Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 09, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    ,.mber 8, 1944
.1 cn1nnts Tod
Ills r
I, War Loan Quota
". Iml Itit (iiidlu 111 tlio bond
J!rc" mill "(I'lltl"''"!
m4 I" l"'l''
I" ''" ,.ii,i nf .:ini)4 .
K: Vlni tin. till,
I m ilrivu mill l $in()2.2R
k "iiiol'i fur Mills school.
SIikIuiiIh lmvo purchusud u Krnnd
loliil of $021)4.05 In wur bonds
mid slumps during tliu current
Hchool ycnr.
Tlit'io will bo ono moro bond
mid .stump mile bold on Krlduy
Ui'ccnibcr 13, lit tiiL- school.
Tlio University of California
dcwlopcd an X-ray muclilnu
which shows oiKuim of thu body
In three dimensions.
Response On Seal
Sale Satisfactory
Public response has been very
satisfactory on the Christmas
seal sale, according to Max
Illcks, program chairman.
Members of tho Jayccotlcs
have placed window displays In
downtown business cswbl'Mv
mcnts as well as counter dis
plays containing 10 cent and 1!5
cent packets of seals tlipt uro
available to the public.
Sculs may also be obtained at
the Murine Barracks, and Mer
rill residents may purchase them
or moke returns to Mrs. Fruit of
that community. Anyone re
questing stamps In large quanti
ties may get them by. culling
Vunce Vuupel at 4514.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
Wttil PHONE 4567 "" X
101 1
'RIDING HIGH'with Dorothy Lamour-Dick Powell
And at
Both Theatres
1 .'MtV
MH 11 i i if 'WfWiwtin, . 131
h.T - . i .. . M " 'i -V- ! ' I II h I I ' i i H II I id 'Mill 1 It I II h I 1 i i ' i i i -i M
i 4 ' WAf Iv fl
( 1 ' iCi.V.!':
iU ui.r
1 MWHOI' , .
With J Utl IN KIUUCLI ' 'yii -
Last week an appeal was sent
out to the various clubs and
organizations in KUHS. It was
hoped that eight or 10 gins
would be turned In to be con
tributed to the servicemen's
hospitals at the Marine Bar
racks, the naval air station, and
Camp Newell for Christmas.
Friday night after school,
there were 58 gifts contributed
by the clubs, organizations,
home rooms, and the student
body as a whole.
Alone with the clothing drive.
the American Red Cross has
asked the students to collect
those little things which will
make Christmas complete for
the servicemen stationed in
Klamath Falls Christmas tree
ornaments, bits of tinsel and
December 14 is the deadline
for the collection of these ar
ticles. Here again is something
that supporters and admirers
of the student body and serv
icemen can help with.
Most of the townspeople know
a student in high school, and
by using him as a medium, may
mane tneir contribution to mis
cause which may add one more
bright note to the Christmas
of a boy who cannot be at home
this holiday season.
Tuesday, December 12, the
music department of the high
school will present its annual
Christmas program. At 1:05 the
students will be entertained by
the music of the singing groups
in KUHS.
At 8 o'clock the same eve'
ning, the progrom will again be
presented tor tne uenem or tnc
Bill Wilson, president of the
"K club ana a two-year letter-
man, has attended KUHS for
four years.
When Bill was a freshman
he was class president, and a
member of the Art club.
At the present time, he
also chairman of the traditions
committee. Bill is a member of
the Assembly committee, Honor
Society, Masque and Gavel, and
Hi-Y, and a past master coun
cilor of De Molay.
Bill earned both of his letters
playing football.
