PACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Winifred Mann Wed At Sacred Heart The Sacred Heirt church of Klamath Falls was the scene of the wedding of Winifred Mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, and Private Vincent A. Quinn Jr., USMC. The double ring ceremony took place on Saturday, November 25, and the Reverend Timothy Casey officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a traditional white satin gown, and a full- length veil which was held in place by a Juliet cap. She car ried a mother-of-pearl prayer book and a white orchid with a spray of bouvardia. Mrs. W, A. Shipley, the bride's sister, was matron of honor, and wore a formal sown of lavender net with matching headdress, and carried a colonial bouquet of pom-pom chrysanthemums. TSgt. Andrew W. Stanton of the marine corps was best man, and the ushers, also of the ma rine corps, were Corporal Rob ert S. Howard, PFC Norman Harnd. Corporal James Reed, and PFC Thomas Nolan. Marine Sergeant James R. King played the organ music for the wedding. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Pelican party room. As sisting were Lillian Lynum, Nancy Ramsey, Dorothy Con stable, Mrs. J. Cavanaugh, Mrs. E. Imhoff, and Airs. Margie Phil lios. The young couple is now re siding at Mam, but they plan to make their home in New jersey alter the war. Alpha Chapter Commemoratine the third birthday of Alpha chapter of Delta Kappa Camma, a dinner and Christmas party was given at the Wi-Ne-Ma hotel on Sat urday evening, December 2, when covers were laid for 35 members from Lake and Klam ath counties. Presiding as hos tesses were Olive Wilson, Irene Foster and Borghild Mehlen. Following the dinner, five teachers who were initiated into the chapter as new members, included Katherine Dick and Dora Brosius of Lakeview, and Isabelle Brixner, Vida Hanson and Helen Dumbeck of Klam ath Falls. Other Lakeview members who were guests for the evening were Laura S. Berry, Mary E. Gal lasher and Ida Marie Stroda. Preceding the exchange of gifts around a Christmas tree, there was a short business meet ing when a letter was read from Cpl. Helen Moss, a former teach er who is now serving in the WAC. Eva Burkhalter, a delegate to the recent Delta Kappa Gamma regional convention in Seattle, gave a brief account of her trip any oi uie meetings.- ' . Brownie Tea The Fremont troon ies entertained their mothers at a four o'clock tea in the Fre mont scnooi cafeteria on Tues day afternoon, assisted by their "vwp ieaaers, hits. j. l,. Mitch' ell and Mrs. Richard Putt Mrs. L. R. Lamb and Mrs. Don Kenyon volunteered to serve as troop committee members fol lowing a talk by Mrs. Roy Car ter, Girl Scout executive, who explained the purposes of the Brownies. A tap dance number wag pre sented by Joyce Lamb, Mary Louise Gerrue and Darlene Wat- eon. Mothers at the tea were Mrs u a. Collins, Mrs. G. A. Col lins, Mrs. . B. Kelly, Mrs. L. R. Lamb, Mrs. L. E. Gerrue, Mrs. L. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Maud . nogie, Mrs. l. H. Manning, Mrs. Grace Miller, Mrs. Clark Westfall, Mrs. Don Kenyon, Mrs. Lawrence Rolph and Mrs. Uther Rogers. s Luncheon Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mack will entertain at a small dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. John Coppage at the Dixon home, 1845 Lowell. The dinner is to be given on turday night at 7 o'clock, and bridge will be played later in the evening. Those invited to the affair are Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Greer Drew, Mr. and Mrs. C. B Vin. vr. and Mrs. L. Orth Sisemore! Mr! and Mrs. W. P. Lassett, Mrs! Fred Burgoyne, and Mr. and Mrs. Coppage. s Honored p,,Jh? f- R- Klngan home, 1348 Eldorado, was the scene of a small party given in honor of Mrs. John Coppage at 8 o'clock on Friday evening, December 1. A surprise handkerchief show- e was Aiv,cn t0 Mr- Coppage, after which dessert and coffee were served to Mrs. Charles Mack, Mrs. John Shaw, Mrs. Gree,r Drew- Mrs- Howard Dix-"".Mrs- William Borcher, Mrs. William