wash ington llnm. Good pay and first-clasa arcommodatlonn. State experience, age. draft utatus and when avatlnble. Spokane. Portland nd Seattle Rail way Company. 1101 N. W. Hoyt Street. Portland. Oregon. 12-11 WANTED - Motor overhaul mechanic. Weekly guarantee and good percent age. Thoroughly equipped itinp and parts dept. Anderton Auto Service. Phone 8573. 687tf WOMAN KOR MAID WORK-Apply to housekeeper In person. Willard Hotel. 12-12 16 Help Wanted. Mal WANTED Setter and handy man. Elling ton Lmbr. Co. Call 8348. 480U WANTED Fount n In and aandwlch man to work as night manager. Wnlgrecn Drue. Sea Morris, fountain Mgr. ..." 4330tf WANl'KD-Mrin and bova to set nlna. Light work, good pay. Apply Rowling Alley. 610 Main p. m, or any evening. Saturday or Sunday. 1731U WOULD YOU like to earn money after ' school delivering a Herald-Newa paper route? See Mr. Miller at the Herald office after 3 p. m. 676ti WANTED Experienced aaah cutter. Ap ply Motler Broa. Phone 5852. 488 If WANTED Truck driver over 21 for reg ular work on wood and coal truck. Fred H. Hellbronner. 621 Soring. 12-11 WANTED Yard man, full time. Good wage. - Fred 11. Hellbronner. 821 Spring. 12-11 wanted Janitor for Medical-Dental Bldg. Inquire Barnhlsel Agency, 112 S. 8th. Phone 410.1 or call after 6 p. m. at Medicnl-Dental Bldg.. ask Jack Fox, 4MBtt 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL Want. work. da. I1HQ .IOl-K rmlll rxuci c, ovum typing. Cabin , Link River Auto Court. ' !3-12 20 Room end Board ROOM AND BOARD-324 Michigan. 12-20 ROOM AND BOARD for Trffcr.on. men. 620 12-12 22 Roome For Rent njTjVVV'ierar.VSl,'lg' a.,.. ROOM FOR RENT 1028 Jefferson. 24 Apartment! For Rent WILL nflNT APARTMENT to woman WOO Will nn in'll.nv,'i i. 101 owner. Phone 0IIB0 Saturday evening or Sinulav. '2-12 28 Houses For Rent 2-ROOM CAnm." partly furnMhrd. for rent. Utilities furnished. Phone .1032. 12-11 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive: move yourself, save Stiles Henron Serv Irplanl East Mnln. Phone n:i04. 1-Hin 28 Miicelluneou' For Rent ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and edger rented. Do your own work. Inquire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD At CO. !2-30m FOR RENT Floor .antlers, edgors and wallpaper removing machine. 3. E. Patterson Paint Store., Phone 3324. 1220 East Main. 12-30m FOR RF.NT-6B0-acro farm to be plant ed, soo acrea In wheat-basis ot 13 rental. Tenant must live on the nroperlv, located 3's miles east and 3 north of Merrill. Phone 2F.1 or r w T.nn.r. ttl. 2. Box 18. Orovllle. Calll. -' Real fcitate For Sale FOR SALE Duplex In Mills Addition, one unit completely furnished, serv ice porch with laundry trays automatic water heater, double garage, properly redecorated in side and out. Located on corner lot, one block from East Main. Immediate possession. Price jujau.uo. Terms. See Fred Cofcr BARNH I SEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 1M1 2-Bedroom Home Very nice 5room home located in St. Francis Park. Concrete foundation, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, large serv ice porch and laundry. Attrac tive yard ang many other fea tures. . Full Price 55000. J. E. HOSKING 517 Main Phone 3211 Wcd.-Fri.-Mon. FOR SALE Homes and Investments John McFee, Realtor 118 No. 7th Phone 4521 1-5 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 12-14m FOR SALE 4-hedroom modem hou.e. hot water heatinir ayatem. centrally located. 4 blocka weit of Matn. Phone 4603. 12-10 FOR SALE 2-bedroom modern hou.e. fireplace, hardwood floor., furnace. Close in. Dial 6713. lS33tf FOR SALE Furnlihed 4-room hou.e and dinette, Includinc electric atove and water heater. 233 MarUn St. 12-11 HOUSE FOR SALE 627 No. 9th. Newly decorated Inside and out. full base ment, furnace, 2 bedrooms. Many bulltlna and new garage. 12-11 FOR SALE 2-room house, "4 acre. 4408 Denver Ave. Phone 4001. P. E. Stiles. 12-11) 34 Automotive FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need COLOR MATCHING AND PAINTING Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 l-6m Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 12-14m SEE MRL HENRY at Lombard'a Used Car Lot. 321 S. 6th St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at once for your car. All makes and models for aale. 12-lSm FOR SALE 1038 Ford 2-door sedan. Radio and healer, 337 Division, 12-11 B'OR SALE -1034 Chevrolet Deluxe se dan, extra good ruhber. Call at 1727 Oregon avenue after 8:30 p. m. 713lf FOR SALE-Oraham sedan 1831. Call 8046. 12-13 FOR TRADE-1942 Ford pickup, good condition, for late model sedan. Box 604 Lakevlew. 