Charlotte Uehling
Dies In Nebraska
Mrs. Charlotte Uehling. 76,
resident of Fremont, Neb., died
at her home Friday afternoon.
following an Illness of the past
five weeks. Mrs. Uehling was
the mother of Mrs. Glen Hout,
928 Pacific Terrace, who has
been at her bedside since her ill
Mrs. Uehling visited in Klam
ath Falls several years ago and
made many friends here. Final
rites will be held in Fremont
A hearing on several issues
in labor relations at the Feather
River Lumber company, Delle
kcr, Calif., was held by the west
coast lumber commission in the
hear ng room of the Pine Indus
trial Relations committee in tne
Drew building here yesterday,
Hirina hall, vacation ques
tions, an added clause to tne con
tract and other labor-manage
ment issues were covered. A
CIO local union represents work
ers at Feather river.
The hearing panel consisted of
Public Member O. C. Pratt of
Snokane. Union Member Rich
ard scott of tne uiu, ana indus
trial Member M. T. Owre, for
mer Klamath man now residing
in Portland, cnestcr Irving of
PlKU representee tne company
and Richard Gladstein, San
Francisco, represented the un
Others In attendance included
H. D. Laws, manager for the
company; A. Jasmann, sawmill
foreman, and Harold Arrasmith,
Forioia, business agent ol tne
uiu union.
From Crater . L k Fred
Huntress, caretaker- .of Crater
Lake national park, was in
Klamath Falls recently and re
ported tnree inches ot snow in
tne cnater lake area, wnicn
made skiing difficult. This Is
about normal snowfall there for
this time of year, according to
Tom Parker, assistant superin
tendent ol tne park.
Pelican Club
Following is a list of the new
members of the Pelican Thou
sand Dollar club. There will be
another list published at the
close of this drive.
Charles Balm, Mrs. Stacy Bal-
, James Luis, Mrs. Mary E.
Moss. Edgar H. Lawrence, Mrs
Gertrude Cox, Scott Warren,
James B. Foster, Arnold G.
Motschenbacher, R. Parcher El-
lingson, faleven ingaara Keea
er,,Estelle M. Cooper, Franklin
L. Weaver, Harvey R. Clugston,
LeRoy F. Carter, Mrs. Lillian G.
Mann, Leroy J. Gienger, Mrs,
Josephine O. Pelton, Carl R,
Smithers. Kurt Lion, Mrs. Elsie
Lion, Michael. J. Reilly, Mrs,
Sara E. Woodruff, John H,
Schneebereer. Mrs. Bonita A
Kesterson, Charles B. - Riley,
Frank Van Valkenburg, O. D,
Matthews, Leroy R. Green,
George F. Bradley, Dr. D. D,
Havens, August L. Andrieu, Mrs
Anita F. Boyd, Sam E. Enman
Walter A. Strickland, Roy H.
Ely, Mrs. Alice J. Moore. Leo
N. Case, Thomas urubb,- wui
Humphrey, Gust Lampropulos,
Edward R. Cardwell, Homer C.
Caldwell, David M. Evans, Mark
W, Evans, Edgar W. Neese, Wil
liam D. Campbell, Thomas D.
Jackson, Robert W. Andrews,
George W. Groves, Fred Heil
bronner, Mrs. Maye B. Wells,
Percy Evans, Leslie D. Stewart,
Mrs. Margaret C. Holliday, Tom
Calmes, L. M. Hankins, Henry
C. Gerber, E. A. Geary.
Einarston Prtwnted Gerald
Elnarsson of - Klamath Falls,
clarinet soloist, was presented in
recital during the University of
Oregon program Tuesday, De
cember 3. over KOAC. state-
owned station. Elnarsson play
ed the "Recitative" and ''Pol
acca" from the Second Concerto
by Weber. He was accompanied
by Johnette King of North Bend.
Naiartn Speaker Ed Peter-
man, sophomore at the North
west Nazarene college at Nam
pa, Ida., who is on temporary
cave, will be a special speaker
at the services- at the local
church of the Nazarene. on Sun
day evening at 7:30. Peterman
is a liberal arts student wno is
also studying for the ministry.