Hearing, Mrs. L. Orth Sisemore, Mrs. Frank Drew, Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Mrs! Fred Burgoyne, Mrs. John Cop. page and the hostess, Mrs. Kin. gan. Members of the Past Noble Grand club of Prosperity Rc bckah lodge met Tuesday, De cember 5, in the IOOF hall for a potluck luncheon and busi ness meeting. Lucille Heifer and Alfrcda Steinmeti served on the committee for the luncheon and the president, Kate Hogue, con ducted the business meeting. Plans were formed for the Christmas party and gift ex change which will be held joint ly with the Rebekah social club on Wednesday, December 13. A social afternoon followed the luncheon, Lioness Benefit A large crowd attended the Lioness benefit card party which was held on Saturday evening. December 2, in the ballroom of the Willard hotel, and the event proved to be even more success ful than was anticipated. The proceeds of the benefit card party are going to the eye con servation program for needy children. Mrs. Lester Finley was chair man of the arrangements, .Mrs. F. Cecil Adams was in charge of table decorations, and Mrs. Wil liam L. Whytal supervised the decoration of the rooms. Others to help with the affair were Mrs. Vernon Moore, refreshment com mittee; Mrs. Fred Heilbronner. serving committee; Mrs. Hans ttonana, cards. Both rjinochlp anri hririe warn played during the evening, and msn score lor women was won by Mrs. E. M. Raymond, and for men, by Mr. Paul Anestead. In pinochle, high score for women was awarded to Mrs. C. F. O'Loughlin, and Mr. Edwin Schneebeck held high score for men. Mrs. Lloyd Allen. 2461 Orrh. ard way, was hostess to the Merry Mixers club Thursday evening. November 30, and the members attending were Billee Snider. Dorothy Smith. Louise Cramblett, Eleanor Curtis, Ruth Anderson, Ruth Lawrence and Lizzie Little. High score at cards was held by Billee Snider, second hv Louise Cramblett. The olace for the next mpM- ing will be announced later. sll 1 IWl I. ,r . I MARRIED IN NOVEMBER Winifred Mann became the bride of Private Vincent A. Quinn Jr. in a lovely double ring ceremony at the Sacred Heart church on November 25. The wedding cake was served to friends at a reception which was held at the Pelican party room following the ceremony. The young couple are living in Klamath Falls for the present. Contnrt - jmi , u J' sr It V. WILL MARRY Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hull have announced the engagement of their daughter, Bette Jean, to Corporal John A. Dalve, USMC. The bride-elect is a graduate of KUHS with the class of 1944. Corporal Daives home is in Boston. Massachu. setts. The wedding will take place some time this month. Kennell-Ellis Holiday Party njoyed by DAR E Mrs. Bert C. Thomas, regent of Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, presented a group of young people, who entertained with Christmas carols, at the regular meeting of the chapter held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Hurry Goeller, Pine street. The program included German, French, and American songs of the season. "Heiligc Nacht," "Awuy in a Manger" and "Oh. Christmas Tree" were sung by Sharon and Sandra Moore, in German costume. LaVcane Reed, accompanied by her mother. Mrs. S. H. Ackerman, sang the French song. "Cantique Noel" and "Bring a Torch, Jeanettc, Isabella." Miss neea was aressea in c rencn cos- tume. Ihe American carol, "Oh. Holy Night." was sung by Jeanne Goeller Fraley. Members gathered round the cheery fire and ate apples, pop corn and candy. Lighted candles, evergreens and bright red orna ments were used in creating the Christmas atmosphere about the Goeller rooms. For the exhibition of old dolls. Mrs. Thomas brought many dolls which had belonged to members of her family through several generations. Mrs. Robert E. Wattenb u r g brought a lovely wax doll which she had loved as a small child around 60 years ago. During the business session Mrs. Norman Fraley and Mrs. Charles Waters were received into the chapter with ritualistic ceremonies. ', Miss