12-13 FOR SALE-1038 Ford V8 4-door sedan. Excellent tires, new overhaul job. r.l Snavalev'a Garaaa. Dorris or Box 184. 12-12 CASH FOR 1040 OR 1941 CAR- 20.13 Auburn Ave. 12-11 10.1.1 FORD SEDAN, reconditioned mo tor, new paint Job. Sea this car at 010 California. 13-12 1034 STUDEBAKER COUPB-Clean and ready to go. Must sell. 1806 Port land St. U-13 FOR SALE -1038 Ford 4-door sedan, a avc.ll.nt tires, radio, heater. Call 4301. 46tf rnn male . Lteht 6 Nash coupe, lfeat. er and defroster. Good rubber. 2324 Wantland. 47lf Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley--- We Will Sell You o Car OR We Will Buy Your Car TOPOPA CEILING PRICE New Chevrolet Trucks tor Essential Users Let Us Help You With Your Application Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 so. eth st. 34 . Automotive WE" KNOW- ALL MOTORS And no motter whof cor or truck motor you own We know its overhaul re quirements and Will rebuild it to do o new job for more miles. LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Sts. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wcd. RECAPPING and TIRE. REPAIRING, BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K, Toed 301 So. 6th Phone Vu71 1-7 Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends I 12-12m Reconditioned and Guaranteed Exchange Motors Ford Models A, B. 60 h. p. 1934 to 194185 h. n. 1939 to 194190 h. p. and Mercury Chevrolet Models 1935-36 1940-41 1941 Hi-Tork Chevrolet Dodge 1935 to 1941 Internationals ana otners. I. C. "IKE" HEATH Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. TOP CASH PRICK lor your clean, lale model car or equity. See L. M. Quatn at BURNESS MOTORS Authorised DeSoto-Plymouth Parts and Service Goodrich Tire Distributor 316 So 6th 3PR7tf 35 Fuel Heatina RICHFIELD.. Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367' JACK EICHENDORF Dislribulor 12 -30m 36 Miscellaneoui tor Sttie OR SALE-100 tons baled hay. 1st ntll irilfa. oat and rye, at Kcnn. Sec Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tuleinkc 7104. 3353tf STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts Mocked. Used furniture, sloven bought. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone .1671, 12-30m FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. I4M Martin, Phone 5U77. 13-S0m ALLEN Adding MachlnflJi and FRIDEN Calculators. 1?4 S. Ith St. Plonrer Printing c Stationery Co. 13-1 4m LAN DSC A PI NO - Evergreens, flowering hruba and trees. Make your scire lion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4062. 12-20m CAN electrify few treadle sewing ma chines at present. Further Informa tion diAl (1771. Sewing Machine Serv ice 3218 Shasta Way. 12-30m FOR SALE-Tratler house. 21 ft. model PIvmoitlh. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto uourt, vim Phone 4113 36 Miseallaneouf For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook lop, especially priced, $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 5195 John Sondmeyer C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 12-30m FOR SALE-Traller house, 24 ft., 40 model trailer waKon. 'Excellent con dition. 4839 So. 6th. Robinson's Store. FOH SALE-Dnveway cinders. Deliv ered in city and suburbs. Dial 7078 or 7643. ' l-1 TWO FORDSON TRACTORS. Old type: one 2-year-old heifer. Guernsey and Holsteln. Till calve in July. Rt. 3. Box 1042, or phone 4003, .Roy Schmeck. FULLER BRUSHES Rep. R. V. Morgan. 532 So. Riverside. Thone. 3348, 12-24 FOR SALE Model 12 Winchester 16- ffauge snotgun wun men, one uni tV Stratton engine; one V h.p. Gen-TTi-otHr" motor. . Flxlt ShOD. 744 Klamath. 4542tf , run, orLi " Complete 25.000 capacity circular tie mill, inciuaea. hikbci. trimmer. No. 46 eiie 6x30 Berlin planer with profile heads and knife grinder. axia men oan nuwim iram amn, Located on railroad In Grant County. urCRon. jrncc ?iw. rmll Ann uiMPC f ITMttKR CO HINES. OREGON 12-20 CANARIES - Pedigreed Rollers. Fine singers. Also hens. All colors. Writ for prices. Da Voe, 112? W. Main. Medfnrd. Ore. 18-18 FOR SALE-8 KW AC Koehler auto matic light plant, like new. Call or write Cros-Dcll Lodge. Crescent Lake. OreKon. 12-14 PRACTICALLY NEW springs and mat tress. 623 Pine. 12-14 vnn RAl.F.Fnrflitn and domestic herbs. Free consultation by appointment only. 2725 Wlard. Phone 3052, 1-8 FOR SALE The largest Assortment we linve ever had in cotton rugs for the bedroom In all sizes and choices of colors. Lucas Furniture Co., 19S E. Main. H-M vnn cAi.T.Tlrlvfwjiv cinders. Phone 4265. -10 GLASS Mirrors, rcstlverlng, plate, win dow and auto glass, furniture tops. . shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop, 927 na uiii. i-iionc fJio. rnn rai.e Wnnrl circulator, larse fire box. Pre-war baby walker. 