Runner-up Georgia Liskey
of Merrill was runner-up for
the title of "Bonds Away Girl"
during a campus drive for sale
of war bonds at the University
of Oregon. Miss Liskey was the
candidate of the Sigma Kappa
sororltyi , , .
Christmas dinner party will be
held at the Pelicau party room
on Thursday, December 14 at
6:30 p. m. "White elephant"
gifts will be exchanged. Short
dresses will be in order.
On Furlough TSgt. Donald
L. Gysbcrs is on furlough from
an army air base at Harllngen,
Tex., visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, John Gysbers, ' 4315
Frieda. Gysbers will leave
Monday for Lincoln, Neb., where
he will be stationed at another
air field. Rachel Gysbers, wh
has just completed her training
as a registered nurse at Tacoma,
Wash., and PFC Dorothy Gys
bers, stationed at Tooele, U., sis
ters of Gysbers, are also visiting'
Speaker The Reverend Har
old Anderson of Grants Pass
will speak at both morning and
evening services at the Emman
uel Baptist church on Sunday,
December 10. Members ana
friends are invited.
Office Closed The navy re
cruiting office will be closed
Monday and Tuesday as uan
Schreiber, recruiter in charge,
will be in Lakeview on official
To Malin George Peters,
county 4-H club agent, is in Ma
lin Saturday afternoon for-the
purpose of organizing a 4-H beef
club. Gerald West, Malin Angus
breeder, will act as club leader.
To Meet The WCTU" will
meet Tuesday, December 12, at
2 p. m., in the Covenant church.
Oak and 9th. All members and
friends are cordially invited.
The Road to
By The Associated Press
1 Western, front: , 301 miles
(from near Duren)..
2 Eastern front:, 304 miles
3 Hungarian front: 420 miles
(from near Budapest.) :
4 Italian front: - 851 miles
(from north of Ravenna.)
(Italian front reduced . six
miles in past week. : Other un
changed.) .
Classified Ads Bring Results.
For - Mis Christmas . :
W Feature'
J2.24 to $3.50
733 Main
For many months we :
have been in cooperation
with the Vocational Edu
cation Program here. The
purpose of this activity hat ;
been to train personnel, to
help meet wartime needs
for skilled technicians, and
more recently, to provide
training for marines who
desire to acquire pro-;
fession for postwar secur
ity. . This program has been ,
responsible for consider'
able interference with the
conduct of our business,
but in most cases our cus-.
iemers have been very
It Is our aim to give
GOOD service with a mln-,-imum
of delay. Wa havo.
failed to do this occasional.
. ly, but in most cases radio
' sets received for. repair
. during the week have been .
ready by the following'
Conner Service Co.
Geo. F. Conner Dial 6878
Our Business Is Sound
For Her at Christmas
Helena KubimUin
frequency perfume...
heady, haunting, electric.
Brilliant tribute to the
most alluring woman you've -ever
known. ISSn ISA
MlVIN.HIir m'ft trr.nl
the clouds. ..one of the moat
loved fragrances of all time.
Reminiscent of the woods
after rain. Compelling,
delightful, extremely
listing. 7.50, 6.00, 3 J5, 1.00
Ami iionoii nr-fimei ;
fragrance of romance.
Perfect expression of her
fresh young appeal. Breath :
from an orchard in fnl
bloom. ISO, 3.75, 2.75. 1 . W
Currin's For Drugs
840 Main St.
Phone 4514
HiUni Rubinstein
Hchu Xublstteia's tempting
He Ten -Sent fntTuee in a highly
concentrated cologne compact.
One of the world, molt lored
fragrancea! Smooth it on from
kead to toe. To jonr brow . .
; yonr throat... joorli pa... jour
; eartipa ... eader your am. .
4. jots- wriita and eipeciilly -
. whea ym'zt dancing to your
fcair. In a charming parte compact
Carry it with yon ereryirhere.
It mart evaporate or spill. Lasts
. Uk as expeasit a perfume. 1-50