Eva Burkhalter, chapter chairman of DAR Good Citizen ship Pilgrimage, reported that Patricia Benoist, KUHS senior girl, has been chosen to repre sent the chapter in the state con test. Mrs. John A. Ulrich of Rogue River chapter, Grants Pass, was a guest. Mrs. Ulrich, wife of Cap tain John A. Ulrich now serving overseas, is visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ulrich, Conger avenue. The next meeting of the chap ter will be February 5, at tho city library, when the book, "We Who Are America,'' by Kenneth Miller, will be review cd by Mrs. Paul Edwards. Mrs. Elmer H. Balsiger, chap- Allen Adding Machines Friden Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks Chairs Files For those hard-to-get items PIONEER PRINTING . AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Falls "Eddie EittreimW i Steak House 13 South 7th St. Grilled Steaks Merchants' Lunch, 60c Hsmburfltrs . yirbeque Chili OPEN 24 HOURS V 1 1 " J ter chairman of Angel Island, re ceived contributions for tho regular Christmas box for this project and the chapter voted a cash donation to the cause. Official Visitor Mrs. F. H. Cofer of 1017 High, conductress of the Re bekah Assembly of Oregon, was a recent visitor in the Rogue River valley where she paid of ficial visits to the Rebekah lodges in Ashland, Medford and Jacksonville, and attendrd tho district convention in Central Point. Also visiting the lodges at that time were Ethel Bailey of Roseburg, president of the Rebekah assembly, and Suda Comstock of Baker, assembly warder. While in the valley, Mrs. Cofer was a guest at the home of Mrs. James Fleming in Medford. Socia Calendar Mondtv, ltcmltr It Catholic ltihtnt will hold a rti Ur hutinvta in it n In th purtih lull t M t. in. I.lnntti Hub at X p. in. Mhrarv cluh room lMrtintt parly autt cl(t sx i'lun. ThU tu follow play at l.ltllo Comm. lowell T. Congo It all of Hie Marina uarrarka l on "Africa ' tWore Klamatlt falls Woman's Library t-Ititt. a u. m. Mm I Inn ot axacullv hoard of WW rtuti, hma of Willi llhlli. .Ill lai kliu, MamUmms uiuttl In atlcnil full Mrs, UhllH or Ndimn Miller, pmtlrir nt. r TurftiUy, llFt'tmtirr It Annual ChrtRlinas i'oiu-trt hv KUIlJS miielc tlflnartintnt. B n. m,. In school alulHornim, tuppy Hour ciiin Chmtmas parly, at home of Mrs, Maud Holy on High Wt)nitUy litornthtr U Sojourners' annuo I ChiUluiAs party at I A p. m, IMuo room of Hit WHItml IioIpI. Sojourners it tor I In a at WIIUul holtl at a oclot'k. Inslallatlon of oKkari, Thursday, ntcimhrr 1 1 SI. Paul a llutlU pot hi i-k lunoheun. t p. in. at hointt ol Mrs, It. J. Dlvun Mer rill rtwiil, Christinas troa anU sfiit x- cltaiiK. ISUrsra A I tins In nirtl for liniohomi at Hostess House, Mutina Uartacks. at l p. in, r rids y. Dccviitbtr I Hivcrslilo rlnlUrrn to urctcnt annual Cltiistnus prom am bfor mvmbera ol t'l A at I p. in. nalurilay, Dcfvmhar HI Annual Lhrlilnias tlltiitnr umtIV lit Pelican prty loom. I: JO in. Tuesday Hci-smbrr It Delta Ganiina Dclnhinii with Mrs. Dun Zuinwalt iM N. Jnd al I) : a. m. WcdtiesilsH, tlrvtmbrr '.'u Wadinmioy oluti L'hrlsluias natty end flit eAChanifa at St, Paula parish hmisa. attiiPsilay, January II William Primrose, sponsorad by KUin ti Community Uuncorl auuciation. I'll Pelican. Tea and Sale Mrs. Albert Ronfeldt nnd Vir- glniu Kohlmcier were co-host-esses ut the annual tcu and sale of the Ziun Lutheran Liuties Aid which was held at tho par sonage, 1025 High on Fridr;-, December 1 from 2 to 5 o'clock. the tea table was covered with a beaulitul luce cloth ami whs centered with u lurue bowl of white and orchid chrysanthe mums with tall white candles nt cither end. The rooms were decorated with full flowers. Mrs. Walter Zctzimin and Mrs. II. LciUke poured from 2 until .1 o clock, Mrs. J. Route dl nnd Mrs. J. Oss from 3 to 4 o'clock, and Mrs. Victor Schulzo and Virginia Kohlmcier from 4 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. II. Liclkc imtl Mae- dolcnu Ronfeldt had charge of me lancy-work sakv and Mrs. Schulzo took care of the guest book. All who helped with tho tea and the sale were presented with corsages from Virginia Kohlmcier. Bridal Shower A bridal shower was ,cn recently for Lillian Lynum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lynum, al the home of Mrs, V. Vasak. 