2538 Itoincdale. B42tf FOR SALE-2-wheel stock trailer. f.Hr 30x3 tires, 43. sjhb ueroy. n-n suite, ranges, circulating heaters and 12-12 SPECIAL fimv cinders for sale. 2 Weeka special 92,00 per yard. Roy Schmeck. Phone 4003. 13-13 FOR SAI.E-Plano, davenport and chair. W1I.I. PAV CASH FOR YOUR PIANO- I, nu Is R. Mann, 120 N. 7lh. Phone 4510 or 7175. ... 12-2011. pasi! nnlrt (or nouseheld aoods. Phone 7310. 4340lf WANTED--Portable typewriter fdr son in service. Phone 7404. Tulelake. col lect. U-14 WANTED - Electric washing machine, H. C. Hardin. 341 Hillside. Klamath Falls, Oregon. 8-14 tl A MTl'n tlait. nt aKnat vnlliii. lrte 7R10. 843tf WANT TO BUY-Block wood from pri vate party or company. Needed badly. WD) call for. Ph3h 12-1 J SEE ROSE Used 1938 FORD DELUXE COUPE Radio ond heater, good rubber, niet motor. 1937 FORD DELUXE TUDOR Radio and heater, motor just com pletely overhauled, clean insid ond out, excellent rubber. ,1941 PACKARD 120 FOURDOOR Sedan, radio and heater, exceptionally nice clean car. ROSE MOTOR CO, 4th & Klamath Phone 8164 PONTIAC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Phone 6130 36 Miicelleneoui For Sale 1 FOR SALE ONE LARGE BUILDING . Must Be Removed A large quantity of lumber, sash and doors can be salvaged for use or resale as there restrictions on second hand material. . . ; .; , Pelican Bay Lumber Co. . Phone 42 Miscelianoous Wanted WE PAY , TOP CASH PRICES. We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring . WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St.. Exchange 521 So. 6th . Ph. 7160 761tf . WANTED By Marine and Family 2 bedroom furnished house or apartment. NO CHILDREN Phone 6539 12-13 WANTED TO BUY-1041 or later Chev rolet or ton pickup inicn. w. will trade 1940 Olds 2-lone. S-passen-ger coupe in perfect shape with everything that goes with It. But ex mm .nrnj. in trade. Phone 1271. 1321 Sargent St. 842lf WANTED TO RENT Two-bedroom fur- nisnea nouse or hpi.hii-m. u.y ov...l couple and 13-year-old daughter. Will pay up to $75.00 per month. Write Box 782, care Herald and News. SERVICE MAN wishes to buy portable typewriter, can- jienaaii. ext. . Naval Air station. 12-11 MARINE OFFICER and wife want im' mediately, furntsnea aparimcni oi house. Call Earlcy Hotel. Room 26 12-11 WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them In for aDnralsal. UCLL. a tlflnU1 WARE. 528 Main St. 12-30m wanted TO RENT hv ncrmanent cou pie. a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 5078 after 6 p. m. 2273U WANTED Pair of pigeons, afternoons. Call 7527 12-ohb 44 LivestocK end Poultry HORSE AUCTION ' Lee Adkins Estate together with other consignments SUNDAY, Dec. '17th, 1 P. M. at the L. L. Griffin Ranch, located N. W. of Bly, Oregon. Direction: Turn north at Ivory Pine sign west of Bly on Lake View highway, then 1 '.4 miles north. 35 HORSES 33 Well-broke Teams, Unbrokc Work Stock, Saddle Stock and . Colts. COME PREPARED TO BUY. Terms Cash. O. H. OSBORN, Administrator of Estate CHAS. K. WIESE, Auctioneer. 12-15 WANTED--Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collect. ' 12-20mc WANTED - Live poultry ot alt kinds. Also eggs. Merlin Produce Co. Phone 3372, 12-30IP HIGHEST PRICES paid for hog., veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 3323. nights 3303. 12-30m FOR SALE-30 feeder nigs, weight 60 to 150 lbs. T. F.. Weathcrby; 1 mile Bouth of Malln. stronghold road, la-ll FOR SALE-Two well bred Hereford bulls, two years old. yioo.oo each hoth for Breithaunt Bros. foe Valley. 12-13 WANTED Poultry. livestock. turke and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET, tit East Main. Phone 4282 l-4m Cars CMC 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 5146 ' 12-19 46 Financial When You -Want-a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. .107 No. 9th St., Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements Completed ; Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie, S-251 . 12-30m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE , On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement! Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owneo Motor Investment Co Klamath's Oldest M-275 S.241 114 N 7th Phone 3321 12-30n First Federal Has . Plenty of Money . e e Buy a Modern Horn Refinance Your Old Horn e . e e Pay Less Than Rent . Long Terms , Low Rate. FIRST FEDERAL bA v iNoo ano luai Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main . Phone 6191 . .g 12-30B