1318 Johnson, at which time gifts were presented to the bride-elect. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. V. Vasak. Agnes Vasak and Mrs. E. O. Gillings. Those present were Helen Largent, May Wright, Wilda Fox, Jerry Conrady. Agnes Cole man, Ada Glacomelli, Cordelia Cantrall, Freda Ustick, Pearl Dunlap, Florence Spraguc, Ber nio Flocchini, Virginia Cunning ham, Alice Lemkhlcr, Isnbcllo Barry, Ruth Green, and Patricia Jopien 4 TV. nr.? r fwl , '!r' i 1 I,1 ' ' r VISITING HERE Oonnii Mac. Cdwurd Lee and William Jacobi nrn vlliin at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Harris Rhepluircl. 333 Aliimcilu. With their imither, the Ihreo young chllilren plan to lemiiln in Kliiiiuitli Fulls until their father, who Is now In the South Pacific returns, from oversells, llllly celebrated hl eighth uiiiiiiuiy on ui'crnioer o. lvotiur U-KJ IJs ANW Club Mrs. lliruni K. Murdoch. Mrs. O.-cur Peyton, und Mrs. U. Lo gan Uliick, were special guests of thu hostess when Mrs. Cicnrge Hum ciili-rtuliKHl for the pirn sure of nirinlHTs ot the Art Needle- Work club Wednesday ui'ienioon. Mis. t'h.'irles Joseph Martin of the Hod Cross sewing depart ment, collected numerous finish ed mtlrlfs from the members, and distributed others to bo mmlc up, Mrs. Carry M. Hainshy, an ac tive member of the club, is now in Asheville, North Carolina, with her son-in-law and daugh ter and family. Ll.-Col. and Mrs. Theodore R. Glllenwators and three children, for an Indefinite stnv. The next regular meeting of the club will bo hold Wednes day afternoon, January 17, when Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall will be hostess at her home, 046 Califor nia avenue. Happy Hour Members of tho Happy Hour rlub will mert for their annual Christmas party on Tuesdiiy af ternoon, December 12, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Maud Hoslry on High street. Mrs. J. II. Ilumllton presided as hotlesa at the club's lost meet ing on November 28 ut her homa on North 0th, when members ol tendlng Included Mrs. George niehn, Mrs. Georgo Humphrey. Mrs. Maud Itosley. Mrs. W. j. Steinmeti, Mrs. II. K. Jones, Mrs. R. G. Mot.ichenbachcr, Mrs. Georgo Hum, Mrs. Harry Rich ardson, Mrs. Anna Funk. Mrs. C. C. Heldrlch. Mrs. Sydney F.vans and tho hostess. Mr. u - . Iito ree.i'.,,yb lJt tlil,CJUS'r' JsnTfc 5 UAVK. ..... '""l ' you1 k, n:,bc, ""it oiio ,, fnthnetrs 0 """" Mn con l" " vcr three til i 1 1 ion colli? '1' h r c e iniiiu Add i tllllt 0110 vnr.l of blood vojmU (our ynrdi nerves, 2UU ncivo ciiilii,,,, mi I IIU l. .1... ,.i , 1. i..i. .. . P . Ull lujl cent iiiutra nf lUttu wlmi mi.!.,! o( yuur ikin h..i m'i -"t . I Ai,V", ,lh,t 'i"bJ Phy c am h.. 'our .ki ,, r(ll, 7N ung! You cin't i . klii breathe, but ItdotiiS lists lately have xa S more than . '""i.ih sxin, Their mnlor renir,i,t- ii... i-u . " i" coiratllci ii news dlicovcry of rm. the ikln respiratory flcte J - i, iiiuurnce on tilt "ii, .uniuiiiion and jyj " ui sKiii menboliin. niudynes were lint fcj eo snori time jo k& A used primarily In in ciaj ir ourru. ai Iir uwtntJ cernrd here, BlodyneRkJ siibitunce which helps J um respirauon ot tnertiji criK ny ihcreailni the of vitalizing oxyjen. Bat a whole ub)ect in Ita'J so we'll go on from bai week. -Mil Everhoiysdrm 80S Hall Tun In nna4,M lb. Old Faihlonod nvlvt Hour ki ji ,. m. lnlinllfln,l MORMONS TAKE NOTICE Pres. Ellsworth has called a spe cial conference for L.D.S. mem bers Sunday, December 10th, ol 10:30 A.M. Important. This Year Moke It q PFRSONAI GPT Your Photo - ,, . . . . , . . , , v ivsfeLnfS&-Sr it 'jf f'Wvh ., 4? ;'rrl vVj- What kind of sweo.r? Ju . f I ' ' 1 VT mply all kind,! And oil colors 4!TT f 2.98tol2.5r ; ; 9 il t Open Sundays 10 to 4 Evenings By Appointment BELL! STUDIO 82J Mln Phone 372.1 f liMLW4,BtinXgfr.t-iiW am I 1, c I! I Oi